ref: f74ec1053e33dc5e56e9476076ed7ae7e7e84fef
dir: /engine/pokemon/breeding.asm/
CheckBreedmonCompatibility: call .CheckBreedingGroupCompatibility ld c, $0 jp nc, .done ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld a, TEMPMON ld [wMonType], a predef GetGender jr c, .genderless ld b, $1 jr nz, .breedmon2 inc b .breedmon2 push bc ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld a, TEMPMON ld [wMonType], a predef GetGender pop bc jr c, .genderless ld a, $1 jr nz, .compare_gender inc a .compare_gender cp b jr nz, .compute .genderless ld c, $0 ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] cp DITTO jr z, .ditto1 ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] cp DITTO jr nz, .done jr .compute .ditto1 ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] cp DITTO jr z, .done .compute call .CheckDVs ld c, 255 jp z, .done ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] ld b, a ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] cp b ld c, 254 jr z, .compare_ids ld c, 128 .compare_ids ; Speed up ld a, [wBreedMon1ID] ld b, a ld a, [wBreedMon2ID] cp b jr nz, .done ld a, [wBreedMon1ID + 1] ld b, a ld a, [wBreedMon2ID + 1] cp b jr nz, .done ld a, c sub 77 ld c, a .done ld a, c ld [wBreedingCompatibility], a ret .CheckDVs: ; If Defense DVs match and the lower 3 bits of the Special DVs match, ; avoid breeding ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs] and %1111 ld b, a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs] and %1111 cp b ret nz ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs + 1] and %111 ld b, a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs + 1] and %111 cp b ret .CheckBreedingGroupCompatibility: ; If either mon is in the No Eggs group, ; they are not compatible. ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, [wBaseEggGroups] cp EGG_NONE * $11 jr z, .Incompatible ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, [wBaseEggGroups] cp EGG_NONE * $11 jr z, .Incompatible ; Ditto is automatically compatible with everything. ; If not Ditto, load the breeding groups into b/c and d/e. ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] cp DITTO jr z, .Compatible ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld a, [wBaseEggGroups] push af and $f ld b, a pop af and $f0 swap a ld c, a ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] cp DITTO jr z, .Compatible ld [wCurSpecies], a push bc call GetBaseData pop bc ld a, [wBaseEggGroups] push af and $f ld d, a pop af and $f0 swap a ld e, a ld a, d cp b jr z, .Compatible cp c jr z, .Compatible ld a, e cp b jr z, .Compatible cp c jr z, .Compatible .Incompatible: and a ret .Compatible: scf ret DoEggStep:: ld de, wPartySpecies ld hl, wPartyMon1Happiness ld c, 0 .loop ld a, [de] inc de cp -1 ret z cp EGG jr nz, .next dec [hl] jr nz, .next ld a, 1 and a ret .next push de ld de, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, de pop de jr .loop OverworldHatchEgg:: call RefreshScreen call LoadStandardMenuHeader call HatchEggs call ExitAllMenus call RestartMapMusic jp CloseText HatchEggs: ld de, wPartySpecies ld hl, wPartyMon1Happiness xor a ld [wCurPartyMon], a .loop ld a, [de] inc de cp -1 jp z, .done push de push hl cp EGG jp nz, .next ld a, [hl] and a jp nz, .next ld [hl], $78 push de farcall SetEggMonCaughtData farcall StubbedTrainerRankings_EggsHatched ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld hl, wPartyMon1Species ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, [hl] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a dec a call SetSeenAndCaughtMon ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] cp TOGEPI jr nz, .nottogepi ; set the event flag for hatching togepi ld de, EVENT_TOGEPI_HATCHED ld b, SET_FLAG call EventFlagAction .nottogepi pop de ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] dec de ld [de], a ld [wNamedObjectIndex], a ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetPokemonName xor a ld [wUnusedEggHatchFlag], a call GetBaseData ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld hl, wPartyMon1 ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes push hl ld bc, MON_MAXHP add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l pop hl push hl ld bc, MON_LEVEL add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [wCurPartyLevel], a pop hl push hl ld bc, MON_STATUS add hl, bc xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a pop hl push hl ld bc, MON_STAT_EXP - 1 add hl, bc ld b, FALSE predef CalcMonStats pop bc ld hl, MON_MAXHP add hl, bc ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, MON_HP add hl, bc ld a, [de] inc de ld [hli], a ld a, [de] ld [hl], a ld hl, MON_ID add hl, bc ld a, [wPlayerID] ld [hli], a ld a, [wPlayerID + 1] ld [hl], a ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld hl, wPartyMonOTs ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l ld hl, wPlayerName call CopyBytes ld hl, .Text_HatchEgg call PrintText ld a, [wCurPartyMon] ld hl, wPartyMonNicknames ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l push de ld hl, .BreedAskNicknameText call PrintText call YesNoBox pop de jr c, .nonickname ld a, TRUE ld [wUnusedEggHatchFlag], a xor a ld [wMonType], a push de ld b, NAME_MON farcall NamingScreen pop hl ld de, wStringBuffer1 call InitName jr .next .nonickname ld hl, wStringBuffer1 ld bc, MON_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes .next ld hl, wCurPartyMon inc [hl] pop hl ld de, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH add hl, de pop de jp .loop .done ret .Text_HatchEgg: ; Huh? @ @ text_far Text_BreedHuh text_asm ld hl, wVramState res 0, [hl] push hl push de push bc ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] push af call EggHatch_AnimationSequence ld hl, .BreedClearboxText call PrintText pop af ld [wCurPartySpecies], a pop bc pop de pop hl ld hl, .BreedEggHatchText ret .BreedClearboxText: text_far _BreedClearboxText text_end .BreedEggHatchText: text_far _BreedEggHatchText text_end .BreedAskNicknameText: text_far _BreedAskNicknameText text_end InitEggMoves: call GetHeritableMoves ld d, h ld e, l ld b, NUM_MOVES .loop ld a, [de] and a jr z, .done ld hl, wEggMonMoves ld c, NUM_MOVES .next ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr z, .skip inc hl dec c jr nz, .next call GetEggMove jr nc, .skip call LoadEggMove .skip inc de dec b jr nz, .loop .done ret GetEggMove: push bc ld a, [wEggMonSpecies] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, EggMovePointers add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, BANK(EggMovePointers) call GetFarWord .loop ld a, BANK("Egg Moves") call GetFarByte cp -1 jr z, .reached_end ld b, a ld a, [de] cp b jr z, .done_carry inc hl jr .loop .reached_end call GetBreedmonMovePointer ld b, NUM_MOVES .loop2 ld a, [de] cp [hl] jr z, .found_eggmove inc hl dec b jr z, .inherit_tmhm jr .loop2 .found_eggmove ld a, [wEggMonSpecies] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, EvosAttacksPointers add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, BANK(EvosAttacksPointers) call GetFarWord .loop3 ld a, BANK("Evolutions and Attacks") call GetFarByte inc hl and a jr nz, .loop3 .loop4 ld a, BANK("Evolutions and Attacks") call GetFarByte and a jr z, .inherit_tmhm inc hl ld a, BANK("Evolutions and Attacks") call GetFarByte ld b, a ld a, [de] cp b jr z, .done_carry inc hl jr .loop4 .inherit_tmhm ld hl, TMHMMoves .loop5 ld a, BANK(TMHMMoves) call GetFarByte inc hl and a jr z, .done ld b, a ld a, [de] cp b jr nz, .loop5 ld [wPutativeTMHMMove], a predef CanLearnTMHMMove ld a, c and a jr z, .done .done_carry pop bc scf ret .done pop bc and a ret LoadEggMove: push de push bc ld a, [de] ld b, a ld hl, wEggMonMoves ld c, NUM_MOVES .loop ld a, [hli] and a jr