ref: bdeb494add78beb8d00375f352a2c49e9f7fd32b
dir: /home.asm/
; The rst vectors are unused. SECTION "rst 00", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 08", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 10", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 18", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 20", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 28", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 30", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "rst 38", ROM0 rst $38 ; Hardware interrupts SECTION "vblank", ROM0 jp VBlank SECTION "hblank", ROM0 rst $38 SECTION "timer", ROM0 jp Timer SECTION "serial", ROM0 jp Serial SECTION "joypad", ROM0 reti SECTION "Home", ROM0 DisableLCD:: xor a ld [rIF], a ld a, [rIE] ld b, a res 0, a ld [rIE], a .wait ld a, [rLY] cp LY_VBLANK jr nz, .wait ld a, [rLCDC] and $ff ^ rLCDC_ENABLE_MASK ld [rLCDC], a ld a, b ld [rIE], a ret EnableLCD:: ld a, [rLCDC] set rLCDC_ENABLE, a ld [rLCDC], a ret ClearSprites:: xor a ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld b, 40 * 4 .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret HideSprites:: ld a, 160 ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld de, 4 ld b, 40 .loop ld [hl], a add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop ret INCLUDE "home/copy.asm" SECTION "Entry", ROM0 nop jp Start SECTION "Header", ROM0 ; The header is generated by rgbfix. ; The space here is allocated to prevent code from being overwritten. ds $150 - $104 SECTION "Main", ROM0 Start:: cp GBC jr z, .gbc xor a jr .ok .gbc ld a, 0 .ok ld [wGBC], a jp Init INCLUDE "home/joypad.asm" INCLUDE "data/map_header_pointers.asm" INCLUDE "home/overworld.asm" CheckForUserInterruption:: ; Return carry if Up+Select+B, Start or A are pressed in c frames. ; Used only in the intro and title screen. call DelayFrame push bc call JoypadLowSensitivity pop bc ld a, [hJoyHeld] cp D_UP + SELECT + B_BUTTON jr z, .input ld a, [hJoy5] and START | A_BUTTON jr nz, .input dec c jr nz, CheckForUserInterruption and a ret .input scf ret ; function to load position data for destination warp when switching maps ; INPUT: ; a = ID of destination warp within destination map LoadDestinationWarpPosition:: ld b, a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wPredefParentBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld a, b add a add a ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld bc, 4 ld de, wCurrentTileBlockMapViewPointer call CopyData pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret DrawHPBar:: ; Draw an HP bar d tiles long, and fill it to e pixels. ; If c is nonzero, show at least a sliver regardless. ; The right end of the bar changes with [wHPBarType]. push hl push de push bc ; Left ld a, $71 ; "HP:" ld [hli], a ld a, $62 ld [hli], a push hl ; Middle ld a, $63 ; empty .draw ld [hli], a dec d jr nz, .draw ; Right ld a, [wHPBarType] dec a ld a, $6d ; status screen and battle jr z, .ok dec a ; pokemon menu .ok ld [hl], a pop hl ld a, e and a jr nz, .fill ; If c is nonzero, draw a pixel anyway. ld a, c and a jr z, .done ld e, 1 .fill ld a, e sub 8 jr c, .partial ld e, a ld a, $6b ; full ld [hli], a ld a, e and a jr z, .done jr .fill .partial ; Fill remaining pixels at the end if necessary. ld a, $63 ; empty add e ld [hl], a .done pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; loads pokemon data from one of multiple sources to wLoadedMon ; loads base stats to wMonHeader ; INPUT: ; [wWhichPokemon] = index of pokemon within party/box ; [wMonDataLocation] = source ; 00: player's party ; 01: enemy's party ; 02: current box ; 03: daycare ; OUTPUT: ; [wcf91] = pokemon ID ; wLoadedMon = base address of pokemon data ; wMonHeader = base address of base stats LoadMonData:: jpab LoadMonData_ OverwritewMoves:: ; Write c to [wMoves + b]. Unused. ld hl, wMoves ld e, b ld d, 0 add hl, de ld a, c ld [hl], a ret LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: ld a, 1 ld [wSpriteFlipped], a LoadFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: push hl ld a, [wd11e] push af ld a, [wcf91] ld [wd11e], a predef IndexToPokedex ld hl, wd11e ld a, [hl] pop bc ld [hl], b and a pop hl jr z, .invalidDexNumber ; dex #0 invalid cp NUM_POKEMON + 1 jr c, .validDexNumber ; dex >#151 invalid .invalidDexNumber ld a, RHYDON ; $1 ld [wcf91], a ret .validDexNumber push hl ld de, vFrontPic call LoadMonFrontSprite pop hl ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(CopyUncompressedPicToHL) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a xor a ld [hStartTileID], a call CopyUncompressedPicToHL xor a ld [wSpriteFlipped], a pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret PlayCry:: ; Play monster a's cry. call GetCryData call PlaySound jp WaitForSoundToFinish GetCryData:: ; Load cry data for monster a. dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, CryData add hl, bc add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, BANK(CryData) call BankswitchHome ld a, [hli] ld b, a ; cry id ld a, [hli] ld [wFrequencyModifier], a ld a, [hl] ld [wTempoModifier], a call BankswitchBack ; Cry headers have 3 channels, ; and start from index CRY_SFX_START, ; so add 3 times the cry id. ld a, b ld c, CRY_SFX_START rlca ; * 2 add b add c ret DisplayPartyMenu:: ld a, [hTilesetType] push af xor a ld [hTilesetType], a call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 call ClearSprites call PartyMenuInit call DrawPartyMenu jp HandlePartyMenuInput GoBackToPartyMenu:: ld a, [hTilesetType] push af xor a ld [hTilesetType], a call PartyMenuInit call RedrawPartyMenu jp HandlePartyMenuInput PartyMenuInit:: ld a, 1 ; hardcoded bank call BankswitchHome call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] ; turn off letter printing delay xor a ; PLAYER_PARTY_DATA ld [wMonDataLocation], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld hl, wTopMenuItemY inc a ld [hli], a ; top menu item Y xor a ld [hli], a ; top menu item X ld a, [wPartyAndBillsPCSavedMenuItem] push af ld [hli], a ; current menu item ID inc hl ld a, [wPartyCount] and a ; are there more than 0 pokemon in the party? jr z, .storeMaxMenuItemID dec a ; if party is not empty, the max menu item ID is ([wPartyCount] - 1) ; otherwise, it is 0 .storeMaxMenuItemID ld [hli], a ; max menu item ID ld a, [wForcePlayerToChooseMon] and a ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr z, .next xor a ld [wForcePlayerToChooseMon], a inc a ; a = A_BUTTON .next ld [hli], a ; menu watched keys pop af ld [hl], a ; old menu item ID ret HandlePartyMenuInput:: ld a, 1 ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled], a ld a, $40 ld [wPartyMenuAnimMonEnabled], a call HandleMenuInput_ call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor ld b, a xor a ld [wPartyMenuAnimMonEnabled], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wPartyAndBillsPCSavedMenuItem], a ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] ; turn on letter printing delay ld a, [wMenuItemToSwap] and a jp nz, .swappingPokemon pop af ld [hTilesetType], a bit 1, b jr nz, .noPokemonChosen ld a, [wPartyCount] and a jr z, .noPokemonChosen ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld hl, wPartySpecies ld b, 0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wcf91], a ld [wBattleMonSpecies2], a call BankswitchBack and a ret .noPokemonChosen call BankswitchBack scf ret .swappingPokemon bit 1, b ; was the B button pressed? jr z, .handleSwap ; if not, handle swapping the pokemon .cancelSwap ; if the B button was pressed callba ErasePartyMenuCursors xor a ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a ld [wPartyMenuTypeOrMessageID], a call RedrawPartyMenu jr HandlePartyMenuInput .handleSwap ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wWhichPokemon], a callba SwitchPartyMon jr HandlePartyMenuInput DrawPartyMenu:: ld hl, DrawPartyMenu_ jr DrawPartyMenuCommon RedrawPartyMenu:: ld hl, RedrawPartyMenu_ DrawPartyMenuCommon:: ld b, BANK(RedrawPartyMenu_) jp Bankswitch ; prints a pokemon's status condition ; INPUT: ; de = address of status condition ; hl = destination address PrintStatusCondition:: push de dec de dec de ; de = address of current HP ld a, [de] ld b, a dec de ld a, [de] or b ; is the pokemon's HP zero? pop de jr nz, PrintStatusConditionNotFainted ; if the pokemon's HP is 0, print "FNT" ld a, "F" ld [hli], a ld a, "N" ld [hli], a ld [hl], "T" and a ret PrintStatusConditionNotFainted: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(PrintStatusAilment) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call PrintStatusAilment ; print status condition pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; function to print pokemon level, leaving off the ":L" if the level is at least 100 ; INPUT: ; hl = destination address ; [wLoadedMonLevel] = level PrintLevel:: ld a, $6e ; ":L" tile ID ld [hli], a ld c, 2 ; number of digits ld a, [wLoadedMonLevel] ; level cp 100 jr c, PrintLevelCommon ; if level at least 100, write over the ":L" tile dec hl inc c ; increment number of digits to 3 jr PrintLevelCommon ; prints the level without leaving off ":L" regardless of level ; INPUT: ; hl = destination address ; [wLoadedMonLevel] = level PrintLevelFull:: ld a, $6e ; ":L" tile ID ld [hli], a ld c, 3 ; number of digits ld a, [wLoadedMonLevel] ; level PrintLevelCommon:: ld [wd11e], a ld de, wd11e ld b, LEFT_ALIGN | 1 ; 1 byte jp PrintNumber GetwMoves:: ; Unused. Returns the move at index a from wMoves in a ld hl, wMoves ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ret ; copies the base stat data of a pokemon to wMonHeader ; INPUT: ; [wd0b5] = pokemon ID GetMonHeader:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(BaseStats) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a push bc push de push hl ld a, [wd11e] push af ld a, [wd0b5] ld [wd11e], a ld de, FossilKabutopsPic ld b, $66 ; size of Kabutops fossil and Ghost sprites cp FOSSIL_KABUTOPS ; Kabutops fossil jr z, .specialID ld de, GhostPic cp MON_GHOST ; Ghost jr z, .specialID ld de, FossilAerodactylPic ld b, $77 ; size of Aerodactyl fossil sprite cp FOSSIL_AERODACTYL ; Aerodactyl fossil jr z, .specialID cp MEW jr z, .mew predef IndexToPokedex ; convert pokemon ID in [wd11e] to pokedex number ld a, [wd11e] dec a ld bc, MonBaseStatsEnd - MonBaseStats ld hl, BaseStats call AddNTimes ld de, wMonHeader ld bc, MonBaseStatsEnd - MonBaseStats call CopyData jr .done .specialID ld hl, wMonHSpriteDim ld [hl], b ; write sprite dimensions inc hl ld [hl], e ; write front sprite pointer inc hl ld [hl], d jr .done .mew ld hl, MewBaseStats ld de, wMonHeader ld bc, MonBaseStatsEnd - MonBaseStats ld a, BANK(MewBaseStats) call FarCopyData .done ld a, [wd0b5] ld [wMonHIndex], a pop af ld [wd11e], a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; copy party pokemon's name to wcd6d GetPartyMonName2:: ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ; index within party ld hl, wPartyMonNicks ; this is called more often GetPartyMonName:: push hl push bc call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries ; add NAME_LENGTH to hl, a times ld de, wcd6d push de ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyData pop de pop bc pop hl ret ; function to print a BCD (Binary-coded decimal) number ; de = address of BCD number ; hl = destination address ; c = flags and length ; bit 7: if set, do not print leading zeroes ; if unset, print leading zeroes ; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces) ; if unset, right-align the string ; bit 5: if set, print currency symbol at the beginning of the string ; if unset, do not print the currency symbol ; bits 0-4: length of BCD number in bytes ; Note that bits 5 and 7 are modified during execution. The above reflects ; their meaning at the beginning of the functions's execution. PrintBCDNumber:: ld b, c ; save flags in b res 7, c res 6, c res 5, c ; c now holds the length bit 5, b jr z, .loop bit 7, b jr nz, .loop ld [hl], "¥" inc hl .loop ld a, [de] swap a call PrintBCDDigit ; print upper digit ld a, [de] call PrintBCDDigit ; print lower digit inc de dec c jr nz, .loop bit 7, b ; were any non-zero digits printed? jr z, .done ; if so, we are done .numberEqualsZero ; if every digit of the BCD number is zero bit 6, b ; left or right alignment? jr nz, .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment dec hl ; if the string is right-aligned, it needs to be moved back one space .