ref: f159654054ff0ac93fb956a52973f7126c671916
dir: /macros/scripts/events.asm/
; ScriptCommandTable indexes (see engine/overworld/scripting.asm) const_def const scall_command ; $00 MACRO scall db scall_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const farscall_command ; $01 MACRO farscall db farscall_command dba \1 ENDM const memcall_command ; $02 MACRO memcall db memcall_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const sjump_command ; $03 MACRO sjump db sjump_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const farsjump_command ; $04 MACRO farsjump db farsjump_command dba \1 ENDM const memjump_command ; $05 MACRO memjump db memjump_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const ifequal_command ; $06 MACRO ifequal db ifequal_command db \1 ; byte dw \2 ; pointer ENDM const ifnotequal_command ; $07 MACRO ifnotequal db ifnotequal_command db \1 ; byte dw \2 ; pointer ENDM const iffalse_command ; $08 MACRO iffalse db iffalse_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const iftrue_command ; $09 MACRO iftrue db iftrue_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const ifgreater_command ; $0a MACRO ifgreater db ifgreater_command db \1 ; byte dw \2 ; pointer ENDM const ifless_command ; $0b MACRO ifless db ifless_command db \1 ; byte dw \2 ; pointer ENDM const jumpstd_command ; $0c MACRO jumpstd db jumpstd_command dw (\1StdScript - StdScripts) / 3 ENDM const callstd_command ; $0d MACRO callstd db callstd_command dw (\1StdScript - StdScripts) / 3 ENDM const callasm_command ; $0e MACRO callasm db callasm_command dba \1 ENDM const special_command ; $0f MACRO special db special_command dw (\1Special - SpecialsPointers) / 3 ENDM const memcallasm_command ; $10 MACRO memcallasm db memcallasm_command dw \1 ; asm ENDM const checkmapscene_command ; $11 MACRO checkmapscene db checkmapscene_command map_id \1 ; map ENDM const setmapscene_command ; $12 MACRO setmapscene db setmapscene_command map_id \1 ; map db \2 ; scene_id ENDM const checkscene_command ; $13 MACRO checkscene db checkscene_command ENDM const setscene_command ; $14 MACRO setscene db setscene_command db \1 ; scene_id ENDM const setval_command ; $15 MACRO setval db setval_command db \1 ; value ENDM const addval_command ; $16 MACRO addval db addval_command db \1 ; value ENDM const random_command ; $17 MACRO random db random_command db \1 ; input ENDM const checkver_command ; $18 MACRO checkver db checkver_command ENDM const readmem_command ; $19 MACRO readmem db readmem_command dw \1 ; address ENDM const writemem_command ; $1a MACRO writemem db writemem_command dw \1 ; address ENDM const loadmem_command ; $1b MACRO loadmem db loadmem_command dw \1 ; address db \2 ; value ENDM const readvar_command ; $1c MACRO readvar db readvar_command db \1 ; variable_id ENDM const writevar_command ; $1d MACRO writevar db writevar_command db \1 ; variable_id ENDM const loadvar_command ; $1e MACRO loadvar if STRIN("\1", "VAR_") != 1 ; LEGACY: Support for the old name of "loadmem" loadmem \1, \2 else db loadvar_command db \1 ; variable_id db \2 ; value endc ENDM const giveitem_command ; $1f MACRO giveitem if _NARG == 1 giveitem \1, 1 else db giveitem_command db \1 ; item db \2 ; quantity endc ENDM const takeitem_command ; $20 MACRO takeitem if _NARG == 1 takeitem \1, 1 else db takeitem_command db \1 ; item db \2 ; quantity endc ENDM const checkitem_command ; $21 MACRO checkitem db checkitem_command db \1 ; item ENDM const givemoney_command ; $22 MACRO givemoney db givemoney_command db \1 ; account dt \2 ; money ENDM const takemoney_command ; $23 MACRO takemoney db takemoney_command db \1 ; account dt \2 ; money ENDM const checkmoney_command ; $24 MACRO checkmoney db checkmoney_command db \1 ; account dt \2 ; money ENDM const givecoins_command ; $25 MACRO givecoins db givecoins_command dw \1 ; coins ENDM const takecoins_command ; $26 MACRO takecoins db takecoins_command dw \1 ; coins ENDM const checkcoins_command ; $27 MACRO checkcoins db checkcoins_command dw \1 ; coins ENDM const addcellnum_command ; $28 MACRO addcellnum db addcellnum_command db \1 ; person ENDM const delcellnum_command ; $29 MACRO delcellnum db delcellnum_command db \1 ; person ENDM const