ref: 7e620bff817c5826adc5a73acd7bc1774d835c74
dir: /src/link/output.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2019, Eldred Habert and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "link/output.h" #include "link/main.h" #include "link/section.h" #include "link/symbol.h" #include "extern/err.h" FILE * outputFile; FILE *overlayFile; FILE *symFile; FILE *mapFile; struct SortedSection { struct Section const *section; struct SortedSection *next; }; static struct { uint32_t nbBanks; struct SortedSections { struct SortedSection *sections; struct SortedSection *zeroLenSections; } *banks; } sections[SECTTYPE_INVALID]; void out_AddSection(struct Section const *section) { static uint32_t maxNbBanks[] = { [SECTTYPE_ROM0] = 1, [SECTTYPE_ROMX] = UINT32_MAX, [SECTTYPE_VRAM] = 2, [SECTTYPE_SRAM] = UINT32_MAX, [SECTTYPE_WRAM0] = 1, [SECTTYPE_WRAMX] = 7, [SECTTYPE_OAM] = 1, [SECTTYPE_HRAM] = 1 }; uint32_t targetBank = section->bank - bankranges[section->type][0]; uint32_t minNbBanks = targetBank + 1; if (minNbBanks > maxNbBanks[section->type]) errx(1, "Section \"%s\" has an invalid bank range (%" PRIu32 " > %" PRIu32 ")", section->name, section->bank, maxNbBanks[section->type] - 1); if (minNbBanks > sections[section->type].nbBanks) { sections[section->type].banks = realloc(sections[section->type].banks, sizeof(*sections[0].banks) * minNbBanks); for (uint32_t i = sections[section->type].nbBanks; i < minNbBanks; i++) { sections[section->type].banks[i].sections = NULL; sections[section->type].banks[i].zeroLenSections = NULL; } sections[section->type].nbBanks = minNbBanks; } if (!sections[section->type].banks) err(1, "Failed to realloc banks"); struct SortedSection *newSection = malloc(sizeof(*newSection)); struct SortedSection **ptr = section->size ? §ions[section->type].banks[targetBank].sections : §ions[section->type].banks[targetBank].zeroLenSections; if (!newSection) err(1, "Failed to add new section \"%s\"", section->name); newSection->section = section; while (*ptr && (*ptr)->section->org < section->org) ptr = &(*ptr)->next; newSection->next = *ptr; *ptr = newSection; } struct Section const *out_OverlappingSection(struct Section const *section) { struct SortedSections *banks = sections[section->type].banks; struct SortedSection *ptr = banks[section->bank - bankranges[section->type][0]].sections; while (ptr) { if (ptr->section->org < section->org + section->size && section->org < ptr->section->org + ptr->section->size) return ptr->section; ptr = ptr->next; } return NULL; } /** * Performs sanity checks on the overlay file. */ static void checkOverlay(void) { if (!overlayFile) return; if (fseek(overlayFile, 0, SEEK_END) != 0) { warnx("Overlay file is not seekable, cannot check if properly formed"); return; } long overlaySize = ftell(overlayFile); if (overlaySize % 0x4000) errx(1, "Overlay file must have a size multiple of 0x4000"); /* Reset back to beginning */ fseek(overlayFile, 0, SEEK_SET); uint32_t nbOverlayBanks = overlaySize / 0x4000 - 1; if (nbOverlayBanks < 1) errx(1, "Overlay must be at least 0x8000 bytes large"); if (nbOverlayBanks > sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].nbBanks) { sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks = realloc(sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks, sizeof(*sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks) * nbOverlayBanks); if (!sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks) err(1, "Failed to realloc banks for overlay"); for (uint32_t i = sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].nbBanks; i < nbOverlayBanks; i++) { sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks[i].sections = NULL; sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks[i].zeroLenSections = NULL; } sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].nbBanks = nbOverlayBanks; } } /** * Write a ROM bank's sections to the output file. * @param bankSections The bank's sections, ordered by increasing address * @param baseOffset The address of the bank's first byte in GB address space * @param size The size of the bank */ static void writeBank(struct SortedSection *bankSections, uint16_t baseOffset, uint16_t size) { uint16_t offset = 0; while (bankSections) { struct Section const *section = bankSections->section; /* Output padding up to the next SECTION */ while (offset + baseOffset < section->org) { putc(overlayFile ? getc(overlayFile) : padValue, outputFile); offset++; } /* Output the section itself */ fwrite(section->data, sizeof(*section->data), section->size, outputFile); if (overlayFile) { /* Skip bytes even with pipes */ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < section->size; i++) getc(overlayFile); } offset += section->size; bankSections = bankSections->next; } if (!disablePadding) { while (offset < size) { putc(overlayFile ? getc(overlayFile) : padValue, outputFile); offset++; } } } /** * Writes a ROM file to the output. */ static void writeROM(void) { outputFile = openFile(outputFileName, "wb"); overlayFile = openFile(overlayFileName, "rb"); checkOverlay(); if (outputFile) { if (sections[SECTTYPE_ROM0].nbBanks > 0) writeBank(sections[SECTTYPE_ROM0].banks[0].sections, 0x0000, 0x4000); for (uint32_t i = 0 ; i < sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].nbBanks; i++) writeBank(sections[SECTTYPE_ROMX].banks[i].sections, 0x4000, 0x4000); } closeFile(outputFile); closeFile(overlayFile); } /** * Get the lowest section by address out of the two * @param s1 One choice * @param s2 The other * @return The lowest section of the two, or the non-NULL one if applicable */ static struct SortedSection const **nextSection(struct SortedSection const **s1, struct SortedSection const **s2) { if (!