ref: 0406c711893532514c843aeae262153d36be0ad5
dir: /engine/menus/text_box.asm/
; function to draw various text boxes DisplayTextBoxID_:: ld a, [wTextBoxID] cp TWO_OPTION_MENU jp z, DisplayTwoOptionMenu ld c, a ld hl, TextBoxFunctionTable ld de, 3 call SearchTextBoxTable jr c, .functionTableMatch ld hl, TextBoxCoordTable ld de, 5 call SearchTextBoxTable jr c, .coordTableMatch ld hl, TextBoxTextAndCoordTable ld de, 9 call SearchTextBoxTable jr c, .textAndCoordTableMatch .done ret .functionTableMatch ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ; hl = address of function ld de, .done push de jp hl ; jump to the function .coordTableMatch call GetTextBoxIDCoords call GetAddressOfScreenCoords call TextBoxBorder ret .textAndCoordTableMatch call GetTextBoxIDCoords push hl call GetAddressOfScreenCoords call TextBoxBorder pop hl call GetTextBoxIDText ld a, [wd730] push af ld a, [wd730] set 6, a ; no pauses between printing each letter ld [wd730], a call PlaceString pop af ld [wd730], a call UpdateSprites ret ; function to search a table terminated with $ff for a byte matching c in increments of de ; sets carry flag if a match is found and clears carry flag if not SearchTextBoxTable: dec de .loop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .notFound cp c jr z, .found add hl, de jr .loop .found scf .notFound ret ; function to load coordinates from the TextBoxCoordTable or the TextBoxTextAndCoordTable ; INPUT: ; hl = address of coordinates ; OUTPUT: ; b = height ; c = width ; d = row of upper left corner ; e = column of upper left corner GetTextBoxIDCoords: ld a, [hli] ; column of upper left corner ld e, a ld a, [hli] ; row of upper left corner ld d, a ld a, [hli] ; column of lower right corner sub e dec a ld c, a ; c = width ld a, [hli] ; row of lower right corner sub d dec a ld b, a ; b = height ret ; function to load a text address and text coordinates from the TextBoxTextAndCoordTable GetTextBoxIDText: ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ; de = address of text push de ; save text address ld a, [hli] ld e, a ; column of upper left corner of text ld a, [hl] ld d, a ; row of upper left corner of text call GetAddressOfScreenCoords pop de ; restore text address ret ; function to point hl to the screen coordinates ; INPUT: ; d = row ; e = column ; OUTPUT: ; hl = address of upper left corner of text box GetAddressOfScreenCoords: push bc hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, 20 .loop ; loop to add d rows to the base address ld a, d and a jr z, .addedRows add hl, bc dec d jr .loop .addedRows pop bc add hl, de ret INCLUDE "data/text_boxes.asm" DisplayMoneyBox: ld hl, wd730 set 6, [hl] ld a, MONEY_BOX_TEMPLATE ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID hlcoord 13, 1 ld b, 1 ld c, 6 call ClearScreenArea hlcoord 12, 1 ld de, wPlayerMoney ld c, $a3 call PrintBCDNumber ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] ret CurrencyString: db " ¥@" DoBuySellQuitMenu: ld a, [wd730] set 6, a ; no printing delay ld [wd730], a xor a ld [wChosenMenuItem], a ld a, BUY_SELL_QUIT_MENU_TEMPLATE ld [wTextBoxID], a call DisplayTextBoxID ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, $2 ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, $1 ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, $1 ld [wTopMenuItemX], a xor a ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a ld a, [wd730] res 6, a ; turn on the printing delay ld [wd730], a call HandleMenuInput call PlaceUnfilledArrowMenuCursor bit 0, a ; was A pressed? jr nz, .pressedA bit 1, a ; was B pressed? (always true since only A/B are watched) jr z, .pressedA ld a, CANCELLED_MENU ld [wMenuExitMethod], a jr .quit .pressedA ld a, CHOSE_MENU_ITEM ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wChosenMenuItem], a ld b, a ld a, [wMaxMenuItem] cp b jr z, .quit ret .quit ld a, CANCELLED_MENU ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wChosenMenuItem], a scf ret ; displays a menu with two options to choose from ; b = Y of upper left corner of text region ; c = X of upper left corner of text region ; hl = address where the text box border should be drawn DisplayTwoOptionMenu: push hl ld a, [wd730] set 6, a ; no printing delay ld [wd730], a ; pointless because both values are overwritten before they are read xor a ld [wChosenMenuItem], a ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld a, A_BUTTON | B_BUTTON ld [wMenuWatchedKeys], a ld a, $1 ld [wMaxMenuItem], a ld a, b ld [wTopMenuItemY], a ld a, c ld [wTopMenuItemX], a xor a ld [wLastMenuItem], a ld [wMenuWatchMovingOutOfBounds], a push hl ld hl, wTwoOptionMenuID bit 7, [hl] ; select second menu item by default? res 7, [hl] jr z, .storeCurrentMenuItem inc a .storeCurrentMenuItem ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a pop hl push hl push hl call TwoOptionMenu_SaveScreenTiles ld a, [wTwoOptionMenuID] ld hl, TwoOptionMenuStrings ld e, a ld d, $0 ld a, $5 .menuStringLoop add hl, de dec a jr nz, .menuStringLoop ld a, [hli] ld c, a ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld e, l ld d, h pop hl push de ld a, [wTwoOptionMenuID] cp TRADE_CANCEL_MENU jr nz, .notTradeCancelMenu call CableClub_TextBoxBorder jr .afterTextBoxBorder .notTradeCancelMenu call TextBoxBorder .afterTextBoxBorder call UpdateSprites pop hl ld a, [hli] and a ; put blank line before first menu item? ld bc, 20 + 2 jr z, .noBlankLine ld bc, 2 * 20 + 2 .noBlankLine ld a, [hli] ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a pop hl add hl, bc call PlaceString ld hl, wd730 res 6, [hl] ; turn on the printing delay ld a, [wTwoOptionMenuID] cp NO_YES_MENU jr nz, .notNoYesMenu ; No/Yes menu ; this menu type ignores the B button ; it only seems to be used when confirming the deletion of a save file xor a ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a ld a, [wFlags_0xcd60] push af push hl ld hl, wFlags_0xcd60 bit 5, [hl] set 5, [hl] ; don't play sound when A or B is pressed in menu pop hl .noYesMenuInputLoop call HandleMenuInput bit 1, a ; A button pressed? jr nz, .noYesMenuInputLoop ; try again if A was not pressed pop af pop hl ld [wFlags_0xcd60], a ld a, SFX_PRESS_AB call PlaySound jr .pressedAButton .notNoYesMenu xor a ld [wTwoOptionMenuID], a call HandleMenuInput pop hl bit 1, a ; A button pressed? jr nz, .choseSecondMenuItem ; automatically choose the second option if B is pressed .pressedAButton ld a, [wCurrentMenuItem] ld [wChosenMenuItem], a and a jr nz, .choseSecondMenuItem ; chose first menu item ld a, CHOSE_FIRST_ITEM ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld c, 15 call DelayFrames call TwoOptionMenu_RestoreScreenTiles and a ret .choseSecondMenuItem ld a, 1 ld [wCurrentMenuItem], a ld [wChosenMenuItem], a ld a, CHOSE_SECOND_ITEM ld [wMenuExitMethod], a ld c, 15 call DelayFrames call TwoOptionMenu_RestoreScreenTiles scf ret ; Some of the wider/taller two option menus will not have the screen areas ; they cover be fully saved/restored by the two functions below. ; The bottom and right edges of the menu may remain after the function returns. TwoOptionMenu_SaveScreenTiles: ld de, wBuffer lb bc, 5, 6 .loop ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de dec c jr nz, .loop push bc ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 6 add hl, bc pop bc ld c, $6 dec b jr nz, .loop ret TwoOptionMenu_RestoreScreenTiles: ld de, wBuffer lb bc, 5, 6 .loop ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a dec c jr nz, .loop push bc ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH - 6 add hl, bc pop bc ld c, 6 dec b jr nz, .loop call UpdateSprites ret INCLUDE "data/yes_no_menu_strings.asm" DisplayFieldMoveMonMenu: xor a ld hl, wFieldMoves ld [hli], a ; wFieldMoves ld [hli], a ; wFieldMoves + 1 ld [hli], a ; wFieldMoves + 2 ld [hli], a ; wFieldMoves + 3 ld [hli], a ; wNumFieldMoves ld [hl], 12 ; wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord call GetMonFieldMoves ld a, [wNumFieldMoves] and a jr nz, .fieldMovesExist ; no field moves hlcoord 11, 11 ld b, 5 ld c, 7 call TextBoxBorder call UpdateSprites ld a, 12 ldh [hFieldMoveMonMenuTopMenuItemX], a hlcoord 13, 12 ld de, PokemonMenuEntries jp PlaceString .fieldMovesExist push af ; Calculate the text box position and dimensions based on the leftmost X coord ; of the field move names before adjusting for the number of field moves. hlcoord 0, 11 ld a, [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord] dec a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld b, 5 ld a, 18 sub e ld c, a pop af ; For each field move, move the top of the text box up 2 rows while the leaving ; the bottom of the text box at the bottom of the screen. ld de, -SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 .textBoxHeightLoop add hl, de inc b inc b dec a jr nz, .textBoxHeightLoop ; Make space for an extra blank row above the top field move. ld de, -SCREEN_WIDTH add hl, de inc b call TextBoxBorder call UpdateSprites ; Calculate the position of the first field move name to print. hlcoord 0, 12 ld a, [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord] inc a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld de, -SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 ld a, [wNumFieldMoves] .calcFirstFieldMoveYLoop add hl, de dec a jr nz, .calcFirstFieldMoveYLoop xor a ld [wNumFieldMoves], a ld de, wFieldMoves .printNamesLoop push hl ld hl, FieldMoveNames ld a, [de] and a jr z, .donePrintingNames inc de ld b, a ; index of name .skipNamesLoop ; skip past names before the name we want dec b jr z, .reachedName .skipNameLoop ; skip past current name ld a, [hli] cp "@" jr nz, .skipNameLoop jr .skipNamesLoop .reachedName ld b, h ld c, l pop hl push de ld d, b ld e, c call PlaceString ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 add hl, bc pop de jr .printNamesLoop .donePrintingNames pop hl ld a, [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord] ldh [hFieldMoveMonMenuTopMenuItemX], a hlcoord 0, 12 ld a, [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord] inc a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de ld de, PokemonMenuEntries jp PlaceString INCLUDE "data/moves/field_move_names.asm" PokemonMenuEntries: db "STATS" next "SWITCH" next "CANCEL@" GetMonFieldMoves: ld a, [wWhichPokemon] ld hl, wPartyMon1Moves ld bc, wPartyMon2 - wPartyMon1 call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld c, NUM_MOVES + 1 ld hl, wFieldMoves .loop push hl .nextMove dec c jr z, .done ld a, [de] ; move ID and a jr z, .done ld b, a inc de ld hl, FieldMoveDisplayData .fieldMoveLoop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .nextMove ; if the move is not a field move cp b jr z, .foundFieldMove inc hl inc hl jr .fieldMoveLoop .foundFieldMove ld a, b ld [wLastFieldMoveID], a ld a, [hli] ; field move name index ld b, [hl] ; field move leftmost X coordinate pop hl ld [hli], a ; store name index in wFieldMoves ld a, [wNumFieldMoves] inc a ld [wNumFieldMoves], a ld a, [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord] cp b jr c, .skipUpdatingLeftmostXCoord ld a, b ld [wFieldMovesLeftmostXCoord], a .skipUpdatingLeftmostXCoord ld a, [wLastFieldMoveID] ld b, a jr .loop .done pop hl ret INCLUDE "data/moves/field_moves.asm"