ref: 12ba057b4f74a6ef4989d0ceb4075ef74bcc6ea2
dir: /src/gfx/process.cpp/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2022, Eldred Habert and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include "gfx/process.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <assert.h> #include <cinttypes> #include <climits> #include <cstdio> #include <errno.h> #include <fstream> #include <memory> #include <optional> #include <png.h> #include <setjmp.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <tuple> #include <unordered_set> #include <utility> #include <vector> #include "defaultinitalloc.hpp" #include "helpers.h" #include "itertools.hpp" #include "gfx/main.hpp" #include "gfx/pal_packing.hpp" #include "gfx/pal_sorting.hpp" #include "gfx/proto_palette.hpp" class ImagePalette { // Use as many slots as there are CGB colors (plus transparency) std::array<std::optional<Rgba>, 0x8001> _colors; public: ImagePalette() = default; /* * Registers a color in the palette. * If the newly inserted color "conflicts" with another one (different color, but same CGB * color), then the other color is returned. Otherwise, `nullptr` is returned. */ [[nodiscard]] Rgba const *registerColor(Rgba const &rgba) { decltype(_colors)::value_type &slot = _colors[rgba.cgbColor()]; if (rgba.cgbColor() == Rgba::transparent) { options.hasTransparentPixels = true; } if (!slot.has_value()) { slot.emplace(rgba); } else if (*slot != rgba) { assert(slot->cgbColor() != UINT16_MAX); return &*slot; } return nullptr; } size_t size() const { return std::count_if(_colors.begin(), _colors.end(), [](decltype(_colors)::value_type const &slot) { return slot.has_value() && !slot->isTransparent(); }); } decltype(_colors) const &raw() const { return _colors; } auto begin() const { return _colors.begin(); } auto end() const { return _colors.end(); } }; class Png { std::string const &path; std::filebuf file{}; png_structp png = nullptr; png_infop info = nullptr; // These are cached for speed uint32_t width, height; DefaultInitVec<Rgba> pixels; ImagePalette colors; int colorType; int nbColors; png_colorp embeddedPal = nullptr; png_bytep transparencyPal = nullptr; [[noreturn]] static void handleError(png_structp png, char const *msg) { Png *self = reinterpret_cast<Png *>(png_get_error_ptr(png)); fatal("Error reading input image (\"%s\"): %s", self->path.c_str(), msg); } static void handleWarning(png_structp png, char const *msg) { Png *self = reinterpret_cast<Png *>(png_get_error_ptr(png)); warning("In input image (\"%s\"): %s", self->path.c_str(), msg); } static void readData(png_structp png, png_bytep data, size_t length) { Png *self = reinterpret_cast<Png *>(png_get_io_ptr(png)); std::streamsize expectedLen = length; std::streamsize nbBytesRead = self->file.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(data), expectedLen); if (nbBytesRead != expectedLen) { fatal("Error reading input image (\"%s\"): file too short (expected at least %zd more " "bytes after reading %lld)", self->path.c_str(), length - nbBytesRead, self->file.pubseekoff(0, std::ios_base::cur)); } } public: ImagePalette const &getColors() const { return colors; } int getColorType() const { return colorType; } std::tuple<int, png_const_colorp, png_bytep> getEmbeddedPal() const { return {nbColors, embeddedPal, transparencyPal}; } uint32_t getWidth() const { return width; } uint32_t getHeight() const { return height; } Rgba &pixel(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) { return pixels[y * width + x]; } Rgba const &pixel(uint32_t x, uint32_t y) const { return pixels[y * width + x]; } bool isSuitableForGrayscale() const { // Check that all of the grays don't fall into the same "bin" if (colors.size() > options.maxOpaqueColors()) { // Apply the Pigeonhole Principle options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_DEBUG, "Too many colors for grayscale sorting (%zu > %" PRIu8 ")\n", colors.size(), options.maxOpaqueColors()); return false; } uint8_t bins = 0; for (auto const &color : colors) { if (!color.has_value() || color->isTransparent()) { continue; } if (!color->isGray()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_DEBUG, "Found non-gray color #%08x, not using grayscale sorting\n", color->toCSS()); return false; } uint8_t mask = 1 << color->grayIndex(); if (bins & mask) { // Two in the same bin! options.verbosePrint( Options::VERB_DEBUG, "Color #%08x conflicts with another one, not using grayscale sorting\n", color->toCSS()); return false; } bins |= mask; } return true; } /* * Reads a PNG and notes all of its colors * * This code is more complicated than strictly necessary, but that's because of the API * being used: the "high-level" interface doesn't provide all the transformations we need, * so we use the "lower-level" one instead. * We also use that occasion to only read the PNG one line at a time, since we store all of * the pixel data in `pixels`, which saves on memory allocations. */ explicit Png(std::string const &filePath) : path(filePath), colors() { if (, std::ios_base::in | std::ios_base::binary) == nullptr) { fatal("Failed to open input image (\"%s\"): %s", path.