ref: a2dc23c55c574a8f1da568da7ca705fcc8a5269f
dir: /src/asm/output.c/
/* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * INCLUDES * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "asm/asm.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/mylink.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/rpn.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #define SECTIONCHUNK 0x4000 /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Internal structures * */ void out_SetCurrentSection(struct Section * pSect); struct Patch { char tzFilename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; ULONG nLine; ULONG nOffset; UBYTE nType; ULONG nRPNSize; UBYTE *pRPN; struct Patch *pNext; }; struct PatchSymbol { ULONG ID; struct sSymbol *pSymbol; struct PatchSymbol *pNext; }; struct SectionStackEntry { struct Section *pSection; struct SectionStackEntry *pNext; }; /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * VARIABLES * */ struct Section *pSectionList = NULL, *pCurrentSection = NULL; struct PatchSymbol *pPatchSymbols = NULL; char tzObjectname[_MAX_PATH]; struct SectionStackEntry *pSectionStack = NULL; /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Section stack routines * */ void out_PushSection(void) { struct SectionStackEntry *pSect; if ((pSect = (struct SectionStackEntry *) malloc(sizeof(struct SectionStackEntry))) != NULL) { pSect->pSection = pCurrentSection; pSect->pNext = pSectionStack; pSectionStack = pSect; } else fatalerror("No memory for section stack"); } void out_PopSection(void) { if (pSectionStack) { struct SectionStackEntry *pSect; pSect = pSectionStack; out_SetCurrentSection(pSect->pSection); pSectionStack = pSect->pNext; free(pSect); } else fatalerror("No entries in the section stack"); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Count the number of symbols used in this object * */ ULONG countsymbols(void) { struct PatchSymbol *pSym; ULONG count = 0; pSym = pPatchSymbols; while (pSym) { count += 1; pSym = pSym->pNext; } return (count); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Count the number of sections used in this object * */ ULONG countsections(void) { struct Section *pSect; ULONG count = 0; pSect = pSectionList; while (pSect) { count += 1; pSect = pSect->pNext; } return (count); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Count the number of patches used in this object * */ ULONG countpatches(struct Section * pSect) { struct Patch *pPatch; ULONG r = 0; pPatch = pSect->pPatches; while (pPatch) { r += 1; pPatch = pPatch->pNext; } return (r); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write a long to a file (little-endian) * */ void fputlong(ULONG i, FILE * f) { fputc(i, f); fputc(i >> 8, f); fputc(i >> 16, f); fputc(i >> 24, f); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write a NULL-terminated string to a file * */ void fputstring(char *s, FILE * f) { while (*s) fputc(*s++, f); fputc(0, f); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Return a sections ID * */ ULONG getsectid(struct Section * pSect) { struct Section *sec; ULONG ID = 0; sec = pSectionList; while (sec) { if (sec == pSect) return (ID); ID += 1; sec = sec->pNext; } fatalerror("INTERNAL: Unknown section"); return ((ULONG) - 1); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write a patch to a file * */ void writepatch(struct Patch * pPatch, FILE * f) { fputstring(pPatch->tzFilename, f); fputlong(pPatch->nLine, f); fputlong(pPatch->nOffset, f); fputc(pPatch->nType, f); fputlong(pPatch->nRPNSize, f); fwrite(pPatch->pRPN, 1, pPatch->nRPNSize, f); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write a section to a file * */ void writesection(struct Section * pSect, FILE * f) { //printf("SECTION: %s, ID: %d\n", pSect->pzName, getsectid(pSect)); fputlong(pSect->nPC, f); fputc(pSect->nType, f); fputlong(pSect->nOrg, f); //RGB1 addition fputlong(pSect->nBank, f); //RGB1 addition if ((pSect->nType == SECT_HOME) || (pSect->nType == SECT_CODE)) { struct Patch *pPatch; fwrite(pSect->tData, 1, pSect->nPC, f); fputlong(countpatches(pSect), f); pPatch = pSect->pPatches; while (pPatch) { writepatch(pPatch, f); pPatch = pPatch->pNext; } } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write a symbol to a file * */ void writesymbol(struct sSymbol * pSym, FILE * f) { char symname[MAXSYMLEN * 2 + 1]; ULONG type; ULONG offset; SLONG sectid; if (pSym->nType & SYMF_IMPORT) { /* Symbol should be imported */ strcpy(symname, pSym->tzName); offset = 0; sectid = -1; type = SYM_IMPORT; } else if (pSym->nType & SYMF_EXPORT) { /* Symbol should be exported */ strcpy(symname, pSym->tzName); type = SYM_EXPORT; offset = pSym->nValue; if (pSym->nType & SYMF_CONST) sectid = -1; else sectid = getsectid(pSym->pSection); } else { /* Symbol is local to this file */ if (pSym->nType & SYMF_LOCAL) { strcpy(symname, pSym->pScope->tzName); strcat(symname, pSym->tzName); } else strcpy(symname, pSym->tzName); type = SYM_LOCAL; offset = pSym->nValue; sectid = getsectid(pSym->pSection); } fputstring(symname, f); fputc(type, f); if (type != SYM_IMPORT) { fputlong(sectid, f); fputlong(offset, f); } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Add a symbol to the object * */ ULONG addsymbol(struct sSymbol * pSym) { struct PatchSymbol *pPSym, **ppPSym; ULONG ID = 0; pPSym = pPatchSymbols; ppPSym = &(pPatchSymbols); while (pPSym) { if (pSym == pPSym->pSymbol) return (pPSym->ID); ppPSym = &(pPSym->pNext); pPSym = pPSym->pNext; ID += 1; } if ((*ppPSym = pPSym = (struct PatchSymbol *) malloc(sizeof(struct PatchSymbol))) != NULL) { pPSym->pNext = NULL; pPSym->pSymbol = pSym; pPSym->ID = ID; return (ID); } else fatalerror("No memory for patchsymbol"); return ((ULONG) - 1); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Add all exported symbols to the object * */ void addexports(void) { int i; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i += 1) { struct sSymbol *pSym; pSym = tHashedSymbols[i]; while (pSym) { if (pSym->nType & SYMF_EXPORT) addsymbol(pSym); pSym = pSym->pNext; } } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Allocate a new patchstructure and link it into the list * */ struct Patch * allocpatch(void) { struct Patch *pPatch, **ppPatch; pPatch = pCurrentSection->pPatches; ppPatch = &(pCurrentSection->pPatches); while (pPatch) { ppPatch = &(pPatch->pNext); pPatch = pPatch->pNext; } if ((*ppPatch = pPatch = (struct Patch *) malloc(sizeof(struct Patch))) != NULL) { pPatch->pNext = NULL; pPatch->nRPNSize = 0; pPatch->pRPN = NULL; } else fatalerror("No memory for patch"); return (pPatch); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Create a new patch (includes the rpn expr) * */ void createpatch(ULONG type, struct Expression * expr) { struct Patch *pPatch; UWORD rpndata; UBYTE rpnexpr[2048]; char tzSym[512]; ULONG rpnptr = 0, symptr; pPatch = allocpatch(); pPatch->nType = type; strcpy(pPatch->tzFilename, tzCurrentFileName); pPatch->nLine = nLineNo; pPatch->nOffset = nPC; while ((rpndata = rpn_PopByte(expr)) != 0xDEAD) { switch (rpndata) { case RPN_CONST: rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = RPN_CONST; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr); break; case RPN_SYM: symptr = 0; while ((tzSym[symptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr)) != 0); if (sym_isConstant(tzSym)) { ULONG value; value = sym_GetConstantValue(tzSym); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = RPN_CONST; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = value & 0xFF; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = value >> 8; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = value >> 16; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = value >> 24; } else { symptr = addsymbol(sym_FindSymbol(tzSym)); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = RPN_SYM; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr & 0xFF; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 8; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 16; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 24; } break; case RPN_BANK: symptr = 0; while ((tzSym[symptr++] = rpn_PopByte(expr)) != 0); symptr = addsymbol(sym_FindSymbol(tzSym)); rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = RPN_BANK; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr & 0xFF; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 8; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 16; rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = symptr >> 24; break; default: rpnexpr[rpnptr++] = rpndata; break; } } if ((pPatch->pRPN = (UBYTE *) malloc(rpnptr)) != NULL) { memcpy(pPatch->pRPN, rpnexpr, rpnptr); pPatch->nRPNSize = rpnptr; } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * A quick check to see if we have an initialized section * */ void checksection(void) { if (pCurrentSection) return; else fatalerror("Code generation