ref: bb6a5441eda100a2d17c53c9f9c5939c026bf677
dir: /src/asm/output.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2019, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* * Outputs an objectfile */ #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "asm/asm.h" #include "asm/charmap.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/rpn.h" #include "asm/section.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/warning.h" #include "extern/err.h" #include "linkdefs.h" #include "platform.h" // strdup struct Patch { char tzFilename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; uint32_t nOffset; struct Section *pcSection; uint32_t pcOffset; uint8_t type; uint32_t nRPNSize; uint8_t *pRPN; struct Patch *next; }; struct Assertion { struct Patch *patch; struct Section *section; char *message; struct Assertion *next; }; char *tzObjectname; /* TODO: shouldn't `pCurrentSection` be somewhere else? */ struct Section *pSectionList, *pCurrentSection; /* Linked list of symbols to put in the object file */ static struct Symbol *objectSymbols = NULL; static struct Symbol **objectSymbolsTail = &objectSymbols; static uint32_t nbSymbols = 0; /* Length of the above list */ static struct Assertion *assertions = NULL; /* * Count the number of sections used in this object */ static uint32_t countsections(void) { struct Section *sect; uint32_t count = 0; sect = pSectionList; while (sect) { count++; sect = sect->next; } return count; } /* * Count the number of patches used in this object */ static uint32_t countpatches(struct Section const *sect) { uint32_t r = 0; for (struct Patch const *patch = sect->patches; patch != NULL; patch = patch->next) r++; return r; } /** * Count the number of assertions used in this object */ static uint32_t countasserts(void) { struct Assertion *assert = assertions; uint32_t count = 0; while (assert) { count++; assert = assert->next; } return count; } /* * Write a long to a file (little-endian) */ static void fputlong(uint32_t i, FILE *f) { fputc(i, f); fputc(i >> 8, f); fputc(i >> 16, f); fputc(i >> 24, f); } /* * Write a NULL-terminated string to a file */ static void fputstring(char const *s, FILE *f) { while (*s) fputc(*s++, f); fputc(0, f); } /* * Return a section's ID */ static uint32_t getsectid(struct Section const *sect) { struct Section const *sec; uint32_t ID = 0; sec = pSectionList; while (sec) { if (sec == sect) return ID; ID++; sec = sec->next; } fatalerror("Unknown section '%s'", sect->name); } static uint32_t getSectIDIfAny(struct Section const *sect) { return sect ? getsectid(sect) : -1; } /* * Write a patch to a file */ static void writepatch(struct Patch const *patch, FILE *f) { fputstring(patch->tzFilename, f); fputlong(patch->nOffset, f); fputlong(getSectIDIfAny(patch->pcSection), f); fputlong(patch->pcOffset, f); fputc(patch->type, f); fputlong(patch->nRPNSize, f); fwrite(patch->pRPN, 1, patch->nRPNSize, f); } /* * Write a section to a file */ static void writesection(struct Section const *sect, FILE *f) { fputstring(sect->name, f); fputlong(sect->size, f); bool isUnion = sect->modifier == SECTION_UNION; bool isFragment = sect->modifier == SECTION_FRAGMENT; fputc(sect->type | isUnion << 7 | isFragment << 6, f); fputlong(sect->org, f); fputlong(sect->bank, f); fputc(sect->align, f); fputlong(sect->alignOfs, f); if (sect_HasData(sect->type)) { fwrite(sect->data, 1, sect->size, f); fputlong(countpatches(sect), f); for (struct Patch const *patch = sect->patches; patch != NULL; patch = patch->next) writepatch(patch, f); } } /* * Write a symbol to a file */ static void writesymbol(struct Symbol const *sym, FILE *f) { fputstring(sym->name, f); if (!sym_IsDefined(sym)) { fputc(SYMTYPE_IMPORT, f); } else { fputc(sym->isExported ? SYMTYPE_EXPORT : SYMTYPE_LOCAL, f); fputstring(sym->fileName, f); fputlong(sym->fileLine, f); fputlong(getSectIDIfAny(sym_GetSection(sym)), f); fputlong(sym->value, f); } } /* * Returns a symbol's ID within the object file * If the symbol does not have one, one is assigned by registering the symbol */ static uint32_t getSymbolID(struct Symbol *sym) { if (sym->ID == -1) { sym->ID = nbSymbols++; *objectSymbolsTail = sym; objectSymbolsTail = &sym->next; } return sym->ID; } static void writerpn(uint8_t *rpnexpr, uint32_t *rpnptr, uint8_t *rpn, uint32_t rpnlen) { char tzSym[512]; for (size_t offset = 0; offset < rpnlen; ) { #define