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Opened input file\n"); std::array<unsigned char, 8> pngHeader; if (file.sgetn(reinterpret_cast<char *>(, pngHeader.size()) != static_cast<std::streamsize>(pngHeader.size()) // Not enough bytes? || png_sig_cmp(, 0, pngHeader.size()) != 0) { fatal("Input file (\"%s\") is not a PNG image!", path.c_str()); } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "PNG header signature is OK\n"); png = png_create_read_struct(PNG_LIBPNG_VER_STRING, (png_voidp)this, handleError, handleWarning); if (!png) { fatal("Failed to allocate PNG structure: %s", strerror(errno)); } info = png_create_info_struct(png); if (!info) { png_destroy_read_struct(&png, nullptr, nullptr); fatal("Failed to allocate PNG info structure: %s", strerror(errno)); } png_set_read_fn(png, this, readData); png_set_sig_bytes(png, pngHeader.size()); // TODO: png_set_crc_action(png, PNG_CRC_ERROR_QUIT, PNG_CRC_WARN_DISCARD); // Skipping chunks we don't use should improve performance // TODO: png_set_keep_unknown_chunks(png, ...); // Process all chunks up to but not including the image data png_read_info(png, info); int bitDepth, interlaceType; //, compressionType, filterMethod; png_get_IHDR(png, info, &width, &height, &bitDepth, &colorType, &interlaceType, nullptr, nullptr); if (options.inputSlice.width == 0 && width % 8 != 0) { fatal("Image width (%" PRIu32 " pixels) is not a multiple of 8!", width); } if (options.inputSlice.height == 0 && height % 8 != 0) { fatal("Image height (%" PRIu32 " pixels) is not a multiple of 8!", height); } pixels.resize(static_cast<size_t>(width) * static_cast<size_t>(height)); auto colorTypeName = [this]() { switch (colorType) { case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: return "grayscale"; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: return "grayscale + alpha"; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: return "palette"; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB: return "RGB"; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: return "RGB + alpha"; default: fatal("Unknown color type %d", colorType); } }; auto interlaceTypeName = [&interlaceType]() { switch (interlaceType) { case PNG_INTERLACE_NONE: return "not interlaced"; case PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7: return "interlaced (Adam7)"; default: fatal("Unknown interlace type %d", interlaceType); } }; options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Input image: %" PRIu32 "x%" PRIu32 " pixels, %dbpp %s, %s\n", width, height, bitDepth, colorTypeName(), interlaceTypeName()); if (png_get_PLTE(png, info, &embeddedPal, &nbColors) != 0) { int nbTransparentEntries; if (png_get_tRNS(png, info, &transparencyPal, &nbTransparentEntries, nullptr)) { assert(nbTransparentEntries == nbColors); } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Embedded palette has %d colors: [", nbColors); for (int i = 0; i < nbColors; ++i) { auto const &color = embeddedPal[i]; options.verbosePrint( Options::VERB_INTERM, "#%02x%02x%02x%02x%s",,,, transparencyPal ? transparencyPal[i] : 0xFF, i != nbColors - 1 ? ", " : "]\n"); } } else { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "No embedded palette\n"); } // Set up transformations; to turn everything into RGBA888 // TODO: it's not necessary to uniformize the pixel data (in theory), and not doing // so *might* improve performance, and should reduce memory usage. // Convert grayscale to RGB switch (colorType & ~PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA) { case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_GRAY: png_set_gray_to_rgb(png); // This also converts tRNS to alpha break; case PNG_COLOR_TYPE_PALETTE: png_set_palette_to_rgb(png); break; } if (png_get_valid(png, info, PNG_INFO_tRNS)) { // If we read a tRNS chunk, convert it to alpha png_set_tRNS_to_alpha(png); } else if (!