ref: f3d0f2f1a4316e8793acc59a7fd3bc851a39355a
dir: /maps/CeladonDeptStore5F.asm/
CeladonDeptStore5F_MapScriptHeader: ; 0x71002 ; trigger count db 0 ; callback count db 0 ; 0x71004 UnknownScript_0x71004: ; 0x71004 faceplayer loadfont pokemart $0, $001b loadmovesprites end ; 0x7100c UnknownScript_0x7100c: ; 0x7100c faceplayer loadfont pokemart $0, $001c loadmovesprites end ; 0x71014 UnknownScript_0x71014: ; 0x71014 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x71023 ; 0x71017 UnknownScript_0x71017: ; 0x71017 jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x71072 ; 0x7101a UnknownScript_0x7101a: ; 0x7101a jumptextfaceplayer UnknownText_0x710b6 ; 0x7101d MapCeladonDeptStore5FSignpost0Script: ; 0x7101d jumptext UnknownText_0x71100 ; 0x71020 MapCeladonDeptStore5FSignpost1Script: ; 0x71020 jumpstd $0014 ; 0x71023 UnknownText_0x71023: ; 0x71023 db $0, "I want to buy some", $4f db "items that raise", $51 db "#MON stats, but", $4f db "I don't have", $55 db "enough money…", $57 ; 0x71072 UnknownText_0x71072: ; 0x71072 db $0, "I want PP UP, so I", $4f db "can raise the PP", $51 db "of moves. But you", $4f db "can't buy it…", $57 ; 0x710b6 UnknownText_0x710b6: ; 0x710b6 db $0, "Using items on", $4f db "them makes #-", $55 db "MON happy.", $51 db "They hate certain", $4f db "items, though…", $57 ; 0x71100 UnknownText_0x71100: ; 0x71100 db $0, "5F: DRUG STORE", $57 ; 0x71110 CeladonDeptStore5F_MapEventHeader: ; 0x71110 ; filler db 0, 0 ; warps db 3 warp_def $0, $c, 1, GROUP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_4F, MAP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_4F warp_def $0, $f, 1, GROUP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_6F, MAP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_6F warp_def $0, $2, 1, GROUP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_ELEVATOR, MAP_CELADON_DEPT_STORE_ELEVATOR ; xy triggers db 0 ; signposts db 2 signpost 0, 14, $0, MapCeladonDeptStore5FSignpost0Script signpost 0, 3, $0, MapCeladonDeptStore5FSignpost1Script ; people-events db 5 person_event $39, 9, 11, $7, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x71004, $ffff person_event $39, 9, 12, $7, $0, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x7100c, $ffff person_event $40, 9, 17, $2, $11, 255, 255, $80, 0, UnknownScript_0x71014, $ffff person_event $49, 8, 7, $2, $11, 255, 255, $90, 0, UnknownScript_0x71017, $ffff person_event $29, 11, 5, $9, $0, 255, 255, $a0, 0, UnknownScript_0x7101a, $ffff ; 0x71170