ref: 053990927ef1968677064f76009dc5bea517c814
dir: /text/pokedex.asm/
_RhydonDexEntry: db 0,"Protected by an",$4E db "armor-like hide,",$4E db "it is capable of",$49 db "living in molten",$4E db "lava of 3,600",$4E db "degrees",$5F,"@" _KangaskhanDexEntry: db 0,"The infant rarely",$4E db "ventures out of",$4E db "its mother's",$49 db "protective pouch",$4E db "until it is 3",$4E db "years old",$5F,"@" _NidoranMDexEntry: db 0,"Stiffens its ears",$4E db "to sense danger.",$4E db "The larger its",$49 db "horns, the more",$4E db "powerful its",$4E db "secreted venom",$5F,"@" _ClefairyDexEntry: db 0,"Its magical and",$4E db "cute appeal has",$4E db "many admirers.",$49 db "It is rare and",$4E db "found only in",$4E db "certain areas",$5F,"@" _SpearowDexEntry: db 0,"Eats bugs in",$4E db "grassy areas. It",$4E db "has to flap its",$49 db "short wings at",$4E db "high speed to",$4E db "stay airborne",$5F,"@" _VoltorbDexEntry: db 0,"Usually found in",$4E db "power plants.",$4E db "Easily mistaken",$49 db "for a # BALL,",$4E db "they have zapped",$4E db "many people",$5F,"@" _NidokingDexEntry: db 0,"It uses its",$4E db "powerful tail in",$4E db "battle to smash,",$49 db "constrict, then",$4E db "break the prey's",$4E db "bones",$5F,"@" _SlowbroDexEntry: db 0,"The SHELLDER that",$4E db "is latched onto",$4E db "SLOWPOKE's tail",$49 db "is said to feed",$4E db "on the host's left",$4E db "over scraps",$5F,"@" _IvysaurDexEntry: db 0,"When the bulb on",$4E db "its back grows",$4E db "large, it appears",$49 db "to lose the",$4E db "ability to stand",$4E db "on its hind legs",$5F,"@" _ExeggutorDexEntry: db 0,"Legend has it that",$4E db "on rare occasions,",$4E db "one of its heads",$49 db "will drop off and",$4E db "continue on as an",$4E db "EXEGGCUTE",$5F,"@" _LickitungDexEntry: db 0,"Its tongue can be",$4E db "extended like a",$4E db "chameleon's. It",$49 db "leaves a tingling",$4E db "sensation when it",$4E db "licks enemies",$5F,"@" _ExeggcuteDexEntry: db 0,"Often mistaken",$4E db "for eggs.",$4E db "When disturbed,",$49 db "they quickly",$4E db "gather and attack",$4E db "in swarms",$5F,"@" _GrimerDexEntry: db 0,"Appears in filthy",$4E db "areas. Thrives by",$4E db "sucking up",$49 db "polluted sludge",$4E db "that is pumped",$4E db "out of factories",$5F,"@" _GengarDexEntry: db 0,"Under a full moon,",$4E db "this #MON",$4E db "likes to mimic",$49 db "the shadows of",$4E db "people and laugh",$4E db "at their fright",$5F,"@" _NidoranFDexEntry: db 0,"Although small,",$4E db "its venomous",$4E db "barbs render this",$49 db "#MON dangerous.",$4E db "The female has",$4E db "smaller horns",$5F,"@" _NidoqueenDexEntry: db 0,"Its hard scales",$4E db "provide strong",$4E db "protection. It",$49 db "uses its hefty",$4E db "bulk to execute",$4E db "powerful moves",$5F,"@" _CuboneDexEntry: db 0,"Because it never",$4E db "removes its skull",$4E db "helmet, no one",$49 db "has ever seen",$4E db "this #MON's",$4E db "real face",$5F,"@" _RhyhornDexEntry: db 0,"Its massive bones",$4E db "are 1000 times",$4E db "harder than human",$49 db "bones. It can",$4E db "easily knock a",$4E db "trailer flying",$5F,"@" _LaprasDexEntry: db 0,"A #MON that",$4E db "has been over-",$4E db "hunted almost to",$49 db "extinction. It",$4E