Get rid of yellow ifdefs in wild Pokémon.
Remove misleading (unreferenced) labels.
Merge pull request #121 from PikalaxALT/master
Merge pull request #120 from PikalaxALT/master
Label elite four scripts more completely.
Define text banks relative to the first one. Clean up address comments.
vertical space is cheap. also remove address comments and yellow ifs.
Improve diffability with pokeyellow; remove address comments and ifs.
Reorganize the makefile and remove yellow targets.
Use 'ds wWaterRate - @' to avoid manually declaring the wEnemyMon1 party struct
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge pull request #117 from PikalaxALT/master
Rewrite SetEvents and ResetEvents for unlimited number of events
Merge pull request #116 from YamaArashi/master
replaced hardcoded values in ItemUseMedicine
use the new battle type constants
added constants for item capacity
documented flags and misc. fixes
Merge pull request #114 from YamaArashi/master
add border constant and clear up misnomer
named battle and learn move variables
Replace hardcoded name lengths with NAME_LENGTH
Use constants for elevator floors
Merge branch 'master' of
Replace some hardcoded data sizes
named CountSetBits output variable
Merge pull request #111 from YamaArashi/master
Merge branch 'master' of
Merge branch 'master' of
named animation functions/variables
Use more wram labels and other constants
make route22 rival events more consistent
fixed hram aliases and named wram var
Merge pull request #107 from YamaArashi/master
named most of the used events
move event macros to separate file
Merge pull request #106 from YamaArashi/master
Merge branch 'master' of