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment bit 5, b jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl], "¥" inc hl .skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl], "0" call PrintLetterDelay inc hl .done ret PrintBCDDigit:: and $f and a jr z, .zeroDigit .nonzeroDigit bit 7, b ; have any non-space characters been printed? jr z, .outputDigit ; if bit 7 is set, then no numbers have been printed yet bit 5, b ; print the currency symbol? jr z, .skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl], "¥" inc hl res 5, b .skipCurrencySymbol res 7, b ; unset 7 to indicate that a nonzero digit has been reached .outputDigit add "0" ld [hli], a jp PrintLetterDelay .zeroDigit bit 7, b ; either printing leading zeroes or already reached a nonzero digit? jr z, .outputDigit ; if so, print a zero digit bit 6, b ; left or right alignment? ret nz inc hl ; if right-aligned, "print" a space by advancing the pointer ret ; uncompresses the front or back sprite of the specified mon ; assumes the corresponding mon header is already loaded ; hl contains offset to sprite pointer ($b for front or $d for back) UncompressMonSprite:: ld bc, wMonHeader add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [wSpriteInputPtr], a ; fetch sprite input pointer ld a, [hl] ld [wSpriteInputPtr+1], a ; define (by index number) the bank that a pokemon's image is in ; index = Mew, bank 1 ; index = Kabutops fossil, bank $B ; index < $1F, bank 9 ; $1F ≤ index < $4A, bank $A ; $4A ≤ index < $74, bank $B ; $74 ≤ index < $99, bank $C ; $99 ≤ index, bank $D ld a, [wcf91] ; XXX name for this ram location ld b, a cp MEW ld a, BANK(MewPicFront) jr z, .GotBank ld a, b cp FOSSIL_KABUTOPS ld a, BANK(FossilKabutopsPic) jr z, .GotBank ld a, b cp TANGELA + 1 ld a, BANK(TangelaPicFront) jr c, .GotBank ld a, b cp MOLTRES + 1 ld a, BANK(MoltresPicFront) jr c, .GotBank ld a, b cp BEEDRILL + 2 ld a, BANK(BeedrillPicFront) jr c, .GotBank ld a, b cp STARMIE + 1 ld a, BANK(StarmiePicFront) jr c, .GotBank ld a, BANK(VictreebelPicFront) .GotBank jp UncompressSpriteData ; de: destination location LoadMonFrontSprite:: push de ld hl, wMonHFrontSprite - wMonHeader call UncompressMonSprite ld hl, wMonHSpriteDim ld a, [hli] ld c, a pop de ; fall through ; postprocesses uncompressed sprite chunks to a 2bpp sprite and loads it into video ram ; calculates alignment parameters to place both sprite chunks in the center of the 7*7 tile sprite buffers ; de: destination location ; a,c: sprite dimensions (in tiles of 8x8 each) LoadUncompressedSpriteData:: push de and $f ld [H_SPRITEWIDTH], a ; each byte contains 8 pixels (in 1bpp), so tiles=bytes for width ld b, a ld a, $7 sub b ; 7-w inc a ; 8-w srl a ; (8-w)/2 ; horizontal center (in tiles, rounded up) ld b, a add a add a add a sub b ; 7*((8-w)/2) ; skip for horizontal center (in tiles) ld [H_SPRITEOFFSET], a ld a, c swap a and $f ld b, a add a add a add a ; 8*tiles is height in bytes ld [H_SPRITEHEIGHT], a ld a, $7 sub b ; 7-h ; skip for vertical center (in tiles, relative to current column) ld b, a ld a, [H_SPRITEOFFSET] add b ; 7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h ; combined overall offset (in tiles) add a add a add a ; 8*(7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h) ; combined overall offset (in bytes) ld [H_SPRITEOFFSET], a xor a ld [$4000], a ld hl, sSpriteBuffer0 call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 0 ld de, sSpriteBuffer1 ld hl, sSpriteBuffer0 call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 1 to 0 (containing the MSB of the 2bpp sprite) ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1 call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 1 ld de, sSpriteBuffer2 ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1 call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 2 to 1 (containing the LSB of the 2bpp sprite) pop de jp InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers ; copies and aligns the sprite data properly inside the sprite buffer ; sprite buffers are 7*7 tiles in size, the loaded sprite is centered within this area AlignSpriteDataCentered:: ld a, [H_SPRITEOFFSET] ld b, $0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [H_SPRITEWIDTH] .columnLoop push af push hl ld a, [H_SPRITEHEIGHT] ld c, a .columnInnerLoop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .columnInnerLoop pop hl ld bc, 7*8 ; 7 tiles add hl, bc ; advance one full column pop af dec a jr nz, .columnLoop ret ; fills the sprite buffer (pointed to in hl) with zeros ZeroSpriteBuffer:: ld bc, SPRITEBUFFERSIZE .nextByteLoop xor a ld [hli], a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .nextByteLoop ret ; combines the (7*7 tiles, 1bpp) sprite chunks in buffer 0 and 1 into a 2bpp sprite located in buffer 1 through 2 ; in the resulting sprite, the rows of the two source sprites are interlaced ; de: output address InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers:: xor a ld [$4000], a push de ld hl, sSpriteBuffer2 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; destination: end of buffer 2 ld de, sSpriteBuffer1 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 2: end of buffer 1 ld bc, sSpriteBuffer0 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 1: end of buffer 0 ld a, SPRITEBUFFERSIZE/2 ; $c4 ld [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER], a .interlaceLoop ld a, [de] dec de ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2 ld a, [bc] dec bc ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1 ld a, [de] dec de ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2 ld a, [bc] dec bc ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1 ld a, [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER] dec a ld [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER], a jr nz, .interlaceLoop ld a, [wSpriteFlipped] and a jr z, .notFlipped ld bc, 2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE ld hl, sSpriteBuffer1 .swapLoop swap [hl] ; if flipped swap nybbles in all bytes inc hl dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .swapLoop .notFlipped pop hl ld de, sSpriteBuffer1 ld c, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)/16 ; $31, number of 16 byte chunks to be copied ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld b, a jp CopyVideoData INCLUDE "data/collision.asm" INCLUDE "home/copy2.asm" INCLUDE "home/text.asm" INCLUDE "home/vcopy.asm" INCLUDE "home/init.asm" INCLUDE "home/vblank.asm" INCLUDE "home/fade.asm" INCLUDE "home/serial.asm" INCLUDE "home/timer.asm" INCLUDE "home/audio.asm" UpdateSprites:: ld a, [wUpdateSpritesEnabled] dec a ret nz ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(_UpdateSprites) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call _UpdateSprites pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret INCLUDE "data/mart_inventories.asm" TextScriptEndingChar:: db "@" TextScriptEnd:: ld hl, TextScriptEndingChar ret ExclamationText:: TX_FAR _ExclamationText db "@" GroundRoseText:: TX_FAR _GroundRoseText db "@" BoulderText:: TX_FAR _BoulderText db "@" MartSignText:: TX_FAR _MartSignText db "@" PokeCenterSignText:: TX_FAR _PokeCenterSignText db "@" PickUpItemText:: TX_ASM predef PickUpItem jp TextScriptEnd INCLUDE "home/pic.asm" ResetPlayerSpriteData:: ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData ld a, $1 ld [wSpriteStateData1], a ld [wSpriteStateData2 + $0e], a ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 + 4 ld [hl], $3c ; set Y screen pos inc hl inc hl ld [hl], $40 ; set X screen pos ret ; overwrites sprite data with zeroes ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData:: ld bc, $10 xor a jp FillMemory FadeOutAudio:: ld a, [wAudioFadeOutControl] and a ; currently fading out audio? jr nz, .fadingOut ld a, [wd72c] bit 1, a ret nz ld a, $77 ld [rNR50], a ret .fadingOut ld a, [wAudioFadeOutCounter] and a jr z, .counterReachedZero dec a ld [wAudioFadeOutCounter], a ret .counterReachedZero ld a, [wAudioFadeOutCounterReloadValue] ld [wAudioFadeOutCounter], a ld a, [rNR50] and a ; has the volume reached 0? jr z, .fadeOutComplete ld b, a and $f dec a ld c, a ld a, b and $f0 swap a dec a swap a or c ld [rNR50], a ret .fadeOutComplete ld a, [wAudioFadeOutControl] ld b, a xor a ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a ld a, $ff ld [wNewSoundID], a call PlaySound ld a, [wAudioSavedROMBank] ld [wAudioROMBank], a ld a, b ld [wNewSoundID], a jp PlaySound ; this function is used to display sign messages, sprite dialog, etc. ; INPUT: [hSpriteIndexOrTextID] = sprite ID or text ID DisplayTextID:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af callba DisplayTextIDInit ; initialization ld hl, wTextPredefFlag bit 0, [hl] res 0, [hl] jr nz, .skipSwitchToMapBank ld a, [wCurMap] call SwitchToMapRomBank .skipSwitchToMapBank ld a, 30 ; half a second ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a ; used as joypad poll timer ld hl, wMapTextPtr ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; hl = map text pointer ld d, $00 ld a, [hSpriteIndexOrTextID] ; text ID ld [wSpriteIndex], a and a jp z, DisplayStartMenu cp TEXT_SAFARI_GAME_OVER jp z, DisplaySafariGameOverText cp TEXT_MON_FAINTED jp z, DisplayPokemonFaintedText cp TEXT_BLACKED_OUT jp z, DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText cp TEXT_REPEL_WORE_OFF jp z, DisplayRepelWoreOffText ld a, [wNumSprites] ld e, a ld a, [hSpriteIndexOrTextID] ; sprite ID cp e jr z, .spriteHandling jr nc, .skipSpriteHandling .spriteHandling ; get the text ID of the sprite push hl push de push bc callba UpdateSpriteFacingOffsetAndDelayMovement ; update the graphics of the sprite the player is talking to (to face the right direction) pop bc pop de ld hl, wMapSpriteData ; NPC text entries ld a, [hSpriteIndexOrTextID] dec a add a add l ld l, a jr nc, .noCarry inc h .noCarry inc hl ld a, [hl] ; a = text ID of the sprite pop hl .skipSpriteHandling ; look up the address of the text in the map's text entries dec a ld e, a sla e add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; hl = address of the text ld a, [hl] ; a = first byte of text ; check first byte of text for special cases cp $fe ; Pokemart NPC jp z, DisplayPokemartDialogue cp $ff ; Pokemon Center NPC jp z, DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue cp $fc ; Item Storage PC jp z, FuncTX_ItemStoragePC cp $fd ; Bill's PC jp z, FuncTX_BillsPC cp $f9 ; Pokemon Center PC jp z, FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC cp $f5 ; Vending Machine jr nz, .notVendingMachine callba VendingMachineMenu ; jump banks to vending machine routine jr AfterDisplayingTextID .notVendingMachine cp $f7 ; prize menu jp z, FuncTX_GameCornerPrizeMenu cp $f6 ; cable connection NPC in Pokemon Center jr nz, .notSpecialCase callab CableClubNPC jr AfterDisplayingTextID .notSpecialCase call PrintText_NoCreatingTextBox ; display the text ld a, [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText] and a jr nz, HoldTextDisplayOpen AfterDisplayingTextID:: ld a, [wEnteringCableClub] and a jr nz, HoldTextDisplayOpen call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for a button press after displaying all the text ; loop to hold the dialogue box open as long as the player keeps holding down the A button HoldTextDisplayOpen:: call Joypad ld a, [hJoyHeld] bit 0, a ; is the A button being pressed? jr nz, HoldTextDisplayOpen CloseTextDisplay:: ld a, [wCurMap] call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a, $90 ld [hWY], a ; move the window off the screen call DelayFrame call LoadGBPal xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; disable continuous WRAM to VRAM transfer each V-blank ; loop to make sprites face the directions they originally faced before the dialogue ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $19 ld c, $0f ld de, $0010 .restoreSpriteFacingDirectionLoop ld a, [hl] dec h ld [hl], a inc h add hl, de dec c jr nz, .restoreSpriteFacingDirectionLoop ld a, BANK(InitMapSprites) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call InitMapSprites ; reload sprite tile pattern data (since it was partially overwritten by text tile patterns) ld hl, wFontLoaded res 0, [hl] ld a, [wd732] bit 3, a ; used fly warp call z, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call LoadCurrentMapView pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a jp UpdateSprites DisplayPokemartDialogue:: push hl ld hl, PokemartGreetingText call PrintText pop hl inc hl call LoadItemList ld a, PRICEDITEMLISTMENU ld [wListMenuID], a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(DisplayPokemartDialogue_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call DisplayPokemartDialogue_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a jp AfterDisplayingTextID PokemartGreetingText:: TX_FAR _PokemartGreetingText db "@" LoadItemList:: ld a, 1 ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a ld a, h ld [wItemListPointer], a ld a, l ld [wItemListPointer + 1], a ld de, wItemList .