ref: 0c71f5a4e91b92718f1c3bd94c43d7760ac89fd6
dir: /src/asm/symbol.c/
/* * Symboltable and macroargs stuff */ #include <assert.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include "asm/asm.h" #include "asm/fstack.h" #include "asm/symbol.h" #include "asm/main.h" #include "asm/mymath.h" #include "asm/output.h" #include "extern/err.h" #include "extern/version.h" struct sSymbol *tHashedSymbols[HASHSIZE]; struct sSymbol *pScope = NULL; struct sSymbol *pPCSymbol = NULL; struct sSymbol *p_NARGSymbol = NULL; char *currentmacroargs[MAXMACROARGS + 1]; char *newmacroargs[MAXMACROARGS + 1]; char SavedTIME[256]; char SavedDATE[256]; char SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL[256]; char SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC[256]; char SavedDAY[3]; char SavedMONTH[3]; char SavedYEAR[5]; char SavedHOUR[3]; char SavedMINUTE[3]; char SavedSECOND[3]; bool exportall; void helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(char * string){ char * new_beginning = string; while(*new_beginning == '0') new_beginning++; if(new_beginning == string) return; if(*new_beginning == '\0') new_beginning--; memmove(string, new_beginning, strlen(new_beginning) + 1); } SLONG Callback_NARG(struct sSymbol * sym) { ULONG i = 0; while (currentmacroargs[i] && i < MAXMACROARGS) i += 1; return (i); } /* * Get the nValue field of a symbol */ SLONG getvaluefield(struct sSymbol * sym) { if (sym->Callback) { return (sym->Callback(sym)); } else return (sym->nValue); } /* * Calculate the hash value for a string */ ULONG calchash(char *s) { ULONG hash = 5381; while (*s != 0) hash = (hash * 33) ^ (*s++); return (hash % HASHSIZE); } /* * Create a new symbol by name */ struct sSymbol * createsymbol(char *s) { struct sSymbol **ppsym; ULONG hash; hash = calchash(s); ppsym = &(tHashedSymbols[hash]); while ((*ppsym) != NULL) ppsym = &((*ppsym)->pNext); if (((*ppsym) = malloc(sizeof(struct sSymbol))) != NULL) { strcpy((*ppsym)->tzName, s); (*ppsym)->nValue = 0; (*ppsym)->nType = 0; (*ppsym)->pScope = NULL; (*ppsym)->pNext = NULL; (*ppsym)->pMacro = NULL; (*ppsym)->pSection = NULL; (*ppsym)->Callback = NULL; strcpy((*ppsym)->tzFileName, tzCurrentFileName); (*ppsym)->nFileLine = fstk_GetLine(); return (*ppsym); } else { fatalerror("No memory for symbol"); return (NULL); } } /* * Creates the full name of a local symbol in a given scope, by prepending * the name with the parent symbol's name. */ size_t fullSymbolName(char *output, size_t outputSize, char *localName, struct sSymbol *scope) { struct sSymbol *parent = scope->pScope ? scope->pScope : scope; return snprintf(output, outputSize, "%s%s", parent->tzName, localName); } /* * Find the pointer to a symbol by name and scope */ struct sSymbol ** findpsymbol(char *s, struct sSymbol * scope) { struct sSymbol **ppsym; SLONG hash; char fullname[MAXSYMLEN + 1]; if (s[0] == '.' && scope) { fullSymbolName(fullname, sizeof(fullname), s, scope); s = fullname; } char *seperator; if ((seperator = strchr(s, '.'))) { if (strchr(seperator + 1, '.')) { fatalerror("'%s' is a nonsensical reference to a nested local symbol", s); } } hash = calchash(s); ppsym = &(tHashedSymbols[hash]); while ((*ppsym) != NULL) { if ((strcmp(s, (*ppsym)->tzName) == 0)) { return (ppsym); } else ppsym = &((*ppsym)->pNext); } return (NULL); } /* * Find a symbol by name and scope */ struct sSymbol * findsymbol(char *s, struct sSymbol * scope) { struct sSymbol **ppsym = findpsymbol(s, scope); return ppsym ? *ppsym : NULL; } /* * Find a symbol by name and scope */ struct sSymbol * sym_FindSymbol(char *tzName) { struct sSymbol *pscope; if (*tzName == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; return (findsymbol(tzName, pscope)); } /* * Purge a symbol */ void sym_Purge(char *tzName) { struct sSymbol **ppSym; struct sSymbol *pscope; if (*tzName == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; ppSym = findpsymbol(tzName, pscope); if (ppSym) { struct sSymbol *pSym; pSym = *ppSym; *ppSym = pSym->pNext; if (pSym->pMacro) free(pSym->pMacro); free(pSym); } else { yyerror("'%s' not defined", tzName); } } /* * Determine if a symbol has been defined */ ULONG sym_isConstDefined(char *tzName) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*tzName == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; psym = findsymbol(tzName, pscope); if (psym && (psym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED)) { if (psym-> nType & (SYMF_EQU | SYMF_SET | SYMF_MACRO | SYMF_STRING)) { return (1); } else { fatalerror("'%s' is not allowed as argument to the " "DEF function", tzName); } } return (0); } ULONG sym_isDefined(char *tzName) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*tzName == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; psym = findsymbol(tzName, pscope); if (psym && (psym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED)) return (1); else return (0); } /* * Determine if the symbol is a constant */ ULONG sym_isConstant(char *s) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*s == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; if ((psym = findsymbol(s, pscope)) != NULL) { if (psym->nType & SYMF_CONST) return (1); } return (0); } /* * Get a string equate's value */ char * sym_GetStringValue(char *tzSym) { struct sSymbol *pSym; if ((pSym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym)) != NULL) return (pSym->pMacro); else { yyerror("Stringsymbol '%s' not defined", tzSym); } return (NULL); } /* * Return a constant symbols value */ ULONG sym_GetConstantValue(char *s) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*s == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; if ((psym = findsymbol(s, pscope)) != NULL) { if (psym->nType & SYMF_CONST) return (getvaluefield(psym)); else { fatalerror("Expression must have a constant value"); } } else { yyerror("'%s' not defined", s); } return (0); } /* * Return a symbols value... "estimated" if not defined yet */ ULONG sym_GetValue(char *s) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*s == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; if ((psym = findsymbol(s, pscope)) != NULL) { if (psym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) { if (psym->nType & (SYMF_MACRO | SYMF_STRING)) { yyerror("'%s' is a macro or string symbol", s); } return (getvaluefield(psym)); } else { if (nPass == 2) { /* Assume undefined symbols are imported from somewhere else */ psym->nType |= SYMF_IMPORT; } /* 0x80 seems like a good default value... */ return (0x80); } } else { if (nPass == 1) { createsymbol(s); return (0x80); } else { yyerror("'%s' not defined", s); } } return (0); } /* * Return a defined symbols value... aborts if not defined yet */ ULONG sym_GetDefinedValue(char *s) { struct sSymbol *psym, *pscope; if (*s == '.') pscope = pScope; else pscope = NULL; if ((psym = findsymbol(s, pscope)) != NULL) { if ((psym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED)) { if (psym->nType & (SYMF_MACRO | SYMF_STRING)) { yyerror("'%s' is a macro or string symbol", s); } return (getvaluefield(psym)); } else { yyerror("'%s' not defined", s); } } else { yyerror("'%s' not defined", s); } return (0); } /* * Macro argument stuff */ void sym_ShiftCurrentMacroArgs(void) { SLONG i; free(currentmacroargs[0]); for (i = 0; i < MAXMACROARGS - 1; i += 1) { currentmacroargs[i] = currentmacroargs[i + 1]; } currentmacroargs[MAXMACROARGS - 1] = NULL; } char * sym_FindMacroArg(SLONG i) { if (i == -1) i = MAXMACROARGS + 1; assert(i-1 >= 0); assert((size_t)(i-1) < sizeof(currentmacroargs)/sizeof(*currentmacroargs)); return (currentmacroargs[i - 1]); } void sym_UseNewMacroArgs(void) { SLONG i; for (i = 0; i <= MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) { currentmacroargs[i] = newmacroargs[i]; newmacroargs[i] = NULL; } } void sym_SaveCurrentMacroArgs(char *save[]) { SLONG i; for (i = 0; i <= MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) save[i] = currentmacroargs[i]; } void sym_RestoreCurrentMacroArgs(char *save[]) { SLONG