ref: 1b9540cc49f76626445d2cb5744be1e81c709ca8
dir: /engine/events/hidden_objects/cinnabar_gym_quiz.asm/
PrintCinnabarQuiz: ld a, [wSpritePlayerStateData1FacingDirection] cp SPRITE_FACING_UP ret nz call EnableAutoTextBoxDrawing tx_pre_jump CinnabarGymQuiz CinnabarGymQuiz:: text_asm xor a ld [wOpponentAfterWrongAnswer], a ld a, [wHiddenObjectFunctionArgument] push af and $f ldh [hGymGateIndex], a pop af and $f0 swap a ldh [hGymGateAnswer], a ld hl, CinnabarGymQuizIntroText call PrintText ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] dec a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a ld hl, CinnabarQuizQuestions add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a call PrintText ld a, 1 ld [wDoNotWaitForButtonPressAfterDisplayingText], a call CinnabarGymQuiz_AskQuestion jp TextScriptEnd CinnabarGymQuizIntroText: text_far _CinnabarGymQuizIntroText text_end CinnabarQuizQuestions: dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1 dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2 dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3 dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4 dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5 dw CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6 CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText1 text_end CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText2 text_end CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText3 text_end CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText4 text_end CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText5 text_end CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6: text_far _CinnabarQuizQuestionsText6 text_end CinnabarGymGateFlagAction: EventFlagAddress hl, EVENT_CINNABAR_GYM_GATE0_UNLOCKED predef_jump FlagActionPredef CinnabarGymQuiz_AskQuestion: call YesNoChoice ldh a, [hGymGateAnswer] ld c, a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] cp c jr nz, .wrongAnswer ld hl, wCurrentMapScriptFlags set 5, [hl] ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] ldh [hBackupGymGateIndex], a ld hl, CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText call PrintText ldh a, [hBackupGymGateIndex] AdjustEventBit EVENT_CINNABAR_GYM_GATE0_UNLOCKED, 0 ld c, a ld b, FLAG_SET call CinnabarGymGateFlagAction jp UpdateCinnabarGymGateTileBlocks_ .wrongAnswer call WaitForSoundToFinish ld a, SFX_DENIED call PlaySound call WaitForSoundToFinish ld hl, CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText call PrintText ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] add $2 AdjustEventBit EVENT_BEAT_CINNABAR_GYM_TRAINER_0, 2 ld c, a ld b, FLAG_TEST EventFlagAddress hl, EVENT_BEAT_CINNABAR_GYM_TRAINER_0 predef FlagActionPredef ld a, c and a ret nz ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] add $2 ld [wOpponentAfterWrongAnswer], a ret CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText: sound_get_item_1 text_far _CinnabarGymQuizCorrectText text_promptbutton text_asm ldh a, [hBackupGymGateIndex] AdjustEventBit EVENT_CINNABAR_GYM_GATE0_UNLOCKED, 0 ld c, a ld b, FLAG_TEST call CinnabarGymGateFlagAction ld a, c and a jp nz, TextScriptEnd call WaitForSoundToFinish ld a, SFX_GO_INSIDE call PlaySound call WaitForSoundToFinish jp TextScriptEnd CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText: text_far _CinnabarGymQuizIncorrectText text_end UpdateCinnabarGymGateTileBlocks_:: ; Update the overworld map with open floor blocks or locked gate blocks ; depending on event flags. ld a, 6 ldh [hGymGateIndex], a .loop ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] dec a add a add a ld d, 0 ld e, a ld hl, CinnabarGymGateCoords add hl, de ld a, [hli] ld b, [hl] ld c, a inc hl ld a, [hl] ld [wGymGateTileBlock], a push bc ldh a, [hGymGateIndex] ldh [hBackupGymGateIndex], a AdjustEventBit EVENT_CINNABAR_GYM_GATE0_UNLOCKED, 0 ld c, a ld b, FLAG_TEST call CinnabarGymGateFlagAction ld a, c and a jr nz, .unlocked ld a, [wGymGateTileBlock] jr .next .unlocked ld a, $e .next pop bc ld [wNewTileBlockID], a predef ReplaceTileBlock ld hl, hGymGateIndex dec [hl] jr nz, .loop ret MACRO gym_gate_coord db \1, \2, \3, 0 ENDM DEF HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK EQU $54 DEF VERTICAL_GATE_BLOCK EQU $5f CinnabarGymGateCoords: ; x coord, y coord, block id gym_gate_coord 9, 3, HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK gym_gate_coord 6, 3, HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK gym_gate_coord 6, 6, HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK gym_gate_coord 3, 8, VERTICAL_GATE_BLOCK gym_gate_coord 2, 6, HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK gym_gate_coord 2, 3, HORIZONTAL_GATE_BLOCK