ref: d6820cdcbfe48adb3ef7935b84c21fcb7796e701
dir: /engine/slots/slot_machine.asm/
PromptUserToPlaySlots: call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2 ld a, BANK(DisplayTextIDInit) ld [wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl], a ld b, a ld hl, DisplayTextIDInit call Bankswitch ld hl, PlaySlotMachineText call PrintText call YesNoChoice ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr nz, .done ; if player chose No dec a ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a ld hl, wSlotMachineRerollCounter xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], SMILE_BUBBLE predef EmotionBubble call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 call LoadSlotMachineTiles call LoadFontTilePatterns ld b, SET_PAL_SLOTS call RunPaletteCommand call GBPalNormal ld a, $e4 ld [rOBP0], a ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] xor a ld [wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter], a ld hl, wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel ld bc, $14 call FillMemory call MainSlotMachineLoop ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] xor a ld [wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter], a call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 ld a, $1 ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a call RunDefaultPaletteCommand call ReloadMapSpriteTilePatterns call ReloadTilesetTilePatterns .done call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2 call Delay3 call GBPalNormal ld a, [wSlotMachineSavedROMBank] push af jp CloseTextDisplay PlaySlotMachineText: text_far _PlaySlotMachineText text_end MainSlotMachineLoop: call SlotMachine_PrintCreditCoins xor a ld hl, wPayoutCoins ld [hli], a ld [hl], a call SlotMachine_PrintPayoutCoins ld hl, BetHowManySlotMachineText call PrintText call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 .loop ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, 2 ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 12 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, 15 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a coord hl, 14, 11 ld b, 5 ld c, 4 call TextBoxBorder coord hl, 16, 12 ld de, CoinMultiplierSlotMachineText call PlaceString call HandleMenuInput and B_BUTTON jp nz, LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld b, a ld a, 3 sub b ld [wSlotMachineBet], a ld hl, wPlayerCoins ld c, a ld a, [hli] and a jr nz, .skip1 ld a, [hl] cp c jr nc, .skip1 ld hl, NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText call PrintText jr .loop .skip1 call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 call SlotMachine_SubtractBetFromPlayerCoins call SlotMachine_LightBalls call SlotMachine_SetFlags ld a, 4 ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a call WaitForSoundToFinish ld a, SFX_SLOTS_NEW_SPIN call PlaySound ld hl, StartSlotMachineText call PrintText call SlotMachine_SpinWheels call SlotMachine_CheckForMatches ld hl, wPlayerCoins ld a, [hli] or [hl] jr nz, .skip2 ld hl, OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText call PrintText ld c, 60 jp DelayFrames .skip2 ld hl, OneMoreGoSlotMachineText call PrintText coord hl, 14, 12 lb bc, 13, 15 xor a ; YES_NO_MENU ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a ret nz call SlotMachine_PutOutLitBalls jp MainSlotMachineLoop CoinMultiplierSlotMachineText: db "×3" next "×2" next "×1@" OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText: text_far _OutOfCoinsSlotMachineText text_end BetHowManySlotMachineText: text_far _BetHowManySlotMachineText text_end StartSlotMachineText: text_far _StartSlotMachineText