ref: 81adc69e6583a0b77e39b92754704eb0e338d090
dir: /music.asm/
; Music Data ; The start and stop of these byte ranges were based off the theory they're lined ; consecutively (Right up against each other). ;INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$82FD,$9ba3 - $82FD ; 82FD UnknSong_md_82fd: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_end UnknSong_md_8301: mus_note noteD, note16; 8301 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_end UnknSong_md_8305: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8306 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_end UnknSong_md_8309: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4; 830B mus_end UnknSong_md_830d: mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8310 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4_8; 8315 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8_16; 831A mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_end; 831F UnknSong_md_8320: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8324: mus_note noteD, note8; 8324 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 8329 mus_end UnknSong_md_832b: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_end; 832E UnknSong_md_832f: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_end UnknSong_md_8333: mus_note noteD, note16; 8333 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_8337: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG#, note8_16; 8338 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_833b: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note16; 833D mus_end UnknSong_md_833f: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_end; 8342 UnknSong_md_8343: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8347: mus_note noteD, note16; 8347 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4; 834C mus_end UnknSong_md_834e: mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note16; 8351 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8355: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8356 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8359: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 835B mus_end UnknSong_md_835d: mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_end; 8360 UnknSong_md_8361: mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteA, note4; 8365 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteE, note4; 836A mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4; 836F mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16; 8374 mus_note noteG#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8378: mus_jump 237, $CBDC mus_note noteA#, note2_8; 837C mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8381 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8_16; 8386 db $ef mus_end UnknSong_md_8389: mus_jump 238, $CBDD mus_note noteA#, note2_8 mus_note noteG#, note2; 838E mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4; 8393 mus_note noteF#, note2_8 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8 db $ee db $ee mus_end; 8398 UnknSong_md_8399: mus_end UnknSong_md_839a: mus_tempo 222, 255 mus_end UnknSong_md_839e: db $ee db $ee; 839F db $db mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16; 83A4 mus_note noteG#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 db $ef mus_jump 222, $EEFF mus_vel 11, 10; 83AD mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16; 83B2 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_note noteG#, note2_8_16; 83B7 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 db $ee db $f7 mus_note noteG, note1 db $ee; 83BC mus_vel 10, 8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16; 83C2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct6; 83C7 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_83ca: mus_mod 16, 1, 4 mus_vel 1, 0 mus_octave oct4; 83CF mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG, note8; 83D4 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note8; 83D9 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note2; 83DE mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_end UnknSong_md_83e1: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f7 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 83E3 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f7 mus_note noteD#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f7; 83E8 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f4 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 83ED db $f1 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_83f1: mus_note noteD, note2_8 db $f1; 83F2 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_end; 83F7 UnknSong_md_83f8: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 83FD mus_end UnknSong_md_83ff: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8403 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8408 mus_end UnknSong_md_840a: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 840E db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8413 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16; 8418 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_841b: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1; 841E mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8422: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note8; 8424 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8429 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_842d: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 842F mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f2; 8434 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8438: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note8; 843A mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 843F mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8444 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8447: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16; 844A mus_note noteD, note1 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC#, note16; 844F mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8452: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f1 mus_note noteF, note4_16; 8454 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8459 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 845E mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8462: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note16; 8464 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteG#, note8; 8469 db $d0 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16; 846E mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 db $d0 mus_note noteC, note2; 8473 mus_end UnknSong_md_8475: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f4 mus_note noteC, note16; 8479 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 847E mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8483 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct3; 8488 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA#, note16; 848D mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note2; 8492 mus_end UnknSong_md_8494: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8498 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $d4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 849D mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 84A2 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 84A7 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 84AC mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 84B1 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d2 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 84B6 UnknSong_md_84b7: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 240; 84BD mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 84C2 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_84c6: mus_duty duty12_5 mus_note noteC#, note16; 84C8 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 84CD mus_jump 4, $44C6 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f3 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 84D5 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_84d9: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16; 84DB mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 84E0 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16; 84E5 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 84EA mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_84ee: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16; 84F0 mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 240 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 84F6 db $f2 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16; 84FB mus_end UnknSong_md_84fd: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteRst, note16; 8501 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8506 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4; 850B mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8510 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note16; 8515 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 851A mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4; 851F mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8524 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8528: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 852A mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 8531 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16; 8537 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_853b: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 853D mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8543 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8; 8549 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_854e: mus_duty duty25; 854F mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7 mus_note noteC, note16; 8554 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8559 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1; 855E mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteC#, note2; 8563 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end; 8568 UnknSong_md_8569: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 856E mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f1 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 8573 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1; 8578 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 857D mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8580: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8583 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note16; 8588 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 858D mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8592 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8595: mus_duty duty25 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2; 8598 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1; 859D mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG#, note2; 85A2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteG#, note16; 85A7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 85AC mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_85b0: mus_duty duty25 mus_note noteC#, note16; 85B2 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 85B7 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 85BC mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteE, note2; 85C1 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteC, note16; 85C6 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_85cb: mus_duty duty25; 85CC mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d2 mus_note noteC, note16; 85D1 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_85d6: mus_duty duty50; 85D7 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16; 85DC mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_85e1: mus_note noteD, note8_16; 85E1 db $f1 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 85E6 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f1 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16; 85EB mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_85ee: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f1 mus_note noteC#, note8_16; 85F0 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 85F5 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 85FA db $d1 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 85FF mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8604 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8609 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8_16; 860E mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8613 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8618 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 861D mus_end UnknSong_md_861f: mus_duty duty75 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8623 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8629 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 0; 862F mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8634 mus_end UnknSong_md_8636: mus_duty duty75 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_volume 1 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 863B mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note1; 8640 mus_volume 1 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8646 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8649: mus_duty duty12_5 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2; 864C mus_note noteD, note1 db $d2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC#, note16; 8651 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8654: mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8656 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f1 mus_note noteD#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteC, note16; 865B mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f7 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8660 db $f7 mus_note noteD#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f7 mus_note noteE, note4_16; 8665 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f4 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f1; 866A mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_866d: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 0; 8671 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8676 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 0; 867D mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1; 8683 mus_volume 0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16; 8689 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_868c: mus_duty duty75 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 130; 8690 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8695 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 130 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 130; 869C mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 130 