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dir: /README.rst/
RGBDS ===== RGBDS (Rednex Game Boy Development System) is a free assembler/linker package for the Game Boy and Game Boy Color. It consists of: - rgbasm (assembler) - rgblink (linker) - rgbfix (checksum/header fixer) - rgbgfx (PNG‐to‐Game Boy graphics converter) This is a fork of the original RGBDS which aims to make the programs more like other UNIX tools. This toolchain is maintained `on GitHub <>`__. The documentation of this toolchain can be viewed online `here <>`__, it is generated from the man pages found in this repository. The source code of the website itself is on GitHub as well under the repo `rgbds-www <>`__. If you want to contribute or maintain RGBDS, and have questions regarding the code, its organisation, etc. you can find me `on GBDev <>`__ or via mail at ``rgbds at eldred dot fr``. 1. Installing RGBDS ------------------- The `installation procedure <>`__ is available online for various platforms. `Building from source <>`__ is possible using ``make`` or ``cmake``; follow the link for more detailed instructions. .. code:: sh make sudo make install .. code:: sh cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build build cmake --install build 2. RGBDS Folder Organization ---------------------------- The RGBDS source code file structure somewhat resembles the following: :: . ├── .github/ │ ├── actions/ │ │ └── ... │ └── workflows/ │ └── ... ├── contrib/ │ ├── zsh_compl/ │ │ └── ... │ └── ... ├── include/ │ └── ... ├── man/ │ └── ... ├── src/ │ ├── asm/ │ │ └── ... │ ├── extern/ │ │ └── ... │ ├── fix/ │ │ └── ... │ ├── gfx/ │ │ └── ... │ ├── link/ │ │ └── ... │ ├── CMakeLists.txt │ └── ... ├── test/ │ ├── ... │ └── ├── .clang-format ├── CMakeLists.txt ├── Makefile └── README.rst .. |clang-format| replace:: ``clang-format`` .. _clang-format: - ``.github/`` - files and scripts related to the integration of the RGBDS codebase with GitHub. * ``actions/`` - scripts used by workflow files. * ``workflows/`` - CI workflow description files. - ``contrib/`` - scripts and other resources which may be useful to users and developers of RGBDS. * ``zsh_compl`` contains tab completion scripts for use with zsh. Put them somewhere in your ``fpath``, and they should auto-load. * ``bash_compl`` contains tab completion scripts for use with bash. Run them with ``source`` somewhere in your ``.bashrc``, and they should load every time you open a shell. - ``include/`` - header files for each respective C files in `src`. - ``man/`` - manual pages. - ``src/`` - source code of RGBDS. * Note that the code unique to each RGBDS tool is stored in its respective subdirectory (rgbasm -> ``src/asm/``, for example). ``src/extern/`` contains code imported from external sources. - ``test/`` - testing framework used to verify that changes to the code don't break or modify the behavior of RGBDS. - ``.clang-format`` - code style for automated formatting with |clang-format|_. The C code does not currently follow this style, but all C++ code should. 3. History ---------- - Around 1997, Carsten Sørensen (AKA SurfSmurf) writes ASMotor as a general-purpose assembler/linker system for DOS/Win32 - Around 1999, Justin Lloyd (AKA Otaku no Zoku) adapts ASMotor to read and produce GBZ80 assembly/machine code, and releases this version as RGBDS. - 2009, Vegard Nossum adapts the code to be more UNIX-like and releases this version as rgbds-linux on `GitHub <>`__. - 2010, Anthony J. Bentley forks that repository. The fork becomes the reference implementation of rgbds. - 2017, Bentley's repository is moved to a neutral name. - 2018, codebase relicensed under the MIT license. - 2020, repository is moved to the `gbdev <>`__ organisation. The ` <>`__ website serving documentation and downloads is created. 4. Acknowledgements ------------------- RGBGFX generates palettes using algorithms found in the paper `"Algorithms for the Pagination Problem, a Bin Packing with Overlapping Items" <>`__ (`GitHub <>`__, MIT license), by Aristide Grange, Imed Kacem, and Sébastien Martin.