text_end NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText: text_far _NotEnoughCoinsSlotMachineText text_end OneMoreGoSlotMachineText: text_far _OneMoreGoSlotMachineText text_end SlotMachine_SetFlags: ld hl, wSlotMachineFlags bit 7, [hl] ret nz ld a, [wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter] and a jr nz, .allowMatches call Random and a jr z, .setAllowMatchesCounter ; 1/256 (~0.4%) chance ld b, a ld a, [wSlotMachineSevenAndBarModeChance] cp b jr c, .allowSevenAndBarMatches ld a, 210 cp b jr c, .allowMatches ; 55/256 (~21.5%) chance ld [hl], 0 ret .allowMatches set 6, [hl] ret .setAllowMatchesCounter ld a, 60 ld [wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter], a ret .allowSevenAndBarMatches set 7, [hl] ret SlotMachine_SpinWheels: ld c, 20 .loop1 push bc call SlotMachine_AnimWheel1 call SlotMachine_AnimWheel2 call SlotMachine_AnimWheel3 ld c, 2 call DelayFrames pop bc dec c jr nz, .loop1 xor a ld [wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel], a .loop2 call SlotMachine_HandleInputWhileWheelsSpin call SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel1 call SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel2 call SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel3 ret c ld a, [wOnSGB] xor $1 inc a ld c, a call DelayFrames jr .loop2 ; Note that the wheels can only stop when a symbol is centred in the wheel ; and thus 3 full symbols rather than 2 full symbols and 2 half symbols are ; visible. The 3 functions below ensure this by checking if the wheel offset ; is even before stopping the wheel. SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel1: ld a, [wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel] cp 1 jr c, .animWheel ld de, wSlotMachineWheel1Offset ld a, [de] rra jr nc, .animWheel ; check that a symbol is centred in the wheel ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] call SlotMachine_StopWheel1Early ret nz .animWheel jp SlotMachine_AnimWheel1 SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel2: ld a, [wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel] cp 2 jr c, .animWheel ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2Offset ld a, [de] rra jr nc, .animWheel ; check that a symbol is centred in the wheel ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel2SlipCounter ld a, [hl] and a ret z dec [hl] call SlotMachine_StopWheel2Early ret z .animWheel jp SlotMachine_AnimWheel2 SlotMachine_StopOrAnimWheel3: ld a, [wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel] cp 3 jr c, .animWheel ld de, wSlotMachineWheel3Offset ld a, [de] rra jr nc, .animWheel ; check that a symbol is centred in the wheel ; wheel 3 stops as soon as possible scf ret .animWheel call SlotMachine_AnimWheel3 and a ret SlotMachine_StopWheel1Early: call SlotMachine_GetWheel1Tiles ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile ld a, [wSlotMachineFlags] and $80 jr nz, .sevenAndBarMode ; Stop early if the middle symbol is not a cherry. inc hl ld a, [hl] cp SLOTSCHERRY >> 8 jr nz, .stopWheel ret ; It looks like this was intended to make the wheel stop when a 7 symbol was ; visible, but it has a bug and so the wheel stops randomly. .sevenAndBarMode ld c, $3 .loop ld a, [hli] cp SLOTS7 >> 8 jr c, .stopWheel ; condition never true dec c jr nz, .loop ret .stopWheel inc a ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter ld [hl], 0 ret SlotMachine_StopWheel2Early: call SlotMachine_GetWheel2Tiles ld a, [wSlotMachineFlags] and $80 jr nz, .sevenAndBarMode ; Stop early if any symbols are lined up in the first two wheels. call SlotMachine_FindWheel1Wheel2Matches