db "can ferry people",$4E db "across the water",$5F,"@" _ArcanineDexEntry: db 0,"A #MON that",$4E db "has been admired",$4E db "since the past",$49 db "for its beauty.",$4E db "It runs agilely",$4E db "as if on wings",$5F,"@" _MewDexEntry: db 0,"So rare that it",$4E db "is still said to",$4E db "be a mirage by",$49 db "many experts. Only",$4E db "a few people have",$4E db "seen it worldwide",$5F,"@" _GyaradosDexEntry: db 0,"Rarely seen in",$4E db "the wild. Huge",$4E db "and vicious, it",$49 db "is capable of",$4E db "destroying entire",$4E db "cities in a rage",$5F,"@" _ShellderDexEntry: db 0,"Its hard shell",$4E db "repels any kind",$4E db "of attack.",$49 db "It is vulnerable",$4E db "only when its",$4E db "shell is open",$5F,"@" _TentacoolDexEntry: db 0,"Drifts in shallow",$4E db "seas. Anglers who",$4E db "hook them by",$49 db "accident are",$4E db "often punished by",$4E db "its stinging acid",$5F,"@" _GastlyDexEntry: db 0,"Almost invisible,",$4E db "this gaseous",$4E db "#MON cloaks",$49 db "the target and",$4E db "puts it to sleep",$4E db "without notice",$5F,"@" _ScytherDexEntry: db 0,"With ninja-like",$4E db "agility and speed,",$4E db "it can create the",$49 db "illusion that",$4E db "there is more",$4E db "than one",$5F,"@" _StaryuDexEntry: db 0,"An enigmatic",$4E db "#MON that can",$4E db "effortlessly",$49 db "regenerate any",$4E db "appendage it",$4E db "loses in battle",$5F,"@" _BlastoiseDexEntry: db 0,"A brutal #MON",$4E db "with pressurized",$4E db "water jets on its",$49 db "shell. They are",$4E db "used for high",$4E db "speed tackles",$5F,"@" _PinsirDexEntry: db 0,"If it fails to",$4E db "crush the victim",$4E db "in its pincers,",$49 db "it will swing it",$4E db "around and toss",$4E db "it hard",$5F,"@" _TangelaDexEntry: db 0,"The whole body is",$4E db "swathed with wide",$4E db "vines that are",$49 db "similar to sea-",$4E db "weed. Its vines",$4E db "shake as it walks",$5F,"@" _GrowlitheDexEntry: db 0,"Very protective",$4E db "of its territory.",$4E db "It will bark and",$49 db "bite to repel",$4E db "intruders from",$4E db "its space",$5F,"@" _OnixDexEntry: db 0,"As it grows, the",$4E db "stone portions of",$4E db "its body harden",$49 db "to become similar",$4E db "to a diamond, but",$4E db "colored black",$5F,"@" _FearowDexEntry: db 0,"With its huge and",$4E db "magnificent wings,",$4E db "it can keep aloft",$49 db "without ever",$4E db "having to land",$4E db "for rest",$5F,"@" _PidgeyDexEntry: db 0,"A common sight in",$4E db "forests and woods.",$4E db "It flaps its",$49 db "wings at ground",$4E db "level to kick up",$4E db "blinding sand",$5F,"@" _SlowpokeDexEntry: db 0,"Incredibly slow",$4E db "and dopey. It",$4E db "takes 5 seconds",$49 db "for it to feel",$4E db "pain when under",$4E db "attack",$5F,"@" _KadabraDexEntry: db 0,"It emits special",$4E db "alpha waves from",$4E db "its body that",$49 db "induce headaches",$4E db "just by being",$4E db "close by",$5F,"@" _GravelerDexEntry: db 0,"Rolls down slopes",$4E db "to move. It rolls",$4E db "over any obstacle",$49 db "without slowing",$4E db "or changing its",$4E db "direction",$5F,"@" _ChanseyDexEntry: db 0,"A rare and elusive",$4E db "#MON that is",$4E db "said to bring",$49 db "happiness to those",$4E