shithub: pokered

ref: 6ee9cb9f97b31604c7133782d4401bbf5b64f2d8
dir: /engine/overworld/ledges.asm/

View raw version
	ld a, [wd736]
	bit 6, a ; already jumping down ledge
	ret nz
	ld a, [wCurMapTileset]
	and a ; OVERWORLD
	ret nz
	predef GetTileAndCoordsInFrontOfPlayer
	ld a, [wSpritePlayerStateData1FacingDirection]
	ld b, a
	lda_coord 8, 9
	ld c, a
	ld a, [wTileInFrontOfPlayer]
	ld d, a
	ld hl, LedgeTiles
	ld a, [hli]
	cp $ff
	ret z
	cp b
	jr nz, .nextLedgeTile1
	ld a, [hli]
	cp c
	jr nz, .nextLedgeTile2
	ld a, [hli]
	cp d
	jr nz, .nextLedgeTile3
	ld a, [hl]
	ld e, a
	jr .foundMatch
	inc hl
	inc hl
	inc hl
	jr .loop
	ldh a, [hJoyHeld]
	and e
	ret z
	ld a, $ff
	ld [wJoyIgnore], a
	ld hl, wd736
	set 6, [hl] ; jumping down ledge
	call StartSimulatingJoypadStates
	ld a, e
	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd], a
	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesEnd + 1], a
	ld a, $2
	ld [wSimulatedJoypadStatesIndex], a
	call LoadHoppingShadowOAM
	ld a, SFX_LEDGE
	call PlaySound

INCLUDE "data/tilesets/ledge_tiles.asm"

	ld hl, vChars1 tile $7f
	ld de, LedgeHoppingShadow
	lb bc, BANK(LedgeHoppingShadow), (LedgeHoppingShadowEnd - LedgeHoppingShadow) / $8
	call CopyVideoDataDouble
	ld a, $9
	lb bc, $54, $48 ; b, c = y, x coordinates of shadow
	ld de, LedgeHoppingShadowOAM
	call WriteOAMBlock

	INCBIN "gfx/overworld/shadow.1bpp"

	dbsprite  2, -1,  0,  7, $ff, OAM_HFLIP
	dbsprite  8, -1,  0,  7, $ff, OAM_HFLIP | OAM_VFLIP