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de cp $ff jr nz, .loop ret DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue:: ; zeroing these doesn't appear to serve any purpose xor a ld [$ff8b], a ld [$ff8c], a ld [$ff8d], a inc hl ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a jp AfterDisplayingTextID DisplaySafariGameOverText:: callab PrintSafariGameOverText jp AfterDisplayingTextID DisplayPokemonFaintedText:: ld hl, PokemonFaintedText call PrintText jp AfterDisplayingTextID PokemonFaintedText:: TX_FAR _PokemonFaintedText db "@" DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText:: ld hl, PlayerBlackedOutText call PrintText ld a, [wd732] res 5, a ; reset forced to use bike bit ld [wd732], a jp HoldTextDisplayOpen PlayerBlackedOutText:: TX_FAR _PlayerBlackedOutText db "@" DisplayRepelWoreOffText:: ld hl, RepelWoreOffText call PrintText jp AfterDisplayingTextID RepelWoreOffText:: TX_FAR _RepelWoreOffText db "@" INCLUDE "engine/menu/start_menu.asm" ; function to count how many bits are set in a string of bytes ; INPUT: ; hl = address of string of bytes ; b = length of string of bytes ; OUTPUT: ; [wNumSetBits] = number of set bits CountSetBits:: ld c, 0 .loop ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld d, 8 .innerLoop ; count how many bits are set in the current byte srl e ld a, 0 adc c ld c, a dec d jr nz, .innerLoop dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, c ld [wNumSetBits], a ret ; subtracts the amount the player paid from their money ; OUTPUT: carry = 0(success) or 1(fail because there is not enough money) SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney:: jpba SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_ ; adds the amount the player sold to their money AddAmountSoldToMoney:: ld de, wPlayerMoney + 2 ld hl, hMoney + 2 ; total price of items ld c, 3 ; length of money in bytes predef AddBCDPredef ; add total price to money ld a, MONEY_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; redraw money text box ld a, SFX_PURCHASE call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent jp WaitForSoundToFinish ; function to remove an item (in varying quantities) from the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [wWhichPokemon] = index (within the inventory) of the item to remove ; [wItemQuantity] = quantity to remove RemoveItemFromInventory:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(RemoveItemFromInventory_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call RemoveItemFromInventory_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; function to add an item (in varying quantities) to the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [wcf91] = item ID ; [wItemQuantity] = item quantity ; sets carry flag if successful, unsets carry flag if unsuccessful AddItemToInventory:: push bc ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(AddItemToInventory_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call AddItemToInventory_ pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a pop bc ret ; INPUT: ; [wListMenuID] = list menu ID ; [wListPointer] = address of the list (2 bytes) DisplayListMenuID:: xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; disable auto-transfer ld a, 1 ld [hJoy7], a ; joypad state update flag ld a, [wBattleType] and a ; is it the Old Man battle? jr nz, .specialBattleType ld a, $01 ; hardcoded bank jr .bankswitch .specialBattleType ; Old Man battle ld a, BANK(DisplayBattleMenu) .bankswitch call BankswitchHome ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] ; turn off letter printing delay xor a ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ld [wListCount], a ld a, [wListPointer] ld l, a ld a, [wListPointer + 1] ld h, a ; hl = address of the list ld a, [hl] ; the first byte is the number of entries in the list ld [wListCount], a ld a, LIST_MENU_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ; draw the menu text box call UpdateSprites ; disable sprites behind the text box ; the code up to .skipMovingSprites appears to be useless coord hl, 4, 2 ; coordinates of upper left corner of menu text box lb de, 9, 14 ; height and width of menu text box ld a, [wListMenuID] and a ; is it a PC pokemon list? jr nz, .skipMovingSprites call UpdateSprites .skipMovingSprites ld a, 1 ; max menu item ID is 1 if the list has less than 2 entries ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld a, [wListCount] cp 2 ; does the list have less than 2 entries? jr c, .setMenuVariables ld a, 2 ; max menu item ID is 2 if the list has at least 2 entries .setMenuVariables ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 4 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, 5 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON | SELECT ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld c, 10 call DelayFrames DisplayListMenuIDLoop:: xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; disable transfer call PrintListMenuEntries ld a, 1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; enable transfer call Delay3 ld a, [wBattleType] and a ; is it the Old Man battle? jr z, .notOldManBattle .oldManBattle ld a, "▶" Coorda 5, 4 ; place menu cursor in front of first menu entry ld c, 80 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a coord hl, 5, 4 ld a, l ld [wMenuCursorLocation], a ld a, h ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1], a jr .buttonAPressed .notOldManBattle call LoadGBPal call HandleMenuInput push af call PlaceMenuCursor pop af bit 0, a ; was the A button pressed? jp z, .checkOtherKeys .buttonAPressed ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor ; pointless because both values are overwritten before they are read ld a, $01 ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld [wChosenMenuItem], a xor a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld c, a ld a, [wListScrollOffset] add c ld c, a ld a, [wListCount] and a ; is the list empty? jp z, ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu dec a cp c ; did the player select Cancel? jp c, ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu ld a, c ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld a, [wListMenuID] cp ITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .skipMultiplying ; if it's an item menu sla c ; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2 .skipMultiplying ld a, [wListPointer] ld l, a ld a, [wListPointer + 1] ld h, a inc hl ; hl = beginning of list entries ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wcf91], a ld a, [wListMenuID] and a ; is it a PC pokemon list? jr z, .pokemonList push hl call GetItemPrice pop hl ld a, [wListMenuID] cp ITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .skipGettingQuantity ; if it's an item menu inc hl ld a, [hl] ; a = item quantity ld [wMaxItemQuantity], a .skipGettingQuantity ld a, [wcf91] ld [wd0b5], a ld a, BANK(ItemNames) ld [wPredefBank], a call GetName jr .storeChosenEntry .pokemonList ld hl, wPartyCount ld a, [wListPointer] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld hl, wPartyMonNicks jr z, .getPokemonName ld hl, wBoxMonNicks ; box pokemon names .getPokemonName ld a, [wWhichPokemon] call GetPartyMonName .storeChosenEntry ; store the menu entry that the player chose and return ld de, wcd6d call CopyStringToCF4B ; copy name to wcf4b ld a, CHOSE_MENU_ITEM ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wChosenMenuItem], a xor a ld [hJoy7], a ; joypad state update flag ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] ; turn on letter printing delay jp BankswitchBack .checkOtherKeys ; check B, SELECT, Up, and Down keys bit 1, a ; was the B button pressed? jp nz, ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu bit 2, a ; was the select button pressed? jp nz, HandleItemListSwapping ; if so, allow the player to swap menu entries ld b, a bit 7, b ; was Down pressed? ld hl, wListScrollOffset jr z, .upPressed .downPressed ld a, [hl] add 3 ld b, a ld a, [wListCount] cp b ; will going down scroll past the Cancel button? jp c, DisplayListMenuIDLoop inc [hl] ; if not, go down jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop .upPressed ld a, [hl] and a jp z, DisplayListMenuIDLoop dec [hl] jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop DisplayChooseQuantityMenu:: ; text box dimensions/coordinates for just quantity coord hl, 15, 9 ld b, 1 ; height ld c, 3 ; width ld a, [wListMenuID] cp PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .drawTextBox ; text box dimensions/coordinates for quantity and price coord hl, 7, 9 ld b, 1 ; height ld c, 11 ; width .drawTextBox call TextBoxBorder coord hl, 16, 10 ld a, [wListMenuID] cp PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .printInitialQuantity coord hl, 8, 10 .printInitialQuantity ld de, InitialQuantityText call PlaceString xor a ld [wItemQuantity], a ; initialize current quantity to 0 jp .incrementQuantity .waitForKeyPressLoop call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a, [hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons bit 0, a ; was the A button pressed? jp nz, .buttonAPressed bit 1, a ; was the B button pressed? jp nz, .buttonBPressed bit 6, a ; was Up pressed? jr nz, .incrementQuantity bit 7, a ; was Down pressed? jr nz, .decrementQuantity jr .waitForKeyPressLoop .incrementQuantity ld a, [wMaxItemQuantity] inc a ld b, a ld hl, wItemQuantity ; current quantity inc [hl] ld a, [hl] cp b jr nz, .handleNewQuantity ; wrap to 1 if the player goes above the max quantity ld a, 1 ld [hl], a jr .handleNewQuantity .decrementQuantity ld hl, wItemQuantity ; current quantity dec [hl] jr nz, .handleNewQuantity ; wrap to the max quantity if the player goes below 1 ld a, [wMaxItemQuantity] ld [hl], a .handleNewQuantity coord hl, 17, 10 ld a, [wListMenuID] cp PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .printQuantity .printPrice ld c, $03 ld a, [wItemQuantity] ld b, a ld hl, hMoney ; total price ; initialize total price to 0 xor a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a .addLoop ; loop to multiply the individual price by the quantity to get the total price ld de, hMoney + 2 ld hl, hItemPrice + 2 push bc predef AddBCDPredef ; add the individual price to the current sum pop bc dec b jr nz, .addLoop ld a, [hHalveItemPrices] and a ; should the price be halved (for selling items)? jr z, .skipHalvingPrice xor a ld [hDivideBCDDivisor], a ld [hDivideBCDDivisor + 1], a ld a, $02 ld [hDivideBCDDivisor + 2], a predef DivideBCDPredef3 ; halves the price ; store the halved price ld a, [hDivideBCDQuotient] ld [hMoney], a ld a, [hDivideBCDQuotient + 1] ld [hMoney + 1], a ld a, [hDivideBCDQuotient + 2] ld [hMoney + 2], a .skipHalvingPrice coord hl, 12, 10 ld de, SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText call PlaceString ld de, hMoney ; total price ld c, $a3 call PrintBCDNumber coord hl, 9, 10 .printQuantity ld de, wItemQuantity ; current quantity lb bc, LEADING_ZEROES | 1, 2 ; 1 byte, 2 digits call PrintNumber jp .waitForKeyPressLoop .buttonAPressed ; the player chose to make the transaction xor a ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ret .buttonBPressed ; the player chose to cancel the transaction xor a ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ld a, $ff ret InitialQuantityText:: db "×01@" SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText:: db " @" ExitListMenu:: ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wChosenMenuItem], a ld a, CANCELLED_MENU ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a xor a ld [hJoy7], a ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] call BankswitchBack xor a ld [wMenuItemToSwap], a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped scf ret PrintListMenuEntries:: coord hl, 5, 3 ld b, 9 ld c, 14 call ClearScreenArea ld a, [wListPointer] ld e, a ld a, [wListPointer + 1] ld d, a inc de ; de = beginning of list entries ld a, [wListScrollOffset] ld c, a ld a, [wListMenuID] cp ITEMLISTMENU ld a, c jr nz, .skipMultiplying ; if it's an item menu ; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2 sla a sla c .skipMultiplying add e ld e, a jr nc, .noCarry inc d .noCarry coord hl, 6, 4 ; coordinates of first list entry name ld b, 4 ; print 4 names .loop ld a, b ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld a, [de] ld [wd11e], a cp $ff jp z, .printCancelMenuItem push bc push de push hl push hl push de ld a, [wListMenuID] and a jr z, .pokemonPCMenu cp MOVESLISTMENU jr z, .movesMenu .itemMenu call GetItemName jr .placeNameString .pokemonPCMenu push hl ld hl, wPartyCount ld a, [wListPointer] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld hl, wPartyMonNicks jr z, .getPokemonName ld hl, wBoxMonNicks ; box pokemon names .getPokemonName ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ld b, a ld a, 4 sub b ld b, a ld a, [wListScrollOffset] add b call GetPartyMonName pop hl jr .placeNameString .movesMenu call GetMoveName .placeNameString call PlaceString pop de pop hl ld a, [wPrintItemPrices] and a ; should prices be printed? jr z, .skipPrintingItemPrice .printItemPrice push hl ld a, [de] ld de, ItemPrices ld [wcf91], a call GetItemPrice ; get price pop hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH + 5 ; 1 row down and 5 columns right add hl, bc ld c, $a3 ; no leading zeroes, right-aligned, print currency symbol, 3 bytes call PrintBCDNumber .skipPrintingItemPrice ld a, [wListMenuID] and a jr nz, .skipPrintingPokemonLevel .printPokemonLevel ld a, [wd11e] push af push hl ld hl, wPartyCount ld a, [wListPointer] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld a, PLAYER_PARTY_DATA jr z, .next ld a, BOX_DATA .next ld [wMonDataLocation], a ld hl, wWhichPokemon ld a, [hl] ld b, a ld a, $04 sub b ld b, a ld a, [wListScrollOffset] add b ld [hl], a call LoadMonData ld a, [wMonDataLocation] and a ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? jr z, .skipCopyingLevel .copyLevel ld a, [wLoadedMonBoxLevel] ld [wLoadedMonLevel], a .skipCopyingLevel pop hl ld bc, $001c add hl, bc call PrintLevel pop af ld [wd11e], a .skipPrintingPokemonLevel pop hl pop de inc de ld a, [wListMenuID] cp ITEMLISTMENU jr nz, .nextListEntry .printItemQuantity ld a, [wd11e] ld [wcf91], a call IsKeyItem ; check if item is unsellable ld a, [wIsKeyItem] and a ; is the item unsellable? jr nz, .skipPrintingItemQuantity ; if so, don't print the quantity push hl ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH + 8 ; 1 row down and 8 columns right add hl, bc ld a, "×" ld [hli], a ld a, [wd11e] push af ld a, [de] ld [wMaxItemQuantity], a push de ld de, wd11e ld [de], a lb bc, 1, 2 call PrintNumber pop de pop af ld [wd11e], a pop hl .skipPrintingItemQuantity inc de pop bc inc c push bc inc c ld a, [wMenuItemToSwap] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1) and a ; is an item being swapped? jr z, .nextListEntry sla a cp c ; is it this item? jr nz, .nextListEntry dec hl ld a, $ec ; unfilled right arrow menu cursor to indicate an item being swapped ld [hli], a .nextListEntry ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH ; 2 rows add hl, bc pop bc inc c dec b jp nz, .loop ld bc, -8 add hl, bc ld a, "▼" ld [hl], a ret .printCancelMenuItem ld de, ListMenuCancelText jp PlaceString ListMenuCancelText:: db "CANCEL@" GetMonName:: push hl ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(MonsterNames) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld a, [wd11e] dec a ld hl, MonsterNames ld c, 10 ld b, 0 call AddNTimes ld de, wcd6d push de ld bc, 10 call CopyData ld hl, wcd6d + 10 ld [hl], "@" pop de pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a pop hl ret GetItemName:: ; given an item ID at [wd11e], store the name of the item into a string ; starting at wcd6d push hl push bc ld a, [wd11e] cp HM_01 ; is this a TM/HM? jr nc, .Machine ld [wd0b5], a ld a, ITEM_NAME ld [wNameListType], a ld a, BANK(ItemNames) ld [wPredefBank], a call GetName jr .Finish .Machine call GetMachineName .Finish ld de, wcd6d ; pointer to where item name is stored in RAM pop bc pop hl ret GetMachineName:: ; copies the name of the TM/HM in [wd11e] to wcd6d push hl push de push bc ld a, [wd11e] push af cp TM_01 ; is this a TM? [not HM] jr nc, .WriteTM ; if HM, then write "HM" and add 5 to the item ID, so we can reuse the ; TM printing code add 5 ld [wd11e], a ld hl, HiddenPrefix ; points to "HM" ld bc, 2 jr .WriteMachinePrefix .WriteTM ld hl, TechnicalPrefix ; points to "TM" ld bc, 2 .WriteMachinePrefix ld de, wcd6d call CopyData ; now get the machine number and convert it to text ld a, [wd11e] sub TM_01 - 1 ld b, "0" .FirstDigit sub 10 jr c, .SecondDigit inc b jr .FirstDigit .SecondDigit add 10 push af ld a, b ld [de], a inc de pop af ld b, "0" add b ld [de], a inc de ld a, "@" ld [de], a pop af ld [wd11e], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret TechnicalPrefix:: db "TM" HiddenPrefix:: db "HM" ; sets carry if item is HM, clears carry if item is not HM ; Input: a = item ID IsItemHM:: cp HM_01 jr c, .notHM cp TM_01 ret .notHM and a ret ; sets carry if move is an HM, clears carry if move is not an HM ; Input: a = move ID IsMoveHM:: ld hl, HMMoves ld de, 1 jp IsInArray HMMoves:: db CUT,FLY,SURF,STRENGTH,FLASH db $ff ; terminator GetMoveName:: push hl ld a, MOVE_NAME ld [wNameListType], a ld a, [wd11e] ld [wd0b5], a ld a, BANK(MoveNames) ld [wPredefBank], a call GetName ld de, wcd6d ; pointer to where move name is stored in RAM pop hl ret ; reloads text box tile patterns, current map view, and tileset tile patterns ReloadMapData:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wCurMap] call SwitchToMapRomBank call DisableLCD call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call LoadCurrentMapView call LoadTilesetTilePatternData call EnableLCD pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; reloads tileset tile patterns ReloadTilesetTilePatterns:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wCurMap] call SwitchToMapRomBank call DisableLCD call LoadTilesetTilePatternData call EnableLCD pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; shows the town map and lets the player choose a destination to fly to ChooseFlyDestination:: ld hl, wd72e res 4, [hl] jpba LoadTownMap_Fly ; causes the text box to close without waiting for a button press after displaying text DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay:: ld a, $01 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ret ; uses an item ; UseItem is used with dummy items to perform certain other functions as well ; INPUT: ; [wcf91] = item ID ; OUTPUT: ; [wActionResultOrTookBattleTurn] = success ; 00: unsuccessful ; 01: successful ; 02: not able to be used right now, no extra menu displayed (only certain items use this) UseItem:: jpba UseItem_ ; confirms the item toss and then tosses the item ; INPUT: ; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [wcf91] = item ID ; [wWhichPokemon] = index of item within inventory ; [wItemQuantity] = quantity to toss ; OUTPUT: ; clears carry flag if the item is tossed, sets carry flag if not TossItem:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(TossItem_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call TossItem_ pop de ld a, d ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; checks if an item is a key item ; INPUT: ; [wcf91] = item ID ; OUTPUT: ; [wIsKeyItem] = result ; 00: item is not key item ; 01: item is key item IsKeyItem:: push hl push de push bc callba IsKeyItem_ pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; function to draw various text boxes ; INPUT: ; [wTextBoxID] = text box ID ; b, c = y, x cursor position (TWO_OPTION_MENU only) DisplayTextBoxID:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(DisplayTextBoxID_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call DisplayTextBoxID_ pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; not zero if an NPC movement script is running, the player character is ; automatically stepping down from a door, or joypad states are being simulated IsPlayerCharacterBeingControlledByGame:: ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum] and a ret nz ld a, [wd736] bit 1, a ; currently stepping down from door bit ret nz ld a, [wd730] and $80 ret RunNPCMovementScript:: ld hl, wd736 bit 0, [hl] res 0, [hl] jr nz, .playerStepOutFromDoor ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptPointerTableNum] and a ret z dec a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a ld hl, .NPCMovementScriptPointerTables add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld a, [wNPCMovementScriptFunctionNum] call CallFunctionInTable pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret .NPCMovementScriptPointerTables dw PalletMovementScriptPointerTable dw PewterMuseumGuyMovementScriptPointerTable dw PewterGymGuyMovementScriptPointerTable .playerStepOutFromDoor jpba PlayerStepOutFromDoor EndNPCMovementScript:: jpba _EndNPCMovementScript EmptyFunc2:: ret ; stores hl in [wTrainerHeaderPtr] StoreTrainerHeaderPointer:: ld a, h ld [wTrainerHeaderPtr], a ld a, l ld [wTrainerHeaderPtr+1], a ret ; executes the current map script from the function pointer array provided in hl. ; a: map script index to execute (unless overridden by [wd733] bit 4) ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable:: push af push de call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer pop hl pop af push hl ld hl, wFlags_D733 bit 4, [hl] res 4, [hl] jr z, .useProvidedIndex ; test if map script index was overridden manually ld a, [wCurMapScript] .useProvidedIndex pop hl ld [wCurMapScript], a call CallFunctionInTable ld a, [wCurMapScript] ret LoadGymLeaderAndCityName:: push de ld de, wGymCityName ld bc, $11 call CopyData ; load city name pop hl ld de, wGymLeaderName ld bc, NAME_LENGTH jp CopyData ; load gym leader name ; reads specific information from trainer header (pointed to at wTrainerHeaderPtr) ; a: offset in header data ; 0 -> flag's bit (into wTrainerHeaderFlagBit) ; 2 -> flag's byte ptr (into hl) ; 4 -> before battle text (into hl) ; 6 -> after battle text (into hl) ; 8 -> end battle text (into hl) ReadTrainerHeaderInfo:: push de push af ld d, $0 ld e, a ld hl, wTrainerHeaderPtr ld a, [hli] ld l, [hl] ld h, a add hl, de pop af and a jr nz, .nonZeroOffset ld a, [hl] ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a ; store flag's bit jr .done .nonZeroOffset cp $2 jr z, .readPointer ; read flag's byte ptr cp $4 jr z, .readPointer ; read before battle text cp $6 jr z, .readPointer ; read after battle text cp $8 jr z, .readPointer ; read end battle text cp $a jr nz, .done ld a, [hli] ; read end battle text (2) but override the result afterwards (XXX why, bug?) ld d, [hl] ld e, a jr .done .readPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a .done pop de ret TrainerFlagAction:: predef_jump FlagActionPredef TalkToTrainer:: call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's bit ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's byte ptr ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a ld b, FLAG_TEST call TrainerFlagAction ; read trainer's flag ld a, c and a jr z, .trainerNotYetFought ; test trainer's flag ld a, $6 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print after battle text jp PrintText .trainerNotYetFought ld a, $4 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print before battle text call PrintText ld a, $a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; (?) does nothing apparently (maybe bug in ReadTrainerHeaderInfo) push de ld a, $8 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read end battle text pop de call SaveEndBattleTextPointers ld hl, wFlags_D733 set 4, [hl] ; activate map script index override (index is set below) ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 bit 0, [hl] ; test if player is already engaging the trainer (because the trainer saw the player) ret nz ; if the player talked to the trainer of his own volition call EngageMapTrainer ld hl, wCurMapScript inc [hl] ; increment map script index before StartTrainerBattle increments it again (next script function is usually EndTrainerBattle) jp StartTrainerBattle ; checks if any trainers are seeing the player and wanting to fight CheckFightingMapTrainers:: call CheckForEngagingTrainers ld a, [wSpriteIndex] cp $ff jr nz, .trainerEngaging xor a ld [wSpriteIndex], a ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a ret .trainerEngaging ld hl, wFlags_D733 set 3, [hl] ld [wEmotionBubbleSpriteIndex], a xor a ; EXCLAMATION_BUBBLE ld [wWhichEmotionBubble], a predef EmotionBubble ld a, D_RIGHT | D_LEFT | D_UP | D_DOWN ld [wJoyIgnore], a xor a ld [hJoyHeld], a call TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0 ld hl, wCurMapScript inc [hl] ; increment map script index (next script function is usually DisplayEnemyTrainerTextAndStartBattle) ret ; display the before battle text after the enemy trainer has walked up to the player's sprite DisplayEnemyTrainerTextAndStartBattle:: ld a, [wd730] and $1 ret nz ; return if the enemy trainer hasn't finished walking to the player's sprite ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, [wSpriteIndex] ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID], a call DisplayTextID ; fall through StartTrainerBattle:: xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a call InitBattleEnemyParameters ld hl, wd72d set 6, [hl] set 7, [hl] ld hl, wd72e set 1, [hl] ld hl, wCurMapScript inc [hl] ; increment map script index (next script function is usually EndTrainerBattle) ret EndTrainerBattle:: ld hl, wCurrentMapScriptFlags set 5, [hl] set 6, [hl] ld hl, wd72d res 7, [hl] ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 res 0, [hl] ; player is no longer engaged by any trainer ld a, [wIsInBattle] cp $ff jp z, ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a ld b, FLAG_SET call TrainerFlagAction ; flag trainer as fought ld a, [wEnemyMonOrTrainerClass] cp OPP_ID_OFFSET jr nc, .skipRemoveSprite ; test if trainer was fought (in that case skip removing the corresponding sprite) ld hl, wMissableObjectList ld de, $2 ld a, [wSpriteIndex] call IsInArray ; search for sprite ID inc hl ld a, [hl] ld [wMissableObjectIndex], a ; load corresponding missable object index and remove it predef HideObject .skipRemoveSprite ld hl, wd730 bit 4, [hl] res 4, [hl] ret nz ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript:: xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [hJoyHeld], a ld [hJoyPressed], a ld [hJoyReleased], a ld [wCurMapScript], a ; reset battle status ret ; calls TrainerWalkUpToPlayer TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0:: jpba TrainerWalkUpToPlayer ; sets opponent type and mon set/lvl based on the engaging trainer data InitBattleEnemyParameters:: ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] ld [wCurOpponent], a ld [wEnemyMonOrTrainerClass], a cp OPP_ID_OFFSET ld a, [wEngagedTrainerSet] jr c, .noTrainer ld [wTrainerNo], a ret .noTrainer ld [wCurEnemyLVL], a ret GetSpritePosition1:: ld hl, _GetSpritePosition1 jr SpritePositionBankswitch GetSpritePosition2:: ld hl, _GetSpritePosition2 jr SpritePositionBankswitch SetSpritePosition1:: ld hl, _SetSpritePosition1 jr SpritePositionBankswitch SetSpritePosition2:: ld hl, _SetSpritePosition2 SpritePositionBankswitch:: ld b, BANK(_GetSpritePosition1) ; BANK(_GetSpritePosition2), BANK(_SetSpritePosition1), BANK(_SetSpritePosition2) jp Bankswitch ; indirect jump to one of the four functions CheckForEngagingTrainers:: xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's bit (unused) ld d, h ; store trainer header address in de ld e, l .trainerLoop call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer ; set trainer header pointer to current trainer ld a, [de] ld [wSpriteIndex], a ; store trainer flag's bit ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a cp $ff ret z ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's byte ptr ld b, FLAG_TEST ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a call TrainerFlagAction ; read trainer flag ld a, c and a ; has the trainer already been defeated? jr nz, .continue push hl push de push hl xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; get trainer header pointer inc hl ld a, [hl] ; read trainer engage distance pop hl ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, [wSpriteIndex] swap a ld [wTrainerSpriteOffset], a predef TrainerEngage pop de pop hl ld a, [wTrainerSpriteOffset] and a ret nz ; break if the trainer is engaging .continue ld hl, $c add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l jr .trainerLoop ; hl = text if the player wins ; de = text if the player loses SaveEndBattleTextPointers:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [wEndBattleTextRomBank], a ld a, h ld [wEndBattleWinTextPointer], a ld a, l ld [wEndBattleWinTextPointer + 1], a ld a, d ld [wEndBattleLoseTextPointer], a ld a, e ld [wEndBattleLoseTextPointer + 1], a ret ; loads data of some trainer on the current map and plays pre-battle music ; [wSpriteIndex]: sprite ID of trainer who is engaged EngageMapTrainer:: ld hl, wMapSpriteExtraData ld d, $0 ld a, [wSpriteIndex] dec a add a ld e, a add hl, de ; seek to engaged trainer data ld a, [hli] ; load trainer class ld [wEngagedTrainerClass], a ld a, [hl] ; load trainer mon set ld [wEngagedTrainerSet], a jp PlayTrainerMusic PrintEndBattleText:: push hl ld hl, wd72d bit 7, [hl] res 7, [hl] pop hl ret z ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wEndBattleTextRomBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a push hl callba SaveTrainerName ld hl, TrainerEndBattleText call PrintText pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a callba FreezeEnemyTrainerSprite jp WaitForSoundToFinish GetSavedEndBattleTextPointer:: ld a, [wBattleResult] and a ; won battle jr nz, .lostBattle ld a, [wEndBattleWinTextPointer] ld h, a ld a, [wEndBattleWinTextPointer + 1] ld l, a ret .lostBattle ld a, [wEndBattleLoseTextPointer] ld h, a ld a, [wEndBattleLoseTextPointer + 1] ld l, a ret TrainerEndBattleText:: TX_FAR _TrainerNameText TX_ASM call GetSavedEndBattleTextPointer call TextCommandProcessor jp TextScriptEnd ; only engage withe trainer if the player is not already ; engaged with another trainer ; XXX unused? CheckIfAlreadyEngaged:: ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60] bit 0, a ret nz call EngageMapTrainer xor a ret PlayTrainerMusic:: ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] cp OPP_SONY1 ret z cp OPP_SONY2 ret z cp OPP_SONY3 ret z ld a, [wGymLeaderNo] and a ret nz xor a ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a ld a, $ff call PlaySound ld a, BANK(Music_MeetEvilTrainer) ld [wAudioROMBank], a ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] ld b, a ld hl, EvilTrainerList .evilTrainerListLoop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .noEvilTrainer cp b jr nz, .evilTrainerListLoop ld a, MUSIC_MEET_EVIL_TRAINER jr .PlaySound .noEvilTrainer ld hl, FemaleTrainerList .femaleTrainerListLoop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .maleTrainer cp b jr nz, .femaleTrainerListLoop ld a, MUSIC_MEET_FEMALE_TRAINER jr .PlaySound .maleTrainer ld a, MUSIC_MEET_MALE_TRAINER .PlaySound ld [wNewSoundID], a jp PlaySound INCLUDE "data/trainer_types.asm" ; checks if the player's coordinates match an arrow movement tile's coordinates ; and if so, decodes the RLE movement data ; b = player Y ; c = player X DecodeArrowMovementRLE:: ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z ; no match in the list cp b jr nz, .nextArrowMovementTileEntry1 ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .nextArrowMovementTileEntry2 ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a ld hl, wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a ret .nextArrowMovementTileEntry1 inc hl .nextArrowMovementTileEntry2 inc hl inc hl jr DecodeArrowMovementRLE FuncTX_ItemStoragePC:: call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2 ld b, BANK(PlayerPC) ld hl, PlayerPC jr bankswitchAndContinue FuncTX_BillsPC:: call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2 ld b, BANK(BillsPC_) ld hl, BillsPC_ jr bankswitchAndContinue FuncTX_GameCornerPrizeMenu:: ; XXX find a better name for this function ; special_F7 ld b, BANK(CeladonPrizeMenu) ld hl, CeladonPrizeMenu bankswitchAndContinue:: call Bankswitch jp HoldTextDisplayOpen ; continue to main text-engine function FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC:: ld b, BANK(ActivatePC) ld hl, ActivatePC jr bankswitchAndContinue StartSimulatingJoypadStates:: xor a ld [wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask], a ld [wSpriteStateData2 + $06], a ; player's sprite movement byte 1 ld hl, wd730 set 7, [hl] ret IsItemInBag:: ; given an item_id in b ; set zero flag if item isn't in player's bag ; else reset zero flag ; related to Pokémon Tower and ghosts predef GetQuantityOfItemInBag ld a, b and a ret DisplayPokedex:: ld [wd11e], a jpba _DisplayPokedex SetSpriteFacingDirectionAndDelay:: call SetSpriteFacingDirection ld c, 6 jp DelayFrames SetSpriteFacingDirection:: ld a, $9 ld [H_SPRITEDATAOFFSET], a call GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1 ld a, [hSpriteFacingDirection] ld [hl], a ret SetSpriteImageIndexAfterSettingFacingDirection:: ld de, -7 add hl, de ld [hl], a ret ; tests if the player's coordinates are in a specified array ; INPUT: ; hl = address of array ; OUTPUT: ; [wCoordIndex] = if there is match, the matching array index ; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not ArePlayerCoordsInArray:: ld a, [wYCoord] ld b, a ld a, [wXCoord] ld c, a ; fallthrough CheckCoords:: xor a ld [wCoordIndex], a .loop ld a, [hli] cp $ff ; reached terminator? jr z, .notInArray push hl ld hl, wCoordIndex inc [hl] pop hl .compareYCoord cp b jr z, .compareXCoord inc hl jr .loop .compareXCoord ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .loop .inArray scf ret .notInArray and a ret ; tests if a boulder's coordinates are in a specified array ; INPUT: ; hl = address of array ; [H_SPRITEINDEX] = index of boulder sprite ; OUTPUT: ; [wCoordIndex] = if there is match, the matching array index ; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not CheckBoulderCoords:: push hl ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 + $04 ld a, [H_SPRITEINDEX] swap a ld d, $0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hli] sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4 ld b, a ld a, [hl] sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4 ld c, a pop hl jp CheckCoords GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData1:: ld h, $c1 jr _GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData2:: ld h, $c2 _GetPointerWithinSpriteStateData: ld a, [H_SPRITEDATAOFFSET] ld b, a ld a, [H_SPRITEINDEX] swap a add b ld l, a ret ; decodes a $ff-terminated RLEncoded list ; each entry is a pair of bytes <byte value> <repetitions> ; the final $ff will be replicated in the output list and a contains the number of bytes written ; de: input list ; hl: output list DecodeRLEList:: xor a ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; count written bytes here .listLoop ld a, [de] cp $ff jr z, .endOfList ld [hRLEByteValue], a ; store byte value to be written inc de ld a, [de] ld b, $0 ld c, a ; number of bytes to be written ld a, [wRLEByteCount] add c ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; update total number of written bytes ld a, [hRLEByteValue] call FillMemory ; write a c-times to output inc de jr .listLoop .endOfList ld a, $ff ld [hl], a ; write final $ff ld a, [wRLEByteCount] inc a ; include sentinel in counting ret ; sets movement byte 1 for sprite [H_SPRITEINDEX] to $FE and byte 2 to [hSpriteMovementByte2] SetSpriteMovementBytesToFE:: push hl call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer ld [hl], $fe call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer ld a, [hSpriteMovementByte2] ld [hl], a pop hl ret ; sets both movement bytes for sprite [H_SPRITEINDEX] to $FF SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF:: push hl call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer ld [hl], $FF call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer ld [hl], $FF ; prevent person from walking? pop hl ret ; returns the sprite movement byte 1 pointer for sprite [H_SPRITEINDEX] in hl GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer:: ld h, $C2 ld a, [H_SPRITEINDEX] swap a add 6 ld l, a ret ; returns the sprite movement byte 2 pointer for sprite [H_SPRITEINDEX] in hl GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer:: push de ld hl, wMapSpriteData ld a, [H_SPRITEINDEX] dec a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de pop de ret GetTrainerInformation:: call GetTrainerName ld a, [wLinkState] and a jr nz, .linkBattle ld a, Bank(TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers) call BankswitchHome ld a, [wTrainerClass] dec a ld hl, TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers ld bc, $5 call AddNTimes ld de, wTrainerPicPointer ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a ld de, wTrainerBaseMoney ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a jp BankswitchBack .linkBattle ld hl, wTrainerPicPointer ld de, RedPicFront ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d ret GetTrainerName:: jpba GetTrainerName_ HasEnoughMoney:: ; Check if the player has