popbyte() rpn[offset++] #define writebyte(byte) rpnexpr[(*rpnptr)++] = byte uint8_t rpndata = popbyte(); switch (rpndata) { case RPN_CONST: writebyte(RPN_CONST); writebyte(popbyte()); writebyte(popbyte()); writebyte(popbyte()); writebyte(popbyte()); break; case RPN_SYM: { for (unsigned int i = -1; (tzSym[++i] = popbyte()); ) ; struct Symbol *sym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym); uint32_t value; if (sym_IsConstant(sym)) { writebyte(RPN_CONST); value = sym_GetConstantValue(tzSym); } else { writebyte(RPN_SYM); value = getSymbolID(sym); } writebyte(value & 0xFF); writebyte(value >> 8); writebyte(value >> 16); writebyte(value >> 24); break; } case RPN_BANK_SYM: { for (unsigned int i = -1; (tzSym[++i] = popbyte()); ) ; struct Symbol *sym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym); uint32_t value = getSymbolID(sym); writebyte(RPN_BANK_SYM); writebyte(value & 0xFF); writebyte(value >> 8); writebyte(value >> 16); writebyte(value >> 24); break; } case RPN_BANK_SECT: { uint8_t b; writebyte(RPN_BANK_SECT); do { b = popbyte(); writebyte(b); } while (b != 0); break; } default: writebyte(rpndata); break; } #undef popbyte #undef writebyte } } /* * Allocate a new patch structure and link it into the list */ static struct Patch *allocpatch(uint32_t type, struct Expression const *expr, uint32_t ofs) { struct Patch *patch = malloc(sizeof(struct Patch)); uint32_t rpnSize = expr->isKnown ? 5 : expr->nRPNPatchSize; if (!patch) fatalerror("No memory for patch: %s", strerror(errno)); patch->pRPN = malloc(sizeof(*patch->pRPN) * rpnSize); if (!patch->pRPN) fatalerror("No memory for patch's RPN expression: %s", strerror(errno)); patch->type = type; fstk_DumpToStr(patch->tzFilename, sizeof(patch->tzFilename)); patch->nOffset = ofs; patch->pcSection = sect_GetSymbolSection(); patch->pcOffset = sect_GetSymbolOffset(); /* If the expression's value is known, output a constant RPN expression directly */ if (expr->isKnown) { patch->nRPNSize = rpnSize; /* Make sure to update `rpnSize` above if modifying this! */ patch->pRPN[0] = RPN_CONST; patch->pRPN[1] = (uint32_t)(expr->nVal) & 0xFF; patch->pRPN[2] = (uint32_t)(expr->nVal) >> 8; patch->pRPN[3] = (uint32_t)(expr->nVal) >> 16; patch->pRPN[4] = (uint32_t)(expr->nVal) >> 24; } else { patch->nRPNSize = 0; writerpn(patch->pRPN, &patch->nRPNSize, expr->tRPN, expr->nRPNLength); } assert(patch->nRPNSize == rpnSize); return patch; } /* * Create a new patch (includes the rpn expr) */ void out_CreatePatch(uint32_t type, struct Expression const *expr, uint32_t ofs) { struct Patch *patch = allocpatch(type, expr, ofs); patch->next = pCurrentSection->patches; pCurrentSection->patches = patch; } /** * Creates an assert that will be written to the object file */ bool out_CreateAssert(enum AssertionType type, struct Expression const *expr, char const *message, uint32_t ofs) { struct Assertion *assertion = malloc(sizeof(*assertion)); if (!assertion) return false; assertion->patch = allocpatch(type, expr, ofs); assertion->message = strdup(message); if (!assertion->message) { free(assertion); return false; } assertion->next = assertions; assertions = assertion; return true; } static void writeassert(struct Assertion *assert, FILE *f) { writepatch(assert->patch, f); fputstring(assert->message, f); } static void registerExportedSymbol(struct Symbol *symbol, void *arg) { (void)arg; if (sym_IsExported(symbol) && symbol->ID == -1) { *objectSymbolsTail = symbol; objectSymbolsTail = &symbol->next; nbSymbols++; } } /* * Write an objectfile */ void out_WriteObject(void) { FILE *f = fopen(tzObjectname, "wb"); if (!f) err(1, "Couldn't write file '%s'", tzObjectname); /* Also write exported symbols that weren't written above */ sym_ForEach(registerExportedSymbol, NULL); fprintf(f, RGBDS_OBJECT_VERSION_STRING, RGBDS_OBJECT_VERSION_NUMBER); fputlong(RGBDS_OBJECT_REV, f); fputlong(nbSymbols, f); fputlong(countsections(), f); for (struct Symbol const *sym = objectSymbols; sym; sym = sym->next) writesymbol(sym, f); for (struct Section *sect = pSectionList; sect; sect = sect->next) writesection(sect, f); fputlong(countasserts(), f); for (struct Assertion *assert = assertions; assert; assert = assert->next) writeassert(assert, f); fclose(f); } /* * Set the objectfilename */ void out_SetFileName(char *s) { tzObjectname = s; if (verbose) printf("Output filename %s\n", s); }