ref: 12ba057b4f74a6ef4989d0ceb4075ef74bcc6ea2
dir: /src/asm/fstack.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 1997-2018, Carsten Sorensen and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <assert.h> #include <errno.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/macro.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/warning.h" #include "error.h" #include "platform.h" // S_ISDIR (stat macro) #define MAXINCPATHS 128 struct Context { struct Context *parent; struct FileStackNode *fileInfo; struct LexerState *lexerState; uint32_t uniqueID; struct MacroArgs *macroArgs; // Macro args are *saved* here uint32_t nbReptIters; int32_t forValue; int32_t forStep; char *forName; }; static struct Context *contextStack; static size_t contextDepth = 0; size_t maxRecursionDepth; static unsigned int nbIncPaths = 0; static char const *includePaths[MAXINCPATHS]; static const char *preIncludeName; static const char *dumpNodeAndParents(struct FileStackNode const *node) { char const *name; if (node->type == NODE_REPT) { assert(node->parent); // REPT nodes should always have a parent struct FileStackReptNode const *reptInfo = (struct FileStackReptNode const *)node; name = dumpNodeAndParents(node->parent); fprintf(stderr, "(%" PRIu32 ") -> %s", node->lineNo, name); for (uint32_t i = reptInfo->reptDepth; i--; ) fprintf(stderr, "::REPT~%" PRIu32, reptInfo->iters[i]); } else { name = ((struct FileStackNamedNode const *)node)->name; if (node->parent) { dumpNodeAndParents(node->parent); fprintf(stderr, "(%" PRIu32 ") -> %s", node->lineNo, name); } else { fputs(name, stderr); } } return name; } void fstk_Dump(struct FileStackNode const *node, uint32_t lineNo) { dumpNodeAndParents(node); fprintf(stderr, "(%" PRIu32 ")", lineNo); } void fstk_DumpCurrent(void) { if (!contextStack) { fputs("at top level", stderr); return; } fstk_Dump(contextStack->fileInfo, lexer_GetLineNo()); } struct FileStackNode *fstk_GetFileStack(void) { if (!contextStack) return NULL; struct FileStackNode *node = contextStack->fileInfo; // Mark node and all of its parents as referenced if not already so they don't get freed while (node && !node->referenced) { node->ID = -1; node->referenced = true; node = node->parent; } return contextStack->fileInfo; } char const *fstk_GetFileName(void) { // Iterating via the nodes themselves skips nested REPTs struct FileStackNode const *node = contextStack->fileInfo; while (node->type != NODE_FILE) node = node->parent; return ((struct FileStackNamedNode const *)node)->name; } void fstk_AddIncludePath(char const *path) { if (path[0] == '\0') return; if (nbIncPaths >= MAXINCPATHS) { error("Too many include directories passed from command line\n"); return; } size_t len = strlen(path); size_t allocSize = len + (path[len - 1] != '/') + 1; char *str = malloc(allocSize); if (!str) { // Attempt to continue without that path error("Failed to allocate new include path: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } memcpy(str, path, len); char *end = str + len - 1; if (*end++ != '/') *end++ = '/'; *end = '\0'; includePaths[nbIncPaths++] = str; } void fstk_SetPreIncludeFile(char const *path) { if (preIncludeName) warnx("Overriding pre-included filename %s", preIncludeName); preIncludeName = path; if (verbose) printf("Pre-included filename %s\n", preIncludeName); } static void printDep(char const *path) { if (dependfile) { fprintf(dependfile, "%s: %s\n", targetFileName, path); if (generatePhonyDeps) fprintf(dependfile, "%s:\n", path); } } static bool isPathValid(char const *path) { struct stat statbuf; if (stat(path, &statbuf) != 0) return false; // Reject directories return !S_ISDIR(statbuf.st_mode); } bool fstk_FindFile(char const *path, char **fullPath, size_t *size) { if (!*size) { *size = 64; // This is arbitrary, really *fullPath = realloc(*fullPath, *size); if (!*fullPath) error("realloc error during include path search: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if (*fullPath) { for (size_t i = 0; i <= nbIncPaths; ++i) { char const *incPath = i ? includePaths[i - 1] : ""; int len = snprintf(*fullPath, *size, "%s%s", incPath, path); if (len < 0) { error("snprintf error during include path search: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } // Oh how I wish `asnprintf` was standard... if ((size_t)len >= *size) { // `size` includes the terminator, `len` doesn't *size = len + 1; *fullPath = realloc(*fullPath, *size); if (!