ref: 1a98f20535a5007c3266d2731edd95b14aa3facd
dir: /src/asm/fstack.c/
/* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * INCLUDES * */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "symbol.h" #include "fstack.h" #include "types.h" #include "main.h" #include "lexer.h" /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * VARIABLES * */ struct sContext *pFileStack; struct sSymbol *pCurrentMacro; YY_BUFFER_STATE CurrentFlexHandle; FILE *pCurrentFile; ULONG nCurrentStatus; char tzCurrentFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; char IncludePaths[MAXINCPATHS][_MAX_PATH + 1]; SLONG NextIncPath = 0; ULONG nMacroCount; char *pCurrentREPTBlock; ULONG nCurrentREPTBlockSize; ULONG nCurrentREPTBlockCount; ULONG ulMacroReturnValue; /* * defines for nCurrentStatus */ #define STAT_isInclude 0 #define STAT_isMacro 1 #define STAT_isMacroArg 2 #define STAT_isREPTBlock 3 ULONG filesize (char *s) { FILE *f; ULONG size = 0; if( (f=fopen(s,"rt"))!=NULL ) { fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell (f); fclose (f); } return (size); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Context push and pop * */ void pushcontext (void) { struct sContext **ppFileStack; ppFileStack = &pFileStack; while (*ppFileStack) ppFileStack = &((*ppFileStack)->pNext); if( (*ppFileStack=(struct sContext *)malloc(sizeof (struct sContext)))!=NULL ) { (*ppFileStack)->FlexHandle = CurrentFlexHandle; (*ppFileStack)->pNext = NULL; strcpy ( (char *)(*ppFileStack)->tzFileName, (char *)tzCurrentFileName); (*ppFileStack)->nLine = nLineNo; switch ((*ppFileStack)->nStatus = nCurrentStatus) { case STAT_isMacroArg: case STAT_isMacro: sym_SaveCurrentMacroArgs ((*ppFileStack)->tzMacroArgs); (*ppFileStack)->pMacro = pCurrentMacro; break; case STAT_isInclude: (*ppFileStack)->pFile = pCurrentFile; break; case STAT_isREPTBlock: sym_SaveCurrentMacroArgs ((*ppFileStack)->tzMacroArgs); (*ppFileStack)->pREPTBlock = pCurrentREPTBlock; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBlockSize = nCurrentREPTBlockSize; (*ppFileStack)->nREPTBlockCount = nCurrentREPTBlockCount; break; } nLineNo = 0; } else fatalerror ("No memory for context"); } int popcontext (void) { struct sContext *pLastFile, **ppLastFile; if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isREPTBlock) { if (--nCurrentREPTBlockCount) { yy_delete_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes (pCurrentREPTBlock, nCurrentREPTBlockSize); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); sym_UseCurrentMacroArgs (); sym_SetMacroArgID (nMacroCount++); sym_UseNewMacroArgs (); return (0); } } if( (pLastFile=pFileStack)!=NULL ) { ppLastFile = &pFileStack; while (pLastFile->pNext) { ppLastFile = &(pLastFile->pNext); pLastFile = *ppLastFile; } yy_delete_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); nLineNo = pLastFile->nLine; if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isInclude) fclose (pCurrentFile); if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isMacro) { sym_FreeCurrentMacroArgs (); nLineNo += 1; } if (nCurrentStatus == STAT_isREPTBlock) nLineNo += 1; CurrentFlexHandle = pLastFile->FlexHandle; strcpy ((char *)tzCurrentFileName, (char *)pLastFile->tzFileName); switch (nCurrentStatus = pLastFile->nStatus) { case STAT_isMacroArg: case STAT_isMacro: sym_RestoreCurrentMacroArgs (pLastFile->tzMacroArgs); pCurrentMacro = pLastFile->pMacro; break; case STAT_isInclude: pCurrentFile = pLastFile->pFile; break; case STAT_isREPTBlock: sym_RestoreCurrentMacroArgs (pLastFile->tzMacroArgs); pCurrentREPTBlock = pLastFile->pREPTBlock; nCurrentREPTBlockSize = pLastFile->nREPTBlockSize; nCurrentREPTBlockCount = pLastFile->nREPTBlockCount; break; } free (*ppLastFile); *ppLastFile = NULL; yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); return (0); } else return (1); } int yywrap (void) { return (popcontext ()); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Dump the context stack to stdout * */ void fstk_Dump (void) { struct sContext *pLastFile; pLastFile = pFileStack; while (pLastFile) { printf ("%s(%ld) -> ", pLastFile->tzFileName, pLastFile->nLine); pLastFile = pLastFile->pNext; } printf ("%s(%ld)", tzCurrentFileName, nLineNo); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Extra includepath stuff * */ void fstk_AddIncludePath (char *s) { strcpy (IncludePaths[NextIncPath++], s); } void fstk_FindFile (char *s) { char t[_MAX_PATH + 1]; SLONG i = -1; strcpy (t, s); while (i < NextIncPath) { FILE *f; if( (f=fopen(t,"rb"))!