ref: ddb1d0b6aa6fb36081e2cc24176c0e6e77bcbe44
dir: /src/gfx/reverse.cpp/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2022, Eldred Habert and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "gfx/reverse.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <array> #include <assert.h> #include <cinttypes> #include <errno.h> #include <fstream> #include <optional> #include <png.h> #include <string.h> #include <tuple> #include <vector> #include "defaultinitalloc.hpp" #include "helpers.h" #include "itertools.hpp" #include "gfx/main.hpp" static DefaultInitVec<uint8_t> readInto(std::string path) { std::filebuf file; if (!, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } DefaultInitVec<uint8_t> data(128 * 16); // Begin with some room pre-allocated size_t curSize = 0; for (;;) { size_t oldSize = curSize; curSize = data.size(); // Fill the new area ([oldSize; curSize[) with bytes size_t nbRead = file.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(&[oldSize]), curSize - oldSize); if (nbRead != curSize - oldSize) { // Shrink the vector to discard bytes that weren't read data.resize(oldSize + nbRead); break; } // If the vector has some capacity left, use it; otherwise, double the current size // Arbitrary, but if you got a better idea... size_t newSize = oldSize != data.capacity() ? data.capacity() : oldSize * 2; assert(oldSize != newSize); data.resize(newSize); } return data; } [[noreturn]] static void pngError(png_structp png, char const *msg) { fatal("Error writing reversed image (\"%s\"): %s", static_cast<char const *>(png_get_error_ptr(png)), msg); } static void pngWarning(png_structp png, char const *msg) { warning("While writing reversed image (\"%s\"): %s", static_cast<char const *>(png_get_error_ptr(png)), msg); } void writePng(png_structp png, png_bytep data, size_t length) { auto &pngFile = *static_cast<std::filebuf *>(png_get_io_ptr(png)); pngFile.sputn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(data), length); } void flushPng(png_structp png) { auto &pngFile = *static_cast<std::filebuf *>(png_get_io_ptr(png)); pngFile.pubsync(); } void reverse() { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_CFG, "Using libpng %s\n", png_get_libpng_ver(nullptr)); // Check for weird flag combinations if (options.output.empty()) { fatal("Tile data must be provided when reversing an image!"); } if (options.allowDedup && options.tilemap.empty()) { warning("Tile deduplication is enabled, but no tilemap is provided?"); } if (options.useColorCurve) { warning("The color curve is not yet supported in reverse mode..."); } if (options.inputSlice.left != 0 || != 0 || options.inputSlice.height != 0) { warning("\"Sliced-off\" pixels are ignored in reverse mode"); } if (options.inputSlice.width != 0 && options.inputSlice.width != options.reversedWidth * 8) { warning("Specified input slice width (%" PRIu16 ") doesn't match provided reversing width (%" PRIu8 " * 8)", options.inputSlice.width, options.reversedWidth); } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Reading tiles...\n"); auto const tiles = readInto(options.output); uint8_t tileSize = 8 * options.bitDepth; if (tiles.size() % tileSize != 0) { fatal("Tile data size must be a multiple of %" PRIu8 " bytes! (Read %zu)", tileSize, tiles.size()); } // By default, assume tiles are not deduplicated, and add the (allegedly) trimmed tiles size_t nbTileInstances = tiles.size() / tileSize + options.trim; // Image size in tiles options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Read %zu tiles.\n", nbTileInstances); std::optional<DefaultInitVec<uint8_t>> tilemap; if (!options.tilemap.empty()) { tilemap = readInto(options.tilemap); nbTileInstances = tilemap->size(); options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Read %zu tilemap entries.\n", nbTileInstances); } if (nbTileInstances == 0) { fatal("Cannot generate empty image"); } if (nbTileInstances > options.maxNbTiles[0] + options.maxNbTiles[1]) { warning("Read %zu tiles, more than the limit of %zu + %zu", nbTileInstances, options.maxNbTiles[0], options.maxNbTiles[1]); } size_t width = options.reversedWidth, height; // In tiles if (nbTileInstances % width != 0) { fatal("Total number of tiles read (%zu) cannot be divided by image width (%zu tiles)", nbTileInstances, width); } height = nbTileInstances / width; options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Reversed image dimensions: %zux%zu tiles\n", width, height); // TODO: -U std::vector<std::array<Rgba, 4>> palettes{ {Rgba(0xffffffff), Rgba(0xaaaaaaff), Rgba(0x555555ff), Rgba(0x000000ff)} }; if (!options.palettes.empty()) { std::filebuf file;, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); palettes.clear(); std::array<uint8_t, sizeof(uint16_t) * 4> buf; // 4 colors size_t nbRead; do { nbRead = file.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(, buf.size()); if (nbRead == buf.size()) { // Expand the colors auto &palette = palettes.emplace_back(); std::generate(palette.begin(), palette.begin() + options.nbColorsPerPal, [&buf, i = 0]() mutable { i += 2; return Rgba::fromCGBColor(buf[i - 2] + (buf[i - 1] << 8)); }); } else if (nbRead != 0) { fatal("Palette data size (%zu) is not a multiple of %zu bytes!