(colorType & PNG_COLOR_MASK_ALPHA)) { // Otherwise, if we lack an alpha channel, default to full opacity png_set_add_alpha(png, 0xFFFF, PNG_FILLER_AFTER); } // Scale 16bpp back to 8 (we don't need all of that precision anyway) if (bitDepth == 16) { png_set_scale_16(png); } else if (bitDepth < 8) { png_set_packing(png); } // Do NOT call `png_set_interlace_handling`. We want to expand the rows ourselves. // Update `info` with the transformations png_read_update_info(png, info); // These shouldn't have changed assert(png_get_image_width(png, info) == width); assert(png_get_image_height(png, info) == height); // These should have changed, however assert(png_get_color_type(png, info) == PNG_COLOR_TYPE_RGBA); assert(png_get_bit_depth(png, info) == 8); // Now that metadata has been read, we can process the image data size_t nbRowBytes = png_get_rowbytes(png, info); assert(nbRowBytes != 0); DefaultInitVec<png_byte> row(nbRowBytes); // Holds known-conflicting color pairs to avoid warning about them twice. // We don't need to worry about transitivity, as ImagePalette slots are immutable once // assigned, and conflicts always occur between that and another color. // For the same reason, we don't need to worry about order, either. std::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t>> conflicts; // Holds colors whose alpha value is ambiguous std::vector<uint32_t> indeterminates; // Assign a color to the given position, and register it in the image palette as well auto assignColor = [this, &conflicts, &indeterminates](png_uint_32 x, png_uint_32 y, Rgba &&color) { if (!color.isTransparent() && !color.isOpaque()) { uint32_t css = color.toCSS(); if (std::find(indeterminates.begin(), indeterminates.end(), css) == indeterminates.end()) { error("Color #%08x is neither transparent (alpha < %u) nor opaque (alpha >= " "%u) [first seen at x: %" PRIu32 ", y: %" PRIu32 "]", css, Rgba::transparency_threshold, Rgba::opacity_threshold, x, y); indeterminates.push_back(css); } } else if (Rgba const *other = colors.registerColor(color); other) { std::tuple conflicting{color.toCSS(), other->toCSS()}; // Do not report combinations twice if (std::find(conflicts.begin(), conflicts.end(), conflicting) == conflicts.end()) { warning("Fusing colors #%08x and #%08x into Game Boy color $%04x [first seen " "at x: %" PRIu32 ", y: %" PRIu32 "]", std::get<0>(conflicting), std::get<1>(conflicting), color.cgbColor(), x, y); // Do not report this combination again conflicts.emplace_back(conflicting); } } pixel(x, y) = color; }; if (interlaceType == PNG_INTERLACE_NONE) { for (png_uint_32 y = 0; y < height; ++y) { png_read_row(png,, nullptr); for (png_uint_32 x = 0; x < width; ++x) { assignColor(x, y, Rgba(row[x * 4], row[x * 4 + 1], row[x * 4 + 2], row[x * 4 + 3])); } } } else { assert(interlaceType == PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7); // For interlace to work properly, we must read the image `nbPasses` times for (int pass = 0; pass < PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7_PASSES; ++pass) { // The interlacing pass must be skipped if its width or height is reported as zero if (PNG_PASS_COLS(width, pass) == 0 || PNG_PASS_ROWS(height, pass) == 0) { continue; } png_uint_32 xStep = 1u << PNG_PASS_COL_SHIFT(pass); png_uint_32 yStep = 1u << PNG_PASS_ROW_SHIFT(pass); for (png_uint_32 y = PNG_PASS_START_ROW(pass); y < height; y += yStep) { png_bytep ptr =; png_read_row(png, ptr, nullptr); for (png_uint_32 x = PNG_PASS_START_COL(pass); x < width; x += xStep) { assignColor(x, y, Rgba(ptr[0], ptr[1], ptr[2], ptr[3])); ptr += 4; } } } } // We don't care about chunks after the image data (comments, etc.) png_read_end(png, nullptr); } ~Png() { png_destroy_read_struct(&png, &info, nullptr); } class TilesVisitor { Png const &_png; bool const _columnMajor; uint32_t const _width, _height; uint32_t const _limit = _columnMajor ? _height : _width; public: TilesVisitor(Png const &png, bool columnMajor, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) : _png(png), _columnMajor(columnMajor), _width(width), _height(height) {} class Tile { Png const &_png; public: uint32_t const x, y; Tile(Png const &png, uint32_t x_, uint32_t y_) : _png(png), x(x_), y(y_) {} Rgba pixel(uint32_t xOfs, uint32_t yOfs) const { return _png.pixel(x + xOfs, y + yOfs); } }; private: struct iterator { TilesVisitor const &parent; uint32_t const limit; uint32_t x, y; std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> coords() const { return {x + options.inputSlice.left, y +}; } Tile operator*() const { return {parent._png, x + options.inputSlice.left, y +}; } iterator &operator++() { auto [major, minor] = parent._columnMajor ? std::tie(y, x) : std::tie(x, y); major += 8; if (major == limit) { minor += 8; major = 0; } return *this; } friend bool operator==(iterator const &lhs, iterator const &rhs) { return lhs.coords() == rhs.coords(); // Compare the returned coord pairs } friend bool operator!