ref: f22485b08d5378015f3248b7a758ea0d25eb0c7d
dir: /engine/item_effects.asm/
_DoItemEffect:: ; e722 ld a, [CurItem] ld [wd265], a call GetItemName call CopyName1 ld a, 1 ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ld a, [CurItem] dec a ld hl, ItemEffects rst JumpTable ret ; e73c ItemEffects: ; e73c ; entries correspond to item ids (see constants/item_constants.asm) dw MasterBall dw UltraBall dw Brightpowder dw GreatBall dw PokeBall dw TownMap dw Bicycle dw MoonStone dw Antidote dw BurnHeal dw IceHeal dw Awakening dw ParlyzHeal dw FullRestore dw MaxPotion dw HyperPotion dw SuperPotion dw Potion dw EscapeRope dw Repel dw MaxElixer dw FireStone dw Thunderstone dw WaterStone dw Item19 dw HPUp dw Protein dw Iron dw Carbos dw LuckyPunch dw Calcium dw RareCandy dw XAccuracy dw LeafStone dw MetalPowder dw Nugget dw PokeDoll dw FullHeal dw Revive dw MaxRevive dw GuardSpec dw SuperRepel dw MaxRepel dw DireHit dw Item2D dw FreshWater dw SodaPop dw Lemonade dw XAttack dw Item32 dw XDefend dw XSpeed dw XSpecial dw CoinCase dw Itemfinder dw PokeFlute dw ExpShare dw OldRod dw GoodRod dw SilverLeaf dw SuperRod dw PPUp dw Ether dw MaxEther dw Elixer dw RedScale dw Secretpotion dw SSTicket dw MysteryEgg dw ClearBell dw SilverWing dw MoomooMilk dw QuickClaw dw Psncureberry dw GoldLeaf dw SoftSand dw SharpBeak dw Przcureberry dw BurntBerry dw IceBerry dw PoisonBarb dw KingsRock dw BitterBerry dw MintBerry dw RedApricorn dw Tinymushroom dw BigMushroom dw Silverpowder dw BluApricorn dw Item5A dw AmuletCoin dw YlwApricorn dw GrnApricorn dw CleanseTag dw MysticWater dw Twistedspoon dw WhtApricorn dw Blackbelt dw BlkApricorn dw Item64 dw PnkApricorn dw Blackglasses dw Slowpoketail dw PinkBow dw Stick dw SmokeBall dw Nevermeltice dw Magnet dw Miracleberry dw Pearl dw BigPearl dw Everstone dw SpellTag dw Ragecandybar dw GsBall dw BlueCard dw MiracleSeed dw ThickClub dw FocusBand dw Item78 dw Energypowder dw EnergyRoot dw HealPowder dw RevivalHerb dw HardStone dw LuckyEgg dw CardKey dw MachinePart dw EggTicket dw LostItem dw Stardust dw StarPiece dw BasementKey dw Pass dw Item87 dw Item88 dw Item89 dw Charcoal dw BerryJuice dw ScopeLens dw Item8D dw Item8E dw MetalCoat dw DragonFang dw Item91 dw Leftovers dw Item93 dw Item94 dw Item95 dw Mysteryberry dw DragonScale dw BerserkGene dw Item99 dw Item9A dw Item9B dw SacredAsh dw HeavyBall dw FlowerMail dw LevelBall dw LureBall dw FastBall dw ItemA2 dw LightBall dw FriendBall dw MoonBall dw LoveBall dw NormalBox dw GorgeousBox dw SunStone dw PolkadotBow dw ItemAB dw UpGrade dw Berry dw GoldBerry dw Squirtbottle dw ItemB0 dw ParkBall dw RainbowWing dw ItemB3 ; e8a2 MasterBall: UltraBall: GreatBall: PokeBall: HeavyBall: LevelBall: LureBall: FastBall: FriendBall: MoonBall: LoveBall: ParkBall: ; e8a2 ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jp nz, UseBallInTrainerBattle ld a, [PartyCount] cp PARTY_LENGTH jr nz, .room_in_party ld a, BANK(sBoxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld a, [sBoxCount] cp MONS_PER_BOX call CloseSRAM jp z, Ball_BoxIsFullMessage .room_in_party xor a ld [wWildMon], a ld a, [CurItem] cp PARK_BALL call nz, ReturnToBattle_UseBall ld hl, Options res NO_TEXT_SCROLL, [hl] ld hl, UsedItemText call PrintText ld a, [EnemyMonCatchRate] ld b, a ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jp z, .catch_without_fail ld a, [CurItem] cp MASTER_BALL jp z, .catch_without_fail ld a, [CurItem] ld c, a ld hl, BallMultiplierFunctionTable .get_multiplier_loop ld a, [hli] cp $ff jr z, .skip_or_return_from_ball_fn cp c jr z, .call_ball_function inc hl inc hl jr .get_multiplier_loop .call_ball_function ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, .skip_or_return_from_ball_fn push de jp hl .skip_or_return_from_ball_fn ld a, [CurItem] cp LEVEL_BALL ld a, b jp z, .skip_hp_calc ld a, b ld [hMultiplicand + 2], a ld hl, EnemyMonHP ld b, [hl] inc hl ld c, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] inc hl ld e, [hl] sla c rl b ld h, d ld l, e add hl, de add hl, de ld d, h ld e, l ld a, d and a jr z, .okay_1 srl d rr e srl d rr e srl b rr c srl b rr c ld a, c and a jr nz, .okay_1 ld c, $1 .okay_1 ld b, e push bc ld a, b sub c ld [hMultiplier], a xor a ld [hDividend + 0], a ld [hMultiplicand + 0], a ld [hMultiplicand + 1], a call Multiply pop bc ld a, b ld [hDivisor], a ld b, $4 call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 2] and a jr nz, .statuscheck ld a, 1 .statuscheck ; This routine is buggy. It was intended that SLP and FRZ provide a higher ; catch rate than BRN/PSN/PAR, which in turn provide a higher catch rate than ; no status effect at all. But instead, it makes BRN/PSN/PAR provide no ; benefit. ; Uncomment the line below to fix this. ld b, a ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] and 1 << FRZ | SLP ld c, 10 jr nz, .addstatus ; ld a, [EnemyMonStatus] and a ld c, 5 jr nz, .addstatus ld c, 0 .addstatus ld a, b add c jr nc, .max_1 ld a, $ff .max_1 ld d, a push de ; BUG: farcall overwrites a, ; and GetItemHeldEffect takes b anyway. ; This is probably the reason ; the HELD_CATCH_CHANCE effect ; is never used. ; Uncomment the line below to fix. ld a, [BattleMonItem] ; ld b, a farcall GetItemHeldEffect ld a, b cp HELD_CATCH_CHANCE pop de ld a, d jr nz, .skip_hp_calc add c jr nc, .skip_hp_calc ld a, $ff .skip_hp_calc ld b, a ld [Buffer1], a call Random cp b ld a, 0 jr z, .catch_without_fail jr nc, .fail_to_catch .catch_without_fail ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] .fail_to_catch ld [wWildMon], a ld c, 20 call DelayFrames ld a, [CurItem] cp POKE_BALL + 1 ; Assumes Master/Ultra/Great come before jr c, .not_kurt_ball ld a, POKE_BALL .not_kurt_ball ld [wBattleAnimParam], a ld de, ANIM_THROW_POKE_BALL ld a, e ld [FXAnimID], a ld a, d ld [FXAnimID + 1], a xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a ld [Buffer2], a ld [wNumHits], a predef PlayBattleAnim ld a, [wWildMon] and a jr nz, .caught ld a, [Buffer2] cp $1 ld hl, Text_NoShake jp z, .shake_and_break_free cp $2 ld hl, Text_OneShake jp z, .shake_and_break_free cp $3 ld hl, Text_TwoShakes jp z, .shake_and_break_free cp $4 ld hl, Text_ThreeShakes jp z, .shake_and_break_free .caught ld hl, EnemyMonStatus ld a, [hli] push af inc hl ld a, [hli] push af ld a, [hl] push af push hl ld hl, EnemyMonItem ld a, [hl] push af push hl ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 ld a, [hl] push