before SECTION directive"); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * A quick check to see if we have an initialized section that can contain * this much initialized data * */ void checkcodesection(SLONG size) { checksection(); if ((pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_HOME || pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_CODE) && (pCurrentSection->nPC + size <= MAXSECTIONSIZE)) { if (((pCurrentSection->nPC % SECTIONCHUNK) > ((pCurrentSection->nPC + size) % SECTIONCHUNK)) && (pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_HOME || pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_CODE)) { if ((pCurrentSection->tData = (UBYTE *) realloc(pCurrentSection->tData, ((pCurrentSection->nPC + size) / SECTIONCHUNK + 1) * SECTIONCHUNK)) != NULL) { return; } else fatalerror ("Not enough memory to expand section"); } return; } else fatalerror ("Section can't contain initialized data or section limit exceeded"); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Write an objectfile * */ void out_WriteObject(void) { FILE *f; addexports(); if ((f = fopen(tzObjectname, "wb")) != NULL) { struct PatchSymbol *pSym; struct Section *pSect; fwrite("RGB2", 1, 4, f); fputlong(countsymbols(), f); fputlong(countsections(), f); pSym = pPatchSymbols; while (pSym) { writesymbol(pSym->pSymbol, f); pSym = pSym->pNext; } pSect = pSectionList; while (pSect) { writesection(pSect, f); pSect = pSect->pNext; } fclose(f); } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Prepare for pass #2 * */ void out_PrepPass2(void) { struct Section *pSect; pSect = pSectionList; while (pSect) { pSect->nPC = 0; pSect = pSect->pNext; } pCurrentSection = NULL; pSectionStack = NULL; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Set the objectfilename * */ void out_SetFileName(char *s) { strcpy(tzObjectname, s); printf("Output filename %s\n", s); pSectionList = NULL; pCurrentSection = NULL; pPatchSymbols = NULL; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Find a section by name and type. If it doesn't exist, create it * */ struct Section * out_FindSection(char *pzName, ULONG secttype, SLONG org, SLONG bank) { struct Section *pSect, **ppSect; ppSect = &pSectionList; pSect = pSectionList; while (pSect) { if (strcmp(pzName, pSect->pzName) == 0) { if (secttype == pSect->nType && ((ULONG) org) == pSect->nOrg && ((ULONG) bank) == pSect->nBank) { return (pSect); } else fatalerror ("Section already exists but with a different type"); } ppSect = &(pSect->pNext); pSect = pSect->pNext; } if ((*ppSect = (pSect = (struct Section *) malloc(sizeof(struct Section)))) != NULL) { if ((pSect->pzName = (char *) malloc(strlen(pzName) + 1)) != NULL) { strcpy(pSect->pzName, pzName); pSect->nType = secttype; pSect->nPC = 0; pSect->nOrg = org; pSect->nBank = bank; pSect->pNext = NULL; pSect->pPatches = NULL; pPatchSymbols = NULL; if ((pSect->tData = (UBYTE *) malloc(SECTIONCHUNK)) != NULL) { return (pSect); } else fatalerror("Not enough memory for section"); } else fatalerror("Not enough memory for sectionname"); } else fatalerror("Not enough memory for section"); return (NULL); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Set the current section * */ void out_SetCurrentSection(struct Section * pSect) { pCurrentSection = pSect; nPC = pSect->nPC; pPCSymbol->nValue = nPC; pPCSymbol->pSection = pCurrentSection; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Set the current section by name and type * */ void out_NewSection(char *pzName, ULONG secttype) { out_SetCurrentSection(out_FindSection(pzName, secttype, -1, -1)); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Set the current section by name and type * */ void out_NewAbsSection(char *pzName, ULONG secttype, SLONG org, SLONG bank) { out_SetCurrentSection(out_FindSection(pzName, secttype, org, bank)); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output an absolute byte * */ void out_AbsByte(int b) { checkcodesection(1); b &= 0xFF; if (nPass == 2) pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = b; pCurrentSection->nPC += 1; nPC += 1; pPCSymbol->nValue += 1; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Skip this many bytes * */ void out_Skip(int skip) { checksection(); if (!((pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_HOME) || (pCurrentSection->nType == SECT_CODE))) { pCurrentSection->nPC += skip; nPC += skip; pPCSymbol->nValue += skip; } else { checkcodesection(skip); while (skip--) out_AbsByte(CurrentOptions.fillchar); } } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a NULL terminated string (excluding the NULL-character) * */ void out_String(char *s) { checkcodesection(strlen(s)); while (*s) out_AbsByte(*s++); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a relocatable byte. Checking will be done to see if it * is an absolute value in disguise. * */ void out_RelByte(struct Expression * expr) { checkcodesection(1); if (rpn_isReloc(expr)) { if (nPass == 2) { pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = 0; createpatch(PATCH_BYTE, expr); } pCurrentSection->nPC += 1; nPC += 1; pPCSymbol->nValue += 1; } else out_AbsByte(expr->nVal); rpn_Reset(expr); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output an absolute word * */ void out_AbsWord(int b) { checkcodesection(2); b &= 0xFFFF; if (nPass == 2) { pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = b & 0xFF; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 1] = b >> 8; } pCurrentSection->nPC += 2; nPC += 2; pPCSymbol->nValue += 2; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a relocatable word. Checking will be done to see if * is an absolute value in disguise. * */ void out_RelWord(struct Expression * expr) { ULONG b; checkcodesection(2); b = expr->nVal & 0xFFFF; if (rpn_isReloc(expr)) { if (nPass == 2) { pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = b & 0xFF; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 1] = b >> 8; createpatch(PATCH_WORD_L, expr); } pCurrentSection->nPC += 2; nPC += 2; pPCSymbol->nValue += 2; } else out_AbsWord(expr->nVal); rpn_Reset(expr); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output an absolute longword * */ void out_AbsLong(SLONG b) { checkcodesection(sizeof(SLONG)); if (nPass == 2) { pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = b & 0xFF; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 1] = b >> 8; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 2] = b >> 16; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 3] = b >> 24; } pCurrentSection->nPC += 4; nPC += 4; pPCSymbol->nValue += 4; } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a relocatable longword. Checking will be done to see if * is an absolute value in disguise. * */ void out_RelLong(struct Expression * expr) { SLONG b; checkcodesection(4); b = expr->nVal; if (rpn_isReloc(expr)) { if (nPass == 2) { pCurrentSection->tData[nPC] = b & 0xFF; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 1] = b >> 8; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 2] = b >> 16; pCurrentSection->tData[nPC + 3] = b >> 24; createpatch(PATCH_LONG_L, expr); } pCurrentSection->nPC += 4; nPC += 4; pPCSymbol->nValue += 4; } else out_AbsLong(expr->nVal); rpn_Reset(expr); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a PC-relative byte * */ void out_PCRelByte(struct Expression * expr) { SLONG b = expr->nVal; checkcodesection(1); b = (b & 0xFFFF) - (nPC + 1); if (nPass == 2 && (b < -128 || b > 127)) yyerror("PC-relative value must be 8-bit"); out_AbsByte(b); rpn_Reset(expr); } /* * RGBAsm - OUTPUT.C - Outputs an objectfile * * Output a binary file * */ void out_BinaryFile(char *s) { FILE *f; fstk_FindFile(s); if ((f = fopen(s, "rb")) != NULL) { SLONG fsize; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); checkcodesection(fsize); if (nPass == 2) { SLONG dest = nPC; SLONG todo = fsize; while (todo--) pCurrentSection->tData[dest++] = fgetc(f); } pCurrentSection->nPC += fsize; nPC += fsize; pPCSymbol->nValue += fsize; fclose(f); } else fatalerror("File not found"); } void out_BinaryFileSlice(char *s, SLONG start_pos, SLONG length) { FILE *f; if (start_pos < 0) fatalerror("Start position cannot be negative"); if (length < 0) fatalerror("Number of bytes to read must be greater than zero"); fstk_FindFile(s); if ((f = fopen(s, "rb")) != NULL) { SLONG fsize; fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); if (start_pos >= fsize) fatalerror("Specified start position is greater than length of file"); if ((start_pos + length) > fsize) fatalerror("Specified range in INCBIN is out of bounds"); fseek(f, start_pos, SEEK_SET); checkcodesection(length); if (nPass == 2) { SLONG dest = nPC; SLONG todo = length; while (todo--) pCurrentSection->tData[dest++] = fgetc(f); } pCurrentSection->nPC += length; nPC += length; pPCSymbol->nValue += length; fclose(f); } else fatalerror("File not found"); }