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 86A2 mus_volume 130 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2 mus_note noteG#, note8_16; 86A8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_86ab: mus_duty duty25 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16; 86AE mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note16; 86B3 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 86B8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16; 86BD mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct5; 86C2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end; 86C7 UnknSong_md_86c8: mus_duty duty50 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f3 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 86CD mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 86D2 db $f4 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG, note4_16; 86D7 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 86DC mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 86E1 mus_end UnknSong_md_86e3: db $fc mus_volume 47 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteG#, note16; 86E7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 132 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 86ED mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 86F2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteG#, note16; 86F7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 86FC mus_end UnknSong_md_86fe: db $fc mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note16; 8701 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteE, note4; 8706 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 870B mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 8710 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteD#, note8; 8715 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8719: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f2; 871A mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 871F db $d0 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d0 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8724 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8; 8729 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d3 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_end; 872E UnknSong_md_872f: db $fc mus_volume 47 db $f7 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8734 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 8739 db $f4 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 db $fc mus_note noteA#, note4_8; 873E mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 db $f6 db $d8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8743 mus_octave oct4 db $d7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2; 8748 db $d8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_874c: db $fc mus_note noteC, note4_8; 874D mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note1; 8752 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16; 8757 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteG, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 875C mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 db $fc mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16; 8761 db $d6 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note4 db $d9; 8766 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 db $d7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 876B mus_end UnknSong_md_876d: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8770 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8775 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct3; 877A mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 877F db $d4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4; 8784 mus_end UnknSong_md_8786: db $fc mus_volume 47 db $f7 mus_note noteRst, note16; 878A mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 878F mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 db $f6 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8794 db $d3 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8; 8799 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_879d: db $fc mus_note noteF, note1; 879E mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 87A3 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16; 87A8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8; 87AD mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_87b0: mus_note noteD, note4 db $f2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 87B2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7; 87B7 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end; 87BC UnknSong_md_87bd: db $fc mus_volume 47 db $f7 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 87C2 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 87C7 db $d7 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d5; 87CC mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_16; 87D1 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $d3 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 87D6 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d3 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 87DB mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_87e0: db $fc; 87E0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 87E5 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 87EA mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note4_8; 87EF mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note4_16 mus_note noteE, note2; 87F4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 87F9 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 87FE mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8803: mus_note noteD, note1; 8803 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 8808 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteB, note2; 880D mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end; 8812 UnknSong_md_8813: db $fc mus_volume 38 db $f7 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8818 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 881D db $d6 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d3; 8822 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteD, note4; 8827 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 882C mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 8831 UnknSong_md_8832: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8836 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 883B mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8840 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note4; 8845 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8; 884A mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 884F mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8 db $d8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end; 8854 UnknSong_md_8855: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f2 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 8859 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d7 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 885E db $d6 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8863 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $d2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1; 8868 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_886b: db $fc mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 886D db $f4 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct4; 8872 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f4 mus_note noteE, note16; 8877 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteE, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 887C mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 8881 UnknSong_md_8882: db $fc mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteC#, note8_16; 8886 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 888B mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8890 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8895 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8899: mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d6; 889A mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 889F mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16; 88A4 mus_end UnknSong_md_88a6: db $fc mus_volume 36 db $f7 mus_note noteC, note2_16; 88AA mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 88AF mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d7 mus_volume 5 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 88B5 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $d3 mus_note noteRst, note16; 88BA mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d3 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 88BF mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 88C4 UnknSong_md_88c5: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 88C9 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 88CE mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 88D3 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note4; 88D8 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA#, note4; 88DD mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 88E2 mus_end UnknSong_md_88e4: mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 88E7 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 88EC mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_88f1: db $fc; 88F1 db $f1 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f7 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 88F6 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 88FB mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 8900 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note16; 8905 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 890A mus_end UnknSong_md_890c: db $fc mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2; 890F mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16; 8914 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8919 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 891E mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8923 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8927: mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct3; 8928 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $d6 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 892D mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16; 8932 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_8937: db $fc; 8937 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f7 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 893C mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f7 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 8941 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct0; 8946 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note16; 894B mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8950 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 8955 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_895a: db $fc; 895A mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 895F mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteF#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 8964 db $d7 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 db $d7; 8969 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 896E mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8973 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteD#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 8978 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_897d: mus_note noteD, note4_16; 897D mus_note noteG, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteG, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note16; 8982 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8987: db $fc; 8987 db $f5 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f3 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 898C mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8991 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8996: db $fc; 8996 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 899B mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 89A0 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_89a5: mus_note noteD, note4; 89A5 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 89AA mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_89af: db $fc; 89AF mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 89B4 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 89B9 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct6; 89BE mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_89c2: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16; 89C3 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 89C8 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8_16; 89CD mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct6; 89D2 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_89d5: mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8_16; 89D7 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteF#, note8; 89DC mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_end UnknSong_md_89df: db $fc db $fa mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 89E1 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteF#, note8_16; 89E6 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteF, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8; 89EB mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 89F0 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 89F5 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_89fa: mus_note noteD, note2_16; 89FA db $d4 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteA, note2_4_16; 89FF mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct3; 8A04 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d7 mus_note noteA, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 8A09 db $f2 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a0d: db $fc mus_volume 36; 8A0F db $f3 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct3; 8A14 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note16; 8A19 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a1c: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8A1E mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16; 8A23 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note8; 8A28 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a2b: mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d3 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16; 8A2D mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8A32 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a35: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8A37 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct4; 8A3C mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d3 mus_note noteG, note16; 8A41 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8A46 