ref: 2e2a25fec13fc66a25f4187590d95c326db988f3
dir: /engine/overworld/wild_mons.asm/
LoadWildData: ld hl,WildDataPointers ld a,[wCurMap] ; get wild data for current map ld c,a ld b,0 add hl,bc add hl,bc ld a,[hli] ld h,[hl] ld l,a ; hl now points to wild data for current map ld a,[hli] ld [wGrassRate],a and a jr z,.NoGrassData ; if no grass data, skip to surfing data push hl ld de,wGrassMons ; otherwise, load grass data ld bc,$0014 call CopyData pop hl ld bc,$0014 add hl,bc .NoGrassData ld a,[hli] ld [wWaterRate],a and a ret z ; if no water data, we're done ld de,wWaterMons ; otherwise, load surfing data ld bc,$0014 jp CopyData INCLUDE "data/wild_mons.asm"