=(iterator const &lhs, iterator const &rhs) { return lhs.coords() != rhs.coords(); // Compare the returned coord pairs } }; public: iterator begin() const { return {*this, _limit, 0, 0}; } iterator end() const { iterator it{*this, _limit, _width - 8, _height - 8}; // Last valid one... return ++it; // one-past-last! } }; public: TilesVisitor visitAsTiles() const { return {*this, options.columnMajor, options.inputSlice.width ? options.inputSlice.width * 8 : width, options.inputSlice.height ? options.inputSlice.height * 8 : height}; } }; class RawTiles { /* * A tile which only contains indices into the image's global palette */ class RawTile { std::array<std::array<size_t, 8>, 8> _pixelIndices{}; public: // Not super clean, but it's closer to matrix notation size_t &operator()(size_t x, size_t y) { return _pixelIndices[y][x]; } }; private: std::vector<RawTile> _tiles; public: /* * Creates a new raw tile, and returns a reference to it so it can be filled in */ RawTile &newTile() { _tiles.emplace_back(); return _tiles.back(); } }; struct AttrmapEntry { /* * This field can either be a proto-palette ID, or `transparent` to indicate that the * corresponding tile is fully transparent. If you are looking to get the palette ID for this * attrmap entry while correctly handling the above, use `getPalID`. */ size_t protoPaletteID; // Only this field is used when outputting "unoptimized" data uint8_t tileID; // This is the ID as it will be output to the tilemap bool bank; bool yFlip; bool xFlip; static constexpr decltype(protoPaletteID) transparent = SIZE_MAX; size_t getPalID(DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) const { return protoPaletteID == transparent ? 0 : mappings[protoPaletteID]; } }; static std::tuple<DefaultInitVec<size_t>, std::vector<Palette>> generatePalettes(std::vector<ProtoPalette> const &protoPalettes, Png const &png) { // Run a "pagination" problem solver // TODO: allow picking one of several solvers? auto [mappings, nbPalettes] = packing::overloadAndRemove(protoPalettes); assert(mappings.size() == protoPalettes.size()); if (options.verbosity >= Options::VERB_INTERM) { fprintf(stderr, "Proto-palette mappings: (%zu palette%s)\n", nbPalettes, nbPalettes != 1 ? "s" : ""); for (size_t i = 0; i < mappings.size(); ++i) { fprintf(stderr, "%zu -> %zu\n", i, mappings[i]); } } std::vector<Palette> palettes(nbPalettes); // If the image contains at least one transparent pixel, force transparency in the first slot of // all palettes if (options.hasTransparentPixels) { for (Palette &pal : palettes) { pal.colors[0] = Rgba::transparent; } } // Generate the actual palettes from the mappings for (size_t protoPalID = 0; protoPalID < mappings.size(); ++protoPalID) { auto &pal = palettes[mappings[protoPalID]]; for (uint16_t color : protoPalettes[protoPalID]) { pal.addColor(color); } } // "Sort" colors in the generated palettes, see the man page for the flowchart auto [embPalSize, embPalRGB, embPalAlpha] = png.getEmbeddedPal(); if (embPalRGB != nullptr) { sorting::indexed(palettes, embPalSize, embPalRGB, embPalAlpha); } else if (png.isSuitableForGrayscale()) { sorting::grayscale(palettes, png.getColors().raw()); } else { sorting::rgb(palettes); } return {mappings, palettes}; } static std::tuple<DefaultInitVec<size_t>, std::vector<Palette>> makePalsAsSpecified(std::vector<ProtoPalette> const &protoPalettes, Png const &png) { if (options.palSpecType == Options::EMBEDDED) { // Generate a palette spec from the first few colors in the embedded palette auto [embPalSize, embPalRGB, embPalAlpha] = png.getEmbeddedPal(); if (embPalRGB == nullptr) { fatal("`-c embedded` was given, but the PNG does not have an embedded palette!"); } // Fill in the palette spec options.palSpec.emplace_back(); // A single palette, with `#00000000`s (transparent) assert(options.palSpec.size() == 1); if (embPalSize > options.maxOpaqueColors()) { // Ignore extraneous colors if they are unused embPalSize = options.maxOpaqueColors(); } for (int i = 