z, .done dec c jr nz, .loop ld de, wEggMonMoves ld hl, wEggMonMoves + 1 ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a inc de ld a, [hli] ld [de], a .done dec hl ld [hl], b ld hl, wEggMonMoves ld de, wEggMonPP predef FillPP pop bc pop de ret GetHeritableMoves: ld hl, wBreedMon2Moves ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] cp DITTO jr z, .ditto1 ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] cp DITTO jr z, .ditto2 ld a, [wBreedMotherOrNonDitto] and a ret z ld hl, wBreedMon1Moves ret .ditto1 ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] push af ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wBreedMon2DVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld a, TEMPMON ld [wMonType], a predef GetGender jr c, .inherit_mon2_moves jr nz, .inherit_mon2_moves jr .inherit_mon1_moves .ditto2 ld a, [wCurPartySpecies] push af ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs] ld [wTempMonDVs], a ld a, [wBreedMon1DVs + 1] ld [wTempMonDVs + 1], a ld a, TEMPMON ld [wMonType], a predef GetGender jr c, .inherit_mon1_moves jr nz, .inherit_mon1_moves .inherit_mon2_moves ld hl, wBreedMon2Moves pop af ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ret .inherit_mon1_moves ld hl, wBreedMon1Moves pop af ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ret GetBreedmonMovePointer: ld hl, wBreedMon1Moves ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] cp DITTO ret z ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] cp DITTO jr z, .ditto ld a, [wBreedMotherOrNonDitto] and a ret z .ditto ld hl, wBreedMon2Moves ret GetEggFrontpic: push de ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld hl, wBattleMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter pop de predef_jump GetMonFrontpic GetHatchlingFrontpic: push de ld [wCurPartySpecies], a ld [wCurSpecies], a call GetBaseData ld hl, wBattleMonDVs predef GetUnownLetter pop de predef_jump GetAnimatedFrontpic Hatch_UpdateFrontpicBGMapCenter: push af call WaitTop push hl push bc hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_HEIGHT * SCREEN_WIDTH ld a, " " call ByteFill pop bc pop hl ld a, b ldh [hBGMapAddress + 1], a ld a, c ldh [hGraphicStartTile], a lb bc, 7, 7 predef PlaceGraphic pop af call Hatch_LoadFrontpicPal call SetPalettes jp WaitBGMap EggHatch_DoAnimFrame: push hl push de push bc callfar PlaySpriteAnimations call DelayFrame pop bc pop de pop hl ret EggHatch_AnimationSequence: ld a, [wNamedObjectIndex] ld [wJumptableIndex], a ld a, [wCurSpecies] push af ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic farcall BlankScreen call DisableLCD ld hl, EggHatchGFX ld de, vTiles0 tile $00 ld bc, 2 tiles ld a, BANK(EggHatchGFX) call FarCopyBytes farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld de, vTiles2 tile $00 ld a, [wJumptableIndex] call GetHatchlingFrontpic ld de, vTiles2 tile $31 ld a, EGG call GetEggFrontpic ld de, MUSIC_EVOLUTION call PlayMusic call EnableLCD hlcoord 7, 4 ld b, HIGH(vBGMap0) ld c, $31 ; Egg tiles start here ld a, EGG call Hatch_UpdateFrontpicBGMapCenter ld c, 80 call DelayFrames xor a ld [wFrameCounter], a ldh a, [hSCX] ld b, a .outerloop ld hl, wFrameCounter ld a, [hl] inc [hl] cp 8 jr nc, .done ld e, [hl] .loop ; wobble e times ld a, 2 ldh [hSCX], a ld a, -2 ld [wGlobalAnimXOffset], a call EggHatch_DoAnimFrame ld c, 2 call DelayFrames ld a, -2 ldh [hSCX], a ld a, 2 ld [wGlobalAnimXOffset], a call EggHatch_DoAnimFrame ld c, 2 call DelayFrames dec e jr nz, .loop ld c, 16 call DelayFrames call EggHatch_CrackShell jr .outerloop .done ld de, SFX_EGG_HATCH call PlaySFX xor a ldh [hSCX], a ld [wGlobalAnimXOffset], a call ClearSprites call Hatch_InitShellFragments hlcoord 6, 3 ld b, HIGH(vBGMap0) ld c, $00 ; Hatchling tiles start here ld a, [wJumptableIndex] call Hatch_UpdateFrontpicBGMapCenter call Hatch_ShellFragmentLoop call WaitSFX ld a, [wJumptableIndex] ld [wCurPartySpecies], a hlcoord 6, 3 ld d, $0 ld e, ANIM_MON_HATCH predef AnimateFrontpic pop af ld [wCurSpecies], a ret Hatch_LoadFrontpicPal: ld [wPlayerHPPal], a ld b, SCGB_EVOLUTION ld c, $0 jp GetSGBLayout EggHatch_CrackShell: ld a, [wFrameCounter] dec a and $7 cp $7 ret z srl a ret nc swap a srl a add 9 * 8 + 4 ld d, a ld e, 11 * 8 ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_EGG_CRACK call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $0 ld de, SFX_EGG_CRACK jp PlaySFX EggHatchGFX: INCBIN "gfx/evo/egg_hatch.2bpp" Hatch_InitShellFragments: farcall ClearSpriteAnims ld hl, .SpriteData .loop ld a, [hli] cp -1 jr z, .done ld e, a ld a, [hli] ld d, a ld a, [hli] ld c, a ld a, [hli] ld b, a push hl push bc ld a, SPRITE_ANIM_INDEX_EGG_HATCH call InitSpriteAnimStruct ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_TILE_ID add hl, bc ld [hl], $0 pop de ld a, e ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_FRAMESET_ID add hl, bc add [hl] ld [hl], a ld hl, SPRITEANIMSTRUCT_JUMPTABLE_INDEX add hl, bc ld [hl], d pop hl jr .loop .done ld de, SFX_EGG_HATCH call PlaySFX call EggHatch_DoAnimFrame ret MACRO shell_fragment ; y tile, y pxl, x tile, x pxl, frameset offset, ??? db (\1 * 8) % $100 + \2, (\3 * 8) % $100 + \4, \5 - SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_1, \6 ENDM .SpriteData: shell_fragment 10, 4, 9, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_1, $3c shell_fragment 11, 4, 9, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_2, $04 shell_fragment 10, 4, 10, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_1, $30 shell_fragment 11, 4, 10, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_2, $10 shell_fragment 10, 4, 11, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_3, $24 shell_fragment 11, 4, 11, 0, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_4, $1c shell_fragment 10, 0, 9, 4, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_1, $36 shell_fragment 12, 0, 9, 4, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_2, $0a shell_fragment 10, 0, 10, 4, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_3, $2a shell_fragment 12, 0, 10, 4, SPRITE_ANIM_FRAMESET_EGG_HATCH_4, $16 db -1 Hatch_ShellFragmentLoop: ld c, 129 .loop call EggHatch_DoAnimFrame dec c jr nz, .loop ret DayCareMon1: ld hl, LeftWithDayCareManText call PrintText ld a, [wBreedMon1Species] call PlayMonCry ld a, [wDayCareLady] bit DAYCARELADY_HAS_MON_F, a jr z, DayCareMonCursor call PromptButton ld hl, wBreedMon2Nickname call DayCareMonCompatibilityText jp PrintText DayCareMon2: ld hl, LeftWithDayCareLadyText call PrintText ld a, [wBreedMon2Species] call PlayMonCry ld a, [wDayCareMan] bit DAYCAREMAN_HAS_MON_F, a jr z, DayCareMonCursor call PromptButton ld hl, wBreedMon1Nickname call DayCareMonCompatibilityText jp PrintText DayCareMonCursor: jp WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor LeftWithDayCareLadyText: text_far _LeftWithDayCareLadyText text_end LeftWithDayCareManText: text_far _LeftWithDayCareManText text_end DayCareMonCompatibilityText: push bc ld de, wStringBuffer1 ld bc, NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes call CheckBreedmonCompatibility pop bc ld a, [wBreedingCompatibility] ld hl, .BreedBrimmingWithEnergyText cp -1 jr z, .done ld hl, .BreedNoInterestText and a jr z, .done ld hl, .BreedAppearsToCareForText cp 230 jr nc, .done cp 70 ld hl, .BreedFriendlyText jr nc, .done ld hl, .BreedShowsInterestText .done ret .BreedBrimmingWithEnergyText: text_far _BreedBrimmingWithEnergyText text_end .BreedNoInterestText: text_far _BreedNoInterestText text_end .BreedAppearsToCareForText: text_far _BreedAppearsToCareForText text_end .BreedFriendlyText: text_far _BreedFriendlyText text_end .BreedShowsInterestText: text_far _BreedShowsInterestText text_end DayCareMonPrintEmptyString: ; unreferenced ld hl, .string ret .string db "@"