db "who manage to get",$4E db "it",$5F,"@" _MachokeDexEntry: db 0,"Its muscular body",$4E db "is so powerful, it",$4E db "must wear a power",$49 db "save belt to be",$4E db "able to regulate",$4E db "its motions",$5F,"@" _MrMimeDexEntry: db 0,"If interrupted",$4E db "while it is",$4E db "miming, it will",$49 db "slap around the",$4E db "offender with its",$4E db "broad hands",$5F,"@" _HitmonleeDexEntry: db 0,"When in a hurry,",$4E db "its legs lengthen",$4E db "progressively.",$49 db "It runs smoothly",$4E db "with extra long,",$4E db "loping strides",$5F,"@" _HitmonchanDexEntry: db 0,"While apparently",$4E db "doing nothing, it",$4E db "fires punches in",$49 db "lightning fast",$4E db "volleys that are",$4E db "impossible to see",$5F,"@" _ArbokDexEntry: db 0,"It is rumored that",$4E db "the ferocious",$4E db "warning markings",$49 db "on its belly",$4E db "differ from area",$4E db "to area",$5F,"@" _ParasectDexEntry: db 0,"A host-parasite",$4E db "pair in which the",$4E db "parasite mushroom",$49 db "has taken over the",$4E db "host bug. Prefers",$4E db "damp places",$5F,"@" _PsyduckDexEntry: db 0,"While lulling its",$4E db "enemies with its",$4E db "vacant look, this",$49 db "wily #MON will",$4E db "use psychokinetic",$4E db "powers",$5F,"@" _DrowzeeDexEntry: db 0,"Puts enemies to",$4E db "sleep then eats",$4E db "their dreams.",$49 db "Occasionally gets",$4E db "sick from eating",$4E db "bad dreams",$5F,"@" _GolemDexEntry: db 0,"Its boulder-like",$4E db "body is extremely",$4E db "hard. It can",$49 db "easily withstand",$4E db "dynamite blasts",$4E db "without damage",$5F,"@" _MagmarDexEntry: db 0,"Its body always",$4E db "burns with an",$4E db "orange glow that",$49 db "enables it to",$4E db "hide perfectly",$4E db "among flames",$5F,"@" _ElectabuzzDexEntry: db 0,"Normally found",$4E db "near power plants,",$4E db "they can wander",$49 db "away and cause",$4E db "major blackouts",$4E db "in cities",$5F,"@" _MagnetonDexEntry: db 0,"Formed by several",$4E db "MAGNEMITEs linked",$4E db "together. They",$49 db "frequently appear",$4E db "when sunspots",$4E db "flare up",$5F,"@" _KoffingDexEntry: db 0,"Because it stores",$4E db "several kinds of",$4E db "toxic gases in",$49 db "its body, it is",$4E db "prone to exploding",$4E db "without warning",$5F,"@" _MankeyDexEntry: db 0,"Extremely quick to",$4E db "anger. It could",$4E db "be docile one",$49 db "moment then",$4E db "thrashing away",$4E db "the next instant",$5F,"@" _SeelDexEntry: db 0,"The protruding",$4E db "horn on its head",$4E db "is very hard.",$49 db "It is used for",$4E db "bashing through",$4E db "thick ice",$5F,"@" _DiglettDexEntry: db 0,"Lives about one",$4E db "yard underground",$4E db "where it feeds on",$49 db "plant roots. It",$4E db "sometimes appears",$4E db "above ground",$5F,"@" _TaurosDexEntry: db 0,"When it targets",$4E db "an enemy, it",$4E db "charges furiously",$49 db "while whipping its",$4E db "body with its",$4E db "long tails",$5F,"@" _FarfetchdDexEntry: db 0,"The sprig of",$4E db "green onions it",$4E db "holds is its",$49 db "weapon. It is",$4E db "used much like a",$4E db "metal sword",$5F,"@" _VenonatDexEntry: db 0,"Lives in the",$4E db "shadows of tall",$4E db "trees where it",$49 db "eats insects. It",$4E