0; i < embPalSize; ++i) { options.palSpec[0][i] = Rgba(embPalRGB[i].red, embPalRGB[i].green, embPalRGB[i].blue, embPalAlpha ? embPalAlpha[i] : 0xFF); } } // Convert the palette spec to actual palettes std::vector<Palette> palettes(options.palSpec.size()); for (auto [spec, pal] : zip(options.palSpec, palettes)) { for (size_t i = 0; i < options.nbColorsPerPal && spec[i].isOpaque(); ++i) { pal[i] = spec[i].cgbColor(); } } auto listColors = [](auto const &list) { static char buf[sizeof(", $XXXX, $XXXX, $XXXX, $XXXX")]; char *ptr = buf; for (uint16_t cgbColor : list) { sprintf(ptr, ", $%04x", cgbColor); ptr += 7; } return &buf[2]; }; // Iterate through proto-palettes, and try mapping them to the specified palettes DefaultInitVec<size_t> mappings(protoPalettes.size()); bool bad = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < protoPalettes.size(); ++i) { ProtoPalette const &protoPal = protoPalettes[i]; // Find the palette... auto iter = std::find_if(palettes.begin(), palettes.end(), [&protoPal](Palette const &pal) { // ...which contains all colors in this proto-pal return std::all_of(protoPal.begin(), protoPal.end(), [&pal](uint16_t color) { return std::find(pal.begin(), pal.end(), color) != pal.end(); }); }); if (iter == palettes.end()) { assert(!protoPal.empty()); error("Could not fit tile colors [%s] in specified palettes", listColors(protoPal)); bad = true; } mappings[i] = iter - palettes.begin(); // Bogus value, but whatever } if (bad) { fprintf(stderr, "note: The following palette%s specified:\n", palettes.size() == 1 ? " was" : "s were"); for (Palette const &pal : palettes) { fprintf(stderr, " [%s]\n", listColors(pal)); } giveUp(); } return {mappings, palettes}; } static void outputPalettes(std::vector<Palette> const &palettes) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", options.palettes.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } for (Palette const &palette : palettes) { for (uint8_t i = 0; i < options.nbColorsPerPal; ++i) { uint16_t color = palette.colors[i]; // Will return `UINT16_MAX` for unused slots output.sputc(color & 0xFF); output.sputc(color >> 8); } } } class TileData { std::array<uint8_t, 16> _data; // The hash is a bit lax: it's the XOR of all lines, and every other nibble is identical // if horizontal mirroring is in effect. It should still be a reasonable tie-breaker in // non-pathological cases. uint16_t _hash; public: // This is an index within the "global" pool; no bank info is encoded here // It's marked as `mutable` so that it can be modified even on a `const` object; // this is necessary because the `set` in which it's inserted refuses any modification for fear // of altering the element's hash, but the tile ID is not part of it. mutable uint16_t tileID; static uint16_t rowBitplanes(Png::TilesVisitor::Tile const &tile, Palette const &palette, uint32_t y) { uint16_t row = 0; for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { row <<= 1; uint8_t index = palette.indexOf(tile.pixel(x, y).cgbColor()); assert(index < palette.size()); // The color should be in the palette if (index & 1) { row |= 1; } if (index & 2) { row |= 0x100; } } return row; } TileData(Png::TilesVisitor::Tile const &tile, Palette const &palette) : _hash(0) { size_t writeIndex = 0; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { uint16_t bitplanes = rowBitplanes(tile, palette, y); _data[writeIndex++] = bitplanes & 0xFF; if (options.bitDepth == 2) { _data[writeIndex++] = bitplanes >> 8; } // Update the hash _hash ^= bitplanes; if (options.allowMirroring) { // Count the line itself as mirrorred; vertical mirroring is // already taken care of because the symmetric line will be XOR'd // the same way. (...which is a problem, but probably benign.) _hash ^= flipTable[bitplanes >> 8] << 8 | flipTable[bitplanes & 0xFF]; } } } auto const &data() const { return _data; } uint16_t hash() const { return _hash; } enum MatchType { NOPE, EXACT, HFLIP, VFLIP, VHFLIP, }; MatchType tryMatching(TileData const &other) const { // Check for strict equality first, as that can typically be optimized, and it allows // hoisting the mirroring check out of the loop if (_data == other._data) { return MatchType::EXACT; } if (!options.allowMirroring) { return MatchType::NOPE; } // Check if we have horizontal mirroring, which scans the array forward again if (std::equal(_data.begin(), _data.end(), other._data.begin(), [](uint8_t lhs, uint8_t rhs) { return lhs == flipTable[rhs]; })) { return MatchType::HFLIP; } // Check