ref: 4be11293e5c7d6bf4a2fc374974545a21a5e3572
dir: /home.asm/
; The rst vectors are unused. SECTION "rst00", ROM0[$00] rst $38 SECTION "rst08", ROM0[$08] rst $38 SECTION "rst10", ROM0[$10] rst $38 SECTION "rst18", ROM0[$18] rst $38 SECTION "rst20", ROM0[$20] rst $38 SECTION "rst28", ROM0[$28] rst $38 SECTION "rst30", ROM0[$30] rst $38 SECTION "rst38", ROM0[$38] rst $38 ; interrupts SECTION "vblank", ROM0[$40] jp VBlank SECTION "lcdc", ROM0[$48] rst $38 SECTION "timer", ROM0[$50] jp Timer SECTION "serial", ROM0[$58] jp Serial SECTION "joypad", ROM0[$60] reti SECTION "bank0",ROM0[$61] DisableLCD:: xor a ld [rIF], a ld a, [rIE] ld b, a res 0, a ld [rIE], a .wait ld a, [rLY] cp LY_VBLANK jr nz, .wait ld a, [rLCDC] and $ff ^ rLCDC_ENABLE_MASK ld [rLCDC], a ld a, b ld [rIE], a ret EnableLCD:: ld a, [rLCDC] set rLCDC_ENABLE, a ld [rLCDC], a ret ClearSprites:: xor a ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld b, 40 * 4 .loop ld [hli], a dec b jr nz, .loop ret HideSprites:: ld a, 160 ld hl, wOAMBuffer ld de, 4 ld b, 40 .loop ld [hl], a add hl, de dec b jr nz, .loop ret FarCopyData:: ; Copy bc bytes from a:hl to de. ld [wBuffer], a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wBuffer] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call CopyData pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a ret CopyData:: ; Copy bc bytes from hl to de. ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, c or b jr nz, CopyData ret SECTION "Entry", ROM0[$100] nop jp Start SECTION "Start", ROM0[$150] Start:: cp GBC jr z, .gbc xor a jr .ok .gbc ld a, 0 .ok ld [wGBC], a jp Init ReadJoypad:: ; Poll joypad input. ; Unlike the hardware register, button ; presses are indicated by a set bit. ld a, 1 << 5 ; select direction keys ld c, 0 ld [rJOYP], a rept 6 ld a, [rJOYP] endr cpl and %1111 swap a ld b, a ld a, 1 << 4 ; select button keys ld [rJOYP], a rept 10 ld a, [rJOYP] endr cpl and %1111 or b ld [hJoyInput], a ld a, 1 << 4 + 1 << 5 ; deselect keys ld [rJOYP], a ret Joypad:: ; Update the joypad state variables: ; [hJoyReleased] keys released since last time ; [hJoyPressed] keys pressed since last time ; [hJoyHeld] currently pressed keys homecall _Joypad ret INCLUDE "data/map_header_pointers.asm" HandleMidJump:: ; Handle the player jumping down ; a ledge in the overworld. ld b, BANK(_HandleMidJump) ld hl, _HandleMidJump jp Bankswitch EnterMap:: ; Load a new map. ld a, $ff ld [wJoyIgnore], a call LoadMapData callba Func_c335 ; initialize map variables ld hl, $d72c bit 0, [hl] jr z, .doNotCountSteps ld a, 3 ld [$d13c], a ; some kind of step counter (counts up to 3 steps?) .doNotCountSteps ld hl, $d72e bit 5, [hl] ; did a battle happen immediately before this? res 5, [hl] ; unset the "battle just happened" flag call z, Func_12e7 call nz, MapEntryAfterBattle ld hl, $d732 ld a, [hl] and 1 << 4 | 1 << 3 jr z, .didNotFlyOrTeleportIn res 3, [hl] callba Func_70510 ; display fly/teleport in graphical effect call UpdateSprites .didNotFlyOrTeleportIn callba CheckForceBikeOrSurf ; handle currents in SF islands and forced bike riding in cycling road ld hl, $d72d res 5, [hl] call UpdateSprites ld hl, $d126 set 5, [hl] set 6, [hl] xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a OverworldLoop:: call DelayFrame OverworldLoopLessDelay:: call DelayFrame call LoadGBPal ld a,[$d736] bit 6,a ; jumping down a ledge? call nz, HandleMidJump ld a,[wWalkCounter] and a jp nz,.moveAhead ; if the player sprite has not yet completed the walking animation call JoypadOverworld ; get joypad state (which is possibly simulated) callba SafariZoneCheck ld a,[$da46] and a jp nz,WarpFound2 ld hl,$d72d bit 3,[hl] res 3,[hl] jp nz,WarpFound2 ld a,[$d732] and a,$18 jp nz,HandleFlyOrTeleportAway ld a,[W_CUROPPONENT] and a jp nz,.newBattle ld a,[$d730] bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses? jr z,.notSimulating ld a,[hJoyHeld] jr .checkIfStartIsPressed .notSimulating ld a,[hJoyPressed] .checkIfStartIsPressed bit 3,a ; start button jr z,.startButtonNotPressed ; if START is pressed xor a ld [$ff8c],a ; the $2920 ID for the start menu is 0 jp .displayDialogue .startButtonNotPressed bit 0,a ; A button jp z,.checkIfDownButtonIsPressed ; if A is pressed ld a,[$d730] bit 2,a jp nz,.noDirectionButtonsPressed call Func_30fd jr nz,.checkForOpponent call Func_3eb5 ; check for hidden items, PC's, etc. ld a,[$ffeb] and a jp z,OverworldLoop call IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sign or sprite in front of the player ld a,[$ff8c] ; $2920 ID for NPC/sign text, if any and a jp z,OverworldLoop .displayDialogue ld a,$35 call Predef ; check what is in front of the player call UpdateSprites ; move sprites ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60] bit 2,a jr nz,.checkForOpponent bit 0,a jr nz,.checkForOpponent FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c ld a,[Coord] ld [$cf0e],a call DisplayTextID ; display either the start menu or the NPC/sign text ld a,[$cc47] and a jr z,.checkForOpponent dec a ld a,$00 ld [$cc47],a jr z,.changeMap ld a,$52 call Predef ld a,[W_CURMAP] ld [$d71a],a call Func_62ce ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank ; switch to the ROM bank of the current map ld hl,$d367 set 7,[hl] .changeMap jp EnterMap .checkForOpponent ld a,[W_CUROPPONENT] and a jp nz,.newBattle jp OverworldLoop .noDirectionButtonsPressed ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60 res 2,[hl] call UpdateSprites ; move sprites ld a,$01 ld [$cc4b],a ld a,[$d528] ; the direction that was pressed last time and a jp z,OverworldLoop ; if a direction was pressed last time ld [$d529],a ; save the last direction xor a ld [$d528],a ; zero the direction jp OverworldLoop .checkIfDownButtonIsPressed ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state bit 7,a ; down button jr z,.checkIfUpButtonIsPressed ld a,$01 ld [$c103],a ld a,$04 jr .handleDirectionButtonPress .checkIfUpButtonIsPressed bit 6,a ; up button jr z,.checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed ld a,$ff ld [$c103],a ld a,$08 jr .handleDirectionButtonPress .checkIfLeftButtonIsPressed bit 5,a ; left button jr z,.checkIfRightButtonIsPressed ld a,$ff ld [$c105],a ld a,$02 jr .handleDirectionButtonPress .checkIfRightButtonIsPressed bit 4,a ; right button jr z,.noDirectionButtonsPressed ld a,$01 ld [$c105],a .handleDirectionButtonPress ld [$d52a],a ; new direction ld a,[$d730] bit 7,a ; are we simulating button presses? jr nz,.noDirectionChange ; ignore direction changes if we are ld a,[$cc4b] and a jr z,.noDirectionChange ld a,[$d52a] ; new direction ld b,a ld a,[$d529] ; old direction cp b jr z,.noDirectionChange ; the code below is strange ; it computes whether or not the player did a 180 degree turn, but then overwrites the result ; also, it does a seemingly pointless loop afterwards swap a ; put old direction in upper half or b ; put new direction in lower half cp a,$48 ; change dir from down to up jr nz,.notDownToUp ld a,$02 ld [$d528],a jr .oddLoop .notDownToUp cp a,$84 ; change dir from up to down jr nz,.notUpToDown ld a,$01 ld [$d528],a jr .oddLoop .notUpToDown cp a,$12 ; change dir from right to left jr nz,.notRightToLeft ld a,$04 ld [$d528],a jr .oddLoop .notRightToLeft cp a,$21 ; change dir from left to right jr nz,.oddLoop ld a,$08 ld [$d528],a .oddLoop ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60 set 2,[hl] ld hl,$cc4b dec [hl] jr nz,.oddLoop ld a,[$d52a] ld [$d528],a call NewBattle jp c,.battleOccurred jp OverworldLoop .noDirectionChange ld a,[$d52a] ; current direction ld [$d528],a ; save direction call UpdateSprites ; move sprites ld a,[$d700] cp a,$02 ; surfing jr z,.surfing ; not surfing call CollisionCheckOnLand jr nc,.noCollision push hl ld hl,$d736 bit 2,[hl] pop hl jp z,OverworldLoop push hl call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if there is a potential to warp pop hl jp c,CheckWarpsCollision jp OverworldLoop .surfing call CollisionCheckOnWater jp c,OverworldLoop .noCollision ld a,$08 ld [wWalkCounter],a jr .moveAhead2 .moveAhead ld a,[$d736] bit 7,a jr z,.noSpinning callba LoadSpinnerArrowTiles ; spin while moving .noSpinning call UpdateSprites ; move sprites .moveAhead2 ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60 res 2,[hl] ld a,[$d700] dec a ; riding a bike? jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement ld a,[$d736] bit 6,a ; jumping a ledge? jr nz,.normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement call BikeSpeedup ; if riding a bike and not jumping a ledge .normalPlayerSpriteAdvancement call AdvancePlayerSprite ld a,[wWalkCounter] and a jp nz,CheckMapConnections ; it seems like this check will never succeed (the other place where CheckMapConnections is run works) ; walking animation finished ld a,[$d730] bit 7,a jr nz,.doneStepCounting ; if button presses are being simulated, don't count steps ; step counting ld hl,$d13b ; step counter dec [hl] ld a,[$d72c] bit 0,a jr z,.doneStepCounting ld hl,$d13c dec [hl] jr nz,.doneStepCounting ld hl,$d72c res 0,[hl] .doneStepCounting ld a,[$d790] bit 7,a ; in the safari zone? jr z,.notSafariZone callba SafariZoneCheckSteps ld a,[$da46] and a jp nz,WarpFound2 .notSafariZone ld a,[W_ISINBATTLE] and a jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollision ld a,$13 call Predef ; decrement HP of poisoned pokemon ld a,[$d12d] and a jp nz,HandleBlackOut ; if all pokemon fainted .newBattle call NewBattle ld hl,$d736 res 2,[hl] jp nc,CheckWarpsNoCollision ; check for warps if there was no battle .battleOccurred ld hl,$d72d res 6,[hl] ld hl,W_FLAGS_D733 res 3,[hl] ld hl,$d126 set 5,[hl] set 6,[hl] xor a ld [hJoyHeld],a ; clear joypad state ld a,[W_CURMAP] cp a,CINNABAR_GYM jr nz,.notCinnabarGym ld hl,$d79b set 7,[hl] .notCinnabarGym ld hl,$d72e set 5,[hl] ld a,[W_CURMAP] cp a,OAKS_LAB jp z,.noFaintCheck callab AnyPlayerPokemonAliveCheck ; check if all the player's pokemon fainted ld a,d and a jr z,.allPokemonFainted .noFaintCheck ld c,$0a call DelayFrames jp EnterMap .allPokemonFainted ld a,$ff ld [$d057],a call RunMapScript jp HandleBlackOut ; function to determine if there will be a battle and execute it (either a trainer battle or wild battle) ; sets carry if a battle occurred and unsets carry if not NewBattle:: ; 0683 (0:0683) ld a,[$d72d] bit 4,a jr nz,.noBattle call Func_30fd jr nz,.noBattle ld a,[$d72e] bit 4,a jr nz,.noBattle ld b, BANK(InitBattle) ld hl, InitBattle jp Bankswitch ; determines if a battle will occur and runs the battle if so .noBattle and a ret ; function to make bikes twice as fast as walking BikeSpeedup:: ; 06a0 (0:06a0) ld a,[$cc57] and a ret nz ld a,[W_CURMAP] cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road jr nz,.goFaster ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state and a,%01110000 ; bit mask for up, left, right buttons ret nz .goFaster jp AdvancePlayerSprite ; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having not collided CheckWarpsNoCollision:: ; 06b4 (0:06b4) ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps and a jp z,CheckMapConnections ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps ld b,$00 ld c,a ld a,[W_YCOORD] ld d,a ld a,[W_XCOORD] ld e,a ld hl,$d3af ; start of warp entries CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 06cc (0:06cc) ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's Y position matches cp d jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1 ld a,[hli] ; check if the warp's X position matches cp e jr nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if a match was found push hl push bc ld hl,$d736 set 2,[hl] callba Func_c49d ; check if the player sprite is standing on a "door" tile pop bc pop hl jr c,WarpFound1 ; if it is, go to 0735 push hl push bc call ExtraWarpCheck ; sets carry if the warp is confirmed pop bc pop hl jr nc,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if the extra check passed ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733] bit 2,a jr nz,WarpFound1 push de push bc call Joypad pop bc pop de ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state and a,%11110000 ; bit mask for directional buttons jr z,CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2 ; if directional buttons aren't being pressed, do not pass through the warp jr WarpFound1 ; check if the player has stepped onto a warp after having collided CheckWarpsCollision:: ; 0706 (0:0706) ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps ld c,a ld hl,$d3af ; start of warp entries .loop ld a,[hli] ; Y coordinate of warp ld b,a ld a,[W_YCOORD] cp b jr nz,.retry1 ld a,[hli] ; X coordinate of warp ld b,a ld a,[W_XCOORD] cp b jr nz,.retry2 ld a,[hli] ld [$d42f],a ; save target warp ID ld a,[hl] ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map jr WarpFound2 .retry1 inc hl .retry2 inc hl inc hl dec c jr nz,.loop jp OverworldLoop CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry1:: ; 072f (0:072f) inc hl CheckWarpsNoCollisionRetry2:: ; 0730 (0:0730) inc hl inc hl jp ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop WarpFound1:: ; 0735 (0:0735) ld a,[hli] ld [$d42f],a ; save target warp ID ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8b],a ; save target map WarpFound2:: ; 073c (0:073c) ld a,[$d3ae] ; number of warps sub c ld [$d73b],a ; save ID of used warp ld a,[W_CURMAP] ld [$d73c],a call CheckIfInOutsideMap jr nz,.indoorMaps ; this is for handling "outside" maps that can't have the 0xFF destination map ld a,[W_CURMAP] ld [wLastMap],a ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ld [$d366],a ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map number ld [W_CURMAP],a ; change current map to destination map cp a,ROCK_TUNNEL_1 jr nz,.notRockTunnel ld a,$06 ld [$d35d],a call GBFadeIn1 .notRockTunnel call PlayMapChangeSound jr .done ; for maps that can have the 0xFF destination map, which means to return to the outside map; not all these maps are necessarily indoors, though .indoorMaps ld a,[$ff8b] ; destination map cp a,$ff jr z,.goBackOutside ; if not going back to the previous map ld [W_CURMAP],a ; current map number callba Func_70787 ; check if the warp was a Silph Co. teleporter ld a,[$cd5b] dec a jr nz,.notTeleporter ; if it's a Silph Co. teleporter ld hl,$d732 set 3,[hl] call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics jr .skipMapChangeSound .notTeleporter call PlayMapChangeSound .skipMapChangeSound ld hl,$d736 res 0,[hl] res 1,[hl] jr .done .goBackOutside ld a,[wLastMap] ld [W_CURMAP],a call PlayMapChangeSound xor a ld [$d35d],a .done ld hl,$d736 set 0,[hl] call Func_12da jp EnterMap ContinueCheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop:: ; 07b5 (0:07b5) inc b ; increment warp number dec c ; decrement number of warps jp nz,CheckWarpsNoCollisionLoop ; if no matching warp was found CheckMapConnections:: ; 07ba (0:07ba) .checkWestMap ld a,[W_XCOORD] cp a,$ff jr nz,.checkEastMap ld a,[$d387] ld [W_CURMAP],a ld a,[$d38f] ; new X coordinate upon entering west map ld [W_XCOORD],a ld a,[W_YCOORD] ld c,a ld a,[$d38e] ; Y adjustment upon entering west map add c ld c,a ld [W_YCOORD],a ld a,[$d390] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position ld l,a ld a,[$d391] ld h,a srl c jr z,.savePointer1 .pointerAdjustmentLoop1 ld a,[$d38d] ; width of connected map add a,$06 ld e,a ld d,$00 ld b,$00 add hl,de dec c jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop1 .savePointer1 ld a,l ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section ld a,h ld [$d360],a jp .loadNewMap .checkEastMap ld b,a ld a,[$d525] ; map width cp b jr nz,.checkNorthMap ld a,[$d392] ld [W_CURMAP],a ld a,[$d39a] ; new X coordinate upon entering east map ld [W_XCOORD],a ld a,[W_YCOORD] ld c,a ld a,[$d399] ; Y adjustment upon entering east map add c ld c,a ld [W_YCOORD],a ld a,[$d39b] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for Y position ld l,a ld a,[$d39c] ld h,a srl c jr z,.savePointer2 .pointerAdjustmentLoop2 ld a,[$d398] add a,$06 ld e,a ld d,$00 ld b,$00 add hl,de dec c jr nz,.pointerAdjustmentLoop2 .savePointer2 ld a,l ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section ld a,h ld [$d360],a jp .loadNewMap .checkNorthMap ld a,[W_YCOORD] cp a,$ff jr nz,.checkSouthMap ld a,[$d371] ld [W_CURMAP],a ld a,[$d378] ; new Y coordinate upon entering north map ld [W_YCOORD],a ld a,[W_XCOORD] ld c,a ld a,[$d379] ; X adjustment upon entering north map add c ld c,a ld [W_XCOORD],a ld a,[$d37a] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position ld l,a ld a,[$d37b] ld h,a ld b,$00 srl c add hl,bc ld a,l ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section ld a,h ld [$d360],a jp .loadNewMap .checkSouthMap ld b,a ld a,[$d524] cp b jr nz,.didNotEnterConnectedMap ld a,[$d37c] ld [W_CURMAP],a ld a,[$d383] ; new Y coordinate upon entering south map ld [W_YCOORD],a ld a,[W_XCOORD] ld c,a ld a,[$d384] ; X adjustment upon entering south map add c ld c,a ld [W_XCOORD],a ld a,[$d385] ; pointer to upper left corner of map without adjustment for X position ld l,a ld a,[$d386] ld h,a ld b,$00 srl c add hl,bc ld a,l ld [$d35f],a ; pointer to upper left corner of current tile block map section ld a,h ld [$d360],a .loadNewMap ; load the connected map that was entered call LoadMapHeader call Func_2312 ; music ld b,$09 call GoPAL_SET ; Since the sprite set shouldn't change, this will just update VRAM slots at ; $C2XE without loading any tile patterns. callba InitMapSprites call LoadTileBlockMap jp OverworldLoopLessDelay .didNotEnterConnectedMap jp OverworldLoop ; function to play a sound when changing maps PlayMapChangeSound:: ; 08c9 (0:08c9) FuncCoord 8, 8 ; $c448 ld a,[Coord] ; upper left tile of the 4x4 square the player's sprite is standing on cp a,$0b ; door tile in tileset 0 jr nz,.didNotGoThroughDoor ld a,(SFX_02_57 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 jr .playSound .didNotGoThroughDoor ld a,(SFX_02_5c - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 .playSound call PlaySound ld a,[$d35d] and a ret nz jp GBFadeIn1 CheckIfInOutsideMap:: ; 08e1 (0:08e1) ; If the player is in an outside map (a town or route), set the z flag ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] and a ; most towns/routes have tileset 0 (OVERWORLD) ret z cp PLATEAU ; Route 23 / Indigo Plateau ret ; this function is an extra check that sometimes has to pass in order to warp, beyond just standing on a warp ; the "sometimes" qualification is necessary because of CheckWarpsNoCollision's behavior ; depending on the map, either "function 1" or "function 2" is used for the check ; "function 1" passes when the player is at the edge of the map and is facing towards the outside of the map ; "function 2" passes when the the tile in front of the player is among a certain set ; sets carry if the check passes, otherwise clears carry ExtraWarpCheck:: ; 08e9 (0:08e9) ld a, [W_CURMAP] cp SS_ANNE_3 jr z, .useFunction1 cp ROCKET_HIDEOUT_1 jr z, .useFunction2 cp ROCKET_HIDEOUT_2 jr z, .useFunction2 cp ROCKET_HIDEOUT_4 jr z, .useFunction2 cp ROCK_TUNNEL_1 jr z, .useFunction2 ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] and a ; outside tileset (OVERWORLD) jr z, .useFunction2 cp SHIP ; S.S. Anne tileset jr z, .useFunction2 cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Port tileset jr z, .useFunction2 cp PLATEAU ; Indigo Plateau tileset jr z, .useFunction2 .useFunction1 ld hl, Func_c3ff jr .doBankswitch .useFunction2 ld hl, Func_c44e .doBankswitch ld b, BANK(Func_c44e) jp Bankswitch MapEntryAfterBattle:: ; 091f (0:091f) callba Func_c35f ; function that appears to disable warp testing after collisions if the player is standing on a warp ld a,[$d35d] and a jp z,GBFadeIn2 jp LoadGBPal HandleBlackOut:: ; For when all the player's pokemon faint. ; Does not print the "blacked out" message. call GBFadeIn1 ld a, $08 call StopMusic ld hl, $d72e res 5, [hl] ld a, Bank(Func_40b0) ; also Bank(Func_62ce) and Bank(Func_5d5f) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call Func_40b0 call Func_62ce call Func_2312 jp Func_5d5f StopMusic:: ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld a, $ff ld [$c0ee], a call PlaySound .wait ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer] and a jr nz, .wait jp StopAllSounds HandleFlyOrTeleportAway:: call UpdateSprites call Delay3 xor a ld [$cf0b], a ld [$d700], a ld [$d057], a ld [$d35d], a ld hl, $d732 set 2, [hl] res 5, [hl] call DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics ld a, Bank(Func_62ce) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call Func_62ce jp Func_5d5f DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics:: ld b, BANK(_DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics) ld hl, _DoFlyOrTeleportAwayGraphics jp Bankswitch LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; Load sprite graphics based on whether the player is standing, biking, or surfing. ; 0: standing ; 1: biking ; 2: surfing ld a, [$d700] dec a jr z, .ridingBike ld a, [$ffd7] and a jr nz, .determineGraphics jr .startWalking .ridingBike ; If the bike can't be used, ; start walking instead. call IsBikeRidingAllowed jr c, .determineGraphics .startWalking xor a ld [$d700], a ld [$d11a], a jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics .determineGraphics ld a, [$d700] and a jp z, LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics dec a jp z, LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics dec a jp z, LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics jp LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics IsBikeRidingAllowed:: ; The bike can be used on Route 23 and Indigo Plateau, ; or maps with tilesets in BikeRidingTilesets. ; Return carry if biking is allowed. ld a, [W_CURMAP] cp ROUTE_23 jr z, .allowed cp INDIGO_PLATEAU jr z, .allowed ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ld b, a ld hl, BikeRidingTilesets .loop ld a, [hli] cp b jr z, .allowed inc a jr nz, .loop and a ret .allowed scf ret INCLUDE "data/bike_riding_tilesets.asm" ; load the tile pattern data of the current tileset into VRAM LoadTilesetTilePatternData:: ; 09e8 (0:09e8) ld a,[$d52e] ld l,a ld a,[$d52f] ld h,a ld de,$9000 ld bc,$0600 ld a,[$d52b] jp FarCopyData2 ; this loads the current maps complete tile map (which references blocks, not individual tiles) to C6E8 ; it can also load partial tile maps of connected maps into a border of length 3 around the current map LoadTileBlockMap:: ; 09fc (0:09fc) ; fill C6E8-CBFB with the background tile ld hl,$c6e8 ld a,[$d3ad] ; background tile number ld d,a ld bc,$0514 .backgroundTileLoop ld a,d ld [hli],a dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,.backgroundTileLoop ; load tile map of current map (made of tile block IDs) ; a 3-byte border at the edges of the map is kept so that there is space for map connections ld hl,$c6e8 ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ld [$ff8c],a add a,$06 ; border (east and west) ld [$ff8b],a ; map width + border ld b,$00 ld c,a ; make space for north border (next 3 lines) add hl,bc add hl,bc add hl,bc ld c,$03 add hl,bc ; this puts us past the (west) border ld a,[$d36a] ; tile map pointer ld e,a ld a,[$d36b] ld d,a ; de = tile map pointer ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ld b,a .rowLoop ; copy one row each iteration push hl ld a,[$ff8c] ; map width (without border) ld c,a .rowInnerLoop ld a,[de] inc de ld [hli],a dec c jr nz,.rowInnerLoop ; add the map width plus the border to the base address of the current row to get the next row's address pop hl ld a,[$ff8b] ; map width + border add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry dec b jr nz,.rowLoop .northConnection ld a,[$d371] cp a,$ff jr z,.southConnection call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,[$d372] ld l,a ld a,[$d373] ld h,a ld a,[$d374] ld e,a ld a,[$d375] ld d,a ld a,[$d376] ld [$ff8b],a ld a,[$d377] ld [$ff8c],a call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap .southConnection ld a,[$d37c] cp a,$ff jr z,.westConnection call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,[$d37d] ld l,a ld a,[$d37e] ld h,a ld a,[$d37f] ld e,a ld a,[$d380] ld d,a ld a,[$d381] ld [$ff8b],a ld a,[$d382] ld [$ff8c],a call LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap .westConnection ld a,[$d387] cp a,$ff jr z,.eastConnection call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,[$d388] ld l,a ld a,[$d389] ld h,a ld a,[$d38a] ld e,a ld a,[$d38b] ld d,a ld a,[$d38c] ld b,a ld a,[$d38d] ld [$ff8b],a call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap .eastConnection ld a,[$d392] cp a,$ff jr z,.done call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,[$d393] ld l,a ld a,[$d394] ld h,a ld a,[$d395] ld e,a ld a,[$d396] ld d,a ld a,[$d397] ld b,a ld a,[$d398] ld [$ff8b],a call LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap .done ret LoadNorthSouthConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0ade (0:0ade) ld c,$03 .loop push de push hl ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connection ld b,a .innerLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec b jr nz,.innerLoop pop hl pop de ld a,[$ff8c] ; width of connected map add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry1 inc h .noCarry1 ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] add a,$06 add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry2 inc d .noCarry2 dec c jr nz,.loop ret LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap:: ; 0b02 (0:0b02) push hl push de ld c,$03 .innerLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec c jr nz,.innerLoop pop de pop hl ld a,[$ff8b] ; width of connected map add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry1 inc h .noCarry1 ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] add a,$06 add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry2 inc d .noCarry2 dec b jr nz,LoadEastWestConnectionsTileMap ret ; function to check if there is a sign or sprite in