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<table class="head">
    <td class="head-ltitle">GBZ80(7)</td>
    <td class="head-vol">Miscellaneous Information Manual</td>
    <td class="head-rtitle">GBZ80(7)</td>
<div class="manual-text">
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="NAME"><a class="selflink" href="#NAME">NAME</a></h1>
<b class="Nm" title="Nm">gbz80</b> &#x2014; <span class="Nd" title="Nd">CPU
  opcode reference</span>
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="DESCRIPTION"><a class="selflink" href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
This is the list of opcodes supported by <a class="Xr" title="Xr">rgbasm(1)</a>,
  including a short description, the number of bytes needed to encode them and
  the number of CPU cycles at 1MHz (or 2MHz in GBC dual speed mode) needed to
  complete them.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Note: All arithmetic/logic operations that use register
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> as destination can omit the destination as it
  is assumed it's register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>. The following two
  lines have the same effect:
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="Bd" style="margin-left: 5.00ex;">
<pre class="Li">
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="LEGEND"><a class="selflink" href="#LEGEND">LEGEND</a></h1>
List of abbreviations used in this document.
<dl class="Bl-tag">
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">Any of the 8-bit registers (<b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">B</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">D</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">E</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">L</b>).</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">Any of the general-purpose 16-bit registers
      (<b class="Sy" title="Sy">BC</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">DE</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>).</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">8-bit integer constant.</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">16-bit integer constant.</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">e8</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">8-bit offset
      (<b class="Fl" title="Fl">-</b><b class="Sy" title="Sy">128</b> to
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">127</b>).</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">3-bit unsigned integer constant
      (<b class="Sy" title="Sy">0</b> to <b class="Sy" title="Sy">7</b>).</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">cc</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">Condition codes:
    <dl class="Bl-tag Bl-compact">
      <dt class="It-tag"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>:</dt>
      <dd class="It-tag">Execute if Z is set.</dd>
      <dt class="It-tag"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">NZ</b>:</dt>
      <dd class="It-tag">Execute if Z is not set.</dd>
      <dt class="It-tag"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>:</dt>
      <dd class="It-tag">Execute if C is set.</dd>
      <dt class="It-tag"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">NC</b>:</dt>
      <dd class="It-tag">Execute if C is not set.</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">&#x00A0;</dd>
  <dt class="It-tag"><var class="Ar" title="Ar">vec</var></dt>
  <dd class="It-tag">One of the <var class="Ar" title="Ar">RST</var> vectors
      (<b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x00</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x08</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x10</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x18</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x20</b>, <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x28</b>,
      <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x30</b> and
    <b class="Sy" title="Sy">0x38</b>).</dd>
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="INSTRUCTION_OVERVIEW"><a class="selflink" href="#INSTRUCTION_OVERVIEW">INSTRUCTION
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="8-bit_Arithmetic_and_Logic_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#8-bit_Arithmetic_and_Logic_Instructions">8-bit
  Arithmetic and Logic Instructions</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADC_A,r8">ADC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADC_A,[HL]">ADC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADC_A,n8">ADC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_A,r8">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_A,[HL]">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_A,n8">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#AND_A,r8">AND
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#AND_A,[HL]">AND
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#AND_A,n8">AND
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CP_A,r8">CP A,r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CP_A,[HL]">CP
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CP_A,n8">CP A,n8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DEC_r8">DEC r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DEC_[HL]">DEC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#INC_r8">INC r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#INC_[HL]">INC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#OR_A,r8">OR A,r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#OR_A,[HL]">OR
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#OR_A,n8">OR A,n8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SBC_A,r8">SBC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SBC_A,[HL]">SBC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SBC_A,n8">SBC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SUB_A,r8">SUB
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SUB_A,[HL]">SUB
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SUB_A,n8">SUB
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#XOR_A,r8">XOR
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#XOR_A,[HL]">XOR
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#XOR_A,n8">XOR
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="16-bit_Arithmetic_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#16-bit_Arithmetic_Instructions">16-bit
  Arithmetic Instructions</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_HL,r16">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DEC_r16">DEC r16</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#INC_r16">INC r16</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Bit_Operations_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#Bit_Operations_Instructions">Bit
  Operations Instructions</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#BIT_u3,r8">BIT
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#BIT_u3,[HL]">BIT
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RES_u3,r8">RES
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RES_u3,[HL]">RES
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SET_u3,r8">SET
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SET_u3,[HL]">SET
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SWAP_r8">SWAP r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SWAP_[HL]">SWAP
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Bit_Shift_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#Bit_Shift_Instructions">Bit
  Shift Instructions</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RL_r8">RL r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RL_[HL]">RL [HL]</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RLA">RLA</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RLC_r8">RLC r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RLC_[HL]">RLC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RLCA">RLCA</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RR_r8">RR r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RR_[HL]">RR [HL]</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RRA">RRA</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RRC_r8">RRC r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RRC_[HL]">RRC
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RRCA">RRCA</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SLA_r8">SLA r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SLA_[HL]">SLA
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRA_r8">SRA r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRA_[HL]">SRA
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRL_r8">SRL r8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRL_[HL]">SRL
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Load_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#Load_Instructions">Load
