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<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <!-- This is an automatically generated file. Do not edit. This file is part of RGBDS. Copyright (c) 2010-2019, Anthony J. Bentley and RGBDS contributors. 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The input <var class="Ar">file</var> can be a file path, or <code class="Cm">-</code> denoting <code class="Cm">stdin</code>. <p class="Pp">Note that options can be abbreviated as long as the abbreviation is unambiguous: <code class="Fl">--verb</code> is <code class="Fl">--verbose</code>, but <code class="Fl">--ver</code> is invalid because it could also be <code class="Fl">--version</code>. The arguments are as follows:</p> <dl class="Bl-tag"> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#b"><code class="Fl" id="b">-b</code></a> <var class="Ar">chars</var>, <code class="Fl">--binary-digits</code> <var class="Ar">chars</var></dt> <dd>Change the two characters used for binary constants. The defaults are 01.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#D"><code class="Fl" id="D">-D</code></a> <var class="Ar">name</var>[=<var class="Ar">value</var>], <code class="Fl">-</code> <code class="Fl">-define</code> <var class="Ar">name</var>[=<var class="Ar">value</var>]</dt> <dd>Add a string symbol to the compiled source code. This is equivalent to ‘<code class="Li"><var class="Ar">name</var> <code class="Ic">EQUS "</code><var class="Ar">value</var>"</code>’ in code, or ‘<code class="Li"><var class="Ar">name</var> <code class="Ic">EQUS "1"</code></code>’ if <var class="Ar">value</var> is not specified.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#E"><code class="Fl" id="E">-E</code></a>, <code class="Fl">--export-all</code></dt> <dd>Export all labels, including unreferenced and local labels.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#g"><code class="Fl" id="g">-g</code></a> <var class="Ar">chars</var>, <code class="Fl">--gfx-chars</code> <var class="Ar">chars</var></dt> <dd>Change the four characters used for gfx constants. The defaults are 0123.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#h"><code class="Fl" id="h">-h</code></a>, <code class="Fl">--halt-without-nop</code></dt> <dd>By default, <code class="Nm">rgbasm</code> inserts a <code class="Ic">nop</code> instruction immediately after any <code class="Ic">halt</code> instruction. The <code class="Fl">-h</code> option disables this behavior.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#i"><code class="Fl" id="i">-i</code></a> <var class="Ar">path</var>, <code class="Fl">--include</code> <var class="Ar">path</var></dt> <dd>Add an include path.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#L"><code class="Fl" id="L">-L</code></a>, <code class="Fl">--preserve-ld</code></dt> <dd>Disable the optimization that turns loads of the form <code class="Ic">LD [$FF00+n8],A</code> into the opcode <code class="Ic">LDH [$FF00+n8],A</code> in order to have full control of the result in the final ROM.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#M"><code class="Fl" id="M">-M</code></a> <var class="Ar">depend_file</var>, <code class="Fl">--dependfile</code> <var class="Ar">depend_file</var></dt> <dd>Print <a class="Xr">make(1)</a> dependencies to <var class="Ar">depend_file</var>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#o"><code class="Fl" id="o">-o</code></a> <var class="Ar">out_file</var>, <code class="Fl">--output</code> <var class="Ar">out_file</var></dt> <dd>Write an object file to the given filename.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#p"><code class="Fl" id="p">-p</code></a> <var class="Ar">pad_value</var>, <code class="Fl">--pad-value</code> <var class="Ar">pad_value</var></dt> <dd>When padding an image, pad with this value. The default is 0x00.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#r"><code class="Fl" id="r">-r</code></a> <var class="Ar">recursion_depth</var>, <code class="Fl">--recursion-depth</code> <var class="Ar">recursion_depth</var></dt> <dd>Specifies the recursion depth at which RGBASM will assume being in an infinite loop.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#V"><code class="Fl" id="V">-V</code></a>, <code class="Fl">--version</code></dt> <dd>Print the version of the program and exit.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#v"><code class="Fl" id="v">-v</code></a>, <code class="Fl">--verbose</code></dt> <dd>Be verbose.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#W"><code class="Fl" id="W">-W</code></a> <var class="Ar">warning</var>, <code class="Fl">--warning</code> <var class="Ar">warning</var></dt> <dd>Set warning flag <var class="Ar">warning</var>. A warning message will be printed if <var class="Ar">warning</var> is an unknown warning flag. See the <a class="Sx" href="#DIAGNOSTICS">DIAGNOSTICS</a> section for a list of warnings.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#w"><code class="Fl" id="w">-w</code></a></dt> <dd>Disable all warning output, even when turned into errors.</dd> </dl> </section> <section class="Sh"> <h1 class="Sh" id="DIAGNOSTICS"><a class="permalink" href="#DIAGNOSTICS">DIAGNOSTICS</a></h1> Warnings are diagnostic messages that indicate possibly erroneous behavior that does not necessarily compromise the assembling process. The following options alter the way warnings are processed. <dl class="Bl-tag"> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Werror"><code class="Fl" id="Werror">-Werror</code></a></dt> <dd>Make all warnings into errors.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Werror="><code class="Fl" id="Werror=">-Werror=</code></a></dt> <dd>Make the specified warning into an error. A warning's name is appended (example: <code class="Fl">-Werror=obsolete</code>), and this warning is implicitly enabled and turned into an error. This is an error if used with a meta warning, such as <code class="Fl">-Werror=all</code>.</dd> </dl> <p class="Pp">The following warnings are “meta” warnings, that enable a collection of other warnings. If a specific warning is toggled via a meta flag and a specific one, the more specific one takes priority. The position on the command-line acts as a tie breaker, the last one taking effect.