ref: 12ba057b4f74a6ef4989d0ceb4075ef74bcc6ea2
dir: /src/asm/main.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2018, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <ctype.h> #include <errno.h> #include <float.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "asm/charmap.h" #include "asm/fixpoint.h" #include "asm/format.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/lexer.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/opt.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "asm/rpn.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/warning.h" #include "parser.h" #include "extern/getopt.h" #include "helpers.h" #include "error.h" #include "version.h" #ifdef __clang__ #if __has_feature(address_sanitizer) && !defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__) #define __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ #endif // __has_feature(address_sanitizer) && !defined(__SANITIZE_ADDRESS__) #endif // __clang__ #ifdef __SANITIZE_ADDRESS__ // There are known, non-trivial to fix leaks. We would still like to have `make develop' // detect memory corruption, though. char const *__asan_default_options(void) { return "detect_leaks=0"; } #endif // Old Bison versions (confirmed for 2.3) do not forward-declare `yyparse` in the generated header // Unfortunately, macOS still ships 2.3, which is from 2008... int yyparse(void); FILE *dependfile = NULL; bool generatedMissingIncludes = false; bool failedOnMissingInclude = false; bool generatePhonyDeps = false; char *targetFileName = NULL; bool haltnop; bool warnOnHaltNop; bool optimizeLoads; bool warnOnLdOpt; bool verbose; bool warnings; // True to enable warnings, false to disable them. // Escapes Make-special chars from a string static char *make_escape(char const *str) { char * const escaped_str = malloc(strlen(str) * 2 + 1); char *dest = escaped_str; if (escaped_str == NULL) err("%s: Failed to allocate memory", __func__); while (*str) { // All dollars needs to be doubled if (*str == '$') *dest++ = '$'; *dest++ = *str++; } *dest = '\0'; return escaped_str; } // Short options static const char *optstring = "b:D:Eg:Hhi:I:LlM:o:P:p:Q:r:VvW:w"; // Variables for the long-only options static int depType; // Variants of `-M` // Equivalent long options // Please keep in the same order as short opts // // Also, make sure long opts don't create ambiguity: // A long opt's name should start with the same letter as its short opt, // except if it doesn't create any ambiguity (`verbose` versus `version`). // This is because long opt matching, even to a single char, is prioritized // over short opt matching static struct option const longopts[] = { { "binary-digits", required_argument, NULL, 'b' }, { "define", required_argument, NULL, 'D' }, { "export-all", no_argument, NULL, 'E' }, { "gfx-chars", required_argument, NULL, 'g' }, { "nop-after-halt", no_argument, NULL, 'H' }, { "halt-without-nop", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "include", required_argument, NULL, 'I' }, { "preserve-ld", no_argument, NULL, 'L' }, { "auto-ldh", no_argument, NULL, 'l' }, { "dependfile", required_argument, NULL, 'M' }, { "MG", no_argument, &depType, 'G' }, { "MP", no_argument, &depType, 'P' }, { "MT", required_argument, &depType, 'T' }, { "MQ", required_argument, &depType, 'Q' }, { "output", required_argument, NULL, 'o' }, { "preinclude", required_argument, NULL, 'P' }, { "pad-value", required_argument, NULL, 'p' }, { "q-precision", required_argument, NULL, 'Q' }, { "recursion-depth", required_argument, NULL, 'r' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'V' }, { "verbose", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { "warning", required_argument, NULL, 'W' }, { NULL, no_argument, NULL, 0 } }; static void print_usage(void) { fputs( "Usage: rgbasm [-EHhLlVvw] [-b chars] [-D name[=value]] [-g chars] [-I path]\n" " [-M depend_file] [-MG] [-MP] [-MT target_file] [-MQ target_file]\n" " [-o out_file] [-P include_file] [-p pad_value] [-Q precision]\n" " [-r depth] [-W warning] <file>\n" "Useful options:\n" " -E, --export-all export all labels\n" " -M, --dependfile <path> set the output dependency file\n" " -o, --output <path> set the output object file\n" " -p, --pad-value <value> set the value to use for `ds'\n" " -V, --version print RGBASM version and exit\n" " -W, --warning <warning> enable or disable warnings\n" "\n" "For help, use `man rgbasm' or go to\n", stderr); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { time_t now = time(NULL); char const *sourceDateEpoch = getenv("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH"); // Support SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH for reproducible builds // if (sourceDateEpoch) now = (time_t)strtoul(sourceDateEpoch, NULL, 0); // Perform some init for below sym_Init(now); // Set defaults opt_B("01"); opt_G("0123"); opt_P(0); opt_Q(16); haltnop = true; warnOnHaltNop = true; optimizeLoads = true; warnOnLdOpt = true; verbose = false; warnings = true; sym_SetExportAll(false); uint32_t maxDepth = DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH; char *dependFileName = NULL; size_t targetFileNameLen = 0; int ch; char *ep; while ((ch = musl_getopt_long_only(argc, argv, optstring, longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': if (strlen(musl_optarg) == 2) opt_B(musl_optarg); else errx("Must specify exactly 2 characters for option 'b'"); break; char *equals; case 'D': equals = strchr(musl_optarg, '='); if (equals) { *equals = '\0'; sym_AddString(musl_optarg, equals + 1); } else { sym_AddString(musl_optarg, "1"); } break; case 'E': sym_SetExportAll(true); break; case 'g': if (strlen(musl_optarg) == 4) opt_G(musl_optarg); else errx("Must specify exactly 4 characters for option 'g'"); break; case 'H': if (!haltnop) errx("`-H` and `-h` don't make sense together"); warnOnHaltNop = false; break; case 'h': if (!warnOnHaltNop) errx("`-H` and `-h` don't make sense together"); haltnop = false; break; // `-i` was the only short option for `--include` until `-I` was // introduced to better match the `-I dir` option of gcc and clang. // `-i` is now undocumented but still supported for now. case 'I': case 'i': fstk_AddIncludePath(musl_optarg); break; case 'L': if (!warnOnLdOpt) errx("`-L` and `-l` don't make sense together"); optimizeLoads = false; break; case 'l': if (!optimizeLoads) errx("`-L` and `-l` don't make sense together"); warnOnLdOpt = false; break; case 'M': if (dependfile) warnx("Overriding dependfile %s", dependFileName); if (!strcmp("-", musl_optarg)) { dependfile = stdout; dependFileName = "<stdout>"; } else { dependfile = fopen(musl_optarg, "w"); dependFileName = musl_optarg; } if (dependfile == NULL) err("Could not open dependfile %s", dependFileName); break; case 'o': out_SetFileName(musl_optarg); break; case 'P': fstk_SetPreIncludeFile(musl_optarg); break; unsigned long padByte; case 'p': padByte = strtoul(musl_optarg, &ep, 0); if (musl_optarg[0] == '\0' || *ep != '\0') errx("Invalid argument for option 'p'"); if (padByte > 0xFF) errx("Argument for option 'p' must be between 0 and 0xFF"); opt_P(padByte); break; unsigned long precision; const char *precisionArg; case 'Q': precisionArg = musl_optarg; if (precisionArg[0] == '.') precisionArg++; precision = strtoul(precisionArg, &ep, 0); if (musl_optarg[0] == '\0' || *ep != '\0') errx("Invalid argument for option 'Q'"); if (precision < 1 || precision > 31) errx("Argument for option 'Q' must be between 1 and 31"); opt_Q(precision); break; case 'r': maxDepth = strtoul(musl_optarg, &ep, 0); if (musl_optarg[0] == '\0' || *ep != '\0') errx("Invalid argument for option 'r'"); break; case 'V': printf("rgbasm %s\n", get_package_version_string()); exit(0); case 'v': verbose = true; break; case 'W': processWarningFlag(musl_optarg); break; case 'w': warnings = false; break; // Long-only options case 0: switch (depType) { case 'G': generatedMissingIncludes = true; break; case 'P': generatePhonyDeps = true; break; char *newTarget; case 'Q': case 'T': newTarget = musl_optarg; if (depType == 'Q') newTarget = make_escape(newTarget); size_t newTargetLen = strlen(newTarget) + 1; // Plus the space targetFileName = realloc(targetFileName, targetFileNameLen + newTargetLen + 1); if (targetFileName == NULL) err("Cannot append new file to target file list"); memcpy(&targetFileName[targetFileNameLen], newTarget, newTargetLen); if (depType == 'Q') free(newTarget); targetFileNameLen += newTargetLen; targetFileName[targetFileNameLen - 1] = ' '; break; } break; // Unrecognized options default: print_usage(); // NOTREACHED } } if (targetFileName == NULL) targetFileName = objectName; else targetFileName[targetFileNameLen - 1] = '\0'; // Overwrite the last space if (argc == musl_optind) { fputs("FATAL: Please specify an input file (pass `-` to read from standard input)\n", stderr); print_usage(); } else if (argc != musl_optind + 1) { fputs("FATAL: More than one input file specified\n", stderr); print_usage(); } char const *mainFileName = argv[musl_optind]; if (verbose) printf("Assembling %s\n", mainFileName); if (dependfile) { if (!targetFileName) errx("Dependency files can only be created if a target file is specified with either -o, -MQ or -MT"); fprintf(dependfile, "%s: %s\n", targetFileName, mainFileName); } charmap_New(DEFAULT_CHARMAP_NAME, NULL); // Init lexer and file stack, providing file info lexer_Init(); fstk_Init(mainFileName, maxDepth); // Perform parse (yyparse is auto-generated from `parser.y`) if (yyparse() != 0 && nbErrors == 0) nbErrors = 1; if (dependfile) fclose(dependfile); sect_CheckUnionClosed(); if (nbErrors != 0) errx("Assembly aborted (%u error%s)!", nbErrors, nbErrors == 1 ? "" : "s"); // If parse aborted due to missing an include, and `-MG` was given, exit normally if (failedOnMissingInclude) return 0; // If no path specified, don't write file if (objectName != NULL) out_WriteObject(); return 0; }