i; for (i = 0; i <= MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) currentmacroargs[i] = save[i]; } void sym_FreeCurrentMacroArgs(void) { SLONG i; for (i = 0; i <= MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) { free(currentmacroargs[i]); currentmacroargs[i] = NULL; } } void sym_AddNewMacroArg(char *s) { SLONG i = 0; while (i < MAXMACROARGS && newmacroargs[i] != NULL) i += 1; if (i < MAXMACROARGS) { if (s) newmacroargs[i] = strdup(s); else newmacroargs[i] = NULL; } else yyerror("A maximum of %d arguments allowed", MAXMACROARGS); } void sym_SetMacroArgID(ULONG nMacroCount) { char s[256]; sprintf(s, "_%ld", nMacroCount); newmacroargs[MAXMACROARGS] = strdup(s); } void sym_UseCurrentMacroArgs(void) { SLONG i; for (i = 1; i <= MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) sym_AddNewMacroArg(sym_FindMacroArg(i)); } /* * Find a macro by name */ struct sSymbol * sym_FindMacro(char *s) { return (findsymbol(s, NULL)); } /* * Add an equated symbol */ void sym_AddEqu(char *tzSym, SLONG value) { if ((nPass == 1) || ((nPass == 2) && (sym_isDefined(tzSym) == 0))) { /* only add equated symbols in pass 1 */ struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = findsymbol(tzSym, NULL)) != NULL) { if (nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) { yyerror("'%s' already defined in %s(%d)", tzSym, nsym->tzFileName, nsym->nFileLine); } } else nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) { nsym->nValue = value; nsym->nType |= SYMF_EQU | SYMF_DEFINED | SYMF_CONST; nsym->pScope = NULL; } } } /* * Add a string equated symbol. * * If the desired symbol is a string it needs to be passed to this function with * quotes inside the string, like sym_AddString("name", "\"test\"), or the * assembler won't be able to use it with DB and similar. This is equivalent as * ``` name EQUS "\"test\"" ``` * * If the desired symbol is a register or a number, just the terminator quotes * of the string are enough: sym_AddString("M_PI", "3.1415"). This is the same * as ``` M_PI EQUS "3.1415" ``` */ void sym_AddString(char *tzSym, char *tzValue) { struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = findsymbol(tzSym, NULL)) != NULL) { if (nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) { yyerror("'%s' already defined in %s(%d)", tzSym, nsym->tzFileName, nsym->nFileLine); } } else nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) { if ((nsym->pMacro = malloc(strlen(tzValue) + 1)) != NULL) strcpy(nsym->pMacro, tzValue); else fatalerror("No memory for stringequate"); nsym->nType |= SYMF_STRING | SYMF_DEFINED; nsym->ulMacroSize = strlen(tzValue); nsym->pScope = NULL; } } /* * check if symbol is a string equated symbol */ ULONG sym_isString(char *tzSym) { struct sSymbol *pSym; if ((pSym = findsymbol(tzSym, NULL)) != NULL) { if (pSym->nType & SYMF_STRING) return (1); } return (0); } /* * Alter a SET symbols value */ void sym_AddSet(char *tzSym, SLONG value) { struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = findsymbol(tzSym, NULL)) != NULL) { } else nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) { nsym->nValue = value; nsym->nType |= SYMF_SET | SYMF_DEFINED | SYMF_CONST; nsym->pScope = NULL; } } /* * Add a local (.name) relocatable symbol */ void sym_AddLocalReloc(char *tzSym) { if (pScope) { if (strlen(tzSym) + strlen(pScope->tzName) > MAXSYMLEN) { fatalerror("Symbol too long"); } char fullname[MAXSYMLEN + 1]; fullSymbolName(fullname, sizeof(fullname), tzSym, pScope); sym_AddReloc(fullname); } else { fatalerror("Local label in main scope"); } } /* * Add a relocatable symbol */ void sym_AddReloc(char *tzSym) { struct sSymbol* scope = NULL; if ((nPass == 1) || ((nPass == 2) && (sym_isDefined(tzSym) == 0))) { /* only add reloc symbols in pass 1 */ struct sSymbol *nsym; char *localPtr = NULL; if ((localPtr = strchr(tzSym, '.')) != NULL) { if (!pScope) { fatalerror("Local label in main scope"); } struct sSymbol *parent = pScope->pScope ? pScope->pScope : pScope; int parentLen = localPtr - tzSym; if (strchr(localPtr + 1, '.') != NULL) { fatalerror("'%s' is a nonsensical reference to a nested local symbol", tzSym); } else if (strlen(parent->tzName) != parentLen || strncmp(tzSym, parent->tzName, parentLen) != 0) { yyerror("Not currently in the scope of '%.