</p> <dl class="Bl-tag"> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wall"><code class="Fl" id="Wall">-Wall</code></a></dt> <dd>This enables warnings that are likely to indicate an error or undesired behavior, and that can easily be fixed.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wextra"><code class="Fl" id="Wextra">-Wextra</code></a></dt> <dd>This enables extra warnings that are less likely to pose a problem, but that may still be wanted.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Weverything"><code class="Fl" id="Weverything">-Weverything</code></a></dt> <dd>Enables literally every warning.</dd> </dl> <p class="Pp">The following warnings are actual warning flags; with each description, the corresponding warning flag is included. Note that each of these flag also has a negation (for example, <code class="Fl">-Wempty-entry</code> enables the warning that <code class="Fl">-Wno-empty-entry</code> disables). Only the non-default flag is listed here. Ignoring the “no-” prefix, entries are listed alphabetically.</p> <dl class="Bl-tag"> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wno-assert"><code class="Fl" id="Wno-assert">-Wno-assert</code></a></dt> <dd>Warns when <code class="Ic">WARN</code><span class="No">-type</span> assertions fail. (See “Aborting the assembly process” in <a class="Xr" href="rgbasm.5.html">rgbasm(5)</a> for <code class="Ic">ASSERT</code>).</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wbuiltin-args"><code class="Fl" id="Wbuiltin-args">-Wbuiltin-args</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn about incorrect arguments to built-in functions, such as <code class="Fn">STRSUB</code>() with indexes outside of the string's bounds. This warning is enabled by <code class="Fl">-Wall</code>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wdiv"><code class="Fl" id="Wdiv">-Wdiv</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when dividing the smallest negative integer by -1, which yields itself due to integer overflow.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wempty-entry"><code class="Fl" id="Wempty-entry">-Wempty-entry</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when an empty entry is encountered in a <code class="Ic">db</code>, <code class="Ic">dw</code>, <code class="Ic">dl</code> list. This warning is enabled by <code class="Fl">-Wextra</code>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wlarge-constant"><code class="Fl" id="Wlarge-constant">-Wlarge-constant</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when a constant too large to fit in a signed 32-bit integer is encountered. This warning is enabled by <code class="Fl">-Wall</code>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wlong-string"><code class="Fl" id="Wlong-string">-Wlong-string</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when a string too long to fit in internal buffers is encountered. This warning is enabled by <code class="Fl">-Wall</code>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wobsolete"><code class="Fl" id="Wobsolete">-Wobsolete</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when obsolete constructs such as the <code class="Ic">jp [hl]</code> instruction or <code class="Ic">HOME</code> section type are encountered. This warning is enabled by <code class="Fl">-Wextra</code>.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wshift"><code class="Fl" id="Wshift">-Wshift</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when shifting right a negative value. Use a division by 2^N instead.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wshift-amount"><code class="Fl" id="Wshift-amount">-Wshift-amount</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when a shift's operand is negative or greater than 32.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wno-truncation"><code class="Fl" id="Wno-truncation">-Wno-truncation</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when an implicit truncation (for example, <code class="Ic">db</code>) loses some bits.</dd> <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Wno-user"><code class="Fl" id="Wno-user">-Wno-user</code></a></dt> <dd>Warn when the <code class="Ic">WARN</code> built-in is executed. (See “Aborting the assembly process” in <a class="Xr" href="rgbasm.5.html">rgbasm(5)</a> for <code class="Ic">WARN</code>).</dd> </dl> </section> <section class="Sh"> <h1 class="Sh" id="EXAMPLES"><a class="permalink" href="#EXAMPLES">EXAMPLES</a></h1> You can assemble a source file in two ways. <p class="Pp">Straightforward way:</p> <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">$ rgbasm -o bar.o foo.asm</code></div> <p class="Pp">Pipes way:</p> <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">$ cat foo.asm | rgbasm -o bar.o -</code></div> <div class="Bd Bd-indent"><code class="Li">$ rgbasm -o bar.o - < foo.asm</code></div> <p class="Pp">The resulting object file is not yet a usable ROM image—it must first be run through <a class="Xr" href="rgblink.1.html">rgblink(1)</a> and then <a class="Xr" href="rgbfix.1.html">rgbfix(1)</a>.</p> </section> <section class="Sh"> <h1 class="Sh" id="BUGS"><a class="permalink" href="#BUGS">BUGS</a></h1> Please report bugs on <a class="Lk" href="">GitHub</a>. </section> <section class="Sh"> <h1 class="Sh" id="SEE_ALSO"><a class="permalink" href="#SEE_ALSO">SEE ALSO</a></h1> <a class="Xr" href="rgbasm.5.html">rgbasm(5)</a>, <a class="Xr" href="rgbfix.1.html">rgbfix(1)</a>, <a class="Xr" href="rgblink.1.html">rgblink(1)</a>, <a class="Xr" href="rgbds.5.html">rgbds(5)</a>, <a class="Xr" href="rgbds.7.html">rgbds(7)</a>, <a class="Xr" href="gbz80.7.html">gbz80(7)</a> </section> <section class="Sh"> <h1 class="Sh" id="HISTORY"><a class="permalink" href="#HISTORY">HISTORY</a></h1> <code class="Nm">rgbasm</code> was originally written by Carsten Sørensen as part of the ASMotor package, and was later packaged in RGBDS by Justin Lloyd. It is now maintained by a number of contributors at <a class="Lk" href=""></a>. </section> </div> <table class="foot"> <tr> <td class="foot-date">July 8, 2019</td> <td class="foot-os">General</td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>