checkcellnum_command ; $2a MACRO checkcellnum db checkcellnum_command db \1 ; person ENDM const checktime_command ; $2b MACRO checktime db checktime_command db \1 ; time ENDM const checkpoke_command ; $2c MACRO checkpoke db checkpoke_command db \1 ; pkmn ENDM const givepoke_command ; $2d MACRO givepoke if _NARG == 2 givepoke \1, \2, NO_ITEM, FALSE elif _NARG == 3 givepoke \1, \2, \3, FALSE elif _NARG == 5 givepoke \1, \2, \3, TRUE, \4, \5 else db givepoke_command db \1 ; pokemon db \2 ; level db \3 ; item db \4 ; trainer if \4 dw \5 ; nickname_pointer dw \6 ; ot_name_pointer endc endc ENDM const giveegg_command ; $2e MACRO giveegg db giveegg_command db \1 ; pkmn db \2 ; level ENDM const givepokemail_command ; $2f MACRO givepokemail db givepokemail_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const checkpokemail_command ; $30 MACRO checkpokemail db checkpokemail_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const checkevent_command ; $31 MACRO checkevent db checkevent_command dw \1 ; event_flag ENDM const clearevent_command ; $32 MACRO clearevent db clearevent_command dw \1 ; event_flag ENDM const setevent_command ; $33 MACRO setevent db setevent_command dw \1 ; event_flag ENDM const checkflag_command ; $34 MACRO checkflag db checkflag_command dw \1 ; engine_flag ENDM const clearflag_command ; $35 MACRO clearflag db clearflag_command dw \1 ; engine_flag ENDM const setflag_command ; $36 MACRO setflag db setflag_command dw \1 ; engine_flag ENDM const wildon_command ; $37 MACRO wildon db wildon_command ENDM const wildoff_command ; $38 MACRO wildoff db wildoff_command ENDM const xycompare_command ; $39 MACRO xycompare db xycompare_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const warpmod_command ; $3a MACRO warpmod db warpmod_command db \1 ; warp_id map_id \2 ; map ENDM const blackoutmod_command ; $3b MACRO blackoutmod db blackoutmod_command map_id \1 ; map ENDM const warp_command ; $3c MACRO warp db warp_command map_id \1 ; map db \2 ; x db \3 ; y ENDM const getmoney_command ; $3d MACRO getmoney db getmoney_command db \2 ; account db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getcoins_command ; $3e MACRO getcoins db getcoins_command db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getnum_command ; $3f MACRO getnum db getnum_command db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getmonname_command ; $40 MACRO getmonname db getmonname_command db \2 ; pokemon db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getitemname_command ; $41 MACRO getitemname db getitemname_command db \2 ; item db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getcurlandmarkname_command ; $42 MACRO getcurlandmarkname db getcurlandmarkname_command db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const gettrainername_command ; $43 MACRO gettrainername db gettrainername_command db \2 ; trainer_group db \3 ; trainer_id db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getstring_command ; $44 MACRO getstring db getstring_command dw \2 ; text_pointer db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const itemnotify_command ; $45 MACRO itemnotify db itemnotify_command ENDM const pocketisfull_command ; $46 MACRO pocketisfull db pocketisfull_command ENDM const opentext_command ; $47 MACRO opentext db opentext_command ENDM const refreshscreen_command ; $48 MACRO refreshscreen if _NARG == 0 refreshscreen 0 else db refreshscreen_command db \1 ; dummy endc ENDM const closetext_command ; $49 MACRO closetext db closetext_command ENDM const writeunusedbyte_command ; $4a MACRO writeunusedbyte db writeunusedbyte_command db \1 ; byte ENDM const farwritetext_command ; $4b MACRO farwritetext db farwritetext_command dba \1 ENDM const writetext_command ; $4c MACRO writetext db writetext_command dw \1 ; text_pointer ENDM const repeattext_command ; $4d MACRO repeattext db repeattext_command db \1 ; byte db \2 ; byte ENDM const yesorno_command ; $4e MACRO yesorno db yesorno_command ENDM const loadmenu_command ; $4f MACRO loadmenu db loadmenu_command dw \1 ; menu_header ENDM const closewindow_command ; $50 MACRO closewindow db closewindow_command ENDM const jumptextfaceplayer_command ; $51 MACRO jumptextfaceplayer db