if we have vertical or vertical+horizontal mirroring, for which we have to read // bitplane *pairs* backwards bool hasVFlip = true, hasVHFlip = true; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < _data.size(); ++i) { // Flip the bottom bit to get the corresponding row's bitplane 0/1 // (This works because the array size is even) uint8_t lhs = _data[i], rhs = other._data[(15 - i) ^ 1]; if (lhs != rhs) { hasVFlip = false; } if (lhs != flipTable[rhs]) { hasVHFlip = false; } if (!hasVFlip && !hasVHFlip) { return MatchType::NOPE; // If both have been eliminated, all hope is lost! } } // If we have both (i.e. we have symmetry), default to vflip only assert(hasVFlip || hasVHFlip); return hasVFlip ? MatchType::VFLIP : MatchType::VHFLIP; } friend bool operator==(TileData const &lhs, TileData const &rhs) { return lhs.tryMatching(rhs) != MatchType::NOPE; } }; template<> struct std::hash<TileData> { std::size_t operator()(TileData const &tile) const { return tile.hash(); } }; namespace unoptimized { static void outputTileData(Png const &png, DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> const &attrmap, std::vector<Palette> const &palettes, DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", options.output.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } uint64_t remainingTiles = (png.getWidth() / 8) * (png.getHeight() / 8); if (remainingTiles <= options.trim) { return; } remainingTiles -= options.trim; for (auto [tile, attr] : zip(png.visitAsTiles(), attrmap)) { // If the tile is fully transparent, default to palette 0 Palette const &palette = palettes[attr.getPalID(mappings)]; for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { uint16_t bitplanes = TileData::rowBitplanes(tile, palette, y); output.sputc(bitplanes & 0xFF); if (options.bitDepth == 2) { output.sputc(bitplanes >> 8); } } --remainingTiles; if (remainingTiles == 0) { break; } } assert(remainingTiles == 0); } static void outputMaps(DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> const &attrmap, DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) { std::optional<std::filebuf> tilemapOutput, attrmapOutput, palmapOutput; if (!options.tilemap.empty()) { tilemapOutput.emplace(); if (!tilemapOutput->open(options.tilemap, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", options.tilemap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } if (!options.attrmap.empty()) { attrmapOutput.emplace(); if (!attrmapOutput->open(options.attrmap, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", options.attrmap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } if (!options.palmap.empty()) { palmapOutput.emplace(); if (!palmapOutput->open(options.palmap, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to open \"%s\": %s", options.palmap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } } uint8_t tileID = 0; uint8_t bank = 0; for (auto attr : attrmap) { if (tileID == options.maxNbTiles[bank]) { assert(bank == 0); bank = 1; tileID = 0; } if (tilemapOutput.has_value()) { tilemapOutput->sputc(tileID + options.baseTileIDs[bank]); } if (attrmapOutput.has_value()) { uint8_t palID = attr.getPalID(mappings) & 7; attrmapOutput->sputc(palID | bank << 3); // The other flags are all 0 } if (palmapOutput.has_value()) { palmapOutput->sputc(attr.getPalID(mappings)); } ++tileID; } } } // namespace unoptimized namespace optimized { struct UniqueTiles { std::unordered_set<TileData> tileset; std::vector<TileData const *> tiles; UniqueTiles() = default; // Copies are likely to break pointers, so we really don't want those. // Copy elision should be relied on to be more sure that refs won't be invalidated, too! UniqueTiles(UniqueTiles const &) = delete; UniqueTiles(UniqueTiles &&) = default; /* * Adds a tile to the collection, and returns its ID */ std::tuple<uint16_t, TileData::MatchType> addTile(Png::TilesVisitor::Tile const &tile, Palette const &palette) { TileData newTile(tile, palette); auto [tileData, inserted] = tileset.insert(newTile); TileData::MatchType matchType = TileData::EXACT; if (inserted) { // Give the new tile the next available unique ID tileData->tileID = static_cast<uint16_t>(tiles.size()); // Pointers are never invalidated! tiles.emplace_back(&*tileData); } else { matchType = tileData->tryMatching(newTile); } return {tileData->tileID, matchType}; } auto size() const { return tiles.size(); } auto begin() const { return tiles.begin(); } auto end() const { return tiles.end(); } }; /* * Generate