ref: 1024c308660c595e8c32f42abf808fe8c8d4f997
dir: /src/asm/lexer.c/
#include "asm.h" #include "lexer.h" #include "types.h" #include "main.h" #include "rpn.h" #include "asmy.h" #include "fstack.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> struct sLexString { char *tzName; ULONG nToken; ULONG nNameLength; struct sLexString *pNext; }; #define pLexBuffer (pCurrentBuffer->pBuffer) #define nLexBufferLeng (pCurrentBuffer->nBufferSize) #define SAFETYMARGIN 1024 extern ULONG symvaluetostring (char *dest, char *s); struct sLexFloat tLexFloat[32]; struct sLexString *tLexHash[LEXHASHSIZE]; YY_BUFFER_STATE pCurrentBuffer; ULONG yyleng; ULONG nLexMaxLeng; ULONG tFloatingSecondChar[256]; ULONG tFloatingFirstChar[256]; ULONG tFloatingChars[256]; ULONG nFloating; enum eLexerState lexerstate=LEX_STATE_NORMAL; #define AtLineStart pCurrentBuffer->oAtLineStart #ifdef __GNUC__ void strupr( char *s ) { while( *s ) { *s=toupper(*s); s+=1; } } void strlwr( char *s ) { while( *s ) { *s=tolower(*s); s+=1; } } #endif void yyskipbytes( ULONG count ) { pLexBuffer+=count; } void yyunputbytes( ULONG count ) { pLexBuffer-=count; } void yyunput( char c ) { *(--pLexBuffer)=c; } void yyunputstr( char *s ) { SLONG i; i=strlen(s)-1; while( i>=0 ) yyunput( s[i--] ); } void yy_switch_to_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE buf ) { pCurrentBuffer=buf; } void yy_set_state( enum eLexerState i ) { lexerstate=i; } void yy_delete_buffer( YY_BUFFER_STATE buf ) { free( buf->pBufferStart-SAFETYMARGIN ); free( buf ); } YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_scan_bytes( char *mem, ULONG size ) { YY_BUFFER_STATE pBuffer; if( (pBuffer=(YY_BUFFER_STATE)malloc(sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state)))!=NULL ) { if( (pBuffer->pBuffer=pBuffer->pBufferStart=(char *)malloc(size+1+SAFETYMARGIN))!=NULL ) { pBuffer->pBuffer+=SAFETYMARGIN; pBuffer->pBufferStart+=SAFETYMARGIN; memcpy( pBuffer->pBuffer, mem, size ); pBuffer->nBufferSize=size; pBuffer->oAtLineStart=1; pBuffer->pBuffer[size]=0; return( pBuffer ); } } fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); return( NULL ); } YY_BUFFER_STATE yy_create_buffer( FILE *f ) { YY_BUFFER_STATE pBuffer; if( (pBuffer=(YY_BUFFER_STATE)malloc(sizeof(struct yy_buffer_state)))!=NULL ) { ULONG size; fseek (f, 0, SEEK_END); size = ftell (f); fseek (f, 0, SEEK_SET); if( (pBuffer->pBuffer=pBuffer->pBufferStart=(char *)malloc(size+2+SAFETYMARGIN))!=NULL ) { char *mem; ULONG instring = 0; pBuffer->pBuffer+=SAFETYMARGIN; pBuffer->pBufferStart+=SAFETYMARGIN; size=fread( pBuffer->pBuffer, sizeof (UBYTE), size, f ); pBuffer->pBuffer[size]='\n'; pBuffer->pBuffer[size+1]=0; pBuffer->nBufferSize=size+1; mem=pBuffer->pBuffer; while( *mem ) { if( *mem=='\"' ) instring=1-instring; if( instring ) { mem+=1; } else { if( (mem[0]==10 && mem[1]==13) || (mem[0]==13 && mem[1]==10) ) { mem[0]=' '; mem[1]='\n'; mem+=2; } else if( mem[0]==10 || mem[0]==13 ) { mem[0]='\n'; mem+=1; } else if( mem[0]=='\n' && mem[1]=='*' ) { mem+=1; while( !(*mem == '\n' || *mem == '\0') ) *mem++=' '; } else if( *mem==';' ) { while( !(*mem == '\n' || *mem == '\0') ) *mem++=' '; } else mem+=1; } } pBuffer->oAtLineStart=1; return( pBuffer ); } } fatalerror( "Out of memory!" ); return( NULL ); } ULONG lex_FloatAlloc( struct sLexFloat *tok ) { tLexFloat[nFloating]=(*tok); return( 1<<(nFloating++) ); } void lex_FloatDeleteRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingChars[start]&=~id; start+=1; } } void lex_FloatAddRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingChars[start]|=id; start+=1; } } void lex_FloatDeleteFirstRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingFirstChar[start]&=~id; start+=1; } } void lex_FloatAddFirstRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingFirstChar[start]|=id; start+=1; } } void