ret nz jr .stopWheel ; Stop early if two 7 symbols or two bar symbols are lined up in the first two ; wheels OR if no symbols are lined up and the bottom symbol in wheel 2 is a ; 7 symbol or bar symbol. The second part could be a bug or a way to reduce the ; player's odds. .sevenAndBarMode call SlotMachine_FindWheel1Wheel2Matches ld a, [de] cp (SLOTSBAR >> 8) + 1 ret nc .stopWheel xor a ld [wSlotMachineWheel2SlipCounter], a ret SlotMachine_FindWheel1Wheel2Matches: ; return whether wheel 1 and wheel 2's current positions allow a match (given ; that wheel 3 stops in a good position) in Z ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2BottomTile ld a, [de] cp [hl] ; wheel 1 bottom, wheel 2 bottom ret z inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] ; wheel 1 bottom, wheel 2 middle ret z inc hl cp [hl] ; wheel 1 middle, wheel 2 middle ret z inc hl cp [hl] ; wheel 1 top, wheel 2 middle ret z inc de ld a, [de] cp [hl] ; wheel 1 top, wheel 2 top ret z dec de dec de ret SlotMachine_CheckForMatches: call SlotMachine_GetWheel3Tiles ld a, [wSlotMachineBet] cp 2 jr z, .checkMatchesFor2CoinBet cp 1 jr z, .checkMatchFor1CoinBet ; 3 coin bet allows diagonal matches (plus the matches for 1/2 coin bets) ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2MiddleTile ld bc, wSlotMachineWheel3TopTile call SlotMachine_CheckForMatch jp z, .foundMatch ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1TopTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2MiddleTile ld bc, wSlotMachineWheel3BottomTile call SlotMachine_CheckForMatch jr z, .foundMatch ; 2 coin bet allows top/bottom horizontal matches (plus the match for a 1 coin bet) .checkMatchesFor2CoinBet ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1TopTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2TopTile ld bc, wSlotMachineWheel3TopTile call SlotMachine_CheckForMatch jr z, .foundMatch ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2BottomTile ld bc, wSlotMachineWheel3BottomTile call SlotMachine_CheckForMatch jr z, .foundMatch ; 1 coin bet only allows a middle horizontal match .checkMatchFor1CoinBet ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1MiddleTile ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2MiddleTile ld bc, wSlotMachineWheel3MiddleTile call SlotMachine_CheckForMatch jr z, .foundMatch ld a, [wSlotMachineFlags] and $c0 jr z, .noMatch ld hl, wSlotMachineRerollCounter dec [hl] jr nz, .rollWheel3DownByOneSymbol .noMatch ld hl, NotThisTimeText call PrintText .done xor a ld [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic], a ret .rollWheel3DownByOneSymbol call SlotMachine_AnimWheel3 call DelayFrame call SlotMachine_AnimWheel3 call DelayFrame jp SlotMachine_CheckForMatches .foundMatch ld a, [wSlotMachineFlags] and $c0 jr z, .rollWheel3DownByOneSymbol ; roll wheel if player isn't allowed to win and $80 jr nz, .acceptMatch ; if 7/bar matches aren't enabled and the match was a 7/bar symbol, roll wheel ld a, [hl] cp (SLOTSBAR >> 8) + 1 jr c, .rollWheel3DownByOneSymbol .acceptMatch ld a, [hl] sub $2 ld [wSlotMachineWinningSymbol], a ld hl, SlotRewardPointers ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a push de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, wcf4b ld bc, 4 call CopyData pop hl ld de, .flashScreenLoop push de jp hl .flashScreenLoop ld a, [rBGP] xor $40 ld [rBGP], a ld c, 5 call DelayFrames dec b jr nz, .flashScreenLoop ld hl, wPayoutCoins ld [hl], d inc hl ld [hl], e call SlotMachine_PrintPayoutCoins ld hl, SymbolLinedUpSlotMachineText call PrintText call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress call SlotMachine_PayCoinsToPlayer call SlotMachine_PrintPayoutCoins ld a, $e4 ld [rOBP0], a jp .done SymbolLinedUpSlotMachineText: text_asm push bc call SlotMachine_PrintWinningSymbol ld hl, LinedUpText pop bc inc bc inc bc inc bc inc bc ret LinedUpText: text_far _LinedUpText text_end SlotRewardPointers: dw SlotReward300Func dw SlotReward300Text dw SlotReward100Func dw SlotReward100Text dw SlotReward8Func dw SlotReward8Text dw SlotReward15Func dw SlotReward15Text dw SlotReward15Func dw SlotReward15Text dw SlotReward15Func dw SlotReward15Text SlotReward300Text: db "300@" SlotReward100Text: db "100@" SlotReward8Text: db "8@" SlotReward15Text: db "15@" NotThisTimeText: text_far _NotThisTimeText text_end ; compares the slot machine tiles at bc, de, and hl SlotMachine_CheckForMatch: ld a, [de] cp [hl] ret nz ld a, [bc] cp [hl] ret SlotMachine_GetWheel3Tiles: ld de, wSlotMachineWheel3BottomTile ld hl, SlotMachineWheel3 ld a, [wSlotMachineWheel3Offset] call SlotMachine_GetWheelTiles SlotMachine_GetWheel2Tiles: ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2BottomTile ld hl, SlotMachineWheel2 ld a, [wSlotMachineWheel2Offset] call SlotMachine_GetWheelTiles SlotMachine_GetWheel1Tiles: ld de, wSlotMachineWheel1BottomTile ld hl, SlotMachineWheel1 ld a, [wSlotMachineWheel1Offset] SlotMachine_GetWheelTiles: ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld c, 3 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de inc hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret SlotReward8Func: ld hl, wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .skip dec [hl] .skip ld b, $2 ld de, 8 ret SlotReward15Func: ld hl, wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .skip dec [hl] .skip ld b, $4 ld de, 15 ret SlotReward100Func: ld a, SFX_GET_KEY_ITEM call PlaySound xor a ld [wSlotMachineFlags], a ld b, $8 ld de, 100 ret SlotReward300Func: ld hl, YeahText call PrintText ld a, SFX_GET_ITEM_2 call PlaySound call Random cp $80 ld a, $0 jr c, .skip ld [wSlotMachineFlags], a .skip ld [wSlotMachineAllowMatchesCounter], a ld b, $14 ld de, 300 ret YeahText: text_far _YeahText text_pause text_end SlotMachine_PrintWinningSymbol: ; prints winning symbol and down arrow in text box coord hl, 2, 14 ld a, [wSlotMachineWinningSymbol] add $25 ld [hli], a inc a ld [hld], a inc a ld de, -SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, de ld [hli], a inc a ld [hl], a coord hl, 18, 16 ld [hl], "▼" ret SlotMachine_SubtractBetFromPlayerCoins: ld hl, wTempCoins2 + 1 ld a, [wSlotMachineBet] ld [hld], a xor a ld [hli], a ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1 ld c, $2 predef SubBCDPredef SlotMachine_PrintCreditCoins: coord hl, 5, 1 ld de, wPlayerCoins ld c, $2 jp PrintBCDNumber SlotMachine_PrintPayoutCoins: coord hl, 11, 1 ld de, wPayoutCoins lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 2, 4 ; 2 bytes, 4 digits jp PrintNumber SlotMachine_PayCoinsToPlayer: ld a, $1 ld [wMuteAudioAndPauseMusic], a call WaitForSoundToFinish ; Put 1 in the temp coins variable. This value is added to the player's coins ; repeatedly so the player can watch the value go up 1 coin at a time. ld hl, wTempCoins1 xor a ld [hli], a inc a ld [hl], a ld a, 5 ld [wAnimCounter], a ; Subtract 1 from the payout amount and add 1 to the player's coins each ; iteration until the payout amount reaches 0. .loop ld a, [wPayoutCoins + 1] ld l, a ld a, [wPayoutCoins] ld h, a or l ret z ld de, -1 add hl, de ld a, l ld [wPayoutCoins + 1], a ld a, h ld [wPayoutCoins], a ld hl, wTempCoins1 + 1 ld de, wPlayerCoins + 1 ld c, $2 predef AddBCDPredef call SlotMachine_PrintCreditCoins