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a48: db $fc db $f5 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct5; 8A4B mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d3 mus_note noteC, note8; 8A50 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 8A55 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end; 8A5A UnknSong_md_8a5b: db $fc mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note16; 8A5F mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8A64 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8A69 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1; 8A6E mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note16; 8A73 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8A78 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8A7D mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8A82 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8a86: db $fc mus_note noteE, note4_16; 8A87 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8A8C db $f1 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct6; 8A91 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteE, note8; 8A96 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8A9B mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f1 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8AA0 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8aa5: mus_note noteD, note1; 8AA5 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 8AAA mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8AAF mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8AB4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8AB9 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8abe: db $fc; 8ABE mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f5 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8AC3 mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $d2 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8AC8 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 8ACD mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16; 8AD2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8AD7 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8ADC mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8; 8AE1 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ae5: db $fc mus_note noteE, note4_16; 8AE6 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4; 8AEB mus_note noteB, note8 db $f9 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8AF0 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 db $e9; 8AF5 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8AFA mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8 db $d9 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 8AFF mus_note noteG#, note8 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8B04 db $d9 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct6; 8B09 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_8b0c: mus_duty duty12_5 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f5; 8B0F mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_octave oct7; 8B14 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_vel 0, 5 mus_end; 8B1A UnknSong_md_8b1b: db $fc mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note8; 8B1F mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8B24 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 8B29 UnknSong_md_8b2a: db $fc mus_note noteG#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $f2 mus_note noteF, note16; 8B2E mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 db $d1 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8B33 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 8B38 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $f2; 8B3D mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note16; 8B42 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_jump 2, $4B2A mus_end UnknSong_md_8b49: db $fc mus_note noteE, note16; 8B4A mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 8B4F db $f2 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 db $d1; 8B54 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC#, note4_16; 8B59 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8B5E mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $f2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8B63 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct5; 8B68 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8B6D mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $f2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8B72 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end; 8B77 UnknSong_md_8b78: mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d2 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteB, note8; 8B7C mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 8B81 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8B86 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 8B8B mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 8B90 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8B95 mus_end UnknSong_md_8b97: db $fc mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f3; 8B9A mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d5 mus_note noteF#, note16; 8B9F mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8BA4 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 8BA9 UnknSong_md_8baa: db $fc mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4 db $f1; 8BAE mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8BB3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8BB8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8bbd: mus_note noteD, note4; 8BBD mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteA, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8BC2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8; 8BC7 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8bca: db $fc mus_volume 40 db $f7; 8BCD mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_octave oct2; 8BD2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 db $f4 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8BD7 mus_note noteD, note4 db $f6 db $d0 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8BDC mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f2; 8BE1 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_16; 8BE6 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8be9: db $fc mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4; 8BEB mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 8BF0 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note4; 8BF5 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8BFA mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8BFF mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16; 8C04 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_8; 8C09 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8c0c: mus_note noteD, note8_16 db $f2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8C0E mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d7; 8C13 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note4; 8C18 db $d4 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8C1D mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8C22 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8c25: db $fc mus_volume 47 db $f6; 8C28 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16; 8C2D mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8C32 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 8C37 UnknSong_md_8c38: db $fc mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 db $d6 mus_note noteC, note4; 8C3C mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8C41 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 8C46 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 db $db mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8c4b: mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8C4B mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4 db $d7 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16; 8C50 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8c55: db $fc; 8C55 mus_volume 36 db $f7 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8C5B mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d6; 8C60 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $d3 mus_note noteD, note16; 8C65 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8C6A mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8C6F mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8c74: db $fc; 8C74 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8C79 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d6 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8C7E mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4; 8C83 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4; 8C88 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8C8D mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 8C92 UnknSong_md_8c93: mus_note noteD, note2 db $d6 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct1; 8C97 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d4 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8C9C db $d4 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 8CA1 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ca6: db $fc; 8CA6 mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note2 db $d2 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8CAB mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 8CB0 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8cb5: db $fc; 8CB5 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8CBA mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1; 8CBF db $d7 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16; 8CC4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8cc8: db $fc mus_volume 47; 8CCA db $d7 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct1; 8CCF mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d2 mus_note noteE, note16; 8CD4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8cd7: db $fc mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1; 8CD9 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteF, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16; 8CDE mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8; 8CE3 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ce6: mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 db $f6 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 8CE8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f2; 8CED mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8cf0: db $fc mus_volume 38 db $f7; 8CF3 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteC, note16; 8CF8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f4 mus_volume 6 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8CFE mus_octave oct3 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1; 8D03 db $d0 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d07: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16; 8D08 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 8D0D db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 8D12 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d4 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8D17 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8D1C mus_end UnknSong_md_8d1e: mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 8D21 mus_note noteA, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8D26 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d2b: db $fc; 8D2B mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $f2 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 8D30 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8D35 db $d2 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1; 8D3A mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d3e: db $fc db $ee; 8D3F mus_note noteD, note2_4 db $d2 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 8D44 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteB, note8_16; 8D49 mus_note noteG#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_16; 8D4E mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d51: mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16; 8D53 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d2 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 8D58 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end; 8D5D UnknSong_md_8d5e: db $fc mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f6 mus_note noteRst, note16; 8D62 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteB, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8D67 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d2 db $d0 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8D6C mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 8D71 mus_volume 5 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8D77 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d79: db $fc mus_note noteA, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16; 8D7C mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8; 8D81 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 8D86 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8D8B mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8D90 db $f1 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8d94: mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 8D95 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 db $d6 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8D9A mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d3 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16; 8D9F mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8; 8DA4 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8da7: db $fc mus_volume 40 mus_octave oct3; 8DAA mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 db $f5 mus_note noteRst, note16; 8DAF mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 db $d8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8DB4 mus_end UnknSong_md_8db6: db $fc mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 8DB9 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16; 8DBE mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_note noteC, note2; 8DC3 mus_end UnknSong_md_8dc5: mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 8DC8 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8DCD mus_end UnknSong_md_8dcf: db $fc mus_volume 38 db $f2 mus_note noteC, note16; 8DD3 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8DD8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d2 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8DDD mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d2; 8DE2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note16; 8DE7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8DEC mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 8DF1 UnknSong_md_8df2: db $fc mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 