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_r8,r8">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_r8,n8">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_r16,n16">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[HL],r8">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[HL],n8">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_r8,[HL]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[r16],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[n16],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[$FF00+n8],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[$FF00+C],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[r16]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[n16]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[$FF00+n8]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[$FF00+C]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[HL+],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[HL-],A">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[HL+]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_A,[HL-]">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Jumps_and_Subroutines"><a class="selflink" href="#Jumps_and_Subroutines">Jumps
  and Subroutines</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CALL_n16">CALL
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CALL_cc,n16">CALL
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#JP_HL">JP HL</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#JP_n16">JP n16</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#JP_cc,n16">JP
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#JR_e8">JR e8</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#JR_cc,e8">JR
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RET_cc">RET cc</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RET">RET</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RETI">RETI</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RST_vec">RST vec</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Stack_Operations_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#Stack_Operations_Instructions">Stack
  Operations Instructions</a></h2>
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_HL,SP">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_SP,e8">ADD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DEC_SP">DEC SP</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#INC_SP">INC SP</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_SP,n16">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_[n16],SP">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_HL,SP+e8">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#LD_SP,HL">LD
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#POP_AF">POP AF</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#POP_r16">POP r16</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#PUSH_AF">PUSH AF</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#PUSH_r16">PUSH
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="Miscellaneous_Instructions"><a class="selflink" href="#Miscellaneous_Instructions">Miscellaneous
<dl class="Bl-inset Bl-compact">
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CCF">CCF</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CPL">CPL</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DAA">DAA</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DI">DI</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#EI">EI</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#HALT">HALT</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#NOP">NOP</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SCF">SCF</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
  <dt class="It-inset"><a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#STOP">STOP</a></dt>
  <dd class="It-inset"></dd>
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="INSTRUCTION_REFERENCE"><a class="selflink" href="#INSTRUCTION_REFERENCE">INSTRUCTION
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADC_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#ADC_A,r8">ADC
Add the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> plus the carry flag to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADC_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#ADC_A,[HL]">ADC
Add the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> plus the carry flag to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADC_A,r8">ADC A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADC_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#ADC_A,n8">ADC
Add the value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> plus the carry flag to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADC_A,r8">ADC A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_A,r8">ADD
Add the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_A,[HL]">ADD
Add the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_A,r8">ADD A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_A,n8">ADD
Add the value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_A,r8">ADD A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_HL,r16"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_HL,r16">ADD
Add the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_HL,SP"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_HL,SP">ADD
Add the value in <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#ADD_HL,r16">ADD HL,r16</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="ADD_SP,e8"><a class="selflink" href="#ADD_SP,e8">ADD
Add the signed value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">e8</var> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="AND_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#AND_A,r8">AND
Bitwise AND between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: 0</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="AND_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#AND_A,[HL]">AND
Bitwise AND between the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#AND_A,r8">AND A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="AND_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#AND_A,n8">AND
Bitwise AND between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#AND_A,r8">AND A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="BIT_u3,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#BIT_u3,r8">BIT
Test bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in register
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var>, set the zero flag if bit not set.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if the selected bit
      is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 1</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="BIT_u3,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#BIT_u3,[HL]">BIT
Test bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in the byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>, set the zero flag if bit not set.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#BIT_u3,r8">BIT u3,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CALL_n16"><a class="selflink" href="#CALL_n16">CALL
Call address <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 6
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CALL_cc,n16"><a class="selflink" href="#CALL_cc,n16">CALL
Call address <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> if condition
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">cc</var> is met.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 6/3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CCF"><a class="selflink" href="#CCF">CCF</a></h2>
Complement Carry Flag.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Complemented.</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CP_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#CP_A,r8">CP
Subtract the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> and set flags accordingly, but don't store the
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if no borrow from
      bit 4.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if no borrow (set if
      <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> &gt;
    <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>).</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CP_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#CP_A,[HL]">CP
Subtract the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> and set flags accordingly, but don't store the
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CP_A,r8">CP A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CP_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#CP_A,n8">CP
Subtract the value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> and set flags accordingly, but don't store the
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#CP_A,r8">CP A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="CPL"><a class="selflink" href="#CPL">CPL</a></h2>
Complement accumulator (<b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> =
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">~A</b>).