*fullPath) { error("realloc error during include path search: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } len = sprintf(*fullPath, "%s%s", incPath, path); if (len < 0) { error("sprintf error during include path search: %s\n", strerror(errno)); break; } } if (isPathValid(*fullPath)) { printDep(*fullPath); return true; } } } errno = ENOENT; if (generatedMissingIncludes) printDep(path); return false; } bool yywrap(void) { uint32_t ifDepth = lexer_GetIFDepth(); if (ifDepth != 0) fatalerror("Ended block with %" PRIu32 " unterminated IF construct%s\n", ifDepth, ifDepth == 1 ? "" : "s"); if (contextStack->fileInfo->type == NODE_REPT) { // The context is a REPT or FOR block, which may loop struct FileStackReptNode *fileInfo = (struct FileStackReptNode *)contextStack->fileInfo; // If the node is referenced, we can't edit it; duplicate it if (contextStack->fileInfo->referenced) { size_t size = sizeof(*fileInfo) + sizeof(fileInfo->iters[0]) * fileInfo->reptDepth; struct FileStackReptNode *copy = malloc(size); if (!copy) fatalerror("Failed to duplicate REPT file node: %s\n", strerror(errno)); // Copy all info but the referencing memcpy(copy, fileInfo, size); copy-> = NULL; copy->node.referenced = false; fileInfo = copy; contextStack->fileInfo = (struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo; } // If this is a FOR, update the symbol value if (contextStack->forName && fileInfo->iters[0] <= contextStack->nbReptIters) { contextStack->forValue += contextStack->forStep; struct Symbol *sym = sym_AddVar(contextStack->forName, contextStack->forValue); // This error message will refer to the current iteration if (sym->type != SYM_VAR) fatalerror("Failed to update FOR symbol value\n"); } // Advance to the next iteration fileInfo->iters[0]++; // If this wasn't the last iteration, wrap instead of popping if (fileInfo->iters[0] <= contextStack->nbReptIters) { lexer_RestartRept(contextStack->fileInfo->lineNo); contextStack->uniqueID = macro_UseNewUniqueID(); return false; } } else if (!contextStack->parent) { return true; } struct Context *context = contextStack; contextStack = contextStack->parent; assert(contextDepth != 0); // This is never supposed to underflow contextDepth--; lexer_DeleteState(context->lexerState); // Restore args if a macro (not REPT) saved them if (context->fileInfo->type == NODE_MACRO) macro_UseNewArgs(contextStack->macroArgs); // Free the file stack node if (!context->fileInfo->referenced) free(context->fileInfo); // Free the FOR symbol name free(context->forName); // Free the entry and make its parent the current entry free(context); lexer_SetState(contextStack->lexerState); macro_SetUniqueID(contextStack->uniqueID); return false; } // Make sure not to switch the lexer state before calling this, so the saved line no is correct. // BE CAREFUL! This modifies the file stack directly, you should have set up the file info first. // Callers should set contextStack->lexerState after this so it is not NULL. static void newContext(struct FileStackNode *fileInfo) { ++contextDepth; fstk_NewRecursionDepth(maxRecursionDepth); // Only checks if the max depth was exceeded // Save the current `\@` value, to be restored when this context ends contextStack->uniqueID = macro_GetUniqueID(); struct Context *context = malloc(sizeof(*context)); if (!context) fatalerror("Failed to allocate memory for new context: %s\n", strerror(errno)); fileInfo->parent = contextStack->fileInfo; fileInfo->lineNo = 0; // Init to a default value, see struct definition for info fileInfo->referenced = false; fileInfo->lineNo = lexer_GetLineNo(); context->fileInfo = fileInfo; context->forName = NULL; // Link new entry to its parent so it's reachable later // ERRORS SHOULD NOT OCCUR AFTER THIS! context->parent = contextStack; contextStack = context; } void fstk_RunInclude(char const *path) { char *fullPath = NULL; size_t size = 0; if (!fstk_FindFile(path, &fullPath, &size)) { free(fullPath); if (generatedMissingIncludes) { if (verbose) printf("Aborting (-MG) on INCLUDE file '%s' (%s)\n", path, strerror(errno)); failedOnMissingInclude = true; } else { error("Unable to