ref: 1a98f20535a5007c3266d2731edd95b14aa3facd
dir: /src/link/object.c/
/* * Here we have the routines that read an objectfile * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "mylink.h" #include "main.h" struct sSymbol **tSymbols; struct sSection *pSections=NULL; struct sSection *pLibSections=NULL; UBYTE dummymem; BBOOL oReadLib=0; /* * The usual byte order stuff * */ SLONG readlong( FILE *f ) { SLONG r; r =fgetc(f); r|=fgetc(f)<<8; r|=fgetc(f)<<16; r|=fgetc(f)<<24; return( r ); } UWORD readword( FILE *f ) { UWORD r; r =fgetc(f); r|=fgetc(f)<<8; return( r ); } /* * Read a NULL terminated string from a file * */ SLONG readasciiz( char *s, FILE *f ) { SLONG r=0; while( ((*s++)=fgetc(f))!=0 ) r+=1; return( r+1 ); } /* * Allocate a new section and link it into the list * */ struct sSection *AllocSection( void ) { struct sSection **ppSections; if( oReadLib==1 ) ppSections=&pLibSections; else ppSections=&pSections; while( *ppSections ) ppSections=&((*ppSections)->pNext); if( (*ppSections)=(struct sSection *)malloc(sizeof(struct sSection)) ) { (*ppSections)->tSymbols=tSymbols; (*ppSections)->pNext=NULL; (*ppSections)->pPatches=NULL; (*ppSections)->oAssigned=0; return( *ppSections ); } else { fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); return( NULL ); } } /* * Read a symbol from a file * */ struct sSymbol *obj_ReadSymbol( FILE *f ) { char s[256]; struct sSymbol *pSym; if( pSym=(struct sSymbol *)malloc(sizeof(struct sSymbol)) ) { readasciiz( s, f ); if( pSym->pzName=(char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1) ) { strcpy( pSym->pzName, s ); if( (pSym->Type=(enum eSymbolType)fgetc(f))!=SYM_IMPORT ) { pSym->nSectionID=readlong(f); pSym->nOffset=readlong(f); } return( pSym ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); return( NULL ); } /* * RGB0 object reader routines * */ struct sSection *obj_ReadRGB0Section( FILE *f ) { struct sSection *pSection; pSection=AllocSection(); pSection->nByteSize=readlong( f ); pSection->Type=(enum eSectionType)fgetc( f ); pSection->nOrg=-1; pSection->nBank=-1; /* does the user want the -s mode? */ if( (options&OPT_SMALL) && (pSection->Type==SECT_CODE) ) { pSection->Type=SECT_HOME; } if( (pSection->Type==SECT_CODE) || (pSection->Type==SECT_HOME) ) { /* * These sectiontypes contain data... * */ if( pSection->nByteSize ) { if( pSection->pData=(UBYTE *)malloc(pSection->nByteSize) ) { SLONG nNumberOfPatches; struct sPatch **ppPatch, *pPatch; char s[256]; fread( pSection->pData, sizeof(UBYTE), pSection->nByteSize, f ); nNumberOfPatches=readlong(f); ppPatch=&pSection->pPatches; /* * And patches... * */ while( nNumberOfPatches-- ) { if( pPatch=(struct sPatch *)malloc(sizeof(struct sPatch)) ) { *ppPatch=pPatch; readasciiz( s, f ); if( pPatch->pzFilename=(char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1) ) { strcpy( pPatch->pzFilename, s ); pPatch->nLineNo=readlong( f ); pPatch->nOffset=readlong( f ); pPatch->Type=(enum ePatchType)fgetc( f ); if( (pPatch->nRPNSize=readlong(f))>0 ) { if( pPatch->pRPN=(UBYTE *)malloc(pPatch->nRPNSize) ) fread( pPatch->pRPN, sizeof(UBYTE), pPatch->nRPNSize, f ); else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else pPatch->pRPN=NULL; pPatch->pNext=NULL; ppPatch=&(pPatch->pNext); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else { readlong(f); // Skip number of patches pSection->pData=&dummymem; } } return( pSection ); } void obj_ReadRGB0( FILE *pObjfile ) { struct sSection *pFirstSection; SLONG nNumberOfSymbols, nNumberOfSections, i; nNumberOfSymbols=readlong( pObjfile ); nNumberOfSections=readlong( pObjfile ); /* First comes the symbols */ if( nNumberOfSymbols ) { if( tSymbols=(struct sSymbol **)malloc(nNumberOfSymbols*sizeof(struct sSymbol *)) ) { for( i=0; i<nNumberOfSymbols; i+=1 ) tSymbols[i]=obj_ReadSymbol( pObjfile ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else tSymbols=(struct sSymbol **)&dummymem; /* Next we have the sections */ pFirstSection=NULL; while( nNumberOfSections-- ) { struct sSection *pNewSection; pNewSection=obj_ReadRGB0Section( pObjfile ); pNewSection->nNumberOfSymbols=nNumberOfSymbols; if( pFirstSection==NULL ) pFirstSection=pNewSection; } /* * Fill in the pSection entry in the symbolstructure. * This REALLY needs some cleaning up... but, hey, it works * */ for( i=0; i<nNumberOfSymbols; i+=1 ) { struct sSection *pConvSect=pFirstSection; if( tSymbols[i]->Type!=SYM_IMPORT && tSymbols[i]->nSectionID!