ref: 4ef27a0d239a9752c176031f1665ffa5f4abbba0
dir: /src/asm/main.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2018, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <float.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/lexer.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/charmap.h" #include "extern/err.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "version.h" extern int yyparse(void); size_t cldefines_index; size_t cldefines_numindices; size_t cldefines_bufsize; const size_t cldefine_entrysize = 2 * sizeof(void *); char **cldefines; clock_t nStartClock, nEndClock; int32_t nLineNo; uint32_t nTotalLines, nPC, nIFDepth, nUnionDepth, nErrors; bool skipElif; uint32_t unionStart[128], unionSize[128]; /* extern int yydebug; */ FILE *dependfile; /* * Option stack */ struct sOptions DefaultOptions; struct sOptions CurrentOptions; struct sOptionStackEntry { struct sOptions Options; struct sOptionStackEntry *pNext; }; struct sOptionStackEntry *pOptionStack; void opt_SetCurrentOptions(struct sOptions *pOpt) { if (nGBGfxID != -1) { lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); } if (nBinaryID != -1) { lex_FloatDeleteRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatDeleteRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); } CurrentOptions = *pOpt; if (nGBGfxID != -1) { lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatAddRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[0]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[1]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[2]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nGBGfxID, CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3], CurrentOptions.gbgfx[3]); } if (nBinaryID != -1) { lex_FloatAddRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatAddRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[0], CurrentOptions.binary[0]); lex_FloatAddSecondRange(nBinaryID, CurrentOptions.binary[1], CurrentOptions.binary[1]); } } void opt_Parse(char *s) { struct sOptions newopt; newopt = CurrentOptions; switch (s[0]) { case 'g': if (strlen(&s[1]) == 4) { newopt.gbgfx[0] = s[1]; newopt.gbgfx[1] = s[2]; newopt.gbgfx[2] = s[3]; newopt.gbgfx[3] = s[4]; } else { errx(1, "Must specify exactly 4 characters for option 'g'"); } break; case 'b': if (strlen(&s[1]) == 2) { newopt.binary[0] = s[1]; newopt.binary[1] = s[2]; } else { errx(1, "Must specify exactly 2 characters for option 'b'"); } break; case 'z': if (strlen(&s[1]) <= 2) { int32_t result; unsigned int fillchar; result = sscanf(&s[1], "%x", &fillchar); if (!((result == EOF) || (result == 1))) errx(1, "Invalid argument for option 'z'"); newopt.fillchar = fillchar; } else { errx(1, "Invalid argument for option 'z'"); } break; default: fatalerror("Unknown option"); break; } opt_SetCurrentOptions(&newopt); } void opt_Push(void) { struct sOptionStackEntry *pOpt; pOpt = malloc(sizeof(struct sOptionStackEntry)); if (pOpt == NULL) fatalerror("No memory for option stack"); pOpt->Options = CurrentOptions; pOpt->pNext = pOptionStack; pOptionStack = pOpt; } void opt_Pop(void) { if (pOptionStack == NULL) fatalerror("No entries in the option stack"); struct sOptionStackEntry *pOpt; pOpt = pOptionStack; opt_SetCurrentOptions(&(pOpt->Options)); pOptionStack = pOpt->pNext; free(pOpt); } void opt_AddDefine(char *s) { char *value, *equals; if (cldefines_index >= cldefines_numindices) { /* Check for overflows */ if ((cldefines_numindices * 2) < cldefines_numindices) fatalerror("No memory for command line defines"); if ((cldefines_bufsize * 2) < cldefines_bufsize) fatalerror("No memory for command line defines"); cldefines_numindices *= 2; cldefines_bufsize *= 2; cldefines = realloc(cldefines, cldefines_bufsize); if (!cldefines) fatalerror("No memory for command line defines"); } equals = strchr(s, '='); if (equals) { *equals = '\0'; value = equals + 1; } else { value = "1"; } cldefines[cldefines_index++] = s; cldefines[cldefines_index++] = value; } static void opt_ParseDefines(void) { uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < cldefines_index; i += 2) sym_AddString(cldefines[i], cldefines[i + 1]); } /* * Error handling */ void verror(const char *fmt, va_list args) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: "); fstk_Dump(); fprintf(stderr, ":\n "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); nErrors += 1; } void yyerror(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); verror(fmt, args); va_end(args); } noreturn_ void fatalerror(const