ref: 6bb3d82e7a11d2fbdada3e5a57e51d9ec7fff142
dir: /engine/link/cable_club.asm/
; performs the appropriate action when the player uses the gameboy on the table in the Colosseum or Trade Center ; In the Colosseum, it starts a battle. In the Trade Center, it displays the trade selection screen. ; Before doing either action, it swaps random numbers, trainer names and party data with the other gameboy. CableClub_DoBattleOrTrade: ld c, 80 call DelayFrames call ClearScreen call UpdateSprites call LoadFontTilePatterns call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns call LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles hlcoord 3, 8 ld b, 2 ld c, 12 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 4, 10 ld de, PleaseWaitString call PlaceString ld hl, wPlayerNumHits xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], $50 ; fall through ; This is called after completing a trade. CableClub_DoBattleOrTradeAgain: ld hl, wSerialPlayerDataBlock ld a, SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE ld b, 6 .writePlayerDataBlockPreambleLoop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .writePlayerDataBlockPreambleLoop ld hl, wSerialRandomNumberListBlock ld a, SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE ld b, 7 .writeRandomNumberListPreambleLoop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .writeRandomNumberListPreambleLoop ld b, 10 .generateRandomNumberListLoop call Random cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE ; all the random numbers have to be less than the preamble byte jr nc, .generateRandomNumberListLoop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .generateRandomNumberListLoop ld hl, wSerialPartyMonsPatchList ld a, SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld b, $c8 xor a .zeroPlayerDataPatchListLoop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .zeroPlayerDataPatchListLoop ld hl, wGrassRate ld bc, wTrainerHeaderPtr - wGrassRate .zeroEnemyPartyLoop xor a ld [hli], a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .zeroEnemyPartyLoop ld hl, wPartyMons - 1 ld de, wSerialPartyMonsPatchList + 10 ld bc, 0 .patchPartyMonsLoop inc c ld a, c cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE jr z, .startPatchListPart2 ld a, b dec a ; are we in part 2 of the patch list? jr nz, .checkPlayerDataByte ; jump if in part 1 ; if we're in part 2 ld a, c cp (wPartyMonOT - (wPartyMons - 1)) - (SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE - 1) jr z, .finishedPatchingPlayerData .checkPlayerDataByte inc hl ld a, [hl] cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr nz, .patchPartyMonsLoop ; if the player data byte matches SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE, patch it with $FF and record the offset in the patch list ld a, c ld [de], a inc de ld [hl], $ff jr .patchPartyMonsLoop .startPatchListPart2 ld a, SERIAL_PATCH_LIST_PART_TERMINATOR ld [de], a ; end of part 1 inc de lb bc, 1, 0 jr .patchPartyMonsLoop .finishedPatchingPlayerData ld a, SERIAL_PATCH_LIST_PART_TERMINATOR ld [de], a ; end of part 2 call Serial_SyncAndExchangeNybble ldh a, [hSerialConnectionStatus] cp USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK jr nz, .skipSendingTwoZeroBytes ; if using internal clock ; send two zero bytes for syncing purposes? call Delay3 xor a ldh [hSerialSendData], a ld a, START_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSC], a call DelayFrame xor a ldh [hSerialSendData], a ld a, START_TRANSFER_INTERNAL_CLOCK ldh [rSC], a .skipSendingTwoZeroBytes call Delay3 ld a, (1 << SERIAL) ldh [rIE], a ld hl, wSerialRandomNumberListBlock ld de, wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock ld bc, SERIAL_RN_PREAMBLE_LENGTH + SERIAL_RNS_LENGTH vc_hook Wireless_ExchangeBytes_RNG_state_unknown_Type5 call Serial_ExchangeBytes ld a, SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE ld [de], a ld hl, wSerialPlayerDataBlock ld de, wSerialEnemyDataBlock ld bc, SERIAL_PREAMBLE_LENGTH + NAME_LENGTH + 1 + PARTY_LENGTH + 1 + (PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH + NAME_LENGTH * 2) * PARTY_LENGTH + 3 vc_hook Wireless_ExchangeBytes_party_structs call Serial_ExchangeBytes ld a, SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE ld [de], a ld hl, wSerialPartyMonsPatchList ld de, wSerialEnemyMonsPatchList ld bc, 200 vc_hook Wireless_ExchangeBytes_patch_lists call Serial_ExchangeBytes ld a, (1 << SERIAL) | (1 << TIMER) | (1 << VBLANK) ldh [rIE], a ld a, SFX_STOP_ALL_MUSIC call PlaySound ldh a, [hSerialConnectionStatus] cp USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK jr z, .skipCopyingRandomNumberList ; the list generated by the gameboy clocking the connection is used by both gameboys ld hl, wSerialOtherGameboyRandomNumberListBlock .findStartOfRandomNumberListLoop ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .findStartOfRandomNumberListLoop cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE jr z, .findStartOfRandomNumberListLoop cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .findStartOfRandomNumberListLoop dec hl ld de, wLinkBattleRandomNumberList ld c, 10 .copyRandomNumberListLoop ld a, [hli] cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .copyRandomNumberListLoop ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .copyRandomNumberListLoop .skipCopyingRandomNumberList ld hl, wSerialEnemyDataBlock + 3 .findStartOfEnemyNameLoop ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .findStartOfEnemyNameLoop cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE jr z, .findStartOfEnemyNameLoop cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .findStartOfEnemyNameLoop dec hl ld de, wLinkEnemyTrainerName ld c, NAME_LENGTH .copyEnemyNameLoop ld a, [hli] cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .copyEnemyNameLoop ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .copyEnemyNameLoop ld de, wEnemyPartyCount ld bc, wTrainerHeaderPtr - wEnemyPartyCount .copyEnemyPartyLoop ld a, [hli] cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .copyEnemyPartyLoop ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .copyEnemyPartyLoop ld de, wSerialPartyMonsPatchList ld hl, wPartyMons ld c, 2 ; patch list has 2 parts .unpatchPartyMonsLoop ld a, [de] inc de and a jr z, .unpatchPartyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE jr z, .unpatchPartyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .unpatchPartyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_PATCH_LIST_PART_TERMINATOR jr z, .finishedPartyMonsPatchListPart push hl push bc ld b, 0 dec a ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE ld [hl], a pop bc pop hl jr .unpatchPartyMonsLoop .finishedPartyMonsPatchListPart ld hl, wPartyMons + (SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE - 1) dec c ; is there another part? jr nz, .unpatchPartyMonsLoop ld de, wSerialEnemyMonsPatchList ld hl, wEnemyMons ld c, 2 ; patch list has 2 parts .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop ld a, [de] inc de and a jr z, .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE jr z, .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE jr z, .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop cp SERIAL_PATCH_LIST_PART_TERMINATOR jr z, .finishedEnemyMonsPatchListPart push hl push bc ld b, 0 dec a ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, SERIAL_NO_DATA_BYTE ld [hl], a pop bc pop hl jr .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop .finishedEnemyMonsPatchListPart ld hl, wEnemyMons + (SERIAL_PREAMBLE_BYTE - 1) dec c jr nz, .unpatchEnemyMonsLoop ld a, LOW(wEnemyMonOT) ld [wUnusedCF8D], a ld a, HIGH(wEnemyMonOT) ld [wUnusedCF8D + 1], a xor a ld [wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex], a ld a, SFX_STOP_ALL_MUSIC call PlaySound ldh a, [hSerialConnectionStatus] cp USING_INTERNAL_CLOCK ld c, 66 call z, DelayFrames ; delay if using internal clock ld a, [wLinkState] cp LINK_STATE_START_BATTLE ld a, LINK_STATE_TRADING ld [wLinkState], a jr nz, .trading ld a, LINK_STATE_BATTLING ld [wLinkState], a ld a, OPP_RIVAL1 ld [wCurOpponent], a call ClearScreen call Delay3 ld hl, wOptions res 7, [hl] predef InitOpponent predef HealParty jp ReturnToCableClubRoom .trading ld c, BANK(Music_GameCorner) ld a, MUSIC_GAME_CORNER call PlayMusic jr CallCurrentTradeCenterFunction PleaseWaitString: db "PLEASE WAIT!