ref: 6752b102049e0f75d393c5ed5420c49e87e7bb33
dir: /src/asm/main.c/
/* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * INCLUDES * */ #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <time.h> #include <math.h> #include <string.h> #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/main.h" int yyparse(void); void setuplex(void); #ifdef AMIGA __near long __stack = 65536L; #endif /* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * VARIABLES * */ clock_t nStartClock, nEndClock; SLONG nLineNo; ULONG nTotalLines, nPass, nPC, nIFDepth, nErrors; extern int yydebug; char temptext[1024]; /* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * Option stack * */ struct sOptions DefaultOptions; struct sOptions CurrentOptions; struct sOptionStackEntry { struct sOptions Options; struct sOptionStackEntry *pNext; }; struct sOptionStackEntry *pOptionStack = NULL; void opt_SetCurrentOptions(struct sOptions * pOpt) { if (nGBGfxID != -1) { lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); } if (nBinaryID != -1) { lex_FloatDeleteRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); } CurrentOptions = *pOpt; if (nGBGfxID != -1) { lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); } if (nBinaryID != -1) { lex_FloatAddRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatAddRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); } } void opt_Parse(char *s) { struct sOptions newopt; newopt = CurrentOptions; switch (s[0]) { case 'e': switch (s[1]) { case 'b': newopt.endian = ASM_BIG_ENDIAN; printf ("*WARNING*\t :\n\tEndianness forced to BIG for destination CPU\n"); break; case 'l': newopt.endian = ASM_LITTLE_ENDIAN; printf ("*WARNING*\t :\n\tEndianness forced to LITTLE for destination CPU\n"); break; default: printf ("*ERROR*\t :\n\tArgument to option -e must be 'b' or 'l'\n"); exit(5); } break; case 'g': if (strlen(&s[1]) == 4) { newopt.gbgfx[0] = s[1]; newopt.gbgfx[1] = s[2]; newopt.gbgfx[2] = s[3]; newopt.gbgfx[3] = s[4]; } else { printf ("*ERROR*\t :\n\tMust specify exactly 4 characters for option 'g'\n"); exit(5); } break; case 'b': if (strlen(&s[1]) == 2) { newopt.binary[0] = s[1]; newopt.binary[1] = s[2]; } else { printf ("*ERROR*\t :\n\tMust specify exactly 2 characters for option 'b'\n"); exit(5); } break; case 'z': if (strlen(&s[1]) <= 2) { if (strcmp(&s[1], "?") == 0) { newopt.fillchar = -1; } else { int result; result = sscanf(&s[1], "%lx", &newopt.fillchar); if (!((result == EOF) || (result == 1))) { printf ("*ERROR*\t :\n\tInvalid argument for option 'z'\n"); exit(5); } } } else { printf ("*ERROR*\t :\n\tInvalid argument for option 'z'\n"); exit(5); } break; default: fatalerror("Unknown option"); break; } opt_SetCurrentOptions(&newopt); } void opt_Push(void) { struct sOptionStackEntry *pOpt; if ((pOpt = (struct sOptionStackEntry *) malloc(sizeof(struct sOptionStackEntry))) != NULL) { pOpt->Options = CurrentOptions; pOpt->pNext = pOptionStack; pOptionStack = pOpt; } else fatalerror("No memory for option stack"); } void opt_Pop(void) { if (pOptionStack) { struct sOptionStackEntry *pOpt; pOpt = pOptionStack; opt_SetCurrentOptions(&(pOpt->Options)); pOptionStack = pOpt->pNext; free(pOpt); } else fatalerror("No entries in the option stack"); } /* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * Error handling * */ void yyerror(char *s) { printf("*ERROR*\t"); fstk_Dump(); printf(" :\n\t%s\n", s); nErrors += 1; } void fatalerror(char *s) { yyerror(s); exit(5); } /* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * Help text * */ void PrintUsage(void) { printf(APPNAME " v" ASM_VERSION " (part of ASMotor " ASMOTOR_VERSION ")\n\nUsage: " EXENAME " [options] asmfile\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf("\t-h\t\tThis text\n"); printf("\t-i<path>\tExtra include path\n"); printf("\t-o<file>\tWrite objectoutput to <file>\n"); printf("\t-e(l|b)\t\tChange endianness (CAUTION!)\n"); printf ("\t-g<ASCI>\tChange the four characters used for Gameboy graphics\n" "\t\t\tconstants (default is 0123)\n"); printf ("\t-b<AS>\t\tChange the two characters used for binary constants\n" "\t\t\t(default is 01)\n"); printf ("\t-z<hx>\t\tSet the byte value (hex format) used for uninitialised\n" "\t\t\tdata (default is ? for random)\n"); exit(0); } /* * RGBAsm - MAIN.C * * main * */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char *tzMainfile; int argn = 1; argc -= 1; if (argc == 0) PrintUsage(); /* yydebug=1; */ DefaultOptions.endian = ASM_DEFAULT_ENDIAN; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[0] = '0'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[1] = '1'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[2] = '2'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[3] = '3'; DefaultOptions.binary[0] = '0'; DefaultOptions.binary[1] = '1'; DefaultOptions.fillchar = -1; //fill uninitialised data with random values opt_SetCurrentOptions(&DefaultOptions); while (argv[argn][0] == '-' && argc) { switch (argv[argn][1]) { case 'h': PrintUsage(); break; case 'i': fstk_AddIncludePath(&(argv[argn][2])); break; case 'o': out_SetFileName(&(argv[argn][2])); break; case 'e': case 'g': case 'b': case 'z': opt_Parse(&argv[argn][1]); break; default: printf("*ERROR*\t :\n\tUnknown option '%c'\n", argv[argn][1]); exit(5); break; } argn += 1; argc -= 1; } DefaultOptions = CurrentOptions; /* tzMainfile=argv[argn++]; argc-=1; */ tzMainfile = argv[argn]; setuplex(); printf("Assembling %s\n", tzMainfile); nStartClock = clock(); nLineNo = 1; nTotalLines = 0; nIFDepth = 0; nPC = 0; nPass = 1; nErrors = 0; sym_PrepPass1(); if (fstk_Init(tzMainfile)) { printf("Pass 1...\n"); yy_set_state(LEX_STATE_NORMAL); opt_SetCurrentOptions(&DefaultOptions); if (yyparse() == 0 && nErrors == 0) { if (nIFDepth == 0) { nTotalLines = 0; nLineNo = 1; nIFDepth = 0; nPC = 0; nPass = 2; nErrors = 0; sym_PrepPass2(); out_PrepPass2(); fstk_Init(tzMainfile); yy_set_state(LEX_STATE_NORMAL); opt_SetCurrentOptions(&DefaultOptions); printf("Pass 2...\n"); if (yyparse() == 0 && nErrors == 0) { double timespent; nEndClock = clock(); timespent = ((double) (nEndClock - nStartClock)) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC; printf ("Success! %ld lines in %d.%02d seconds ", nTotalLines, (int) timespent, ((int) (timespent * 100.0)) % 100); if (timespent == 0) printf ("(INFINITY lines/minute)\n"); else printf("(%d lines/minute)\n", (int) (60 / timespent * nTotalLines)); out_WriteObject(); } else { printf ("Assembly aborted in pass 2 (%ld errors)!\n", nErrors); //sym_PrintSymbolTable(); exit(5); } } else { printf ("*ERROR*\t:\tUnterminated IF construct (%ld levels)!\n", nIFDepth); exit(5); } } else { printf("Assembly aborted in pass 1 (%ld errors)!\n", nErrors); exit(5); } } else { printf("File '%s' not found\n", tzMainfile); exit(5); } return (0); }