char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); verror(fmt, args); va_end(args); exit(5); } void warning(const char *fmt, ...) { if (!CurrentOptions.warnings) return; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); fprintf(stderr, "warning: "); fstk_Dump(); fprintf(stderr, ":\n "); vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args); fprintf(stderr, "\n"); va_end(args); } static void print_usage(void) { printf( "usage: rgbasm [-EhLVvw] [-b chars] [-Dname[=value]] [-g chars] [-i path]\n" " [-M dependfile] [-o outfile] [-p pad_value]\n" " [-r recursion_depth] file.asm\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch; char *ep; struct sOptions newopt; char *tzMainfile; dependfile = NULL; /* Initial number of allocated elements in array */ cldefines_numindices = 32; cldefines_bufsize = cldefines_numindices * cldefine_entrysize; cldefines = malloc(cldefines_bufsize); if (!cldefines) fatalerror("No memory for command line defines"); if (argc == 1) print_usage(); /* yydebug=1; */ nMaxRecursionDepth = 64; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[0] = '0'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[1] = '1'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[2] = '2'; DefaultOptions.gbgfx[3] = '3'; DefaultOptions.binary[0] = '0'; DefaultOptions.binary[1] = '1'; DefaultOptions.exportall = false; DefaultOptions.fillchar = 0; DefaultOptions.optimizeloads = true; DefaultOptions.haltnop = true; DefaultOptions.verbose = false; DefaultOptions.warnings = true; opt_SetCurrentOptions(&DefaultOptions); newopt = CurrentOptions; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:D:Eg:hi:LM:o:p:r:Vvw")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': if (strlen(optarg) == 2) { newopt.binary[0] = optarg[1]; newopt.binary[1] = optarg[2]; } else { errx(1, "Must specify exactly 2 characters for option 'b'"); } break; case 'D': opt_AddDefine(optarg); break; case 'E': newopt.exportall = true; break; case 'g': if (strlen(optarg) == 4) { newopt.gbgfx[0] = optarg[1]; newopt.gbgfx[1] = optarg[2]; newopt.gbgfx[2] = optarg[3]; newopt.gbgfx[3] = optarg[4]; } else { errx(1, "Must specify exactly 4 characters for option 'g'"); } break; case 'h': newopt.haltnop = false; break; case 'i': fstk_AddIncludePath(optarg); break; case 'L': newopt.optimizeloads = false; break; case 'M': dependfile = fopen(optarg, "w"); if (dependfile == NULL) err(1, "Could not open dependfile %s", optarg); break; case 'o': out_SetFileName(optarg); break; case 'p': newopt.fillchar = strtoul(optarg, &ep, 0); if (optarg[0] == '\0' || *ep != '\0') errx(1, "Invalid argument for option 'p'"); if (newopt.fillchar < 0 || newopt.fillchar > 0xFF) errx(1, "Argument for option 'p' must be between 0 and 0xFF"); break; case 'r': nMaxRecursionDepth = strtoul(optarg, &ep, 0); if (optarg[0] == '\0' || *ep != '\0') errx(1, "Invalid argument for option 'r'"); break; case 'V': printf("rgbasm %s\n", get_package_version_string()); exit(0); case 'v': newopt.verbose = true; break; case 'w': newopt.warnings = false; break; default: print_usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; opt_SetCurrentOptions(&newopt); DefaultOptions = CurrentOptions; if (argc == 0) print_usage(); tzMainfile = argv[argc - 1]; setup_lexer(); if (CurrentOptions.verbose) printf("Assembling %s\n", tzMainfile); if (dependfile) { if (!tzObjectname) errx(1, "Dependency files can only be created if an output object file is specified.\n"); fprintf(dependfile, "%s: %s\n", tzObjectname, tzMainfile); } nStartClock = clock(); nLineNo = 1; nTotalLines = 0; nIFDepth = 0; skipElif = true; nUnionDepth = 0; nPC = 0; nErrors = 0; sym_Init(); sym_SetExportAll(CurrentOptions.exportall); fstk_Init(tzMainfile); opt_ParseDefines(); charmap_InitMain(); yy_set_state(LEX_STATE_NORMAL); opt_SetCurrentOptions(&DefaultOptions); if (yyparse() != 0 || nErrors != 0) errx(1, "Assembly aborted (%ld errors)!", nErrors); if (nIFDepth != 0) errx(1, "Unterminated IF construct (%ld levels)!", nIFDepth); if (nUnionDepth != 0) { errx(1, "Unterminated UNION construct (%ld levels)!", nUnionDepth); } double timespent; nEndClock = clock(); timespent = ((double)(nEndClock - nStartClock)) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (CurrentOptions.verbose) { printf("Success! %u lines in %d.%02d seconds ", nTotalLines, (int)timespent, ((int)(timespent * 100.0)) % 100); if (timespent < FLT_MIN_EXP) printf("(INFINITY lines/minute)\n"); else printf("(%d lines/minute)\n", (int)(60 / timespent * nTotalLines)); } out_WriteObject(); return 0; }