front of the player ; if so, it is stored in [$FF8C] ; if not, [$FF8C] is set to 0 IsSpriteOrSignInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b23 (0:0b23) xor a ld [$ff8c],a ld a,[$d4b0] ; number of signs in the map and a jr z,.extendRangeOverCounter ; if there are signs ld a,$35 call Predef ; get the coordinates in front of the player in de ld hl,$d4b1 ; start of sign coordinates ld a,[$d4b0] ; number of signs in the map ld b,a ld c,$00 .signLoop inc c ld a,[hli] ; sign Y cp d jr z,.yCoordMatched inc hl jr .retry .yCoordMatched ld a,[hli] ; sign X cp e jr nz,.retry .xCoordMatched ; found sign push hl push bc ld hl,$d4d1 ; start of sign text ID's ld b,$00 dec c add hl,bc ld a,[hl] ld [$ff8c],a ; store sign text ID pop bc pop hl ret .retry dec b jr nz,.signLoop ; check if the player is front of a counter in a pokemon center, pokemart, etc. and if so, extend the range at which he can talk to the NPC .extendRangeOverCounter ld a,$35 call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player in c ld hl,$d532 ; list of tiles that extend talking range (counter tiles) ld b,$03 ld d,$20 ; talking range in pixels (long range) .counterTilesLoop ld a,[hli] cp c jr z,IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2 ; jumps if the tile in front of the player is a counter tile dec b jr nz,.counterTilesLoop ; part of the above function, but sometimes its called on its own, when signs are irrelevant ; the caller must zero [$FF8C] IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer:: ; 0b6b (0:0b6b) ld d,$10 ; talking range in pixels (normal range) IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer2:: ; 0b6d (0:0b6d) ld bc,$3c40 ; Y and X position of player sprite ld a,[$c109] ; direction the player is facing .checkIfPlayerFacingUp cp a,$04 jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingDown ; facing up ld a,b sub d ld b,a ld a,$08 jr .doneCheckingDirection .checkIfPlayerFacingDown cp a,$00 jr nz,.checkIfPlayerFacingRight ; facing down ld a,b add d ld b,a ld a,$04 jr .doneCheckingDirection .checkIfPlayerFacingRight cp a,$0c jr nz,.playerFacingLeft ; facing right ld a,c add d ld c,a ld a,$01 jr .doneCheckingDirection .playerFacingLeft ; facing left ld a,c sub d ld c,a ld a,$02 .doneCheckingDirection ld [$d52a],a ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites and a ret z ; if there are sprites ld hl,$c110 ld d,a ld e,$01 .spriteLoop push hl ld a,[hli] ; image (0 if no sprite) and a jr z,.nextSprite inc l ld a,[hli] ; sprite visibility inc a jr z,.nextSprite inc l ld a,[hli] ; Y location cp b jr nz,.nextSprite inc l ld a,[hl] ; X location cp c jr z,.foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer .nextSprite pop hl ld a,l add a,$10 ld l,a inc e dec d jr nz,.spriteLoop ret .foundSpriteInFrontOfPlayer pop hl ld a,l and a,$f0 inc a ld l,a set 7,[hl] ld a,e ld [$ff8c],a ; store sprite ID ret ; function to check if the player will jump down a ledge and check if the tile ahead is passable (when not surfing) ; sets the carry flag if there is a collision, and unsets it if there isn't a collision CollisionCheckOnLand:: ; 0bd1 (0:0bd1) ld a,[$d736] bit 6,a ; is the player jumping? jr nz,.noCollision ; if not jumping a ledge ld a,[$cd38] and a jr nz,.noCollision ld a,[$d52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in ld d,a ld a,[$c10c] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code) and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go jr nz,.collision xor a ld [$ff8c],a call IsSpriteInFrontOfPlayer ; check for sprite collisions again? when does the above check fail to detect a sprite collision? ld a,[$ff8c] and a ; was there a sprite collision? jr nz,.collision ; if no sprite collision ld hl,TilePairCollisionsLand call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions jr c,.collision call CheckTilePassable jr nc,.noCollision .collision ld a,[$c02a] cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing jr z,.setCarry ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing) .setCarry scf ret .noCollision and a ret ; function that checks if the tile in front of the player is passable ; clears carry if it is, sets carry if not CheckTilePassable:: ; 0c10 (0:0c10) ld a,$35 call Predef ; get tile in front of player ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of player ld c,a ld hl,$d530 ; pointer to list of passable tiles ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ; hl now points to passable tiles .loop ld a,[hli] cp a,$ff jr z,.tileNotPassable cp c ret z jr .loop .tileNotPassable scf ret ; check if the player is going to jump down a small ledge ; and check for collisions that only occur between certain pairs of tiles ; Input: hl - address of directional collision data ; sets carry if there is a collision and unsets carry if not CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c2a (0:0c2a) push hl ld a,$35 call Predef ; get the tile in front of the player push de push bc callba HandleLedges ; check if the player is trying to jump a ledge pop bc pop de pop hl and a ld a,[$d736] bit 6,a ; is the player jumping? ret nz ; if not jumping Func_c44:: ; 0c44 (0:0c44) FuncCoord 8, 9 ; $c45c ld a,[Coord] ; tile the player is on ld [$cf0e],a CheckForTilePairCollisions:: ; 0c4a (0:0c4a) ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of the player ld c,a .tilePairCollisionLoop ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset number ld b,a ld a,[hli] cp a,$ff jr z,.noMatch cp b jr z,.tilesetMatches inc hl .retry inc hl jr .tilePairCollisionLoop .tilesetMatches ld a,[$cf0e] ; tile the player is on ld b,a ld a,[hl] cp b jr z,.currentTileMatchesFirstInPair inc hl ld a,[hl] cp b jr z,.currentTileMatchesSecondInPair jr .retry .currentTileMatchesFirstInPair inc hl ld a,[hl] cp c jr z,.foundMatch jr .tilePairCollisionLoop .currentTileMatchesSecondInPair dec hl ld a,[hli] cp c inc hl jr nz,.tilePairCollisionLoop .foundMatch scf ret .noMatch and a ret ; FORMAT: tileset number, tile 1, tile 2 ; terminated by 0xFF ; these entries indicate that the player may not cross between tile 1 and tile 2 ; it's mainly used to simulate differences in elevation TilePairCollisionsLand:: ; 0c7e (0:0c7e) db CAVERN, $20, $05 db CAVERN, $41, $05 db FOREST, $30, $2E db CAVERN, $2A, $05 db CAVERN, $05, $21 db FOREST, $52, $2E db FOREST, $55, $2E db FOREST, $56, $2E db FOREST, $20, $2E db FOREST, $5E, $2E db FOREST, $5F, $2E db $FF TilePairCollisionsWater:: ; 0ca0 (0:0ca0) db FOREST, $14, $2E db FOREST, $48, $2E db CAVERN, $14, $05 db $FF ; this builds a tile map from the tile block map based on the current X/Y coordinates of the player's character LoadCurrentMapView:: ; 0caa (0:0caa) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[$d52b] ; tile data ROM bank ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ; switch to ROM bank that contains tile data ld a,[$d35f] ; address of upper left corner of current map view ld e,a ld a,[$d360] ld d,a ld hl,wTileMapBackup ld b,$05 .rowLoop ; each loop iteration fills in one row of tile blocks push hl push de ld c,$06 .rowInnerLoop ; loop to draw each tile block of the current row push bc push de push hl ld a,[de] ld c,a ; tile block number call DrawTileBlock pop hl pop de pop bc inc hl inc hl inc hl inc hl inc de dec c jr nz,.rowInnerLoop ; update tile block map pointer to next row's address pop de ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] add a,$06 add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry inc d .noCarry ; update tile map pointer to next row's address pop hl ld a,$60 add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry2 inc h .noCarry2 dec b jr nz,.rowLoop ld hl,wTileMapBackup ld bc,$0000 .adjustForYCoordWithinTileBlock ld a,[W_YBLOCKCOORD] and a jr z,.adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock ld bc,$0030 add hl,bc .adjustForXCoordWithinTileBlock ld a,[W_XBLOCKCOORD] and a jr z,.copyToVisibleAreaBuffer ld bc,$0002 add hl,bc .copyToVisibleAreaBuffer ld de,wTileMap ; base address for the tiles that are directly transfered to VRAM during V-blank ld b,$12 .rowLoop2 ld c,$14 .rowInnerLoop2 ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec c jr nz,.rowInnerLoop2 ld a,$04 add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry3 inc h .noCarry3 dec b jr nz,.rowLoop2 pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ; restore previous ROM bank ret AdvancePlayerSprite:: ; 0d27 (0:0d27) ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y ld b,a ld a,[$c105] ; delta X ld c,a ld hl,wWalkCounter ; walking animation counter dec [hl] jr nz,.afterUpdateMapCoords ; if it's the end of the animation, update the player's map coordinates ld a,[W_YCOORD] add b ld [W_YCOORD],a ld a,[W_XCOORD] add c ld [W_XCOORD],a .afterUpdateMapCoords ld a,[wWalkCounter] ; walking animation counter cp a,$07 jp nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites ; if this is the first iteration of the animation ld a,c cp a,$01 jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest ; moving east ld a,[$d526] ld e,a and a,$e0 ld d,a ld a,e add a,$02 and a,$1f or d ld [$d526],a jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock .checkIfMovingWest cp a,$ff jr nz,.checkIfMovingSouth ; moving west ld a,[$d526] ld e,a and a,$e0 ld d,a ld a,e sub a,$02 and a,$1f or d ld [$d526],a jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock .checkIfMovingSouth ld a,b cp a,$01 jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth ; moving south ld a,[$d526] add a,$40 ld [$d526],a jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock ld a,[$d527] inc a and a,$03 or a,$98 ld [$d527],a jr .adjustXCoordWithinBlock .checkIfMovingNorth cp a,$ff jr nz,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock ; moving north ld a,[$d526] sub a,$40 ld [$d526],a jr nc,.adjustXCoordWithinBlock ld a,[$d527] dec a and a,$03 or a,$98 ld [$d527],a .adjustXCoordWithinBlock ld a,c and a jr z,.pointlessJump ; mistake? .pointlessJump ld hl,W_XBLOCKCOORD ld a,[hl] add c ld [hl],a cp a,$02 jr nz,.checkForMoveToWestBlock ; moved into the tile block to the east xor a ld [hl],a ld hl,$d4e3 inc [hl] ld de,$d35f call MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast jr .updateMapView .checkForMoveToWestBlock cp a,$ff jr nz,.adjustYCoordWithinBlock ; moved into the tile block to the west ld a,$01 ld [hl],a ld hl,$d4e3 dec [hl] ld de,$d35f call MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest jr .updateMapView .adjustYCoordWithinBlock ld hl,W_YBLOCKCOORD ld a,[hl] add b ld [hl],a cp a,$02 jr nz,.checkForMoveToNorthBlock ; moved into the tile block to the south xor a ld [hl],a ld hl,$d4e2 inc [hl] ld de,$d35f ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] call MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth jr .updateMapView .checkForMoveToNorthBlock cp a,$ff jr nz,.updateMapView ; moved into the tile block to the north ld a,$01 ld [hl],a ld hl,$d4e2 dec [hl] ld de,$d35f ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] call MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth .updateMapView call LoadCurrentMapView ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y cp a,$01 jr nz,.checkIfMovingNorth2 ; if moving south call ScheduleSouthRowRedraw jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites .checkIfMovingNorth2 cp a,$ff jr nz,.checkIfMovingEast2 ; if moving north call ScheduleNorthRowRedraw jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites .checkIfMovingEast2 ld a,[$c105] ; delta X cp a,$01 jr nz,.checkIfMovingWest2 ; if moving east call ScheduleEastColumnRedraw jr .scrollBackgroundAndSprites .checkIfMovingWest2 cp a,$ff jr nz,.scrollBackgroundAndSprites ; if moving west call ScheduleWestColumnRedraw .scrollBackgroundAndSprites ld a,[$c103] ; delta Y ld b,a ld a,[$c105] ; delta X ld c,a sla b sla c ld a,[$ffaf] add b ld [$ffaf],a ; update background scroll Y ld a,[$ffae] add c ld [$ffae],a ; update background scroll X ; shift all the sprites in the direction opposite of the player's motion ; so that the player appears to move relative to them ld hl,$c114 ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites and a ; are there any sprites? jr z,.done ld e,a .spriteShiftLoop ld a,[hl] sub b ld [hli],a inc l ld a,[hl] sub c ld [hl],a ld a,$0e add l ld l,a dec e jr nz,.spriteShiftLoop .done ret ; the following four functions are used to move the pointer to the upper left ; corner of the tile block map in the direction of motion MoveTileBlockMapPointerEast:: ; 0e65 (0:0e65) ld a,[de] add a,$01 ld [de],a ret nc inc de ld a,[de] inc a ld [de],a ret MoveTileBlockMapPointerWest:: ; 0e6f (0:0e6f) ld a,[de] sub a,$01 ld [de],a ret nc inc de ld a,[de] dec a ld [de],a ret MoveTileBlockMapPointerSouth:: ; 0e79 (0:0e79) add a,$06 ld b,a ld a,[de] add b ld [de],a ret nc inc de ld a,[de] inc a ld [de],a ret MoveTileBlockMapPointerNorth:: ; 0e85 (0:0e85) add a,$06 ld b,a ld a,[de] sub b ld [de],a ret nc inc de ld a,[de] dec a ld [de],a ret ; the following 6 functions are used to tell the V-blank handler to redraw ; the portion of the map that was newly exposed due to the player's movement ScheduleNorthRowRedraw:: ; 0e91 (0:0e91) FuncCoord 0, 0 ld hl,Coord call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper ld a,[$d526] ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR],a ld a,[$d527] ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1],a ld a,REDRAWROW ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a ret ScheduleRowRedrawHelper:: ; 0ea6 (0:0ea6) ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles ld c,$28 .loop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec c jr nz,.loop ret ScheduleSouthRowRedraw:: ; 0eb2 (0:0eb2) FuncCoord 0,16 ld hl,Coord call ScheduleRowRedrawHelper ld a,[$d526] ld l,a ld a,[$d527] ld h,a ld bc,$0200 add hl,bc ld a,h and a,$03 or a,$98 ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1],a ld a,l ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR],a ld a,REDRAWROW ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a ret ScheduleEastColumnRedraw:: ; 0ed3 (0:0ed3) FuncCoord 18,0 ld hl,Coord call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper ld a,[$d526] ld c,a and a,$e0 ld b,a ld a,c add a,18 and a,$1f or b ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR],a ld a,[$d527] ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1],a ld a,REDRAWCOL ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a ret ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper:: ; 0ef2 (0:0ef2) ld de,wScreenEdgeTiles ld c,$12 .loop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,[hl] ld [de],a inc de ld a,19 add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry dec c jr nz,.loop ret ScheduleWestColumnRedraw:: ; 0f08 (0:0f08) FuncCoord 0,0 ld hl,Coord call ScheduleColumnRedrawHelper ld a,[$d526] ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR],a ld a,[$d527] ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1],a ld a,REDRAWCOL ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a ret ; function to write the tiles that make up a tile block to memory ; Input: c = tile block ID, hl = destination address DrawTileBlock:: ; 0f1d (0:0f1d) push hl ld a,[$d52c] ; pointer to tiles ld l,a ld a,[$d52d] ld h,a ld a,c swap a ld b,a and a,$f0 ld c,a ld a,b and a,$0f ld b,a ; bc = tile block ID * 0x10 add hl,bc ld d,h ld e,l ; de = address of the tile block's tiles pop hl ld c,$04 ; 4 loop iterations .loop ; each loop iteration, write 4 tile numbers push bc ld a,[de] ld [hli],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [hli],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [hli],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [hl],a inc de ld bc,$0015 add hl,bc pop bc dec c jr nz,.loop ret ; function to update joypad state and simulate button presses JoypadOverworld:: ; 0f4d (0:0f4d) xor a ld [$c103],a ld [$c105],a call RunMapScript call Joypad ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733] bit 3,a ; check if a trainer wants a challenge jr nz,.notForcedDownwards ld a,[W_CURMAP] cp a,ROUTE_17 ; Cycling Road jr nz,.notForcedDownwards ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state and a,%11110011 ; bit mask for all directions and A/B jr nz,.notForcedDownwards ld a,%10000000 ; down pressed ld [hJoyHeld],a ; on the cycling road, if there isn't a trainer and the player isn't pressing buttons, simulate a down press .notForcedDownwards ld a,[$d730] bit 7,a ret z ; if simulating button presses ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; current joypad state ld b,a ld a,[$cd3b] ; bit mask for button presses that override simulated ones and b ret nz ; return if the simulated button presses are overridden ld hl,$cd38 ; index of current simulated button press dec [hl] ld a,[hl] cp a,$ff jr z,.doneSimulating ; if the end of the simulated button presses has been reached ld hl,$ccd3 ; base address of simulated button presses ; add offset to base address add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry ld a,[hl] ld [hJoyHeld],a ; store simulated button press in joypad state and a ret nz ld [hJoyPressed],a ld [hJoyReleased],a ret ; if done simulating button presses .doneSimulating xor a ld [$cd3a],a ld [$cd38],a ld [$ccd3],a ld [wJoyIgnore],a ld [hJoyHeld],a ld hl,$d736 ld a,[hl] and a,$f8 ld [hl],a ld hl,$d730 res 7,[hl] ret ; function to check the tile ahead to determine if the character should get on land or keep surfing ; sets carry if there is a collision and clears carry otherwise ; It seems that this function has a bug in it, but due to luck, it doesn't ; show up. After detecting a sprite collision, it jumps to the code that ; checks if the next tile is passable instead of just directly jumping to the ; "collision detected" code. However, it doesn't store the next tile in c, ; so the old value of c is used. 2429 is always called before this function, ; and 2429 always sets c to 0xF0. There is no 0xF0 background tile, so it ; is considered impassable and it is detected as a collision. CollisionCheckOnWater:: ; 0fb7 (0:0fb7) ld a,[$d730] bit 7,a jp nz,.noCollision ; return and clear carry if button presses are being simulated ld a,[$d52a] ; the direction that the player is trying to go in ld d,a ld a,[$c10c] ; the player sprite's collision data (bit field) (set in the sprite movement code) and d ; check if a sprite is in the direction the player is trying to go jr nz,.checkIfNextTileIsPassable ; bug? ld hl,TilePairCollisionsWater call CheckForJumpingAndTilePairCollisions jr c,.collision ld a,$35 call Predef ; get tile in front of player (puts it in c and [$CFC6]) ld a,[$cfc6] ; tile in front of player cp a,$14 ; water tile jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing if it's a water tile cp a,$32 ; either the left tile of the S.S. Anne boarding platform or the tile on eastern coastlines (depending on the current tileset) jr z,.checkIfVermilionDockTileset cp a,$48 ; tile on right on coast lines in Safari Zone jr z,.noCollision ; keep surfing ; check if the [land] tile in front of the player is passable .checkIfNextTileIsPassable ld hl,$d530 ; pointer to list of passable tiles ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a .loop ld a,[hli] cp a,$ff jr z,.collision cp c jr z,.stopSurfing ; stop surfing if the tile is passable jr .loop .collision ld a,[$c02a] cp a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 ; check if collision sound is already playing jr z,.setCarry ld a,(SFX_02_5b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySound ; play collision sound (if it's not already playing) .setCarry scf jr .done .noCollision and a .done ret .stopSurfing xor a ld [$d700],a call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call Func_2307 jr .noCollision .checkIfVermilionDockTileset ld a, [W_CURMAPTILESET] ; tileset cp SHIP_PORT ; Vermilion Dock tileset jr nz, .noCollision ; keep surfing if it's not the boarding platform tile jr .stopSurfing ; if it is the boarding platform tile, stop surfing ; function to run the current map's script RunMapScript:: ; 101b (0:101b) push hl push de push bc callba Func_f225 ; check if the player is pushing a boulder ld a,[wFlags_0xcd60] bit 1,a ; is the player pushing a boulder? jr z,.afterBoulderEffect callba Func_f2b5 ; displays dust effect when pushing a boulder .afterBoulderEffect pop bc pop de pop hl call Func_310e ld a,[W_CURMAP] ; current map number call SwitchToMapRomBank ; change to the ROM bank the map's data is in ld hl,W_MAPSCRIPTPTR ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ld de,.return push de jp [hl] ; jump to script .return ret LoadWalkingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 104d (0:104d) ld de,RedSprite ; $4180 ld hl,$8000 jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon LoadSurfingPlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 1055 (0:1055) ld de,SeelSprite ld hl,$8000 jr LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon LoadBikePlayerSpriteGraphics:: ; 105d (0:105d) ld de,RedCyclingSprite ld hl,$8000 LoadPlayerSpriteGraphicsCommon:: ; 1063 (0:1063) push de push hl ld bc,(BANK(RedSprite) << 8) + $0c call CopyVideoData pop hl pop de ld a,$c0 add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry inc d .noCarry set 3,h ld bc,$050c jp CopyVideoData ; function to load data from the map header LoadMapHeader:: ; 107c (0:107c) callba Func_f113 ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ld [$d119],a ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,[W_CURMAPTILESET] ld b,a res 7,a ld [W_CURMAPTILESET],a ld [$ff8b],a bit 7,b ret nz ld hl,MapHeaderPointers ld a,[W_CURMAP] sla a jr nc,.noCarry1 inc h .noCarry1 add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry2 inc h .noCarry2 ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ; hl = base of map header ; copy the first 10 bytes (the fixed area) of the map data to D367-D370 ld de,$d367 ld c,$0a .copyFixedHeaderLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec c jr nz,.copyFixedHeaderLoop ; initialize all the connected maps to disabled at first, before loading the actual values ld a,$ff ld [$d371],a ld [$d37c],a ld [$d387],a ld [$d392],a ; copy connection data (if any) to WRAM ld a,[W_MAPCONNECTIONS] ld b,a .checkNorth bit 3,b jr z,.checkSouth ld de,W_MAPCONN1PTR call CopyMapConnectionHeader .checkSouth bit 2,b jr z,.checkWest ld de,W_MAPCONN2PTR call CopyMapConnectionHeader .checkWest bit 1,b jr z,.checkEast ld de,W_MAPCONN3PTR call CopyMapConnectionHeader .checkEast bit 0,b jr z,.getObjectDataPointer ld de,W_MAPCONN4PTR call CopyMapConnectionHeader .getObjectDataPointer ld a,[hli] ld [$d3a9],a ld a,[hli] ld [$d3aa],a push hl ld a,[$d3a9] ld l,a ld a,[$d3aa] ld h,a ; hl = base of object data ld de,$d3ad ; background tile ID ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ; save background tile ID .loadWarpData ld a,[hli] ; number of warps ld [$d3ae],a ; save the number of warps and a ; are there any warps? jr z,.loadSignData ; if not, skip this ld c,a ld de,$d3af ; base address of warps .warpLoop ; one warp per loop iteration ld b,$04 .warpInnerLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec b jr nz,.warpInnerLoop dec c jr nz,.warpLoop .loadSignData ld a,[hli] ; number of signs ld [$d4b0],a ; save the number of signs and a ; are there any signs? jr z,.loadSpriteData ; if not, skip this ld c,a ld de,$d4d1 ; base address of sign text IDs ld a,d ld [$ff95],a ld a,e ld [$ff96],a ld de,$d4b1 ; base address of sign coordinates .signLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de push de ld a,[$ff95] ld d,a ld a,[$ff96] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,d ld [$ff95],a ld a,e ld [$ff96],a pop de dec c jr nz,.signLoop .loadSpriteData ld a,[$d72e] bit 5,a ; did a battle happen immediately before this? jp nz,.finishUp ; if so, skip this because battles don't destroy this data ld a,[hli] ld [$d4e1],a ; save the number of sprites push hl ; zero C110-C1FF and C210-C2FF ld hl,$c110 ld de,$c210 xor a ld b,$f0 .zeroSpriteDataLoop ld [hli],a ld [de],a inc e dec b jr nz,.zeroSpriteDataLoop ; initialize all C100-C1FF sprite entries to disabled (other than player's) ld hl,$c112 ld de,$0010 ld c,$0f .disableSpriteEntriesLoop ld [hl],$ff add hl,de dec c jr nz,.disableSpriteEntriesLoop pop hl ld de,$c110 ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites and a ; are there any sprites? jp z,.finishUp ; if there are no sprites, skip the rest ld b,a ld c,$00 .loadSpriteLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ; store picture ID at C1X0 inc d ld a,$04 add e ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ; store Y position at C2X4 inc e ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ; store X position at C2X5 inc e ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ; store movement byte 1 at C2X6 ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8d],a ; save movement byte 2 ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8e],a ; save text ID and flags byte push bc push hl ld b,$00 ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEDATA add hl,bc ld a,[$ff8d] ld [hli],a ; store movement byte 2 in byte 0 of sprite entry ld a,[$ff8e] ld [hl],a ; this appears pointless, since the value is overwritten immediately after ld a,[$ff8e] ld [$ff8d],a and a,$3f ld [hl],a ; store text ID in byte 1 of sprite entry pop hl ld a,[$ff8d] bit 6,a jr nz,.trainerSprite bit 7,a jr nz,.itemBallSprite jr .regularSprite .trainerSprite ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8d],a ; save trainer class ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8e],a ; save trainer number (within class) push hl ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEEXTRADATA add hl,bc ld a,[$ff8d] ld [hli],a ; store trainer class in byte 0 of the entry ld a,[$ff8e] ld [hl],a ; store trainer number in byte 1 of the entry pop hl jr .nextSprite .itemBallSprite ld a,[hli] ld [$ff8d],a ; save item number push