ref: c86e6fef0ac5f7432bec75b4a3571fc588beaaeb
dir: /src/link/patch.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2019, Eldred Habert and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits.h> #include <string.h> #include "link/patch.h" #include "link/section.h" #include "link/symbol.h" #include "linkdefs.h" #include "extern/err.h" static int32_t asl(int32_t value, int32_t shiftamt); // Forward decl for below static int32_t asr(int32_t value, int32_t shiftamt) { uint32_t uvalue = value; // Get the easy cases out of the way if (shiftamt == 0) return value; if (value == 0 || shiftamt <= -32) return 0; if (shiftamt > 31) return (value < 0) ? -1 : 0; if (shiftamt < 0) return asl(value, -shiftamt); if (value > 0) return uvalue >> shiftamt; { // Calculate an OR mask for sign extension // 1->0x80000000, 2->0xC0000000, ..., 31->0xFFFFFFFE uint32_t shiftamt_high_bits = -((uint32_t)1 << (32 - shiftamt)); return (uvalue >> shiftamt) | shiftamt_high_bits; } } static int32_t asl(int32_t value, int32_t shiftamt) { // Repeat the easy cases here to avoid INT_MIN funny business if (shiftamt == 0) return value; if (value == 0 || shiftamt >= 32) return 0; if (shiftamt < -31) return (value < 0) ? -1 : 0; if (shiftamt < 0) return asr(value, -shiftamt); return (uint32_t)value << shiftamt; } /* This is an "empty"-type stack */ struct RPNStack { int32_t *buf; size_t size; size_t capacity; } stack; static inline void initRPNStack(void) { stack.capacity = 64; stack.buf = malloc(sizeof(*stack.buf) * stack.capacity); if (!stack.buf) err(1, "Failed to init RPN stack"); } static inline void clearRPNStack(void) { stack.size = 0; } static void pushRPN(int32_t value) { if (stack.size >= stack.capacity) { stack.capacity *= 2; stack.buf = realloc(stack.buf, sizeof(*stack.buf) * stack.capacity); if (!stack.buf) err(1, "Failed to resize RPN stack"); } stack.buf[stack.size] = value; stack.size++; } static int32_t popRPN(char const *fileName) { if (stack.size == 0) errx(1, "%s: Internal error, RPN stack empty", fileName); stack.size--; return stack.buf[stack.size]; } static inline void freeRPNStack(void) { free(stack.buf); } /* RPN operators */ static uint32_t getRPNByte(uint8_t const **expression, int32_t *size, char const *fileName) { if (!(*size)--) errx(1, "%s: RPN expression overread", fileName); return *(*expression)++; } static struct Symbol const *getSymbol(struct Symbol const * const *symbolList, uint32_t index, char const *fileName) { struct Symbol const *symbol = symbolList[index]; /* If the symbol is defined elsewhere... */ if (symbol->type == SYMTYPE_IMPORT) { struct Symbol const *symbolDefinition = sym_GetSymbol(symbol->name); if (!symbolDefinition) errx(1, "%s: Unknown symbol \"%s\"", fileName, symbol->name); symbol = symbolDefinition; } return symbol; } /** * Compute a patch's value from its RPN string. * @param patch The patch to compute the value of * @param section The section the patch is contained in * @return The patch's value */ static int32_t computeRPNExpr(struct Patch const *patch, struct Section const *section, struct Symbol const * const *fileSymbols) { /* Small shortcut to avoid a lot of repetition */ #define popRPN() popRPN(patch->fileName) uint8_t const *expression = patch->rpnExpression; int32_t size = patch->rpnSize; clearRPNStack(); while (size > 0) { enum RPNCommand command = getRPNByte(&expression, &size, patch->fileName); int32_t value; /* * Friendly reminder: * Be VERY careful with two `popRPN` in the same expression. * C does not guarantee order of evaluation of operands!! * So, if there are two `popRPN` in the same expression, make * sure the operation is commutative. */ switch (command) { struct Symbol const *symbol; char const *name; struct Section const *sect; case RPN_ADD: value = popRPN() + popRPN(); break; case RPN_SUB: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() - value; break; case RPN_MUL: value = popRPN() * popRPN(); break; case RPN_DIV: value = popRPN(); if (value == 0) errx(1, "%s: Division by 0", patch->fileName); value = popRPN() / value; break; case RPN_MOD: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() % value; break; case RPN_UNSUB: value = -popRPN(); break; case RPN_OR: value = popRPN() | popRPN(); break; case RPN_AND: value = popRPN() & popRPN(); break; case RPN_XOR: value = popRPN() ^ popRPN(); break; case RPN_UNNOT: value = ~popRPN(); break; case RPN_LOGAND: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() && value; break; case RPN_LOGOR: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() || value; break; case RPN_LOGUNNOT: value = !popRPN(); break; case RPN_LOGEQ: value = popRPN() == popRPN(); break; case RPN_LOGNE: value = popRPN() != popRPN(); break; case RPN_LOGGT: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() > value; break; case RPN_LOGLT: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() < value; break; case