8DF6 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 8DFB mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8E00 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16; 8E05 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 8E0A mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8E0F mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8E14 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e19: mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8E19 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16; 8E1E mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $d2; 8E23 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 8E28 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4; 8E2D mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteG#, note8; 8E32 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e35: db $fc mus_volume 36 db $f3; 8E38 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteC, note16; 8E3D mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d3 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8E42 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8E47 db $d2 mus_volume 6 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct7; 8E4D mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e50: db $fc mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8E52 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note2; 8E57 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note8_16; 8E5C mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8E61 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8E66 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e6b: mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 8E6B mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 db $d6 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 8E70 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteB, note4; 8E75 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8E7A mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e7e: db $fc mus_note noteC, note1; 8E7F mus_note noteD, note1 db $f7 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note1; 8E84 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16; 8E89 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note16; 8E8E mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8e91: db $fc mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 8E93 db $d7 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2; 8E98 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 8E9D mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4; 8EA2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ea4: mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 db $f7 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8EA7 db $f6 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16; 8EAC mus_note noteD, note1 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8eb1: db $fc; 8EB1 db $f5 mus_note noteD, note2 db $d6 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note2; 8EB6 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 8EBB db $d6 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16; 8EC0 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct5; 8EC5 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note2; 8ECA mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 8ECF mus_note noteA#, note8 db $df mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ed4: db $fc; 8ED4 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8ED9 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 8EDE mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16; 8EE3 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 8EE8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8EED mus_end UnknSong_md_8eef: mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8; 8EF2 db $f7 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $d6 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16; 8EF7 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note4; 8EFC mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8eff: db $fc mus_volume 38 db $f7; 8F02 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteE, note4_16; 8F07 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 db $d5 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8F0C mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4; 8F11 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1; 8F16 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end UnknSong_md_8f1a: db $fc mus_note noteC, note2_8_16; 8F1B mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_4; 8F20 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note4_8; 8F25 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteD, note8; 8F2A mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note2; 8F2F mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end; 8F34 UnknSong_md_8f35: mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d6; 8F39 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $d4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8F3E mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 8F43 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8f48: db $fc; 8F48 db $f4 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_volume 5 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16; 8F4E mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16; 8F53 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $d3 mus_note noteC, note16; 8F58 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8F5D mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end; 8F62 UnknSong_md_8f63: db $fc mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4; 8F67 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8F6C mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 db $d2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 8F71 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8_16; 8F76 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 db $e8; 8F7B mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_8f7e: mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16; 8F80 mus_note noteD, note1 db $d6 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8; 8F85 mus_note noteE, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note1; 8F8A mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8f8e: db $fc mus_note noteF, note16; 8F8F mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 db $f5 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8F94 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 db $f2; 8F99 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct5 mus_octave oct7; 8F9E mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 db $d2 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8FA3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8FA8 db $d2 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8; 8FAD mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8fb1: db $fc mus_note noteC, note1; 8FB2 mus_note noteD, note2_8 db $d5 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8FB7 db $d2 mus_note noteF, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct5; 8FBC mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8; 8FC1 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 8FC6 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 8FCB mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 8FD0 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8fd4: mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct4; 8FD5 mus_note noteE, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 8FDA db $d4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 8FDF mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8; 8FE4 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_8fe7: db $fc mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4; 8FE9 db $f4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 db $d6; 8FEE mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $f4 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 8FF3 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2; 8FF8 mus_end UnknSong_md_8ffa: db $fc mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16 db $f4; 8FFD mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_octave oct7; 9002 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d5 db $d8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 9007 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_vel 0, 6 mus_end UnknSong_md_900d: mus_note noteD, note4_8; 900D mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note4_16; 9012 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8; 9017 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_901a: db $fc mus_volume 45 db $f1; 901D mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC#, note4_8; 9022 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 9027 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 902C UnknSong_md_902d: db $fc mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16; 9031 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 9036 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 903B mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_9040: mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 9040 db $f2 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteF, note4_8; 9045 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 db $d2 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1; 904A mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_904d: db $fc mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note4; 904F db $f3 mus_note noteF#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_octave oct5; 9054 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 9059 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 905E mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 9063 db $f3 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_octave oct3; 9068 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 db $d1 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 906D mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_9070: db $fc mus_note noteRst, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 9072 db $d3 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; 9077 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD, note16; 907C mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 9081 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 9086 db $d3 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4_16; 908B mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note16; 9090 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_9093: db $fc mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 9095 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteD, note2 db $f5; 909A mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG#, note8; 909F mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC, note4; 90A4 mus_end UnknSong_md_90a6: db $fc db $ee mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 90A9 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note2 db $d5 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8; 90AE mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 90B3 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_end; 90B8 UnknSong_md_90b9: mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteB, note4_8; 90BD mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 90C2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_8 mus_end UnknSong_md_90c6: mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 199, 12, 15; 90C9 mus_mod 131, 13, 0 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_mod 238, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteB, note8; 90D2 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16; 90D7 mus_note noteC, note2_16 db $fa mus_note noteF, note2_4_16 db $d0 mus_note noteA#, note2; 90DC mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_mod 24, 1, 13 db $fa; 90E3 mus_note noteF, note2_8 db $d0 mus_jump 200, $1438 mus_jump 243, $C28 mus_jump 247, $420; 90F1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_mod 24, 0, 10 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_tempo 24, 6 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 90FA db $f3 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_volume 195; 9100 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 9105 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 910A mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8; 910F mus_jump 4, $1A30 db $fa mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 9117 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteG, note1 mus_note noteD, note16; 911C mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_end UnknSong_md_9120: mus_mod 2, 12, 0 mus_note noteA#, note1; 9123 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9128 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4; 912D mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16; 9132 mus_jump 7, $CE20 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 913A mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_jump 1, $D0CA; 9142 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 4, $930; 914A mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 914F mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8; 9154 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16; 9159 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 915E mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9163 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16; 9168 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 916D mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 9172 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 9177 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note4 db $f9 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 917C mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 9181 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8; 9186 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 918B mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8; 9190 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 9195 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note4_8; 919A mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16; 919F mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 91A4 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 91A9 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 91AE mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteF, note2; 91B3 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 91B8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 db $de; 91BD mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_volume 203 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteG#, note4; 91C3 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_91c8: mus_note noteF, note2; 91C8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 91CD mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 91D2 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 91D7 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 91DC mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16; 91E1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 91E6 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_jump 255, $74C2 mus_note noteF, note8_16; 91EE mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 91F3 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD, note2_4; 91F8 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 3, $230 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 9200 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9205 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_jump 6, $820 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 920D mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_octave oct7; 9212 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4; 9217 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note1; 921C mus_mod 3, 12, 0 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 9223 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8; 9228 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 922D mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9232 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16; 9237 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4; 923C mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2_4; 9241 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_volume 37 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 9247 db $fa mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_jump 20, $230 mus_note noteC#, note2_16; 924F mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8 db $fa mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_jump 134, $1628; 9257 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8; 925C mus_jump 4, $428 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 db $d8; 9264 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 9269 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 5, 12, 0 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9270 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_jump 253, $A9C2 mus_note noteF, note8_16; 9278 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 db $f5 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 927D mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 db $f1 mus_note noteF, note1; 9282 db $d5 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteG#, note2; 9287 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 928C mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9291 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8_16; 9296 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 db $d1 mus_note noteG, note4; 929B mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 92A0 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8_16; 92A5 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 254, $E4C2 mus_note noteF, note8_16; 92AD mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteA#, note2; 92B2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 92B7 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note2_4; 92BC mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteG, note2; 92C1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 92C6 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 92CB mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 db $f5; 92D0 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 92D5 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note8; 92DA mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 db $f1 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 92DF mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_octave oct1; 92E4 mus_volume 254 db $d0 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteF, note4; 92EA mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 92EF mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2; 92F4 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 3, $2628 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 92FC mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 2, $928 mus_jump 6, $1220 mus_note noteD, note8; 9307 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteD, note8; 930C mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1; 9311 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 9316 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 931B db $de mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4; 9320 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_jump 232, $D20 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 9328 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 932D mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 db $ee mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4; 9332 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 234, $3420 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 933A mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16; 933F mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16; 9344 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 9349 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_octave oct1 mus_volume 203 mus_note noteD#, note2; 934F mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9354 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG#, note2_16; 9359 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16; 935E mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16; 9363 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteB, note8_16; 9368 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 235, $3420; 9370 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 9375 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2; 937A mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_octave oct1; 937F mus_volume 203 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 9385 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 938A mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 938F mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9394 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 9399 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 939E mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16; 93A3 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_jump 236, $1120 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 93AB mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 93B0 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 93B5 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 237, $3C20; 93BD mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 4, $1B30 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 93C5 mus_mod 232, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_mod 233, 12, 0; 93CE mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 206, 12, 0 mus_mod 207, 12, 0 mus_mod 208, 12, 0 mus_mod 209, 12, 0; 93DB mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 93E0 mus_mod 234, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_mod 235, 12, 0; 93E9 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 210, 12, 0 mus_mod 211, 12, 0 mus_mod 212, 12, 0 mus_mod 213, 12, 0; 93F6 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 238, $920 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 93FE mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_mod 4, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1; 9405 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 239, $1B20 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 940D mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8; 9412 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note16; 9417 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 db $fa mus_note noteD, note2_4_8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_mod 3, 12, 0; 941E mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 45, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8; 9425 mus_jump 252, $1A20 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 942D mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9432 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9437 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 943C mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 db $f6 mus_note noteRst, note4; 9441 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 240, $820 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 9449 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1; 944E mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 248, $B20 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 9456 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16; 945B mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_volume 254; 9461 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 db $d6; 9466 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16; 946B mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1; 9470 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_jump 32, $4920 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 3, $4438 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 947B mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9480 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9485 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 948A mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 948F mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9494 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 9499 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 949E mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 94A3 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 7, $3E mus_note noteD, note2_16; 94AB mus_note noteC, note4_8 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 94B0 db $d1 mus_note noteF, note2 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 94B5 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 db $f8 mus_note noteF, note4_8 db $d1; 94BA mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteE, note2_4 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_8; 94BF mus_jump 4, $1738 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_jump 16, $1220 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 94CA mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 94CF mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 94D4 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct1; 94D9 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 3, $2A20 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 94E1 mus_volume 254 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16; 94E7 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16; 94EC mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_16 db $d5; 94F1 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 94F6 mus_note noteC, note1 db $f5 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8; 94FB mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9500 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9505 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note8 db $d1 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16; 950A db $f5 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 950F mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16; 9514 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note2_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9519 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 4, $A30 db $fa; 9521 db $e8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note2 db $fa db $e9; 9526 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 952B mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_jump 7, $B28 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9533 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 db $fa mus_mod 192, 5, 7 db $fa; 953A db $eb, $c0 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 9540 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16; 9545 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16; 954A mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note4; 954F mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9554 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9559 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 955E mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16; 9563 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 db $f1; 9568 mus_octave oct1 mus_volume 254 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD#, note16; 956E mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 4, $830 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9576 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 957B mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 2, $428 mus_jump 6, $D20 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 9586 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_volume 37; 958C mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16; 9591 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 9596 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 959B mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2; 95A0 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 db $d6 mus_note noteRst, note16; 95A5 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16; 95AA mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 95AF mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4; 95B4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2 db $d5 mus_note noteG, note2_8; 95B9 mus_jump 4, $F30 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 95C1 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 95C6 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 db $d1; 95CB mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 db $de; 95D0 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 95D5 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 95DA mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 db $f8 mus_note noteF, note4_8; 95DF db $d1 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 95E4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16; 95E9 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_16; 95EE mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note4; 95F3 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteE, note2_4 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 95F8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 95FD mus_volume 37 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 7, $C28; 9606 mus_jump 4, $1A30 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 960E mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 db $fa; 9613 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4; 9618 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_volume 