hl ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEEXTRADATA add hl,bc ld a,[$ff8d] ld [hli],a ; store item number in byte 0 of the entry xor a ld [hl],a ; zero byte 1, since it is not used pop hl jr .nextSprite .regularSprite push hl ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEEXTRADATA add hl,bc ; zero both bytes, since regular sprites don't use this extra space xor a ld [hli],a ld [hl],a pop hl .nextSprite pop bc dec d ld a,$0a add e ld e,a inc c inc c dec b jp nz,.loadSpriteLoop .finishUp ld a,$19 call Predef ; load tileset data callab LoadWildData ; load wild pokemon data pop hl ; restore hl from before going to the warp/sign/sprite data (this value was saved for seemingly no purpose) ld a,[W_CURMAPHEIGHT] ; map height in 4x4 tile blocks add a ; double it ld [$d524],a ; store map height in 2x2 tile blocks ld a,[W_CURMAPWIDTH] ; map width in 4x4 tile blocks add a ; double it ld [$d525],a ; map width in 2x2 tile blocks ld a,[W_CURMAP] ld c,a ld b,$00 ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(MapSongBanks) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld hl, MapSongBanks add hl,bc add hl,bc ld a,[hli] ld [$d35b],a ; music 1 ld a,[hl] ld [$d35c],a ; music 2 pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; function to copy map connection data from ROM to WRAM ; Input: hl = source, de = destination CopyMapConnectionHeader:: ; 1238 (0:1238) ld c,$0b .loop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec c jr nz,.loop ret ; function to load map data LoadMapData:: ; 1241 (0:1241) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af call DisableLCD ld a,$98 ld [$d527],a xor a ld [$d526],a ld [$ffaf],a ld [$ffae],a ld [wWalkCounter],a ld [$d119],a ld [$d11a],a ld [$d3a8],a call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call LoadMapHeader callba InitMapSprites ; load tile pattern data for sprites call LoadTileBlockMap call LoadTilesetTilePatternData call LoadCurrentMapView ; copy current map view to VRAM ld hl,wTileMap ld de,$9800 ld b,$12 .vramCopyLoop ld c,$14 .vramCopyInnerLoop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc e dec c jr nz,.vramCopyInnerLoop ld a,$0c add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry inc d .noCarry dec b jr nz,.vramCopyLoop ld a,$01 ld [$cfcb],a call EnableLCD ld b,$09 call GoPAL_SET call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics ld a,[$d732] and a,$18 ; did the player fly or teleport in? jr nz,.restoreRomBank ld a,[W_FLAGS_D733] bit 1,a jr nz,.restoreRomBank call Func_235f ; music related call Func_2312 ; music related .restoreRomBank pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; function to switch to the ROM bank that a map is stored in ; Input: a = map number SwitchToMapRomBank:: ; 12bc (0:12bc) push hl push bc ld c,a ld b,$00 ld a,Bank(MapHeaderBanks) call BankswitchHome ; switch to ROM bank 3 ld hl,MapHeaderBanks add hl,bc ld a,[hl] ld [$ffe8],a ; save map ROM bank call BankswitchBack ld a,[$ffe8] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ; switch to map ROM bank pop bc pop hl ret Func_12da:: ; 12da (0:12da) ld a, $1e ld [$d13a], a ld hl, $d730 ld a, [hl] or $26 ld [hl], a ret Func_12e7:: ; 12e7 (0:12e7) ld hl, $d728 res 0, [hl] ret ForceBikeOrSurf:: ; 12ed (0:12ed) ld b, BANK(RedSprite) ld hl, LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call Bankswitch jp Func_2307 ; update map/player state? ; this is used to check if the player wants to interrupt the opening sequence at several points ; XXX is this used anywhere else? ; INPUT: ; c = number of frames to wait ; sets carry if Up+Select+B, Start, or A is pressed within c frames ; unsets carry otherwise CheckForUserInterruption:: ; 12f8 (0:12f8) call DelayFrame push bc call JoypadLowSensitivity pop bc ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; currently pressed buttons cp a,%01000110 ; Up, Select button, B button jr z,.setCarry ; if all three keys are pressed ld a,[$ffb5] ; either newly pressed buttons or currently pressed buttons at low sampling rate and a,%00001001 ; Start button, A button jr nz,.setCarry ; if either key is pressed dec c jr nz,CheckForUserInterruption .unsetCarry and a ret .setCarry scf ret ; function to load position data for destination warp when switching maps ; INPUT: ; a = ID of destination warp within destination map LoadDestinationWarpPosition:: ; 1313 (0:1313) ld b,a ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[wPredefParentBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld a,b add a add a ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ld bc,4 ld de,$d35f call CopyData pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; INPUT: ; c: if nonzero, show at least a sliver of health ; d = number of HP bar sections (normally 6) ; e = health (in eighths of bar sections) (normally out of 48) DrawHPBar:: ; 1336 (0:1336) push hl push de push bc ld a,$71 ; left of HP bar tile 1 ld [hli],a ld a,$62 ; left of HP bar tile 2 ld [hli],a push hl ld a,$63 ; empty bar section tile .drawEmptyBarLoop ld [hli],a dec d jr nz,.drawEmptyBarLoop ld a,[$cf94] dec a ; what should the right of HP bar tile be? ld a,$6d ; right of HP bar tile, in status screen and battles jr z,.writeTile dec a ; right of HP bar tile, in pokemon menu .writeTile ld [hl],a pop hl ld a,e and a ; is there enough health to show up on the HP bar? jr nz,.loop ; if so, draw the HP bar ld a,c and a ; should a sliver of health be shown no matter what? jr z,.done ld e,1 ; if so, fill one eighth of a bar section ; loop to draw every full bar section .loop ld a,e sub a,8 jr c,.drawPartialBarSection ld e,a ld a,$6b ; filled bar section tile ld [hli],a ld a,e and a jr z,.done jr .loop ; draws a partial bar section at the end (if necessary) ; there are 7 possible partial bar sections from 1/8 to 7/8 full .drawPartialBarSection ld a,$63 ; empty bar section tile add e ; add e to get the appropriate partial bar section tile ld [hl],a ; write the tile .done pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; loads pokemon data from one of multiple sources to $cf98 ; loads base stats to $d0b8 ; INPUT: ; [$cf92] = index of pokemon within party/box ; [$cc49] = source ; 00: player's party ; 01: enemy's party ; 02: current box ; 03: daycare ; OUTPUT: ; [$cf91] = pokemon ID ; $cf98 = base address of pokemon data ; $d0b8 = base address of base stats LoadMonData:: ; 1372 (0:1372) ld hl,LoadMonData_ ld b,BANK(LoadMonData_) jp Bankswitch ; writes c to $d0dc+b Func_137a:: ; 137a (0:137a) ld hl, $d0dc ld e, b ld d, $0 add hl, de ld a, c ld [hl], a ret LoadFlippedFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: ; 1384 (0:1384) ld a, $1 ld [W_SPRITEFLIPPED], a LoadFrontSpriteByMonIndex:: ; 1389 (0:1389) push hl ld a, [$d11e] push af ld a, [$cf91] ld [$d11e], a ld a, $3a call Predef ; indirect jump to IndexToPokedex (41010 (10:5010)) ld hl, $d11e ld a, [hl] pop bc ld [hl], b and a pop hl jr z, .invalidDexNumber ; dex #0 invalid cp 151 + 1 jr c, .validDexNumber ; dex >#151 invalid .invalidDexNumber ld a, RHYDON ; $1 ld [$cf91], a ret .validDexNumber push hl ld de, $9000 call LoadMonFrontSprite pop hl ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(asm_3f0d0) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a xor a ld [$ffe1], a call asm_3f0d0 xor a ld [W_SPRITEFLIPPED], a pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret ; plays the cry of a pokemon ; INPUT: ; a = pokemon ID PlayCry:: ; 13d0 (0:13d0) call GetCryData call PlaySound ; play cry jp WaitForSoundToFinish ; wait for sound to be done playing ; gets a pokemon's cry data ; INPUT: ; a = pokemon ID GetCryData:: ; 13d9 (0:13d9) dec a ld c,a ld b,0 ld hl,CryData add hl,bc add hl,bc add hl,bc ld a,Bank(CryData) call BankswitchHome ld a,[hli] ld b,a ld a,[hli] ld [$c0f1],a ld a,[hl] ld [$c0f2],a call BankswitchBack ld a,b ; a = cryID ld c,$14 ; base sound ID for pokemon cries rlca add b ; a = cryID * 3 add c ; a = $14 + cryID * 3 ret DisplayPartyMenu:: ; 13fc (0:13fc) ld a,[$ffd7] push af xor a ld [$ffd7],a call GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3 call ClearSprites call PartyMenuInit call DrawPartyMenu jp HandlePartyMenuInput GoBackToPartyMenu:: ; 1411 (0:1411) ld a,[$ffd7] push af xor a ld [$ffd7],a call PartyMenuInit call RedrawPartyMenu jp HandlePartyMenuInput PartyMenuInit:: ; 1420 (0:1420) ld a,$01 call BankswitchHome call LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns ld hl,$d730 set 6,[hl] ; turn off letter printing delay xor a ld [$cc49],a ld [$cc37],a ld hl,wTopMenuItemY inc a ld [hli],a ; top menu item Y xor a ld [hli],a ; top menu item X ld a,[$cc2b] push af ld [hli],a ; current menu item ID inc hl ld a,[W_NUMINPARTY] and a ; are there more than 0 pokemon in the party? jr z,.storeMaxMenuItemID dec a ; if party is not empty, the max menu item ID is ([W_NUMINPARTY] - 1) ; otherwise, it is 0 .storeMaxMenuItemID ld [hli],a ; max menu item ID ld a,[$d11f] and a ld a,%00000011 ; A button and B button jr z,.next xor a ld [$d11f],a inc a .next ld [hli],a ; menu watched keys pop af ld [hl],a ; old menu item ID ret HandlePartyMenuInput:: ; 145a (0:145a) ld a,1 ld [$cc4a],a ld a,$40 ld [$d09b],a call HandleMenuInputPokemonSelection call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor ld b,a xor a ld [$d09b],a ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [$cc2b],a ld hl,$d730 res 6,[hl] ; turn on letter printing delay ld a,[$cc35] and a jp nz,.swappingPokemon pop af ld [$ffd7],a bit 1,b jr nz,.noPokemonChosen ld a,[W_NUMINPARTY] and a jr z,.noPokemonChosen ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wWhichPokemon],a ld hl,W_PARTYMON1 ld b,0 ld c,a add hl,bc ld a,[hl] ld [$cf91],a ld [$cfd9],a call BankswitchBack and a ret .noPokemonChosen call BankswitchBack scf ret .swappingPokemon bit 1,b ; was the B button pressed? jr z,.handleSwap ; if not, handle swapping the pokemon .cancelSwap ; if the B button was pressed callba ErasePartyMenuCursors xor a ld [$cc35],a ld [$d07d],a call RedrawPartyMenu jr HandlePartyMenuInput .handleSwap ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wWhichPokemon],a callba SwitchPartyMon jr HandlePartyMenuInput DrawPartyMenu:: ; 14d4 (0:14d4) ld hl, DrawPartyMenu_ jr DrawPartyMenuCommon RedrawPartyMenu:: ; 14d9 (0:14d9) ld hl, RedrawPartyMenu_ DrawPartyMenuCommon:: ; 14dc (0:14dc) ld b, BANK(RedrawPartyMenu_) jp Bankswitch ; prints a pokemon's status condition ; INPUT: ; de = address of status condition ; hl = destination address PrintStatusCondition:: ; 14e1 (0:14e1) push de dec de dec de ; de = address of current HP ld a,[de] ld b,a dec de ld a,[de] or b ; is the pokemon's HP zero? pop de jr nz,PrintStatusConditionNotFainted ; if the pokemon's HP is 0, print "FNT" ld a,"F" ld [hli],a ld a,"N" ld [hli],a ld [hl],"T" and a ret PrintStatusConditionNotFainted ; 14f6 ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(PrintStatusAilment) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call PrintStatusAilment ; print status condition pop bc ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; function to print pokemon level, leaving off the ":L" if the level is at least 100 ; INPUT: ; hl = destination address ; [$cfb9] = level PrintLevel:: ; 150b (0:150b) ld a,$6e ; ":L" tile ID ld [hli],a ld c,2 ; number of digits ld a,[$cfb9] ; level cp a,100 jr c,PrintLevelCommon ; if level at least 100, write over the ":L" tile dec hl inc c ; increment number of digits to 3 jr PrintLevelCommon ; prints the level without leaving off ":L" regardless of level ; INPUT: ; hl = destination address ; [$cfb9] = level PrintLevelFull:: ; 151b (0:151b) ld a,$6e ; ":L" tile ID ld [hli],a ld c,3 ; number of digits ld a,[$cfb9] ; level PrintLevelCommon:: ; 1523 (0:1523) ld [$d11e],a ld de,$d11e ld b,$41 ; no leading zeroes, left-aligned, one byte jp PrintNumber Func_152e:: ; 152e (0:152e) ld hl,$d0dc ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc ld a,[hl] ret ; copies the base stat data of a pokemon to $D0B8 (W_MONHEADER) ; INPUT: ; [$D0B5] = pokemon ID GetMonHeader:: ; 1537 (0:1537) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(BaseStats) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a push bc push de push hl ld a,[$d11e] push af ld a,[$d0b5] ld [$d11e],a ld de,FossilKabutopsPic ld b,$66 ; size of Kabutops fossil and Ghost sprites cp a,FOSSIL_KABUTOPS ; Kabutops fossil jr z,.specialID ld de,GhostPic cp a,MON_GHOST ; Ghost jr z,.specialID ld de,FossilAerodactylPic ld b,$77 ; size of Aerodactyl fossil sprite cp a,FOSSIL_AERODACTYL ; Aerodactyl fossil jr z,.specialID cp a,MEW jr z,.mew ld a,$3a call Predef ; convert pokemon ID in [$D11E] to pokedex number ld a,[$d11e] dec a ld bc,28 ld hl,BaseStats call AddNTimes ld de,W_MONHEADER ld bc,28 call CopyData jr .done .specialID ld hl,W_MONHSPRITEDIM ld [hl],b ; write sprite dimensions inc hl ld [hl],e ; write front sprite pointer inc hl ld [hl],d jr .done .mew ld hl,MewBaseStats ld de,W_MONHEADER ld bc,28 ld a,BANK(MewBaseStats) call FarCopyData .done ld a,[$d0b5] ld [$d0b8],a pop af ld [$d11e],a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; copy party pokemon's name to $CD6D GetPartyMonName2:: ; 15b4 (0:15b4) ld a,[wWhichPokemon] ; index within party ld hl,W_PARTYMON1NAME ; this is called more often GetPartyMonName:: ; 15ba (0:15ba) push hl push bc call SkipFixedLengthTextEntries ; add 11 to hl, a times ld de,$cd6d push de ld bc,11 call CopyData pop de pop bc pop hl ret ; function to print a BCD (Binary-coded decimal) number ; de = address of BCD number ; hl = destination address ; c = flags and length ; bit 7: if set, do not print leading zeroes ; if unset, print leading zeroes ; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces) ; if unset, right-align the string ; bit 5: if set, print currency symbol at the beginning of the string ; if unset, do not print the currency symbol ; bits 0-4: length of BCD number in bytes ; Note that bits 5 and 7 are modified during execution. The above reflects ; their meaning at the beginning of the functions's execution. PrintBCDNumber:: ; 15cd (0:15cd) ld b,c ; save flags in b res 7,c res 6,c res 5,c ; c now holds the length bit 5,b jr z,.loop bit 7,b jr nz,.loop ld [hl],"¥" inc hl .loop ld a,[de] swap a call PrintBCDDigit ; print upper digit ld a,[de] call PrintBCDDigit ; print lower digit inc de dec c jr nz,.loop bit 7,b ; were any non-zero digits printed? jr z,.done ; if so, we are done .numberEqualsZero ; if every digit of the BCD number is zero bit 6,b ; left or right alignment? jr nz,.skipRightAlignmentAdjustment dec hl ; if the string is right-aligned, it needs to be moved back one space .skipRightAlignmentAdjustment bit 5,b jr z,.skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl],"¥" inc hl .skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl],"0" call PrintLetterDelay inc hl .done ret PrintBCDDigit:: ; 1604 (0:1604) and a,%00001111 and a jr z,.zeroDigit .nonzeroDigit bit 7,b ; have any non-space characters been printed? jr z,.outputDigit ; if bit 7 is set, then no numbers have been printed yet bit 5,b ; print the currency symbol? jr z,.skipCurrencySymbol ld [hl],"¥" inc hl res 5,b .skipCurrencySymbol res 7,b ; unset 7 to indicate that a nonzero digit has been reached .outputDigit add a,"0" ld [hli],a jp PrintLetterDelay .zeroDigit bit 7,b ; either printing leading zeroes or already reached a nonzero digit? jr z,.outputDigit ; if so, print a zero digit bit 6,b ; left or right alignment? ret nz inc hl ; if right-aligned, "print" a space by advancing the pointer ret ; uncompresses the front or back sprite of the specified mon ; assumes the corresponding mon header is already loaded ; hl contains offset to sprite pointer ($b for front or $d for back) UncompressMonSprite:: ; 1627 (0:1627) ld bc,W_MONHEADER add hl,bc ld a,[hli] ld [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR],a ; fetch sprite input pointer ld a,[hl] ld [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR+1],a ; define (by index number) the bank that a pokemon's image is in ; index = Mew, bank 1 ; index = Kabutops fossil, bank $B ; index < $1F, bank 9 ; $1F ≤ index < $4A, bank $A ; $4A ≤ index < $74, bank $B ; $74 ≤ index < $99, bank $C ; $99 ≤ index, bank $D ld a,[$CF91] ; XXX name for this ram location ld b,a cp MEW ld a,BANK(MewPicFront) jr z,.GotBank ld a,b cp FOSSIL_KABUTOPS ld a,BANK(FossilKabutopsPic) jr z,.GotBank ld a,b cp TANGELA + 1 ld a,BANK(TangelaPicFront) jr c,.GotBank ld a,b cp MOLTRES + 1 ld a,BANK(MoltresPicFront) jr c,.GotBank ld a,b cp BEEDRILL + 2 ld a,BANK(BeedrillPicFront) jr c,.GotBank ld a,b cp STARMIE + 1 ld a,BANK(StarmiePicFront) jr c,.GotBank ld a,BANK(VictreebelPicFront) .GotBank jp UncompressSpriteData ; de: destination location LoadMonFrontSprite:: ; 1665 (0:1665) push de ld hl, W_MONHFRONTSPRITE - W_MONHEADER call UncompressMonSprite ld hl, W_MONHSPRITEDIM ld a, [hli] ld c, a pop de ; fall through ; postprocesses uncompressed sprite chunks to a 2bpp sprite and loads it into video ram ; calculates alignment parameters to place both sprite chunks in the center of the 7*7 tile sprite buffers ; de: destination location ; a,c: sprite dimensions (in tiles of 8x8 each) LoadUncompressedSpriteData:: ; 1672 (0:1672) push de and $f ld [H_SPRITEWIDTH], a ; each byte contains 8 pixels (in 1bpp), so tiles=bytes for width ld b, a ld a, $7 sub b ; 7-w inc a ; 8-w srl a ; (8-w)/2 ; horizontal center (in tiles, rounded up) ld b, a add a add a add a sub b ; 7*((8-w)/2) ; skip for horizontal center (in tiles) ld [H_SPRITEOFFSET], a ld a, c swap a and $f ld b, a add a add a add a ; 8*tiles is height in bytes ld [H_SPRITEHEIGHT], a ; $ff8c ld a, $7 sub b ; 7-h ; skip for vertical center (in tiles, relative to current column) ld b, a ld a, [H_SPRITEOFFSET] add b ; 7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h ; combined overall offset (in tiles) add a add a add a ; 8*(7*((8-w)/2) + 7-h) ; combined overall offset (in bytes) ld [H_SPRITEOFFSET], a xor a ld [$4000], a ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER0 call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 0 ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER0 call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 1 to 0 (containing the MSB of the 2bpp sprite) ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 call ZeroSpriteBuffer ; zero buffer 1 ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 call AlignSpriteDataCentered ; copy and align buffer 2 to 1 (containing the LSB of the 2bpp sprite) pop de jp InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers ; copies and aligns the sprite data properly inside the sprite buffer ; sprite buffers are 7*7 tiles in size, the loaded sprite is centered within this area AlignSpriteDataCentered:: ; 16c2 (0:16c2) ld a, [H_SPRITEOFFSET] ld b, $0 ld c, a add hl, bc ld a, [H_SPRITEWIDTH] ; $ff8b .columnLoop push af push hl ld a, [H_SPRITEHEIGHT] ; $ff8c ld c, a .columnInnerLoop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .columnInnerLoop pop hl ld bc, 7*8 ; 7 tiles add hl, bc ; advance one full column pop af dec a jr nz, .columnLoop ret ; fills the sprite buffer (pointed to in hl) with zeros ZeroSpriteBuffer:: ; 16df (0:16df) ld bc, SPRITEBUFFERSIZE .nextByteLoop xor a ld [hli], a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .nextByteLoop ret ; combines the (7*7 tiles, 1bpp) sprite chunks in buffer 0 and 1 into a 2bpp sprite located in buffer 1 through 2 ; in the resulting sprite, the rows of the two source sprites are interlaced ; de: output address InterlaceMergeSpriteBuffers:: ; 16ea (0:16ea) xor a ld [$4000], a push de ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; destination: end of buffer 2 ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 2: end of buffer 1 ld bc, S_SPRITEBUFFER0 + (SPRITEBUFFERSIZE - 1) ; source 1: end of buffer 0 ld a, SPRITEBUFFERSIZE/2 ; $c4 ld [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER], a ; $ff8b .interlaceLoop ld a, [de] dec de ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2 ld a, [bc] dec bc ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1 ld a, [de] dec de ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 2 ld a, [bc] dec bc ld [hld], a ; write byte of source 1 ld a, [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER] ; $ff8b dec a ld [H_SPRITEINTERLACECOUNTER], a ; $ff8b jr nz, .interlaceLoop ld a, [W_SPRITEFLIPPED] and a jr z, .notFlipped ld bc, 2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 .swapLoop swap [hl] ; if flipped swap nybbles in all bytes inc hl dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .swapLoop .notFlipped pop hl ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 ld c, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE)/16 ; $31, number of 16 byte chunks to be copied ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld b, a jp CopyVideoData Underground_Coll:: ; 172f (0:172f) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/underground.tilecoll" Overworld_Coll:: ; 1735 (0:1735) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/overworld.tilecoll" RedsHouse1_Coll:: RedsHouse2_Coll:: ; 1749 (0:1749) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/reds_house.tilecoll" Mart_Coll Pokecenter_Coll:: ; 1753 (0:1753) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/pokecenter.tilecoll" Dojo_Coll:: Gym_Coll:: ; 1759 (0:1759) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gym.tilecoll" Forest_Coll:: ; 1765 (0:1765) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/forest.tilecoll" House_Coll:: ; 1775 (0:1775) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/house.tilecoll" ForestGate_Coll:: Museum_Coll:: Gate_Coll:: ; 177f (0:177f) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/gate.tilecoll" Ship_Coll:: ; 178a (0:178a) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship.tilecoll" ShipPort_Coll:: ; 1795 (0:1795) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/ship_port.tilecoll" Cemetery_Coll:: ; 179a (0:179a) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cemetery.tilecoll" Interior_Coll:: ; 17a2 (0:17a2) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/interior.tilecoll" Cavern_Coll:: ; 17ac (0:17ac) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/cavern.tilecoll" Lobby_Coll:: ; 17b8 (0:17b8) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lobby.tilecoll" Mansion_Coll:: ; 17c0 (0:17c0) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/mansion.tilecoll" Lab_Coll:: ; 17ca (0:17ca) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/lab.tilecoll" Club_Coll:: ; 17d1 (0:17d1) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/club.tilecoll" Facility_Coll:: ; 17dd (0:17dd) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/facility.tilecoll" Plateau_Coll:: ; 17f0 (0:17f0) INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/plateau.tilecoll" ; does the same thing as FarCopyData at 009D ; only difference is that it uses [$ff8b] instead of [$cee9] for a temp value ; copy bc bytes of data from a:hl to de FarCopyData2:: ; 17f7 (0:17f7) ld [$ff8b],a ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[$ff8b] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call CopyData pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; does a far copy but the source is de and the destination is hl ; copy bc bytes of data from a:de to hl FarCopyData3:: ; 180d (0:180d) ld [$ff8b],a ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[$ff8b] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a push hl push de push de ld d,h ld e,l pop hl call CopyData pop de pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; copies each source byte to the destination twice (next to each other) ; copy bc source bytes from a:hl to de FarCopyDataDouble:: ; 182b (0:182b) ld [$ff8b],a ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[$ff8b] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a .loop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld [de],a inc de dec bc ld a,c or b jr nz,.loop pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; copy (c * 16) bytes from b:de to hl during V-blank ; transfers up to 128 bytes per V-blank CopyVideoData:: ; 1848 (0:1848) ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED] ; save auto-transfer enabled flag push af xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer while copying ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [$ff8b],a ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld a,e ld [H_VBCOPYSRC],a ld a,d ld [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1],a ld a,l ld [H_VBCOPYDEST],a ld a,h ld [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1],a .loop ld a,c cp a,8 ; are there more than 128 bytes left to copy? jr nc,.copyMaxSize ; only copy up to 128 bytes at a time .copyRemainder ld [H_VBCOPYSIZE],a call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy ld a,[$ff8b] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a pop af ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; restore original auto-transfer enabled flag ret .copyMaxSize ld a,8 ; 128 bytes ld [H_VBCOPYSIZE],a call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy ld a,c sub a,8 ld c,a jr .loop ; copy (c * 8) source bytes from b:de to hl during V-blank ; copies each source byte to the destination twice (next to each other) ; transfers up to 64 source bytes per V-blank CopyVideoDataDouble:: ; 1886 (0:1886) ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED] ; save auto-transfer enabled flag push af xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer while copying ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [$ff8b],a ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld a,e ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC],a ld a,d ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC + 1],a ld a,l ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST],a ld a,h ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST + 1],a .loop ld a,c cp a,8 ; are there more than 64 source bytes left to copy? jr nc,.copyMaxSize ; only copy up to 64 source bytes at a time .copyRemainder ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE],a call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy ld a,[$ff8b] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a pop af ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; restore original auto-transfer enabled flag ret .copyMaxSize ld a,8 ; 64 source bytes ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE],a call DelayFrame ; wait for V-blank handler to perform the copy ld a,c sub a,8 ld c,a jr .loop ; clears an area of the screen ; INPUT: ; hl = address of upper left corner of the area ; b = height ; c = width ClearScreenArea:: ; 18c4 (0:18c4) ld a,$7F ; blank tile ld de,20 ; screen width .loop push hl push bc .innerLoop ld [hli],a dec c jr nz,.innerLoop pop bc pop hl add hl,de dec b jr nz,.loop ret ; copies the screen tile buffer from WRAM to VRAM ; copying is done in 3 chunks of 6 rows each ; b: high byte of VRAM destination address ($98 or $9c for window tile map 0 or 1 resp.) CopyScreenTileBufferToVRAM:: ; 18d6 (0:18d6) ld c, $6 ld hl, $0000 ld de, wTileMap call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters call DelayFrame ld hl, $600 ld de, wTileMap + 20 * 6 ; $c418 call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters call DelayFrame ld hl, $c00 ld de, wTileMap + 20 * 12 ; $c490 call InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters jp DelayFrame InitScreenTileBufferTransferParameters:: ; 18fc (0:18fc) ld a, d ld [H_VBCOPYBGSRC+1], a call GetRowColAddressBgMap ld a, l ld [H_VBCOPYBGDEST], a ; $ffc3 ld a, h ld [H_VBCOPYBGDEST+1], a ld a, c ld [H_VBCOPYBGNUMROWS], a ; $ffc5 ld a, e ld [H_VBCOPYBGSRC], a ; $ffc1 ret ClearScreen:: ; 190f (0:190f) ; clears all tiles in the tilemap, ; then wait three frames ld bc,$0168 ; tilemap size inc b ld hl,wTileMap ; TILEMAP_START ld a,$7F ; $7F is blank tile .loop ld [hli],a dec c jr nz,.loop dec b jr nz,.loop jp Delay3 TextBoxBorder:: ; 1922 (0:1922) ; draw a text box ; upper-left corner at coordinates hl ; height b ; width c ; first row push hl ld a,"┌" ld [hli],a inc a ; horizontal border ─ call NPlaceChar inc a ; upper-right border ┐ ld [hl],a ; middle rows pop hl ld de,20 add hl,de ; skip the top row .PlaceRow push hl ld a,"│" ld [hli],a ld a," " call NPlaceChar ld [hl],"│" pop hl ld de,20 add hl,de ; move to next row dec b jr nz,.PlaceRow ; bottom row ld a,"└" ld [hli],a ld a,"─" call NPlaceChar ld [hl],"┘" ret ; NPlaceChar:: ; 194f (0:194f) ; place a row of width c of identical characters ld d,c .loop ld [hli],a dec d jr nz,.loop ret PlaceString:: ; 1955 (0:1955) push hl PlaceNextChar:: ; 1956 (0:1956) ld a,[de] cp "@" jr nz,.PlaceText ld b,h ld c,l pop hl ret .PlaceText cp $4E jr nz,.next ld bc,$0028 ld a,[$FFF6] bit 2,a jr z,.next2 ld bc,$14 .next2 pop hl add hl,bc push hl jp Next19E8 .next cp $4F jr nz,.next3 pop hl FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1 ld hl,Coord push hl jp Next19E8 .next3 ; Check against a dictionary and a jp z,Char00 cp $4C jp z,Char4C cp $4B jp z,Char4B cp $51 jp z,Char51 cp $49 jp z,Char49 cp $52 jp z,Char52 cp $53 jp z,Char53 cp $54 jp z,Char54 cp $5B jp z,Char5B cp $5E jp z,Char5E cp $5C jp z,Char5C cp $5D jp z,Char5D cp $55 jp z,Char55 cp $56 jp z,Char56 cp $57 jp z,Char57 cp $58 jp z,Char58 cp $4A jp z,Char4A cp $5F jp z,Char5F cp $59 jp z,Char59 cp $5A jp z,Char5A ld [hli],a call PrintLetterDelay Next19E8:: ; 19e8 (0:19e8) inc de jp PlaceNextChar Char00:: ; 19ec (0:19ec) ld b,h ld c,l pop hl ld de,Char00Text dec de ret Char00Text:: ; 0x19f4 “%d ERROR.” TX_FAR _Char00Text db "@" Char52:: ; 0x19f9 player’s name push de ld de,W_PLAYERNAME jr FinishDTE Char53:: ; 19ff (0:19ff) ; rival’s name push de ld de,W_RIVALNAME jr FinishDTE Char5D:: ; 1a05 (0:1a05) ; TRAINER push de ld de,Char5DText jr FinishDTE Char5C:: ; 1a0b (0:1a0b) ; TM push de ld de,Char5CText jr FinishDTE Char5B:: ; 1a11 (0:1a11) ; PC push de ld de,Char5BText jr FinishDTE Char5E:: ; 1a17 (0:1a17) ; ROCKET push de ld de,Char5EText jr FinishDTE Char54:: ; 1a1d (0:1a1d) ; POKé push de ld de,Char54Text jr FinishDTE Char56:: ; 1a23 (0:1a23) ; …… push de ld de,Char56Text jr FinishDTE Char4A:: ; 1a29 (0:1a29) ; PKMN push de ld de,Char4AText jr FinishDTE Char59:: ; 1a2f (0:1a2f) ; depending on whose turn it is, print ; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ” ; or ; player active monster’s name ; (like Char5A but flipped) ld a,[H_WHOSETURN] xor 1 jr MonsterNameCharsCommon Char5A:: ; 1a35 (0:1a35) ; depending on whose turn it is, print ; player active monster’s name ; or ; enemy active monster’s name, prefixed with “Enemy ” ld a,[H_WHOSETURN] MonsterNameCharsCommon:: ; 1a37 (0:1a37) push de and a jr nz,.Enemy ld de,W_PLAYERMONNAME ; player active monster name jr FinishDTE .Enemy ; 1A40 ; print “Enemy ” ld de,Char5AText call PlaceString ld h,b ld l,c ld de,W_ENEMYMONNAME ; enemy active monster name FinishDTE:: ; 1a4b (0:1a4b) call PlaceString ld h,b ld l,c pop de inc de jp PlaceNextChar Char5CText:: ; 1a55 (0:1a55) db "TM@" Char5DText:: ; 1a58 (0:1a58) db "TRAINER@" Char5BText:: ; 1a60 (0:1a60) db "PC@" Char5EText:: ; 1a63 (0:1a63) db "ROCKET@" Char54Text:: ; 1a6a (0:1a6a) db "POKé@" Char56Text:: ; 1a6f (0:1a6f) db "……@" Char5AText:: ; 1a72 (0:1a72) db "Enemy @" Char4AText:: ; 1a79 (0:1a79) db $E1,$E2,"@" ; PKMN Char55:: ; 1a7c (0:1a7c) push de ld b,h ld c,l ld hl,Char55Text call TextCommandProcessor ld h,b ld l,c pop de inc de jp PlaceNextChar Char55Text:: ; 1a8c (0:1a8c) ; equivalent to Char4B TX_FAR _Char55Text db "@" Char5F:: ; 1a91 (0:1a91) ; ends a Pokédex entry ld [hl],"." pop hl ret Char58:: ; 1a95 (0:1a95) ld a,[$D12B] cp 4 jp z,Next1AA2 ld a,$EE FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a Next1AA2:: ; 1aa2 (0:1aa2) call ProtectedDelay3 call ManualTextScroll ld a,$7F FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a Char57:: ; 1aad (0:1aad) pop hl ld de,Char58Text dec de ret Char58Text:: ; 1ab3 (0:1ab3) db "@" Char51:: ; 1ab4 (0:1ab4) push de ld a,$EE FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a call ProtectedDelay3 call ManualTextScroll FuncCoord 1, 13 ; $c4a5 ld hl,Coord ld bc,$0412 call ClearScreenArea ld c,$14 call DelayFrames pop de FuncCoord 1, 14 ; $c4b9 ld hl,Coord jp Next19E8 Char49:: ; 1ad5 (0:1ad5) push de ld a,$EE FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a call ProtectedDelay3 call ManualTextScroll FuncCoord 1, 10 ; $c469 ld hl,Coord ld bc,$0712 call ClearScreenArea ld c,$14 call DelayFrames pop de pop hl FuncCoord 1, 11 ; $c47d ld hl,Coord push hl jp Next19E8 Char4B:: ; 1af8 (0:1af8) ld a,$EE FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a call ProtectedDelay3 push de call ManualTextScroll pop de ld a,$7F FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a ;fall through Char4C:: ; 1b0a (0:1b0a) push de call Next1B18 call Next1B18 FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1 ld hl,Coord pop de jp Next19E8 Next1B18:: ; 1b18 (0:1b18) FuncCoord 0, 14 ; $c4b8 ld hl,Coord FuncCoord 0, 13 ; $c4a4 ld de,Coord ld b,$3C .next ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de dec b jr nz,.next FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1 ld hl,Coord ld a,$7F ld b,$12 .next2 ld [hli],a dec b jr nz,.next2 ; wait five frames ld b,5 .WaitFrame call DelayFrame dec b jr nz,.WaitFrame ret ProtectedDelay3:: ; 1b3a (0:1b3a) push bc call Delay3 pop bc ret TextCommandProcessor:: ; 1b40 (0:1b40) ld a,[$d358] push af set 1,a ld e,a ld a,[$fff4] xor e ld [$d358],a ld a,c ld [$cc3a],a ld a,b ld [$cc3b],a NextTextCommand:: ; 1b55 (0:1b55) ld a,[hli] cp a, "@" ; terminator jr nz,.doTextCommand pop af ld [$d358],a ret .doTextCommand push hl cp a,$17 jp z,TextCommand17 cp a,$0e jp nc,TextCommand0B ; if a != 0x17 and a >= 0xE, go to command 0xB ; if a < 0xE, use a jump table ld hl,TextCommandJumpTable push bc add a ld b,$00 ld c,a add hl,bc pop bc ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a jp [hl] ; draw box ; 04AAAABBCC ; AAAA = address of upper left corner ; BB = height ; CC = width TextCommand04:: ; 1b78 (0:1b78) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld d,a ld a,[hli] ld b,a ld a,[hli] ld c,a push hl ld h,d ld l,e call TextBoxBorder pop hl jr NextTextCommand ; place string inline ; 00{string} TextCommand00:: ; 1b8a (0:1b8a) pop hl ld d,h ld e,l ld h,b ld l,c call PlaceString ld h,d ld l,e inc hl jr NextTextCommand ; place string from RAM ; 01AAAA ; AAAA = address of string TextCommand01:: ; 1b97 (0:1b97) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld d,a push hl ld h,b ld l,c call PlaceString pop hl jr NextTextCommand ; print BCD number ; 02AAAABB ; AAAA = address of BCD number ; BB ; bits 0-4 = length in bytes ; bits 5-7 = unknown flags TextCommand02:: ; 1ba5 (0:1ba5) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld d,a ld a,[hli] push hl ld h,b ld l,c ld c,a call PrintBCDNumber ld b,h ld c,l pop hl jr NextTextCommand ; repoint destination address ; 03AAAA ; AAAA = new destination address TextCommand03:: ; 1bb7 (0:1bb7) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld [$cc3a],a ld c,a ld a,[hli] ld [$cc3b],a ld b,a jp NextTextCommand ; repoint destination to second line of dialogue text box ; 05 ; (no arguments) TextCommand05:: ; 1bc5 (0:1bc5) pop hl FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1 ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box jp NextTextCommand ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed ; 06 ; (no arguments) TextCommand06:: ; 1bcc (0:1bcc) ld a,[W_ISLINKBATTLE] cp a,$04 jp z,TextCommand0D ld a,$ee ; down arrow FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a ; place down arrow in lower right corner of dialogue text box push bc call ManualTextScroll ; blink arrow and wait for A or B to be pressed pop bc ld a," " FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a ; overwrite down arrow with blank space pop hl jp NextTextCommand ; scroll text up one line ; 07 ; (no arguments) TextCommand07:: ; 1be7 (0:1be7) ld a," " FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld [Coord],a ; place blank space in lower right corner of dialogue text box call Next1B18 ; scroll up text call Next1B18 pop hl FuncCoord 1, 16 ; $c4e1 ld bc,Coord ; address of second line of dialogue text box jp NextTextCommand ; execute asm inline ; 08{code} TextCommand08:: ; 1bf9 (0:1bf9) pop hl ld de,NextTextCommand push de ; return address jp [hl] ; print decimal number (converted from binary number) ; 09AAAABB ; AAAA = address of number ; BB ; bits 0-3 = how many digits to display ; bits 4-7 = how long the number is in bytes TextCommand09:: ; 1bff (0:1bff) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld d,a ld a,[hli] push hl ld h,b ld l,c ld b,a and a,$0f ld c,a ld a,b and a,$f0 swap a set 6,a ld b,a call PrintNumber ld b,h ld c,l pop hl jp NextTextCommand ; wait half a second if the user doesn't hold A or B ; 0A ; (no arguments) TextCommand0A:: ; 1c1d (0:1c1d) push bc call Joypad ld a,[hJoyHeld] and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons jr nz,.skipDelay ld c,30 call DelayFrames .skipDelay pop bc pop hl jp NextTextCommand ; plays sounds ; this actually handles various command ID's, not just 0B ; (no arguments) TextCommand0B:: ; 1c31 (0:1c31) pop hl push bc dec hl ld a,[hli] ld b,a ; b = command number that got us here push hl ld hl,TextCommandSounds .loop ld a,[hli] cp b jr z,.matchFound inc hl jr .loop .matchFound cp a,$14 jr z,.pokemonCry cp a,$15 jr z,.pokemonCry cp a,$16 jr z,.pokemonCry ld a,[hl] call PlaySound call WaitForSoundToFinish pop hl pop bc jp NextTextCommand .pokemonCry push de ld a,[hl] call PlayCry pop de pop hl pop bc jp NextTextCommand ; format: text command ID, sound ID or cry ID TextCommandSounds:: ; 1c64 (0:1c64) db $0B,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $12,(SFX_02_46 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $0E,(SFX_02_41 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $0F,(SFX_02_3a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $10,(SFX_02_3b - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $11,(SFX_02_42 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $13,(SFX_02_44 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 db $14,NIDORINA ; used in OakSpeech db $15,PIDGEOT ; used in SaffronCityText12 db $16,DEWGONG ; unused? ; draw ellipses ; 0CAA ; AA = number of ellipses to draw TextCommand0C:: ; 1c78 (0:1c78) pop hl ld a,[hli] ld d,a push hl ld h,b ld l,c .loop ld a,$75 ; ellipsis ld [hli],a push de call Joypad pop de ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; joypad state and a,%00000011 ; is A or B button pressed? jr nz,.skipDelay ; if so, skip the delay ld c,10 call DelayFrames .skipDelay dec d jr nz,.loop ld b,h ld c,l pop hl jp NextTextCommand ; wait for A or B to be pressed ; 0D ; (no arguments) TextCommand0D:: ; 1c9a (0:1c9a) push bc call ManualTextScroll ; wait for A or B to be pressed pop bc pop hl jp NextTextCommand ; process text commands in another ROM bank ; 17AAAABB ; AAAA = address of text commands ; BB = bank TextCommand17:: ; 1ca3 (0:1ca3) pop hl ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld a,[hli] ld d,a ld a,[hli] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a push hl ld l,e ld h,d call TextCommandProcessor pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a jp NextTextCommand TextCommandJumpTable:: ; 1cc1 (0:1cc1) dw TextCommand00 dw TextCommand01 dw TextCommand02 dw TextCommand03 dw TextCommand04 dw TextCommand05 dw TextCommand06 dw TextCommand07 dw TextCommand08 dw TextCommand09 dw TextCommand0A dw TextCommand0B dw TextCommand0C dw TextCommand0D ; this function seems to be used only once ; it store the address of a row and column of the VRAM background map in hl ; INPUT: h - row, l - column, b - high byte of background tile map address in VRAM GetRowColAddressBgMap:: ; 1cdd (0:1cdd) xor a srl h rr a srl h rr a srl h rr a or l ld l,a ld a,b or h ld h,a ret ; clears a VRAM background map with blank space tiles ; INPUT: h - high byte of background tile map address in VRAM ClearBgMap:: ; 1cf0 (0:1cf0) ld a," " jr .next ld a,l .next ld de,$400 ; size of VRAM background map ld l,e .loop ld [hli],a dec e jr nz,.loop dec d jr nz,.loop ret ; When the player takes a step, a row or column of 2x2 tile blocks at the edge ; of the screen toward which they moved is exposed and has to be redrawn. ; This function does the redrawing. RedrawExposedScreenEdge:: ; 1d01 (0:1d01) ld a,[H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW] and a ret z ld b,a xor a ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a dec b jr nz,.redrawRow .redrawColumn ld hl,wScreenEdgeTiles ld a,[H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR] ld e,a ld a,[H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1] ld d,a ld c,18 ; screen height .loop1 ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ld a,31 add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry inc d .noCarry ; the following 4 lines wrap us from bottom to top if necessary ld a,d and a,$03 or a,$98 ld d,a dec c jr nz,.loop1 xor a ld [H_SCREENEDGEREDRAW],a ret .redrawRow ld hl,wScreenEdgeTiles ld a,[H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR] ld e,a ld a,[H_SCREENEDGEREDRAWADDR + 1] ld d,a push de call .drawHalf ; draw upper half pop de ld a,32 ; width of VRAM background map add e ld e,a ; draw lower half .drawHalf ld c,10 .loop2 ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,[hli] ld [de],a ld a,e inc a ; the following 6 lines wrap us from the right edge to the left edge if necessary and a,$1f ld b,a ld a,e and a,$e0 or b ld e,a dec c jr nz,.loop2 ret ; This function automatically transfers tile number data from the tile map at ; wTileMap to VRAM during V-blank. Note that it only transfers one third of the ; background per V-blank. It cycles through which third it draws. ; This transfer is turned off when walking around the map, but is turned ; on when talking to sprites, battling, using menus, etc. This is because ; the above function, RedrawExposedScreenEdge, is used when walking to ; improve efficiency. AutoBgMapTransfer:: ; 1d57 (0:1d57) ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED] and a ret z ld hl,[sp + 0] ld a,h ld [H_SPTEMP],a ld a,l ld [H_SPTEMP + 1],a ; save stack pinter ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERPORTION] and a jr z,.transferTopThird dec a jr z,.transferMiddleThird .transferBottomThird FuncCoord 0,12 ld hl,Coord ld sp,hl ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST + 1] ld h,a ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST] ld l,a ld de,(12 * 32) add hl,de xor a ; TRANSFERTOP jr .doTransfer .transferTopThird FuncCoord 0,0 ld hl,Coord ld sp,hl ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST + 1] ld h,a ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST] ld l,a ld a,TRANSFERMIDDLE jr .doTransfer .transferMiddleThird FuncCoord 0,6 ld hl,Coord ld sp,hl ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST + 1] ld h,a ld a,[H_AUTOBGTRANSFERDEST] ld l,a ld de,(6 * 32) add hl,de ld a,TRANSFERBOTTOM .doTransfer ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERPORTION],a ; store next portion ld b,6 ; unrolled loop and using pop for speed TransferBgRows:: ; 1d9e (0:1d9e) pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d inc l pop de ld [hl],e inc l ld [hl],d ld a,13 add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry dec b jr nz,TransferBgRows ld a,[H_SPTEMP] ld h,a ld a,[H_SPTEMP + 1] ld l,a ld sp,hl ; restore stack pointer ret ; Copies [H_VBCOPYBGNUMROWS] rows from H_VBCOPYBGSRC to H_VBCOPYBGDEST. ; If H_VBCOPYBGSRC is XX00, the transfer is disabled. VBlankCopyBgMap:: ; 1de1 (0:1de1) ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGSRC] ; doubles as enabling byte and a ret z ld hl,[sp + 0] ld a,h ld [H_SPTEMP],a ld a,l ld [H_SPTEMP + 1],a ; save stack pointer ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGSRC] ld l,a ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGSRC + 1] ld h,a ld sp,hl ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGDEST] ld l,a ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGDEST + 1] ld h,a ld a,[H_VBCOPYBGNUMROWS] ld b,a xor a ld [H_VBCOPYBGSRC],a ; disable transfer so it doesn't continue next V-blank jr TransferBgRows VBlankCopyDouble:: ; Copy [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE] 1bpp tiles ; from H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC to H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST. ; While we're here, convert to 2bpp. ; The process is straightforward: ; copy each byte twice. ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE] and a ret z ld hl, [sp + 0] ld a, h ld [H_SPTEMP], a ld a, l ld [H_SPTEMP + 1], a ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC] ld l, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC + 1] ld h, a ld sp, hl ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST] ld l, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST + 1] ld h, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE] ld b, a xor a ; transferred ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESIZE], a .loop rept 3 pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d inc l endr pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l ld [hl], d inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, l ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST], a ld a, h ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLEDEST + 1], a ld hl, [sp + 0] ld a, l ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC], a ld a, h ld [H_VBCOPYDOUBLESRC + 1], a ld a, [H_SPTEMP] ld h, a ld a, [H_SPTEMP + 1] ld l, a ld sp, hl ret VBlankCopy:: ; Copy [H_VBCOPYSIZE] 2bpp tiles ; from H_VBCOPYSRC to H_VBCOPYDEST. ; Source and destination addresses ; are updated, so transfer can ; continue in subsequent calls. ld a, [H_VBCOPYSIZE] and a ret z ld hl, [sp + 0] ld a, h ld [H_SPTEMP], a ld a, l ld [H_SPTEMP + 1], a ld a, [H_VBCOPYSRC] ld l, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1] ld h, a ld sp, hl ld a, [H_VBCOPYDEST] ld l, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1] ld h, a ld a, [H_VBCOPYSIZE] ld b, a xor a ; transferred ld [H_VBCOPYSIZE], a .loop rept 7 pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc l endr pop de ld [hl], e inc l ld [hl], d inc hl dec b jr nz, .loop ld a, l ld [H_VBCOPYDEST], a ld a, h ld [H_VBCOPYDEST + 1], a ld hl, [sp + 0] ld a, l ld [H_VBCOPYSRC], a ld a, h ld [H_VBCOPYSRC + 1], a ld a, [H_SPTEMP] ld h, a ld a, [H_SPTEMP + 1] ld l, a ld sp, hl ret UpdateMovingBgTiles:: ; Animate water and flower ; tiles in the overworld. ld a, [$ffd7] and a ret z ld a, [$ffd8] inc a ld [$ffd8], a cp 20 ret c cp 21 jr z, .flower ld hl, $9140 ld c, $10 ld a, [$d085] inc a and 7 ld [$d085], a and 4 jr nz, .left .right ld a, [hl] rrca ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .right jr .done .left ld a, [hl] rlca ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .left .done ld a, [$ffd7] rrca ret nc xor a ld [$ffd8], a ret .flower xor a ld [$ffd8], a ld a, [$d085] and 3 cp 2 ld hl, FlowerTile1 jr c, .copy ld hl, FlowerTile2 jr z, .copy ld hl, FlowerTile3 .copy ld de, $9030 ld c, $10 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop ret FlowerTile1: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower1.2bpp" FlowerTile2: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower2.2bpp" FlowerTile3: INCBIN "gfx/tilesets/flower/flower3.2bpp" SoftReset:: call StopAllSounds call GBPalWhiteOut ld c, $20 call DelayFrames ; fallthrough Init:: ; Program init. rLCDC_DEFAULT EQU %11100011 ; * LCD enabled ; * Window tile map at $9C00 ; * Window display enabled ; * BG and window tile data at $8800 ; * BG tile map at $9800 ; * 8x8 OBJ size ; * OBJ display enabled ; * BG display enabled di xor a ld [rIF], a ld [rIE], a ld [$ff43], a ld [$ff42], a ld [$ff01], a ld [$ff02], a ld [$ff4b], a ld [$ff4a], a ld [$ff06], a ld [$ff07], a ld [$ff47], a ld [$ff48], a ld [$ff49], a ld a, rLCDC_ENABLE_MASK ld [rLCDC], a call DisableLCD ld sp, wStack ld hl, $c000 ; start of WRAM ld bc, $2000 ; size of WRAM .loop ld [hl], 0 inc hl dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop call ClearVram ld hl, $ff80 ld bc, $ffff - $ff80 call FillMemory call ClearSprites ld a, Bank(WriteDMACodeToHRAM) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call WriteDMACodeToHRAM xor a ld [$ffd7], a ld [$ff41], a ld [$ffae], a ld [$ffaf], a ld [$ff0f], a ld a, 1 << VBLANK + 1 << TIMER + 1 << SERIAL ld [rIE], a ld a, 144 ; move the window off-screen ld [$ffb0], a ld [rWY], a ld a, 7 ld [rWX], a ld a, $ff ld [$ffaa], a ld h, $9800 / $100 ; bg map 0 call ClearBgMap ld h, $9c00 / $100 ; bg map 1 call ClearBgMap ld a, rLCDC_DEFAULT ld [rLCDC], a ld a, 16 ld [hSoftReset], a call StopAllSounds ei ld a, $40 ; PREDEF_SGB_BORDER call Predef ld a, $1f ld [$c0ef], a ld [$c0f0], a ld a, $9c ld [$ffbd], a xor a ld [$ffbc], a dec a ld [$cfcb], a ld a, $32 ; PREDEF_INTRO call Predef call DisableLCD call ClearVram call GBPalNormal call ClearSprites ld a, rLCDC_DEFAULT ld [rLCDC], a jp SetDefaultNamesBeforeTitlescreen ClearVram: ld hl, $8000 ld bc, $2000 xor a jp FillMemory StopAllSounds:: ld a, Bank(Func_9876) ld [$c0ef], a ld [$c0f0], a xor a ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld [$c0ee], a ld [$cfca], a dec a jp PlaySound VBlank:: push af push bc push de push hl ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [$d122], a ld a, [$ffae] ld [rSCX], a ld a, [$ffaf] ld [rSCY], a ld a, [$d0a0] and a jr nz, .ok ld a, [$ffb0] ld [rWY], a .ok call AutoBgMapTransfer call VBlankCopyBgMap call RedrawExposedScreenEdge call VBlankCopy call VBlankCopyDouble call UpdateMovingBgTiles call $ff80 ; hOAMDMA ld a, Bank(PrepareOAMData) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a call PrepareOAMData ; VBlank-sensitive operations end. call Random ld a, [H_VBLANKOCCURRED] and a jr z, .vblanked xor a ld [H_VBLANKOCCURRED], a .vblanked ld a, [H_FRAMECOUNTER] and a jr z, .decced dec a ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER], a .decced call Func_28cb ld a, [$c0ef] ; music ROM bank ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a cp BANK(Func_9103) jr nz, .notbank2 .bank2 call Func_9103 jr .afterMusic .notbank2 cp 8 jr nz, .bank1F .bank8 call Func_2136e call Func_21879 jr .afterMusic .bank1F call Func_7d177 .afterMusic callba Func_18dee ; keep track of time played ld a, [$fff9] and a call z, ReadJoypad ld a, [$d122] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [MBC3RomBank], a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af reti DelayFrame:: ; Wait for the next vblank interrupt. ; As a bonus, this saves battery. NOT_VBLANKED EQU 1 ld a, NOT_VBLANKED ld [H_VBLANKOCCURRED], a .halt ; XXX this is a hack--rgbasm adds ; a nop after halts by default. db $76 ; halt ld a, [H_VBLANKOCCURRED] and a jr nz, .halt ret ; These routines manage gradual fading ; (e.g., entering a doorway) LoadGBPal:: ; 20ba (0:20ba) ld a,[$d35d] ;tells if is dark (requires HM5_FLASH?) ld b,a ld hl,GBPalTable_00 ;16 ld a,l sub b ld l,a jr nc,.jr0 dec h .jr0 ld a,[hli] ld [rBGP],a ld a,[hli] ld [rOBP0],a ld a,[hli] ld [rOBP1],a ret GBFadeOut1:: ; 20d1 (0:20d1) ld hl,IncGradGBPalTable_01 ;0d ld b,$04 jr GBFadeOutCommon GBFadeOut2:: ; 20d8 (0:20d8) ld hl,IncGradGBPalTable_02 ;1c ld b,$03 GBFadeOutCommon:: ; 20dd (0:20dd) ld a,[hli] ld [rBGP],a ld a,[hli] ld [rOBP0],a ld a,[hli] ld [rOBP1],a ld c,8 call DelayFrames dec b jr nz,GBFadeOutCommon ret GBFadeIn1:: ; 20ef (0:20ef) ld hl,DecGradGBPalTable_01 ;18 ld b,$04 jr GBFadeInCommon GBFadeIn2:: ; 20f6 (0:20f6) ld hl,DecGradGBPalTable_02 ;21 ld b,$03 GBFadeInCommon:: ; 20fb (0:20fb) ld a,[hld] ld [rOBP1],a ld a,[hld] ld [rOBP0],a ld a,[hld] ld [rBGP],a