ref: ea5c9f9e05a02eaa51817ed0890ac19b99064583
dir: /scripts/PokemonFanClub.asm/
PokemonFanClub_Script: jp EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing FanClubBikeInBag: ; check if any bike paraphernalia in bag CheckEvent EVENT_GOT_BIKE_VOUCHER ret nz ld b, BICYCLE call IsItemInBag ret nz ld b, BIKE_VOUCHER jp IsItemInBag PokemonFanClub_TextPointers: dw FanClubText1 dw FanClubText2 dw FanClubText3 dw FanClubText4 dw FanClubText5 dw FanClubText6 dw FanClubText7 dw FanClubText8 FanClubText1: ; pikachu fan text_asm CheckEvent EVENT_PIKACHU_FAN_BOAST jr nz, .mineisbetter ld hl, .normaltext call PrintText SetEvent EVENT_SEEL_FAN_BOAST jr .done .mineisbetter ld hl, .bettertext call PrintText ResetEvent EVENT_PIKACHU_FAN_BOAST .done jp TextScriptEnd .normaltext text_far PikachuFanText text_end .bettertext text_far PikachuFanBetterText text_end FanClubText2: ; seel fan text_asm CheckEvent EVENT_SEEL_FAN_BOAST jr nz, .mineisbetter ld hl, .normaltext call PrintText SetEvent EVENT_PIKACHU_FAN_BOAST jr .done .mineisbetter ld hl, .bettertext call PrintText ResetEvent EVENT_SEEL_FAN_BOAST .done jp TextScriptEnd .normaltext text_far SeelFanText text_end .bettertext text_far SeelFanBetterText text_end FanClubText3: ; pikachu text_asm ld hl, .text call PrintText ld a, PIKACHU call PlayCry call WaitForSoundToFinish jp TextScriptEnd .text text_far FanClubPikachuText text_end FanClubText4: ; seel text_asm ld hl, .text call PrintText ld a, SEEL call PlayCry call WaitForSoundToFinish jp TextScriptEnd .text text_far FanClubSeelText text_end FanClubText5: ; chair text_asm call FanClubBikeInBag jr nz, .nothingleft ld hl, .meetchairtext call PrintText call YesNoChoice ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, .nothanks ; tell the story ld hl, .storytext call PrintText lb bc, BIKE_VOUCHER, 1 call GiveItem jr nc, .bag_full ld hl, .receivedvouchertext call PrintText SetEvent EVENT_GOT_BIKE_VOUCHER jr .done .bag_full ld hl, .bagfulltext call PrintText jr .done .nothanks ld hl, .nostorytext call PrintText jr .done .nothingleft ld hl, .finaltext call PrintText .done jp TextScriptEnd .meetchairtext text_far FanClubMeetChairText text_end .storytext text_far FanClubChairStoryText text_end .receivedvouchertext text_far ReceivedBikeVoucherText sound_get_key_item text_far ExplainBikeVoucherText text_end .nostorytext text_far FanClubNoStoryText text_end .finaltext text_far FanClubChairFinalText text_end .bagfulltext text_far FanClubBagFullText text_end FanClubText6: text_far _FanClubText6 text_end FanClubText7: text_far _FanClubText7 text_end FanClubText8: text_far _FanClubText8 text_end