ref: d675523e4903951bb6547a8eddafbc30fda4db5f
dir: /src/gfx/pal_packing.cpp/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2022, Eldred Habert and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "gfx/pal_packing.hpp" #include <assert.h> #include <bitset> #include <inttypes.h> #include <numeric> #include <optional> #include <queue> #include <tuple> #include <type_traits> #include <unordered_set> #include <vector> #include "gfx/main.hpp" #include "gfx/proto_palette.hpp" using std::swap; namespace packing { // The solvers here are picked from the paper at // "Algorithms for the Pagination Problem, a Bin Packing with Overlapping Items" // Their formulation of the problem consists in packing "tiles" into "pages"; here is a // correspondence table for our application of it: // Paper | RGBGFX // ------+------- // Tile | Proto-palette // Page | Palette /** * A reference to a proto-palette, and attached attributes for sorting purposes */ struct ProtoPalAttrs { size_t const palIndex; /** * Pages from which we are banned (to prevent infinite loops) * This is dynamic because we wish not to hard-cap the amount of palettes */ std::vector<bool> bannedPages; ProtoPalAttrs(size_t index) : palIndex(index) {} bool isBannedFrom(size_t index) const { return index < bannedPages.size() && bannedPages[index]; } void banFrom(size_t index) { if (bannedPages.size() <= index) { bannedPages.resize(index + 1); } bannedPages[index] = true; } }; /** * A collection of proto-palettes assigned to a palette * Does not contain the actual color indices because we need to be able to remove elements */ class AssignedProtos { // We leave room for emptied slots to avoid copying the structs around on removal std::vector<std::optional<ProtoPalAttrs>> _assigned; // For resolving proto-palette indices std::vector<ProtoPalette> const *_protoPals; public: template<typename... Ts> AssignedProtos(std::vector<ProtoPalette> const &protoPals, Ts &&...elems) : _assigned{std::forward<Ts>(elems)...}, _protoPals{&protoPals} {} private: template<typename Inner, template<typename> typename Constness> class Iter { public: friend class AssignedProtos; // For `iterator_traits` using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<Inner>::difference_type; using value_type = ProtoPalAttrs; using pointer = Constness<value_type> *; using reference = Constness<value_type> &; using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag; private: Constness<decltype(_assigned)> *_array = nullptr; Inner _iter{}; Iter(decltype(_array) array, decltype(_iter) &&iter) : _array(array), _iter(iter) { skipEmpty(); } void skipEmpty() { while (_iter != _array->end() && !_iter->has_value()) { ++_iter; } } public: Iter() = default; bool operator==(Iter const &other) const { return _iter == other._iter; } bool operator!=(Iter const &other) const { return !(*this == other); } Iter &operator++() { ++_iter; skipEmpty(); return *this; } Iter operator++(int) { Iter it = *this; ++(*this); return it; } reference operator*() const { assert((*_iter).has_value()); return **_iter; } pointer operator->() const { return &(**this); // Invokes the operator above, not quite a no-op! } friend void swap(Iter &lhs, Iter &rhs) { swap(lhs._array, rhs._array); swap(lhs._iter, rhs._iter); } }; public: using iterator = Iter<decltype(_assigned)::iterator, std::remove_const_t>; iterator begin() { return iterator{&_assigned, _assigned.begin()}; } iterator end() { return iterator{&_assigned, _assigned.end()}; } using const_iterator = Iter<decltype(_assigned)::const_iterator, std::add_const_t>; const_iterator begin() const { return const_iterator{&_assigned, _assigned.begin()}; } const_iterator end() const { return const_iterator{&_assigned, _assigned.end()}; } /** * Assigns a new ProtoPalAttrs in a free slot, assuming there is one * Args are passed to the `ProtoPalAttrs`'s constructor */ template<typename... Ts> void assign(Ts &&...args) { auto freeSlot = std::find_if_not( _assigned.begin(), _assigned.end(), [](std::optional<ProtoPalAttrs> const &slot) { return slot.has_value(); }); if (freeSlot == _assigned.end()) { // We are full, use a new slot _assigned.emplace_back(std::forward<Ts>(args)...); } else { // Reuse a free slot freeSlot->emplace(std::forward<Ts>(args)...); } } void remove(iterator const &iter) { iter._iter->reset(); // This time, we want to access the `optional` itself } void clear() { _assigned.clear(); } bool empty() const { return std::distance(begin(), end()) == 0; } private: static void addUniqueColors(std::unordered_set<uint16_t> &colors, AssignedProtos const &pal) { for (ProtoPalAttrs const &attrs : pal) { for (uint16_t color : (*pal._protoPals)[attrs.palIndex]) { colors.insert(color); } } } std::unordered_set<uint16_t> &uniqueColors() const { // We check for *distinct* colors by stuffing them into a `set`; this should be // faster than "back-checking" on every element (O(n²)) // // TODO: calc84maniac suggested another approach; try implementing it, see if it // performs better: // > So basically you make a priority queue that takes iterators into each of your sets // > (paired with end iterators so you'll know where to stop), and the comparator tests the // > values pointed to by each iterator // > Then each iteration you pop from the queue, // > optionally add one to your count, increment the iterator and push it back into the // > queue if it didn't reach the end // > And you do this until the priority queue is empty static std::unordered_set<uint16_t> colors; colors.clear(); addUniqueColors(colors, *this); return colors; } public: /** * Returns the number of distinct colors */ size_t volume() const { return uniqueColors().size(); } bool canFit(ProtoPalette const &protoPal) const { auto &colors = uniqueColors(); colors.insert(protoPal.begin(), protoPal.end()); return colors.size() <= options.maxPalSize(); } public: /** * Computes the "relative size" of a proto-palette on this palette */ double relSizeOf(ProtoPalette const &protoPal) const { // NOTE: this function must not call `uniqueColors`, or one of its callers will break return std::transform_reduce( protoPal.begin(), protoPal.end(), 0.0, std::plus<>(), [this](uint16_t color) { // NOTE: The paper and the associated code disagree on this: the code has // this `1 +`, whereas the paper does not; its lack causes a division by 0 // if the symbol is not found anywhere, so I'm assuming the paper is wrong. return 1. / (1 + std::count_if( begin(), end(), [this, &color](ProtoPalAttrs const &attrs) { ProtoPalette const &pal = (*_protoPals)[attrs.palIndex]; return std::find(pal.begin(), pal.end(), color) != pal.end(); })); }); } /** * Computes the "relative size" of a palette on this one */ double combinedVolume(AssignedProtos const &pal) const { auto &colors = uniqueColors(); addUniqueColors(colors, pal); return colors.size(); } }; static void removeEmptyPals(std::vector<AssignedProtos> &assignments) { // We do this by plucking "replacement" palettes from the end of the vector, so as to minimize // the amount of moves performed. We can afford this because we don't care about their order, // unlike `std::remove_if`, which permits less moves and thus better performance. for (size_t i = 0; i != assignments.size(); ++i) { if (assignments[i].empty()) { // Hinting the compiler that the `return;` can only be reached if entering the loop // produces better assembly if (assignments.back().empty()) { do { assignments.pop_back(); assert(assignments.size() != 0); } while (assignments.back().empty()); // Worst case, the loop ended on `assignments[i - 1]` (since every slot before `i` // is known to be non-empty). // (This could be a problem if `i` was 0, but we know there must be at least one // color, so we're safe from that. The assertion in the loop checks it to be sure.) // However, if it did stop at `i - 1`, then `i` no longer points to a valid slot, // and we must end. if (i == assignments.size()) { break; } } assert(i < assignments.size()); assignments[i] = std::move(assignments.back()); assignments.pop_back(); } } } static void decant(std::vector<AssignedProtos> &assignments) { // "Decanting" is the process of moving all *things* that can fit in a lower index there auto decantOn = [&assignments](auto const &move) { // No need to attempt decanting on palette #0, as there are no palettes to decant to for (size_t from = assignments.size(); --from;) { // Scan all palettes before this one for (size_t to = 0; to < from; ++to) { move(assignments[to], assignments[from]); } } }; // Decant on palettes decantOn([](AssignedProtos &to, AssignedProtos &from) { // If the entire palettes can be merged, move all of `from`'s proto-palettes if (to.combinedVolume(from) <= options.maxPalSize()) { for (ProtoPalAttrs &protoPal : from) { to.assign(std::move(protoPal)); } from.clear(); } }); // Decant on "components" (= proto-pals sharing colors) decantOn([](AssignedProtos &to, AssignedProtos &from) { // TODO (void)to; (void)from; }); // Decant on proto-palettes decantOn([](AssignedProtos &to, AssignedProtos &from) { // TODO (void)to; (void)from; }); } std::tuple<DefaultInitVec<size_t>, size_t> overloadAndRemove(std::vector<ProtoPalette> const &protoPalettes) { options.verbosePrint("Paginating palettes using \"overload-and-remove\" strategy...