open included file '%s': %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); } return; } struct FileStackNamedNode *fileInfo = malloc(sizeof(*fileInfo) + size); if (!fileInfo) { error("Failed to alloc file info for INCLUDE: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fileInfo->node.type = NODE_FILE; strcpy(fileInfo->name, fullPath); free(fullPath); newContext((struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo); contextStack->lexerState = lexer_OpenFile(fileInfo->name); if (!contextStack->lexerState) fatalerror("Failed to set up lexer for file include\n"); lexer_SetStateAtEOL(contextStack->lexerState); // We're back at top-level, so most things are reset contextStack->uniqueID = macro_UndefUniqueID(); } // Similar to `fstk_RunInclude`, but not subject to `-MG`, and // calling `lexer_SetState` instead of `lexer_SetStateAtEOL`. static void runPreIncludeFile(void) { if (!preIncludeName) return; char *fullPath = NULL; size_t size = 0; if (!fstk_FindFile(preIncludeName, &fullPath, &size)) { free(fullPath); error("Unable to open included file '%s': %s\n", preIncludeName, strerror(errno)); return; } struct FileStackNamedNode *fileInfo = malloc(sizeof(*fileInfo) + size); if (!fileInfo) { error("Failed to alloc file info for pre-include: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return; } fileInfo->node.type = NODE_FILE; strcpy(fileInfo->name, fullPath); free(fullPath); newContext((struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo); contextStack->lexerState = lexer_OpenFile(fileInfo->name); if (!contextStack->lexerState) fatalerror("Failed to set up lexer for file include\n"); lexer_SetState(contextStack->lexerState); // We're back at top-level, so most things are reset contextStack->uniqueID = macro_UndefUniqueID(); } void fstk_RunMacro(char const *macroName, struct MacroArgs *args) { struct Symbol *macro = sym_FindExactSymbol(macroName); if (!macro) { error("Macro \"%s\" not defined\n", macroName); return; } if (macro->type != SYM_MACRO) { error("\"%s\" is not a macro\n", macroName); return; } contextStack->macroArgs = macro_GetCurrentArgs(); // Compute total length of this node's name: <base name>::<macro> size_t reptNameLen = 0; struct FileStackNode const *node = macro->src; if (node->type == NODE_REPT) { struct FileStackReptNode const *reptNode = (struct FileStackReptNode const *)node; // 4294967295 = 2^32 - 1, aka UINT32_MAX reptNameLen += reptNode->reptDepth * strlen("::REPT~4294967295"); // Look for next named node do { node = node->parent; } while (node->type == NODE_REPT); } struct FileStackNamedNode const *baseNode = (struct FileStackNamedNode const *)node; size_t baseLen = strlen(baseNode->name); size_t macroNameLen = strlen(macro->name); struct FileStackNamedNode *fileInfo = malloc(sizeof(*fileInfo) + baseLen + reptNameLen + 2 + macroNameLen + 1); if (!fileInfo) { error("Failed to alloc file info for \"%s\": %s\n", macro->name, strerror(errno)); return; } fileInfo->node.type = NODE_MACRO; // Print the name... char *dest = fileInfo->name; memcpy(dest, baseNode->name, baseLen); dest += baseLen; if (node->type == NODE_REPT) { struct FileStackReptNode const *reptNode = (struct FileStackReptNode const *)node; for (uint32_t i = reptNode->reptDepth; i--; ) { int nbChars = sprintf(dest, "::REPT~%" PRIu32, reptNode->iters[i]); if (nbChars < 0) fatalerror("Failed to write macro invocation info: %s\n", strerror(errno)); dest += nbChars; } } *dest++ = ':'; *dest++ = ':'; memcpy(dest, macro->name, macroNameLen + 1); newContext((struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo); contextStack->lexerState = lexer_OpenFileView("MACRO", macro->macro, macro->macroSize, macro->fileLine); if (!contextStack->lexerState) fatalerror("Failed to set up lexer for macro invocation\n"); lexer_SetStateAtEOL(contextStack->lexerState); contextStack->uniqueID = macro_UseNewUniqueID(); macro_UseNewArgs(args); } static bool newReptContext(int32_t reptLineNo, char *body, size_t size) { uint32_t reptDepth = contextStack->fileInfo->type == NODE_REPT ? ((struct FileStackReptNode *)contextStack->fileInfo)->reptDepth : 0; struct FileStackReptNode *fileInfo = malloc(sizeof(*fileInfo) + (reptDepth + 1) * sizeof(fileInfo->iters[0])); if (!fileInfo) { error("Failed to alloc file info