ref: 4be81d9ffd1751508345227ae1fefcde256e64a2
dir: /src/asm/fstack.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2018, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ /* * FileStack routines */ #include <errno.h> #include <limits.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/lexer.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "extern/err.h" #include "types.h" static struct sContext *pFileStack; static unsigned int nFileStackDepth; unsigned int nMaxRecursionDepth; static struct sSymbol *pCurrentMacro; static YY_BUFFER_STATE CurrentFlexHandle; static FILE *pCurrentFile; static uint32_t nCurrentStatus; char tzCurrentFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; static char IncludePaths[MAXINCPATHS][_MAX_PATH + 1]; static int32_t NextIncPath; static uint32_t nMacroCount; static char *pCurrentREPTBlock; static uint32_t nCurrentREPTBlockSize; static uint32_t nCurrentREPTBlockCount; static int32_t nCurrentREPTBodyFirstLine; static int32_t nCurrentREPTBodyLastLine; uint32_t ulMacroReturnValue; /* * defines for nCurrentStatus */ #define STAT_isInclude 0 /* 'Normal' state as well */ #define STAT_isMacro 1 #define STAT_isMacroArg 2 #define STAT_isREPTBlock 3 /* Max context stack size */ /* * Context push and pop */ static void pushcontext(void) { struct sContext **ppFileStack; if (++nFileStackDepth > nMaxRecursionDepth) fatalerror("Recursion limit (%d) exceeded", nMaxRecursionDepth); ppFileStack = &pFileStack; while (*ppFileStack) ppFileStack = &((*ppFileStack)->pNext); *ppFileStack = malloc(sizeof(struct sContext)); if (*ppFileStack == NULL) fatalerror("No memory for context"); (*ppFileStack)->FlexHandle = CurrentFlexHandle; (*ppFileStack)->pNext = NULL; strcpy((char *)(*ppFileStack)->tzFileName, (char *)tzCurrentFileName); (*ppFileStack)->nLine = nLineNo; switch ((*ppFileStack)->nStatus = nCurrentStatus) { case STAT_isMacroArg: case STAT_isMacro: sym_SaveCurrentMacroArgs((*ppFileStack)->tzMacroArgs); (*ppFileStack)->pMacro = pCurrentMacro; break; case STAT_isInclude: (*ppFileStack)->pFile = pCurrentFile; break; case STAT_isREPTBlock: sym_SaveCurrentMacroArgs((*ppFileStack)->tzMacroArgs); (*ppFileStack)->pREPTBlock = pCurrentREPTBlock; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBlockSize = nCurrentREPTBlockSize; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBlockCount = nCurrentREPTBlockCount; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBodyFirstLine = nCurrentREPTBodyFirstLine; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBodyLastLine = nCurrentREPTBodyLastLine; break; default: fatalerror("%s: Internal error.", __func__); } nLineNo = 0; } static int32_t popcontext(void) { struct sContext *pLastFile, **ppLastFile; if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isREPTBlock) { if (--nCurrentREPTBlockCount) { char *pREPTIterationWritePtr; unsigned long nREPTIterationNo; int nNbCharsWritten; int nNbCharsLeft; yy_delete_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes(pCurrentREPTBlock, nCurrentREPTBlockSize); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); sym_UseCurrentMacroArgs(); sym_SetMacroArgID(nMacroCount++); sym_UseNewMacroArgs(); /* Increment REPT count in file path */ pREPTIterationWritePtr = strrchr(tzCurrentFileName, '~') + 1; nREPTIterationNo = strtoul(pREPTIterationWritePtr, NULL, 10); nNbCharsLeft = sizeof(tzCurrentFileName) - (pREPTIterationWritePtr - tzCurrentFileName); nNbCharsWritten = snprintf(pREPTIterationWritePtr, nNbCharsLeft, "%lu", nREPTIterationNo + 1); if (nNbCharsWritten >= nNbCharsLeft) { /* * The string is probably corrupted somehow, * revert the change to avoid a bad error * output. */ sprintf(pREPTIterationWritePtr, "%lu", nREPTIterationNo); fatalerror("Cannot write REPT count to file path"); } nLineNo = nCurrentREPTBodyFirstLine; return 0; } } pLastFile = pFileStack; if (pLastFile == NULL) return 1; ppLastFile = &pFileStack; while (pLastFile->pNext) { ppLastFile = &(pLastFile->pNext); pLastFile = *ppLastFile; } yy_delete_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); nLineNo = pLastFile->nLine; if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isInclude) fclose(pCurrentFile); if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isMacro || nCurrentStatus == STAT_isREPTBlock) nLineNo++; CurrentFlexHandle = pLastFile->FlexHandle; strcpy((char *)tzCurrentFileName, (char *)pLastFile->tzFileName); switch (nCurrentStatus = pLastFile->nStatus) { case STAT_isMacroArg: case STAT_isMacro: sym_RestoreCurrentMacroArgs(pLastFile->tzMacroArgs); pCurrentMacro = pLastFile->pMacro; break; case STAT_isInclude: pCurrentFile = pLastFile->pFile; break; case STAT_isREPTBlock: sym_RestoreCurrentMacroArgs(pLastFile->tzMacroArgs); pCurrentREPTBlock = pLastFile->pREPTBlock; nCurrentREPTBlockSize = pLastFile->nREPTBlockSize; nCurrentREPTBlockCount = pLastFile->nREPTBlockCount; nCurrentREPTBodyFirstLine = pLastFile->nREPTBodyFirstLine; /* + 1 to account for the `ENDR` line */ nLineNo = pLastFile->nREPTBodyLastLine + 1; break; default: fatalerror("%s: Internal error.", __func__); } nFileStackDepth--; free(*ppLastFile); *ppLastFile = NULL; yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); return 0; } int32_t fstk_GetLine(void) { struct sContext *pLastFile, **ppLastFile; switch (nCurrentStatus) { case STAT_isInclude: /* This is the normal mode, also used when including a file. */ return nLineNo; case STAT_isMacro: break; /* Peek top file of the stack */ case STAT_isMacroArg: return nLineNo; /* ??? */ case STAT_isREPTBlock: break; /* Peek top file of the stack */ default: fatalerror("%s: Internal error.", __func__); } pLastFile = pFileStack; if (pLastFile != NULL) { while (pLastFile->pNext) { ppLastFile = &(pLastFile->pNext); pLastFile = *ppLastFile; } return pLastFile->nLine; } /* * This is only reached if the lexer is in REPT or MACRO mode but there * are no saved contexts with the origin of said REPT or MACRO. */ fatalerror("%s: Internal error.", __func__); } int yywrap(void) { return popcontext(); } /* * Dump the context stack to stderr */ void fstk_Dump(void) { const struct sContext *pLastFile; pLastFile = pFileStack; while (pLastFile) { fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d) -> ", pLastFile->tzFileName, pLastFile->nLine); pLastFile = pLastFile->pNext; } fprintf(stderr, "%s(%d)", tzCurrentFileName, nLineNo); } /* * Extra includepath stuff */ void fstk_AddIncludePath(char *s) { if (NextIncPath == MAXINCPATHS) fatalerror("Too many include directories passed from command line"); if (snprintf(IncludePaths[NextIncPath++], _MAX_PATH, "%s", s) >= _MAX_PATH) fatalerror("Include path too long '%s'", s); } FILE *fstk_FindFile(char *fname, char **incPathUsed) { char path[_MAX_PATH]; int32_t i; FILE *f; if (fname == NULL) return NULL; f = fopen(fname, "rb"); if (f != NULL || errno != ENOENT) { if (dependfile) fprintf(dependfile, "%s: %s\n", tzObjectname, fname); return f; } for (i = 0; i < NextIncPath; ++i) { /* * The function snprintf() does not write more than `size` bytes * (including the terminating null byte ('\0')). If the output * was truncated due to this limit, the return value is the * number of characters (excluding the terminating null byte) * which would have been written to the final string if enough * space had been available. Thus, a return value of `size` or * more means that the output was truncated. */ int fullpathlen = snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s%s", IncludePaths[i], fname); if (fullpathlen >= (int)sizeof(path)) continue; f = fopen(path, "rb"); if (f != NULL || errno != ENOENT) { if (dependfile) { fprintf(dependfile, "%s: %s\n", tzObjectname, path); } if (incPathUsed) *incPathUsed = IncludePaths[i]; return f; } } errno = ENOENT; return NULL; } /* * Set up an include file for parsing */ void fstk_RunInclude(char *tzFileName) { char *incPathUsed = ""; FILE *f = fstk_FindFile(tzFileName, &incPathUsed); if (f == NULL) err(1, "Unable to open included file '%s'", tzFileName); pushcontext(); nLineNo = 1; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isInclude; snprintf(tzCurrentFileName, sizeof(tzCurrentFileName), "%s%s", incPathUsed, tzFileName); pCurrentFile = f; CurrentFlexHandle = yy_create_buffer(pCurrentFile); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); /* Dirty hack to give the INCLUDE directive a linefeed */ yyunput('\n'); nLineNo -= 1; } /* * Set up a macro for parsing */ uint32_t fstk_RunMacro(char *s) { struct sSymbol *sym = sym_FindMacro(s); int nPrintedChars; if (sym == NULL || sym->pMacro == NULL) return 0; pushcontext(); sym_SetMacroArgID(nMacroCount++); /* Minus 1 because there is a newline at the beginning of the buffer */ nLineNo = sym->nFileLine - 1; sym_UseNewMacroArgs(); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacro; nPrintedChars = snprintf(tzCurrentFileName, _MAX_PATH + 1, "%s::%s", sym->tzFileName, s); if (nPrintedChars > _MAX_PATH) { popcontext(); fatalerror("File name + macro name is too large to fit into buffer"); } pCurrentMacro = sym; CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes(pCurrentMacro->pMacro, strlen(pCurrentMacro->pMacro)); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); return 1; } /* * Set up a macroargument for parsing */ void fstk_RunMacroArg(int32_t s) { char *sym; if (s == '@') s = -1; else s -= '0'; sym = sym_FindMacroArg(s); if (sym == NULL) fatalerror("No such macroargument"); pushcontext(); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacroArg; snprintf(tzCurrentFileName, _MAX_PATH + 1, "%c", (uint8_t)s); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes(sym, strlen(sym)); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); } /* * Set up a stringequate for parsing */ void fstk_RunString(char *s) { const struct sSymbol *pSym = sym_FindSymbol(s); if (pSym != NULL) { pushcontext(); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacroArg; strcpy(tzCurrentFileName, s); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes(pSym->pMacro, strlen(pSym->pMacro)); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); } else { yyerror("No such string symbol '%s'", s); } } /* * Set up a repeat block for parsing */ void fstk_RunRept(uint32_t count, int32_t nReptLineNo) { if (count) { static const char *tzReptStr = "::REPT~1"; /* For error printing to make sense, fake nLineNo */ nCurrentREPTBodyLastLine = nLineNo; nLineNo = nReptLineNo; sym_UseCurrentMacroArgs(); pushcontext(); sym_SetMacroArgID(nMacroCount++); sym_UseNewMacroArgs(); nCurrentREPTBlockCount = count; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isREPTBlock; nCurrentREPTBlockSize = ulNewMacroSize; pCurrentREPTBlock = tzNewMacro; nCurrentREPTBodyFirstLine = nReptLineNo + 1; nLineNo = nReptLineNo; if (strlen(tzCurrentFileName) + strlen(tzReptStr) > _MAX_PATH) fatalerror("Cannot append \"%s\" to file path", tzReptStr); strcat(tzCurrentFileName, tzReptStr); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes(pCurrentREPTBlock, nCurrentREPTBlockSize); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); } } /* * Initialize the filestack routines */ void fstk_Init(char *pFileName) { char tzSymFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1 + 2]; snprintf(tzSymFileName, sizeof(tzSymFileName), "\"%s\"", pFileName); sym_AddString("__FILE__", tzSymFileName); pFileStack = NULL; if (strcmp(pFileName, "-") == 0) { pCurrentFile = stdin; } else { pCurrentFile = fopen(pFileName, "rb"); if (pCurrentFile == NULL) err(1, "Unable to open file '%s'", pFileName); } nFileStackDepth = 0; nMacroCount = 0; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isInclude; snprintf(tzCurrentFileName, _MAX_PATH + 1, "%s", pFileName); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_create_buffer(pCurrentFile); yy_switch_to_buffer(CurrentFlexHandle); nLineNo = 1; }