@" CallCurrentTradeCenterFunction: ld hl, TradeCenterPointerTable ld b, 0 ld a, [wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex] cp $ff jp z, DisplayTitleScreen add a ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a jp hl TradeCenter_SelectMon: call ClearScreen call LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles call TradeCenter_DrawPartyLists call TradeCenter_DrawCancelBox xor a ld hl, wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a inc a ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a jp .playerMonMenu .enemyMonMenu xor a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a inc a ld [wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu], a ld a, D_DOWN | D_LEFT | A_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, [wEnemyPartyCount] ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 9 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, 1 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a .enemyMonMenu_HandleInput ld hl, hUILayoutFlags set 1, [hl] call HandleMenuInput ld hl, hUILayoutFlags res 1, [hl] and a jp z, .getNewInput bit BIT_A_BUTTON, a jr z, .enemyMonMenu_ANotPressed ; if A button pressed ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] ld c, a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] cp c jr c, .displayEnemyMonStats ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] dec a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a .displayEnemyMonStats ld a, INIT_ENEMYOT_LIST ld [wInitListType], a callfar InitList ; the list isn't used ld hl, wEnemyMons call TradeCenter_DisplayStats jp .getNewInput .enemyMonMenu_ANotPressed bit BIT_D_LEFT, a jr z, .enemyMonMenu_LeftNotPressed ; if Left pressed, switch back to the player mon menu xor a ; player mon menu ld [wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu], a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation] ld l, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h, a ld a, [wTileBehindCursor] ld [hl], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld b, a ld a, [wPartyCount] dec a cp b jr nc, .playerMonMenu ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a jr .playerMonMenu .enemyMonMenu_LeftNotPressed bit BIT_D_DOWN, a jp z, .getNewInput jp .selectedCancelMenuItem ; jump if Down pressed .playerMonMenu xor a ; player mon menu ld [wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld a, D_DOWN | D_RIGHT | A_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, [wPartyCount] ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 1 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, 1 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a hlcoord 1, 1 lb bc, 6, 1 call ClearScreenArea .playerMonMenu_HandleInput ld hl, hUILayoutFlags set 1, [hl] call HandleMenuInput ld hl, hUILayoutFlags res 1, [hl] and a ; was anything pressed? jr nz, .playerMonMenu_SomethingPressed jp .getNewInput .playerMonMenu_SomethingPressed bit BIT_A_BUTTON, a jr z, .playerMonMenu_ANotPressed jp .chosePlayerMon ; jump if A button pressed ; unreachable code ld a, INIT_PLAYEROT_LIST ld [wInitListType], a callfar InitList ; the list isn't used call TradeCenter_DisplayStats jp .getNewInput .playerMonMenu_ANotPressed bit BIT_D_RIGHT, a jr z, .playerMonMenu_RightNotPressed ; if Right pressed, switch to the enemy mon menu ld a, $1 ; enemy mon menu ld [wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu], a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation] ld l, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h, a ld a, [wTileBehindCursor] ld [hl], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld b, a ld a, [wEnemyPartyCount] dec a cp b jr nc, .notPastLastEnemyMon ; when switching to the enemy mon menu, if the menu