db "is attracted by",$4E db "light at night",$5F,"@" _DragoniteDexEntry: db 0,"An extremely",$4E db "rarely seen",$4E db "marine #MON.",$49 db "Its intelligence",$4E db "is said to match",$4E db "that of humans",$5F,"@" _DoduoDexEntry: db 0,"A bird that makes",$4E db "up for its poor",$4E db "flying with its",$49 db "fast foot speed.",$4E db "Leaves giant",$4E db "footprints",$5F,"@" _PoliwagDexEntry: db 0,"Its newly grown",$4E db "legs prevent it",$4E db "from running. It",$49 db "appears to prefer",$4E db "swimming than",$4E db "trying to stand",$5F,"@" _JynxDexEntry: db 0,"It seductively",$4E db "wiggles its hips",$4E db "as it walks. It",$49 db "can cause people",$4E db "to dance in",$4E db "unison with it",$5F,"@" _MoltresDexEntry: db 0,"Known as the",$4E db "legendary bird of",$4E db "fire. Every flap",$49 db "of its wings",$4E db "creates a dazzling",$4E db "flash of flames",$5F,"@" _ArticunoDexEntry: db 0,"A legendary bird",$4E db "#MON that is",$4E db "said to appear to",$49 db "doomed people who",$4E db "are lost in icy",$4E db "mountains",$5F,"@" _ZapdosDexEntry: db 0,"A legendary bird",$4E db "#MON that is",$4E db "said to appear",$49 db "from clouds while",$4E db "dropping enormous",$4E db "lightning bolts",$5F,"@" _DittoDexEntry: db 0,"Capable of copying",$4E db "an enemy's genetic",$4E db "code to instantly",$49 db "transform itself",$4E db "into a duplicate",$4E db "of the enemy",$5F,"@" _MeowthDexEntry: db 0,"Adores circular",$4E db "objects. Wanders",$4E db "the streets on a",$49 db "nightly basis to",$4E db "look for dropped",$4E db "loose change",$5F,"@" _KrabbyDexEntry: db 0,"Its pincers are",$4E db "not only powerful",$4E db "weapons, they are",$49 db "used for balance",$4E db "when walking",$4E db "sideways",$5F,"@" _VulpixDexEntry: db 0,"At the time of",$4E db "birth, it has",$4E db "just one tail.",$49 db "The tail splits",$4E db "from its tip as",$4E db "it grows older",$5F,"@" _NinetalesDexEntry: db 0,"Very smart and",$4E db "very vengeful.",$4E db "Grabbing one of",$49 db "its many tails",$4E db "could result in a",$4E db "1000-year curse",$5F,"@" _PikachuDexEntry: db 0,"When several of",$4E db "these #MON",$4E db "gather, their",$49 db "electricity could",$4E db "build and cause",$4E db "lightning storms",$5F,"@" _RaichuDexEntry: db 0,"Its long tail",$4E db "serves as a",$4E db "ground to protect",$49 db "itself from its",$4E db "own high voltage",$4E db "power",$5F,"@" _DratiniDexEntry: db 0,"Long considered a",$4E db "mythical #MON",$4E db "until recently",$49 db "when a small",$4E db "colony was found",$4E db "living underwater",$5F,"@" _DragonairDexEntry: db 0,"A mystical #MON",$4E db "that exudes a",$4E db "gentle aura.",$49 db "Has the ability",$4E db "to change climate",$4E db "conditions",$5F,"@" _KabutoDexEntry: db 0,"A #MON that",$4E db "was resurrected",$4E db "from a fossil",$49 db "found in what was",$4E db "once the ocean",$4E db "floor eons ago",$5F,"@" _KabutopsDexEntry: db 0,"Its sleek shape is",$4E db "perfect for swim-",$4E db "ming. It slashes",$49 db "prey with its",$4E db "claws and drains",$4E db "the body fluids",$5F,"@" _HorseaDexEntry: db 0,"Known to shoot",$4E db "down flying bugs",$4E db "with precision",$49 db "blasts of ink",$4E