ref: ecd2eb2447bf4dee4ec3be35f881c7e7102adb1b
dir: /engine/events/pokemart.asm/
DisplayPokemartDialogue_:: ld a, [wListScrollOffset] ld [wSavedListScrollOffset], a call UpdateSprites xor a ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart], a .loop xor a ld [wListScrollOffset], a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wPlayerMonNumber], a inc a ld [wPrintItemPrices], a ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ld a, BUY_SELL_QUIT_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; This code is useless. It copies the address of the pokemart's inventory to hl, ; but the address is never used. ld hl, wItemListPointer ld a, [hli] ld l, [hl] ld h, a ld a, [wMenuExitMethod] cp CANCELLED_MENU jp z, .done ld a, [wChosenMenuItem] and a ; buying? jp z, .buyMenu dec a ; selling? jp z, .sellMenu dec a ; quitting? jp z, .done .sellMenu ; the same variables are set again below, so this code has no effect xor a ld [wPrintItemPrices], a ld a, INIT_BAG_ITEM_LIST ld [wInitListType], a callfar InitList ld a, [wNumBagItems] and a jp z, .bagEmpty ld hl, PokemonSellingGreetingText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ; save screen .sellMenuLoop call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ; restore saved screen ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; draw money text box ld hl, wNumBagItems ld a, l ld [wListPointer], a ld a, h ld [wListPointer + 1], a xor a ld [wPrintItemPrices], a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld a, ITEMLISTMENU ld [wListMenuID], a call DisplayListMenuID jp c, .returnToMainPokemartMenu ; if the player closed the menu .confirmItemSale ; if the player is trying to sell a specific item call IsKeyItem ld a, [wIsKeyItem] and a jr nz, .unsellableItem ld a, [wcf91] call IsItemHM jr c, .unsellableItem ld a, PRICEDITEMLISTMENU ld [wListMenuID], a ldh [hHalveItemPrices], a ; halve prices when selling call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu inc a jr z, .sellMenuLoop ; if the player closed the choose quantity menu with the B button ld hl, PokemartTellSellPriceText lb bc, 14, 1 ; location that PrintText always prints to, this is useless call PrintText hlcoord 14, 7 lb bc, 8, 15 ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; yes/no menu ld a, [wMenuExitMethod] cp CHOSE_SECOND_ITEM jr z, .sellMenuLoop ; if the player chose No or pressed the B button ; The following code is supposed to check if the player chose No, but the above ; check already catches it. ld a, [wChosenMenuItem] dec a jr z, .sellMenuLoop .sellItem ld a, [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart] and a jr nz, .skipSettingFlag1 inc a ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart], a .skipSettingFlag1 call AddAmountSoldToMoney ld hl, wNumBagItems call RemoveItemFromInventory jp .sellMenuLoop .unsellableItem ld hl, PokemartUnsellableItemText call PrintText jp .returnToMainPokemartMenu .bagEmpty ld hl, PokemartItemBagEmptyText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 jp .returnToMainPokemartMenu .buyMenu ; the same variables are set again below, so this code has no effect ld a, 1 ld [wPrintItemPrices], a ld a, INIT_OTHER_ITEM_LIST ld [wInitListType], a callfar InitList ld hl, PokemartBuyingGreetingText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 .buyMenuLoop call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ld hl, wItemList ld a, l ld [wListPointer], a ld a, h ld [wListPointer + 1], a xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a inc a ld [wPrintItemPrices], a inc a ; a = 2 (PRICEDITEMLISTMENU) ld [wListMenuID], a call DisplayListMenuID jr c, .returnToMainPokemartMenu ; if the player closed the menu ld a, 99 ld [wMaxItemQuantity], a xor a ldh [hHalveItemPrices], a ; don't halve item prices when buying call DisplayChooseQuantityMenu inc a jr z, .buyMenuLoop ; if the player closed the choose quantity menu with the B button ld a, [wcf91] ; item ID ld [wd11e], a ; store item ID for GetItemName call GetItemName call CopyToStringBuffer ld hl, PokemartTellBuyPriceText call PrintText hlcoord 14, 7 lb bc, 8, 15 ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; yes/no menu ld a, [wMenuExitMethod] cp CHOSE_SECOND_ITEM jp z, .buyMenuLoop ; if the player chose No or pressed the B button ; The following code is supposed to check if the player chose No, but the above ; check already catches it. ld a, [wChosenMenuItem] dec a jr z, .buyMenuLoop .buyItem call .isThereEnoughMoney jr c, .notEnoughMoney ld hl, wNumBagItems call AddItemToInventory jr nc, .bagFull call SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney ld a, [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart] and a jr nz, .skipSettingFlag2 ld a, 1 ld [wBoughtOrSoldItemInMart], a .skipSettingFlag2 ld a, SFX_PURCHASE call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent call WaitForSoundToFinish ld hl, PokemartBoughtItemText call PrintText jp .buyMenuLoop .returnToMainPokemartMenu call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ld hl, PokemartAnythingElseText call PrintText jp .loop .isThereEnoughMoney ld de, wPlayerMoney ld hl, hMoney ld c, 3 ; length of money in bytes jp StringCmp .notEnoughMoney ld hl, PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText call PrintText jr .returnToMainPokemartMenu .bagFull ld hl, PokemartItemBagFullText call PrintText jr .returnToMainPokemartMenu .done ld hl, PokemartThankYouText call PrintText ld a, 1 ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a call UpdateSprites ld a, [wSavedListScrollOffset] ld [wListScrollOffset], a ret PokemartBuyingGreetingText: text_far _PokemartBuyingGreetingText text_end PokemartTellBuyPriceText: text_far _PokemartTellBuyPriceText text_end PokemartBoughtItemText: text_far _PokemartBoughtItemText text_end PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText: text_far _PokemartNotEnoughMoneyText text_end PokemartItemBagFullText: text_far _PokemartItemBagFullText text_end PokemonSellingGreetingText: text_far _PokemonSellingGreetingText text_end PokemartTellSellPriceText: text_far _PokemartTellSellPriceText text_end PokemartItemBagEmptyText: text_far _PokemartItemBagEmptyText text_end PokemartUnsellableItemText: text_far _PokemartUnsellableItemText text_end PokemartThankYouText: text_far _PokemartThankYouText text_end PokemartAnythingElseText: text_far _PokemartAnythingElseText text_end