at least as much ; money as the 3-byte BCD value at hMoney. ld de, wPlayerMoney ld hl, hMoney ld c, 3 jp StringCmp HasEnoughCoins:: ; Check if the player has at least as many ; coins as the 2-byte BCD value at hCoins. ld de, wPlayerCoins ld hl, hCoins ld c, 2 jp StringCmp BankswitchHome:: ; switches to bank # in a ; Only use this when in the home bank! ld [wBankswitchHomeTemp], a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [wBankswitchHomeSavedROMBank], a ld a, [wBankswitchHomeTemp] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret BankswitchBack:: ; returns from BankswitchHome ld a, [wBankswitchHomeSavedROMBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret Bankswitch:: ; self-contained bankswitch, use this when not in the home bank ; switches to the bank in b ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld bc, .Return push bc jp hl .Return pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; displays yes/no choice ; yes -> set carry YesNoChoice:: call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters jr DisplayYesNoChoice Func_35f4:: ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters jp DisplayTextBoxID InitYesNoTextBoxParameters:: xor a ; YES_NO_MENU ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a coord hl, 14, 7 ld bc, $80f ret YesNoChoicePokeCenter:: call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ld a, HEAL_CANCEL_MENU ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a coord hl, 11, 6 lb bc, 8, 12 jr DisplayYesNoChoice WideYesNoChoice:: ; unused call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ld a, WIDE_YES_NO_MENU ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a coord hl, 12, 7 lb bc, 8, 13 DisplayYesNoChoice:: ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ; calculates the difference |a-b|, setting carry flag if a<b CalcDifference:: sub b ret nc cpl add $1 scf ret MoveSprite:: ; move the sprite [H_SPRITEINDEX] with the movement pointed to by de ; actually only copies the movement data to wNPCMovementDirections for later call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF MoveSprite_:: push hl push bc call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer xor a ld [hl], a ld hl, wNPCMovementDirections ld c, 0 .loop ld a, [de] ld [hli], a inc de inc c cp $FF ; have we reached the end of the movement data? jr nz, .loop ld a, c ld [wNPCNumScriptedSteps], a ; number of steps taken pop bc ld hl, wd730 set 0, [hl] pop hl xor a ld [wOverrideSimulatedJoypadStatesMask], a ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a dec a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [wWastedByteCD3A], a ret ; divides [hDividend2] by [hDivisor2] and stores the quotient in [hQuotient2] DivideBytes:: push hl ld hl, hQuotient2 xor a ld [hld], a ld a, [hld] and a jr z, .done ld a, [hli] .loop sub [hl] jr c, .done inc hl inc [hl] dec hl jr .loop .done pop hl ret LoadFontTilePatterns:: ld a, [rLCDC] bit 7, a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz, .on .off ld hl, FontGraphics ld de, vFont ld bc, FontGraphicsEnd - FontGraphics ld a, BANK(FontGraphics) jp FarCopyDataDouble ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .on ld de, FontGraphics ld hl, vFont lb bc, BANK(FontGraphics), (FontGraphicsEnd - FontGraphics) / $8 jp CopyVideoDataDouble ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank LoadTextBoxTilePatterns:: ld a, [rLCDC] bit 7, a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz, .on .off ld hl, TextBoxGraphics ld de, vChars2 + $600 ld bc, TextBoxGraphicsEnd - TextBoxGraphics ld a, BANK(TextBoxGraphics) jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .on ld de, TextBoxGraphics ld hl, vChars2 + $600 lb bc, BANK(TextBoxGraphics), (TextBoxGraphicsEnd - TextBoxGraphics) / $10 jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns:: ld a, [rLCDC] bit 7, a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz, .on .off ld hl, HpBarAndStatusGraphics ld de, vChars2 + $620 ld bc, HpBarAndStatusGraphicsEnd - HpBarAndStatusGraphics ld a, BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics) jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .on ld de, HpBarAndStatusGraphics ld hl, vChars2 + $620 lb bc, BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics), (HpBarAndStatusGraphicsEnd - HpBarAndStatusGraphics) / $10 jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank FillMemory:: ; Fill bc bytes at hl with a. push de ld d, a .loop ld a, d ld [hli], a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop pop de ret UncompressSpriteFromDE:: ; Decompress pic at a:de. ld hl, wSpriteInputPtr ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d jp UncompressSpriteData SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2:: coord hl, 0, 0 ld de, wTileMapBackup2 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT call CopyData ret LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2:: call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer ld a, 1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ret ; loads screen tiles stored in wTileMapBackup2 but leaves H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED disabled LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer:: xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ld hl, wTileMapBackup2 coord de, 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT call CopyData ret SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1:: coord hl, 0, 0 ld de, wTileMapBackup ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT jp CopyData LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1:: xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ld hl, wTileMapBackup coord de, 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * SCREEN_HEIGHT call CopyData ld a, 1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ret DelayFrames:: ; wait c frames call DelayFrame dec c jr nz, DelayFrames ret PlaySoundWaitForCurrent:: push af call WaitForSoundToFinish pop af jp PlaySound ; Wait for sound to finish playing WaitForSoundToFinish:: ld a, [wLowHealthAlarm] and $80 ret nz push hl .waitLoop ld hl, wChannelSoundIDs + Ch5 xor a or [hl] inc hl or [hl] inc hl inc hl or [hl] jr nz, .waitLoop pop hl ret NamePointers:: dw MonsterNames dw MoveNames dw UnusedNames dw ItemNames dw wPartyMonOT ; player's OT names list dw wEnemyMonOT ; enemy's OT names list dw TrainerNames GetName:: ; arguments: ; [wd0b5] = which name ; [wNameListType] = which list ; [wPredefBank] = bank of list ; ; returns pointer to name in de ld a, [wd0b5] ld [wd11e], a ; TM names are separate from item names. ; BUG: This applies to all names instead of just items. cp HM_01 jp nc, GetMachineName ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af push hl push bc push de ld a, [wNameListType] ;List3759_entrySelector dec a jr nz, .otherEntries ;1 = MON_NAMES call GetMonName ld hl, NAME_LENGTH add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h jr .gotPtr .otherEntries ;2-7 = OTHER ENTRIES ld a, [wPredefBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld a, [wNameListType] ;VariousNames' entryID dec a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a jr nc, .skip inc d .skip ld hl, NamePointers add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld [$ff96], a ld a, [hl] ld [$ff95], a ld a, [$ff95] ld h, a ld a, [$ff96] ld l, a ld a, [wd0b5] ld b, a ld c, 0 .nextName ld d, h ld e, l .nextChar ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr nz, .nextChar inc c ;entry counter ld a, b ;wanted entry cp c jr nz, .nextName ld h, d ld l, e ld de, wcd6d ld bc, $0014 call CopyData .gotPtr ld a, e ld [wUnusedCF8D], a ld a, d ld [wUnusedCF8D + 1], a pop de pop bc pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret GetItemPrice:: ; Stores item's price as BCD at hItemPrice (3 bytes) ; Input: [wcf91] = item id ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wListMenuID] cp MOVESLISTMENU ld a, BANK(ItemPrices) jr nz, .ok ld a, $f ; hardcoded Bank .ok ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld hl, wItemPrices ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [wcf91] ; a contains item id cp HM_01 jr nc, .getTMPrice ld bc, $3 .loop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .loop dec hl ld a, [hld] ld [hItemPrice + 2], a ld a, [hld] ld [hItemPrice + 1], a ld a, [hl] ld [hItemPrice], a jr .done .getTMPrice ld a, Bank(GetMachinePrice) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call GetMachinePrice .done ld de, hItemPrice pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; copies a string from [de] to [wcf4b] CopyStringToCF4B:: ld hl, wcf4b ; fall through ; copies a string from [de] to [hl] CopyString:: ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a cp "@" jr nz, CopyString ret ; this function is used when lower button sensitivity is wanted (e.g. menus) ; OUTPUT: [hJoy5] = pressed buttons in usual format ; there are two flags that control its functionality, [hJoy6] and [hJoy7] ; there are essentially three modes of operation ; 1. Get newly pressed buttons only ; ([hJoy7] == 0, [hJoy6] == any) ; Just copies [hJoyPressed] to [hJoy5]. ; 2. Get currently pressed buttons at low sample rate with delay ; ([hJoy7] == 1, [hJoy6] != 0) ; If the user holds down buttons for more than half a second, ; report buttons as being pressed up to 12 times per second thereafter. ; If the user holds down buttons for less than half a second, ; report only one button press. ; 3. Same as 2, but report no buttons as pressed if A or B is held down. ; ([hJoy7] == 1, [hJoy6] == 0) JoypadLowSensitivity:: call Joypad ld a, [hJoy7] ; flag and a ; get all currently pressed buttons or only newly pressed buttons? ld a, [hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons jr z, .storeButtonState ld a, [hJoyHeld] ; all currently pressed buttons .storeButtonState ld [hJoy5], a ld a, [hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons and a ; have any buttons been newly pressed since last check? jr z, .noNewlyPressedButtons .newlyPressedButtons ld a, 30 ; half a second delay ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a ret .noNewlyPressedButtons ld a, [H_FRAMECOUNTER] and a ; is the delay over? jr z, .delayOver .delayNotOver xor a ld [hJoy5], a ; report no buttons as pressed ret .delayOver ; if [hJoy6] = 0 and A or B is pressed, report no buttons as pressed ld a, [hJoyHeld] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr z, .setShortDelay ld a, [hJoy6] ; flag and a jr nz, .setShortDelay xor a ld [hJoy5], a .setShortDelay ld a, 5 ; 1/12 of a second delay ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a ret WaitForTextScrollButtonPress:: ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] push af ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] push af xor a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ld a, $6 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a .loop push hl ld a, [wTownMapSpriteBlinkingEnabled] and a jr z, .skipAnimation call TownMapSpriteBlinkingAnimation .skipAnimation coord hl, 18, 16 call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming pop hl call JoypadLowSensitivity predef CableClub_Run ld a, [hJoy5] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr z, .loop pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ret ; (unless in link battle) waits for A or B being pressed and outputs the scrolling sound effect ManualTextScroll:: ld a, [wLinkState] cp LINK_STATE_BATTLING jr z, .inLinkBattle call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ld a, SFX_PRESS_AB jp PlaySound .inLinkBattle ld c, 65 jp DelayFrames ; function to do multiplication ; all values are big endian ; INPUT ; FF96-FF98 = multiplicand ; FF99 = multiplier ; OUTPUT ; FF95-FF98 = product Multiply:: push hl push bc callab _Multiply pop bc pop hl ret ; function to do division ; all values are big endian ; INPUT ; FF95-FF98 = dividend ; FF99 = divisor ; b = number of bytes in the dividend (starting from FF95) ; OUTPUT ; FF95-FF98 = quotient ; FF99 = remainder Divide:: push hl push de push bc ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(_Divide) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call _Divide pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; This function is used to wait a short period after printing a letter to the ; screen unless the player presses the A/B button or the delay is turned off ; through the [wd730] or [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags] flags. PrintLetterDelay:: ld a, [wd730] bit 6, a ret nz ld