RPN_LOGGE: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() >= value; break; case RPN_LOGLE: value = popRPN(); value = popRPN() <= value; break; case RPN_SHL: value = popRPN(); value = asl(popRPN(), value); break; case RPN_SHR: value = popRPN(); value = asr(popRPN(), value); break; case RPN_BANK_SYM: value = 0; for (uint8_t shift = 0; shift < 32; shift += 8) value |= getRPNByte(&expression, &size, patch->fileName) << shift; value = getSymbol(fileSymbols, value, patch->fileName)->section->bank; break; case RPN_BANK_SECT: name = (char const *)expression; while (getRPNByte(&expression, &size, patch->fileName)) ; sect = sect_GetSection(name); if (!sect) errx(1, "%s: Requested BANK() of section \"%s\", which was not found", patch->fileName, name); value = sect->bank; break; case RPN_BANK_SELF: value = section->bank; break; case RPN_HRAM: value = popRPN(); if (value < 0 || (value > 0xFF && value < 0xFF00) || value > 0xFFFF) errx(1, "%s: Value %d is not in HRAM range", patch->fileName, value); value &= 0xFF; break; case RPN_RST: value = popRPN(); /* Acceptable values are 0x00, 0x08, 0x10, ..., 0x38 * They can be easily checked with a bitmask */ if (value & ~0x38) errx(1, "%s: Value %d is not a RST vector", patch->fileName, value); value |= 0xC7; break; case RPN_CONST: value = 0; for (uint8_t shift = 0; shift < 32; shift += 8) value |= getRPNByte(&expression, &size, patch->fileName) << shift; break; case RPN_SYM: value = 0; for (uint8_t shift = 0; shift < 32; shift += 8) value |= getRPNByte(&expression, &size, patch->fileName) << shift; symbol = getSymbol(fileSymbols, value, patch->fileName); if (!strcmp(symbol->name, "@")) { value = section->org + patch->offset; } else { value = symbol->value; /* Symbols attached to sections have offsets */ if (symbol->section) value += symbol->section->org; } break; } pushRPN(value); } if (stack.size > 1) warnx("%s: RPN stack has %lu entries on exit, not 1", patch->fileName, stack.size); return popRPN(); #undef popRPN } void patch_CheckAssertions(struct Assertion *assert) { verbosePrint("Checking assertions..."); initRPNStack(); uint8_t failures = 0; while (assert) { if (!computeRPNExpr(&assert->patch, assert->section, (struct Symbol const * const *) assert->fileSymbols)) { switch ((enum AssertionType)assert->patch.type) { case ASSERT_FATAL: errx(1, "%s: %s", assert->patch.fileName, assert->message[0] ? assert->message : "assert failure"); /* Not reached */ break; /* Here so checkpatch doesn't complain */ case ASSERT_ERROR: fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", assert->patch.fileName, assert->message[0] ? assert->message : "assert failure"); failures++; break; case ASSERT_WARN: warnx("%s: %s", assert->patch.fileName, assert->message[0] ? assert->message : "assert failure"); break; } } struct Assertion *next = assert->next; free(assert); assert = next; } freeRPNStack(); if (failures) errx(1, "%u assertions failed!", failures); } /** * Applies all of a section's patches * @param section The section to patch * @param arg Ignored callback arg */ static void applyFilePatches(struct Section *section) { if (!sect_HasData(section->type)) return; verbosePrint("Patching section \"%s\"...\n", section->name); for (uint32_t patchID = 0; patchID < section->nbPatches; patchID++) { struct Patch *patch = §ion->patches[patchID]; int32_t value = computeRPNExpr(patch, section, (struct Symbol const * const *) section->fileSymbols); /* `jr` is quite unlike the others... */ if (patch->type == PATCHTYPE_JR) { /* Target is relative to the byte *after* the operand */ uint16_t address = section->org + patch->offset + 1; int16_t offset = value - address; if (offset < -128 || offset > 127) errx(1, "%s: jr target out of reach (expected -129 < %d < 128)", patch->fileName, offset); section->data[patch->offset] = offset & 0xFF; } else { /* Patch a certain number of bytes */ struct { uint8_t size; int32_t min; int32_t max; } const types[] = { [PATCHTYPE_BYTE] = {1, -128, 255}, [PATCHTYPE_WORD] = {2, -32768, 65536}, [PATCHTYPE_LONG] = {4, INT32_MIN, INT32_MAX} }; if (value < types[patch->type].min || value > types[patch->type].max) errx(1, "%s: Value %#x%s is not %u-bit", patch->fileName, value, value < 0 ? " (maybe negative?)" : "", types[patch->type].size * 8); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < types[patch->type].size; i++) { section->data[patch->offset + i] = value & 0xFF; value >>= 8; } } } } /** * Applies all of a section's patches, iterating over "components" of * unionized sections * @param section The section to patch * @param arg Ignored callback arg */ static void applyPatches(struct Section *section, void *arg) { (void)arg; do { applyFilePatches(section); section = section->nextu; } while (section); } void patch_ApplyPatches(void) { initRPNStack(); sect_ForEach(applyPatches, NULL); freeRPNStack(); }