jumptextfaceplayer_command dw \1 ; text_pointer ENDM const farjumptext_command ; $52 MACRO farjumptext db farjumptext_command dba \1 ENDM const jumptext_command ; $53 MACRO jumptext db jumptext_command dw \1 ; text_pointer ENDM const waitbutton_command ; $54 MACRO waitbutton db waitbutton_command ENDM const promptbutton_command ; $55 MACRO promptbutton db promptbutton_command ENDM const pokepic_command ; $56 MACRO pokepic db pokepic_command db \1 ; pokemon ENDM const closepokepic_command ; $57 MACRO closepokepic db closepokepic_command ENDM const _2dmenu_command ; $58 MACRO _2dmenu db _2dmenu_command ENDM const verticalmenu_command ; $59 MACRO verticalmenu db verticalmenu_command ENDM const loadpikachudata_command ; $5a MACRO loadpikachudata db loadpikachudata_command ENDM const randomwildmon_command ; $5b MACRO randomwildmon db randomwildmon_command ENDM const loadtemptrainer_command ; $5c MACRO loadtemptrainer db loadtemptrainer_command ENDM const loadwildmon_command ; $5d MACRO loadwildmon db loadwildmon_command db \1 ; pokemon db \2 ; level ENDM const loadtrainer_command ; $5e MACRO loadtrainer db loadtrainer_command db \1 ; trainer_group db \2 ; trainer_id ENDM const startbattle_command ; $5f MACRO startbattle db startbattle_command ENDM const reloadmapafterbattle_command ; $60 MACRO reloadmapafterbattle db reloadmapafterbattle_command ENDM const catchtutorial_command ; $61 MACRO catchtutorial db catchtutorial_command db \1 ; byte ENDM const trainertext_command ; $62 MACRO trainertext db trainertext_command db \1 ; text_id ENDM const trainerflagaction_command ; $63 MACRO trainerflagaction db trainerflagaction_command db \1 ; action ENDM const winlosstext_command ; $64 MACRO winlosstext db winlosstext_command dw \1 ; win_text_pointer dw \2 ; loss_text_pointer ENDM const scripttalkafter_command ; $65 MACRO scripttalkafter db scripttalkafter_command ENDM const endifjustbattled_command ; $66 MACRO endifjustbattled db endifjustbattled_command ENDM const checkjustbattled_command ; $67 MACRO checkjustbattled db checkjustbattled_command ENDM const setlasttalked_command ; $68 MACRO setlasttalked db setlasttalked_command db \1 ; object id ENDM const applymovement_command ; $69 MACRO applymovement db applymovement_command db \1 ; object id dw \2 ; data ENDM const applymovementlasttalked_command ; $6a MACRO applymovementlasttalked db applymovementlasttalked_command dw \1 ; data ENDM const faceplayer_command ; $6b MACRO faceplayer db faceplayer_command ENDM const faceobject_command ; $6c MACRO faceobject db faceobject_command db \1 ; object1 db \2 ; object2 ENDM const variablesprite_command ; $6d MACRO variablesprite db variablesprite_command db \1 - SPRITE_VARS ; byte db \2 ; sprite ENDM const disappear_command ; $6e MACRO disappear db disappear_command db \1 ; object id ENDM const appear_command ; $6f MACRO appear db appear_command db \1 ; object id ENDM const follow_command ; $70 MACRO follow db follow_command db \1 ; object2 db \2 ; object1 ENDM const stopfollow_command ; $71 MACRO stopfollow db stopfollow_command ENDM const moveobject_command ; $72 MACRO moveobject db moveobject_command db \1 ; object id db \2 ; x db \3 ; y ENDM const writeobjectxy_command ; $73 MACRO writeobjectxy db writeobjectxy_command db \1 ; object id ENDM const loademote_command ; $74 MACRO loademote db loademote_command db \1 ; bubble ENDM const showemote_command ; $75 MACRO showemote db showemote_command db \1 ; bubble db \2 ; object id db \3 ; time ENDM const turnobject_command ; $76 MACRO turnobject db turnobject_command db \1 ; object id db \2 ; facing ENDM const follownotexact_command ; $77 MACRO follownotexact db follownotexact_command db \1 ; object2 db \2 ; object1 ENDM const earthquake_command ; $78 MACRO earthquake db earthquake_command db \1 ; param ENDM const changemapblocks_command ; $79 MACRO changemapblocks db changemapblocks_command dba \1 ; map_data_pointer ENDM const changeblock_command ; $7a MACRO changeblock db changeblock_command db \1 ; x db \2 ; y db \3 ; block ENDM const reloadmap_command ; $7b MACRO reloadmap db reloadmap_command ENDM const reloadmappart_command ; $7c MACRO reloadmappart db reloadmappart_command ENDM const writecmdqueue_command ; $7d MACRO