*s'", parentLen, tzSym); } scope = parent; } if ((nsym = findsymbol(tzSym, scope)) != NULL) { if (nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) { yyerror("'%s' already defined in %s(%d)", tzSym, nsym->tzFileName, nsym->nFileLine); } } else nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) { nsym->nValue = nPC; nsym->nType |= SYMF_RELOC | SYMF_DEFINED; if (localPtr) { nsym->nType |= SYMF_LOCAL; } if (exportall) { nsym->nType |= SYMF_EXPORT; } nsym->pScope = scope; nsym->pSection = pCurrentSection; } } pScope = findsymbol(tzSym, scope); } /* * Check if the subtraction of two symbols is defined. That is, either both * symbols are defined and the result is a constant, or both symbols are * relocatable and belong to the same section. * * It returns 1 if the difference is defined, 0 if not. */ int sym_IsRelocDiffDefined(char *tzSym1, char *tzSym2) { /* Do nothing the first pass. */ if (nPass != 2) return 1; struct sSymbol *nsym1, *nsym2; /* Do the symbols exist? */ if ((nsym1 = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym1)) == NULL) fatalerror("Symbol \"%s\" isn't defined.", tzSym1); if ((nsym2 = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym2)) == NULL) fatalerror("Symbol \"%s\" isn't defined.", tzSym2); int s1reloc = (nsym1->nType & SYMF_RELOC) != 0; int s2reloc = (nsym2->nType & SYMF_RELOC) != 0; /* Both are non-relocatable */ if (!s1reloc && !s2reloc) return 1; /* One of them relocatable, the other one not. */ if (s1reloc ^ s2reloc) return 0; /* Both of them are relocatable. Make sure they are defined (internal * coherency with sym_AddReloc and sym_AddLocalReloc). */ if (!(nsym1->nType & SYMF_DEFINED)) fatalerror("Relocatable symbol \"%s\" isn't defined.", tzSym1); if (!(nsym2->nType & SYMF_DEFINED)) fatalerror("Relocatable symbol \"%s\" isn't defined.", tzSym2); /* Both of them must be in the same section for the difference to be * defined. */ return nsym1->pSection == nsym2->pSection; } /* * Export a symbol */ void sym_Export(char *tzSym) { if (nPass == 1) { /* only export symbols in pass 1 */ struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym)) == NULL) nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) nsym->nType |= SYMF_EXPORT; } else { struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym)) != NULL) { if (nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) return; } yyerror("'%s' not defined", tzSym); } } /* * Globalize a symbol (export if defined, import if not) */ void sym_Global(char *tzSym) { if (nPass == 2) { /* only globalize symbols in pass 2 */ struct sSymbol *nsym; nsym = sym_FindSymbol(tzSym); if ((nsym == NULL) || ((nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) == 0)) { if (nsym == NULL) nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) nsym->nType |= SYMF_IMPORT; } else { if (nsym) nsym->nType |= SYMF_EXPORT; } } } /* * Add a macro definition */ void sym_AddMacro(char *tzSym) { if ((nPass == 1) || ((nPass == 2) && (sym_isDefined(tzSym) == 0))) { /* only add macros in pass 1 */ struct sSymbol *nsym; if ((nsym = findsymbol(tzSym, NULL)) != NULL) { if (nsym->nType & SYMF_DEFINED) { yyerror("'%s' already defined in %s(%d)", tzSym, nsym->tzFileName, nsym->nFileLine); } } else nsym = createsymbol(tzSym); if (nsym) { nsym->nValue = nPC; nsym->nType |= SYMF_MACRO | SYMF_DEFINED; nsym->pScope = NULL; nsym->ulMacroSize = ulNewMacroSize; nsym->pMacro = tzNewMacro; } } } /* * Set whether to export all relocable symbols by default */ void sym_SetExportAll(BBOOL set) { exportall = set; } /* * Prepare for pass #1 */ void sym_PrepPass1(void) { sym_Init(); } /* * Prepare for pass #2 */ void sym_PrepPass2(void) { SLONG i; for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i += 1) { struct sSymbol **ppSym = &(tHashedSymbols[i]); while (*ppSym) { if ((*ppSym)-> nType & (SYMF_SET | SYMF_STRING | SYMF_EQU)) { struct sSymbol *pTemp; pTemp = (*ppSym)->pNext; free(*ppSym); *ppSym = pTemp; } else ppSym = &((*ppSym)->pNext); } } pScope = NULL; pPCSymbol->nValue = 0; sym_AddString("__TIME__", SavedTIME); sym_AddString("__DATE__", SavedDATE); sym_AddString("__ISO_8601_LOCAL__", SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL); sym_AddString("__ISO_8601_UTC__", SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC); sym_AddString("__UTC_DAY__", SavedDAY); sym_AddString("__UTC_MONTH__", SavedMONTH); sym_AddString("__UTC_YEAR__", SavedYEAR); sym_AddString("__UTC_HOUR__", SavedHOUR); sym_AddString("__UTC_MINUTE__", SavedMINUTE); sym_AddString("__UTC_SECOND__", SavedSECOND); sym_AddEqu("__RGBDS_MAJOR__", PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR); sym_AddEqu("__RGBDS_MINOR__", PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR); sym_AddEqu("__RGBDS_PATCH__", PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH); sym_AddSet("_RS", 0); sym_AddEqu("_NARG", 0); p_NARGSymbol = findsymbol("_NARG", NULL); p_NARGSymbol->Callback = Callback_NARG; math_DefinePI(); } /* * Initialize the symboltable */ void sym_Init(void) { SLONG i; time_t now; for (i = 0; i < MAXMACROARGS; i += 1) { currentmacroargs[i] = NULL; newmacroargs[i] = NULL; } for (i = 0; i < HASHSIZE; i += 1) tHashedSymbols[i] = NULL; sym_AddReloc("@"); pPCSymbol = findsymbol("@", NULL); sym_AddEqu("_NARG", 0); p_NARGSymbol = findsymbol("_NARG", NULL); p_NARGSymbol->Callback = Callback_NARG; sym_AddSet("_RS", 0); if (time(&now) != -1) { struct tm *time_local = localtime(&now); strftime(SavedTIME, sizeof(SavedTIME), "\"%H:%M:%S\"", time_local); strftime(SavedDATE, sizeof(SavedDATE), "\"%d %B %Y\"", time_local); strftime(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL, sizeof(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL), "\"%FT%T%z\"", time_local); struct tm *time_utc = gmtime(&now); strftime(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC, sizeof(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC), "\"%FT%TZ\"", time_utc); strftime(SavedDAY, sizeof(SavedDAY), "%d", time_utc); strftime(SavedMONTH, sizeof(SavedMONTH), "%m", time_utc); strftime(SavedYEAR, sizeof(SavedYEAR), "%Y", time_utc); strftime(SavedHOUR, sizeof(SavedHOUR), "%H", time_utc); strftime(SavedMINUTE, sizeof(SavedMINUTE), "%M", time_utc); strftime(SavedSECOND, sizeof(SavedSECOND), "%S", time_utc); helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(SavedDAY); helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(SavedMONTH); helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(SavedHOUR); helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(SavedMINUTE); helper_RemoveLeadingZeros(SavedSECOND); } else { warnx("Couldn't determine current time."); /* The '?' have to be escaped or they will be treated as * trigraphs... */ strcpy(SavedTIME, "\"\?\?:\?\?:\?\?\""); strcpy(SavedDATE, "\"\?\? \?\?\? \?\?\?\?\""); strcpy(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL, "\"\?\?\?\?-\?\?-\?\?T\?\?:\?\?:\?\?+\?\?\?\?\""); strcpy(SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC, "\"\?\?\?\?-\?\?-\?\?T\?\?:\?\?:\?\?Z\""); strcpy(SavedDAY, "1"); strcpy(SavedMONTH, "1"); strcpy(SavedYEAR, "1900"); strcpy(SavedHOUR, "0"); strcpy(SavedMINUTE, "0"); strcpy(SavedSECOND, "0"); } sym_AddString("__TIME__", SavedTIME); sym_AddString("__DATE__", SavedDATE); sym_AddString("__ISO_8601_LOCAL__", SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_LOCAL); sym_AddString("__ISO_8601_UTC__", SavedTIMESTAMP_ISO8601_UTC); sym_AddString("__UTC_DAY__", SavedDAY); sym_AddString("__UTC_MONTH__", SavedMONTH); sym_AddString("__UTC_YEAR__", SavedYEAR); sym_AddString("__UTC_HOUR__", SavedHOUR); sym_AddString("__UTC_MINUTE__", SavedMINUTE); sym_AddString("__UTC_SECOND__", SavedSECOND); pScope = NULL; math_DefinePI(); }