Don't save '@' in map and sym files
Simplify parsing of variable-length lists
Allow to JR to numeric constants
Increase version number to 0.3.6
Fix crash in rgbgfx with height not multiple of 8
Document character maps
Add a new flag, -f, which allows independently fixing or trashing checksums.
Merge pull request #237 from continue-lines
Document line continuation syntax
Fix style of code sections in manpages
Allow line continuations in list of macro args
Allow to scape `"` in lists of macro args
Allow to continuate lines except inside macros
Add flag to rgbasm to disable LD->LDH optimization
Add safeguards against string overflows
Add CSS file for the html documentation
Handle newlines and comments correctly
Allow JR between sections
Introduce command PRINTI to print integers
Fix HIGH() and LOW() for constants
Merge pull request #235 from obskyr/rgbgfx-color
Allow superfluous height for 1-tile-wide images
Clarify and update rgbgfx documentation
Handle grayscale images as expected
Add color and transparency support to rgbgfx
Fix typo in rgblink manpage
Increase version number to 0.3.5
Move version files out of extern folder
Fix linkerscript man page
Fix nit in rgbasm.5 man page
Fix local execution of script
Add test to verify hex codes of all instructions
Add external projects to Travis CI jobs
Prefer snprintf to strncpy when outputting C strings
Add note about the MIT License in CONTRIBUTING.rst
Remove dependency of reallocarray()
Remove dependency of strlcpy()
Remove dependency of strlcat()
Relicense codebase under MIT license
Split src/asm/charmap.c into two files
Exclude html files from checkpatch
Disable OSX builds in Travis CI
Don't clean html files with `make clean`
Fix linkerscript linking errors
Fix html doc file name
Make clean target of Makefile clean html files
Move documentation to this repository
Fix typo in documentation
Increase version number to 0.3.4
Fix indentation in asmy.y
Improve error messages
Fix WRAMX BANK offset in the right place
Output error msg when object file can't be opened
Cleanup BANK related definitions
Reduce SRAM bank number to 16 in rgbasm
PUSHS and POPS also affect the symbol scope
Convert Markdown files to reStructuredText
Allow to request BANK() of sections and PC
Make list of linker symbols common
Decouple commands in checkpatch Makefile target
Move externs to header files
Join list of keywords of locallex.c and globlex.c
Fix echo command in checkpatch target in Makefile
Add config file and Makefile targets
Cleanup code of rgbasm
Cleanup code of rgbfix, rgbgfx and external libs
Cleanup code of rbglink
Replace C types by stdint.h types
Use M_PI instead of PI
Replace ULONG by uint32_t
Replace SLONG by int32_t
Replace 8 and 16 bit custom types by stdint.h types
Use NOT operator to complement bits instead of XOR
Increase package version number to 0.3.3
Remove warning on DB/DW/DL emtpy lists
Add warnings for empty elements in lists of consts
Fix and document DL keyword
Fix warning about unused variable
Reintroduce EQU __LINE__
Improve error messages
Replace fprintf by errx for consistency
Check return values of fread in rgblink
Initialize variables in rgbfix
Fix compiler warnings about unused return values
Fix warning about using uninitialized variable
Merge pull request #196 from error-msgs
Make object file magic string a common define
Update dates in manpages
Improve linker symbol redefinition error messages
Save object file name of each symbol in linker