selection would be past the last enemy mon, select the last enemy mon ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a .notPastLastEnemyMon jp .enemyMonMenu .playerMonMenu_RightNotPressed bit BIT_D_DOWN, a jr z, .getNewInput jp .selectedCancelMenuItem ; jump if Down pressed .getNewInput ld a, [wWhichTradeMonSelectionMenu] and a jp z, .playerMonMenu_HandleInput jp .enemyMonMenu_HandleInput .chosePlayerMon call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] ld c, a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] cp c jr c, .displayStatsTradeMenu ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] dec a .displayStatsTradeMenu push af hlcoord 0, 14 ld b, 2 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 2, 16 ld de, .statsTrade call PlaceString xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, 16 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a .selectStatsMenuItem ld a, " " ldcoord_a 11, 16 ld a, D_RIGHT | B_BUTTON | A_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, 1 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a call HandleMenuInput bit 4, a ; Right pressed? jr nz, .selectTradeMenuItem bit BIT_B_BUTTON, a jr z, .displayPlayerMonStats .cancelPlayerMonChoice pop af ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 jp .playerMonMenu .selectTradeMenuItem ld a, " " ldcoord_a 1, 16 ld a, D_LEFT | B_BUTTON | A_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, 11 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a call HandleMenuInput bit BIT_D_LEFT, a jr nz, .selectStatsMenuItem bit BIT_B_BUTTON, a jr nz, .cancelPlayerMonChoice jr .choseTrade .displayPlayerMonStats pop af ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld a, INIT_PLAYEROT_LIST ld [wInitListType], a callfar InitList ; the list isn't used call TradeCenter_DisplayStats call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 jp .playerMonMenu .choseTrade call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor pop af ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wTradingWhichPlayerMon], a ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a call Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble ld a, [wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData] cp $f jp z, CallCurrentTradeCenterFunction ; go back to the beginning of the trade selection menu if the other person cancelled ld [wTradingWhichEnemyMon], a call TradeCenter_PlaceSelectedEnemyMonMenuCursor ld a, $1 ; TradeCenter_Trade ld [wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex], a jp CallCurrentTradeCenterFunction .statsTrade db "STATS TRADE@" .selectedCancelMenuItem ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld b, a ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] cp b jp nz, .getNewInput ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation] ld l, a ld a, [wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h, a ld a, " " ld [hl], a .cancelMenuItem_Loop ld a, "▶" ; filled arrow cursor ldcoord_a 1, 16 .cancelMenuItem_JoypadLoop call JoypadLowSensitivity ldh a, [hJoy5] and a ; pressed anything? jr z, .cancelMenuItem_JoypadLoop bit BIT_A_BUTTON, a jr nz, .cancelMenuItem_APressed bit BIT_D_UP, a jr z, .cancelMenuItem_JoypadLoop ; if Up pressed ld a, " " ldcoord_a 1, 16 ld a, [wPartyCount] dec a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a jp .playerMonMenu .cancelMenuItem_APressed ld a, "▷" ; unfilled arrow cursor ldcoord_a 1, 16 ld a, $f ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a call Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble ld a, [wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData] cp $f ; did the other person choose Cancel too? jr nz, .cancelMenuItem_Loop ; fall through ReturnToCableClubRoom: call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 ld hl, wFontLoaded ld a, [hl] push af push hl res 0, [hl] xor a ld [wd72d], a dec a ld [wDestinationWarpID], a call LoadMapData farcall ClearVariablesOnEnterMap pop hl pop af ld [hl], a call GBFadeInFromWhite ret TradeCenter_DrawCancelBox: