ref: c85572a5732b7376845965fc4a9efdb700cd9f5c
dir: /engine/battle/moveEffects/paralyze_effect.asm/
ParalyzeEffect_: ; 52601 (14:6601) ld hl, wEnemyMonStatus ld de, W_PLAYERMOVETYPE ld a, [H_WHOSETURN] and a jp z, .next ld hl, wBattleMonStatus ld de, W_ENEMYMOVETYPE .next ld a, [hl] and a ; does the target already have a status ailment? jr nz, .didntAffect ; check if the target is immune due to types ld a, [de] cp ELECTRIC jr nz, .hitTest ld b, h ld c, l inc bc ld a, [bc] cp GROUND jr z, .doesntAffect inc bc ld a, [bc] cp GROUND jr z, .doesntAffect .hitTest push hl callab MoveHitTest pop hl ld a, [W_MOVEMISSED] and a jr nz, .didntAffect set PAR, [hl] callab QuarterSpeedDueToParalysis ld c, 30 call DelayFrames callab PlayCurrentMoveAnimation ld hl, PrintMayNotAttackText ld b, BANK(PrintMayNotAttackText) jp Bankswitch .didntAffect ld c, 50 call DelayFrames ld hl, PrintDidntAffectText ld b, BANK(PrintDidntAffectText) jp Bankswitch .doesntAffect ld c, 50 call DelayFrames ld hl, PrintDoesntAffectText ld b, BANK(PrintDoesntAffectText) jp Bankswitch