37 mus_note noteD, note8; 961E mus_note noteC#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16; 9623 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 9628 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 962D mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 2, $F28 mus_jump 6, $B28; 9638 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8; 963D mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8_16; 9642 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16; 9647 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_jump 2, $428; 964F mus_jump 6, $2D20 db $d5 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9657 mus_jump 2, $328 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct0 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16; 965F mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note8; 9664 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 9669 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_end UnknSong_md_966e: mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 966E mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16; 9673 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 9678 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 db $f8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16; 967D mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 db $d1 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 db $f6; 9682 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 9687 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note4; 968C mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16; 9691 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16; 9696 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 db $fa db $f2; 969B mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8; 96A0 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_mod 235, 12, 0 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_mod 234, 12, 0 mus_note noteC#, note2_16; 96A9 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 235, 12, 0 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 96B0 mus_mod 234, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16; 96B7 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 db $fa db $f1 mus_note noteRst, note16; 96BC mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4; 96C1 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 96C6 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 96CB mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 96D0 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteC#, note8_16; 96D5 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 db $d6 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteG, note2; 96DA mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 db $de mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG, note2; 96DF mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 96E4 db $fa mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_jump 20, $230 mus_note noteC#, note2_16; 96EC mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_jump 134, $228 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2; 96F4 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8; 96F9 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16; 96FE mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16; 9703 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16; 9708 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 970D mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9712 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9717 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 971C mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2; 9721 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG#, note2_4 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9726 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16; 972B mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note2_8_16 db $da; 9730 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 9735 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note2_4; 973A db $da mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD#, note4; 973F mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 9744 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16; 9749 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16; 974E mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2; 9753 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 9758 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note1; 975D mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16; 9762 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_16; 9767 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16; 976C mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_16; 9771 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 9776 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 977B mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16; 9780 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 9785 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 978A mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8; 978F mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 9794 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteD, note8; 9799 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 979E mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note16; 97A3 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8; 97A8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16; 97AD mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16; 97B2 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4; 97B7 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 97BC mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 db $ee mus_note noteC#, note2_16; 97C1 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 97C6 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 97CB mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 97D0 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA, note2_16; 97D5 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 97DA mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 97DF mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4; 97E4 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8; 97E9 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD#, note16; 97EE db $fa mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_16; 97F3 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 db $f2 mus_note noteG, note2_4; 97F8 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8; 97FD mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 9802 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8; 9807 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 980C mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9811 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteG, note2; 9816 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 981B mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteF, note2_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 9820 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 9825 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note8; 982A mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF, note1; 982F mus_note noteD#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteG, note4; 9834 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8; 9839 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteG#, note4_8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8; 983E mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteF#, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteF#, note1; 9843 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_9846: mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 9848 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note1 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 984D mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 9852 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 db $f2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 9857 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF#, note1 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16; 985C mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9861 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_16 mus_jump 7, $728; 9869 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_16; 986E mus_note noteC#, note2_16 db $f5 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteG#, note8_16; 9873 mus_note noteF, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_mod 1, 12, 0 mus_jump 255, $34CA mus_note noteF, note2_8_16; 987D mus_jump 185, $4ECA mus_note noteF, note2_8 db $da mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_8; 9885 mus_jump 254, $328 db $d2 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note1; 988D mus_mod 0, 12, 0 mus_mod 3, 12, 0 mus_mod 233, 12, 0 mus_mod 230, 12, 0 mus_mod 231, 12, 0; 989C mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 98A1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 98A6 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16; 98AB mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 98B0 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 98B5 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 98BA mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 98BF mus_note noteE, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16; 98C4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8; 98C9 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 98CE mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 98D3 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16; 98D8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 98DD mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16; 98E2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8; 98E7 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 98EC mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 98F1 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16; 98F6 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8; 98FB mus_note noteG#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16; 9900 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8; 9905 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 990A mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 990F mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16; 9914 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9919 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 991E mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9923 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16; 9928 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_mod 232, 12, 0; 992F mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_9932: mus_mod 4, 12, 0 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_octave oct7; 9936 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note16; 993B mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteA#, note1; 9940 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_octave oct7; 9945 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_16; 994A mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG#, note1 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note1 mus_note noteF, note1; 994F mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9954 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_16; 9959 mus_mod 236, 12, 0 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8 mus_mod 237, 12, 0 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_octave oct1; 9962 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteE, note1 mus_note noteF, note8; 9967 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note1 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 996C mus_note noteC, note16 db $fa db $ec mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF#, note2; 9971 db $fa mus_tempo 192, 111 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteE, note2_8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 9978 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 997D mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 9982 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_jump 7, $F20; 998A db $fa mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_jump 20, $130 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 9992 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16 mus_jump 20, $B28 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 db $fa; 999A mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4; 999F mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note1 db $d5; 99A4 mus_note noteF#, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8; 99A9 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 99AE mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 99B3 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2 db $d1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16; 99B8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16; 99BD mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 99C2 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8_16; 99C7 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8_16; 99CC mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_8_16; 99D1 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note2_4_8_16; 99D6 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8_16; 99DB mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8_16; 99E0 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note4_8_16; 99E5 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG, note2_4_8_16; 99EA mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4_8_16; 99EF mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteG#, note2_4_8_16; 99F4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8_16; 99F9 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8_16; 99FE mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note4_8_16; 9A03 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteA#, note2_4_8_16; 9A08 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16; 9A0D mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8; 9A12 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2; 9A17 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2; 9A1C mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteG, note2; 9A21 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_jump 4, $420 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_octave oct7; 9A29 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteG, note2_8 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteRst, note2_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note1; 9A2E mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_8; 9A33 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_octave oct7; 9A38 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct7; 9A3D