lex_FloatDeleteSecondRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingSecondChar[start]&=~id; start+=1; } } void lex_FloatAddSecondRange( ULONG id, UWORD start, UWORD end ) { while( start<=end ) { tFloatingSecondChar[start]|=id; start+=1; } } struct sLexFloat *lexgetfloat( ULONG id ) { ULONG r=0, mask=1; if( id==0 ) return( NULL ); while( (id&mask)==0 ) { mask<<=1; r+=1; } return( &tLexFloat[r] ); } ULONG lexcalchash( char *s ) { ULONG r=0; while( *s ) { r=((r<<1)+(toupper(*s)))%LEXHASHSIZE; s+=1; } return( r ); } void lex_Init( void ) { ULONG i; for( i=0; i<LEXHASHSIZE; i+=1) { tLexHash[i]=NULL; } for( i=0; i<256; i+=1 ) { tFloatingFirstChar[i]=0; tFloatingSecondChar[i]=0; tFloatingChars[i]=0; } nLexMaxLeng=0; nFloating=0; } void lex_AddStrings( struct sLexInitString *lex ) { while( lex->tzName ) { struct sLexString **ppHash; ULONG hash; ppHash = &tLexHash[hash=lexcalchash (lex->tzName)]; while (*ppHash) ppHash = &((*ppHash)->pNext); // printf( "%s has hashvalue %d\n", lex->tzName, hash ); if( ((*ppHash)=(struct sLexString *)malloc(sizeof(struct sLexString)))!=NULL ) { if( ((*ppHash)->tzName=(char *)strdup(lex->tzName))!=NULL ) { (*ppHash)->nNameLength = strlen (lex->tzName); (*ppHash)->nToken = lex->nToken; (*ppHash)->pNext = NULL; strupr ((*ppHash)->tzName); if ((*ppHash)->nNameLength > nLexMaxLeng) nLexMaxLeng = (*ppHash)->nNameLength; } else fatalerror ("Out of memory!"); } else fatalerror ("Out of memory!"); lex += 1; } } ULONG yylex (void) { ULONG hash, maxlen; char *s; struct sLexString *pLongestFixed = NULL; ULONG nFloatMask, nOldFloatMask, nFloatLen; ULONG linestart = AtLineStart; switch( lexerstate ) { case LEX_STATE_NORMAL: AtLineStart = 0; scanagain: while (*pLexBuffer == ' ' || *pLexBuffer == '\t') { linestart = 0; pLexBuffer += 1; } if (*pLexBuffer == 0) { if (yywrap () == 0) { linestart = AtLineStart; AtLineStart = 0; goto scanagain; } } s = pLexBuffer; nOldFloatMask = nFloatLen = 0; nFloatMask = tFloatingFirstChar[*s++]; while (nFloatMask && nFloatLen < nLexBufferLeng) { nFloatLen += 1; nOldFloatMask = nFloatMask; if (nFloatLen == 1) nFloatMask &= tFloatingSecondChar[*s++]; else nFloatMask &= tFloatingChars[*s++]; } maxlen = nLexBufferLeng; if (nLexMaxLeng < maxlen) maxlen = nLexMaxLeng; yyleng = 0; hash = 0; s = pLexBuffer; while (yyleng < nLexMaxLeng) { yyleng += 1; hash = ((hash << 1) + (toupper (*s))) % LEXHASHSIZE; s+=1; if (tLexHash[hash]) { struct sLexString *lex; lex = tLexHash[hash]; while (lex) { if (lex->nNameLength == yyleng) { if (strnicmp (pLexBuffer, lex->tzName, yyleng) == 0) { pLongestFixed = lex; } } lex = lex->pNext; } } } if (nFloatLen == 0 && pLongestFixed == NULL) { if (*pLexBuffer == '"') { ULONG index = 0; pLexBuffer += 1; while ((*pLexBuffer != '"') && (*pLexBuffer != '\n')) { char ch, *marg; if ((ch = *pLexBuffer++) == '\\') { switch (ch = (*pLexBuffer++)) { case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(ch-'0'))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) yylval.tzString[index++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; case '@': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(-1))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) yylval.tzString[index++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; } } else if (ch == '{') { char sym[MAXSYMLEN]; int i = 0; while ((*pLexBuffer != '}') && (*pLexBuffer != '"') && (*pLexBuffer != '\n')) { if ((ch = *pLexBuffer++) == '\\') { switch (ch = (*pLexBuffer++)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(ch-'0'))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; case '@': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(-1))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; } } else sym[i++] = ch; } sym[i] = 0; index += symvaluetostring (&yylval.tzString[index], sym); if (*pLexBuffer == '}') pLexBuffer += 1; else yyerror ("Missing }"); ch = 0; } if (ch) yylval.tzString[index++] = ch; } yylval.tzString[index++] = 0; if (*pLexBuffer == '\n') yyerror ("Unterminated string"); else pLexBuffer += 1; return (T_STRING); } else if (*pLexBuffer == '{') { char sym[MAXSYMLEN], ch, *marg; int i = 0; pLexBuffer += 1; while ((*pLexBuffer != '}') && (*pLexBuffer != '\n')) { if ((ch = *pLexBuffer++) == '\\') { switch (ch = (*pLexBuffer++)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(ch-'0'))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; case '@': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(-1))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; } } else sym[i++] = ch; } sym[i] = 0; symvaluetostring (yylval.tzString, sym); if (*pLexBuffer == '}') pLexBuffer += 1; else yyerror ("Missing }"); return (T_STRING); } else { if (*pLexBuffer == '\n') AtLineStart = 1; yyleng = 1; return (*pLexBuffer++); } } if (nFloatLen == 0) { yyleng = pLongestFixed->nNameLength; pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (pLongestFixed->nToken); } if (pLongestFixed == NULL) { struct sLexFloat *tok; tok = lexgetfloat (nOldFloatMask); yyleng = nFloatLen; if (tok->Callback) { if (tok->Callback (pLexBuffer, yyleng) == 0) goto scanagain; } if (tok->nToken == T_ID && linestart) { pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (T_LABEL); } else { pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (tok->nToken); } } if (nFloatLen > pLongestFixed->nNameLength) { struct sLexFloat *tok; tok = lexgetfloat (nOldFloatMask); yyleng = nFloatLen; if (tok->Callback) { if (tok->Callback (pLexBuffer, yyleng) == 0) goto scanagain; } if (tok->nToken == T_ID && linestart) { pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (T_LABEL); } else { pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (tok->nToken); } } else { yyleng = pLongestFixed->nNameLength; pLexBuffer += yyleng; return (pLongestFixed->nToken); } break; case LEX_STATE_MACROARGS: { ULONG index = 0; while (*pLexBuffer == ' ' || *pLexBuffer == '\t') { linestart = 0; pLexBuffer += 1; } while( (*pLexBuffer != ',') && (*pLexBuffer != '\n') ) { char ch, *marg; if ((ch = *pLexBuffer++) == '\\') { switch (ch = (*pLexBuffer++)) { case 'n': ch = '\n'; break; case 't': ch = '\t'; break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(ch-'0'))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) yylval.tzString[index++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; case '@': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(-1))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) yylval.tzString[index++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; } } else if (ch == '{') { char sym[MAXSYMLEN]; int i = 0; while ((*pLexBuffer != '}') && (*pLexBuffer != '"') && (*pLexBuffer != '\n')) { if ((ch = *pLexBuffer++) == '\\') { switch (ch = (*pLexBuffer++)) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(ch-'0'))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; case '@': if( (marg=sym_FindMacroArg(-1))!=NULL ) { while (*marg) sym[i++] = *marg++; ch = 0; } break; } } else sym[i++] = ch; } sym[i] = 0; index += symvaluetostring (&yylval.tzString[index], sym); if (*pLexBuffer == '}') pLexBuffer += 1; else yyerror ("Missing }"); ch = 0; } if (ch) yylval.tzString[index++] = ch; } if( index ) { yyleng=index; yylval.tzString[index] = 0; if( *pLexBuffer=='\n' ) { while( yylval.tzString[--index]==' ' ) { yylval.tzString[index]=0; yyleng-=1; } } return (T_STRING); } else if( *pLexBuffer=='\n' ) { pLexBuffer+=1; AtLineStart = 1; yyleng = 1; return( '\n' ); } else if( *pLexBuffer==',' ) { pLexBuffer+=1; yyleng = 1; return( ',' ); } else { yyerror( "INTERNAL ERROR IN YYLEX" ); return( 0 ); } } break; } yyerror( "INTERNAL ERROR IN YYLEX" ); return( 0 ); }