tile data while deduplicating unique tiles (via mirroring if enabled) * Additionally, while we have the info handy, convert from the 16-bit "global" tile IDs to * 8-bit tile IDs + the bank bit; this will save the work when we output the data later (potentially * twice) */ static UniqueTiles dedupTiles(Png const &png, DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> &attrmap, std::vector<Palette> const &palettes, DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) { // Iterate throughout the image, generating tile data as we go // (We don't need the full tile data to be able to dedup tiles, but we don't lose anything // by caching the full tile data anyway, so we might as well.) UniqueTiles tiles; for (auto [tile, attr] : zip(png.visitAsTiles(), attrmap)) { auto [tileID, matchType] = tiles.addTile(tile, palettes[mappings[attr.protoPaletteID]]); attr.xFlip = matchType == TileData::HFLIP || matchType == TileData::VHFLIP; attr.yFlip = matchType == TileData::VFLIP || matchType == TileData::VHFLIP; = tileID >= options.maxNbTiles[0]; attr.tileID = ( ? tileID - options.maxNbTiles[0] : tileID) + options.baseTileIDs[]; } // Copy elision should prevent the contained `unordered_set` from being re-constructed return tiles; } static void outputTileData(UniqueTiles const &tiles) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to create \"%s\": %s", options.output.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } uint16_t tileID = 0; for (auto iter = tiles.begin(), end = tiles.end() - options.trim; iter != end; ++iter) { TileData const *tile = *iter; assert(tile->tileID == tileID); ++tileID; output.sputn(reinterpret_cast<char const *>(tile->data().data()), options.bitDepth * 8); } } static void outputTilemap(DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> const &attrmap) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to create \"%s\": %s", options.tilemap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } for (AttrmapEntry const &entry : attrmap) { output.sputc(entry.tileID); // The tile ID has already been converted } } static void outputAttrmap(DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> const &attrmap, DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to create \"%s\": %s", options.attrmap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } for (AttrmapEntry const &entry : attrmap) { uint8_t attr = entry.xFlip << 5 | entry.yFlip << 6; attr |= << 3; attr |= entry.getPalID(mappings) & 7; output.sputc(attr); } } static void outputPalmap(DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> const &attrmap, DefaultInitVec<size_t> const &mappings) { std::filebuf output; if (!, std::ios_base::out | std::ios_base::binary)) { fatal("Failed to create \"%s\": %s", options.attrmap.c_str(), strerror(errno)); } for (AttrmapEntry const &entry : attrmap) { output.sputc(entry.getPalID(mappings)); } } } // namespace optimized void process() { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_CFG, "Using libpng %s\n", png_get_libpng_ver(nullptr)); options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Reading tiles...\n"); Png png(options.input); // This also sets `hasTransparentPixels` as a side effect ImagePalette const &colors = png.getColors(); // Now, we have all the image's colors in `colors` // The next step is to order the palette if (options.verbosity >= Options::VERB_INTERM) { fputs("Image colors: [ ", stderr); for (auto const &slot : colors) { if (!slot.has_value()) { continue; } fprintf(stderr, "#%08x, ", slot->toCSS()); } fputs("]\n", stderr); } // Now, iterate through the tiles, generating proto-palettes as we go // We do this unconditionally because this performs the image validation (which we want to // perform even if no output is requested), and because it's necessary to generate any // output (with the exception of an un-duplicated tilemap, but that's an acceptable loss.) std::vector<ProtoPalette> protoPalettes; DefaultInitVec<AttrmapEntry> attrmap{}; for (auto tile : png.visitAsTiles()) { ProtoPalette tileColors; AttrmapEntry &attrs = attrmap.emplace_back(); for (uint32_t y = 0; y < 8; ++y) { for (uint32_t x = 0; x < 8; ++x) { Rgba color = tile.pixel(x, y); if (!color.isTransparent()) { // Do not count transparency in for packing tileColors.add(color.cgbColor()); } } } if (tileColors.empty()) { // "Empty" proto-palettes screw with the packing process, so discard those attrs.protoPaletteID = AttrmapEntry::transparent; continue; } // Insert the