=NULL ) { fclose (f); strcpy (s, t); return; } i += 1; if (i < NextIncPath) { strcpy (t, IncludePaths[i]); strcat (t, s); } } } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Set up an include file for parsing * */ ULONG fstk_RunInclude (char *s) { FILE *f; char tzFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; //printf( "INCLUDE: %s\n", s ); strcpy (tzFileName, s); fstk_FindFile (tzFileName); //printf( "INCLUDING: %s\n", tzFileName ); if( (f=fopen(tzFileName,"rt"))!=NULL ) { pushcontext (); nLineNo = 1; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isInclude; strcpy (tzCurrentFileName, tzFileName); pCurrentFile = f; CurrentFlexHandle = yy_create_buffer (pCurrentFile); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); // Dirty hack to give the INCLUDE directive a linefeed yyunput( '\n' ); nLineNo-=1; return (1); } else return (0); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Set up a macro for parsing * */ ULONG fstk_RunMacro (char *s) { struct sSymbol *sym; if( (sym=sym_FindMacro(s))!=NULL ) { pushcontext (); sym_SetMacroArgID (nMacroCount++); nLineNo = -1; sym_UseNewMacroArgs (); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacro; strcpy (tzCurrentFileName, s); pCurrentMacro = sym; CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes (pCurrentMacro->pMacro, pCurrentMacro->ulMacroSize); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); return (1); } else return (0); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Set up a macroargument for parsing * */ void fstk_RunMacroArg (SLONG s) { char *sym; if (s == '@') s = -1; else s -= '0'; if( (sym=sym_FindMacroArg(s))!=NULL ) { pushcontext (); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacroArg; sprintf (tzCurrentFileName, "%c", (UBYTE)s); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes (sym, strlen (sym)); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); } else fatalerror ("No such macroargument"); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Set up a stringequate for parsing * */ void fstk_RunString (char *s) { struct sSymbol *pSym; if( (pSym=sym_FindSymbol(s))!=NULL ) { pushcontext (); nCurrentStatus = STAT_isMacroArg; strcpy (tzCurrentFileName, s); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes (pSym->pMacro, strlen (pSym->pMacro)); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); } else yyerror ("No such string symbol"); } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Set up a repeat block for parsing * */ void fstk_RunRept (ULONG count) { if (count) { pushcontext (); sym_UseCurrentMacroArgs (); sym_SetMacroArgID (nMacroCount++); sym_UseNewMacroArgs (); nCurrentREPTBlockCount = count; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isREPTBlock; nCurrentREPTBlockSize = ulNewMacroSize; pCurrentREPTBlock = tzNewMacro; CurrentFlexHandle = yy_scan_bytes (pCurrentREPTBlock, nCurrentREPTBlockSize); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); } } /* * RGBAsm - FSTACK.C (FileStack routines) * * Initialize the filestack routines * */ ULONG fstk_Init (char *s) { char tzFileName[_MAX_PATH + 1]; sym_AddString ("__FILE__", s); strcpy (tzFileName, s); fstk_FindFile (tzFileName); pFileStack = NULL; if( (pCurrentFile=fopen(tzFileName,"rt"))!=NULL ) { nMacroCount = 0; nCurrentStatus = STAT_isInclude; strcpy (tzCurrentFileName, tzFileName); CurrentFlexHandle = yy_create_buffer (pCurrentFile); yy_switch_to_buffer (CurrentFlexHandle); nLineNo = 1; return (1); } else return (0); }