mus_note noteC#, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note16; 9A42 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_octave oct7; 9A47 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note4_16; 9A4C mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9A51 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteA#, note1 mus_mod 0, 12, 0; 9A58 mus_mod 3, 12, 0 mus_mod 2, 12, 0 mus_mod 233, 12, 0 mus_mod 235, 12, 0 mus_mod 230, 12, 0; 9A67 mus_mod 231, 12, 0 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16; 9A6E mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9A73 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8_16; 9A78 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_note noteF, note2_8_16 mus_mod 232, 12, 0; 9A7F mus_mod 234, 12, 0 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_9a85: mus_mod 4, 12, 0 mus_note noteRst, note2_8; 9A88 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note16 db $fc; 9A8D mus_note noteRst, note2_8 db $fa mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF#, note1; 9A92 mus_note noteF, note1 mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8; 9A97 mus_note noteC#, note2_8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9A9C mus_note noteF, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9AA1 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_octave oct1; 9AA6 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteE, note1 mus_note noteG, note2_16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteC, note1; 9AAB mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16; 9AB0 mus_note noteB, note2_8 mus_note noteD, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 mus_note noteD, note4; 9AB5 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 db $f8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteRst, note4_8; 9ABA db $f5 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteE, note1 mus_note noteD, note8; 9ABF mus_note noteD, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 db $fa mus_note noteC, note8; 9AC4 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note2 db $f1 mus_jump 3, $638 mus_note noteD, note8; 9ACC mus_note noteD, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4 db $d6; 9AD1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct6 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4; 9AD6 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_4_16 mus_note noteC, note4_8; 9ADB mus_note noteG, note2_16 mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD, note16; 9AE0 mus_note noteRst, note1 db $fa mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_jump 20, $230; 9AE8 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 db $fa mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9AED mus_jump 134, $2328 mus_note noteD#, note2_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16 mus_note noteC#, note2_16 mus_note noteC#, note1; 9AF5 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 9AFA mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9AFF mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteD, note4; 9B04 mus_note noteG, note8_16 db $fa mus_note noteC, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA#, note2; 9B09 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC, note2_8 mus_volume 36 mus_mod 5, 12, 0 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16; 9B11 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_octave oct7 mus_note noteD, note4_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_end; 9B16 UnknSong_md_9b17: mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note1 mus_note noteC#, note16; 9B1B mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteC#, note1 db $ee db $dd; 9B20 mus_note noteB, note2_4 mus_note noteG, note2 db $ee db $dd mus_note noteB, note2_4; 9B25 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_16; 9B2A mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteG#, note2_16 mus_note noteD, note2_4_16; 9B2F db $f8 mus_note noteA, note2_4_8 db $f8 mus_note noteC, note2 db $f9; 9B34 mus_note noteF#, note2_4 db $f9 mus_note noteRst, note2_8_16 db $f9 mus_note noteD, note4; 9B39 db $fa mus_note noteG, note2 db $fa mus_note noteRst, note2 db $fa; 9B3E mus_note noteC#, note8_16 db $fb mus_note noteF, note2_16 db $fb mus_note noteA, note2_4; 9B43 db $fb db $da db $fb mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 9B48 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 db $de mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4; 9B4D mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8_16; 9B52 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteC#, note8; 9B57 mus_note noteC#, note2_4_8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_4; 9B5C mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note8_16; 9B61 mus_note noteG, note2_8_16 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteRst, note2_8 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 9B66 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 db $de mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4; 9B6B mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2_8; 9B70 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8; 9B75 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16; 9B7A mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteA, note2_4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteF#, note16; 9B7F mus_note noteF, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note2_8_16 mus_mod 200, 12, 15 mus_mod 201, 12, 15; 9B88 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_end UnknSong_md_9b8b: mus_mod 199, 12, 15 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note4_16; 9B8F mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteD#, note2_8 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteC, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteC, note8_16; 9B94 mus_note noteD#, note2_4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteRst, note2_4_8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteD, note4; 9B99 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note1; 9B9E mus_note noteF#, note2_8_16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteF, note2_4 ; 9BA2 ;Pokemon Healed Music PkmnHealed_md_1: ;9BA3 - 9BC3 ;Setup mus_tempo 0, $90 mus_volume 119 mus_duty duty50 db $E8 ;?? mus_vel 8, 1 ;Music ;Piece 1 mus_note noteRst, note8 db $EB, $00 mus_note noteE, note2_4 mus_note noteB, note8 db $EB, $00 mus_note noteF, note4_16 mus_note noteB, note8 db $EB, $00 mus_note noteE, note4_16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 db $EB, $00 mus_note noteD#, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4 db $EB, $00 mus_note noteE, note2_4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_end ;End PkmnHealed_md_2: ;9BC4 - 9BD1 ;Setup mus_duty duty50 ;Music ;Octave Switch db dNormSpd mus_note noteRst, note4 db oct3 ;Piece 1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 ;Octave Switch db dNormSpd mus_note noteRst, note4_16 db oct4 ;Piece 2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_end ;End PkmnHealed_md_3: ;9BD2 - 9BDD ;Music ;Octave Switch db dNormSpd mus_note noteC#, note16 db oct3 ;Piece 1 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_end ;End ;Routes 1 and 2 Routes1_md_1: ;9BDE - 9C50 mus_tempo 0, 152 mus_volume 119 mus_mod 4, 2, 3 mus_duty duty50 db $E8 branch_9BE9: mus_vel 10, 1 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_vel 10, 2 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_vel 10, 1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_9BE9 ;5BE9 mus_end Routes1_md_2: ;9C51 - 9CD7 mus_duty duty50 branch_9C53: mus_vel 13, 1 mus_call branch_9C65 mus_call branch_9C78 mus_call branch_9C65 mus_call branch_9C8D mus_jump 0, branch_9C53 branch_9C65: mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_end branch_9C78: mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_end branch_9C8D: mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_vel 13, 2 mus_note noteB, note4 db $D6 db $D1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_vel 13, 1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_vel 13, 2 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_vel 13, 1 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_end mus_end Routes1_md_3: ;9CD8 - 9D23 mus_mod 8, 2, 5 mus_vel 1, 3 branch_9CDD: mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteD, note2 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG, note2 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_jump 0, branch_9CDD mus_end ; 9D23 Routes1_md_4: ;9D24 - 9DB8 ; 9D24 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 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note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 db $D8 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note 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note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_9DBC mus_end ; 9E4E Routes2_md_2: ;9E4F - 9E9A ; 9E4F mus_mod 8, 2, 6 mus_duty duty75 branch_9E54: mus_vel 13, 4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteB, note2 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note4_8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteA, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8_16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_jump 0, branch_9E54 mus_end ; 9E9A Routes2_md_3: ;9E9B - 9F07 ; 9E9B mus_mod 9, 2, 8 branch_9E9E: mus_vel 1, 1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 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noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct5 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC#, note2 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4_8 mus_jump 0, branch_a9d8 mus_end ; AA6E ; AA6F mus_tempo 0, 232 mus_jump 0, branch_aa79 ; AA75 ;Viridian City, Pewter City, Saffron City Cities1_md_1: ;AA76 - AB91 ; AA76 mus_tempo 0, 144 branch_aa79: mus_volume 119 mus_mod 8, 2, 4 mus_duty duty75 branch_aa80: mus_vel 12, 5 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_vel 10, 5 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_vel 12, 5 mus_call branch_ab7d mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note4_8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_vel 10, 5 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_vel 12, 5 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_vel 10, 5 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_vel 12, 5 mus_call branch_ab7d mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_vel 10, 5 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_vel 11, 3 mus_call branch_ab8a mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 branch_ab12: mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_jump 2, branch_ab12 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_call branch_ab8a mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_vel 11, 6 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_vel 8, 4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_aa80 branch_ab7d: mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_end ; AB89 ; AB8A branch_ab8a: mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_end ; AB91 Cities1_md_2: ;AB92 - AC02 ; AB92 mus_mod 5, 1, 5 mus_call branch_ac00 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_vel 12, 4 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_vel 12, 5 mus_duty duty75 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_call branch_ac00 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_vel 12, 4 mus_note noteE, note2_4_8 mus_duty duty75 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_vel 11, 7 mus_duty duty50 mus_mod 8, 1, 7 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note2_4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteB, note1 mus_note noteF#, note2_4 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteG#, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteB, note1 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note2_4 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note2_4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteC#, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteA, note2_4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_vel 11, 7 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note2_4_8 mus_vel 8, 4 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_vel 10, 4 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_jump 0, Cities1_md_2 branch_ac00: mus_duty duty50 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_vel 12, 4 mus_note noteG#, note2_8 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_vel 12, 4 mus_note noteF#, note2_8 mus_vel 12, 5 mus_duty duty75 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_duty duty50 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_vel 12, 4 mus_note noteF#, note2_8 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_end ; AC31 Cities1_md_3: ;AC32 - ACEE --AC7F ; AC32 mus_vel 1, 1 db $E8 branch_ac35: mus_mod 0, 0, 0 mus_octave oct3 mus_call branch_acc5 mus_call branch_acc5 mus_call branch_acce mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_call branch_acc5 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_call branch_acc5 mus_call branch_acce mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_mod 8, 2, 5 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteF#, note2 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteG#, note2_4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteA, note2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note2 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteF#, note16 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_ac35 branch_acc5: mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_end ; ACCD ; ACCE branch_acce: mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_end ; ACEE Cities1_md_4: ;ACEF - ADAD ; ACEF mus_vel 15, 13 mus_note noteD#, note4_8_16 mus_note noteF#, note2_4_8 branch_acf3: mus_call branch_ad36 mus_call branch_ad45 mus_call branch_ad45 mus_jump 2, branch_acf3 mus_call branch_ad36 mus_call branch_ad5f mus_call branch_ad52 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_call branch_ad6e mus_call branch_ad5f mus_call branch_ad52 mus_call branch_ad6e mus_call branch_ad52 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_jump 0, Cities1_md_4 branch_ad36: mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end ; AD44 ; AD45 branch_ad45: mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2_16 mus_end ; AD51 ; AD52 branch_ad52: mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end ; AD5E ; AD5F branch_ad5f: mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_end ; AD6D ; AD6E branch_ad6e: mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note4_8 mus_note noteC, note4_8_16 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end ; AD76 ; AD77 branch_ad77: db $F8 mus_tempo 1, 0 mus_volume 119 mus_mod 6, 2, 6 mus_duty duty50 db $E8 db $D4 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_vel 11, 3 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_end ; AD8D ; AD8E branch_ad8e: db $F8 mus_mod 8, 2, 7 mus_duty duty50 db $D4 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_vel 12, 3 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_end ; AD9D ; AD9E branch_ad9e: db $F8 db $D4 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_vel 1, 0 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_end ; ADAD ;Guy walks you to museum MuseumGuy_md_1: ;ADAE - ADF0 ; ADAE mus_tempo 0, 128 mus_volume 119 mus_duty duty50 db $E8 mus_vel 11, 1 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_octave oct1 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteB, note2_8 mus_call branch_ade7 mus_call branch_adec mus_call branch_ade7 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8 branch_add6: mus_call branch_ade7 mus_call branch_adec mus_call branch_ade7 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_jump 0, branch_add6 branch_ade7: mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteF#, note4_8 mus_end ; ADEB ; ADEC branch_adec: mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteE, note4_8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_end ; ADF0 MuseumGuy_md_2: ;ADF1 - AE6D ; ADF1 mus_duty duty50 mus_vel 12, 1 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteB, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteE, note2 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteG#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note4 branch_ae26: mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8_16 mus_vel 8, 1 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_vel 12, 1 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8_16 mus_vel 9, 1 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_vel 12, 1 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note4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct3; B144 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC#, note8; B149 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note4; B14E mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note4; B153 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteG, note8; B158 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct2; B15D mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct2; B162 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8; B167 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteD, note8; B16C mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8; B171 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_octave oct2; B176 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8; B17B mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4; B180 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA#, note8; B185 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_vel 11, 7 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG, note4; B18B mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4; B190 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_vel 11, 3 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA, note8; B196 mus_jump 0, branch_b140 mus_tempo 0, 100 mus_jump 0, branch_b1a5 mus_tempo 0, 112 branch_b1a5: mus_volume 119; B1A6 mus_duty duty75 mus_mod 6, 3, 4 db $e8 mus_vel 11, 3 mus_octave oct2; B1AF mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note8; B1B4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_b140 ; B1BA MeetRival_md_2: ;B1BB - B232 ; B1BB mus_duty duty75 mus_mod 10, 2, 6 mus_vel 12, 7 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note16; B1C3 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteA, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteF#, note16; B1C8 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteD, note4_8 mus_octave oct2; B1CD mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16; B1D2 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8; B1D7 branch_b1d8: mus_vel 12, 7 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteF, note4_8 mus_note noteF#, note4; B1DD mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8; B1E2 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8; B1E7 mus_note noteA#, note4_8 mus_note noteB, note4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4; B1EC mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct4; B1F1 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_vel 11, 0 mus_note noteD, note1 mus_vel 11, 5 mus_note noteD, note4_8; B1F8 mus_vel 12, 7 mus_note noteF, note4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteD, note8; B1FE mus_vel 11, 0 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_vel 12, 7 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_octave oct3; B205 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteA#, note4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteF, note8; B20A mus_vel 11, 0 mus_note noteG, note1 mus_vel 11, 3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct2; B211 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8; B216 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_b1d8 mus_duty duty75 mus_mod 10, 2, 6; B221 mus_vel 12, 7 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note16; B227 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteD, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note8; B22C mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_jump 0, branch_b1d8 ; B232 MeetRival_md_3: ;B233 - B3A6 ; B233 mus_vel 1, 4 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC#, note8; B238 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8; B23D mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; B242 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16; B247 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 branch_b24b: mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct4; B24C mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct4; B251 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct4; B256 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_octave oct4; B25B mus_note noteD, note4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteB, note8; B260 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8; B265 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8; B26A mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4; B26F mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA, note8; B274 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8; B279 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8; B27E mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteF#, note8 mus_octave oct4; B283 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct4; B288 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct4; B28D mus_note noteC, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteG, note8; B292 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteRst, note4 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8; B297 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteG, note8; B29C mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8; B2A1 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8; B2A6 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8; B2AB mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD, note8; B2B0 mus_jump 0, branch_b24b mus_vel 1, 4 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; B2B9 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16; B2BE mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16; B2C3 mus_jump 0, branch_b24b db $f8 mus_tempo 1, 0 mus_volume 119 mus_duty duty50; B2CF db $d5 mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_note noteA, note8; B2D4 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF, note8; B2D9 mus_note noteA, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note4 mus_note noteE, note4 mus_octave oct2; B2DE mus_note noteF, note4 mus_end ; B2E0 ; B2E1 branch_b2e1: db $f8 mus_duty duty50 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_octave oct4; B2E6 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note16; B2EB mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note8; B2F0 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteE, note8 mus_note noteF, note4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteF, note4; B2F5 mus_end ; B2F6 ; B2F7 branch_b2f7: db $f8 db $d5 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note16; B2FB mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteC, note16; B300 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA, note16; B305 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16; B30A mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16; B30F mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteRst, note8; B314 mus_end ; B315 ; B316 branch_b316: db $f8 mus_tempo 1, 0 mus_volume 119 mus_duty duty50 db $e8; B31E db $d5 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD, note4 mus_note noteC, note4; B323 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA, note2 db $d5 mus_note noteB, note8_16 mus_octave oct3; B328 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD#, note8 mus_note noteD, note8 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note8; B32D mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA#, note8 db $d5 mus_note noteB, note4_16 mus_octave oct3; B332 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_end ; B334 ; B335 branch_b335: db $f8 mus_mod 8, 2, 7 mus_duty duty50 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note4_8; B33C mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteA, note4 mus_note noteF, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 db $d5; B341 mus_note noteRst, note8_16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteG, note8; B346 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteA#, note8 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteA, note2; B34B mus_end ; B34C ; B34D branch_b34d: db $f8 db $d5 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteF, note4; B351 mus_note noteD#, note4 mus_note noteC, note2 mus_note noteD#, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteD#, note16; B356 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteE, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16; B35B mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteRst, note16 mus_note noteA, note2; B360 mus_end ; B361 ; B362 branch_b362: db $f8 mus_tempo 1, 0 mus_volume 119 mus_duty duty50 db $e8; B36A db $d5 mus_note noteA#, note4_16 mus_octave oct2 mus_note noteA#, note4 db $d5; B36F mus_note noteB, note8 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteC, note8 mus_note noteC, note16 mus_note noteC, note16; B374 db $d5 mus_note noteA#, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note4 db $d5 mus_note noteB, note8; B379 mus_note noteF, note8 mus_note noteF, note16 mus_note noteF, note16 db $d5 mus_note noteB, note4_16; B37E mus_note noteA#, note2 mus_end ; B380 ; B381 branch_b381: db $f8 mus_mod 4, 2, 3 mus_duty duty50 db $d5 db $d1; B388 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteG, note8 mus_note noteG, note16 mus_note noteG, note16 db $d5; B38D mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_note noteD#, note4 db $d5 db $d1 mus_note noteG#, note8; B392 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteG#, note16 mus_note noteA#, note8 mus_note noteA#, note16 mus_note noteA#, note16; B397 db $d5 mus_note noteRst, note4_16 mus_octave oct4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_end; B39C ; B39C ; B39D branch_b39d: db $f8 db $d5 mus_note noteC#, note16 mus_octave oct3 mus_note noteD#, note4; B3A1 mus_note noteG#, note4 mus_note noteG, note4 mus_note noteF, note4 mus_note noteD#, note2 mus_end; B3A6 ; B3A6 ;SS Anne SSAnne_md_1: ;B3A7 - B418 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b3a7,$b419 - $b3a7 SSAnne_md_2: ;B419 - B4CA INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b419,$b4cb - $b419 SSAnne_md_3: ;B4CB - B503 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b4cb,$b504 - $b4cb ;Cerulean City, Fuchsia City Cities2_md_1: ;B504 - B568 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b504,$b569 - $b504 Cities2_md_2: ;B569 - B63F INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b569,$b640 - $b569 Cities2_md_3: ;B640 - B6C6 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b640,$b6c7 - $b640 ;Celadon City Celadon_md_1: ;B6C7 - B739 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b6c7,$b73a - $b6c7 Celadon_md_2: ;B73A - B7B4 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b73a,$b7b5 - $b73a Celadon_md_3: ;B7B5 - B86C INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b7b5,$b86d - $b7b5 ;Cinnabar Island Cinnabar_md_1: ;B86D - B8D3 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b86d,$b8d4 - $b86d Cinnabar_md_2: ;B8D4 - B93C INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b8d4,$b93d - $b8d4 Cinnabar_md_3: ;B93D - B9EA INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b93d,$b9eb - $b93d ;Vermilion City Vermilion_md_1: ;B9EB - BA60 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$b9eb,$ba61 - $b9eb Vermilion_md_2: ;BA61 - BAA5 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$ba61,$baa6 - $ba61 Vermilion_md_3: ;BAA6 - BB0C INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$baa6,$bb0d - $baa6 Vermilion_md_4: ;BB0D - BB57 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bb0d,$bb58 - $bb0d ;Lavender Town Lavender_md_1: ;BB58 - BB9D INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bb58,$bb9e - $bb58 Lavender_md_2: ;BB9E - BBAD INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bb9e,$bbae - $bb9e Lavender_md_3: ;BBAE - BC20 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bbae,$bc21 - $bbae Lavender_md_4: ;BC21 - BC2D INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bc21,$bc2e - $bc21 ;Safari Zone SafariZone_md_1: ;BC2E - BC69 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bc2e,$bc6a - $bc2e SafariZone_md_2: ;BC6A - BC93 INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bc6a,$bc94 - $bc6a SafariZone_md_3: ;BC94 - BCBA INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bc94,$bcbb - $bc94 ;Gyms Gym_md_1: ;bcbb - bd6a (175 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bcbb,$bd6b - $bcbb Gym_md_2: ;bd6b - bdf9 (142 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bd6b,$bdfa - $bd6b Gym_md_3: ;bdfa - be55 (91 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bdfa,$be56 - $bdfa ;Pokemon Center Pokecenter_md_1: ;be56 - bef8 (162 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$be56,$bef9 - $be56 Pokecenter_md_2: ;0xbef9 - bf6f (118 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bef9,$bf70 - $bef9 Pokecenter_md_3: ;0xbf70 - bfff (143 bytes) INCBIN "baserom.gbc",$bf70,$c000 - $bf70