in-battle enemy move selection routines
Point out an unused warp noticed by Torchickens.
Removed more incbins from scripts.
Remove more incbins from scripts.
Remove more incbins from scripts.
Remove more incbins from scripts.
Remove more incbins from scripts.
Remove another incbin from script.
Remove another incbin from scripts.
Remove more incbin from scripts.
Remove more incbins from map scripts.
Better cross‐make compatibility.
Add routine that sends SGB packets
Use more meaningful local labels in bank 0
Get rid of "\@" symbols used in local labels
Improve error checking in the context of issue #27
Fix param error in load_asm_if_one_exists_in()
Restore auto-loading of default "main" asm file
Merged in sawakita/pokered (pull request #2)
Make analyze_incbins dirs reference os-independent
DisplayDexRating. It sucks that I can't use a label for the dbw macro, as that would make DexRatingsTable look a lot cleaner.
Code dealing with palettes. Really, does anyone know if bit 3 of battle status 3 is used?
Type effectiveness display message. That's right, I did some work for once.
Add more scripts from Champion Rival’s room.
Add the boulder checking code in Seafoam Islands.
Add more scripts from Bill's house.
Add more scripts from Route 8 gatehouse.
Add more scripts from the Route 7 gatehouse.
Add more scripts from the Route 5 gatehouse.
Add more scripts from Vermilion City.
Add another script from Cerulean City.
Add the rest of the Viridian City scripts.
Fix several labels and add remaining scripts from Pewter City.
Use labels for $34bf, and add some more code from Pewter City.
Use decimal for overworld Pokémon levels, and Pokémon IDs for cries.
Add the ▶ symbol to the text preprocessor.
Palette $0C is the Town Map palette.
Merge in yellowtrainers branch.
Add trainer data added or changed in Yellow.
Add trainer special movesets from Yellow.
disassembled and named some general functions
Forced biking or surfing map handling functions
Some random label(s) somewhere...
FuchsiaGymScript_Unknown75453... probably needs a better name...
Unknown_7657e and related stuff started. Needs work...
The save sound from Pokemon Red, and Pokemon Blue.
The pointer list at the end of bank 0.
0x45023: Shaves 10 more bytes from rbdiff.
ActivatePC and associated stuff...
Comments are spaced out instead of tabbed out.
Work around a bug in
SubstituteEffectHandler from smkdan.
CheckTargetSubstitute from smkdan's docs.
FreezeBurnParalyzeEffect and other various status stuff (from smkdan).
JumpMoveEffect from smkdan's docs.
MoreCalculateDamage (you pick a better name)...
Some small CalculateDamage fixes.
CalculateDamage routine from smkdan added.
Expand the HiddenItems function.
romvisualizer should delete everything just to be sure
romvisualizer updates for main.asm, common.asm, pokered.asm
Add map header for Route 15 gatehouse 2F.
Extra space in Makefile removed.
Use labels instead of constant pointers for hidden items and hidden coins.
Replace magic numbers with item names for hidden objects that are items.
Replace pointers to GymStatues with labels.
irc:// doesn't actually linkify in any context, so just list server/channel.
Revert python2 change, no systems actually have "python2" except Arch.
Another two random pointer byte difference from Red/Blue.
Random Bank1D labels. Less byte differences in Blue.
Redfining predefs using macros: PREDEF and PREDEF_JUMP.
Specified python2 executable. (Some systems default to Python 3.)
List of maps with hidden objects.
Reformat the character table, as suggested by Sanky.