=-1 ) { SLONG j=0; while( j != tSymbols[i]->nSectionID ) { j+=1; pConvSect=pConvSect->pNext; } tSymbols[i]->pSection=pConvSect; } else tSymbols[i]->pSection=NULL; } } /* * RGB1 object reader routines * */ struct sSection *obj_ReadRGB1Section( FILE *f ) { struct sSection *pSection; pSection=AllocSection(); pSection->nByteSize=readlong( f ); pSection->Type=(enum eSectionType)fgetc( f ); /* * And because of THIS new feature I'll have to rewrite loads and * loads of stuff... oh well it needed to be done anyway * */ pSection->nOrg=readlong( f ); pSection->nBank=readlong( f ); /* does the user want the -s mode? */ if( (options&OPT_SMALL) && (pSection->Type==SECT_CODE) ) { pSection->Type=SECT_HOME; } if( (pSection->Type==SECT_CODE) || (pSection->Type==SECT_HOME) ) { /* * These sectiontypes contain data... * */ if( pSection->nByteSize ) { if( pSection->pData=(UBYTE *)malloc(pSection->nByteSize) ) { SLONG nNumberOfPatches; struct sPatch **ppPatch, *pPatch; char s[256]; fread( pSection->pData, sizeof(UBYTE), pSection->nByteSize, f ); nNumberOfPatches=readlong(f); ppPatch=&pSection->pPatches; /* * And patches... * */ while( nNumberOfPatches-- ) { if( pPatch=(struct sPatch *)malloc(sizeof(struct sPatch)) ) { *ppPatch=pPatch; readasciiz( s, f ); if( pPatch->pzFilename=(char *)malloc(strlen(s)+1) ) { strcpy( pPatch->pzFilename, s ); pPatch->nLineNo=readlong( f ); pPatch->nOffset=readlong( f ); pPatch->Type=(enum ePatchType)fgetc( f ); if( (pPatch->nRPNSize=readlong(f))>0 ) { if( pPatch->pRPN=(UBYTE *)malloc(pPatch->nRPNSize) ) fread( pPatch->pRPN, sizeof(UBYTE), pPatch->nRPNSize, f ); else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else pPatch->pRPN=NULL; pPatch->pNext=NULL; ppPatch=&(pPatch->pNext); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else { readlong(f); // Skip number of patches pSection->pData=&dummymem; } } return( pSection ); } void obj_ReadRGB1( FILE *pObjfile ) { struct sSection *pFirstSection; SLONG nNumberOfSymbols, nNumberOfSections, i; nNumberOfSymbols=readlong( pObjfile ); nNumberOfSections=readlong( pObjfile ); /* First comes the symbols */ if( nNumberOfSymbols ) { if( tSymbols=(struct sSymbol **)malloc(nNumberOfSymbols*sizeof(struct sSymbol *)) ) { for( i=0; i<nNumberOfSymbols; i+=1 ) tSymbols[i]=obj_ReadSymbol( pObjfile ); } else fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); } else tSymbols=(struct sSymbol **)&dummymem; /* Next we have the sections */ pFirstSection=NULL; while( nNumberOfSections-- ) { struct sSection *pNewSection; pNewSection=obj_ReadRGB1Section( pObjfile ); pNewSection->nNumberOfSymbols=nNumberOfSymbols; if( pFirstSection==NULL ) pFirstSection=pNewSection; } /* * Fill in the pSection entry in the symbolstructure. * This REALLY needs some cleaning up... but, hey, it works * */ for( i=0; i<nNumberOfSymbols; i+=1 ) { struct sSection *pConvSect=pFirstSection; if( tSymbols[i]->Type!=SYM_IMPORT && tSymbols[i]->nSectionID!=-1 ) { SLONG j=0; while( j != tSymbols[i]->nSectionID ) { j+=1; pConvSect=pConvSect->pNext; } tSymbols[i]->pSection=pConvSect; } else tSymbols[i]->pSection=NULL; } } /* * The main objectfileloadroutine (phew) * */ void obj_ReadOpenFile( FILE *pObjfile, char *tzObjectfile ) { char tzHeader[8]; fread( tzHeader, sizeof(char), 4, pObjfile ); tzHeader[4]=0; if( strncmp(tzHeader,"RGB", 3)==0 ) { switch( tzHeader[3] ) { case '0': obj_ReadRGB0( pObjfile ); break; case '1': case '2': // V2 is really the same but the are new patch types obj_ReadRGB1( pObjfile ); break; default: sprintf( temptext, "'%s' is an unsupported version\n", tzObjectfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); break; } } else { sprintf( temptext, "'%s' is not a valid object\n", tzObjectfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); } } void obj_Readfile( char *tzObjectfile ) { FILE *pObjfile; if( options&OPT_SMART_C_LINK ) oReadLib=1; else oReadLib=0; if( pObjfile=fopen(tzObjectfile,"rb") ) { obj_ReadOpenFile( pObjfile, tzObjectfile ); fclose( pObjfile ); } else { sprintf( temptext, "Unable to open '%s'\n", tzObjectfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); } oReadLib=0; } SLONG file_Length( FILE *f ) { ULONG r, p; p=ftell( f ); fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END ); r=ftell( f ); fseek( f, p, SEEK_SET ); return( r ); } void lib_ReadXLB0( FILE *f ) { SLONG size; size=file_Length( f )-4; while( size ) { char name[256]; size-=readasciiz( name, f ); readword( f ); size-=2; readword( f ); size-=2; size-=readlong( f ); size-=4; obj_ReadOpenFile( f, name ); } } void lib_Readfile( char *tzLibfile ) { FILE *pObjfile; oReadLib=1; if( pObjfile=fopen(tzLibfile,"rb") ) { char tzHeader[5]; fread( tzHeader, sizeof(char), 4, pObjfile ); tzHeader[4]=0; if( strcmp(tzHeader,"XLB0")==0 ) lib_ReadXLB0( pObjfile ); else { sprintf( temptext, "'%s' is an invalid library\n", tzLibfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); } fclose( pObjfile ); } else { sprintf( temptext, "Unable to open '%s'\n", tzLibfile ); fatalerror( temptext ); } }