db "from the surface",$4E db "of the water",$5F,"@" _SeadraDexEntry: db 0,"Capable of swim-",$4E db "ming backwards by",$4E db "rapidly flapping",$49 db "its wing-like",$4E db "pectoral fins and",$4E db "stout tail",$5F,"@" _SandshrewDexEntry: db 0,"Burrows deep",$4E db "underground in",$4E db "arid locations",$49 db "far from water.",$4E db "It only emerges",$4E db "to hunt for food",$5F,"@" _SandslashDexEntry: db 0,"Curls up into a",$4E db "spiny ball when",$4E db "threatened. It",$49 db "can roll while",$4E db "curled up to",$4E db "attack or escape",$5F,"@" _OmanyteDexEntry: db 0,"Although long",$4E db "extinct, in rare",$4E db "cases, it can be",$49 db "genetically",$4E db "resurrected from",$4E db "fossils",$5F,"@" _OmastarDexEntry: db 0,"A prehistoric",$4E db "#MON that died",$4E db "out when its",$49 db "heavy shell made",$4E db "it impossible to",$4E db "catch prey",$5F,"@" _JigglypuffDexEntry: db 0,"When its huge eyes",$4E db "light up, it sings",$4E db "a mysteriously",$49 db "soothing melody",$4E db "that lulls its",$4E db "enemies to sleep",$5F,"@" _WigglytuffDexEntry: db 0,"The body is soft",$4E db "and rubbery. When",$4E db "angered, it will",$49 db "suck in air and",$4E db "inflate itself to",$4E db "an enormous size",$5F,"@" _EeveeDexEntry: db 0,"Its genetic code",$4E db "is irregular.",$4E db "It may mutate if",$49 db "it is exposed to",$4E db "radiation from",$4E db "element STONEs",$5F,"@" _FlareonDexEntry: db 0,"When storing",$4E db "thermal energy in",$4E db "its body, its",$49 db "temperature could",$4E db "soar to over 1600",$4E db "degrees",$5F,"@" _JolteonDexEntry: db 0,"It accumulates",$4E db "negative ions in",$4E db "the atmosphere to",$49 db "blast out 10000-",$4E db "volt lightning",$4E db "bolts",$5F,"@" _VaporeonDexEntry: db 0,"Lives close to",$4E db "water. Its long",$4E db "tail is ridged",$49 db "with a fin which",$4E db "is often mistaken",$4E db "for a mermaid's",$5F,"@" _MachopDexEntry: db 0,"Loves to build",$4E db "its muscles.",$4E db "It trains in all",$49 db "styles of martial",$4E db "arts to become",$4E db "even stronger",$5F,"@" _ZubatDexEntry: db 0,"Forms colonies in",$4E db "perpetually dark",$4E db "places. Uses",$49 db "ultrasonic waves",$4E db "to identify and",$4E db "approach targets",$5F,"@" _EkansDexEntry: db 0,"Moves silently",$4E db "and stealthily.",$4E db "Eats the eggs of",$49 db "birds, such as",$4E db "PIDGEY and",$4E db "SPEAROW, whole",$5F,"@" _ParasDexEntry: db 0,"Burrows to suck",$4E db "tree roots. The",$4E db "mushrooms on its",$49 db "back grow by draw-",$4E db "ing nutrients from",$4E db "the bug host",$5F,"@" _PoliwhirlDexEntry: db 0,"Capable of living",$4E db "in or out of",$4E db "water. When out",$49 db "of water, it",$4E db "sweats to keep",$4E db "its body slimy",$5F,"@" _PoliwrathDexEntry: db 0,"An adept swimmer",$4E db "at both the front",$4E db "crawl and breast",$49 db "stroke. Easily",$4E db "overtakes the best",$4E db "human swimmers",$5F,"@" _WeedleDexEntry: db 0,"Often found in",$4E db "forests, eating",$4E db "leaves.",$49 db "It has a sharp",$4E db "venomous stinger",$4E db "on its head",$5F,"@" _KakunaDexEntry: db 0,"Almost incapable",$4E db "of moving, this",$4E db "#MON can only",$49 db "harden its