ld c,8 call DelayFrames dec b jr nz,GBFadeInCommon ret IncGradGBPalTable_01:: ; 210d (0:210d) db %11111111 ;BG Pal db %11111111 ;OBJ Pal 1 db %11111111 ;OBJ Pal 2 ;and so on... db %11111110 db %11111110 db %11111000 db %11111001 db %11100100 db %11100100 GBPalTable_00:: ; 2116 (0:2116) db %11100100 db %11010000 DecGradGBPalTable_01:: ; 2118 (0:2118) db %11100000 ;19 db %11100100 db %11010000 db %11100000 IncGradGBPalTable_02:: ; 211c (0:211c) db %10010000 db %10000000 db %10010000 db %01000000 db %01000000 DecGradGBPalTable_02:: ; 2121 (0:2121) db %01000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 db %00000000 Serial:: ; 2125 (0:2125) push af push bc push de push hl ld a, [$ffaa] inc a jr z, .asm_2142 ld a, [$ff01] ld [$ffad], a ld a, [$ffac] ld [$ff01], a ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 jr z, .asm_2162 ld a, $80 ld [$ff02], a jr .asm_2162 .asm_2142 ld a, [$ff01] ld [$ffad], a ld [$ffaa], a cp $2 jr z, .asm_215f xor a ld [$ff01], a ld a, $3 ld [rDIV], a ; $ff04 .asm_2153 ld a, [rDIV] ; $ff04 bit 7, a jr nz, .asm_2153 ld a, $80 ld [$ff02], a jr .asm_2162 .asm_215f xor a ld [$ff01], a .asm_2162 ld a, $1 ld [$ffa9], a ld a, $fe ld [$ffac], a pop hl pop de pop bc pop af reti Func_216f:: ; 216f (0:216f) ld a, $1 ld [$ffab], a .asm_2173 ld a, [hl] ld [$ffac], a call Func_219a push bc ld b, a inc hl ld a, $30 .asm_217e dec a jr nz, .asm_217e ld a, [$ffab] and a ld a, b pop bc jr z, .asm_2192 dec hl cp $fd jr nz, .asm_2173 xor a ld [$ffab], a jr .asm_2173 .asm_2192 ld [de], a inc de dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .asm_2173 ret Func_219a:: ; 219a (0:219a) xor a ld [$ffa9], a ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 jr nz, .asm_21a7 ld a, $81 ld [$ff02], a .asm_21a7 ld a, [$ffa9] and a jr nz, .asm_21f1 ld a, [$ffaa] cp $1 jr nz, .asm_21cc call Func_2237 jr z, .asm_21cc call Func_2231 push hl ld hl, $cc48 inc [hl] jr nz, .asm_21c3 dec hl inc [hl] .asm_21c3 pop hl call Func_2237 jr nz, .asm_21a7 jp Func_223f .asm_21cc ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff and $f cp $8 jr nz, .asm_21a7 ld a, [W_NUMHITS] ; $d074 dec a ld [W_NUMHITS], a ; $d074 jr nz, .asm_21a7 ld a, [$d075] dec a ld [$d075], a jr nz, .asm_21a7 ld a, [$ffaa] cp $1 jr z, .asm_21f1 ld a, $ff .asm_21ee dec a jr nz, .asm_21ee .asm_21f1 xor a ld [$ffa9], a ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff and $f sub $8 jr nz, .asm_2204 ld [W_NUMHITS], a ; $d074 ld a, $50 ld [$d075], a .asm_2204 ld a, [$ffad] cp $fe ret nz call Func_2237 jr z, .asm_221f push hl ld hl, $cc48 ld a, [hl] dec a ld [hld], a inc a jr nz, .asm_2219 dec [hl] .asm_2219 pop hl call Func_2237 jr z, Func_223f .asm_221f ld a, [rIE] ; $ffff and $f cp $8 ld a, $fe ret z ld a, [hl] ld [$ffac], a call DelayFrame jp Func_219a Func_2231:: ; 2231 (0:2231) ld a, $f .asm_2233 dec a jr nz, .asm_2233 ret Func_2237:: ; 2237 (0:2237) push hl ld hl, $cc47 ld a, [hli] or [hl] pop hl ret Func_223f:: ; 223f (0:223f) dec a ld [$cc47], a ld [$cc48], a ret Func_2247:: ; 2247 (0:2247) ld hl, $cc42 ld de, $cc3d ld c, $2 ld a, $1 ld [$ffab], a .asm_2253 call DelayFrame ld a, [hl] ld [$ffac], a call Func_219a ld b, a inc hl ld a, [$ffab] and a ld a, $0 ld [$ffab], a jr nz, .asm_2253 ld a, b ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .asm_2253 ret Func_226e:: ; 226e (0:226e) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 callab PrintWaitingText call Func_227f jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 Func_227f:: ; 227f (0:227f) ld a, $ff ld [$cc3e], a .asm_2284 call Func_22c3 call DelayFrame call Func_2237 jr z, .asm_22a0 push hl ld hl, $cc48 dec [hl] jr nz, .asm_229f dec hl dec [hl] jr nz, .asm_229f pop hl xor a jp Func_223f .asm_229f pop hl .asm_22a0 ld a, [$cc3e] inc a jr z, .asm_2284 ld b, $a .asm_22a8 call DelayFrame call Func_22c3 dec b jr nz, .asm_22a8 ld b, $a .asm_22b3 call DelayFrame call Func_22ed dec b jr nz, .asm_22b3 ld a, [$cc3e] ld [$cc3d], a ret Func_22c3:: ; 22c3 (0:22c3) call asm_22d7 ld a, [$cc42] add $60 ld [$ffac], a ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 jr nz, asm_22d7 ld a, $81 ld [$ff02], a asm_22d7:: ; 22d7 (0:22d7) ld a, [$ffad] ld [$cc3d], a and $f0 cp $60 ret nz xor a ld [$ffad], a ld a, [$cc3d] and $f ld [$cc3e], a ret Func_22ed:: ; 22ed (0:22ed) xor a ld [$ffac], a ld a, [$ffaa] cp $2 ret nz ld a, $81 ld [$ff02], a ret Func_22fa:: ; 22fa (0:22fa) ld a, $2 ld [$ff01], a xor a ld [$ffad], a ld a, $80 ld [$ff02], a ret ; timer interrupt is apparently not invoked anyway Timer:: ; 2306 (0:2306) reti Func_2307:: ; 2307 (0:2307) call WaitForSoundToFinish xor a ld c, a ld d, a ld [$cfca], a jr asm_2324 Func_2312:: ; 2312 (0:2312) ld c, $a ld d, $0 ld a, [$d72e] bit 5, a jr z, asm_2324 xor a ld [$cfca], a ld c, $8 ld d, c asm_2324:: ; 2324 (0:2324) ld a, [$d700] and a jr z, .asm_2343 cp $2 jr z, .asm_2332 ld a, MUSIC_BIKE_RIDING jr .asm_2334 .asm_2332 ld a, MUSIC_SURFING .asm_2334 ld b, a ld a, d and a ld a, Bank(Func_7d8ea) jr nz, .asm_233e ld [$c0ef], a .asm_233e ld [$c0f0], a jr .asm_234c .asm_2343 ld a, [$d35b] ld b, a call Func_2385 jr c, .asm_2351 .asm_234c ld a, [$cfca] cp b ret z .asm_2351 ld a, c ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld a, b ld [$cfca], a ld [$c0ee], a jp PlaySound Func_235f:: ; 235f (0:235f) ld a, [$c0ef] ld b, a cp $2 jr nz, .checkForBank08 .bank02 ld hl, Func_9103 jr .asm_2378 .checkForBank08 cp $8 jr nz, .bank1F .bank08 ld hl, Func_21879 jr .asm_2378 .bank1F ld hl, Func_7d177 .asm_2378 ld c, $6 .asm_237a push bc push hl call Bankswitch pop hl pop bc dec c jr nz, .asm_237a ret Func_2385:: ; 2385 (0:2385) ld a, [$d35c] ld e, a ld a, [$c0ef] cp e jr nz, .asm_2394 ld [$c0f0], a and a ret .asm_2394 ld a, c and a ld a, e jr nz, .asm_239c ld [$c0ef], a .asm_239c ld [$c0f0], a scf ret PlayMusic:: ; 23a1 (0:23a1) ld b, a ld [$c0ee], a xor a ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld a, c ld [$c0ef], a ld [$c0f0], a ld a, b ; plays music specified by a. If value is $ff, music is stopped PlaySound:: ; 23b1 (0:23b1) push hl push de push bc ld b, a ld a, [$c0ee] and a jr z, .asm_23c8 xor a ld [$c02a], a ld [$c02b], a ld [$c02c], a ld [$c02d], a .asm_23c8 ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer] and a jr z, .asm_23e3 ld a, [$c0ee] and a jr z, .asm_2425 xor a ld [$c0ee], a ld a, [$cfca] cp $ff jr nz, .asm_2414 xor a ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a .asm_23e3 xor a ld [$c0ee], a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [$ffb9], a ld a, [$c0ef] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a cp $2 jr nz, .checkForBank08 .bank02 ld a, b call Func_9876 jr .asm_240b .checkForBank08 cp $8 jr nz, .bank1F .bank08 ld a, b call Func_22035 jr .asm_240b .bank1F ld a, b call Func_7d8ea .asm_240b ld a, [$ffb9] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a jr .asm_2425 .asm_2414 ld a, b ld [$cfca], a ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer] ld [$cfc8], a ld [$cfc9], a ld a, b ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a .asm_2425 pop bc pop de pop hl ret UpdateSprites:: ; 2429 (0:2429) ld a, [$cfcb] dec a ret nz ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, Bank(_UpdateSprites) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call _UpdateSprites pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret INCLUDE "data/mart_inventories.asm" TextScriptEndingChar:: ; 24d6 (0:24d6) db "@" TextScriptEnd:: ; 24d7 (0:24d7) ld hl,TextScriptEndingChar ret ExclamationText:: ; 24db (0:24db) TX_FAR _ExclamationText db "@" GroundRoseText:: ; 24e0 (0:24e0) TX_FAR _GroundRoseText db "@" BoulderText:: ; 24e5 (0:24e5) TX_FAR _BoulderText db "@" MartSignText:: ; 24ea (0:24ea) TX_FAR _MartSignText db "@" PokeCenterSignText:: ; 24ef (0:24ef) TX_FAR _PokeCenterSignText db "@" Predef5CText:: ; 24f4 (0:24f4) ; XXX better label (what does predef $5C do?) db $08 ; asm ld a, $5c call Predef jp TextScriptEnd ; bankswitches and runs _UncompressSpriteData ; bank is given in a, sprite input stream is pointed to in W_SPRITEINPUTPTR UncompressSpriteData:: ; 24fd (0:24fd) ld b, a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ld a, $a ld [$0], a xor a ld [$4000], a call _UncompressSpriteData pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret ; initializes necessary data to load a sprite and runs UncompressSpriteDataLoop _UncompressSpriteData:: ; 251a (0:251a) ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 ld c, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE) % $100 ld b, (2*SPRITEBUFFERSIZE) / $100 xor a call FillMemory ; clear sprite buffer 1 and 2 ld a, $1 ld [W_SPRITEINPUTBITCOUNTER], a ld a, $3 ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET], a xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; $d0a8 call ReadNextInputByte ; first byte of input determines sprite width (high nybble) and height (low nybble) in tiles (8x8 pixels) ld b, a and $f add a add a add a ld [W_SPRITEHEIGHT], a ld a, b swap a and $f add a add a add a ld [W_SPRITEWITDH], a call ReadNextInputBit ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; initialite bit1 to 0 and bit0 to the first input bit ; this will load two chunks of data to S_SPRITEBUFFER1 and S_SPRITEBUFFER2 ; bit 0 decides in which one the first chunk is placed ; fall through ; uncompresses a chunk from the sprite input data stream (pointed to at $d0da) into S_SPRITEBUFFER1 or S_SPRITEBUFFER2 ; each chunk is a 1bpp sprite. A 2bpp sprite consist of two chunks which are merged afterwards ; note that this is an endless loop which is terminated during a call to MoveToNextBufferPosition by manipulating the stack UncompressSpriteDataLoop:: ; 2556 (0:2556) ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8 bit 0, a jr z, .useSpriteBuffer1 ; check which buffer to use ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 .useSpriteBuffer1 call StoreSpriteOutputPointer ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8 bit 1, a jr z, .startDecompression ; check if last iteration call ReadNextInputBit ; if last chunk, read 1-2 bit unpacking mode and a jr z, .unpackingMode0 ; 0 -> mode 0 call ReadNextInputBit ; 1 0 -> mode 1 inc a ; 1 1 -> mode 2 .unpackingMode0 ld [W_SPRITEUNPACKMODE], a .startDecompression call ReadNextInputBit and a jr z, .readRLEncodedZeros ; if first bit is 0, the input starts with zeroes, otherwise with (non-zero) input .readNextInput call ReadNextInputBit ld c, a call ReadNextInputBit sla c or c ; read next two bits into c and a jr z, .readRLEncodedZeros ; 00 -> RLEncoded zeroes following call WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer ; otherwise write input to output and repeat call MoveToNextBufferPosition jr .readNextInput .readRLEncodedZeros ld c, $0 ; number of zeroes it length encoded, the number .countConsecutiveOnesLoop ; of consecutive ones determines the number of bits the number has call ReadNextInputBit and a jr z, .countConsecutiveOnesFinished inc c jr .countConsecutiveOnesLoop .countConsecutiveOnesFinished ld a, c add a ld hl, LengthEncodingOffsetList add l ld l, a jr nc, .noCarry inc h .noCarry ld a, [hli] ; read offset that is added to the number later on ld e, a ; adding an offset of 2^length - 1 makes every integer uniquely ld d, [hl] ; representable in the length encoding and saves bits push de inc c ld e, $0 ld d, e .readNumberOfZerosLoop ; reads the next c+1 bits of input call ReadNextInputBit or e ld e, a dec c jr z, .readNumberOfZerosDone sla e rl d jr .readNumberOfZerosLoop .readNumberOfZerosDone pop hl ; add the offset add hl, de ld e, l ld d, h .writeZerosLoop ld b, e xor a ; write 00 to buffer call WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer ld e, b call MoveToNextBufferPosition dec de ld a, d and a jr nz, .continueLoop ld a, e and a .continueLoop jr nz, .writeZerosLoop jr .readNextInput ; moves output pointer to next position ; also cancels the calling function if the all output is done (by removing the return pointer from stack) ; and calls postprocessing functions according to the unpack mode MoveToNextBufferPosition:: ; 25d8 (0:25d8) ld a, [W_SPRITEHEIGHT] ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSY] inc a cp b jr z, .curColumnDone ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] inc a ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR], a ret nz ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] inc a ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1], a ret .curColumnDone xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET] and a jr z, .bitOffsetsDone dec a ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET], a ld hl, W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED ld a, [hli] ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR], a ld a, [hl] ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1], a ret .bitOffsetsDone ld a, $3 ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET], a ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSX] add $8 ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEWITDH] cp b jr z, .allColumnsDone ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a inc hl jp StoreSpriteOutputPointer .allColumnsDone pop hl xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8 bit 1, a jr nz, .done ; test if there is one more sprite to go xor $1 set 1, a ld [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS], a ; $d0a8 jp UncompressSpriteDataLoop .done jp UnpackSprite ; writes 2 bits (from a) to the output buffer (pointed to from W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR) WriteSpriteBitsToBuffer:: ; 2649 (0:2649) ld e, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTBITOFFSET] and a jr z, .offset0 cp $2 jr c, .offset1 jr z, .offset2 rrc e ; offset 3 rrc e jr .offset0 .offset1 sla e sla e jr .offset0 .offset2 swap e .offset0 ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a ld a, [hl] or e ld [hl], a ret ; reads next bit from input stream and returns it in a ReadNextInputBit:: ; 2670 (0:2670) ld a, [W_SPRITEINPUTBITCOUNTER] dec a jr nz, .curByteHasMoreBitsToRead call ReadNextInputByte ld [W_SPRITEINPUTCURBYTE], a ld a, $8 .curByteHasMoreBitsToRead ld [W_SPRITEINPUTBITCOUNTER], a ld a, [W_SPRITEINPUTCURBYTE] rlca ld [W_SPRITEINPUTCURBYTE], a and $1 ret ; reads next byte from input stream and returns it in a ReadNextInputByte:: ; 268b (0:268b) ld a, [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR+1] ld h, a ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, l ld [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR], a ld a, h ld [W_SPRITEINPUTPTR+1], a ld a, b ret ; the nth item is 2^n - 1 LengthEncodingOffsetList:: ; 269f (0:269f) dw %0000000000000001 dw %0000000000000011 dw %0000000000000111 dw %0000000000001111 dw %0000000000011111 dw %0000000000111111 dw %0000000001111111 dw %0000000011111111 dw %0000000111111111 dw %0000001111111111 dw %0000011111111111 dw %0000111111111111 dw %0001111111111111 dw %0011111111111111 dw %0111111111111111 dw %1111111111111111 ; unpacks the sprite data depending on the unpack mode UnpackSprite:: ; 26bf (0:26bf) ld a, [W_SPRITEUNPACKMODE] cp $2 jp z, UnpackSpriteMode2 and a jp nz, XorSpriteChunks ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 call SpriteDifferentialDecode ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 ; fall through ; decodes differential encoded sprite data ; input bit value 0 preserves the current bit value and input bit value 1 toggles it (starting from initial value 0). SpriteDifferentialDecode:: ; 26d4 (0:26d4) xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a call StoreSpriteOutputPointer ld a, [W_SPRITEFLIPPED] and a jr z, .notFlipped ld hl, DecodeNybble0TableFlipped ld de, DecodeNybble1TableFlipped jr .storeDecodeTablesPointers .notFlipped ld hl, DecodeNybble0Table ld de, DecodeNybble1Table .storeDecodeTablesPointers ld a, l ld [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE0PTR], a ld a, h ld [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE0PTR+1], a ld a, e ld [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE1PTR], a ld a, d ld [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE1PTR+1], a ld e, $0 ; last decoded nybble, initialized to 0 .decodeNextByteLoop ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a ld a, [hl] ld b, a swap a and $f call DifferentialDecodeNybble ; decode high nybble swap a ld d, a ld a, b and $f call DifferentialDecodeNybble ; decode low nybble or d ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a ld a, b ld [hl], a ; write back decoded data ld a, [W_SPRITEHEIGHT] add l ; move on to next column jr nc, .noCarry inc h .noCarry ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR], a ld a, h ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1], a ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSX] add $8 ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEWITDH] cp b jr nz, .decodeNextByteLoop ; test if current row is done xor a ld e, a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSY] ; move on to next row inc a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEHEIGHT] cp b jr z, .done ; test if all rows finished ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED+1] ld h, a inc hl call StoreSpriteOutputPointer jr .decodeNextByteLoop .done xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ret ; decodes the nybble stored in a. Last decoded data is assumed to be in e (needed to determine if initial value is 0 or 1) DifferentialDecodeNybble:: ; 276d (0:276d) srl a ; c=a%2, a/=2 ld c, $0 jr nc, .evenNumber ld c, $1 .evenNumber ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEFLIPPED] and a jr z, .notFlipped ; determine if initial value is 0 or one bit 3, e ; if flipped, consider MSB of last data jr .selectLookupTable .notFlipped bit 0, e ; else consider LSB .selectLookupTable ld e, l jr nz, .initialValue1 ; load the appropriate table ld a, [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE0PTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE0PTR+1] jr .tableLookup .initialValue1 ld a, [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE1PTR] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEDECODETABLE1PTR+1] .tableLookup ld h, a ld a, e add l ld l, a jr nc, .noCarry inc h .noCarry ld a, [hl] bit 0, c jr nz, .selectLowNybble swap a ; select high nybble .selectLowNybble and $f ld e, a ; update last decoded data ret DecodeNybble0Table:: ; 27a7 (0:27a7) dn $0, $1 dn $3, $2 dn $7, $6 dn $4, $5 dn $f, $e dn $c, $d dn $8, $9 dn $b, $a DecodeNybble1Table:: ; 27af (0:27af) dn $f, $e dn $c, $d dn $8, $9 dn $b, $a dn $0, $1 dn $3, $2 dn $7, $6 dn $4, $5 DecodeNybble0TableFlipped:: ; 27b7 (0:27b7) dn $0, $8 dn $c, $4 dn $e, $6 dn $2, $a dn $f, $7 dn $3, $b dn $1, $9 dn $d, $5 DecodeNybble1TableFlipped:: ; 27bf (0:27bf) dn $f, $7 dn $3, $b dn $1, $9 dn $d, $5 dn $0, $8 dn $c, $4 dn $e, $6 dn $2, $a ; combines the two loaded chunks with xor (the chunk loaded second is the destination). The source chunk is differeintial decoded beforehand. XorSpriteChunks:: ; 27c7 (0:27c7) xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a call ResetSpriteBufferPointers ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ; points to buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a call SpriteDifferentialDecode ; decode buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags call ResetSpriteBufferPointers ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR] ; source buffer, points to buffer 1 or 2, depending on flags ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1] ld h, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED] ; destination buffer, points to buffer 2 or 1, depending on flags ld e, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED+1] ld d, a .xorChunksLoop ld a, [W_SPRITEFLIPPED] and a jr z, .notFlipped push de ld a, [de] ld b, a swap a and $f call ReverseNybble ; if flipped reverse the nybbles in the destination buffer swap a ld c, a ld a, b and $f call ReverseNybble or c pop de ld [de], a .notFlipped ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld a, [de] xor b ld [de], a inc de ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSY] inc a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ; go to next row ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEHEIGHT] cp b jr nz, .xorChunksLoop ; test if column finished xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSY], a ld a, [W_SPRITECURPOSX] add $8 ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ; go to next column ld b, a ld a, [W_SPRITEWITDH] cp b jr nz, .xorChunksLoop ; test if all columns finished xor a ld [W_SPRITECURPOSX], a ret ; reverses the bits in the nybble given in register a ReverseNybble:: ; 2837 (0:2837) ld de, NybbleReverseTable add e ld e, a jr nc, .asm_283f inc d .asm_283f ld a, [de] ret ; resets sprite buffer pointers to buffer 1 and 2, depending on W_SPRITELOADFLAGS ResetSpriteBufferPointers:: ; 2841 (0:2841) ld a, [W_SPRITELOADFLAGS] ; $d0a8 bit 0, a jr nz, .buffer2Selected ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 jr .storeBufferPointers .buffer2Selected ld de, S_SPRITEBUFFER2 ld hl, S_SPRITEBUFFER1 .storeBufferPointers ld a, l ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR], a ld a, h ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1], a ld a, e ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED], a ld a, d ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED+1], a ret ; maps each nybble to its reverse NybbleReverseTable:: ; 2867 (0:2867) db $0, $8, $4, $c, $2, $a, $6 ,$e, $1, $9, $5, $d, $3, $b, $7 ,$f ; combines the two loaded chunks with xor (the chunk loaded second is the destination). Both chunks are differeintial decoded beforehand. UnpackSpriteMode2:: ; 2877 (0:2877) call ResetSpriteBufferPointers ld a, [W_SPRITEFLIPPED] push af xor a ld [W_SPRITEFLIPPED], a ; temporarily clear flipped flag for decoding the destination chunk ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED] ld l, a ld a, [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED+1] ld h, a call SpriteDifferentialDecode call ResetSpriteBufferPointers pop af ld [W_SPRITEFLIPPED], a jp XorSpriteChunks ; stores hl into the output pointers StoreSpriteOutputPointer:: ; 2897 (0:2897) ld a, l ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR], a ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED], a ld a, h ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTR+1], a ld [W_SPRITEOUTPUTPTRCACHED+1], a ret ResetPlayerSpriteData:: ; 28a6 (0:28a6) ld hl, wSpriteStateData1 call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData ld hl, wSpriteStateData2 call ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData ld a, $1 ld [wSpriteStateData1], a ld [$c20e], a ld hl, $c104 ld [hl], $3c ; set Y screen pos inc hl inc hl ld [hl], $40 ; set X screen pos ret ; overwrites sprite data with zeroes ResetPlayerSpriteData_ClearSpriteData:: ; 28c4 (0:28c4) ld bc, $10 xor a jp FillMemory Func_28cb:: ; 28cb (0:28cb) ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer] and a jr nz, .asm_28dc ld a, [$d72c] bit 1, a ret nz ld a, $77 ld [$ff24], a ret .asm_28dc ld a, [$cfc9] and a jr z, .asm_28e7 dec a ld [$cfc9], a ret .asm_28e7 ld a, [$cfc8] ld [$cfc9], a ld a, [$ff24] and a jr z, .asm_2903 ld b, a and $f dec a ld c, a ld a, b and $f0 swap a dec a swap a or c ld [$ff24], a ret .asm_2903 ld a, [wMusicHeaderPointer] ld b, a xor a ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld a, $ff ld [$c0ee], a call PlaySound ld a, [$c0f0] ld [$c0ef], a ld a, b ld [$c0ee], a jp PlaySound ; this function is used to display sign messages, sprite dialog, etc. ; INPUT: [$ff8c] = sprite ID or text ID DisplayTextID:: ; 2920 (0:2920) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af callba DisplayTextIDInit ; initialization ld hl,$cf11 bit 0,[hl] res 0,[hl] jr nz,.skipSwitchToMapBank ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank .skipSwitchToMapBank ld a,30 ; half a second ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a ; used as joypad poll timer ld hl,W_MAPTEXTPTR ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ; hl = map text pointer ld d,$00 ld a,[$ff8c] ; text ID ld [$cf13],a and a jp z,DisplayStartMenu cp a,$d3 ; safari game over jp z,DisplaySafariGameOverText cp a,$d0 ; fainted jp z,DisplayPokemonFaintedText cp a,$d1 ; blacked out jp z,DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText cp a,$d2 ; repel wore off jp z,DisplayRepelWoreOffText ld a,[$d4e1] ; number of sprites ld e,a ld a,[$ff8c] ; sprite ID cp e jr z,.spriteHandling jr nc,.skipSpriteHandling .spriteHandling ; get the text ID of the sprite push hl push de push bc callba Func_13074 ; update the graphics of the sprite the player is talking to (to face the right direction) pop bc pop de ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEDATA ; NPC text entries ld a,[$ff8c] dec a add a add l ld l,a jr nc,.noCarry inc h .noCarry inc hl ld a,[hl] ; a = text ID of the sprite pop hl .skipSpriteHandling ; look up the address of the text in the map's text entries dec a ld e,a sla e add hl,de ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ; hl = address of the text ld a,[hl] ; a = first byte of text ; check first byte of text for special cases cp a,$fe ; Pokemart NPC jp z,DisplayPokemartDialogue cp a,$ff ; Pokemon Center NPC jp z,DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue cp a,$fc ; Item Storage PC jp z,FuncTX_ItemStoragePC cp a,$fd ; Bill's PC jp z,FuncTX_BillsPC cp a,$f9 ; Pokemon Center PC jp z,FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC cp a,$f5 ; Vending Machine jr nz,.notVendingMachine callba VendingMachineMenu ; jump banks to vending machine routine jr AfterDisplayingTextID .notVendingMachine cp a,$f7 ; slot machine jp z,FuncTX_SlotMachine cp a,$f6 ; cable connection NPC in Pokemon Center jr nz,.notSpecialCase callab CableClubNPC jr AfterDisplayingTextID .notSpecialCase call Func_3c59 ; display the text ld a,[$cc3c] and a jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen AfterDisplayingTextID:: ; 29d6 (0:29d6) ld a,[$cc47] and a jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ; wait for a button press after displaying all the text ; loop to hold the dialogue box open as long as the player keeps holding down the A button HoldTextDisplayOpen:: ; 29df (0:29df) call Joypad ld a,[hJoyHeld] bit 0,a ; is the A button being pressed? jr nz,HoldTextDisplayOpen CloseTextDisplay:: ; 29e8 (0:29e8) ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank ld a,$90 ld [$ffb0],a ; move the window off the screen call DelayFrame call LoadGBPal xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable continuous WRAM to VRAM transfer each V-blank ; loop to make sprites face the directions they originally faced before the dialogue ld hl,$c219 ld c,$0f ld de,$0010 .restoreSpriteFacingDirectionLoop ld a,[hl] dec h ld [hl],a inc h add hl,de dec c jr nz,.restoreSpriteFacingDirectionLoop ld a,BANK(InitMapSprites) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call InitMapSprites ; reload sprite tile pattern data (since it was partially overwritten by text tile patterns) ld hl,$cfc4 res 0,[hl] ld a,[$d732] bit 3,a call z,LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call LoadCurrentMapView pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a jp UpdateSprites ; move sprites DisplayPokemartDialogue:: ; 2a2e (0:2a2e) push hl ld hl,PokemartGreetingText call PrintText pop hl inc hl call LoadItemList ld a,$02 ld [$cf94],a ; selects between subtypes of menus ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,Bank(DisplayPokemartDialogue_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call DisplayPokemartDialogue_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a jp AfterDisplayingTextID PokemartGreetingText:: ; 2a55 (0:2a55) TX_FAR _PokemartGreetingText db "@" LoadItemList:: ; 2a5a (0:2a5a) ld a,$01 ld [$cfcb],a ld a,h ld [$d128],a ld a,l ld [$d129],a ld de,$cf7b .loop ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de cp a,$ff jr nz,.loop ret DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue:: ; 2a72 (0:2a72) xor a ld [$ff8b],a ld [$ff8c],a ld [$ff8d],a inc hl ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,Bank(DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call DisplayPokemonCenterDialogue_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a jp AfterDisplayingTextID DisplaySafariGameOverText:: ; 2a90 (0:2a90) callab PrintSafariGameOverText jp AfterDisplayingTextID DisplayPokemonFaintedText:: ; 2a9b (0:2a9b) ld hl,PokemonFaintedText call PrintText jp AfterDisplayingTextID PokemonFaintedText:: ; 2aa4 (0:2aa4) TX_FAR _PokemonFaintedText db "@" DisplayPlayerBlackedOutText:: ; 2aa9 (0:2aa9) ld hl,PlayerBlackedOutText call PrintText ld a,[$d732] res 5,a ld [$d732],a jp HoldTextDisplayOpen PlayerBlackedOutText:: ; 2aba (0:2aba) TX_FAR _PlayerBlackedOutText db "@" DisplayRepelWoreOffText:: ; 2abf (0:2abf) ld hl,RepelWoreOffText call PrintText jp AfterDisplayingTextID RepelWoreOffText:: ; 2ac8 (0:2ac8) TX_FAR _RepelWoreOffText db "@" INCLUDE "engine/menu/start_menu.asm" ; function to count how many bits are set in a string of bytes ; INPUT: ; hl = address of string of bytes ; b = length of string of bytes ; OUTPUT: ; [$D11E] = number of set bits CountSetBits:: ; 2b7f (0:2b7f) ld c,0 .loop ld a,[hli] ld e,a ld d,8 .innerLoop ; count how many bits are set in the current byte srl e ld a,0 adc c ld c,a dec d jr nz,.innerLoop dec b jr nz,.loop ld a,c ld [$d11e],a ; store number of set bits ret ; subtracts the amount the player paid from their money ; sets carry flag if there is enough money and unsets carry flag if not SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney:: ; 2b96 (0:2b96) ld b,BANK(SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_) ld hl,SubtractAmountPaidFromMoney_ jp Bankswitch ; adds the amount the player sold to their money AddAmountSoldToMoney:: ; 2b9e (0:2b9e) ld de,wPlayerMoney + 2 ld hl,$ffa1 ; total price of items ld c,3 ; length of money in bytes ld a,$0b call Predef ; add total price to money ld a,$13 ld [$d125],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; redraw money text box ld a, (SFX_02_5a - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySoundWaitForCurrent ; play sound jp WaitForSoundToFinish ; wait until sound is done playing ; function to remove an item (in varying quantities) from the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [$CF92] = index (within the inventory) of the item to remove ; [$CF96] = quantity to remove RemoveItemFromInventory:: ; 2bbb (0:2bbb) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(RemoveItemFromInventory_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call RemoveItemFromInventory_ pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; function to add an item (in varying quantities) to the player's bag or PC box ; INPUT: ; HL = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [$CF91] = item ID ; [$CF96] = item quantity ; sets carry flag if successful, unsets carry flag if unsuccessful AddItemToInventory:: ; 2bcf (0:2bcf) push bc ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(AddItemToInventory_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call AddItemToInventory_ pop bc ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a pop bc ret ; INPUT: ; [wListMenuID] = list menu ID ; [$cf8b] = address of the list (2 bytes) DisplayListMenuID:: ; 2be6 (0:2be6) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable auto-transfer ld a,1 ld [$ffb7],a ; joypad state update flag ld a,[W_BATTLETYPE] and a ; is it the Old Man battle? jr nz,.specialBattleType ld a,$01 ; hardcoded bank jr .bankswitch .specialBattleType ; Old Man battle ld a, Bank(OldManItemList) .bankswitch call BankswitchHome ld hl,$d730 set 6,[hl] ; turn off letter printing delay xor a ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ld [$d12a],a ld a,[$cf8b] ld l,a ld a,[$cf8c] ld h,a ; hl = address of the list ld a,[hl] ld [$d12a],a ; [$d12a] = number of list entries ld a,$0d ; list menu text box ID ld [$d125],a call DisplayTextBoxID ; draw the menu text box call UpdateSprites ; move sprites FuncCoord 4,2 ; coordinates of upper left corner of menu text box ld hl,Coord ld de,$090e ; height and width of menu text box ld a,[wListMenuID] and a ; is it a PC pokemon list? jr nz,.skipMovingSprites call UpdateSprites ; move sprites .skipMovingSprites ld a,1 ; max menu item ID is 1 if the list has less than 2 entries ld [$cc37],a ld a,[$d12a] cp a,2 ; does the list have less than 2 entries? jr c,.setMenuVariables ld a,2 ; max menu item ID is 2 if the list has at least 2 entries .setMenuVariables ld [wMaxMenuItem],a ld a,4 ld [wTopMenuItemY],a ld a,5 ld [wTopMenuItemX],a ld a,%00000111 ; A button, B button, Select button ld [wMenuWatchedKeys],a ld c,10 call DelayFrames DisplayListMenuIDLoop:: ; 2c53 (0:2c53) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; disable transfer call PrintListMenuEntries ld a,1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED],a ; enable transfer call Delay3 ld a,[W_BATTLETYPE] and a ; is it the Old Man battle? jr z,.notOldManBattle .oldManBattle ld a,"▶" FuncCoord 5,4 ld [Coord],a ; place menu cursor in front of first menu entry ld c,80 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ld hl,Coord ld a,l ld [wMenuCursorLocation],a ld a,h ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1],a jr .buttonAPressed .notOldManBattle call LoadGBPal call HandleMenuInput push af call PlaceMenuCursor pop af bit 0,a ; was the A button pressed? jp z,.checkOtherKeys .buttonAPressed ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor ld a,$01 ld [$d12e],a ld [$d12d],a xor a ld [$cc37],a ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld c,a ld a,[wListScrollOffset] add c ld c,a ld a,[$d12a] ; number of list entries and a ; is the list empty? jp z,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu dec a cp c ; did the player select Cancel? jp c,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu ld a,c ld [wWhichPokemon],a ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,ITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.skipMultiplying ; if it's an item menu sla c ; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2 .skipMultiplying ld a,[$cf8b] ld l,a ld a,[$cf8c] ld h,a inc hl ; hl = beginning of list entries ld b,0 add hl,bc ld a,[hl] ld [$cf91],a ld a,[wListMenuID] and a ; is it a PC pokemon list? jr z,.pokemonList push hl call GetItemPrice pop hl ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,ITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.skipGettingQuantity ; if it's an item menu inc hl ld a,[hl] ; a = item quantity ld [$cf97],a .skipGettingQuantity ld a,[$cf91] ld [$d0b5],a ld a,$01 ld [$d0b7],a call GetName jr .storeChosenEntry .pokemonList ld hl,W_NUMINPARTY ld a,[$cf8b] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld hl,W_PARTYMON1NAME jr z,.getPokemonName ld hl, W_BOXMON1NAME ; box pokemon names .getPokemonName ld a,[wWhichPokemon] call GetPartyMonName .storeChosenEntry ; store the menu entry that the player chose and return ld de,$cd6d call CopyStringToCF4B ; copy name to $cf4b ld a,$01 ld [$d12e],a ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [$d12d],a xor a ld [$ffb7],a ; joypad state update flag ld hl,$d730 res 6,[hl] ; turn on letter printing delay jp BankswitchBack .checkOtherKeys ; check B, SELECT, Up, and Down keys bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed? jp nz,ExitListMenu ; if so, exit the menu bit 2,a ; was the select button pressed? jp nz,HandleItemListSwapping ; if so, allow the player to swap menu entries ld b,a bit 7,b ; was Down pressed? ld hl,wListScrollOffset jr z,.upPressed .downPressed ld a,[hl] add a,3 ld b,a ld a,[$d12a] ; number of list entries cp b ; will going down scroll past the Cancel button? jp c,DisplayListMenuIDLoop inc [hl] ; if not, go down jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop .upPressed ld a,[hl] and a jp z,DisplayListMenuIDLoop dec [hl] jp DisplayListMenuIDLoop DisplayChooseQuantityMenu:: ; 2d57 (0:2d57) ; text box dimensions/coordinates for just quantity FuncCoord 15,9 ld hl,Coord ld b,1 ; height ld c,3 ; width ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.drawTextBox ; text box dimensions/coordinates for quantity and price FuncCoord 7,9 ld hl,Coord ld b,1 ; height ld c,11 ; width .drawTextBox call TextBoxBorder FuncCoord 16,10 ld hl,Coord ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.printInitialQuantity FuncCoord 8,10 ld hl,Coord .printInitialQuantity ld de,InitialQuantityText call PlaceString xor a ld [$cf96],a ; initialize current quantity to 0 jp .incrementQuantity .waitForKeyPressLoop call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a,[hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons bit 0,a ; was the A button pressed? jp nz,.buttonAPressed bit 1,a ; was the B button pressed? jp nz,.buttonBPressed bit 6,a ; was Up pressed? jr nz,.incrementQuantity bit 7,a ; was Down pressed? jr nz,.decrementQuantity jr .waitForKeyPressLoop .incrementQuantity ld a,[$cf97] ; max quantity inc a ld b,a ld hl,$cf96 ; current quantity inc [hl] ld a,[hl] cp b jr nz,.handleNewQuantity ; wrap to 1 if the player goes above the max quantity ld a,1 ld [hl],a jr .handleNewQuantity .decrementQuantity ld hl,$cf96 ; current quantity dec [hl] jr nz,.handleNewQuantity ; wrap to the max quantity if the player goes below 1 ld a,[$cf97] ; max quantity ld [hl],a .handleNewQuantity FuncCoord 17,10 ld hl,Coord ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,PRICEDITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.printQuantity .printPrice ld c,$03 ld a,[$cf96] ld b,a ld hl,$ff9f ; total price ; initialize total price to 0 xor a ld [hli],a ld [hli],a ld [hl],a .addLoop ; loop to multiply the individual price by the quantity to get the total price ld de,$ffa1 ld hl,$ff8d push bc ld a,$0b call Predef ; add the individual price to the current sum pop bc dec b jr nz,.addLoop ld a,[$ff8e] and a ; should the price be halved (for selling items)? jr z,.skipHalvingPrice xor a ld [$ffa2],a ld [$ffa3],a ld a,$02 ld [$ffa4],a ld a,$0d call Predef ; halves the price ; store the halved price ld a,[$ffa2] ld [$ff9f],a ld a,[$ffa3] ld [$ffa0],a ld a,[$ffa4] ld [$ffa1],a .skipHalvingPrice FuncCoord 12,10 ld hl,Coord ld de,SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText call PlaceString ld de,$ff9f ; total price ld c,$a3 call PrintBCDNumber FuncCoord 9,10 ld hl,Coord .printQuantity ld de,$cf96 ; current quantity ld bc,$8102 ; print leading zeroes, 1 byte, 2 digits call PrintNumber jp .waitForKeyPressLoop .buttonAPressed ; the player chose to make the transaction xor a ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ret .buttonBPressed ; the player chose to cancel the transaction xor a ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped ld a,$ff ret InitialQuantityText:: ; 2e30 (0:2e30) db "×01@" SpacesBetweenQuantityAndPriceText:: ; 2e34 (0:2e34) db " @" ExitListMenu:: ; 2e3b (0:2e3b) ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [$d12d],a ld a,$02 ld [$d12e],a ld [$cc37],a xor a ld [$ffb7],a ld hl,$d730 res 6,[hl] call BankswitchBack xor a ld [$cc35],a ; 0 means no item is currently being swapped scf ret PrintListMenuEntries:: ; 2e5a (0:2e5a) FuncCoord 5, 3 ; $c3e1 ld hl,Coord ld b,$09 ld c,$0e call ClearScreenArea ld a,[$cf8b] ld e,a ld a,[$cf8c] ld d,a inc de ; de = beginning of list entries ld a,[wListScrollOffset] ld c,a ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,ITEMLISTMENU ld a,c jr nz,.skipMultiplying ; if it's an item menu ; item entries are 2 bytes long, so multiply by 2 sla a sla c .skipMultiplying add e ld e,a jr nc,.noCarry inc d .noCarry FuncCoord 6,4 ; coordinates of first list entry name ld hl,Coord ld b,4 ; print 4 names .loop ld a,b ld [wWhichPokemon],a ld a,[de] ld [$d11e],a cp a,$ff jp z,.printCancelMenuItem push bc push de push hl push hl push de ld a,[wListMenuID] and a jr z,.pokemonPCMenu cp a,$01 jr z,.movesMenu .itemMenu call GetItemName jr .placeNameString .pokemonPCMenu push hl ld hl,W_NUMINPARTY ld a,[$cf8b] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld hl,W_PARTYMON1NAME jr z,.getPokemonName ld hl, W_BOXMON1NAME ; box pokemon names .getPokemonName ld a,[wWhichPokemon] ld b,a ld a,4 sub b ld b,a ld a,[wListScrollOffset] add b call GetPartyMonName pop hl jr .placeNameString .movesMenu call GetMoveName .placeNameString call PlaceString pop de pop hl ld a,[$cf93] and a ; should prices be printed? jr z,.skipPrintingItemPrice .printItemPrice push hl ld a,[de] ld de,ItemPrices ld [$cf91],a call GetItemPrice ; get price pop hl ld bc,20 + 5 ; 1 row down and 5 columns right add hl,bc ld c,$a3 ; no leading zeroes, right-aligned, print currency symbol, 3 bytes call PrintBCDNumber .skipPrintingItemPrice ld a,[wListMenuID] and a jr nz,.skipPrintingPokemonLevel .printPokemonLevel ld a,[$d11e] push af push hl ld hl,W_NUMINPARTY ld a,[$cf8b] cp l ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? ld a,$00 jr z,.next ld a,$02 .next ld [$cc49],a ld hl,wWhichPokemon ld a,[hl] ld b,a ld a,$04 sub b ld b,a ld a,[wListScrollOffset] add b ld [hl],a call LoadMonData ; load pokemon info ld a,[$cc49] and a ; is it a list of party pokemon or box pokemon? jr z,.skipCopyingLevel .copyLevel ld a,[$cf9b] ld [$cfb9],a .skipCopyingLevel pop hl ld bc,$001c add hl,bc call PrintLevel ; print level pop af ld [$d11e],a .skipPrintingPokemonLevel pop hl pop de inc de ld a,[wListMenuID] cp a,ITEMLISTMENU jr nz,.nextListEntry .printItemQuantity ld a,[$d11e] ld [$cf91],a call IsKeyItem ; check if item is unsellable ld a,[$d124] and a ; is the item unsellable? jr nz,.skipPrintingItemQuantity ; if so, don't print the quantity push hl ld bc,20 + 8 ; 1 row down and 8 columns right add hl,bc ld a,"×" ldi [hl],a ld a,[$d11e] push af ld a,[de] ld [$cf97],a push de ld de,$d11e ld [de],a ld bc,$0102 call PrintNumber pop de pop af ld [$d11e],a pop hl .skipPrintingItemQuantity inc de pop bc inc c push bc inc c ld a,[$cc35] ; ID of item chosen for swapping (counts from 1) and a ; is an item being swapped? jr z,.nextListEntry sla a cp c ; is it this item? jr nz,.nextListEntry dec hl ld a,$ec ; unfilled right arrow menu cursor to indicate an item being swapped ld [hli],a .nextListEntry ld bc,2 * 20 ; 2 rows add hl,bc pop bc inc c dec b jp nz,.loop ld bc,-8 add hl,bc ld a,$ee ; down arrow ld [hl],a ret .printCancelMenuItem ld de,ListMenuCancelText jp PlaceString ListMenuCancelText:: ; 2f97 (0:2f97) db "CANCEL@" GetMonName:: ; 2f9e (0:2f9e) push hl ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(MonsterNames) ; 07 ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld a,[$d11e] dec a ld hl,MonsterNames ; 421E ld c,10 ld b,0 call AddNTimes ld de,$cd6d push de ld bc,10 call CopyData ld hl,$cd77 ld [hl], "@" pop de pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a pop hl ret GetItemName:: ; 2fcf (0:2fcf) ; given an item ID at [$D11E], store the name of the item into a string ; starting at $CD6D push hl push bc ld a,[$D11E] cp HM_01 ; is this a TM/HM? jr nc,.Machine ld [$D0B5],a ld a,ITEM_NAME ld [W_LISTTYPE],a ld a,BANK(ItemNames) ld [$D0B7],a call GetName jr .Finish .Machine call GetMachineName .Finish ld de,$CD6D ; pointer to where item name is stored in RAM pop bc pop hl ret GetMachineName:: ; 2ff3 (0:2ff3) ; copies the name of the TM/HM in [$D11E] to $CD6D push hl push de push bc ld a,[$D11E] push af cp TM_01 ; is this a TM? [not HM] jr nc,.WriteTM ; if HM, then write "HM" and add 5 to the item ID, so we can reuse the ; TM printing code add 5 ld [$D11E],a ld hl,HiddenPrefix ; points to "HM" ld bc,2 jr .WriteMachinePrefix .WriteTM ld hl,TechnicalPrefix ; points to "TM" ld bc,2 .WriteMachinePrefix ld de,$CD6D call CopyData ; now get the machine number and convert it to text ld a,[$D11E] sub TM_01 - 1 ld b,$F6 ; "0" .FirstDigit sub 10 jr c,.SecondDigit inc b jr .FirstDigit .SecondDigit add 10 push af ld a,b ld [de],a inc de pop af ld b,$F6 ; "0" add b ld [de],a inc de ld a,"@" ld [de],a pop af ld [$D11E],a pop bc pop de pop hl ret TechnicalPrefix:: ; 303c (0:303c) db "TM" HiddenPrefix:: ; 303e (0:303e) db "HM" ; sets carry if item is HM, clears carry if item is not HM ; Input: a = item ID IsItemHM:: ; 3040 (0:3040) cp a,HM_01 jr c,.notHM cp a,TM_01 ret .notHM and a ret ; sets carry if move is an HM, clears carry if move is not an HM ; Input: a = move ID IsMoveHM:: ; 3049 (0:3049) ld hl,HMMoves ld de,1 jp IsInArray HMMoves:: ; 3052 (0:3052) db CUT,FLY,SURF,STRENGTH,FLASH db $ff ; terminator GetMoveName:: ; 3058 (0:3058) push hl ld a,MOVE_NAME ld [W_LISTTYPE],a ld a,[$d11e] ld [$d0b5],a ld a,BANK(MoveNames) ld [$d0b7],a call GetName ld de,$cd6d ; pointer to where move name is stored in RAM pop hl ret ; reloads text box tile patterns, current map view, and tileset tile patterns ReloadMapData:: ; 3071 (0:3071) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank call DisableLCD call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call LoadCurrentMapView call LoadTilesetTilePatternData call EnableLCD pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; reloads tileset tile patterns ReloadTilesetTilePatterns:: ; 3090 (0:3090) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,[W_CURMAP] call SwitchToMapRomBank call DisableLCD call LoadTilesetTilePatternData call EnableLCD pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; shows the town map and lets the player choose a destination to fly to ChooseFlyDestination:: ; 30a9 (0:30a9) ld hl,$d72e res 4,[hl] ld b, BANK(LoadTownMap_Fly) ld hl, LoadTownMap_Fly jp Bankswitch ; causes the text box to close waithout waiting for a button press after displaying text DisableWaitingAfterTextDisplay:: ; 30b6 (0:30b6) ld a,$01 ld [$cc3c],a ret ; uses an item ; UseItem is used with dummy items to perform certain other functions as well ; INPUT: ; [$cf91] = item ID ; OUTPUT: ; [$cd6a] = success ; 00: unsucessful ; 01: successful ; 02: not able to be used right now, no extra menu displayed (only certain items use this) UseItem:: ; 30bc (0:30bc) ld b,BANK(UseItem_) ld hl,UseItem_ jp Bankswitch ; confirms the item toss and then tosses the item ; INPUT: ; hl = address of inventory (either wNumBagItems or wNumBoxItems) ; [$cf91] = item ID ; [$cf92] = index of item within inventory ; [$cf96] = quantity to toss ; OUTPUT: ; clears carry flag if the item is tossed, sets carry flag if not TossItem:: ; 30c4 (0:30c4) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(TossItem_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call TossItem_ pop de ld a,d ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; checks if an item is a key item ; INPUT: ; [$cf91] = item ID ; OUTPUT: ; [$d124] = result ; 00: item is not key item ; 01: item is key item IsKeyItem:: ; 30d9 (0:30d9) push hl push de push bc callba IsKeyItem_ pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; function to draw various text boxes ; INPUT: ; [$D125] = text box ID DisplayTextBoxID:: ; 30e8 (0:30e8) ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,BANK(DisplayTextBoxID_) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call DisplayTextBoxID_ pop bc ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret Func_30fd:: ; 30fd (0:30fd) ld a, [$cc57] and a ret nz ld a, [$d736] bit 1, a ret nz ld a, [$d730] and $80 ret Func_310e:: ; 310e (0:310e) ld hl, $d736 bit 0, [hl] res 0, [hl] jr nz, .asm_3146 ld a, [$cc57] and a ret z dec a add a ld d, $0 ld e, a ld hl, .pointerTable_3140 add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [$cc58] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ld a, [$cf10] call CallFunctionInTable pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret .pointerTable_3140 dw PointerTable_1a442 dw PointerTable_1a510 dw PointerTable_1a57d .asm_3146 ld b, BANK(Func_1a3e0) ld hl, Func_1a3e0 jp Bankswitch Func_314e:: ; 314e (0:314e) ld b, BANK(Func_1a41d) ld hl, Func_1a41d jp Bankswitch Func_3156:: ; 3156 (0:3156) ret ; stores hl in [W_TRAINERHEADERPTR] StoreTrainerHeaderPointer:: ; 3157 (0:3157) ld a, h ld [W_TRAINERHEADERPTR], a ld a, l ld [W_TRAINERHEADERPTR+1], a ret ; executes the current map script from the function pointer array provided in hl. ; a: map script index to execute (unless overridden by [$d733] bit 4) ExecuteCurMapScriptInTable:: ; 3160 (0:3160) push af push de call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer pop hl pop af push hl ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733 bit 4, [hl] res 4, [hl] jr z, .useProvidedIndex ; test if map script index was overridden manually ld a, [W_CURMAPSCRIPT] .useProvidedIndex pop hl ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a call CallFunctionInTable ld a, [W_CURMAPSCRIPT] ret LoadGymLeaderAndCityName:: ; 317f (0:317f) push de ld de, wGymCityName ld bc, $11 call CopyData ; load city name pop hl ld de, wGymLeaderName ld bc, $b jp CopyData ; load gym leader name ; reads specific information from trainer header (pointed to at W_TRAINERHEADERPTR) ; a: offset in header data ; 0 -> flag's bit (into wTrainerHeaderFlagBit) ; 2 -> flag's byte ptr (into hl) ; 4 -> before battle text (into hl) ; 6 -> after battle text (into hl) ; 8 -> end battle text (into hl) ReadTrainerHeaderInfo:: ; 3193 (0:3193) push de push af ld d, $0 ld e, a ld hl, W_TRAINERHEADERPTR ld a, [hli] ld l, [hl] ld h, a add hl, de pop af and a jr nz, .nonZeroOffset ld a, [hl] ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a ; store flag's bit jr .done .nonZeroOffset cp $2 jr z, .readPointer ; read flag's byte ptr cp $4 jr z, .readPointer ; read before battle text cp $6 jr z, .readPointer ; read after battle text cp $8 jr z, .readPointer ; read end battle text cp $a jr nz, .done ld a, [hli] ; read end battle text (2) but override the result afterwards (XXX why, bug?) ld d, [hl] ld e, a jr .done .readPointer ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a .done pop de ret TrainerFlagAction:: ld a, $10 ; FlagActionPredef jp Predef ; direct talking to a trainer (rather than getting seen by one) TalkToTrainer:: ; 31cc (0:31cc) call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's bit ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read flag's byte ptr ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a ld b, $2 call TrainerFlagAction ; read trainer's flag ld a, c and a jr z, .trainerNotYetFought ; test trainer's flag ld a, $6 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print after battle text jp PrintText .trainerNotYetFought ; 0x31ed ld a, $4 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; print before battle text call PrintText ld a, $a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; (?) does nothing apparently (maybe bug in ReadTrainerHeaderInfo) push de ld a, $8 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read end battle text pop de call PreBattleSaveRegisters ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733 set 4, [hl] ; activate map script index override (index is set below) ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 bit 0, [hl] ; test if player is already being engaged by another trainer ret nz call EngageMapTrainer ld hl, W_CURMAPSCRIPT inc [hl] ; progress map script index (assuming it was 0 before) to start pre-battle routines jp Func_325d ; checks if any trainers are seeing the player and wanting to fight CheckFightingMapTrainers:: ; 3219 (0:3219) call CheckForEngagingTrainers ld a, [$cf13] cp $ff jr nz, .trainerEngaging xor a ld [$cf13], a ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a ret .trainerEngaging ld hl, W_FLAGS_D733 set 3, [hl] ld [$cd4f], a xor a ld [$cd50], a ld a, $4c call Predef ld a, D_RIGHT | D_LEFT | D_UP | D_DOWN ld [wJoyIgnore], a xor a ldh [$b4], a call TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0 ld hl, W_CURMAPSCRIPT