shithub: pokered

ref: d1162fec71ca789cae66dfe826aa0eae0e134b53
dir: /engine/battle/read_trainer_party.asm/

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; don't change any moves in a link battle
	ld a,[wLinkState]
	and a
	ret nz

; set [wEnemyPartyCount] to 0, [wEnemyPartyMons] to FF
; XXX first is total enemy pokemon?
; XXX second is species of first pokemon?
	ld hl,wEnemyPartyCount
	xor a
	ld [hli],a
	dec a
	ld [hl],a

; get the pointer to trainer data for this class
	ld a,[wCurOpponent]
	sub $C9 ; convert value from pokemon to trainer
	add a,a
	ld hl,TrainerDataPointers
	ld c,a
	ld b,0
	add hl,bc ; hl points to trainer class
	ld a,[hli]
	ld h,[hl]
	ld l,a
	ld a,[wTrainerNo]
	ld b,a
; At this point b contains the trainer number,
; and hl points to the trainer class.
; Our next task is to iterate through the trainers,
; decrementing b each time, until we get to the right one.
	dec b
	jr z,.IterateTrainer
	ld a,[hli]
	and a
	jr nz,.inner
	jr .outer

; if the first byte of trainer data is FF,
; - each pokemon has a specific level
;      (as opposed to the whole team being of the same level)
; - if [wLoneAttackNo] != 0, one pokemon on the team has a special move
; else the first byte is the level of every pokemon on the team
	ld a,[hli]
	cp $FF ; is the trainer special?
	jr z,.SpecialTrainer ; if so, check for special moves
	ld [wCurEnemyLVL],a
	ld a,[hli]
	and a ; have we reached the end of the trainer data?
	jr z,.FinishUp
	ld [wcf91],a ; write species somewhere (XXX why?)
	ld [wMonDataLocation],a
	push hl
	call AddPartyMon
	pop hl
	jr .LoopTrainerData
; if this code is being run:
; - each pokemon has a specific level
;      (as opposed to the whole team being of the same level)
; - if [wLoneAttackNo] != 0, one pokemon on the team has a special move
	ld a,[hli]
	and a ; have we reached the end of the trainer data?
	jr z,.AddLoneMove
	ld [wCurEnemyLVL],a
	ld a,[hli]
	ld [wcf91],a
	ld [wMonDataLocation],a
	push hl
	call AddPartyMon
	pop hl
	jr .SpecialTrainer
; does the trainer have a single monster with a different move
	ld a,[wLoneAttackNo] ; Brock is 01, Misty is 02, Erika is 04, etc
	and a
	jr z,.AddTeamMove
	dec a
	add a,a
	ld c,a
	ld b,0
	ld hl,LoneMoves
	add hl,bc
	ld a,[hli]
	ld d,[hl]
	ld hl,wEnemyMon1Moves + 2
	ld bc,wEnemyMon2 - wEnemyMon1
	call AddNTimes
	ld [hl],d
	jr .FinishUp
; check if our trainer's team has special moves

; get trainer class number
	ld a,[wCurOpponent]
	sub 200
	ld b,a
	ld hl,TeamMoves

; iterate through entries in TeamMoves, checking each for our trainer class
	ld a,[hli]
	cp b
	jr z,.GiveTeamMoves ; is there a match?
	inc hl ; if not, go to the next entry
	inc a
	jr nz,.IterateTeamMoves

; no matches found. is this trainer champion rival?
	ld a,b
	cp SONY3
	jr z,.ChampionRival
	jr .FinishUp ; nope
	ld a,[hl]
	ld [wEnemyMon5Moves + 2],a
	jr .FinishUp
.ChampionRival ; give moves to his team

; pidgeot
	ld [wEnemyMon1Moves + 2],a

; starter
	ld a,[wRivalStarter]
	jr z,.GiveStarterMove
	jr z,.GiveStarterMove
	ld b,BLIZZARD ; must be squirtle
	ld a,b
	ld [wEnemyMon6Moves + 2],a
; clear wAmountMoneyWon addresses
	xor a
	ld de,wAmountMoneyWon
	ld [de],a
	inc de
	ld [de],a
	inc de
	ld [de],a
	ld a,[wCurEnemyLVL]
	ld b,a
; update wAmountMoneyWon addresses (money to win) based on enemy's level
	ld hl,wTrainerBaseMoney + 1
	ld c,2 ; wAmountMoneyWon is a 3-byte number
	push bc
	predef AddBCDPredef
	pop bc
	inc de
	inc de
	dec b
	jr nz,.LastLoop ; repeat wCurEnemyLVL times