\n", palettes.size() * buf.size() + nbRead, buf.size()); } } while (nbRead != 0); if (palettes.size() > options.nbPalettes) { warning("Read %zu palettes, more than the specified limit of %zu", palettes.size(), options.nbPalettes); } } std::optional<DefaultInitVec<uint8_t>> attrmap; if (!options.attrmap.empty()) { attrmap = readInto(options.attrmap); if (attrmap->size() != nbTileInstances) { fatal("Attribute map size (%zu tiles) doesn't match image's (%zu)", attrmap->size(), nbTileInstances); } // Scan through the attributes for inconsistencies // We do this now for two reasons: // 1. Checking those during the main loop is harmful to optimization, and // 2. It clutters the code more, and it's not in great shape to begin with bool bad = false; for (auto attr : *attrmap) { if ((attr & 0b111) > palettes.size()) { error("Referencing palette %u, but there are only %zu!"); bad = true; } if (attr & 0x08 && !tilemap) { warning("Tile in bank 1 but no tilemap specified; ignoring the bank bit"); } } if (bad) { giveUp(); } } if (tilemap) { if (attrmap) { for (auto [id, attr] : zip(*tilemap, *attrmap)) { bool bank = attr & 1 << 3; if (id >= options.maxNbTiles[bank]) { warning("Tile #%" PRIu8 " was referenced, but the limit for bank %u is %" PRIu16, id, bank, options.maxNbTiles[bank]); } } } else { for (auto id : *tilemap) { if (id >= options.maxNbTiles[0]) { warning("Tile #%" PRIu8 " was referenced, but the limit is %" PRIu16, id, options.maxNbTiles[0]); } } } } std::optional<DefaultInitVec<uint8_t>> palmap; if (!options.palmap.empty()) { palmap = readInto(options.palmap); if (palmap->size() != nbTileInstances) { fatal("Palette map size (%zu tiles) doesn't match image's (%zu)", palmap->size(), nbTileInstances); } } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Writing image...\n"); std::filebuf pngFile;, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); png_structp png = png_create_write_struct( PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, const_cast<png_voidp>(static_cast<void const *>(options.input.c_str())), pngError, pngWarning); if (!png) { fatal("Couldn't create PNG write struct: %s", strerror(errno)); } png_infop pngInfo = png_create_info_struct(png); if (!pngInfo) { fatal("Couldn't create PNG info struct: %s", strerror(errno)); } png_set_write_fn(png, &pngFile, writePng, flushPng); png_set_IHDR(png, pngInfo, options.reversedWidth * 8, height * 8, 8, PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, PNG_COMPRESSION_TYPE_DEFAULT, PNG_FILTER_TYPE_DEFAULT); png_write_info(png, pngInfo); png_color_8 sbitChunk; = 5; = 5; = 5; sbitChunk.alpha = 1; png_set_sBIT(png, pngInfo, &sbitChunk); constexpr uint8_t SIZEOF_PIXEL = 4; // Each pixel is 4 bytes (RGBA @ 8 bits/component) size_t const SIZEOF_ROW = options.reversedWidth * 8 * SIZEOF_PIXEL; std::vector<uint8_t> tileRow(8 * SIZEOF_ROW, 0xFF); // Data for 8 rows of pixels uint8_t * const rowPtrs[8] = { &[0 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[1 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[2 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[3 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[4 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[5 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[6 * SIZEOF_ROW], &[7 * SIZEOF_ROW], }; for (size_t ty = 0; ty < height; ++ty) { for (size_t tx = 0; tx < width; ++tx) { size_t index = options.columnMajor ? ty + tx * width : ty * width + tx; // By default, a tile is unflipped, in bank 0, and uses palette #0 uint8_t attribute = attrmap.has_value() ? (*attrmap)[index] : 0x00; bool bank = attribute & 0x08; // Get the tile ID at this location size_t tileID = index; if (tilemap.has_value()) { tileID = (*tilemap)[index] - options.baseTileIDs[bank] + bank * options.maxNbTiles[0]; } assert(tileID < nbTileInstances); // Should have been checked earlier size_t palID = palmap ? (*palmap)[index] : attribute & 0b111; assert(palID < palettes.size()); // Should be ensured on data read // We do not have data for tiles trimmed with `-x`, so assume they are "blank" static std::array<uint8_t, 16> const trimmedTile{ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, }; uint8_t const *tileData = tileID > nbTileInstances - options.trim ? : &tiles[tileID * tileSize]; auto const &palette = palettes[palID]; for (uint8_t y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { // If vertically mirrored, fetch the bytes from the other end uint8_t realY = attribute & 0x40 ? 7 - y : y; uint8_t bitplane0 = tileData[realY * 2], bitplane1 = tileData[realY * 2 + 1]; if (attribute & 0x20) { // Handle horizontal flip bitplane0 = flipTable[bitplane0]; bitplane1 = flipTable[bitplane1]; } uint8_t *ptr = &rowPtrs[y][tx * 8 * SIZEOF_PIXEL]; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { uint8_t bit0 = bitplane0 & 0x80, bit1 = bitplane1 & 0x80; Rgba const &pixel = palette[bit0 >> 7 | bit1 >> 6]; *ptr++ =; *ptr++ =; *ptr++ =; *ptr++ = pixel.alpha; // Shift the pixel out bitplane0 <<= 1; bitplane1 <<= 1; } } } // We never modify the pointers, and neither should libpng, despite the overly lax function // signature. // (AIUI, casting away const-ness is okay as long as you don't actually modify the // pointed-to data) png_write_rows(png, const_cast<png_bytepp>(rowPtrs), 8); } // Finalize the write png_write_end(png, pngInfo); png_destroy_write_struct(&png, &pngInfo); pngFile.close(); }