for REPT: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return false; } fileInfo->node.type = NODE_REPT; fileInfo->reptDepth = reptDepth + 1; fileInfo->iters[0] = 1; if (reptDepth) // Copy all parent iter counts memcpy(&fileInfo->iters[1], ((struct FileStackReptNode *)contextStack->fileInfo)->iters, reptDepth * sizeof(fileInfo->iters[0])); newContext((struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo); // Correct our line number, which currently points to the `ENDR` line contextStack->fileInfo->lineNo = reptLineNo; contextStack->lexerState = lexer_OpenFileView("REPT", body, size, reptLineNo); if (!contextStack->lexerState) fatalerror("Failed to set up lexer for REPT block\n"); lexer_SetStateAtEOL(contextStack->lexerState); contextStack->uniqueID = macro_UseNewUniqueID(); return true; } void fstk_RunRept(uint32_t count, int32_t reptLineNo, char *body, size_t size) { if (count == 0) return; if (!newReptContext(reptLineNo, body, size)) return; contextStack->nbReptIters = count; contextStack->forName = NULL; } void fstk_RunFor(char const *symName, int32_t start, int32_t stop, int32_t step, int32_t reptLineNo, char *body, size_t size) { struct Symbol *sym = sym_AddVar(symName, start); if (sym->type != SYM_VAR) return; uint32_t count = 0; if (step > 0 && start < stop) count = (stop - start - 1) / step + 1; else if (step < 0 && stop < start) count = (start - stop - 1) / -step + 1; else if (step == 0) error("FOR cannot have a step value of 0\n"); if ((step > 0 && start > stop) || (step < 0 && start < stop)) warning(WARNING_BACKWARDS_FOR, "FOR goes backwards from %d to %d by %d\n", start, stop, step); if (count == 0) return; if (!newReptContext(reptLineNo, body, size)) return; contextStack->nbReptIters = count; contextStack->forValue = start; contextStack->forStep = step; contextStack->forName = strdup(symName); if (!contextStack->forName) fatalerror("Not enough memory for FOR symbol name: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } void fstk_StopRept(void) { // Prevent more iterations contextStack->nbReptIters = 0; } bool fstk_Break(void) { if (contextStack->fileInfo->type != NODE_REPT) { error("BREAK can only be used inside a REPT/FOR block\n"); return false; } fstk_StopRept(); return true; } void fstk_NewRecursionDepth(size_t newDepth) { if (contextDepth > newDepth) fatalerror("Recursion limit (%zu) exceeded\n", newDepth); maxRecursionDepth = newDepth; } void fstk_Init(char const *mainPath, size_t maxDepth) { struct LexerState *state = lexer_OpenFile(mainPath); if (!state) fatalerror("Failed to open main file!\n"); lexer_SetState(state); char const *fileName = lexer_GetFileName(); size_t len = strlen(fileName); struct Context *context = malloc(sizeof(*contextStack)); struct FileStackNamedNode *fileInfo = malloc(sizeof(*fileInfo) + len + 1); if (!context) fatalerror("Failed to allocate memory for main context: %s\n", strerror(errno)); if (!fileInfo) fatalerror("Failed to allocate memory for main file info: %s\n", strerror(errno)); context->fileInfo = (struct FileStackNode *)fileInfo; // lineNo and reptIter are unused on the top-level context context->fileInfo->parent = NULL; context->fileInfo->lineNo = 0; // This still gets written to the object file, so init it context->fileInfo->referenced = false; context->fileInfo->type = NODE_FILE; memcpy(fileInfo->name, fileName, len + 1); context->parent = NULL; context->lexerState = state; context->uniqueID = macro_UndefUniqueID(); context->nbReptIters = 0; context->forValue = 0; context->forStep = 0; context->forName = NULL; // Now that it's set up properly, register the context contextStack = context; // Check that max recursion depth won't allow overflowing node `malloc`s // This assumes that the rept node is larger #define DEPTH_LIMIT ((SIZE_MAX - sizeof(struct FileStackReptNode)) / sizeof(uint32_t)) if (maxDepth > DEPTH_LIMIT) { error("Recursion depth may not be higher than %zu, defaulting to " EXPAND_AND_STR(DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH) "\n", DEPTH_LIMIT); maxRecursionDepth = DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH; } else { maxRecursionDepth = maxDepth; } // Make sure that the default of 64 is OK, though assert(DEPTH_LIMIT >= DEFAULT_MAX_DEPTH); #undef DEPTH_LIMIT runPreIncludeFile(); }