a, [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags] bit 1, a ret z push hl push de push bc ld a, [wLetterPrintingDelayFlags] bit 0, a jr z, .waitOneFrame ld a, [wOptions] and $f ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a jr .checkButtons .waitOneFrame ld a, 1 ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a .checkButtons call Joypad ld a, [hJoyHeld] .checkAButton bit 0, a ; is the A button pressed? jr z, .checkBButton jr .endWait .checkBButton bit 1, a ; is the B button pressed? jr z, .buttonsNotPressed .endWait call DelayFrame jr .done .buttonsNotPressed ; if neither A nor B is pressed ld a, [H_FRAMECOUNTER] and a jr nz, .checkButtons .done pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; Copies [hl, bc) to [de, de + bc - hl). ; In other words, the source data is from hl up to but not including bc, ; and the destination is de. CopyDataUntil:: ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, h cp b jr nz, CopyDataUntil ld a, l cp c jr nz, CopyDataUntil ret ; Function to remove a pokemon from the party or the current box. ; wWhichPokemon determines the pokemon. ; [wRemoveMonFromBox] == 0 specifies the party. ; [wRemoveMonFromBox] != 0 specifies the current box. RemovePokemon:: jpab _RemovePokemon AddPartyMon:: push hl push de push bc callba _AddPartyMon pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; calculates all 5 stats of current mon and writes them to [de] CalcStats:: ld c, $0 .statsLoop inc c call CalcStat ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] ld [de], a inc de ld a, c cp NUM_STATS jr nz, .statsLoop ret ; calculates stat c of current mon ; c: stat to calc (HP=1,Atk=2,Def=3,Spd=4,Spc=5) ; b: consider stat exp? ; hl: base ptr to stat exp values ([hl + 2*c - 1] and [hl + 2*c]) CalcStat:: push hl push de push bc ld a, b ld d, a push hl ld hl, wMonHeader ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ; read base value of stat ld e, a pop hl push hl sla c ld a, d and a jr z, .statExpDone ; consider stat exp? add hl, bc ; skip to corresponding stat exp value .statExpLoop ; calculates ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) in b xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a inc b ; increment current stat exp bonus ld a, b cp $ff jr z, .statExpDone ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld a, [hld] ld d, a ld a, [$ff98] sub d ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld a, [$ff97] sbc d ; test if (current stat exp bonus)^2 < stat exp jr c, .statExpLoop .statExpDone srl c pop hl push bc ld bc, wPartyMon1DVs - (wPartyMon1HPExp - 1) ; also wEnemyMonDVs - wEnemyMonHP add hl, bc pop bc ld a, c cp $2 jr z, .getAttackIV cp $3 jr z, .getDefenseIV cp $4 jr z, .getSpeedIV cp $5 jr z, .getSpecialIV .getHpIV push bc ld a, [hl] ; Atk IV swap a and $1 sla a sla a sla a ld b, a ld a, [hli] ; Def IV and $1 sla a sla a add b ld b, a ld a, [hl] ; Spd IV swap a and $1 sla a add b ld b, a ld a, [hl] ; Spc IV and $1 add b ; HP IV: LSB of the other 4 IVs pop bc jr .calcStatFromIV .getAttackIV ld a, [hl] swap a and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getDefenseIV ld a, [hl] and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getSpeedIV inc hl ld a, [hl] swap a and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getSpecialIV inc hl ld a, [hl] and $f .calcStatFromIV ld d, $0 add e ld e, a jr nc, .noCarry inc d ; de = Base + IV .noCarry sla e rl d ; de = (Base + IV) * 2 srl b srl b ; b = ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4 ld a, b add e jr nc, .noCarry2 inc d ; de = (Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4 .noCarry2 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a ld a, d ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld a, [wCurEnemyLVL] ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ; ((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND] ld [H_DIVIDEND], a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ld [H_DIVIDEND+1], a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] ld [H_DIVIDEND+2], a ld a, $64 ld [H_DIVISOR], a ld a, $3 ld b, a call Divide ; (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 ld a, c cp $1 ld a, 5 ; + 5 for non-HP stat jr nz, .notHPStat ld a, [wCurEnemyLVL] ld b, a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] add b ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a jr nc, .noCarry3 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] inc a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level .noCarry3 ld a, 10 ; +10 for HP stat .notHPStat ld b, a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] add b ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a jr nc, .noCarry4 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] inc a ; non-HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + 5 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level + 10 .noCarry4 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ; check for overflow (>999) cp 999 / $100 + 1 jr nc, .overflow cp 999 / $100 jr c, .noOverflow ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] cp 999 % $100 + 1 jr c, .noOverflow .overflow ld a, 999 / $100 ; overflow: cap at 999 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ld a, 999 % $100 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a .noOverflow pop bc pop de pop hl ret AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(_AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call _AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret MoveMon:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(_MoveMon) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a call _MoveMon pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC1RomBank], a ret ; skips a text entries, each of size NAME_LENGTH (like trainer name, OT name, rival name, ...) ; hl: base pointer, will be incremented by NAME_LENGTH * a SkipFixedLengthTextEntries:: and a ret z ld bc, NAME_LENGTH .skipLoop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .skipLoop ret AddNTimes:: ; add bc to hl a times and a ret z .loop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .loop ret ; Compare strings, c bytes in length, at de and hl. ; Often used to compare big endian numbers in battle calculations. StringCmp:: ld a, [de] cp [hl] ret nz inc de inc hl dec c jr nz, StringCmp ret ; INPUT: ; a = oam block index (each block is 4 oam entries) ; b = Y coordinate of upper left corner of sprite ; c = X coordinate of upper left corner of sprite ; de = base address of 4 tile number and attribute pairs WriteOAMBlock:: ld h, wOAMBuffer / $100 swap a ; multiply by 16 ld l, a call .writeOneEntry ; upper left push bc ld a, 8 add c ld c, a call .writeOneEntry ; upper right pop bc ld a, 8 add b ld b, a call .writeOneEntry ; lower left ld a, 8 add c ld c, a ; lower right .writeOneEntry ld [hl], b ; Y coordinate inc hl ld [hl], c ; X coordinate inc hl ld a, [de] ; tile number inc de ld [hli], a ld a, [de] ; attribute inc de ld [hli], a ret HandleMenuInput:: xor a ld [wPartyMenuAnimMonEnabled], a HandleMenuInput_:: ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] push af ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] push af ; save existing values on stack xor a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; blinking down arrow timing value 1 ld a, 6 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; blinking down arrow timing value 2 .loop1 xor a ld [wAnimCounter], a ; counter for pokemon shaking animation call PlaceMenuCursor call Delay3 .loop2 push hl ld a, [wPartyMenuAnimMonEnabled] and a ; is it a pokemon selection menu? jr z, .getJoypadState callba AnimatePartyMon ; shake mini sprite of selected pokemon .getJoypadState pop hl call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a, [hJoy5] and a ; was a key pressed? jr nz, .keyPressed push hl coord hl, 18, 11 ; coordinates of blinking down arrow in some menus call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming ; blink down arrow (if any) pop hl ld a, [wMenuJoypadPollCount] dec a jr z, .giveUpWaiting jr .loop2 .giveUpWaiting ; if a key wasn't pressed within the specified number of checks pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; restore previous values xor a ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled], a ; disable menu wrapping ret .keyPressed xor a ld [wCheckFor180DegreeTurn], a ld a, [hJoy5] ld b, a bit 6, a ; pressed Up key? jr z, .checkIfDownPressed .upPressed ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ; selected menu item and a ; already at the top of the menu? jr z, .alreadyAtTop .notAtTop dec a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; move selected menu item up one space jr .checkOtherKeys .alreadyAtTop ld a, [wMenuWrappingEnabled] and a ; is wrapping around enabled? jr z, .noWrappingAround ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ; wrap to the bottom of the menu jr .checkOtherKeys .checkIfDownPressed bit 7, a jr z, .checkOtherKeys .downPressed ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] inc a ld c, a ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] cp c jr nc, .notAtBottom .alreadyAtBottom ld a, [wMenuWrappingEnabled] and a ; is wrapping around enabled? jr z, .noWrappingAround ld c, $00 ; wrap from bottom to top .notAtBottom ld a, c ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a .checkOtherKeys ld a, [wMenuWatchedKeys] and b ; does the menu care about any of the pressed keys? jp z, .loop1 .checkIfAButtonOrBButtonPressed ld a, [hJoy5] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr z, .skipPlayingSound .AButtonOrBButtonPressed push hl ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 bit 5, [hl] pop hl jr nz, .skipPlayingSound ld a, SFX_PRESS_AB call PlaySound .skipPlayingSound pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; restore previous values xor a ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled], a ; disable menu wrapping ld a, [hJoy5] ret .noWrappingAround ld a, [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds] and a ; should we return if the user tried to go past the top or bottom? jr z, .checkOtherKeys jr .checkIfAButtonOrBButtonPressed PlaceMenuCursor:: ld a, [wTopMenuItemY] and a ; is the y coordinate 0? jr z, .adjustForXCoord coord hl, 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH .topMenuItemLoop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .topMenuItemLoop .adjustForXCoord ld a, [wTopMenuItemX] ld b, 0 ld c, a add hl, bc push hl ld a, [wLastMenuItem] and a ; was the previous menu id 0? jr z, .checkForArrow1 push af ld a, [hFlags_0xFFF6] bit 1, a ; is the menu double spaced? jr z, .doubleSpaced1 ld bc, 20 jr .getOldMenuItemScreenPosition .doubleSpaced1 ld bc, 40 .getOldMenuItemScreenPosition pop af .oldMenuItemLoop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .oldMenuItemLoop .checkForArrow1 ld a, [hl] cp "▶" ; was an arrow next to the previously selected menu item? jr nz, .skipClearingArrow .clearArrow ld a, [wTileBehindCursor] ld [hl], a .skipClearingArrow pop hl ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr z, .checkForArrow2 push af ld a, [hFlags_0xFFF6] bit 1, a ; is the menu double spaced? jr z, .doubleSpaced2 ld bc, 20 jr .getCurrentMenuItemScreenPosition .doubleSpaced2 ld bc, 40 .getCurrentMenuItemScreenPosition pop af .currentMenuItemLoop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .currentMenuItemLoop .checkForArrow2 ld a, [hl] cp "▶" ; has the right arrow already been placed? jr z, .skipSavingTile ; if so, don't lose the saved tile ld [wTileBehindCursor], a ; save tile before overwriting with right arrow .skipSavingTile ld a, "▶" ; place right arrow ld [hl], a ld a, l ld [wMenuCursorLocation], a ld a, h ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wLastMenuItem], a ret ; This is used to mark a menu cursor other than the one currently being ; manipulated. In the case of submenus, this is used to show the location of ; the menu cursor in the parent menu. In the case of swapping items in list, ; this is used to mark the item that was first chosen to be swapped. PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor:: ld b, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation] ld l, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h, a ld [hl], $ec ; outline of right arrow ld a, b ret ; Replaces the menu cursor with a blank space. EraseMenuCursor:: ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation] ld l, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h, a ld [hl], " " ret ; This toggles a blinking down arrow