shell",$4E db "to protect itself",$4E db "from predators",$5F,"@" _BeedrillDexEntry: db 0,"Flies at high",$4E db "speed and attacks",$4E db "using its large",$49 db "venomous stingers",$4E db "on its forelegs",$4E db "and tail",$5F,"@" _DodrioDexEntry: db 0,"Uses its three",$4E db "brains to execute",$4E db "complex plans.",$49 db "While two heads",$4E db "sleep, one head",$4E db "stays awake",$5F,"@" _PrimeapeDexEntry: db 0,"Always furious",$4E db "and tenacious to",$4E db "boot. It will not",$49 db "abandon chasing",$4E db "its quarry until",$4E db "it is caught",$5F,"@" _DugtrioDexEntry: db 0,"A team of DIGLETT",$4E db "triplets.",$4E db "It triggers huge",$49 db "earthquakes by",$4E db "burrowing 60 miles",$4E db "underground",$5F,"@" _VenomothDexEntry: db 0,"The dust-like",$4E db "scales covering",$4E db "its wings are",$49 db "color coded to",$4E db "indicate the kinds",$4E db "of poison it has",$5F,"@" _DewgongDexEntry: db 0,"Stores thermal",$4E db "energy in its",$4E db "body. Swims at a",$49 db "steady 8 knots",$4E db "even in intensely",$4E db "cold waters",$5F,"@" _CaterpieDexEntry: db 0,"Its short feet",$4E db "are tipped with",$4E db "suction pads that",$49 db "enable it to",$4E db "tirelessly climb",$4E db "slopes and walls",$5F,"@" _MetapodDexEntry: db 0,"This #MON is",$4E db "vulnerable to",$4E db "attack while its",$49 db "shell is soft,",$4E db "exposing its weak",$4E db "and tender body",$5F,"@" _ButterfreeDexEntry: db 0,"In battle, it",$4E db "flaps its wings",$4E db "at high speed to",$49 db "release highly",$4E db "toxic dust into",$4E db "the air",$5F,"@" _MachampDexEntry: db 0,"Using its heavy",$4E db "muscles, it throws",$4E db "powerful punches",$49 db "that can send the",$4E db "victim clear over",$4E db "the horizon",$5F,"@" _GolduckDexEntry: db 0,"Often seen swim-",$4E db "ming elegantly by",$4E db "lake shores. It",$49 db "is often mistaken",$4E db "for the Japanese",$4E db "monster, Kappa",$5F,"@" _HypnoDexEntry: db 0,"When it locks eyes",$4E db "with an enemy, it",$4E db "will use a mix of",$49 db "PSI moves such as",$4E db "HYPNOSIS and",$4E db "CONFUSION",$5F,"@" _GolbatDexEntry: db 0,"Once it strikes,",$4E db "it will not stop",$4E db "draining energy",$49 db "from the victim",$4E db "even if it gets",$4E db "too heavy to fly",$5F,"@" _MewtwoDexEntry: db 0,"It was created by",$4E db "a scientist after",$4E db "years of horrific",$49 db "gene splicing and",$4E db "DNA engineering",$4E db "experiments",$5F,"@" _SnorlaxDexEntry: db 0,"Very lazy. Just",$4E db "eats and sleeps.",$4E db "As its rotund",$49 db "bulk builds, it",$4E db "becomes steadily",$4E db "more slothful",$5F,"@" _MagikarpDexEntry: db 0,"In the distant",$4E db "past, it was",$4E db "somewhat stronger",$49 db "than the horribly",$4E db "weak descendants",$4E db "that exist today",$5F,"@" _MukDexEntry: db 0,"Thickly covered",$4E db "with a filthy,",$4E db "vile sludge. It",$49 db "is so toxic, even",$4E db "its footprints",$4E db "contain poison",$5F,"@" _KinglerDexEntry: db 0,"The large pincer",$4E db "has 10000 hp of",$4E db "crushing power.",$49 db "However, its huge",$4E db "size makes it",$4E db "unwieldy to use",$5F,"@" _CloysterDexEntry: db 0,"When attacked, it",$4E db "launches its",$4E