ref: 0e0e12a769f226c95d282c84134b3ac414f8d266
dir: /src/gfx/main.c/
/* * This file is part of RGBDS. * * Copyright (c) 2013-2018, stag019 and RGBDS contributors. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT */ #include <png.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include "gfx/main.h" #include "version.h" static void print_usage(void) { printf( "usage: rgbgfx [-DFfhPTuVv] [-d #] [-o outfile] [-p palfile] [-t mapfile]\n" " [-x #] infile\n"); exit(1); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int ch, size; struct Options opts = {0}; struct ImageOptions png_options = {0}; struct RawIndexedImage *raw_image; struct GBImage gb = {0}; struct Tilemap tilemap = {0}; char *ext; const char *errmsg = "Warning: The PNG's %s setting is not the same as the setting defined on the command line."; if (argc == 1) print_usage(); opts.mapfile = ""; opts.palfile = ""; opts.outfile = ""; depth = 2; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "Dd:Ffho:Tt:uPp:Vvx:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'D': opts.debug = true; break; case 'd': depth = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; case 'F': opts.hardfix = true; case 'f': opts.fix = true; break; case 'h': opts.horizontal = true; break; case 'o': opts.outfile = optarg; break; case 'P': opts.palout = true; break; case 'p': opts.palfile = optarg; break; case 'T': opts.mapout = true; break; case 't': opts.mapfile = optarg; break; case 'u': opts.unique = true; break; case 'V': printf("rgbgfx %s\n", get_package_version_string()); exit(0); case 'v': opts.verbose = true; break; case 'x': opts.trim = strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0); break; default: print_usage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 0) print_usage(); opts.infile = argv[argc - 1]; if (depth != 1 && depth != 2) errx(1, "Depth option must be either 1 or 2."); colors = 1 << depth; raw_image = input_png_file(&opts, &png_options); png_options.mapfile = ""; png_options.palfile = ""; if (png_options.horizontal != opts.horizontal) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "horizontal"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.horizontal = opts.horizontal; } if (png_options.horizontal) opts.horizontal = png_options.horizontal; if (png_options.trim != opts.trim) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "trim"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.trim = opts.trim; } if (png_options.trim) opts.trim = png_options.trim; if (raw_image->width % 8) { errx(1, "Input PNG file %s not sized correctly. The image's width must be a multiple of 8.", opts.infile); } if (raw_image->width / 8 > 1 && raw_image->height % 8) { errx(1, "Input PNG file %s not sized correctly. If the image is more than 1 tile wide, its height must be a multiple of 8.", opts.infile); } if (opts.trim && opts.trim > (raw_image->width / 8) * (raw_image->height / 8) - 1) { errx(1, "Trim (%i) for input raw_image file '%s' too large (max: %i)", opts.trim, opts.infile, (raw_image->width / 8) * (raw_image->height / 8) - 1); } if (strcmp(png_options.mapfile, opts.mapfile) != 0) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "tilemap file"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.mapfile = opts.mapfile; } if (!*opts.mapfile) opts.mapfile = png_options.mapfile; if (png_options.mapout != opts.mapout) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "tilemap file"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.mapout = opts.mapout; } if (png_options.mapout) opts.mapout = png_options.mapout; if (strcmp(png_options.palfile, opts.palfile) != 0) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "palette file"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.palfile = opts.palfile; } if (!*opts.palfile) opts.palfile = png_options.palfile; if (png_options.palout != opts.palout) { if (opts.verbose) warnx(errmsg, "palette file"); if (opts.hardfix) png_options.palout = opts.palout; } if (png_options.palout) opts.palout = png_options.palout; if (!*opts.mapfile && opts.mapout) { ext = strrchr(opts.infile, '.'); if (ext != NULL) { size = ext - opts.infile + 9; opts.mapfile = malloc(size); strncpy(opts.mapfile, opts.infile, size); *strrchr(opts.mapfile, '.') = '\0'; strcat(opts.mapfile, ".tilemap"); } else { opts.mapfile = malloc(strlen(opts.infile) + 9); strcpy(opts.mapfile, opts.infile); strcat(opts.mapfile, ".tilemap"); } } if (!*opts.palfile && opts.palout) { ext = strrchr(opts.infile, '.'); if (ext != NULL) { size = ext - opts.infile + 5; opts.palfile = malloc(size); strncpy(opts.palfile, opts.infile, size); *strrchr(opts.palfile, '.') = '\0'; strcat(opts.palfile, ".pal"); } else { opts.palfile = malloc(strlen(opts.infile) + 5); strcpy(opts.palfile, opts.infile); strcat(opts.palfile, ".pal"); } } gb.size = raw_image->width * raw_image->height * depth / 8; = calloc(gb.size, 1); gb.trim = opts.trim; gb.horizontal = opts.horizontal; if (*opts.outfile || *opts.mapfile) { raw_to_gb(raw_image, &gb); create_tilemap(&opts, &gb, &tilemap); } if (*opts.outfile) output_file(&opts, &gb); if (*opts.mapfile) output_tilemap_file(&opts, &tilemap); if (*opts.palfile) output_palette_file(&opts, raw_image); if (opts.fix || opts.debug) output_png_file(&opts, &png_options, raw_image); destroy_raw_image(&raw_image); free(; return 0; }