hlcoord 11, 15 ld a, $7e ld bc, 2 * SCREEN_WIDTH + 9 call FillMemory hlcoord 0, 15 ld b, 1 ld c, 9 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 2, 16 ld de, CancelTextString jp PlaceString CancelTextString: db "CANCEL@" TradeCenter_PlaceSelectedEnemyMonMenuCursor: ld a, [wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData] hlcoord 1, 9 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH call AddNTimes ld [hl], "▷" ; cursor ret TradeCenter_DisplayStats: ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wWhichPokemon], a predef StatusScreen predef StatusScreen2 call GBPalNormal call LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles call TradeCenter_DrawPartyLists jp TradeCenter_DrawCancelBox TradeCenter_DrawPartyLists: hlcoord 0, 0 ld b, 6 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 0, 8 ld b, 6 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 5, 0 ld de, wPlayerName call PlaceString hlcoord 5, 8 ld de, wLinkEnemyTrainerName call PlaceString hlcoord 2, 1 ld de, wPartySpecies call TradeCenter_PrintPartyListNames hlcoord 2, 9 ld de, wEnemyPartySpecies ; fall through TradeCenter_PrintPartyListNames: ld c, $0 .loop ld a, [de] cp $ff ret z ld [wd11e], a push bc push hl push de push hl ld a, c ldh [hPastLeadingZeros], a call GetMonName pop hl call PlaceString pop de inc de pop hl ld bc, 20 add hl, bc pop bc inc c jr .loop TradeCenter_Trade: ld c, 100 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData + 1], a ; unnecessary ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleReceiveData], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld [wMenuJoypadPollCount], a hlcoord 0, 12 ld b, 4 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder ld a, [wTradingWhichPlayerMon] ld hl, wPartySpecies ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName ld hl, wcd6d ld de, wNameOfPlayerMonToBeTraded ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyData ld a, [wTradingWhichEnemyMon] ld hl, wEnemyPartySpecies ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wd11e], a call GetMonName ld hl, WillBeTradedText bccoord 1, 14 call TextCommandProcessor call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 hlcoord 10, 7 lb bc, 8, 11 ld a, TRADE_CANCEL_MENU ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a ld a, TWO_OPTION_MENU ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr z, .tradeConfirmed ; if trade cancelled ld a, $1 ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a hlcoord 0, 12 ld b, 4 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 1, 14 ld de, TradeCanceled call PlaceString call Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble jp .tradeCancelled .tradeConfirmed ld a, $2 ld [wSerialExchangeNybbleSendData], a call Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble ld a, [wSerialSyncAndExchangeNybbleReceiveData] dec a ; did the other person cancel? jr nz, .doTrade ; if the other person cancelled hlcoord 0, 12 ld b, 4 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 1, 14 ld de, TradeCanceled call PlaceString jp .tradeCancelled .doTrade ld a, [wTradingWhichPlayerMon] ld hl, wPartyMonOT call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries ld de, wTradedPlayerMonOT ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyData ld hl, wPartyMon1Species ld a, [wTradingWhichPlayerMon] ld bc, wPartyMon2 - wPartyMon1 call AddNTimes ld bc, wPartyMon1OTID - wPartyMon1 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [wTradedPlayerMonOTID], a ld a, [hl] ld [wTradedPlayerMonOTID + 1], a ld a, [wTradingWhichEnemyMon] ld hl, wEnemyMonOT call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries ld de, wTradedEnemyMonOT ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyData ld hl, wEnemyMons ld a, [wTradingWhichEnemyMon] ld bc, wEnemyMon2 - wEnemyMon1 call AddNTimes ld bc, wEnemyMon1OTID - wEnemyMon1 add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld [wTradedEnemyMonOTID], a ld a, [hl] ld [wTradedEnemyMonOTID + 1], a ld a, [wTradingWhichPlayerMon] ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld hl, wPartySpecies ld b, 0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wTradedPlayerMonSpecies], a xor a ld [wRemoveMonFromBox], a call RemovePokemon ld a, [wTradingWhichEnemyMon] ld c, a ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld hl, wEnemyPartySpecies ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hl] ld [wcf91], a ld hl, wEnemyMons ld a, c ld bc, wEnemyMon2 - wEnemyMon1 call AddNTimes ld de, wLoadedMon ld bc, wEnemyMon2 - wEnemyMon1 call CopyData call AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty ld a, [wPartyCount] dec a ld [wWhichPokemon], a ld a, $1 ld [wForceEvolution], a ld a, [wTradingWhichEnemyMon] ld hl, wEnemyPartySpecies ld b, 0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wTradedEnemyMonSpecies], a ld a, 10 ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a ld a, BANK(Music_SafariZone) ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a ld a, MUSIC_SAFARI_ZONE ld [wNewSoundID], a call PlaySound ld c, 100 call DelayFrames call ClearScreen call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns xor a ld [wUnusedCC5B], a ldh a, [hSerialConnectionStatus] cp USING_EXTERNAL_CLOCK jr z, .usingExternalClock predef InternalClockTradeAnim jr .tradeCompleted .usingExternalClock predef ExternalClockTradeAnim .tradeCompleted callfar TryEvolvingMon call ClearScreen call LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles call Serial_PrintWaitingTextAndSyncAndExchangeNybble ld c, 40 call DelayFrames hlcoord 0, 12 ld b, 4 ld c, 18 call CableClub_TextBoxBorder hlcoord 1, 14 ld de, TradeCompleted call PlaceString predef SaveSAVtoSRAM2 vc_hook Trade_save_game_end ld c, 50 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex], a jp CableClub_DoBattleOrTradeAgain .tradeCancelled ld c, 100 call DelayFrames xor a ; TradeCenter_SelectMon ld [wTradeCenterPointerTableIndex], a jp CallCurrentTradeCenterFunction WillBeTradedText: text_far _WillBeTradedText text_end TradeCompleted: db "Trade completed!@" TradeCanceled: db "Too bad! The trade" next "was canceled!@" TradeCenterPointerTable: dw TradeCenter_SelectMon dw TradeCenter_Trade CableClub_Run: ld a, [wLinkState] cp LINK_STATE_START_TRADE jr z, .doBattleOrTrade cp LINK_STATE_START_BATTLE jr z, .doBattleOrTrade cp LINK_STATE_RESET ; this is never used ret nz predef EmptyFunc jp Init .doBattleOrTrade call CableClub_DoBattleOrTrade ld hl, Club_GFX ld a, h ld [wTilesetGfxPtr + 1], a ld a, l ld [wTilesetGfxPtr], a ld a, BANK(Club_GFX) ld [wTilesetBank], a ld hl, Club_Coll ld a, h ld [wTilesetCollisionPtr + 1], a ld a, l ld [wTilesetCollisionPtr], a xor a ld [wGrassRate], a inc a ; LINK_STATE_IN_CABLE_CLUB ld [wLinkState], a ldh [hJoy5], a ld a, 10 ld [wAudioFadeOutControl], a ld a, BANK(Music_Celadon) ld [wAudioSavedROMBank], a ld a, MUSIC_CELADON ld [wNewSoundID], a jp PlaySound EmptyFunc: ret Diploma_TextBoxBorder: call GetPredefRegisters ; b = height ; c = width CableClub_TextBoxBorder: push hl ld a, $78 ; border upper left corner tile ld [hli], a inc a ; border top horizontal line tile call CableClub_DrawHorizontalLine inc a ; border upper right corner tile ld [hl], a pop hl ld de, 20 add hl, de .loop push hl ld a, $7b ; border left vertical line tile ld [hli], a ld a, " " call CableClub_DrawHorizontalLine ld [hl], $77 ; border right vertical line tile pop hl ld de, 20 add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, $7c ; border lower left corner tile ld [hli], a ld a, $76 ; border bottom horizontal line tile call CableClub_DrawHorizontalLine ld [hl], $7d ; border lower right corner tile ret ; c = width CableClub_DrawHorizontalLine: ld d, c .loop ld [hli], a dec d jr nz, .loop ret LoadTrainerInfoTextBoxTiles: ld de, TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics ld hl, vChars2 tile $76 lb bc, BANK(TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics), (TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphicsEnd - TrainerInfoTextBoxTileGraphics) / $10 jp CopyVideoData