af set SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, [hl] ; This code is buggy. Any wild Pokémon that has Transformed will be ; caught as a Ditto, even if it was something else like Mew. ; To fix, do not set [TempEnemyMonSpecies] to DITTO. bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr nz, .ditto jr .not_ditto .ditto ld a, DITTO ld [TempEnemyMonSpecies], a jr .load_data .not_ditto set SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, [hl] ld hl, wEnemyBackupDVs ld a, [EnemyMonDVs] ld [hli], a ld a, [EnemyMonDVs + 1] ld [hl], a .load_data ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] ld [CurPartyLevel], a farcall LoadEnemyMon pop af ld [EnemySubStatus5], a pop hl pop af ld [hl], a pop hl pop af ld [hld], a pop af ld [hld], a dec hl pop af ld [hl], a ld hl, EnemySubStatus5 bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, [hl] jr nz, .Transformed ld hl, wWildMonMoves ld de, EnemyMonMoves ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes ld hl, wWildMonPP ld de, EnemyMonPP ld bc, NUM_MOVES call CopyBytes .Transformed: ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld [wWildMon], a ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld [wd265], a ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL jp z, .FinishTutorial farcall TrainerRankings_WildMonsCaught ld hl, Text_GotchaMonWasCaught call PrintText call ClearSprites ld a, [wd265] dec a call CheckCaughtMon ld a, c push af ld a, [wd265] dec a call SetSeenAndCaughtMon pop af and a jr nz, .skip_pokedex call CheckReceivedDex jr z, .skip_pokedex ld hl, Text_AddedToPokedex call PrintText call ClearSprites ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld [wd265], a predef NewPokedexEntry .skip_pokedex ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jp z, .catch_bug_contest_mon cp BATTLETYPE_CELEBI jr nz, .not_celebi ld hl, wBattleResult set 6, [hl] .not_celebi ld a, [PartyCount] cp PARTY_LENGTH jr z, .SendToPC xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a call ClearSprites predef TryAddMonToParty farcall SetCaughtData ld a, [CurItem] cp FRIEND_BALL jr nz, .SkipPartyMonFriendBall ld a, [PartyCount] dec a ld hl, PartyMon1Happiness ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, FRIEND_BALL_HAPPINESS ld [hl], a .SkipPartyMonFriendBall: ld hl, Text_AskNicknameNewlyCaughtMon call PrintText ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [wd265], a call GetPokemonName call YesNoBox jp c, .return_from_capture ld a, [PartyCount] dec a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld hl, PartyMonNicknames ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld d, h ld e, l push de xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a ld b, 0 farcall NamingScreen call RotateThreePalettesRight call LoadStandardFont pop hl ld de, StringBuffer1 call InitName jp .return_from_capture .SendToPC: call ClearSprites predef SentPkmnIntoBox farcall SetBoxMonCaughtData ld a, BANK(sBoxCount) call GetSRAMBank ld a, [sBoxCount] cp MONS_PER_BOX jr nz, .BoxNotFullYet ld hl, wBattleResult set 7, [hl] .BoxNotFullYet: ld a, [CurItem] cp FRIEND_BALL jr nz, .SkipBoxMonFriendBall ; The captured mon is now first in the box ld a, FRIEND_BALL_HAPPINESS ld [sBoxMon1Happiness], a .SkipBoxMonFriendBall: call CloseSRAM ld hl, Text_AskNicknameNewlyCaughtMon call PrintText ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [wd265], a call GetPokemonName call YesNoBox jr c, .SkipBoxMonNickname xor a ld [CurPartyMon], a ld a, BOXMON ld [MonType], a ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld b, $0 farcall NamingScreen ld a, BANK(sBoxMonNicknames) call GetSRAMBank ld hl, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld de, sBoxMonNicknames ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes ld hl, sBoxMonNicknames ld de, StringBuffer1 call InitName call CloseSRAM .SkipBoxMonNickname: ld a, BANK(sBoxMonNicknames) call GetSRAMBank ld hl, sBoxMonNicknames ld de, wMonOrItemNameBuffer ld bc, PKMN_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes call CloseSRAM ld hl, Text_SentToBillsPC call PrintText call RotateThreePalettesRight call LoadStandardFont jr .return_from_capture .catch_bug_contest_mon farcall BugContest_SetCaughtContestMon jr .return_from_capture .FinishTutorial: ld hl, Text_GotchaMonWasCaught .shake_and_break_free call PrintText call ClearSprites .return_from_capture ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_TUTORIAL ret z cp BATTLETYPE_DEBUG ret z cp BATTLETYPE_CONTEST jr z, .used_park_ball ld a, [wWildMon] and a jr z, .toss call ClearBGPalettes call ClearTileMap .toss ld hl, NumItems inc a ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a jp TossItem .used_park_ball ld hl, wParkBallsRemaining dec [hl] ret ; ec0a BallMultiplierFunctionTable: ; table of routines that increase or decrease the catch rate based on ; which ball is used in a certain situation. dbw ULTRA_BALL, UltraBallMultiplier dbw GREAT_BALL, GreatBallMultiplier dbw SAFARI_BALL, SafariBallMultiplier ; Safari Ball, leftover from RBY dbw HEAVY_BALL, HeavyBallMultiplier dbw LEVEL_BALL, LevelBallMultiplier dbw LURE_BALL, LureBallMultiplier dbw FAST_BALL, FastBallMultiplier dbw MOON_BALL, MoonBallMultiplier dbw LOVE_BALL, LoveBallMultiplier dbw PARK_BALL, ParkBallMultiplier db $ff UltraBallMultiplier: ; multiply catch rate by 2 sla b ret nc ld b, $ff ret SafariBallMultiplier: GreatBallMultiplier: ParkBallMultiplier: ; multiply catch rate by 1.5 ld a, b srl a add b ld b, a ret nc ld b, $ff ret GetPokedexEntryBank: push hl push de ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] rlca rlca and 3 ld hl, .PokedexEntryBanks ld d, 0 ld e, a add hl, de ld a, [hl] pop de pop hl ret .PokedexEntryBanks: GLOBAL PokedexEntries1 GLOBAL PokedexEntries2 GLOBAL PokedexEntries3 GLOBAL PokedexEntries4 db BANK(PokedexEntries1) db BANK(PokedexEntries2) db BANK(PokedexEntries3) db BANK(PokedexEntries4) HeavyBallMultiplier: ; subtract 20 from catch rate if weight < 102.4 kg ; else add 0 to catch rate if weight < 204.8 kg ; else add 20 to catch rate if weight < 307.2 kg ; else add 30 to catch rate if weight < 409.6 kg ; else add 40 to catch rate (never happens) ld a, [EnemyMonSpecies] ld hl, PokedexDataPointerTable dec a ld e, a ld d, 0 add hl, de add hl, de ld a, BANK(PokedexDataPointerTable) call GetFarHalfword .SkipText: call GetPokedexEntryBank call GetFarByte