at hl on and off after a delay has passed. ; This is often called even when no blinking is occurring. ; The reason is that most functions that call this initialize H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1 to 0. ; The effect is that if the tile at hl is initialized with a down arrow, ; this function will toggle that down arrow on and off, but if the tile isn't ; initialized with a down arrow, this function does nothing. ; That allows this to be called without worrying about if a down arrow should ; be blinking. HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming:: ld a, [hl] ld b, a ld a, "▼" cp b jr nz, .downArrowOff .downArrowOn ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ret nz ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ret nz ld a, " " ld [hl], a ld a, $ff ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ld a, $06 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ret .downArrowOff ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] and a ret z dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ret nz dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ret nz ld a, $06 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ld a, "▼" ld [hl], a ret ; The following code either enables or disables the automatic drawing of ; text boxes by DisplayTextID. Both functions cause DisplayTextID to wait ; for a button press after displaying text (unless [wEnteringCableClub] is set). EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: xor a jr AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon DisableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: ld a, $01 AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon:: ld [wAutoTextBoxDrawingControl], a xor a ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a ; make DisplayTextID wait for button press ret PrintText:: ; Print text hl at (1, 14). push hl ld a, MESSAGE_BOX ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID call UpdateSprites call Delay3 pop hl PrintText_NoCreatingTextBox:: coord bc, 1, 14 jp TextCommandProcessor PrintNumber:: ; Print the c-digit, b-byte value at de. ; Allows 2 to 7 digits. For 1-digit numbers, add ; the value to char "0" instead of calling PrintNumber. ; Flags LEADING_ZEROES and LEFT_ALIGN can be given ; in bits 7 and 6 of b respectively. push bc xor a ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES], a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a ld a, b and $f cp 1 jr z, .byte cp 2 jr z, .word .long ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a inc de ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a inc de ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2], a jr .start .word ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a inc de ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2], a jr .start .byte ld a, [de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2], a .start push de ld d, b ld a, c ld b, a xor a ld c, a ld a, b cp 2 jr z, .tens cp 3 jr z, .hundreds cp 4 jr z, .thousands cp 5 jr z, .ten_thousands cp 6 jr z, .hundred_thousands print_digit: macro if (\1) / $10000 ld a, \1 / $10000 % $100 else xor a endc ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 0], a if (\1) / $100 ld a, \1 / $100 % $100 else xor a endc ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1], a ld a, \1 / $1 % $100 ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2], a call .PrintDigit call .NextDigit endm .millions print_digit 1000000 .hundred_thousands print_digit 100000 .ten_thousands print_digit 10000 .thousands print_digit 1000 .hundreds print_digit 100 .tens ld c, 0 ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] .mod cp 10 jr c, .ok sub 10 inc c jr .mod .ok ld b, a ld a, [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] or c ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES], a jr nz, .past call .PrintLeadingZero jr .next .past ld a, "0" add c ld [hl], a .next call .NextDigit .ones ld a, "0" add b ld [hli], a pop de dec de pop bc ret .PrintDigit: ; Divide by the current decimal place. ; Print the quotient, and keep the modulus. ld c, 0 .loop ld a, [H_POWEROFTEN] ld b, a ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT], a cp b jr c, .underflow0 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a ld a, [H_POWEROFTEN + 1] ld b, a ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 1], a cp b jr nc, .noborrow1 ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT] or 0 jr z, .underflow1 dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] .noborrow1 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a ld a, [H_POWEROFTEN + 2] ld b, a ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 2], a cp b jr nc, .noborrow2 ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] and a jr nz, .borrowed ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT] and a jr z, .underflow2 dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a xor a .borrowed dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a ld a, [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] .noborrow2 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2], a inc c jr .loop .underflow2 ld a, [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 1] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1], a .underflow1 ld a, [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT], a .underflow0 ld a, [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] or c jr z, .PrintLeadingZero ld a, "0" add c ld [hl], a ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES], a ret .PrintLeadingZero: bit BIT_LEADING_ZEROES, d ret z ld [hl], "0" ret .NextDigit: ; Increment unless the number is left-aligned, ; leading zeroes are not printed, and no digits ; have been printed yet. bit BIT_LEADING_ZEROES, d jr nz, .inc bit BIT_LEFT_ALIGN, d jr z, .inc ld a, [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] and a ret z .inc inc hl ret CallFunctionInTable:: ; Call function a in jumptable hl. ; de is not preserved. push hl push de push bc add a ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .returnAddress push de jp hl .returnAddress pop bc pop de pop hl ret IsInArray:: ; Search an array at hl for the value in a. ; Entry size is de bytes. ; Return count b and carry if found. ld b, 0 IsInRestOfArray:: ld c, a .loop ld a, [hl] cp -1 jr z, .notfound cp c jr z, .found inc b add hl, de jr .loop .notfound and a ret .found scf ret RestoreScreenTilesAndReloadTilePatterns:: call ClearSprites ld a, $1 ld [wUpdateSpritesEnabled], a call ReloadMapSpriteTilePatterns call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2 call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call RunDefaultPaletteCommand jr Delay3 GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3:: call GBPalWhiteOut Delay3:: ; The bg map is updated each frame in thirds. ; Wait three frames to let the bg map fully update. ld c, 3 jp DelayFrames GBPalNormal:: ; Reset BGP and OBP0. ld a, %11100100 ; 3210 ld [rBGP], a ld a, %11010000 ; 3100 ld [rOBP0], a ret GBPalWhiteOut:: ; White out all palettes. xor a ld [rBGP], a ld [rOBP0], a ld [rOBP1], a ret RunDefaultPaletteCommand:: ld b, $ff RunPaletteCommand:: ld a, [wOnSGB] and a ret z predef_jump _RunPaletteCommand GetHealthBarColor:: ; Return at hl the palette of ; an HP bar e pixels long. ld a, e cp 27 ld d, 0 ; green jr nc, .gotColor cp 10 inc d ; yellow jr nc, .gotColor inc d ; red .gotColor ld [hl], d ret ; Copy the current map's sprites' tile patterns to VRAM again after they have ; been overwritten by other tile patterns. ReloadMapSpriteTilePatterns:: ld hl, wFontLoaded ld a, [hl] push af res 0, [hl] push hl xor a ld [wSpriteSetID], a call DisableLCD callba InitMapSprites call EnableLCD pop hl pop af ld [hl], a call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call LoadFontTilePatterns jp UpdateSprites GiveItem:: ; Give player quantity c of item b, ; and copy the item's name to wcf4b. ; Return carry on success. ld a, b ld [wd11e], a ld [wcf91], a ld a, c ld [wItemQuantity], a ld hl, wNumBagItems call AddItemToInventory ret nc call GetItemName call CopyStringToCF4B scf ret GivePokemon:: ; Give the player monster b at level c. ld a, b ld [wcf91], a ld a, c ld [wCurEnemyLVL], a xor a ; PLAYER_PARTY_DATA ld [wMonDataLocation], a jpba _GivePokemon Random:: ; Return a random number in a. ; For battles, use BattleRandom. push hl push de push bc callba Random_ ld a, [hRandomAdd] pop bc pop de pop hl ret INCLUDE "home/predef.asm" UpdateCinnabarGymGateTileBlocks:: jpba UpdateCinnabarGymGateTileBlocks_ CheckForHiddenObjectOrBookshelfOrCardKeyDoor:: ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [hJoyHeld] bit 0, a ; A button jr z, .nothingFound ; A button is pressed ld a, Bank(CheckForHiddenObject) ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a call CheckForHiddenObject ld a, [$ffee] and a jr nz, .hiddenObjectNotFound ld a, [wHiddenObjectFunctionRomBank] ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld de, .returnAddress push de jp hl .returnAddress xor a jr .done .hiddenObjectNotFound callba PrintBookshelfText ld a, [$ffdb] and a jr z, .done .nothingFound ld a, $ff .done ld [$ffeb], a pop af ld [MBC1RomBank], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ret PrintPredefTextID:: ld [hSpriteIndexOrTextID], a ld hl, TextPredefs call SetMapTextPointer ld hl, wTextPredefFlag set 0, [hl] call DisplayTextID RestoreMapTextPointer:: ld hl, wMapTextPtr ld a, [$ffec] ld [hli], a ld a, [$ffec + 1] ld [hl], a ret SetMapTextPointer:: ld a, [wMapTextPtr] ld [$ffec], a ld a, [wMapTextPtr + 1] ld [$ffec + 1], a ld a, l ld [wMapTextPtr], a ld a, h ld [wMapTextPtr + 1], a ret TextPredefs:: const_value = 1 add_tx_pre CardKeySuccessText ; 01 add_tx_pre CardKeyFailText ; 02 add_tx_pre RedBedroomPCText ; 03 add_tx_pre RedBedroomSNESText ; 04 add_tx_pre PushStartText ; 05 add_tx_pre SaveOptionText ; 06 add_tx_pre StrengthsAndWeaknessesText ; 07 add_tx_pre OakLabEmailText ; 08 add_tx_pre AerodactylFossilText ; 09 add_tx_pre Route15UpstairsBinocularsText ; 0A add_tx_pre KabutopsFossilText ; 0B add_tx_pre GymStatueText1 ; 0C add_tx_pre GymStatueText2 ; 0D add_tx_pre BookcaseText ; 0E add_tx_pre ViridianCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 0F add_tx_pre PewterCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 10 add_tx_pre CeruleanCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 11 add_tx_pre LavenderCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 12 add_tx_pre VermilionCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 13 add_tx_pre CeladonCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 14 add_tx_pre CeladonCityHotelText ; 15 add_tx_pre FuchsiaCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 16 add_tx_pre CinnabarIslandPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 17 add_tx_pre SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 18 add_tx_pre MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 19 add_tx_pre RockTunnelPokecenterBenchGuyText ; 1A add_tx_pre UnusedBenchGuyText1 ; 1B XXX unused add_tx_pre UnusedBenchGuyText2 ; 1C XXX unused add_tx_pre UnusedBenchGuyText3 ; 1D XXX unused add_tx_pre UnusedPredefText ; 1E XXX unused add_tx_pre PokemonCenterPCText ; 1F add_tx_pre ViridianSchoolNotebook ; 20 add_tx_pre ViridianSchoolBlackboard ; 21 add_tx_pre JustAMomentText ; 22 add_tx_pre OpenBillsPCText ; 23 add_tx_pre FoundHiddenItemText ; 24 add_tx_pre HiddenItemBagFullText ; 25 XXX unused add_tx_pre VermilionGymTrashText ; 26 add_tx_pre IndigoPlateauHQText ; 27 add_tx_pre GameCornerOutOfOrderText ; 28 add_tx_pre GameCornerOutToLunchText ; 29 add_tx_pre GameCornerSomeonesKeysText ; 2A add_tx_pre FoundHiddenCoinsText ; 2B add_tx_pre DroppedHiddenCoinsText ; 2C add_tx_pre BillsHouseMonitorText ; 2D add_tx_pre BillsHouseInitiatedText ; 2E add_tx_pre BillsHousePokemonList ; 2F add_tx_pre MagazinesText ; 30 add_tx_pre CinnabarGymQuiz ; 31 add_tx_pre GameCornerNoCoinsText ; 32 add_tx_pre GameCornerCoinCaseText ; 33 add_tx_pre LinkCableHelp ; 34 add_tx_pre TMNotebook ; 35 add_tx_pre FightingDojoText ; 36 add_tx_pre EnemiesOnEverySideText ; 37 add_tx_pre WhatGoesAroundComesAroundText ; 38 add_tx_pre NewBicycleText ; 39 add_tx_pre IndigoPlateauStatues ; 3A add_tx_pre VermilionGymTrashSuccessText1 ; 3B add_tx_pre VermilionGymTrashSuccessText2 ; 3C XXX unused add_tx_pre VermilionGymTrashSuccessText3 ; 3D add_tx_pre VermilionGymTrashFailText ; 3E add_tx_pre TownMapText ; 3F add_tx_pre BookOrSculptureText ; 40 add_tx_pre ElevatorText ; 41 add_tx_pre PokemonStuffText ; 42