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 1</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DAA"><a class="selflink" href="#DAA">DAA</a></h2>
Decimal adjust register A to get a correct BCD representation after an
  arithmetic instruction.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set or reset depending
      on the operation.</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DEC_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#DEC_r8">DEC
Decrement value in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if no borrow from
      bit 4.</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DEC_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#DEC_[HL]">DEC
Decrement the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#DEC_r8">DEC r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DEC_r16"><a class="selflink" href="#DEC_r16">DEC
Decrement value in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DEC_SP"><a class="selflink" href="#DEC_SP">DEC
Decrement value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="DI"><a class="selflink" href="#DI">DI</a></h2>
Disable Interrupts.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="EI"><a class="selflink" href="#EI">EI</a></h2>
Enable Interrupts.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="HALT"><a class="selflink" href="#HALT">HALT</a></h2>
Enter CPU low power mode.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: -
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="INC_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#INC_r8">INC
Increment value in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="INC_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#INC_[HL]">INC
Increment the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#INC_r8">INC r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="INC_r16"><a class="selflink" href="#INC_r16">INC
Increment value in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="INC_SP"><a class="selflink" href="#INC_SP">INC
Increment value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b> by 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="JP_n16"><a class="selflink" href="#JP_n16">JP
Absolute jump to address <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="JP_cc,n16"><a class="selflink" href="#JP_cc,n16">JP
Absolute jump to address <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> if condition
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">cc</var> is met.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4/3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="JP_HL"><a class="selflink" href="#JP_HL">JP
Jump to address in <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>, that is, load
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">PC</b> with value in register
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="JR_e8"><a class="selflink" href="#JR_e8">JR
Relative jump by adding <var class="Ar" title="Ar">e8</var> to the current
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="JR_cc,e8"><a class="selflink" href="#JR_cc,e8">JR
Relative jump by adding <var class="Ar" title="Ar">e8</var> to the current
  address if condition <var class="Ar" title="Ar">cc</var> is met.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3/2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_r8,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_r8,r8">LD
Store value in register on the right into register on the left.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_r8,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_r8,n8">LD
Load value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> into register
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_r16,n16"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_r16,n16">LD
Load value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> into register
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[HL],r8"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[HL],r8">LD
Store value in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> into byte pointed by
  register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[HL],n8"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[HL],n8">LD
Store value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> into byte pointed by register
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_r8,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_r8,[HL]">LD
Load value into register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> from byte pointed
  by register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[r16],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[r16],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into address pointed by
  register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[n16],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[n16],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into address
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[$FF00+n8],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[$FF00+n8],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into high RAM or I/O
<div class="Pp"></div>
The following synonym forces this encoding: <b class="Sy" title="Sy">LDH
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[$FF00+C],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[$FF00+C],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into high RAM or I/O
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[r16]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[r16]">LD
Load value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from address pointed by
  register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[n16]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[n16]">LD
Load value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from address
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[$FF00+n8]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[$FF00+n8]">LD
Load value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from high RAM or I/O
<div class="Pp"></div>
The following synonym forces this encoding: <b class="Sy" title="Sy">LDH
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[$FF00+C]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[$FF00+C]">LD
Load value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from high RAM or I/O
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[HL+],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[HL+],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and post-increment
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[HL-],A"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[HL-],A">LD
Store value in register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> into byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and post-decrement
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[HL+]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[HL+]">LD
Load value into register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and post-increment
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_A,[HL-]"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_A,[HL-]">LD
Load value into register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> from byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and post-decrement
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_SP,n16"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_SP,n16">LD
Load value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> into register
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_[n16],SP"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_[n16],SP">LD
Store <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b> into addresses
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> (LSB) and
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n16</var> + 1 (MSB).
