ref: 8a7adf4c3b0fc70c05f44b2d429cfe2dd4cd5428
dir: /src/link/main.c/
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "object.h" #include "output.h" #include "assign.h" #include "patch.h" #include "asmotor.h" #include "mylink.h" #include "mapfile.h" #include "main.h" #include "library.h" // Quick and dirty...but it works #ifdef __GNUC__ #define strcmpi strcasecmp #endif enum eBlockType { BLOCK_COMMENT, BLOCK_OBJECTS, BLOCK_LIBRARIES, BLOCK_OUTPUT }; SLONG options=0; SLONG fillchar=-1; enum eOutputType outputtype=OUTPUT_GBROM; char temptext[1024]; char smartlinkstartsymbol[256]; /* * Print out an errormessage * */ void fatalerror( char *s ) { printf( "*ERROR* : %s\n", s ); exit( 5 ); } /* * Print the usagescreen * */ void PrintUsage( void ) { printf( "xLink v" LINK_VERSION " (part of ASMotor " ASMOTOR_VERSION ")\n\n" "Usage: xlink [options] linkfile\n" "Options:\n\t-h\t\tThis text\n" "\t-m<mapfile>\tWrite a mapfile\n" "\t-n<symfile>\tWrite a NO$GMB compatible symfile\n" "\t-z<hx>\t\tSet the byte value (hex format) used for uninitialised\n" "\t\t\tdata (default is ? for random)\n" "\t-s<symbol>\tPerform smart linking starting with <symbol>\n" "\t-t\t\tOutput target\n" "\t\t-tg\tGameboy ROM image(default)\n" "\t\t-ts\tGameboy small mode (32kB)\n" "\t\t-tp\tPsion2 reloc module\n" ); exit( 0 ); } /* * Parse the linkfile and load all the objectfiles * */ void ProcessLinkfile( char *tzLinkfile ) { FILE *pLinkfile; enum eBlockType CurrentBlock=BLOCK_COMMENT; if( pLinkfile=fopen(tzLinkfile,"rt") ) { while( !feof(pLinkfile) ) { char tzLine[256]; fscanf( pLinkfile, "%s\n", tzLine ); if( tzLine[0]!='#' ) { if( tzLine[0]=='[' && tzLine[strlen(tzLine)-1]==']' ) { if( strcmpi("[objects]",tzLine)==0 ) CurrentBlock=BLOCK_OBJECTS; else if( strcmpi("[output]",tzLine)==0 ) CurrentBlock=BLOCK_OUTPUT; else if( strcmpi("[libraries]",tzLine)==0 ) CurrentBlock=BLOCK_LIBRARIES; else if( strcmpi("[comment]",tzLine)==0 ) CurrentBlock=BLOCK_COMMENT; else { fclose( pLinkfile ); sprintf( temptext, "Unknown block '%s'\n", tzLine ); fatalerror( temptext ); } } else { switch( CurrentBlock ) { case BLOCK_COMMENT: break; case BLOCK_OBJECTS: obj_Readfile( tzLine ); break; case BLOCK_LIBRARIES: lib_Readfile( tzLine ); break; case BLOCK_OUTPUT: out_Setname( tzLine ); break; } } } } fclose( pLinkfile ); } else { sprintf( temptext, "Unable to find linkfile '%s'\n", tzLinkfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); } } /* * The main routine * */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { SLONG argn=0; argc-=1; argn+=1; if( argc==0 ) PrintUsage(); while( *argv[argn]=='-' ) { char opt; argc-=1; switch( opt=argv[argn++][1] ) { case '?': case 'h': PrintUsage(); break; case 'm': SetMapfileName( argv[argn-1]+2 ); break; case 'n': SetSymfileName( argv[argn-1]+2 ); break; case 't': switch( opt=argv[argn-1][2] ) { case 'g': outputtype=OUTPUT_GBROM; break; case 's': outputtype=OUTPUT_GBROM; options|=OPT_SMALL; break; case 'p': outputtype=OUTPUT_PSION2; break; default: sprintf( temptext, "Unknown option 't%c'\n", opt ); fatalerror( temptext ); break; } break; case 'z': if( strlen(argv[argn-1]+2)<=2 ) { if( strcmp(argv[argn-1]+2,"?")==0 ) { fillchar=-1; } else { int result; result=sscanf( argv[argn-1]+2, "%x", &fillchar ); if( !((result==EOF) || (result==1)) ) { fatalerror("Invalid argument for option 'z'\n" ); } } } else { fatalerror("Invalid argument for option 'z'\n" ); } break; case 's': options|=OPT_SMART_C_LINK; strcpy( smartlinkstartsymbol, argv[argn-1]+2 ); break; default: sprintf( temptext, "Unknown option '%c'\n", opt ); fatalerror( temptext ); break; } } if( argc==1 ) { ProcessLinkfile( argv[argn++] ); AddNeededModules(); AssignSections(); CreateSymbolTable(); Patch(); Output(); CloseMapfile(); } else PrintUsage(); return( 0 ); }