call SlotMachine_PrintPayoutCoins ld a, SFX_SLOTS_REWARD call PlaySound ld a, [wAnimCounter] dec a jr nz, .skip1 ld a, [rOBP0] xor $40 ; make the slot wheel symbols flash ld [rOBP0], a ld a, 5 .skip1 ld [wAnimCounter], a ld a, [wSlotMachineWinningSymbol] cp (SLOTSBAR >> 8) + 1 ld c, 8 jr nc, .skip2 srl c ; c = 4 (make the the coins transfer faster if the symbol was 7 or bar) .skip2 call DelayFrames jr .loop SlotMachine_PutOutLitBalls: ld a, $23 ld [wNewSlotMachineBallTile], a jr SlotMachine_UpdateThreeCoinBallTiles SlotMachine_LightBalls: ld a, $14 ld [wNewSlotMachineBallTile], a ld a, [wSlotMachineBet] dec a jr z, SlotMachine_UpdateOneCoinBallTiles dec a jr z, SlotMachine_UpdateTwoCoinBallTiles SlotMachine_UpdateThreeCoinBallTiles: coord hl, 3, 2 call SlotMachine_UpdateBallTiles coord hl, 3, 10 call SlotMachine_UpdateBallTiles SlotMachine_UpdateTwoCoinBallTiles: coord hl, 3, 4 call SlotMachine_UpdateBallTiles coord hl, 3, 8 call SlotMachine_UpdateBallTiles SlotMachine_UpdateOneCoinBallTiles: coord hl, 3, 6 SlotMachine_UpdateBallTiles: ld a, [wNewSlotMachineBallTile] ld [hl], a ld bc, 13 add hl, bc ld [hl], a ld bc, 7 add hl, bc inc a ld [hl], a ld bc, 13 add hl, bc ld [hl], a ret SlotMachine_AnimWheel1: ld bc, SlotMachineWheel1 ld de, wSlotMachineWheel1Offset ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld a, $30 ld [wBaseCoordX], a jr SlotMachine_AnimWheel SlotMachine_AnimWheel2: ld bc, SlotMachineWheel2 ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2Offset ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $30 ld a, $50 ld [wBaseCoordX], a jr SlotMachine_AnimWheel SlotMachine_AnimWheel3: ld bc, SlotMachineWheel3 ld de, wSlotMachineWheel3Offset ld hl, wOAMBuffer + $60 ld a, $70 ld [wBaseCoordX], a SlotMachine_AnimWheel: ld a, $58 ld [wBaseCoordY], a push de ld a, [de] ld d, b add c ld e, a jr nc, .loop inc d .loop ld a, [wBaseCoordY] ld [hli], a ld a, [wBaseCoordX] ld [hli], a ld a, [de] ld [hli], a ld a, $80 ld [hli], a ld a, [wBaseCoordY] ld [hli], a ld a, [wBaseCoordX] add $8 ld [hli], a ld a, [de] inc a ld [hli], a ld a, $80 ld [hli], a inc de ld a, [wBaseCoordY] sub $8 ld [wBaseCoordY], a cp $28 jr nz, .loop pop de ld a, [de] inc a ; advance the offset so that the wheel animates cp 30 jr nz, .skip xor a ; wrap around to 0 when the offset reaches 30 .skip ld [de], a ret SlotMachine_HandleInputWhileWheelsSpin: call DelayFrame call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a, [hJoy5] and A_BUTTON ret z ld hl, wStoppingWhichSlotMachineWheel ld a, [hl] dec a ld de, wSlotMachineWheel1SlipCounter jr z, .skip dec a ld de, wSlotMachineWheel2SlipCounter jr z, .skip .loop inc [hl] ld a, SFX_SLOTS_STOP_WHEEL jp PlaySound .skip ld a, [de] and a ret nz jr .loop LoadSlotMachineTiles: call DisableLCD ld hl, SlotMachineTiles2 ld de, vChars0 ld bc, $1c0 ld a, BANK(SlotMachineTiles2) call FarCopyData2 ld hl, SlotMachineTiles1 ld de, vChars2 ld bc, $250 ld a, BANK(SlotMachineTiles1) call FarCopyData2 ld hl, SlotMachineTiles2 ld de, vChars2 + $250 ld bc, $1c0 ld a, BANK(SlotMachineTiles2) call FarCopyData2 ld hl, SlotMachineMap coord de, 0, 0 ld bc, SlotMachineMapEnd - SlotMachineMap call CopyData call EnableLCD ld hl, wSlotMachineWheel1Offset ld a, $1c ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a call SlotMachine_AnimWheel1 call SlotMachine_AnimWheel2 jp SlotMachine_AnimWheel3 SlotMachineMap: INCBIN "gfx/slots/slots.tilemap" SlotMachineMapEnd: INCLUDE "data/events/slot_machine_wheels.asm" SlotMachineTiles1: IF DEF(_RED) INCBIN "gfx/slots/red_slots_1.2bpp" ENDC IF DEF(_BLUE) INCBIN "gfx/slots/blue_slots_1.2bpp" ENDC