ref: a5c0da9bbebb1b5703778d83d147e262055cd46c
dir: /constants/move_effect_constants.asm/
; {stat}_(UP|DOWN)(1|2) means that the move raises the user's (or lowers the target's) corresponding stat modifier by 1 (or 2) stages ; {status condition}_SIDE_EFFECT means that the move has a side chance of causing that condition ; {status condition}_EFFECT means that the move causes the status condition every time it hits the target ; MoveEffectPointerTable indexes (see data/moves/effects_pointers.asm) const_def const NO_ADDITIONAL_EFFECT ; $00 const EFFECT_01 ; $01 unused const POISON_SIDE_EFFECT1 ; $02 const DRAIN_HP_EFFECT ; $03 const BURN_SIDE_EFFECT1 ; $04 const FREEZE_SIDE_EFFECT ; $05 const PARALYZE_SIDE_EFFECT1 ; $06 const EXPLODE_EFFECT ; $07 Explosion, Self Destruct const DREAM_EATER_EFFECT ; $08 const MIRROR_MOVE_EFFECT ; $09 const ATTACK_UP1_EFFECT ; $0A const DEFENSE_UP1_EFFECT ; $0B const SPEED_UP1_EFFECT ; $0C const SPECIAL_UP1_EFFECT ; $0D const ACCURACY_UP1_EFFECT ; $0E const EVASION_UP1_EFFECT ; $0F const PAY_DAY_EFFECT ; $10 const SWIFT_EFFECT ; $11 const ATTACK_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $12 const DEFENSE_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $13 const SPEED_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $14 const SPECIAL_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $15 const ACCURACY_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $16 const EVASION_DOWN1_EFFECT ; $17 const CONVERSION_EFFECT ; $18 const HAZE_EFFECT ; $19 const BIDE_EFFECT ; $1A const THRASH_PETAL_DANCE_EFFECT ; $1B const SWITCH_AND_TELEPORT_EFFECT ; $1C const TWO_TO_FIVE_ATTACKS_EFFECT ; $1D const EFFECT_1E ; $1E unused const FLINCH_SIDE_EFFECT1 ; $1F const SLEEP_EFFECT ; $20 const POISON_SIDE_EFFECT2 ; $21 const BURN_SIDE_EFFECT2 ; $22 const_skip ; $23 const PARALYZE_SIDE_EFFECT2 ; $24 const FLINCH_SIDE_EFFECT2 ; $25 const OHKO_EFFECT ; $26 moves like Horn Drill const CHARGE_EFFECT ; $27 moves like Solar Beam const SUPER_FANG_EFFECT ; $28 const SPECIAL_DAMAGE_EFFECT ; $29 Seismic Toss, Night Shade, Sonic Boom, Dragon Rage, Psywave const TRAPPING_EFFECT ; $2A moves like Wrap const FLY_EFFECT ; $2B const ATTACK_TWICE_EFFECT ; $2C const JUMP_KICK_EFFECT ; $2D Jump Kick and Hi Jump Kick effect const MIST_EFFECT ; $2E const FOCUS_ENERGY_EFFECT ; $2F const RECOIL_EFFECT ; $30 moves like Double Edge const CONFUSION_EFFECT ; $31 Confuse Ray, Supersonic (not the move Confusion) const ATTACK_UP2_EFFECT ; $32 const DEFENSE_UP2_EFFECT ; $33 const SPEED_UP2_EFFECT ; $34 const SPECIAL_UP2_EFFECT ; $35 const ACCURACY_UP2_EFFECT ; $36 const EVASION_UP2_EFFECT ; $37 const HEAL_EFFECT ; $38 Recover, Softboiled, Rest const TRANSFORM_EFFECT ; $39 const ATTACK_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3A const DEFENSE_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3B const SPEED_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3C const SPECIAL_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3D const ACCURACY_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3E const EVASION_DOWN2_EFFECT ; $3F const LIGHT_SCREEN_EFFECT ; $40 const REFLECT_EFFECT ; $41 const POISON_EFFECT ; $42 const PARALYZE_EFFECT ; $43 const ATTACK_DOWN_SIDE_EFFECT ; $44 const DEFENSE_DOWN_SIDE_EFFECT ; $45 const SPEED_DOWN_SIDE_EFFECT ; $46 const SPECIAL_DOWN_SIDE_EFFECT ; $47 const_skip ; $48 const_skip ; $49 const_skip ; $4A const_skip ; $4B const CONFUSION_SIDE_EFFECT ; $4C const TWINEEDLE_EFFECT ; $4D const_skip ; $4E const SUBSTITUTE_EFFECT ; $4F const HYPER_BEAM_EFFECT ; $50 const RAGE_EFFECT ; $51 const MIMIC_EFFECT ; $52 const METRONOME_EFFECT ; $53 const LEECH_SEED_EFFECT ; $54 const SPLASH_EFFECT ; $55 const DISABLE_EFFECT ; $56 NUM_MOVE_EFFECTS EQU const_value - 1