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 5
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_HL,SP+e8"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_HL,SP+e8">LD
Add the signed value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">e8</var> to
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b> and store the result in
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL.</b>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if overflow from bit
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if overflow from bit
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="LD_SP,HL"><a class="selflink" href="#LD_SP,HL">LD
Load register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> into register
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">SP</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="NOP"><a class="selflink" href="#NOP">NOP</a></h2>
No operation.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="OR_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#OR_A,r8">OR
Bitwise OR between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: 0</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="OR_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#OR_A,[HL]">OR
Bitwise OR between the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#OR_A,r8">OR A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="OR_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#OR_A,n8">OR
Bitwise OR between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#OR_A,r8">OR A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="POP_AF"><a class="selflink" href="#POP_AF">POP
Pop register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">AF</b> from the stack.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set from bit 7 of the
      popped low byte.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: Set from bit 6 of the
      popped low byte.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set from bit 5 of the
      popped low byte.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set from bit 4 of the
      popped low byte.</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="POP_r16"><a class="selflink" href="#POP_r16">POP
Pop register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var> from the stack.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 3
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="PUSH_AF"><a class="selflink" href="#PUSH_AF">PUSH
Push register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">AF</b> into the stack. The low byte's bit
  7 corresponds to the <b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b> flag, its bit 6 to the
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b> flag, bit 5 to the
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b> flag, and bit 4 to the
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b> flag. Bits 3 to 0 are reset.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="PUSH_r16"><a class="selflink" href="#PUSH_r16">PUSH
Push register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r16</var> into the stack.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RES_u3,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#RES_u3,r8">RES
Set bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in register
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> to 0.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RES_u3,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#RES_u3,[HL]">RES
Set bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in the byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> to 0.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RET"><a class="selflink" href="#RET">RET</a></h2>
Return from subroutine.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RET_cc"><a class="selflink" href="#RET_cc">RET
Return from subroutine if condition <var class="Ar" title="Ar">cc</var> is met.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 5/2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RETI"><a class="selflink" href="#RETI">RETI</a></h2>
Return from subroutine and enable interrupts.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RL_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#RL_r8">RL
Rotate register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> left through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RL_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#RL_[HL]">RL
Rotate value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> left through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RL_r8">RL r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RLA"><a class="selflink" href="#RLA">RLA</a></h2>
Rotate register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> left through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RLC_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#RLC_r8">RLC
Rotate register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> left.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- [7]</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RLC_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#RLC_[HL]">RLC
Rotate value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> left.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- [7]</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RLC_r8">RLC r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RLCA"><a class="selflink" href="#RLCA">RLCA</a></h2>
Rotate register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> left.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- [7]</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RR_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#RR_r8">RR
Rotate register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> right through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RR_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#RR_[HL]">RR
Rotate value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> right through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RR_r8">RR r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RRA"><a class="selflink" href="#RRA">RRA</a></h2>
Rotate register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> right through carry.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RRC_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#RRC_r8">RRC
Rotate register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> right.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">[0] -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RRC_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#RRC_[HL]">RRC
Rotate value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> right.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">[0] -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#RRC_r8">RRC r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RRCA"><a class="selflink" href="#RRCA">RRCA</a></h2>
Rotate register <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b> right.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">[0] -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="RST_vec"><a class="selflink" href="#RST_vec">RST