\n"); struct Iota { using value_type = size_t; using difference_type = size_t; using pointer = value_type const *; using reference = value_type const &; using iterator_category = std::input_iterator_tag; // Use aggregate init etc. value_type i; bool operator!=(Iota const &other) { return i != other.i; } reference operator*() const { return i; } pointer operator->() const { return &i; } Iota operator++() { ++i; return *this; } Iota operator++(int) { Iota copy = *this; ++i; return copy; } }; // Begin with all proto-palettes queued up for insertion std::queue queue(std::deque<ProtoPalAttrs>(Iota{0}, Iota{protoPalettes.size()})); // Begin with no pages std::vector<AssignedProtos> assignments{}; for (; !queue.empty(); queue.pop()) { ProtoPalAttrs const &attrs = queue.front(); // Valid until the `queue.pop()` ProtoPalette const &protoPal = protoPalettes[attrs.palIndex]; size_t bestPalIndex = assignments.size(); // We're looking for a palette where the proto-palette's relative size is less than // its actual size; so only overwrite the "not found" index on meeting that criterion double bestRelSize = protoPal.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i) { // Skip the page if this one is banned from it if (attrs.isBannedFrom(i)) { continue; } options.verbosePrint("%zu/%zu: Rel size: %f (size = %zu)\n", i, assignments.size(), assignments[i].relSizeOf(protoPal), protoPal.size()); if (assignments[i].relSizeOf(protoPal) < bestRelSize) { bestPalIndex = i; } } if (bestPalIndex == assignments.size()) { // Found nowhere to put it, create a new page containing just that one assignments.emplace_back(protoPalettes, std::move(attrs)); } else { auto &bestPal = assignments[bestPalIndex]; // Add the color to that palette bestPal.assign(std::move(attrs)); // If this overloads the palette, get it back to normal (if possible) while (bestPal.volume() > options.maxPalSize()) { options.verbosePrint("Palette %zu is overloaded! (%zu > %" PRIu8 ")\n", bestPalIndex, bestPal.volume(), options.maxPalSize()); // Look for a proto-pal minimizing "efficiency" (size / rel_size) auto efficiency = [&bestPal](ProtoPalette const &pal) { return pal.size() / bestPal.relSizeOf(pal); }; auto [minEfficiencyIter, maxEfficiencyIter] = std::minmax_element(bestPal.begin(), bestPal.end(), [&efficiency, &protoPalettes](ProtoPalAttrs const &lhs, ProtoPalAttrs const &rhs) { return efficiency(protoPalettes[lhs.palIndex]) < efficiency(protoPalettes[rhs.palIndex]); }); // All efficiencies are identical iff min equals max // TODO: maybe not ideal to re-compute these two? // TODO: yikes for float comparison! I *think* this threshold is OK? if (efficiency(protoPalettes[maxEfficiencyIter->palIndex]) - efficiency(protoPalettes[minEfficiencyIter->palIndex]) < .001) { break; } // Remove the proto-pal with minimal efficiency queue.emplace(std::move(*minEfficiencyIter)); queue.back().banFrom(bestPalIndex); // Ban it from this palette bestPal.remove(minEfficiencyIter); } } } // Deal with palettes still overloaded, by emptying them for (AssignedProtos &pal : assignments) { if (pal.volume() > options.maxPalSize()) { for (ProtoPalAttrs &attrs : pal) { queue.emplace(std::move(attrs)); } pal.clear(); } } // Place back any proto-palettes now in the queue via first-fit while (!queue.empty()) { ProtoPalAttrs const &attrs = queue.front(); ProtoPalette const &protoPal = protoPalettes[attrs.palIndex]; auto iter = std::find_if(assignments.begin(), assignments.end(), [&protoPal](AssignedProtos const &pal) { return pal.canFit(protoPal); }); if (iter == assignments.end()) { // No such page, create a new one options.verbosePrint("Adding new palette for overflow\n"); assignments.emplace_back(protoPalettes, std::move(attrs)); } else { options.verbosePrint("Assigning overflow to palette %zu\n", iter - assignments.begin()); iter->assign(std::move(attrs)); } queue.pop(); } // "Decant" the result decant(assignments); // Remove all empty palettes, filling the gaps created. removeEmptyPals(assignments); if (options.beVerbose) { for (auto &&assignment : assignments) { options.verbosePrint("{ "); for (auto &&attrs : assignment) { for (auto &&colorIndex : protoPalettes[attrs.palIndex]) { options.verbosePrint("%04" PRIx16 ", ", colorIndex); } } options.verbosePrint("} (volume = %zu)\n", assignment.volume()); } } DefaultInitVec<size_t> mappings(protoPalettes.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i) { for (ProtoPalAttrs const &attrs : assignments[i]) { mappings[attrs.palIndex] = i; } } return {mappings, assignments.size()}; } } // namespace packing