inc hl cp "@" jr nz, .SkipText call GetPokedexEntryBank push bc inc hl inc hl call GetFarHalfword srl h rr l ld b, h ld c, l rept 4 srl b rr c endr call .subbc srl b rr c call .subbc ld a, h pop bc jr .compare .subbc ; subtract bc from hl push bc ld a, b cpl ld b, a ld a, c cpl ld c, a inc bc add hl, bc pop bc ret .compare ld c, a cp HIGH(1024) ; 102.4 kg jr c, .lightmon ld hl, .WeightsTable .lookup ld a, c cp [hl] jr c, .heavymon inc hl inc hl jr .lookup .heavymon inc hl ld a, b add [hl] ld b, a ret nc ld b, $ff ret .lightmon ld a, b sub 20 ld b, a ret nc ld b, $1 ret .WeightsTable: ; weight factor, boost db HIGH(2048), 0 db HIGH(3072), 20 db HIGH(4096), 30 db HIGH(65280), 40 LureBallMultiplier: ; multiply catch rate by 3 if this is a fishing rod battle ld a, [BattleType] cp BATTLETYPE_FISH ret nz ld a, b add a jr c, .max add b jr nc, .done .max ld a, $ff .done ld b, a ret MoonBallMultiplier: ; This function is buggy. ; Intent: multiply catch rate by 4 if mon evolves with moon stone ; Reality: no boost GLOBAL EvosAttacks GLOBAL EvosAttacksPointers push bc ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] dec a ld c, a ld b, 0 ld hl, EvosAttacksPointers add hl, bc add hl, bc ld a, BANK(EvosAttacksPointers) call GetFarHalfword pop bc push bc ld a, BANK(EvosAttacks) call GetFarByte cp EVOLVE_ITEM pop bc ret nz inc hl inc hl inc hl ; Moon Stone's constant from Pokémon Red is used. ; No Pokémon evolve with Burn Heal, ; so Moon Balls always have a catch rate of 1×. push bc ld a, BANK(EvosAttacks) call GetFarByte cp MOON_STONE_RED ; BURN_HEAL pop bc ret nz sla b jr c, .max sla b jr nc, .done .max ld b, $ff .done ret LoveBallMultiplier: ; This function is buggy. ; Intent: multiply catch rate by 8 if mons are of same species, different sex ; Reality: multiply catch rate by 8 if mons are of same species, same sex ; does species match? ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld c, a ld a, [TempBattleMonSpecies] cp c ret nz ; check player mon species push bc ld a, [TempBattleMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a farcall GetGender jr c, .done1 ; no effect on genderless ld d, 0 ; male jr nz, .playermale inc d ; female .playermale ; check wild mon species push de ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld [CurPartySpecies], a ld a, WILDMON ld [MonType], a farcall GetGender jr c, .done2 ; no effect on genderless ld d, 0 ; male jr nz, .wildmale inc d ; female .wildmale ld a, d pop de cp d pop bc ret nz ; for the intended effect, this should be "ret z" sla b jr c, .max sla b jr c, .max sla b ret nc .max ld b, $ff ret .done2 pop de .done1 pop bc ret FastBallMultiplier: ; This function is buggy. ; Intent: multiply catch rate by 4 if enemy mon is in one of the three ; FleeMons tables. ; Reality: multiply catch rate by 4 if enemy mon is one of the first three in ; the first FleeMons table. ld a, [TempEnemyMonSpecies] ld c, a ld hl, FleeMons ld d, 3 .loop ld a, BANK(FleeMons) call GetFarByte inc hl cp -1 jr z, .next cp c jr nz, .next ; for the intended effect, this should be "jr nz, .loop" sla b jr c, .max sla b ret nc .max ld b, $ff ret .next dec d jr nz, .loop ret LevelBallMultiplier: ; multiply catch rate by 8 if player mon level / 4 > enemy mon level ; multiply catch rate by 4 if player mon level / 2 > enemy mon level ; multiply catch rate by 2 if player mon level > enemy mon level ld a, [BattleMonLevel] ld c, a ld a, [EnemyMonLevel] cp c ret nc ; if player is lower level, we're done here sla b jr c, .max srl c cp c ret nc ; if player/2 is lower level, we're done here sla b jr c, .max srl c cp c ret nc ; if player/4 is lower level, we're done here sla b ret nc .max ld b, $ff ret ; These two texts were carried over from gen 1. ; They are not used in gen 2, and are dummied out. Text_RBY_CatchMarowak: ; 0xedab ; It dodged the thrown BALL! This #MON can't be caught! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5a5a db "@" ; 0xedb0 Text_RBY_NoShake: ; 0xedb0 ; You missed the #MON! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5a90 db "@" ; 0xedb5 Text_NoShake: ; 0xedb5 ; Oh no! The #MON broke free! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5aa6 db "@" ; 0xedba Text_OneShake: ; 0xedba ; Aww! It appeared to be caught! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5ac3 db "@" ; 0xedbf Text_TwoShakes: ; 0xedbf ; Aargh! Almost had it! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5ae3 db "@" ; 0xedc4 Text_ThreeShakes: ; 0xedc4 ; Shoot! It was so close too! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5afa db "@" ; 0xedc9 Text_GotchaMonWasCaught: ; 0xedc9 ; Gotcha! @ was caught!@ @ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5b17 start_asm call WaitSFX push bc ld de, MUSIC_NONE call PlayMusic call DelayFrame ld de, MUSIC_CAPTURE call PlayMusic pop bc ld hl, TextJump_Waitbutton ret ; ede6 TextJump_Waitbutton: ; 0xede6 ; @ text_jump Text_Waitbutton_2 db "@" ; 0xedeb Text_SentToBillsPC: ; 0xedeb ; was sent to BILL's PC. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5b38 db "@" ; 0xedf0 Text_AddedToPokedex: ; 0xedf0 ; 's data was newly added to the #DEX.@ @ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5b53 db "@" ; 0xedf5 Text_AskNicknameNewlyCaughtMon: ; 0xedf5 ; Give a nickname to @ ? text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5b7f db "@" ; 0xedfa ReturnToBattle_UseBall: ; edfa (3:6dfa) farcall _ReturnToBattle_UseBall ret TownMap: ; ee01 farcall PokegearMap ret ; ee08 Bicycle: ; ee08 farcall BikeFunction ret ; ee0f MoonStone: FireStone: Thunderstone: WaterStone: LeafStone: SunStone: ; ee0f ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_EVO_STONE call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, .DecidedNotToUse ld a, MON_ITEM call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] cp EVERSTONE jr z, .NoEffect ld a, $1 ld [wForceEvolution], a farcall EvolvePokemon ld a, [wMonTriedToEvolve] and a jr z, .NoEffect jp UseDisposableItem .NoEffect: call WontHaveAnyEffectMessage .DecidedNotToUse: xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ret ; ee3d HPUp: Protein: Iron: Carbos: Calcium: ; ee3d ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, RareCandy_StatBooster_ExitMenu call RareCandy_StatBooster_GetParameters call GetStatExpRelativePointer ld a, MON_STAT_EXP call GetPartyParamLocation add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp 100 jr nc, NoEffectMessage add 10 ld [hl], a call UpdateStatsAfterItem call GetStatExpRelativePointer ld hl, StatStrings add hl, bc ld a, [hli] ld h, [hl] ld l, a ld de, StringBuffer2 ld bc, ITEM_NAME_LENGTH call CopyBytes call Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL ld hl, Text_StatRose call PrintText ld c, HAPPINESS_USEDITEM farcall ChangeHappiness jp UseDisposableItem NoEffectMessage: ; ee83 ld hl, WontHaveAnyEffectText call PrintText jp ClearPalettes ; ee8c UpdateStatsAfterItem: ; ee8c ld a, MON_MAXHP call GetPartyParamLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld a, MON_STAT_EXP - 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld b, $1 predef_jump CalcPkmnStats ; ee9f RareCandy_StatBooster_ExitMenu: ; ee9f xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a jp ClearPalettes ; eea6 Text_StatRose: ; 0xeea6 ; 's @ rose. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5b9a db "@" ; 0xeeab StatStrings: ; eeab dw .health dw .attack dw .defense dw .speed dw .special .health db "HEALTH@" .attack db "ATTACK@" .defense db "DEFENSE@" .speed db "SPEED@" .special db "SPECIAL@" ; eed9 GetStatExpRelativePointer: ; eed9 ld a, [CurItem] ld hl, Table_eeeb .next cp [hl] inc hl jr z, .got_it inc hl jr .next .got_it ld a, [hl] ld c, a ld b, 0 ret ; eeeb Table_eeeb: ; eeeb db HP_UP, MON_HP_EXP - MON_STAT_EXP db PROTEIN, MON_ATK_EXP - MON_STAT_EXP db IRON, MON_DEF_EXP - MON_STAT_EXP db CARBOS, MON_SPD_EXP - MON_STAT_EXP db CALCIUM, MON_SPC_EXP - MON_STAT_EXP ; eef5 RareCandy_StatBooster_GetParameters: ; eef5 ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [CurSpecies], a ld [wd265], a ld a, MON_LEVEL call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] ld [CurPartyLevel], a call GetBaseData ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMonNicknames call GetNick ret ; 0xef14 RareCandy: ; ef14 ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, RareCandy_StatBooster_ExitMenu call RareCandy_StatBooster_GetParameters ld a, MON_LEVEL call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] cp MAX_LEVEL jp nc, NoEffectMessage inc a ld [hl], a ld [CurPartyLevel], a push de ld d, a farcall CalcExpAtLevel pop de ld a, MON_EXP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hMultiplicand] ld [hli], a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 1] ld [hli], a ld a, [hMultiplicand + 2] ld [hl], a ld a, MON_MAXHP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld b, a ld c, [hl] push bc call UpdateStatsAfterItem ld a, MON_MAXHP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation pop bc ld a, [hld] sub c ld c, a ld a, [hl] sbc b ld b, a dec hl ld a, [hl] add c ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] adc b ld [hl], a farcall LevelUpHappinessMod ld a, PARTYMENUTEXT_LEVEL_UP call ItemActionText xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a predef CopyPkmnToTempMon hlcoord 9, 0 ld b, 10 ld c, 9 call TextBox hlcoord 11, 1 ld bc, 4 predef PrintTempMonStats call WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a ld a, [CurPartySpecies] ld [wd265], a predef LearnLevelMoves xor a ld [wForceEvolution], a farcall EvolvePokemon jp UseDisposableItem ; efad HealPowder: ; efad ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, StatusHealer_ExitMenu call UseStatusHealer cp $0 jr nz, .asm_efc9 ld c, HAPPINESS_BITTERPOWDER farcall ChangeHappiness call LooksBitterMessage ld a, $0 .asm_efc9 jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; efcc Antidote: BurnHeal: IceHeal: Awakening: ParlyzHeal: FullHeal: Psncureberry: Przcureberry: BurntBerry: IceBerry: MintBerry: Miracleberry: ; efcc ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, StatusHealer_ExitMenu FullyHealStatus: ; efd4 call UseStatusHealer jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; efda UseStatusHealer: ; efda (3:6fda) call IsMonFainted ld a, $1 ret z call GetItemHealingAction ld a, MON_STATUS call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] and c jr nz, .good call IsItemUsedOnConfusedMon ld a, $1 ret nc ld b, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_CONFUSION .good xor a ld [hl], a ld a, b ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call HealStatus call Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL call ItemActionTextWaitButton call UseDisposableItem ld a, $0 ret IsItemUsedOnConfusedMon: ; f009 (3:7009) call IsItemUsedOnBattleMon jr nc, .nope ld a, [PlayerSubStatus3] bit SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, a jr z, .nope ld a, c cp $ff jr nz, .nope scf ret .nope and a ret BattlemonRestoreHealth: ; f01e (3:701e) call IsItemUsedOnBattleMon ret nc ld a, MON_HP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [BattleMonHP], a ld a, [hld] ld [BattleMonHP + 1], a ret HealStatus: ; f030 (3:7030) call IsItemUsedOnBattleMon ret nc xor a ld [BattleMonStatus], a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus5 res SUBSTATUS_TOXIC, [hl] ld hl, PlayerSubStatus1 res SUBSTATUS_NIGHTMARE, [hl] call GetItemHealingAction ld a, c cp %11111111 jr nz, .not_full_heal ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3 res SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] .not_full_heal push bc farcall CalcPlayerStats pop bc ret GetItemHealingAction: ; f058 (3:7058) push hl ld a, [CurItem] ld hl, .healingactions ld bc, 3 .next cp [hl] jr z, .found_it add hl, bc jr .next .found_it inc hl ld b, [hl] inc hl ld a, [hl] ld c, a cp %11111111 pop hl ret ; f071 (3:7071) .healingactions ; f071 ; item, party menu action text, status db ANTIDOTE, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_PSN, 1 << PSN db BURN_HEAL, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_BRN, 1 << BRN db ICE_HEAL, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_FRZ, 1 << FRZ db AWAKENING, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_SLP, SLP db PARLYZ_HEAL, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_PAR, 1 << PAR db FULL_HEAL, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_ALL, %11111111 db FULL_RESTORE, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_ALL, %11111111 db HEAL_POWDER, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_ALL, %11111111 db PSNCUREBERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_PSN, 1 << PSN db PRZCUREBERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_PAR, 1 << PAR db