db "horns in quick",$49 db "volleys. Its",$4E db "innards have",$4E db "never been seen",$5F,"@" _ElectrodeDexEntry: db 0,"It stores electric",$4E db "energy under very",$4E db "high pressure.",$49 db "It often explodes",$4E db "with little or no",$4E db "provocation",$5F,"@" _ClefableDexEntry: db 0,"A timid fairy",$4E db "#MON that is",$4E db "rarely seen. It",$49 db "will run and hide",$4E db "the moment it",$4E db "senses people",$5F,"@" _WeezingDexEntry: db 0,"Where two kinds",$4E db "of poison gases",$4E db "meet, 2 KOFFINGs",$49 db "can fuse into a",$4E db "WEEZING over many",$4E db "years",$5F,"@" _PersianDexEntry: db 0,"Although its fur",$4E db "has many admirers,",$4E db "it is tough to",$49 db "raise as a pet",$4E db "because of its",$4E db "fickle meanness",$5F,"@" _MarowakDexEntry: db 0,"The bone it holds",$4E db "is its key weapon.",$4E db "It throws the",$49 db "bone skillfully",$4E db "like a boomerang",$4E db "to KO targets",$5F,"@" _HaunterDexEntry: db 0,"Because of its",$4E db "ability to slip",$4E db "through block",$49 db "walls, it is said",$4E db "to be from an-",$4E db "other dimension",$5F,"@" _AbraDexEntry: db 0,"Using its ability",$4E db "to read minds, it",$4E db "will identify",$49 db "impending danger",$4E db "and TELEPORT to",$4E db "safety",$5F,"@" _AlakazamDexEntry: db 0,"Its brain can out-",$4E db "perform a super-",$4E db "computer.",$49 db "Its intelligence",$4E db "quotient is said",$4E db "to be 5,000",$5F,"@" _PidgeottoDexEntry: db 0,"Very protective",$4E db "of its sprawling",$4E db "territorial area,",$49 db "this #MON will",$4E db "fiercely peck at",$4E db "any intruder",$5F,"@" _PidgeotDexEntry: db 0,"When hunting, it",$4E db "skims the surface",$4E db "of water at high",$49 db "speed to pick off",$4E db "unwary prey such",$4E db "as MAGIKARP",$5F,"@" _StarmieDexEntry: db 0,"Its central core",$4E db "glows with the",$4E db "seven colors of",$49 db "the rainbow. Some",$4E db "people value the",$4E db "core as a gem",$5F,"@" _BulbasaurDexEntry: db 0,"A strange seed was",$4E db "planted on its",$4E db "back at birth.",$49 db "The plant sprouts",$4E db "and grows with",$4E db "this #MON",$5F,"@" _VenusaurDexEntry: db 0,"The plant blooms",$4E db "when it is",$4E db "absorbing solar",$49 db "energy. It stays",$4E db "on the move to",$4E db "seek sunlight",$5F,"@" _TentacruelDexEntry: db 0,"The tentacles are",$4E db "normally kept",$4E db "short. On hunts,",$49 db "they are extended",$4E db "to ensnare and",$4E db "immobilize prey",$5F,"@" _GoldeenDexEntry: db 0,"Its tail fin",$4E db "billows like an",$4E db "elegant ballroom",$49 db "dress, giving it",$4E db "the nickname of",$4E db "the Water Queen",$5F,"@" _SeakingDexEntry: db 0,"In the autumn",$4E db "spawning season,",$4E db "they can be seen",$49 db "swimming power-",$4E db "fully up rivers",$4E db "and creeks",$5F,"@" _PonytaDexEntry: db 0,"Its hooves are 10",$4E db "times harder than",$4E db "diamonds. It can",$49 db "trample anything",$4E db "completely flat",$4E db "in little time",$5F,"@" _RapidashDexEntry: db 0,"Very competitive,",$4E db "this #MON will",$4E db "chase anything",$49 db "that moves fast",$4E db "in the hopes of",$4E db "racing it",$5F,"@" _RattataDexEntry: db 0,"Bites anything",$4E