inc [hl] ; progress to battle phase 1 (engaging) ret Func_324c:: ; 324c (0:324c) ld a, [$d730] and $1 ret nz ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld a, [$cf13] ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c call DisplayTextID Func_325d:: ; 325d (0:325d) xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a call InitBattleEnemyParameters ld hl, $d72d set 6, [hl] set 7, [hl] ld hl, $d72e set 1, [hl] ld hl, W_CURMAPSCRIPT inc [hl] ; progress to battle phase 2 (battling) ret EndTrainerBattle:: ; 3275 (0:3275) ld hl, $d126 set 5, [hl] set 6, [hl] ld hl, $d72d res 7, [hl] ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 res 0, [hl] ; player is no longer engaged by any trainer ld a, [W_ISINBATTLE] ; $d057 cp $ff jp z, ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a ld b, $1 call TrainerFlagAction ; flag trainer as fought ld a, [W_ENEMYMONORTRAINERCLASS] cp $c8 jr nc, .skipRemoveSprite ; test if trainer was fought (in that case skip removing the corresponding sprite) ld hl, W_MISSABLEOBJECTLIST ld de, $2 ld a, [$cf13] call IsInArray ; search for sprite ID inc hl ld a, [hl] ld [$cc4d], a ; load corresponding missable object index and remove it ld a, $11 call Predef ; indirect jump to RemoveMissableObject (f1d7 (3:71d7)) .skipRemoveSprite ld hl, $d730 bit 4, [hl] res 4, [hl] ret nz ResetButtonPressedAndMapScript:: ; 32c1 (0:32c1) xor a ld [wJoyIgnore], a ld [hJoyHeld], a ld [hJoyPressed], a ld [hJoyReleased], a ld [W_CURMAPSCRIPT], a ; reset battle status ret ; calls TrainerWalkUpToPlayer TrainerWalkUpToPlayer_Bank0:: ; 32cf (0:32cf) ld b, BANK(TrainerWalkUpToPlayer) ld hl, TrainerWalkUpToPlayer jp Bankswitch ; sets opponent type and mon set/lvl based on the engaging trainer data InitBattleEnemyParameters:: ; 32d7 (0:32d7) ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] ld [W_CUROPPONENT], a ; $d059 ld [W_ENEMYMONORTRAINERCLASS], a cp $c8 ld a, [wEngagedTrainerSet] ; $cd2e jr c, .noTrainer ld [W_TRAINERNO], a ; $d05d ret .noTrainer ld [W_CURENEMYLVL], a ; $d127 ret Func_32ef:: ; 32ef (0:32ef) ld hl, Func_567f9 jr asm_3301 Func_32f4:: ; 32f4 (0:32f4) ld hl, Func_56819 jr asm_3301 ; 0x32f7 $8 Func_32f9:: ; 32f9 (0:32f9) ld hl, Func_5683d jr asm_3301 Func_32fe:: ; 32fe (0:32fe) ld hl, Func_5685d asm_3301:: ; 3301 (0:3301) ld b, BANK(Func_567f9) ; BANK(Func_56819), BANK(Func_5683d), BANK(Func_5685d) jp Bankswitch ; indirect jump to one of the four functions CheckForEngagingTrainers:: ; 3306 (0:3306) xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's bit (unused) ld d, h ; store trainer header address in de ld e, l .trainerLoop call StoreTrainerHeaderPointer ; set trainer header pointer to current trainer ld a, [de] ld [$cf13], a ; store trainer flag's bit ld [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit], a cp $ff ret z ld a, $2 call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; read trainer flag's byte ptr ld b, $2 ld a, [wTrainerHeaderFlagBit] ld c, a call TrainerFlagAction ; read trainer flag ld a, c and a jr nz, .trainerAlreadyFought push hl push de push hl xor a call ReadTrainerHeaderInfo ; get trainer header pointer inc hl ld a, [hl] ; read trainer engage distance pop hl ld [wTrainerEngageDistance], a ld a, [$cf13] swap a ld [wTrainerSpriteOffset], a ; $cd3d ld a, $39 call Predef ; indirect jump to CheckEngagePlayer (5690f (15:690f)) pop de pop hl ld a, [wTrainerSpriteOffset] ; $cd3d and a ret nz ; break if the trainer is engaging .trainerAlreadyFought ld hl, $c add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l jr .trainerLoop ; saves loaded rom bank and hl as well as de registers PreBattleSaveRegisters:: ; 3354 (0:3354) ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [W_PBSTOREDROMBANK], a ld a, h ld [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERH], a ld a, l ld [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERL], a ld a, d ld [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERD], a ld a, e ld [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERE], a ret ; loads data of some trainer on the current map and plays pre-battle music ; [$cf13]: sprite ID of trainer who is engaged EngageMapTrainer:: ; 336a (0:336a) ld hl, W_MAPSPRITEEXTRADATA ld d, $0 ld a, [$cf13] dec a add a ld e, a add hl, de ; seek to engaged trainer data ld a, [hli] ; load trainer class ld [wEngagedTrainerClass], a ld a, [hl] ; load trainer mon set ld [wEnemyMonAttackMod], a ; $cd2e jp PlayTrainerMusic Func_3381:: ; 3381 (0:3381) push hl ld hl, $d72d bit 7, [hl] res 7, [hl] pop hl ret z ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [W_PBSTOREDROMBANK] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a push hl callba SaveTrainerName ld hl, TrainerNameText call PrintText pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a callba Func_1a5e7 jp WaitForSoundToFinish Func_33b7:: ; 33b7 (0:33b7) ld a, [$cf0b] and a jr nz, .asm_33c6 ld a, [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERH] ld h, a ld a, [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERL] ld l, a ret .asm_33c6 ld a, [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERD] ld h, a ld a, [W_PBSTOREDREGISTERE] ld l, a ret TrainerNameText:: ; 33cf (0:33cf) TX_FAR _TrainerNameText db $08 Func_33d4:: ; 33d4 (0:33d4) call Func_33b7 call TextCommandProcessor jp TextScriptEnd Func_33dd:: ; 33dd (0:33dd) ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60] bit 0, a ret nz call EngageMapTrainer xor a ret PlayTrainerMusic:: ; 33e8 (0:33e8) ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] cp $c8 + SONY1 ret z cp $c8 + SONY2 ret z cp $c8 + SONY3 ret z ld a, [W_GYMLEADERNO] ; $d05c and a ret nz xor a ld [wMusicHeaderPointer], a ld a, $ff call PlaySound ; stop music ld a, BANK(Music_MeetEvilTrainer) ld [$c0ef], a ld [$c0f0], a ld a, [wEngagedTrainerClass] ld b, a ld hl, EvilTrainerList .evilTrainerListLoop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .noEvilTrainer cp b jr nz, .evilTrainerListLoop ld a, MUSIC_MEET_EVIL_TRAINER jr .PlaySound .noEvilTrainer ld hl, FemaleTrainerList .femaleTrainerListLoop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .maleTrainer cp b jr nz, .femaleTrainerListLoop ld a, MUSIC_MEET_FEMALE_TRAINER jr .PlaySound .maleTrainer ld a, MUSIC_MEET_MALE_TRAINER .PlaySound ld [$c0ee], a jp PlaySound INCLUDE "data/trainer_types.asm" Func_3442:: ; 3442 (0:3442) ld a, [hli] cp $ff ret z cp b jr nz, .asm_345b ld a, [hli] cp c jr nz, .asm_345c ld a, [hli] ld d, [hl] ld e, a ld hl, $ccd3 call DecodeRLEList dec a ld [$cd38], a ret .asm_345b inc hl .asm_345c inc hl inc hl jr Func_3442 FuncTX_ItemStoragePC:: ; 3460 (0:3460) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2 ld b, BANK(PlayerPC) ld hl, PlayerPC jr bankswitchAndContinue FuncTX_BillsPC:: ; 346a (0:346a) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2 ld b, BANK(Func_214c2) ld hl, Func_214c2 jr bankswitchAndContinue FuncTX_SlotMachine:: ; 3474 (0:3474) ; XXX find a better name for this function ; special_F7 ld b,BANK(CeladonPrizeMenu) ld hl,CeladonPrizeMenu bankswitchAndContinue:: ; 3479 (0:3479) call Bankswitch jp HoldTextDisplayOpen ; continue to main text-engine function FuncTX_PokemonCenterPC:: ; 347f (0:347f) ld b, BANK(ActivatePC) ld hl, ActivatePC jr bankswitchAndContinue Func_3486:: ; 3486 (0:3486) xor a ld [$cd3b], a ld [$c206], a ld hl, $d730 set 7, [hl] ret IsItemInBag:: ; 3493 (0:3493) ; given an item_id in b ; set zero flag if item isn't in player's bag ; else reset zero flag ; related to Pokémon Tower and ghosts ld a,$1C call Predef ld a,b and a ret DisplayPokedex:: ; 349b (0:349b) ld [$d11e], a ld b, BANK(Func_7c18) ld hl, Func_7c18 jp Bankswitch Func_34a6:: ; 34a6 (0:34a6) call Func_34ae ld c, $6 jp DelayFrames Func_34ae:: ; 34ae (0:34ae) ld a, $9 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b call Func_34fc ld a, [$ff8d] ld [hl], a ret Func_34b9:: ; 34b9 (0:34b9) ld de, $fff9 add hl, de ld [hl], a ret ; tests if the player's coordinates are in a specified array ; INPUT: ; hl = address of array ; OUTPUT: ; [$cd3d] = if there is match, the matching array index ; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not ArePlayerCoordsInArray:: ; 34bf (0:34bf) ld a,[W_YCOORD] ld b,a ld a,[W_XCOORD] ld c,a ; fallthrough CheckCoords:: ; 34c7 (0:34c7) xor a ld [$cd3d],a .loop ld a,[hli] cp a,$ff ; reached terminator? jr z,.notInArray push hl ld hl,$cd3d inc [hl] pop hl .compareYCoord cp b jr z,.compareXCoord inc hl jr .loop .compareXCoord ld a,[hli] cp c jr nz,.loop .inArray scf ret .notInArray and a ret ; tests if a boulder's coordinates are in a specified array ; INPUT: ; hl = address of array ; ff8c = which boulder to check? XXX ; OUTPUT: ; [$cd3d] = if there is match, the matching array index ; sets carry if the coordinates are in the array, clears carry if not CheckBoulderCoords:: ; 34e4 (0:34e4) push hl ld hl, $c204 ld a, [$ff8c] swap a ld d, $0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hli] sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4 ld b, a ld a, [hl] sub $4 ; because sprite coordinates are offset by 4 ld c, a pop hl jp CheckCoords Func_34fc:: ; 34fc (0:34fc) ld h, $c1 jr asm_3502 Func_3500:: ; 3500 (0:3500) ld h, $c2 asm_3502:: ; 3502 (0:3502) ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b ld b, a ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c swap a add b ld l, a ret ; decodes a $ff-terminated RLEncoded list ; each entry is a pair of bytes <byte value> <repetitions> ; the final $ff will be replicated in the output list and a contains the number of bytes written ; de: input list ; hl: output list DecodeRLEList:: ; 350c (0:350c) xor a ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; count written bytes here .listLoop ld a, [de] cp $ff jr z, .endOfList ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; store byte value to be written inc de ld a, [de] ld b, $0 ld c, a ; number of bytes to be written ld a, [wRLEByteCount] add c ld [wRLEByteCount], a ; update total number of written bytes ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b call FillMemory ; write a c-times to output inc de jr .listLoop .endOfList ld a, $ff ld [hl], a ; write final $ff ld a, [wRLEByteCount] inc a ; include sentinel in counting ret ; sets movement byte 1 for sprite [$FF8C] to $FE and byte 2 to [$FF8D] SetSpriteMovementBytesToFE:: ; 3533 (0:3533) push hl call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer ld [hl], $fe call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer ld a, [$ff8d] ld [hl], a pop hl ret ; sets both movement bytes for sprite [$FF8C] to $FF SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF:: ; 3541 (0:3541) push hl call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer ld [hl],$FF call GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer ld [hl],$FF ; prevent person from walking? pop hl ret ; returns the sprite movement byte 1 pointer for sprite [$FF8C] in hl GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer:: ; 354e (0:354e) ld h,$C2 ld a,[$FF8C] ; the sprite to move swap a add a,6 ld l,a ret ; returns the sprite movement byte 2 pointer for sprite [$FF8C] in hl GetSpriteMovementByte2Pointer:: ; 3558 (0:3558) push de ld hl,W_MAPSPRITEDATA ld a,[$FF8C] ; the sprite to move dec a add a ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de pop de ret GetTrainerInformation:: ; 3566 (0:3566) call GetTrainerName ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] ; $d12b and a jr nz, .linkBattle ld a, Bank(TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers) call BankswitchHome ld a, [W_TRAINERCLASS] ; $d031 dec a ld hl, TrainerPicAndMoneyPointers ld bc, $5 call AddNTimes ld de, $d033 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a ld de, $d046 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a jp BankswitchBack .linkBattle ld hl, $d033 ld de, RedPicFront ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d ret GetTrainerName:: ; 359e (0:359e) ld b, BANK(GetTrainerName_) ld hl, GetTrainerName_ jp Bankswitch HasEnoughMoney:: ; Check if the player has at least as much ; money as the 3-byte BCD value at $ff9f. ld de, wPlayerMoney ld hl, $ff9f ld c, 3 jp StringCmp HasEnoughCoins:: ; Check if the player has at least as many ; coins as the 2-byte BCD value at $ffa0. ld de, wPlayerCoins ld hl, $ffa0 ld c, 2 jp StringCmp BankswitchHome:: ; 35bc (0:35bc) ; switches to bank # in a ; Only use this when in the home bank! ld [$CF09],a ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [$CF08],a ld a,[$CF09] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret BankswitchBack:: ; 35cd (0:35cd) ; returns from BankswitchHome ld a,[$CF08] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret Bankswitch:: ; 35d6 (0:35d6) ; self-contained bankswitch, use this when not in the home bank ; switches to the bank in b ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld bc,.Return push bc jp [hl] .Return pop bc ld a,b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret ; displays yes/no choice ; yes -> set carry YesNoChoice:: ; 35ec (0:35ec) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters jr DisplayYesNoChoice Func_35f4:: ; 35f4 (0:35f4) ld a, $14 ld [$d125], a call InitYesNoTextBoxParameters jp DisplayTextBoxID InitYesNoTextBoxParameters:: ; 35ff (0:35ff) xor a ld [$d12c], a FuncCoord 14, 7 ; $c43a ld hl, Coord ld bc, $80f ret YesNoChoicePokeCenter:: ; 360a (0:360a) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ld a, $6 ld [$d12c], a FuncCoord 11, 6 ; $c423 ld hl, Coord ld bc, $80c jr DisplayYesNoChoice Func_361a:: ; 361a (0:361a) call SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1 ld a, $3 ld [$d12c], a FuncCoord 12, 7 ; $c438 ld hl, Coord ld bc, $080d DisplayYesNoChoice:: ; 3628 (0:3628) ld a, $14 ld [$d125], a call DisplayTextBoxID jp LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1 ; calculates the difference |a-b|, setting carry flag if a<b CalcDifference:: ; 3633 (0:3633) sub b ret nc cpl add $1 scf ret MoveSprite:: ; 363a (0:363a) ; move the sprite [$FF8C] with the movement pointed to by de ; actually only copies the movement data to $CC5B for later call SetSpriteMovementBytesToFF MoveSprite_:: ; 363d (0:363d) push hl push bc call GetSpriteMovementByte1Pointer xor a ld [hl],a ld hl,$CC5B ld c,0 .loop ld a,[de] ld [hli],a inc de inc c cp a,$FF ; have we reached the end of the movement data? jr nz,.loop ld a,c ld [$CF0F],a ; number of steps taken pop bc ld hl,$D730 set 0,[hl] pop hl xor a ld [$CD3B],a ld [$CCD3],a dec a ld [wJoyIgnore],a ld [$CD3A],a ret Func_366b:: ; 366b (0:366b) push hl ld hl, $ffe7 xor a ld [hld], a ld a, [hld] and a jr z, .asm_367e ld a, [hli] .asm_3676 sub [hl] jr c, .asm_367e inc hl inc [hl] dec hl jr .asm_3676 .asm_367e pop hl ret ; copies the tile patterns for letters and numbers into VRAM LoadFontTilePatterns:: ; 3680 (0:3680) ld a,[rLCDC] bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz,.lcdEnabled .lcdDisabled ld hl,FontGraphics ld de,$8800 ld bc,$400 ld a,BANK(FontGraphics) jp FarCopyDataDouble ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .lcdEnabled ld de,FontGraphics ld hl,$8800 ld bc,(BANK(FontGraphics) << 8 | $80) jp CopyVideoDataDouble ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank ; copies the text box tile patterns into VRAM LoadTextBoxTilePatterns:: ; 36a0 (0:36a0) ld a,[rLCDC] bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz,.lcdEnabled .lcdDisabled ld hl,TextBoxGraphics ld de,$9600 ld bc,$0200 ld a,BANK(TextBoxGraphics) jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .lcdEnabled ld de,TextBoxGraphics ld hl,$9600 ld bc,(BANK(TextBoxGraphics) << 8 | $20) jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank ; copies HP bar and status display tile patterns into VRAM LoadHpBarAndStatusTilePatterns:: ; 36c0 (0:36c0) ld a,[rLCDC] bit 7,a ; is the LCD enabled? jr nz,.lcdEnabled .lcdDisabled ld hl,HpBarAndStatusGraphics ld de,$9620 ld bc,$01e0 ld a,BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics) jp FarCopyData2 ; if LCD is off, transfer all at once .lcdEnabled ld de,HpBarAndStatusGraphics ld hl,$9620 ld bc,(BANK(HpBarAndStatusGraphics) << 8 | $1e) jp CopyVideoData ; if LCD is on, transfer during V-blank ;Fills memory range with the specified byte. ;input registers a = fill_byte, bc = length, hl = address FillMemory:: ; 36e0 (0:36e0) push de ld d, a .loop ld a, d ldi [hl], a dec bc ld a, b or c jr nz, .loop pop de ret ; loads sprite that de points to ; bank of sprite is given in a UncompressSpriteFromDE:: ; 36eb (0:36eb) ld hl, W_SPRITEINPUTPTR ld [hl], e inc hl ld [hl], d jp UncompressSpriteData SaveScreenTilesToBuffer2:: ; 36f4 (0:36f4) ld hl, wTileMap ld de, wTileMapBackup2 ld bc, $168 call CopyData ret LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2:: ; 3701 (0:3701) call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba ret ; loads screen tiles stored in wTileMapBackup2 but leaves H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED disabled LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2DisableBGTransfer:: ; 3709 (0:3709) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba ld hl, wTileMapBackup2 ld de, wTileMap ld bc, $168 call CopyData ret SaveScreenTilesToBuffer1:: ; 3719 (0:3719) ld hl, wTileMap ld de, wTileMapBackup ld bc, $168 jp CopyData LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer1:: ; 3725 (0:3725) xor a ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba ld hl, wTileMapBackup ld de, wTileMap ld bc, $168 call CopyData ld a, $1 ld [H_AUTOBGTRANSFERENABLED], a ; $ffba ret DelayFrames:: ; 3739 (0:3739) ; wait n frames, where n is the value in c call DelayFrame dec c jr nz,DelayFrames ret PlaySoundWaitForCurrent:: ; 3740 (0:3740) push af call WaitForSoundToFinish pop af jp PlaySound ; Wait for sound to finish playing WaitForSoundToFinish:: ; 3748 (0:3748) ld a, [$d083] and $80 ret nz push hl .asm_374f ld hl, $c02a xor a or [hl] inc hl or [hl] inc hl inc hl or [hl] jr nz, .asm_374f pop hl ret NamePointers:: ; 375d (0:375d) dw MonsterNames dw MoveNames dw UnusedNames dw ItemNames dw W_PARTYMON1OT ; player's OT names list dw W_ENEMYMON1OT ; enemy's OT names list dw TrainerNames GetName:: ; 376b (0:376b) ; arguments: ; [$D0B5] = which name ; [$D0B6] = which list (W_LISTTYPE) ; [$D0B7] = bank of list ; ; returns pointer to name in de ld a,[$d0b5] ld [$d11e],a cp a,$C4 ;it's TM/HM jp nc,GetMachineName ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af push hl push bc push de ld a,[W_LISTTYPE] ;List3759_entrySelector dec a jr nz,.otherEntries ;1 = MON_NAMES call GetMonName ld hl,11 add hl,de ld e,l ld d,h jr .gotPtr .otherEntries ; $378d ;2-7 = OTHER ENTRIES ld a,[$d0b7] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ld a,[W_LISTTYPE] ;VariousNames' entryID dec a add a ld d,0 ld e,a jr nc,.skip inc d .skip ; $37a0 ld hl,NamePointers add hl,de ld a,[hli] ld [$ff96],a ld a,[hl] ld [$ff95],a ld a,[$ff95] ld h,a ld a,[$ff96] ld l,a ld a,[$d0b5] ld b,a ld c,0 .nextName ld d,h ld e,l .nextChar ld a,[hli] cp a, "@" jr nz,.nextChar inc c ;entry counter ld a,b ;wanted entry cp c jr nz,.nextName ld h,d ld l,e ld de,$cd6d ld bc,$0014 call CopyData .gotPtr ; $37cd ld a,e ld [$cf8d],a ld a,d ld [$cf8e],a pop de pop bc pop hl pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a ret GetItemPrice:: ; 37df (0:37df) ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [wListMenuID] ; $cf94 cp $1 ld a, $1 ; hardcoded Bank jr nz, .asm_37ed ld a, $f ; hardcoded Bank .asm_37ed ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ld hl, $cf8f ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld a, [$cf91] cp HM_01 jr nc, .asm_3812 ld bc, $3 .asm_3802 add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .asm_3802 dec hl ld a, [hld] ld [$ff8d], a ld a, [hld] ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c ld a, [hl] ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b jr .asm_381c .asm_3812 ld a, Bank(GetMachinePrice) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call GetMachinePrice .asm_381c ld de, H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1 ; $ff8b pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret ; copies a string from [de] to [$cf4b] CopyStringToCF4B:: ; 3826 (0:3826) ld hl, $cf4b ; fall through ; copies a string from [de] to [hl] CopyString:: ; 3829 (0:3829) ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a cp "@" jr nz, CopyString ret ; this function is used when lower button sensitivity is wanted (e.g. menus) ; OUTPUT: [$ffb5] = pressed buttons in usual format ; there are two flags that control its functionality, [$ffb6] and [$ffb7] ; there are esentially three modes of operation ; 1. Get newly pressed buttons only ; ([$ffb7] == 0, [$ffb6] == any) ; Just copies [hJoyPressed] to [$ffb5]. ; 2. Get currently pressed buttons at low sample rate with delay ; ([$ffb7] == 1, [$ffb6] != 0) ; If the user holds down buttons for more than half a second, ; report buttons as being pressed up to 12 times per second thereafter. ; If the user holds down buttons for less than half a second, ; report only one button press. ; 3. Same as 2, but report no buttons as pressed if A or B is held down. ; ([$ffb7] == 1, [$ffb6] == 0) JoypadLowSensitivity:: ; 3831 (0:3831) call Joypad ld a,[$ffb7] ; flag and a ; get all currently pressed buttons or only newly pressed buttons? ld a,[hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons jr z,.storeButtonState ld a,[hJoyHeld] ; all currently pressed buttons .storeButtonState ld [$ffb5],a ld a,[hJoyPressed] ; newly pressed buttons and a ; have any buttons been newly pressed since last check? jr z,.noNewlyPressedButtons .newlyPressedButtons ld a,30 ; half a second delay ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a ret .noNewlyPressedButtons ld a,[H_FRAMECOUNTER] and a ; is the delay over? jr z,.delayOver .delayNotOver xor a ld [$ffb5],a ; report no buttons as pressed ret .delayOver ; if [$ffb6] = 0 and A or B is pressed, report no buttons as pressed ld a,[hJoyHeld] and a,%00000011 ; A and B buttons jr z,.setShortDelay ld a,[$ffb6] ; flag and a jr nz,.setShortDelay xor a ld [$ffb5],a .setShortDelay ld a,5 ; 1/12 of a second delay ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a ret WaitForTextScrollButtonPress:: ; 3865 (0:3865) ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] ; $ff8b push af ld a, [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] ; $ff8c push af xor a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b ld a, $6 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c .asm_3872 push hl ld a, [$d09b] and a jr z, .asm_387c call Func_716c6 .asm_387c FuncCoord 18, 16 ; $c4f2 ld hl, Coord call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming pop hl call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a, $2d call Predef ; indirect jump to Func_5a5f (5a5f (1:5a5f)) ld a, [$ffb5] and A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON jr z, .asm_3872 pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1], a ; $ff8b ret ; (unlass in link battle) waits for A or B being pressed and outputs the scrolling sound effect ManualTextScroll:: ; 3898 (0:3898) ld a, [W_ISLINKBATTLE] ; $d12b cp $4 jr z, .inLinkBattle call WaitForTextScrollButtonPress ld a, (SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 jp PlaySound .inLinkBattle ld c, $41 jp DelayFrames ; function to do multiplication ; all values are big endian ; INPUT ; FF96-FF98 = multiplicand ; FF99 = multiplier ; OUTPUT ; FF95-FF98 = product Multiply:: ; 38ac (0:38ac) push hl push bc callab _Multiply pop bc pop hl ret ; function to do division ; all values are big endian ; INPUT ; FF95-FF98 = dividend ; FF99 = divisor ; b = number of bytes in the dividend (starting from FF95) ; OUTPUT ; FF95-FF98 = quotient ; FF99 = remainder Divide:: ; 38b9 (0:38b9) push hl push de push bc ld a,[H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a,Bank(_Divide) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a call _Divide pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK],a ld [$2000],a pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; This function is used to wait a short period after printing a letter to the ; screen unless the player presses the A/B button or the delay is turned off ; through the [$d730] or [$d358] flags. PrintLetterDelay:: ; 38d3 (0:38d3) ld a,[$d730] bit 6,a ret nz ld a,[$d358] bit 1,a ret z push hl push de push bc ld a,[$d358] bit 0,a jr z,.waitOneFrame ld a,[$d355] and a,$0f ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a jr .checkButtons .waitOneFrame ld a,1 ld [H_FRAMECOUNTER],a .checkButtons call Joypad ld a,[hJoyHeld] .checkAButton bit 0,a ; is the A button pressed? jr z,.checkBButton jr .endWait .checkBButton bit 1,a ; is the B button pressed? jr z,.buttonsNotPressed .endWait call DelayFrame jr .done .buttonsNotPressed ; if neither A nor B is pressed ld a,[H_FRAMECOUNTER] and a jr nz,.checkButtons .done pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; Copies [hl, bc) to [de, bc - hl). ; In other words, the source data is from hl up to but not including bc, ; and the destination is de. CopyDataUntil:: ; 3913 (0:3913) ld a,[hli] ld [de],a inc de ld a,h cp b jr nz,CopyDataUntil ld a,l cp c jr nz,CopyDataUntil ret ; Function to remove a pokemon from the party or the current box. ; wWhichPokemon determines the pokemon. ; [$cf95] == 0 specifies the party. ; [$cf95] != 0 specifies the current box. RemovePokemon:: ; 391f (0:391f) ld hl, _RemovePokemon ld b, BANK(_RemovePokemon) jp Bankswitch AddPokemonToParty:: ; 3927 (0:3927) push hl push de push bc callba _AddPokemonToParty pop bc pop de pop hl ret ; calculates all 5 stats of current mon and writes them to [de] CalcStats:: ; 3936 (0:3936) ld c, $0 .statsLoop inc c call CalcStat ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] ld [de], a inc de ld a, c cp $5 jr nz, .statsLoop ret ; calculates stat c of current mon ; c: stat to calc (HP=1,Atk=2,Def=3,Spd=4,Spc=5) ; b: consider stat exp? ; hl: base ptr to stat exp values ([hl + 2*c - 1] and [hl + 2*c]) CalcStat:: ; 394a (0:394a) push hl push de push bc ld a, b ld d, a push hl ld hl, W_MONHEADER ld b, $0 add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ; read base value of stat ld e, a pop hl push hl sla c ld a, d and a jr z, .statExpDone ; consider stat exp? add hl, bc ; skip to corresponding stat exp value .statExpLoop ; calculates ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) in b xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a inc b ; increment current stat exp bonus ld a, b cp $ff jr z, .statExpDone ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ld a, [hld] ld d, a ld a, [$ff98] sub d ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld a, [$ff97] sbc d ; test if (current stat exp bonus)^2 < stat exp jr c, .statExpLoop .statExpDone srl c pop hl push bc ld bc, $b ; skip to stat IV values add hl, bc pop bc ld a, c cp $2 jr z, .getAttackIV cp $3 jr z, .getDefenseIV cp $4 jr z, .getSpeedIV cp $5 jr z, .getSpecialIV .getHpIV push bc ld a, [hl] ; Atk IV swap a and $1 sla a sla a sla a ld b, a ld a, [hli] ; Def IV and $1 sla a sla a add b ld b, a ld a, [hl] ; Spd IV swap a and $1 sla a add b ld b, a ld a, [hl] ; Spc IV and $1 add b ; HP IV: LSB of the other 4 IVs pop bc jr .calcStatFromIV .getAttackIV ld a, [hl] swap a and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getDefenseIV ld a, [hl] and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getSpeedIV inc hl ld a, [hl] swap a and $f jr .calcStatFromIV .getSpecialIV inc hl ld a, [hl] and $f .calcStatFromIV ld d, $0 add e ld e, a jr nc, .noCarry inc d ; de = Base + IV .noCarry sla e rl d ; de = (Base + IV) * 2 srl b srl b ; b = ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4 ld a, b add e jr nc, .noCarry2 inc d ; da = (Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4 .noCarry2 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a ld a, d ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a xor a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND], a ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; $d127 ld [H_MULTIPLIER], a call Multiply ; ((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND] ld [H_DIVIDEND], a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ld [H_DIVIDEND+1], a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] ld [H_DIVIDEND+2], a ld a, $64 ld [H_DIVISOR], a ld a, $3 ld b, a call Divide ; (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 ld a, c cp $1 ld a, $5 jr nz, .notHPStat ld a, [W_CURENEMYLVL] ; $d127 ld b, a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] add b ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a jr nc, .noCarry3 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] inc a ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level .noCarry3 ld a, $a .notHPStat ld b, a ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] add b ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a jr nc, .noCarry4 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] inc a ; non-HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + 5 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ; HP: (((Base + IV) * 2 + ceil(Sqrt(stat exp)) / 4) * Level) / 100 + Level + 10 .noCarry4 ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+1] ; check for overflow (>999) cp $4 jr nc, .overflow cp $3 jr c, .noOverflow ld a, [H_MULTIPLICAND+2] cp $e8 jr c, .noOverflow .overflow ld a, $3 ; overflow: cap at 999 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+1], a ld a, $e7 ld [H_MULTIPLICAND+2], a .noOverflow pop bc pop de pop hl ret AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty:: ; 3a53 (0:3a53) ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(_AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call _AddEnemyMonToPlayerParty pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret Func_3a68:: ; 3a68 (0:3a68) ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, BANK(Func_f51e) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call Func_f51e pop bc ld a, b ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret ; skips a text entries, each of size $b (like trainer name, OT name, rival name, ...) ; hl: base pointer, will be incremented by $b * a SkipFixedLengthTextEntries:: ; 3a7d (0:3a7d) and a ret z ld bc, $b .skipLoop add hl, bc dec a jr nz, .skipLoop ret AddNTimes:: ; 3a87 (0:3a87) ; add bc to hl a times and a ret z .loop add hl,bc dec a jr nz,.loop ret ; Compare strings, c bytes in length, at de and hl. ; Often used to compare big endian numbers in battle calculations. StringCmp:: ; 3a8e (0:3a8e) ld a,[de] cp [hl] ret nz inc de inc hl dec c jr nz,StringCmp ret ; INPUT: ; a = oam block index (each block is 4 oam entries) ; b = Y coordinate of upper left corner of sprite ; c = X coordinate of upper left corner of sprite ; de = base address of 4 tile number and attribute pairs WriteOAMBlock:: ; 3a97 (0:3a97) ld h,$c3 swap a ; multiply by 16 ld l,a call .writeOneEntry ; upper left push bc ld a,8 add c ld c,a call .writeOneEntry ; upper right pop bc ld a,8 add b ld b,a call .writeOneEntry ; lower left ld a,8 add c ld c,a ; lower right .writeOneEntry ld [hl],b ; Y coordinate inc hl ld [hl],c ; X coordinate inc hl ld a,[de] ; tile number inc de ld [hli],a ld a,[de] ; attribute inc de ld [hli],a ret HandleMenuInput:: ; 3abe (0:3abe) xor a ld [$d09b],a HandleMenuInputPokemonSelection:: ; 3ac2 (0:3ac2) ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] push af ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] push af ; save existing values on stack xor a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; blinking down arrow timing value 1 ld a,$06 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ; blinking down arrow timing value 2 .loop1 xor a ld [$d08b],a ; counter for pokemon shaking animation call PlaceMenuCursor call Delay3 .loop2 push hl ld a,[$d09b] and a ; is it a pokemon selection menu? jr z,.getJoypadState callba AnimatePartyMon ; shake mini sprite of selected pokemon .getJoypadState pop hl call JoypadLowSensitivity ld a,[$ffb5] and a ; was a key pressed? jr nz,.keyPressed push hl FuncCoord 18,11 ; coordinates of blinking down arrow in some menus ld hl,Coord call HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming ; blink down arrow (if any) pop hl ld a,[wMenuJoypadPollCount] dec a jr z,.giveUpWaiting jr .loop2 .giveUpWaiting ; if a key wasn't pressed within the specified number of checks pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; restore previous values xor a ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled],a ; disable menu wrapping ret .keyPressed xor a ld [$cc4b],a ld a,[$ffb5] ld b,a bit 6,a ; pressed Up key? jr z,.checkIfDownPressed .upPressed ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ; selected menu item and a ; already at the top of the menu? jr z,.alreadyAtTop .notAtTop dec a ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ; move selected menu item up one space jr .checkOtherKeys .alreadyAtTop ld a,[wMenuWrappingEnabled] and a ; is wrapping around enabled? jr z,.noWrappingAround ld a,[wMaxMenuItem] ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a ; wrap to the bottom of the menu jr .checkOtherKeys .checkIfDownPressed bit 7,a jr z,.checkOtherKeys .downPressed ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] inc a ld c,a ld a,[wMaxMenuItem] cp c jr nc,.notAtBottom .alreadyAtBottom ld a,[wMenuWrappingEnabled] and a ; is wrapping around enabled? jr z,.noWrappingAround ld c,$00 ; wrap from bottom to top .notAtBottom ld a,c ld [wCurrentMenuItem],a .checkOtherKeys ld a,[wMenuWatchedKeys] and b ; does the menu care about any of the pressed keys? jp z,.loop1 .checkIfAButtonOrBButtonPressed ld a,[$ffb5] and a,%00000011 ; pressed A button or B button? jr z,.skipPlayingSound .AButtonOrBButtonPressed push hl ld hl,wFlags_0xcd60 bit 5,[hl] pop hl jr nz,.skipPlayingSound ld a,(SFX_02_40 - SFX_Headers_02) / 3 call PlaySound ; play sound .skipPlayingSound pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a pop af ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ; restore previous values xor a ld [wMenuWrappingEnabled],a ; disable menu wrapping ld a,[$ffb5] ret .noWrappingAround ld a,[$cc37] and a ; should we return if the user tried to go past the top or bottom? jr z,.checkOtherKeys jr .checkIfAButtonOrBButtonPressed PlaceMenuCursor:: ; 3b7c (0:3b7c) ld a,[wTopMenuItemY] and a ; is the y coordinate 0? jr z,.adjustForXCoord ld hl,wTileMap ld bc,20 ; screen width .topMenuItemLoop add hl,bc dec a jr nz,.topMenuItemLoop .adjustForXCoord ld a,[wTopMenuItemX] ld b,$00 ld c,a add hl,bc push hl ld a,[wLastMenuItem] and a ; was the previous menu id 0? jr z,.checkForArrow1 push af ld a,[$fff6] bit 1,a ; is the menu double spaced? jr z,.doubleSpaced1 ld bc,20 jr .getOldMenuItemScreenPosition .doubleSpaced1 ld bc,40 .getOldMenuItemScreenPosition pop af .oldMenuItemLoop add hl,bc dec a jr nz,.oldMenuItemLoop .checkForArrow1 ld a,[hl] cp a,"▶" ; was an arrow next to the previously selected menu item? jr nz,.skipClearingArrow .clearArrow ld a,[wTileBehindCursor] ld [hl],a .skipClearingArrow pop hl ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] and a jr z,.checkForArrow2 push af ld a,[$fff6] bit 1,a ; is the menu double spaced? jr z,.doubleSpaced2 ld bc,20 jr .getCurrentMenuItemScreenPosition .doubleSpaced2 ld bc,40 .getCurrentMenuItemScreenPosition pop af .currentMenuItemLoop add hl,bc dec a jr nz,.currentMenuItemLoop .checkForArrow2 ld a,[hl] cp a,"▶" ; has the right arrow already been placed? jr z,.skipSavingTile ; if so, don't lose the saved tile ld [wTileBehindCursor],a ; save tile before overwriting with right arrow .skipSavingTile ld a,"▶" ; place right arrow ld [hl],a ld a,l ld [wMenuCursorLocation],a ld a,h ld [wMenuCursorLocation + 1],a ld a,[wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wLastMenuItem],a ret ; This is used to mark a menu cursor other than the one currently being ; manipulated. In the case of submenus, this is used to show the location of ; the menu cursor in the parent menu. In the case of swapping items in list, ; this is used to mark the item that was first chosen to be swapped. PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor:: ; 3bec (0:3bec) ld b,a ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation] ld l,a ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h,a ld [hl],$ec ; outline of right arrow ld a,b ret ; Replaces the menu cursor with a blank space. EraseMenuCursor:: ; 3bf9 (0:3bf9) ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation] ld l,a ld a,[wMenuCursorLocation + 1] ld h,a ld [hl]," " ret ; This toggles a blinking down arrow at hl on and off after a delay has passed. ; This is often called even when no blinking is occurring. ; The reason is that most functions that call this initialize H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1 to 0. ; The effect is that if the tile at hl is initialized with a down arrow, ; this function will toggle that down arrow on and off, but if the tile isn't ; initliazed with a down arrow, this function does nothing. ; That allows this to be called without worrying about if a down arrow should ; be blinking. HandleDownArrowBlinkTiming:: ; 3c04 (0:3c04) ld a,[hl] ld b,a ld a,$ee ; down arrow cp b jr nz,.downArrowOff .downArrowOn ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ret nz ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ret nz ld a," " ld [hl],a ld a,$ff ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ld a,$06 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ret .downArrowOff ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1] and a ret z dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ret nz dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT1],a ld a,[H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2] dec a ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ret nz ld a,$06 ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2],a ld a,$ee ; down arrow ld [hl],a ret ; The following code either enables or disables the automatic drawing of ; text boxes by DisplayTextID. Both functions cause DisplayTextID to wait ; for a button press after displaying text (unless [$cc47] is set). EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: ; 3c3c (0:3c3c) xor a jr AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon DisableAutoTextBoxDrawing:: ; 3c3f (0:3c3f) ld a,$01 AutoTextBoxDrawingCommon:: ; 3c41 (0:3c41) ld [$cf0c],a ; control text box drawing xor a ld [$cc3c],a ; make DisplayTextID wait for button press ret PrintText:: ; 3c49 (0:3c49) ; given a pointer in hl, print the text there push hl ld a,1 ld [$D125],a call DisplayTextBoxID call UpdateSprites call Delay3 pop hl Func_3c59:: ; 3c59 (0:3c59) FuncCoord 1,14 ld bc,Coord ;$C4B9 jp TextCommandProcessor ; converts a big-endian binary number into decimal and prints it ; INPUT: ; b = flags and number of bytes ; bit 7: if set, print leading zeroes ; if unset, do not print leading zeroes ; bit 6: if set, left-align the string (do not pad empty digits with spaces) ; if unset, right-align the string ; bits 4-5: unused ; bits 0-3: number of bytes (only 1 - 3 bytes supported) ; c = number of decimal digits ; de = address of the number (big-endian) PrintNumber:: ; 3c5f (0:3c5f) push bc xor a ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES],a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a ld a,b and a,%00001111 cp a,1 jr z,.oneByte cp a,2 jr z,.twoBytes .threeBytes ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a jr .checkNumDigits .twoBytes ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a inc de ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a jr .checkNumDigits .oneByte ld a,[de] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a .checkNumDigits push de ld d,b ld a,c ld b,a xor a ld c,a ld a,b ; a = number of decimal digits cp a,2 jr z,.tensPlace cp a,3 jr z,.hundredsPlace cp a,4 jr z,.thousandsPlace cp a,5 jr z,.tenThousandsPlace cp a,6 jr z,.hundredThousandsPlace .millionsPlace ld a,1000000 >> 16 ld [H_POWEROFTEN],a ld a,(1000000 >> 8) & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a ld a,1000000 & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a call PrintNumber_PrintDigit call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .hundredThousandsPlace ld a,100000 >> 16 ld [H_POWEROFTEN],a ld a,(100000 >> 8) & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a ld a,100000 & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a call PrintNumber_PrintDigit call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .tenThousandsPlace xor a ld [H_POWEROFTEN],a ld a,10000 >> 8 ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a ld a,10000 & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a call PrintNumber_PrintDigit call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .thousandsPlace xor a ld [H_POWEROFTEN],a ld a,1000 >> 8 ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a ld a,1000 & $FF ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a call PrintNumber_PrintDigit call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .hundredsPlace xor a ld [H_POWEROFTEN],a xor a ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 1],a ld a,100 ld [H_POWEROFTEN + 2],a call PrintNumber_PrintDigit call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .tensPlace ld c,00 ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] .loop cp a,10 jr c,.underflow sub a,10 inc c jr .loop .underflow ld b,a ld a,[H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] or c ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES],a jr nz,.pastLeadingZeroes call PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero jr .advancePointer .pastLeadingZeroes ld a,"0" add c ld [hl],a .advancePointer call PrintNumber_AdvancePointer .onesPlace ld a,"0" add b ld [hli],a pop de dec de pop bc ret ; prints a decimal digit ; This works by repeatedely subtracting a power of ten until the number becomes negative. ; The number of subtractions it took in order to make the number negative is the digit for the current number place. ; The last value that the number had before becoming negative is kept as the new value of the number. ; A more succinct description is that the number is divided by a power of ten ; and the quotient becomes the digit while the remainder is stored as the new value of the number. PrintNumber_PrintDigit:: ; 3d25 (0:3d25) ld c,0 ; counts number of loop iterations to determine the decimal digit .loop ld a,[H_POWEROFTEN] ld b,a ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT],a cp b jr c,.underflow0 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a ld a,[H_POWEROFTEN + 1] ld b,a ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 1],a cp b jr nc,.noBorrowForByte1 .byte1BorrowFromByte0 ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT] or a,0 jr z,.underflow1 dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] .noBorrowForByte1 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a ld a,[H_POWEROFTEN + 2] ld b,a ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] ld [H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 2],a cp b jr nc,.noBorrowForByte2 .byte2BorrowFromByte1 ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 1] and a jr nz,.finishByte2BorrowFromByte1 .byte2BorrowFromByte0 ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT] and a jr z,.underflow2 dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a xor a .finishByte2BorrowFromByte1 dec a ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a ld a,[H_NUMTOPRINT + 2] .noBorrowForByte2 sub b ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 2],a inc c jr .loop .underflow2 ld a,[H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT + 1] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT + 1],a .underflow1 ld a,[H_SAVEDNUMTOPRINT] ld [H_NUMTOPRINT],a .underflow0 ld a,[H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] or c jr z,PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero ld a,"0" add c ld [hl],a ld [H_PASTLEADINGZEROES],a ret ; prints a leading zero unless they are turned off in the flags PrintNumber_PrintLeadingZero:: ; 3d83 (0:3d83) bit 7,d ; print leading zeroes? ret z ld [hl],"0" ret ; increments the pointer unless leading zeroes are not being printed, ; the number is left-aligned, and no nonzero digits have been printed yet PrintNumber_AdvancePointer:: ; 3d89 (0:3d89) bit 7,d ; print leading zeroes? jr nz,.incrementPointer bit 6,d ; left alignment or right alignment? jr z,.incrementPointer ld a,[H_PASTLEADINGZEROES] and a ret z .incrementPointer inc hl ret ; calls a function from a table of function pointers ; INPUT: ; a = index within table ; hl = address of function pointer table CallFunctionInTable:: ; 3d97 (0:3d97) push hl push de push bc add a ld d,0 ld e,a add hl,de ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ld de,.returnAddress push de jp [hl] .returnAddress pop bc pop de pop hl ret IsInArray:: ; Search an array at hl for the value in a. ; Entry size is de bytes. ; Return count b and carry if found. ld b, 0 IsInRestOfArray:: ld c, a .loop ld a, [hl] cp -1 jr z, .notfound cp c jr z, .found inc b add hl, de jr .loop .notfound and a ret .found scf ret Func_3dbe:: ; 3dbe (0:3dbe) call ClearSprites ld a, $1 ld [$cfcb], a call Func_3e08 call LoadScreenTilesFromBuffer2 call LoadTextBoxTilePatterns call GoPAL_SET_CF1C jr Delay3 GBPalWhiteOutWithDelay3:: call GBPalWhiteOut Delay3:: ; The bg map is updated each frame in thirds. ; Wait three frames to let the bg map fully update. ld c, 3 jp DelayFrames GBPalNormal:: ; Reset BGP and OBP0. ld a, %11100100 ; 3210 ld [rBGP], a ld a, %11010000 ; 3100 ld [rOBP0], a ret GBPalWhiteOut:: ; White out all palettes. xor a ld [rBGP],a ld [rOBP0],a ld [rOBP1],a ret GoPAL_SET_CF1C:: ; 3ded (0:3ded) ld b,$ff GoPAL_SET:: ; 3def (0:3def) ld a,[$cf1b] and a ret z ld a,$45 jp Predef GetHealthBarColor:: ; Return at hl the palette of ; an HP bar e pixels long. ld a, e cp 27 ld d, 0 ; green jr nc, .gotColor cp 10 inc d ; yellow jr nc, .gotColor inc d ; red .gotColor ld [hl], d ret Func_3e08:: ; 3e08 (0:3e08) ld hl, $cfc4 ld a, [hl] push af res 0, [hl] push hl xor a ld [W_SPRITESETID], a ; $d3a8 call DisableLCD callba InitMapSprites call EnableLCD pop hl pop af ld [hl], a call LoadPlayerSpriteGraphics call LoadFontTilePatterns jp UpdateSprites GiveItem:: ; Give player quantity c of item b, ; and copy the item's name to $cf4b. ; Return carry on success. ld a, b ld [$d11e], a ld [$cf91], a ld a, c ld [$cf96], a ld hl,wNumBagItems call AddItemToInventory ret nc call GetItemName call CopyStringToCF4B scf ret GivePokemon:: ; Give the player monster b at level c. ld a, b ld [$cf91], a ld a, c ld [$d127], a xor a ld [$cc49], a ld b, BANK(_GivePokemon) ld hl, _GivePokemon jp Bankswitch Random:: ; Return a random number in a. ; For battles, use BattleRandom. push hl push de push bc callba Random_ ld a,[hRandomAdd] pop bc pop de pop hl ret Predef:: ; Call predefined function a. ; To preserve other registers, have the ; destination call GetPredefRegisters. ; Save the predef id for GetPredefPointer. ld [wPredefID], a ; A hack for LoadDestinationWarpPosition. ; See Func_c754 (predef $19). ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] ld [wPredefParentBank], a push af ld a, BANK(GetPredefPointer) ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a call GetPredefPointer ld a, [wPredefBank] ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ld de, .done push de jp [hl] .done pop af ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld [$2000], a ret GetPredefRegisters:: ; Restore the contents of register pairs ; when GetPredefPointer was called. ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 0] ld h, a ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 1] ld l, a ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 2] ld d, a ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 3] ld e, a ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 4] ld b, a ld a, [wPredefRegisters + 5] ld c, a ret Func_3ead:: ; 3ead (0:3ead) ld b, BANK(CinnabarGymQuiz_1eb0a) ld hl, CinnabarGymQuiz_1eb0a jp Bankswitch Func_3eb5:: ; 3eb5 (0:3eb5) ld a, [H_LOADEDROMBANK] push af ld a, [hJoyHeld] bit 0, a jr z, .asm_3eea ld a, Bank(Func_469a0) ld [$2000], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a call Func_469a0 ld a, [$ffee] and a jr nz, .asm_3edd ld a, [$cd3e] ld [$2000], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ld de, .asm_3eda push de jp [hl] .asm_3eda xor a jr .asm_3eec .asm_3edd callba PrintBookshelfText ld a, [$ffdb] and a jr z, .asm_3eec .asm_3eea ld a, $ff .asm_3eec ld [$ffeb], a pop af ld [$2000], a ld [H_LOADEDROMBANK], a ret PrintPredefTextID:: ; 3ef5 (0:3ef5) ld [H_DOWNARROWBLINKCNT2], a ; $ff8c ld hl, PointerTable_3f22 call Func_3f0f ld hl, $cf11 set 0, [hl] call DisplayTextID Func_3f05:: ; 3f05 (0:3f05) ld hl, W_MAPTEXTPTR ; $d36c ld a, [$ffec] ld [hli], a ld a, [$ffed] ld [hl], a ret Func_3f0f:: ; 3f0f (0:3f0f) ld a, [W_MAPTEXTPTR] ; $d36c ld [$ffec], a ld a, [$d36d] ld [$ffed], a ld a, l ld [W_MAPTEXTPTR], a ; $d36c ld a, h ld [$d36d], a ret PointerTable_3f22:: ; 3f22 (0:3f22) dw CardKeySuccessText ; id = 01 dw CardKeyFailText ; id = 02 dw RedBedroomPC ; id = 03 dw RedBedroomSNESText ; id = 04 dw PushStartText ; id = 05 dw SaveOptionText ; id = 06 dw StrengthsAndWeaknessesText ; id = 07 dw OakLabEmailText ; id = 08 dw AerodactylFossilText ; id = 09 dw Route15UpstairsBinocularsText ; id = 0A dw KabutopsFossilText ; id = 0B dw GymStatueText1 ; id = 0C dw GymStatueText2 ; id = 0D dw BookcaseText ; id = 0E dw ViridianCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 0F dw PewterCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 10 dw CeruleanCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 11 dw LavenderCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 12 dw VermilionCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 13 dw CeladonCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 14 dw CeladonCityHotelText ; id = 15 dw FuchsiaCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 16 dw CinnabarIslandPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 17 dw SaffronCityPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 18 dw MtMoonPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 19 dw RockTunnelPokecenterBenchGuyText ; id = 1A dw UnusedBenchGuyText1 ; id = 1B dw UnusedBenchGuyText2 ; id = 1C dw UnusedBenchGuyText3 ; id = 1D dw TerminatorText_62508 ; id = 1E dw PredefText1f ; id = 1F dw ViridianSchoolNotebook ; id = 20 dw ViridianSchoolBlackboard ; id = 21 dw JustAMomentText ; id = 22 dw PredefText23 ; id = 23 dw FoundHiddenItemText ; id = 24 dw HiddenItemBagFullText ; id = 25 dw VermilionGymTrashText ; id = 26 dw IndigoPlateauHQText ; id = 27 dw GameCornerOutOfOrderText ; id = 28 dw GameCornerOutToLunchText ; id = 29 dw GameCornerSomeonesKeysText ; id = 2A dw FoundHiddenCoinsText ; id = 2B dw DroppedHiddenCoinsText ; id = 2C dw BillsHouseMonitorText ; id = 2D dw BillsHouseInitiatedText ; id = 2E dw BillsHousePokemonList ; id = 2F dw MagazinesText ; id = 30 dw CinnabarGymQuiz ; id = 31 dw GameCornerNoCoinsText ; id = 32 dw GameCornerCoinCaseText ; id = 33 dw LinkCableHelp ; id = 34 dw TMNotebook ; id = 35 dw FightingDojoText ; id = 36 dw FightingDojoText_52a10 ; id = 37 dw FightingDojoText_52a1d ; id = 38 dw NewBicycleText ; id = 39 dw IndigoPlateauStatues ; id = 3A dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText1 ; id = 3B dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText2 ; id = 3C dw VermilionGymTrashSuccesText3 ; id = 3D dw VermilionGymTrashFailText ; id = 3E dw TownMapText ; id = 3F dw BookOrSculptureText ; id = 40 dw ElevatorText ; id = 41 dw PokemonStuffText ; id = 42