BURNT_BERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_FRZ, 1 << FRZ db ICE_BERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_BRN, 1 << BRN db MINT_BERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_SLP, SLP db MIRACLEBERRY, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_ALL, %11111111 db -1, 0, 0 ; f09e StatusHealer_Jumptable: ; f09e (3:709e) ld hl, .dw rst JumpTable ret .dw ; f0a3 (3:70a3) dw StatusHealer_ClearPalettes dw StatusHealer_NoEffect dw StatusHealer_ExitMenu RevivalHerb: ; f0a9 ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, StatusHealer_ExitMenu call RevivePokemon cp 0 jr nz, .asm_f0c5 ld c, HAPPINESS_REVIVALHERB farcall ChangeHappiness call LooksBitterMessage ld a, 0 .asm_f0c5 jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f0c8 Revive: MaxRevive: ; f0c8 ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, StatusHealer_ExitMenu call RevivePokemon jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f0d6 RevivePokemon: ; f0d6 call IsMonFainted ld a, 1 ret nz ld a, [wBattleMode] and a jr z, .skip_to_revive ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld c, a ld d, 0 ld hl, wBattleParticipantsIncludingFainted ld b, CHECK_FLAG predef FlagPredef ld a, c and a jr z, .skip_to_revive ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld c, a ld hl, wBattleParticipantsNotFainted ld b, SET_FLAG predef FlagPredef .skip_to_revive xor a ld [Danger], a ld a, [CurItem] cp REVIVE jr z, .revive_half_hp call ReviveFullHP jr .finish_revive .revive_half_hp call ReviveHalfHP .finish_revive call HealHP_SFX_GFX ld a, PARTYMENUTEXT_REVIVE ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call ItemActionTextWaitButton call UseDisposableItem ld a, 0 ret ; f128 FullRestore: ; f128 ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, StatusHealer_ExitMenu call IsMonFainted jp z, StatusHealer_NoEffect call IsMonAtFullHealth jr c, .NotAtFullHealth jp FullyHealStatus .NotAtFullHealth: call .FullRestore jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f144 .FullRestore: ; f144 xor a ld [Danger], a call ReviveFullHP ld a, MON_STATUS call GetPartyParamLocation xor a ld [hli], a ld [hl], a call HealStatus call BattlemonRestoreHealth call HealHP_SFX_GFX ld a, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_HP ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call ItemActionTextWaitButton call UseDisposableItem ld a, 0 ret ; f16a BitterBerry: ; f16a ld hl, PlayerSubStatus3 bit SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] ld a, 1 jr z, .done res SUBSTATUS_CONFUSED, [hl] xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a call UseItemText ld hl, ConfusedNoMoreText call StdBattleTextBox ld a, 0 .done jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f186 MaxPotion: HyperPotion: SuperPotion: Potion: FreshWater: SodaPop: Lemonade: MoomooMilk: Ragecandybar: BerryJuice: Berry: GoldBerry: ; f186 call ItemRestoreHP jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f18c Energypowder: ; f18c ld c, HAPPINESS_BITTERPOWDER jr EnergypowderEnergyRootCommon ; f190 EnergyRoot: ; f190 ld c, HAPPINESS_ENERGYROOT ; f192 EnergypowderEnergyRootCommon: ; f192 push bc call ItemRestoreHP pop bc cp 0 jr nz, .skip_happiness farcall ChangeHappiness call LooksBitterMessage ld a, 0 .skip_happiness jp StatusHealer_Jumptable ; f1a9 ItemRestoreHP: ; f1a9 (3:71a9) ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon ld a, 2 ret c call IsMonFainted ld a, 1 ret z call IsMonAtFullHealth ld a, 1 ret nc xor a ld [Danger], a call GetHealingItemAmount call RestoreHealth call BattlemonRestoreHealth call HealHP_SFX_GFX ld a, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_HP ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call ItemActionTextWaitButton call UseDisposableItem ld a, 0 ret HealHP_SFX_GFX: ; f1db (3:71db) push de ld de, SFX_POTION call WaitPlaySFX pop de ld a, [CurPartyMon] hlcoord 11, 0 ld bc, SCREEN_WIDTH * 2 call AddNTimes ld a, $2 ld [wWhichHPBar], a predef_jump AnimateHPBar UseItem_SelectMon: ; f1f9 (3:71f9) call .SelectMon ret c ld a, [CurPartySpecies] cp EGG jr nz, .not_egg call CantUseOnEggMessage scf ret .not_egg and a ret .SelectMon: ; f20b (3:720b) ld a, b ld [PartyMenuActionText], a push hl push de push bc call ClearBGPalettes call ChoosePkmnToUseItemOn pop bc pop de pop hl ret ChoosePkmnToUseItemOn: ; f21c (3:721c) farcall LoadPartyMenuGFX farcall InitPartyMenuWithCancel farcall InitPartyMenuGFX farcall WritePartyMenuTilemap farcall PrintPartyMenuText call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes call DelayFrame farcall PartyMenuSelect ret ItemActionText: ; f24a (3:724a) ld [PartyMenuActionText], a ld a, [CurPartySpecies] push af ld a, [CurPartyMon] push af push hl push de push bc farcall WritePartyMenuTilemap farcall PrintPartyMenuActionText call WaitBGMap call SetPalettes call DelayFrame pop bc pop de pop hl pop af ld [CurPartyMon], a pop af ld [CurPartySpecies], a ret ItemActionTextWaitButton: ; f279 (3:7279) xor a ld [hBGMapMode], a hlcoord 0, 0 ld bc, TileMapEnd - TileMap ld a, " " call ByteFill ld a, [PartyMenuActionText] call ItemActionText ld a, $1 ld [hBGMapMode], a ld c, 50 call DelayFrames jp WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor StatusHealer_NoEffect: ; f299 (3:7299) call WontHaveAnyEffectMessage jr StatusHealer_ClearPalettes StatusHealer_ExitMenu: ; f29e (3:729e) xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a StatusHealer_ClearPalettes: ; f2a2 (3:72a2) call ClearPalettes ret IsItemUsedOnBattleMon: ; f2a6 (3:72a6) ld a, [wBattleMode] and a ret z ld a, [CurPartyMon] push hl ld hl, CurBattleMon cp [hl] pop hl jr nz, .nope scf ret .nope xor a ret ReviveHalfHP: ; f2ba (3:72ba) call LoadHPFromBuffer1 srl d rr e jr ContinueRevive ReviveFullHP: ; f2c3 (3:72c3) call LoadHPFromBuffer1 ContinueRevive: ; f2c6 (3:72c6) ld a, MON_HP call GetPartyParamLocation ld [hl], d inc hl ld [hl], e jp LoadCurHPIntoBuffer5 RestoreHealth: ; f2d1 (3:72d1) ld a, MON_HP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] add e ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] adc d ld [hl], a jr c, .full_hp call LoadCurHPIntoBuffer5 ld a, MON_HP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld d, h ld e, l ld a, MON_MAXHP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [de] sub [hl] dec de dec hl ld a, [de] sbc [hl] jr c, .finish .full_hp call ReviveFullHP .finish ret RemoveHP: ; f2f9 (3:72f9) ld a, MON_HP + 1 call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hl] sub e ld [hld], a ld a, [hl] sbc d ld [hl], a jr nc, .okay xor a ld [hld], a ld [hl], a .okay call LoadCurHPIntoBuffer5 ret IsMonFainted: ; f30d (3:730d) push de call LoadMaxHPToBuffer1 call LoadCurHPToBuffer3 call LoadHPFromBuffer3 ld a, d or e pop de ret IsMonAtFullHealth: ; f31b (3:731b) call LoadHPFromBuffer3 ld h, d ld l, e call LoadHPFromBuffer1 ld a, l sub e ld a, h sbc d ret LoadCurHPIntoBuffer5: ; f328 (3:7328) ld a, MON_HP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer6], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer5], a ret ; f336 (3:7336) LoadHPIntoBuffer5: ; f336 ld a, d ld [Buffer6], a ld a, e ld [Buffer5], a ret ; f33f LoadHPFromBuffer5: ; f33f ld a, [Buffer6] ld d, a ld a, [Buffer5] ld e, a ret ; f348 LoadCurHPToBuffer3: ; f348 (3:7348) ld a, MON_HP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer4], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer3], a ret LoadHPFromBuffer3: ; f356 (3:7356) ld a, [Buffer4] ld d, a ld a, [Buffer3] ld e, a ret LoadMaxHPToBuffer1: ; f35f (3:735f) push hl ld a, MON_MAXHP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [Buffer2], a ld a, [hl] ld [Buffer1], a pop hl ret LoadHPFromBuffer1: ; f36f (3:736f) ld a, [Buffer2] ld d, a ld a, [Buffer1] ld e, a ret GetOneFifthMaxHP: ; f378 (3:7378) push bc ld a, MON_MAXHP call GetPartyParamLocation ld a, [hli] ld [hDividend + 0], a ld a, [hl] ld [hDividend + 1], a ld a, 5 ld [hDivisor], a ld b, 2 call Divide ld a, [hQuotient + 1] ld d, a ld a, [hQuotient + 2] ld e, a pop bc ret GetHealingItemAmount: ; f395 (3:7395) push hl ld a, [CurItem] ld hl, .Healing ld d, a .next ld a, [hli] cp -1 jr z, .NotFound cp d jr z, .done inc hl inc hl jr .next .NotFound: scf .done ld e, [hl] inc hl ld d, [hl] pop hl ret ; f3af (3:73af) .Healing: ; f3af dbw FRESH_WATER, 50 dbw SODA_POP, 60 dbw LEMONADE, 80 dbw HYPER_POTION, 200 dbw SUPER_POTION, 50 dbw POTION, 20 dbw MAX_POTION, MAX_STAT_VALUE dbw FULL_RESTORE, MAX_STAT_VALUE dbw MOOMOO_MILK, 100 dbw BERRY, 10 dbw GOLD_BERRY, 30 dbw ENERGYPOWDER, 50 dbw ENERGY_ROOT, 200 dbw RAGECANDYBAR, 20 dbw BERRY_JUICE, 20 dbw -1, 0 ; f3df Softboiled_MilkDrinkFunction: ; f3df (3:73df) ; Softboiled/Milk Drink in the field ld a, [wPartyMenuCursor] dec a ld b, a call .SelectMilkDrinkRecipient ; select pokemon jr c, .skip ld a, b ld [CurPartyMon], a call IsMonFainted call GetOneFifthMaxHP call RemoveHP push bc call HealHP_SFX_GFX pop bc call GetOneFifthMaxHP ld a, c ld [CurPartyMon], a call IsMonFainted call RestoreHealth call HealHP_SFX_GFX ld a, PARTYMENUTEXT_HEAL_HP call ItemActionText call JoyWaitAorB .skip ld a, b inc a ld [wPartyMenuCursor], a ret .SelectMilkDrinkRecipient: ; f419 (3:7419) .loop push bc ld a, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM ld [PartyMenuActionText], a call ChoosePkmnToUseItemOn pop bc jr c, .set_carry ld a, [wPartyMenuCursor] dec a ld c, a ld a, b cp c jr z, .cant_use ; chose the same mon as user ld a, c ld [CurPartyMon], a call IsMonFainted jr z, .cant_use call IsMonAtFullHealth jr nc, .cant_use xor a ret .set_carry scf ret .cant_use push bc ld hl, .Text_CantBeUsed call MenuTextBoxBackup pop bc jr .loop ; f44a (3:744a) .Text_CantBeUsed: ; 0xf44a ; That can't be used on this #MON. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5bac db "@" ; 0xf44f EscapeRope: ; f44f xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a farcall EscapeRopeFunction ld a, [wItemEffectSucceeded] cp 1 call z, UseDisposableItem ret ; f462 SuperRepel: ; f462 ld b, 200 jr UseRepel ; f466 MaxRepel: ; f466 ld b, 250 jr UseRepel ; f466 Repel: ; f46a ld b, 100 ; f46c UseRepel: ; f46c ld a, [wRepelEffect] and a ld hl, TextJump_RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffect jp nz, PrintText ld a, b ld [wRepelEffect], a jp UseItemText TextJump_RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffect: ; 0xf47d ; The REPEL used earlier is still in effect. text_jump Text_RepelUsedEarlierIsStillInEffect db "@" ; 0xf482 XAccuracy: ; f482 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 bit SUBSTATUS_X_ACCURACY, [hl] jp nz, WontHaveAnyEffect_NotUsedMessage set SUBSTATUS_X_ACCURACY, [hl] jp UseItemText ; f48f PokeDoll: ; f48f ld a, [wBattleMode] dec a jr nz, .asm_f4a6 inc a ld [wForcedSwitch], a ld a, [wBattleResult] and $c0 or $2 ld [wBattleResult], a jp UseItemText .asm_f4a6 xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ret ; f4ab GuardSpec: ; f4ab ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 bit SUBSTATUS_MIST, [hl] jp nz, WontHaveAnyEffect_NotUsedMessage set SUBSTATUS_MIST, [hl] jp UseItemText ; f4b8 DireHit: ; f4b8 ld hl, PlayerSubStatus4 bit SUBSTATUS_FOCUS_ENERGY, [hl] jp nz, WontHaveAnyEffect_NotUsedMessage set SUBSTATUS_FOCUS_ENERGY, [hl] jp UseItemText ; f4c5 XAttack: XDefend: XSpeed: XSpecial: ; f4c5 call UseItemText ld a, [CurItem] ld hl, .x_item_table .loop cp [hl] jr z, .got_it inc hl inc hl jr .loop .got_it inc hl ld b, [hl] xor a ld [hBattleTurn], a ld [AttackMissed], a ld [EffectFailed], a farcall CheckIfStatCanBeRaised call WaitSFX farcall BattleCommand_StatUpMessage farcall BattleCommand_StatUpFailText ld a, [CurBattleMon] ld [CurPartyMon], a ld c, HAPPINESS_USEDXITEM farcall ChangeHappiness ret ; f504 .x_item_table ; f504 db X_ATTACK, ATTACK db X_DEFEND, DEFENSE db X_SPEED, SPEED db X_SPECIAL, SP_ATTACK ; f50c PokeFlute: ; f50c ld a, [wBattleMode] and a jr nz, .dummy .dummy xor a ld [wd002], a ld b, $ff ^ SLP ld hl, PartyMon1Status call .CureSleep ld a, [wBattleMode] cp WILD_BATTLE jr z, .skip_otrainer ld hl, OTPartyMon1Status call .CureSleep .skip_otrainer ld hl, BattleMonStatus ld a, [hl] and b ld [hl], a ld hl, EnemyMonStatus ld a, [hl] and b ld [hl], a ld a, [wd002] and a ld hl, .CatchyTune jp z, PrintText ld hl, .PlayedTheFlute call PrintText ld a, [Danger] and 1 << DANGER_ON_F jr nz, .dummy2 .dummy2 ld hl, .AllSleepingMonWokeUp jp PrintText .CureSleep: ld de, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH ld c, PARTY_LENGTH .loop ld a, [hl] push af and SLP jr z, .not_asleep ld a, 1 ld [wd002], a .not_asleep pop af and b ld [hl], a add hl, de dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; f56c .CatchyTune: ; 0xf56c ; Played the # FLUTE. Now, that's a catchy tune! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5bf9 db "@" ; 0xf571 .AllSleepingMonWokeUp: ; 0xf571 ; All sleeping #MON woke up. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5c28 db "@" ; 0xf576 .PlayedTheFlute: ; 0xf576 ; played the # FLUTE.@ @ text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5c44 start_asm ld a, [wBattleMode] and a jr nz, .battle push de ld de, SFX_POKEFLUTE call WaitPlaySFX call WaitSFX pop de .battle jp PokeFluteTerminatorCharacter ; f58f BlueCard: ; f58f ld hl, .bluecardtext jp MenuTextBoxWaitButton .bluecardtext text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5c5e db "@" ; f59a CoinCase: ; f59a ld hl, .coincasetext jp MenuTextBoxWaitButton .coincasetext text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5c7b db "@" ; f5a5 OldRod: ; f5a5 ld e, $0 jr UseRod ; f5a9 GoodRod: ; f5a9 ld e, $1 jr UseRod ; f5ad SuperRod: ; f5ad ld e, $2 jr UseRod ; f5b1 UseRod: ; f5b1 farcall FishFunction ret ; f5b8 Itemfinder: ; f5b8 farcall ItemFinder ret ; f5bf MaxElixer: PPUp: Ether: MaxEther: Elixer: Mysteryberry: ; f5bf ld a, [CurItem] ld [wd002], a .loop ; Party Screen opens to choose on which Pkmn to use the Item ld b, PARTYMENUACTION_HEALING_ITEM call UseItem_SelectMon jp c, PPRestoreItem_Cancel .loop2 ld a, [wd002] cp MAX_ELIXER jp z, Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves cp ELIXER jp z, Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves ld hl, TextJump_RaiseThePPOfWhichMove ld a, [wd002] cp PP_UP jr z, .ppup ld hl, TextJump_RestoreThePPOfWhichMove .ppup call PrintText ld a, [CurMoveNum] push af xor a ld [CurMoveNum], a ld a, $2 ld [wMoveSelectionMenuType], a farcall MoveSelectionScreen pop bc ld a, b ld [CurMoveNum], a jr nz, .loop ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon push hl ld a, [hl] ld [wd265], a call GetMoveName call CopyName1 pop hl ld a, [wd002] cp PP_UP jp nz, Not_PP_Up ld a, [hl] cp SKETCH jr z, .CantUsePPUpOnSketch ld bc, MON_PP - MON_MOVES add hl, bc ld a, [hl] cp PP_UP_MASK jr c, .do_ppup .CantUsePPUpOnSketch: .pp_is_maxed_out ld hl, TextJump_PPIsMaxedOut call PrintText jr .loop2 .do_ppup ld a, [hl] add PP_UP_ONE ld [hl], a ld a, $1 ld [wd265], a call ApplyPPUp call Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL ld hl, TextJump_PPsIncreased call PrintText FinishPPRestore: ; f64c call ClearPalettes jp UseDisposableItem ; f652 BattleRestorePP: ; f652 ld a, [wBattleMode] and a jr z, .not_in_battle ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld b, a ld a, [CurBattleMon] cp b jr nz, .not_in_battle ld a, [PlayerSubStatus5] bit SUBSTATUS_TRANSFORMED, a jr nz, .not_in_battle call .UpdateBattleMonPP .not_in_battle call Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL ld hl, UnknownText_0xf739 call PrintText jr FinishPPRestore .UpdateBattleMonPP: ld a, [CurPartyMon] ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld de, BattleMonMoves ld b, NUM_MOVES .loop ld a, [de] and a jr z, .done cp [hl] jr nz, .next push hl push de push bc rept NUM_MOVES + 2 ; BattleMonPP - BattleMonMoves inc de endr ld bc, MON_PP - MON_MOVES add hl, bc ld a, [hl] ld [de], a pop bc pop de pop hl .next inc hl inc de dec b jr nz, .loop .done ret ; f6a7 Not_PP_Up: ; f6a7 call RestorePP jr nz, BattleRestorePP jp PPRestoreItem_NoEffect ; f6af Elixer_RestorePPofAllMoves: ; f6af xor a ld hl, wMenuCursorY ld [hli], a ld [hl], a ld b, NUM_MOVES .moveLoop push bc ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon ld a, [hl] and a jr z, .next call RestorePP jr z, .next ld hl, wMenuCursorX inc [hl] .next ld hl, wMenuCursorY inc [hl] pop bc dec b jr nz, .moveLoop ld a, [wMenuCursorX] and a jp nz, BattleRestorePP PPRestoreItem_NoEffect: ; f6dd call WontHaveAnyEffectMessage PPRestoreItem_Cancel: ; f6e0 call ClearPalettes xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ret ; f6e8 RestorePP: ; f6e8 xor a ; PARTYMON ld [MonType], a call GetMaxPPOfMove ld hl, PartyMon1PP ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH call GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon ld a, [wd265] ld b, a ld a, [hl] and PP_MASK cp b jr nc, .dont_restore ld a, [wd002] cp MAX_ELIXER jr z, .restore_all cp MAX_ETHER jr z, .restore_all ld c, 5 cp MYSTERYBERRY jr z, .restore_some ld c, 10 .restore_some ld a, [hl] and PP_MASK add c cp b jr nc, .restore_all ld b, a .restore_all ld a, [hl] and PP_UP_MASK or b ld [hl], a ret .dont_restore xor a ret ; f725 TextJump_RaiseThePPOfWhichMove: ; 0xf725 ; Raise the PP of which move? text_jump Text_RaiseThePPOfWhichMove db "@" ; 0xf72a TextJump_RestoreThePPOfWhichMove: ; 0xf72a ; Restore the PP of which move? text_jump Text_RestoreThePPOfWhichMove db "@" ; 0xf72f TextJump_PPIsMaxedOut: ; 0xf72f ; 's PP is maxed out. text_jump Text_PPIsMaxedOut db "@" ; 0xf734 TextJump_PPsIncreased: ; 0xf734 ; 's PP increased. text_jump Text_PPsIncreased db "@" ; 0xf739 UnknownText_0xf739: ; 0xf739 ; PP was restored. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5cf1 db "@" ; 0xf73e Squirtbottle: ; f73e farcall _Squirtbottle ret ; f745 CardKey: ; f745 farcall _CardKey ret ; f74c BasementKey: ; f74c farcall _BasementKey ret ; f753 SacredAsh: ; f753 farcall _SacredAsh ld a, [wItemEffectSucceeded] cp $1 ret nz call UseDisposableItem ret ; f763 NormalBox: ; f763 ld c, DECOFLAG_SILVER_TROPHY_DOLL jr OpenBox ; f767 GorgeousBox: ; f767 ld c, DECOFLAG_GOLD_TROPHY_DOLL OpenBox: ; f769 farcall SetSpecificDecorationFlag ld hl, .text call PrintText jp UseDisposableItem ; f778 .text ; 0xf778 ; There was a trophy inside! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5d03 db "@" ; 0xf77d Brightpowder: Item19: LuckyPunch: MetalPowder: Nugget: Item2D: Item32: ExpShare: SilverLeaf: RedScale: Secretpotion: SSTicket: MysteryEgg: ClearBell: SilverWing: QuickClaw: GoldLeaf: SoftSand: SharpBeak: PoisonBarb: KingsRock: RedApricorn: Tinymushroom: BigMushroom: Silverpowder: BluApricorn: Item5A: AmuletCoin: YlwApricorn: GrnApricorn: CleanseTag: MysticWater: Twistedspoon: WhtApricorn: Blackbelt: BlkApricorn: Item64: PnkApricorn: Blackglasses: Slowpoketail: PinkBow: Stick: SmokeBall: Nevermeltice: Magnet: Pearl: BigPearl: Everstone: SpellTag: GsBall: MiracleSeed: ThickClub: FocusBand: Item78: HardStone: LuckyEgg: MachinePart: EggTicket: LostItem: Stardust: StarPiece: Pass: Item87: Item88: Item89: Charcoal: ScopeLens: Item8D: Item8E: MetalCoat: DragonFang: Item91: Leftovers: Item93: Item94: Item95: DragonScale: BerserkGene: Item99: Item9A: Item9B: FlowerMail: ItemA2: LightBall: PolkadotBow: ItemAB: UpGrade: ItemB0: RainbowWing: ItemB3: TeruSama: ; f77d jp IsntTheTimeMessage ; f780 Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL: ; f780 push de ld de, SFX_FULL_HEAL call WaitPlaySFX pop de ret ; f789 UseItemText: ; f789 ld hl, UsedItemText call PrintText call Play_SFX_FULL_HEAL call WaitPressAorB_BlinkCursor UseDisposableItem: ; f795 ld hl, NumItems ld a, 1 ld [wItemQuantityChangeBuffer], a jp TossItem ; f7a0 UseBallInTrainerBattle: ; f7a0 call ReturnToBattle_UseBall ld de, ANIM_THROW_POKE_BALL ld a, e ld [FXAnimID], a ld a, d ld [FXAnimID + 1], a xor a ld [wBattleAnimParam], a ld [hBattleTurn], a ld [wNumHits], a predef PlayBattleAnim ld hl, BlockedTheBallText call PrintText ld hl, DontBeAThiefText call PrintText jr UseDisposableItem ; f7ca WontHaveAnyEffect_NotUsedMessage: ; f7ca ld hl, WontHaveAnyEffectText call PrintText ; Item wasn't used. ld a, $2 ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ret ; f7d6 LooksBitterMessage: ; f7d6 ld hl, LooksBitterText jp PrintText ; f7dc Ball_BoxIsFullMessage: ; f7dc ld hl, Ball_BoxIsFullText call PrintText ; Item wasn't used. ld a, $2 ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a ret ; f7e8 CantUseOnEggMessage: ; f7e8 ld hl, CantUseOnEggText jr CantUseItemMessage IsntTheTimeMessage: ; f7ed ld hl, IsntTheTimeText jr CantUseItemMessage WontHaveAnyEffectMessage: ; f7f2 ld hl, WontHaveAnyEffectText jr CantUseItemMessage BelongsToSomeoneElseMessage: ; f7f7 ld hl, BelongsToSomeoneElseText jr CantUseItemMessage CyclingIsntAllowedMessage: ; f7fc ld hl, CyclingIsntAllowedText jr CantUseItemMessage CantGetOnYourBikeMessage: ; f801 ld hl, CantGetOnYourBikeText CantUseItemMessage: ; f804 ; Item couldn't be used. xor a ld [wItemEffectSucceeded], a jp PrintText ; f80b LooksBitterText: ; 0xf80b ; It looks bitter… text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5d3e db "@" ; 0xf810 CantUseOnEggText: ; 0xf810 ; That can't be used on an EGG. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5d50 db "@" ; 0xf815 IsntTheTimeText: ; 0xf815 ; OAK: ! This isn't the time to use that! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5d6e db "@" ; 0xf81a BelongsToSomeoneElseText: ; 0xf81a ; That belongs to someone else! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5d97 db "@" ; 0xf81f WontHaveAnyEffectText: ; 0xf81f ; It won't have any effect. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5db6 db "@" ; 0xf824 BlockedTheBallText: ; 0xf824 ; The trainer blocked the BALL! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5dd0 db "@" ; 0xf829 DontBeAThiefText: ; 0xf829 ; Don't be a thief! text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5def db "@" ; 0xf82e CyclingIsntAllowedText: ; 0xf82e ; Cycling isn't allowed here. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e01 db "@" ; 0xf833 CantGetOnYourBikeText: ; 0xf833 ; Can't get on your @ now. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e1d db "@" ; 0xf838 Ball_BoxIsFullText: ; 0xf838 ; The #MON BOX is full. That can't be used now. text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e3a db "@" ; 0xf83d UsedItemText: ; 0xf83d ; used the@ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e68 db "@" ; 0xf842 GotOnTheItemText: ; 0xf842 ; got on the@ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e7b db "@" ; 0xf847 GotOffTheItemText: ; 0xf847 ; got off@ the @ . text_jump UnknownText_0x1c5e90 db "@" ; 0xf84c ApplyPPUp: ; f84c ld a, MON_MOVES call GetPartyParamLocation push hl ld de, Buffer1 predef FillPP pop hl ld bc, MON_PP - MON_MOVES add hl, bc ld de, Buffer1 ld b, 0 .loop inc b ld a, b cp NUM_MOVES + 1 ret z ld a, [wd265] dec a jr nz, .use ld a, [wMenuCursorY] inc a cp b jr nz, .skip .use ld a, [hl] and PP_UP_MASK ld a, [de] ; wasted cycle call nz, ComputeMaxPP .skip inc hl inc de jr .loop ; f881 ComputeMaxPP: ; f881 push bc ; Divide the base PP by 5. ld a, [de] ld [hDividend + 3], a xor a ld [hDividend], a ld [hDividend + 1], a ld [hDividend + 2], a ld a, 5 ld [hDivisor], a ld b, 4 call Divide ; Get the number of PP, which are bits 6 and 7 of the PP value stored in RAM. ld a, [hl] ld b, a swap a and $f srl a srl a ld c, a ; If this value is 0, we are done and a jr z, .NoPPUp .loop ; Normally, a move with 40 PP would have 64 PP with three PP Ups. ; Since this would overflow into bit 6, we prevent that from happening ; by decreasing the extra amount of PP each PP Up provides, resulting ; in a maximum of 61. ld a, [hQuotient + 2] cp $8 jr c, .okay ld a, $7 .okay add b ld b, a ld a, [wd265] dec a jr z, .NoPPUp dec c jr nz, .loop .NoPPUp: ld [hl], b pop bc ret ; f8b9 RestoreAllPP: ; f8b9 ld a, MON_PP call GetPartyParamLocation push hl ld a, MON_MOVES call GetPartyParamLocation pop de xor a ; PARTYMON ld [wMenuCursorY], a ld [MonType], a ld c, NUM_MOVES .loop ld a, [hli] and a ret z push hl push de push bc call GetMaxPPOfMove pop bc pop de ld a, [de] and PP_UP_MASK ld b, a ld a, [wd265] add b ld [de], a inc de ld hl, wMenuCursorY inc [hl] pop hl dec c jr nz, .loop ret ; f8ec GetMaxPPOfMove: ; f8ec ld a, [StringBuffer1 + 0] push af ld a, [StringBuffer1 + 1] push af ld a, [MonType] and a ld hl, PartyMon1Moves ld bc, PARTYMON_STRUCT_LENGTH jr z, .got_partymon ; PARTYMON ld hl, OTPartyMon1Moves dec a jr z, .got_partymon ; OTPARTYMON ld hl, TempMonMoves dec a jr z, .got_nonpartymon ; BOXMON ld hl, TempMonMoves ; Wasted cycles dec a jr z, .got_nonpartymon ; TEMPMON ld hl, BattleMonMoves ; WILDMON .got_nonpartymon ; BOXMON, TEMPMON, WILDMON call GetMthMoveOfCurrentMon jr .gotdatmove .got_partymon ; PARTYMON, OTPARTYMON call GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon .gotdatmove ld a, [hl] dec a push hl ld hl, Moves + MOVE_PP ld bc, MOVE_LENGTH call AddNTimes ld a, BANK(Moves) call GetFarByte ld b, a ld de, StringBuffer1 ld [de], a pop hl push bc ld bc, MON_PP - MON_MOVES ld a, [MonType] cp WILDMON jr nz, .notwild ld bc, EnemyMonPP - EnemyMonMoves .notwild add hl, bc ld a, [hl] and PP_UP_MASK pop bc or b ld hl, StringBuffer1 + 1 ld [hl], a xor a ld [wd265], a ld a, b ; this gets lost anyway call ComputeMaxPP ld a, [hl] and PP_MASK ld [wd265], a pop af ld [StringBuffer1 + 1], a pop af ld [StringBuffer1 + 0], a ret ; f963 GetMthMoveOfNthPartymon: ; f963 ld a, [CurPartyMon] call AddNTimes GetMthMoveOfCurrentMon: ; f969 ld a, [wMenuCursorY] ld c, a ld b, 0 add hl, bc ret ; f971