Call restart vector <var class="Ar" title="Ar">vec</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SBC_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SBC_A,r8">SBC
Subtract the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> and the carry flag
  from <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if no borrow from
      bit 4.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if no borrow (set if
      <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> &gt;
    <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>).</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SBC_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SBC_A,[HL]">SBC
Subtract the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and the carry flag
  from <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SBC_A,r8">SBC A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SBC_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#SBC_A,n8">SBC
Subtract the value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> and the carry flag from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SBC_A,r8">SBC A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SCF"><a class="selflink" href="#SCF">SCF</a></h2>
Set Carry Flag.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: 1</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SET_u3,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SET_u3,r8">SET
Set bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in register
  <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> to 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SET_u3,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SET_u3,[HL]">SET
Set bit <var class="Ar" title="Ar">u3</var> in the byte pointed by
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> to 1.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SLA_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SLA_r8">SLA
Shift left arithmetic register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- 0</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SLA_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SLA_[HL]">SLA
Shift left arithmetic value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">C &lt;- [7 &lt;- 0] &lt;- 0</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SLA_r8">SLA r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SRA_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SRA_r8">SRA
Shift right arithmetic register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">[7] -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SRA_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SRA_[HL]">SRA
Shift right arithmetic value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">[7] -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRA_r8">SRA r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SRL_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SRL_r8">SRL
Shift right logic register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">0 -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set according to
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SRL_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SRL_[HL]">SRL
Shift right logic value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
<div class="D1">0 -&gt; [7 -&gt; 0] -&gt; C</div>
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SRA_r8">SRA r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="STOP"><a class="selflink" href="#STOP">STOP</a></h2>
Enter CPU very low power mode. Also used to switch between double and normal
  speed CPU modes in GBC.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: -
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: None affected.
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SUB_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SUB_A,r8">SUB
Subtract the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 1</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: Set if no borrow from
      bit 4.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: Set if no borrow (set if
      <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> &gt;
    <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>).</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SUB_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SUB_A,[HL]">SUB
Subtract the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SUB_A,r8">SUB A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SUB_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#SUB_A,n8">SUB
Subtract the value <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> from
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SUB_A,r8">SUB A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SWAP_r8"><a class="selflink" href="#SWAP_r8">SWAP
Swap upper 4 bits in register <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> and the lower
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: 0</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="SWAP_[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#SWAP_[HL]">SWAP
Swap upper 4 bits in the byte pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and the
  lower ones.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 4
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#SWAP_r8">SWAP r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="XOR_A,r8"><a class="selflink" href="#XOR_A,r8">XOR
Bitwise XOR between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">r8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
<ul class="Bl-bullet Bl-compact">
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">Z</b>: Set if result is 0.</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">N</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">H</b>: 0</li>
  <li class="It-bullet"><b class="Sy" title="Sy">C</b>: 0</li>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="XOR_A,[HL]"><a class="selflink" href="#XOR_A,[HL]">XOR
Bitwise XOR between the value pointed by <b class="Sy" title="Sy">HL</b> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 1
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#XOR_A,r8">XOR A,r8</a>
<h2 class="Ss" title="Ss" id="XOR_A,n8"><a class="selflink" href="#XOR_A,n8">XOR
Bitwise XOR between the value in <var class="Ar" title="Ar">n8</var> and
  <b class="Sy" title="Sy">A</b>.
<div class="Pp"></div>
Cycles: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Bytes: 2
<div class="Pp"></div>
Flags: See <a class="Sx" title="Sx" href="#XOR_A,r8">XOR A,r8</a>
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="SEE_ALSO"><a class="selflink" href="#SEE_ALSO">SEE
<a class="Xr" title="Xr">rgbasm(1)</a>, <a class="Xr" title="Xr">rgbds(7)</a>
<h1 class="Sh" title="Sh" id="HISTORY"><a class="selflink" href="#HISTORY">HISTORY</a></h1>
<b class="Nm" title="Nm">rgbds</b> was originally written by Carsten
  S&#x00F8;rensen as part of the ASMotor package, and was later packaged in
  RGBDS by Justin Lloyd. It is now maintained by a number of contributors at
  <a class="Lk" title="Lk" href=""></a>.</div>
<table class="foot">
    <td class="foot-date">February 23, 2018</td>
    <td class="foot-os">RGBDS Manual</td>