db "when it attacks.",$4E db "Small and very",$49 db "quick, it is a",$4E db "common sight in",$4E db "many places",$5F,"@" _RaticateDexEntry: db 0,"It uses its whis-",$4E db "kers to maintain",$4E db "its balance.",$49 db "It apparently",$4E db "slows down if",$4E db "they are cut off",$5F,"@" _NidorinoDexEntry: db 0,"An aggressive",$4E db "#MON that is",$4E db "quick to attack.",$49 db "The horn on its",$4E db "head secretes a",$4E db "powerful venom",$5F,"@" _NidorinaDexEntry: db 0,"The female's horn",$4E db "develops slowly.",$4E db "Prefers physical",$49 db "attacks such as",$4E db "clawing and",$4E db "biting",$5F,"@" _GeodudeDexEntry: db 0,"Found in fields",$4E db "and mountains.",$4E db "Mistaking them",$49 db "for boulders,",$4E db "people often step",$4E db "or trip on them",$5F,"@" _PorygonDexEntry: db 0,"A #MON that",$4E db "consists entirely",$4E db "of programming",$49 db "code. Capable of",$4E db "moving freely in",$4E db "cyberspace",$5F,"@" _AerodactylDexEntry: db 0,"A ferocious, pre-",$4E db "historic #MON",$4E db "that goes for the",$49 db "enemy's throat",$4E db "with its serrated",$4E db "saw-like fangs",$5F,"@" _MagnemiteDexEntry: db 0,"Uses anti-gravity",$4E db "to stay suspended.",$4E db "Appears without",$49 db "warning and uses",$4E db "THUNDER WAVE and",$4E db "similar moves",$5F,"@" _CharmanderDexEntry: db 0,"Obviously prefers",$4E db "hot places. When",$4E db "it rains, steam",$49 db "is said to spout",$4E db "from the tip of",$4E db "its tail",$5F,"@" _SquirtleDexEntry: db 0,"After birth, its",$4E db "back swells and",$4E db "hardens into a",$49 db "shell. Powerfully",$4E db "sprays foam from",$4E db "its mouth",$5F,"@" _CharmeleonDexEntry: db 0,"When it swings",$4E db "its burning tail,",$4E db "it elevates the",$49 db "temperature to",$4E db "unbearably high",$4E db "levels",$5F,"@" _WartortleDexEntry: db 0,"Often hides in",$4E db "water to stalk",$4E db "unwary prey. For",$49 db "swimming fast, it",$4E db "moves its ears to",$4E db "maintain balance",$5F,"@" _CharizardDexEntry: db 0,"Spits fire that",$4E db "is hot enough to",$4E db "melt boulders.",$49 db "Known to cause",$4E db "forest fires",$4E db "unintentionally",$5F,"@" _OddishDexEntry: db 0,"During the day,",$4E db "it keeps its face",$4E db "buried in the",$49 db "ground. At night,",$4E db "it wanders around",$4E db "sowing its seeds",$5F,"@" _GloomDexEntry: db 0,"The fluid that",$4E db "oozes from its",$4E db "mouth isn't drool.",$49 db "It is a nectar",$4E db "that is used to",$4E db "attract prey",$5F,"@" _VileplumeDexEntry: db 0,"The larger its",$4E db "petals, the more",$4E db "toxic pollen it",$49 db "contains. Its big",$4E db "head is heavy and",$4E db "hard to hold up",$5F,"@" _BellsproutDexEntry: db 0,"A carnivorous",$4E db "#MON that traps",$4E db "and eats bugs.",$49 db "It uses its root",$4E db "feet to soak up",$4E db "needed moisture",$5F,"@" _WeepinbellDexEntry: db 0,"It spits out",$4E db "POISONPOWDER to",$4E db "immobilize the",$49 db "enemy and then",$4E db "finishes it with",$4E db "a spray of ACID",$5F,"@" _VictreebelDexEntry: db 0,"Said to live in",$4E db "huge colonies",$4E db "deep in jungles,",$49 db "although no one",$4E db "has ever returned",$4E db "from there",$5F,"@"