*s1) return s2; if (!*s2) return s1; return (*s1)->section->org < (*s2)->section->org ? s1 : s2; } /** * Write a bank's contents to the sym file * @param bankSections The bank's sections */ static void writeSymBank(struct SortedSections const *bankSections) { if (!symFile) return; struct { struct SortedSection const *sections; #define sect sections->section /* Fake member as a shortcut */ uint32_t i; struct Symbol const *sym; uint16_t addr; } sectList = { .sections = bankSections->sections, .i = 0 }, zlSectList = { .sections = bankSections->zeroLenSections, .i = 0 }, *minSectList; for (;;) { while (sectList.sections && sectList.i == sectList.sect->nbSymbols) { sectList.sections = sectList.sections->next; sectList.i = 0; } while (zlSectList.sections && zlSectList.i == zlSectList.sect->nbSymbols) { zlSectList.sections = zlSectList.sections->next; zlSectList.i = 0; } if (!sectList.sections && !zlSectList.sections) { break; } else if (sectList.sections && zlSectList.sections) { sectList.sym = sectList.sect->symbols[sectList.i]; zlSectList.sym = zlSectList.sect->symbols[zlSectList.i]; sectList.addr = sectList.sym->offset + sectList.sect->org; zlSectList.addr = zlSectList.sym->offset + zlSectList.sect->org; minSectList = sectList.addr < zlSectList.addr ? §List : &zlSectList; } else if (sectList.sections) { sectList.sym = sectList.sect->symbols[sectList.i]; sectList.addr = sectList.sym->offset + sectList.sect->org; minSectList = §List; } else { zlSectList.sym = zlSectList.sect->symbols[zlSectList.i]; zlSectList.addr = zlSectList.sym->offset + zlSectList.sect->org; minSectList = &zlSectList; } fprintf(symFile, "%02" PRIx32 ":%04" PRIx16 " %s\n", minSectList->sect->bank, minSectList->addr, minSectList->sym->name); minSectList->i++; } #undef sect } /** * Write a bank's contents to the map file * @param bankSections The bank's sections */ static void writeMapBank(struct SortedSections const *sectList, enum SectionType type, uint32_t bank) { if (!mapFile) return; struct SortedSection const *section = sectList->sections; struct SortedSection const *zeroLenSection = sectList->zeroLenSections; fprintf(mapFile, "%s bank #%" PRIu32 ":\n", typeNames[type], bank + bankranges[type][0]); uint16_t slack = maxsize[type]; while (section || zeroLenSection) { struct SortedSection const **pickedSection = nextSection(§ion, &zeroLenSection); struct Section const *sect = (*pickedSection)->section; slack -= sect->size; if (sect->size != 0) fprintf(mapFile, " SECTION: $%04" PRIx16 "-$%04" PRIx16 " ($%04" PRIx16 " byte%s) [\"%s\"]\n", sect->org, sect->org + sect->size - 1, sect->size, sect->size == 1 ? "" : "s", sect->name); else fprintf(mapFile, " SECTION: $%04" PRIx16 " (0 bytes) [\"%s\"]\n", sect->org, sect->name); for (size_t i = 0; i < sect->nbSymbols; i++) fprintf(mapFile, " $%04" PRIx32 " = %s\n", sect->symbols[i]->offset + sect->org, sect->symbols[i]->name); *pickedSection = (*pickedSection)->next; } if (slack == maxsize[type]) fputs(" EMPTY\n\n", mapFile); else fprintf(mapFile, " SLACK: $%04" PRIx16 " byte%s\n\n", slack, slack == 1 ? "" : "s"); } /** * Writes the sym and/or map files, if applicable. */ static void writeSymAndMap(void) { if (!symFileName && !mapFileName) return; enum SectionType typeMap[SECTTYPE_INVALID] = { SECTTYPE_ROM0, SECTTYPE_ROMX, SECTTYPE_VRAM, SECTTYPE_SRAM, SECTTYPE_WRAM0, SECTTYPE_WRAMX, SECTTYPE_OAM, SECTTYPE_HRAM }; symFile = openFile(symFileName, "w"); mapFile = openFile(mapFileName, "w"); if (symFileName) fputs("; File generated by rgblink\n", symFile); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < SECTTYPE_INVALID; i++) { enum SectionType type = typeMap[i]; if (sections[type].nbBanks > 0) { for (uint32_t bank = 0; bank < sections[type].nbBanks; bank++) { writeSymBank(§ions[type].banks[bank]); writeMapBank(§ions[type].banks[bank], type, bank); } } } closeFile(symFile); closeFile(mapFile); } static void cleanupSections(struct SortedSection *section) { while (section) { struct SortedSection *next = section->next; free(section); section = next; } } static void cleanup(void) { for (enum SectionType type = 0; type < SECTTYPE_INVALID; type++) { if (sections[type].nbBanks > 0) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sections[type].nbBanks; i++) { struct SortedSections *bank = §ions[type].banks[i]; cleanupSections(bank->sections); cleanupSections(bank->zeroLenSections); } free(sections[type].banks); } } } void out_WriteFiles(void) { writeROM(); writeSymAndMap(); cleanup(); }