proto-palette, making sure to avoid overlaps for (size_t n = 0; n < protoPalettes.size(); ++n) { switch ([n])) { case ProtoPalette::WE_BIGGER: protoPalettes[n] = tileColors; // Override them // Remove any other proto-palettes that we encompass // (Example [(0, 1), (0, 2)], inserting (0, 1, 2)) /* * The following code does its job, except that references to the removed * proto-palettes are not updated, causing issues. * TODO: overlap might not be detrimental to the packing algorithm. * Investigation is necessary, especially if pathological cases are found. * * for (size_t i = protoPalettes.size(); --i != n;) { * if ([i]) == ProtoPalette::WE_BIGGER) { * protoPalettes.erase(protoPalettes.begin() + i); * } * } */ [[fallthrough]]; case ProtoPalette::THEY_BIGGER: // Do nothing, they already contain us attrs.protoPaletteID = n; goto contained; case ProtoPalette::NEITHER: break; // Keep going } } if (tileColors.size() > options.maxOpaqueColors()) { fatal("Tile at (%" PRIu32 ", %" PRIu32 ") has %zu opaque colors, more than %" PRIu8 "!", tile.x, tile.y, tileColors.size(), options.maxOpaqueColors()); } attrs.protoPaletteID = protoPalettes.size(); if (protoPalettes.size() == AttrmapEntry::transparent) { // Check for overflow fatal("Reached %zu proto-palettes... sorry, this image is too much for me to handle :(", AttrmapEntry::transparent); } protoPalettes.push_back(tileColors); contained:; } options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_INTERM, "Image contains %zu proto-palette%s\n", protoPalettes.size(), protoPalettes.size() != 1 ? "s" : ""); if (options.verbosity >= Options::VERB_INTERM) { for (auto const &protoPal : protoPalettes) { fputs("[ ", stderr); for (uint16_t color : protoPal) { fprintf(stderr, "$%04x, ", color); } fputs("]\n", stderr); } } auto [mappings, palettes] = options.palSpecType == Options::NO_SPEC ? generatePalettes(protoPalettes, png) : makePalsAsSpecified(protoPalettes, png); if (options.verbosity >= Options::VERB_INTERM) { for (auto &&palette : palettes) { fputs("{ ", stderr); for (uint16_t colorIndex : palette) { fprintf(stderr, "%04" PRIx16 ", ", colorIndex); } fputs("}\n", stderr); } } if (palettes.size() > options.nbPalettes) { // If the palette generation is wrong, other (dependee) operations are likely to be // nonsensical, so fatal-error outright fatal("Generated %zu palettes, over the maximum of %" PRIu8, palettes.size(), options.nbPalettes); } if (!options.palettes.empty()) { outputPalettes(palettes); } // If deduplication is not happening, we just need to output the tile data and/or maps as-is if (!options.allowDedup) { uint32_t const nbTilesH = png.getHeight() / 8, nbTilesW = png.getWidth() / 8; // Check the tile count if (nbTilesW * nbTilesH > options.maxNbTiles[0] + options.maxNbTiles[1]) { fatal("Image contains %" PRIu32 " tiles, exceeding the limit of %" PRIu16 " + %" PRIu16, nbTilesW * nbTilesH, options.maxNbTiles[0], options.maxNbTiles[1]); } if (!options.output.empty()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating unoptimized tile data...\n"); unoptimized::outputTileData(png, attrmap, palettes, mappings); } if (!options.tilemap.empty() || !options.attrmap.empty() || !options.palmap.empty()) { options.verbosePrint( Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating unoptimized tilemap and/or attrmap and/or palmap...\n"); unoptimized::outputMaps(attrmap, mappings); } } else { // All of these require the deduplication process to be performed to be output options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Deduplicating tiles...\n"); optimized::UniqueTiles tiles = optimized::dedupTiles(png, attrmap, palettes, mappings); if (tiles.size() > options.maxNbTiles[0] + options.maxNbTiles[1]) { fatal("Image contains %zu tiles, exceeding the limit of %" PRIu16 " + %" PRIu16, tiles.size(), options.maxNbTiles[0], options.maxNbTiles[1]); } if (!options.output.empty()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating optimized tile data...\n"); optimized::outputTileData(tiles); } if (!options.tilemap.empty()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating optimized tilemap...\n"); optimized::outputTilemap(attrmap); } if (!options.attrmap.empty()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating optimized attrmap...\n"); optimized::outputAttrmap(attrmap, mappings); } if (!options.palmap.empty()) { options.verbosePrint(Options::VERB_LOG_ACT, "Generating optimized palmap...\n"); optimized::outputPalmap(attrmap, mappings); } } }