ref: f58dbe3849ecb6c47a703c674458fd63436db946
dir: /engine/link/cable_club_npc.asm/
CableClubNPC:: ld hl, CableClubNPCWelcomeText call PrintText CheckEvent EVENT_GOT_POKEDEX jp nz, .receivedPokedex ; if the player hasn't received the pokedex ld c, 60 call DelayFrames ld hl, CableClubNPCMakingPreparationsText call PrintText jp .didNotConnect .receivedPokedex ld a, $1 ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ld a, 90 ld [wLinkTimeoutCounter], a .establishConnectionLoop ldh a, [hSerialConnectionStatus] cp USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK jr z, .establishedConnection cp USING_EXTERNAL_CLOCK jr z, .establishedConnection ld a, CONNECTION_NOT_ESTABLISHED ldh [hSerialConnectionStatus], a ld a, ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_WITH_EXTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSB], a xor a ldh [hSerialReceiveData], a ld a, START_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_CLOCK ; This vc_hook causes the Virtual Console to set [hSerialConnectionStatus] to ; USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK, which allows the player to proceed past the link ; receptionist's "Please wait." It assumes that hSerialConnectionStatus is at ; its original address. vc_hook Link_fake_connection_status vc_assert hSerialConnectionStatus == $ffaa, \ "hSerialConnectionStatus is no longer located at 00:ffaa" vc_assert USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK == $02, \ "USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK is no longer equal to $02." ldh [rSC], a ld a, [wLinkTimeoutCounter] dec a ld [wLinkTimeoutCounter], a jr z, .failedToEstablishConnection ld a, ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_WITH_INTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSB], a ld a, START_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSC], a call DelayFrame jr .establishConnectionLoop .establishedConnection call Serial_SendZeroByte call DelayFrame call Serial_SendZeroByte ld c, 50 call DelayFrames ld hl, CableClubNPCPleaseApplyHereHaveToSaveText call PrintText xor a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a call YesNoChoice ld a, $1 ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, .choseNo vc_hook Wireless_TryQuickSave_block_input callfar SaveSAVtoSRAM call WaitForSoundToFinish ld a, SFX_SAVE call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent ld hl, CableClubNPCPleaseWaitText call PrintText ld hl, wUnknownSerialCounter ld a, $3 ld [hli], a xor a ld [hl], a ldh [hSerialReceivedNewData], a vc_hook Wireless_prompt ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a call Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble vc_hook Wireless_net_recheck ld hl, wUnknownSerialCounter ld a, [hli] inc a jr nz, .connected ld a, [hl] inc a jr nz, .connected ld b, 10 .syncLoop call DelayFrame call Serial_SendZeroByte dec b jr nz, .syncLoop call CloseLinkConnection ld hl, CableClubNPCLinkClosedBecauseOfInactivityText call PrintText jr .didNotConnect .failedToEstablishConnection ld hl, CableClubNPCAreaReservedFor2FriendsLinkedByCableText call PrintText jr .didNotConnect .choseNo call CloseLinkConnection ld hl, CableClubNPCPleaseComeAgainText call PrintText .didNotConnect xor a ld hl, wUnknownSerialCounter ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld hl, wd72e res 6, [hl] xor a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ret .connected xor a ld [hld], a ld [hl], a jpfar LinkMenu CableClubNPCAreaReservedFor2FriendsLinkedByCableText: text_far _CableClubNPCAreaReservedFor2FriendsLinkedByCableText text_end CableClubNPCWelcomeText: text_far _CableClubNPCWelcomeText text_end CableClubNPCPleaseApplyHereHaveToSaveText: text_far _CableClubNPCPleaseApplyHereHaveToSaveText text_end CableClubNPCPleaseWaitText: text_far _CableClubNPCPleaseWaitText text_pause text_end CableClubNPCLinkClosedBecauseOfInactivityText: text_far _CableClubNPCLinkClosedBecauseOfInactivityText text_end CableClubNPCPleaseComeAgainText: text_far _CableClubNPCPleaseComeAgainText text_end CableClubNPCMakingPreparationsText: text_far _CableClubNPCMakingPreparationsText text_end CloseLinkConnection: call Delay3 ld a, CONNECTION_NOT_ESTABLISHED ldh [hSerialConnectionStatus], a ld a, ESTABLISH_CONNECTION_WITH_EXTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSB], a xor a ldh [hSerialReceiveData], a ld a, START_TRANSFER_EXTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSC], a ret