writecmdqueue db writecmdqueue_command dw \1 ; queue_pointer ENDM const delcmdqueue_command ; $7e MACRO delcmdqueue db delcmdqueue_command db \1 ; byte ENDM const playmusic_command ; $7f MACRO playmusic db playmusic_command dw \1 ; music_pointer ENDM const encountermusic_command ; $80 MACRO encountermusic db encountermusic_command ENDM const musicfadeout_command ; $81 MACRO musicfadeout db musicfadeout_command dw \1 ; music db \2 ; fadetime ENDM const playmapmusic_command ; $82 MACRO playmapmusic db playmapmusic_command ENDM const dontrestartmapmusic_command ; $83 MACRO dontrestartmapmusic db dontrestartmapmusic_command ENDM const cry_command ; $84 MACRO cry db cry_command dw \1 ; cry_id ENDM const playsound_command ; $85 MACRO playsound db playsound_command dw \1 ; sound_pointer ENDM const waitsfx_command ; $86 MACRO waitsfx db waitsfx_command ENDM const warpsound_command ; $87 MACRO warpsound db warpsound_command ENDM const specialsound_command ; $88 MACRO specialsound db specialsound_command ENDM const autoinput_command ; $89 MACRO autoinput db autoinput_command dba \1 ENDM const newloadmap_command ; $8a MACRO newloadmap db newloadmap_command db \1 ; which_method ENDM const pause_command ; $8b MACRO pause db pause_command db \1 ; length ENDM const deactivatefacing_command ; $8c MACRO deactivatefacing db deactivatefacing_command db \1 ; time ENDM const sdefer_command ; $8d MACRO sdefer db sdefer_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const warpcheck_command ; $8e MACRO warpcheck db warpcheck_command ENDM const stopandsjump_command ; $8f MACRO stopandsjump db stopandsjump_command dw \1 ; pointer ENDM const endcallback_command ; $90 MACRO endcallback db endcallback_command ENDM const end_command ; $91 MACRO end db end_command ENDM const reloadend_command ; $92 MACRO reloadend db reloadend_command db \1 ; which_method ENDM const endall_command ; $93 MACRO endall db endall_command ENDM const pokemart_command ; $94 MACRO pokemart db pokemart_command db \1 ; dialog_id dw \2 ; mart_id ENDM const elevator_command ; $95 MACRO elevator db elevator_command dw \1 ; floor_list_pointer ENDM const trade_command ; $96 MACRO trade db trade_command db \1 ; trade_id ENDM const askforphonenumber_command ; $97 MACRO askforphonenumber db askforphonenumber_command db \1 ; number ENDM const phonecall_command ; $98 MACRO phonecall db phonecall_command dw \1 ; caller_name ENDM const hangup_command ; $99 MACRO hangup db hangup_command ENDM const describedecoration_command ; $9a MACRO describedecoration db describedecoration_command db \1 ; byte ENDM const fruittree_command ; $9b MACRO fruittree db fruittree_command db \1 ; tree_id ENDM const specialphonecall_command ; $9c MACRO specialphonecall db specialphonecall_command dw \1 ; call_id ENDM const checkphonecall_command ; $9d MACRO checkphonecall db checkphonecall_command ENDM const verbosegiveitem_command ; $9e MACRO verbosegiveitem if _NARG == 1 verbosegiveitem \1, 1 else db verbosegiveitem_command db \1 ; item db \2 ; quantity endc ENDM const verbosegiveitemvar_command ; $9f MACRO verbosegiveitemvar db verbosegiveitemvar_command db \1 ; item db \2 ; var ENDM const swarm_command ; $a0 MACRO swarm db swarm_command db \1 ; flag map_id \2 ; map ENDM const halloffame_command ; $a1 MACRO halloffame db halloffame_command ENDM const credits_command ; $a2 MACRO credits db credits_command ENDM const warpfacing_command ; $a3 MACRO warpfacing db warpfacing_command db \1 ; facing map_id \2 ; map db \3 ; x db \4 ; y ENDM const battletowertext_command ; $a4 MACRO battletowertext db battletowertext_command db \1 ; bttext_id ENDM const getlandmarkname_command ; $a5 MACRO getlandmarkname db getlandmarkname_command db \2 ; landmark_id db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const gettrainerclassname_command ; $a6 MACRO gettrainerclassname db gettrainerclassname_command db \2 ; trainer_group db \1 ; string_buffer ENDM const getname_command ; $a7 MACRO getname db getname_command db \2 ; type db \3 ; id db \1 ; memory ENDM const wait_command ; $a8 MACRO wait db wait_command db \1 ; duration ENDM const checksave_command ; $a9 MACRO checksave db checksave_command ENDM DEF NUM_EVENT_COMMANDS EQU const_value