ref: edebdf6014dc79fd13cf98b6ea27ef23c091af0a
dir: /maps/GoldenrodGym.asm/
object_const_def const GOLDENRODGYM_WHITNEY const GOLDENRODGYM_LASS1 const GOLDENRODGYM_LASS2 const GOLDENRODGYM_BEAUTY1 const GOLDENRODGYM_BEAUTY2 const GOLDENRODGYM_GYM_GUIDE GoldenrodGym_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script GoldenrodGymNoop1Scene, SCENE_GOLDENRODGYM_NOOP scene_script GoldenrodGymNoop2Scene, SCENE_GOLDENRODGYM_WHITNEY_STOPS_CRYING def_callbacks GoldenrodGymNoop1Scene: end GoldenrodGymNoop2Scene: end GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript: faceplayer checkevent EVENT_BEAT_WHITNEY iftrue .FightDone opentext writetext WhitneyBeforeText waitbutton closetext winlosstext WhitneyShouldntBeSoSeriousText, 0 loadtrainer WHITNEY, WHITNEY1 startbattle reloadmapafterbattle setevent EVENT_BEAT_WHITNEY setevent EVENT_MADE_WHITNEY_CRY setscene SCENE_GOLDENRODGYM_WHITNEY_STOPS_CRYING setevent EVENT_BEAT_BEAUTY_VICTORIA setevent EVENT_BEAT_BEAUTY_SAMANTHA setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_CARRIE setevent EVENT_BEAT_LASS_BRIDGET .FightDone: opentext checkevent EVENT_MADE_WHITNEY_CRY iffalse .StoppedCrying writetext WhitneyYouMeanieText waitbutton closetext end .StoppedCrying: checkevent EVENT_GOT_TM45_ATTRACT iftrue .GotAttract checkflag ENGINE_PLAINBADGE iftrue .GotPlainBadge writetext WhitneyWhatDoYouWantText promptbutton waitsfx writetext PlayerReceivedPlainBadgeText playsound SFX_GET_BADGE waitsfx setflag ENGINE_PLAINBADGE readvar VAR_BADGES scall GoldenrodGymActivateRockets .GotPlainBadge: writetext WhitneyPlainBadgeText promptbutton verbosegiveitem TM_ATTRACT iffalse .NoRoomForAttract setevent EVENT_GOT_TM45_ATTRACT writetext WhitneyAttractText waitbutton closetext end .GotAttract: writetext WhitneyGoodCryText waitbutton .NoRoomForAttract: closetext end GoldenrodGymActivateRockets: ifequal 7, .RadioTowerRockets ifequal 6, .GoldenrodRockets end .GoldenrodRockets: jumpstd GoldenrodRocketsScript .RadioTowerRockets: jumpstd RadioTowerRocketsScript TrainerLassCarrie: trainer LASS, CARRIE, EVENT_BEAT_LASS_CARRIE, LassCarrieSeenText, LassCarrieBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext LassCarrieAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end WhitneyCriesScript: showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, GOLDENRODGYM_LASS2, 15 applymovement GOLDENRODGYM_LASS2, BridgetWalksUpMovement turnobject PLAYER, DOWN opentext writetext BridgetWhitneyCriesText waitbutton closetext applymovement GOLDENRODGYM_LASS2, BridgetWalksAwayMovement setscene SCENE_GOLDENRODGYM_NOOP clearevent EVENT_MADE_WHITNEY_CRY end TrainerLassBridget: trainer LASS, BRIDGET, EVENT_BEAT_LASS_BRIDGET, LassBridgetSeenText, LassBridgetBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext LassBridgetAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerBeautyVictoria: trainer BEAUTY, VICTORIA, EVENT_BEAT_BEAUTY_VICTORIA, BeautyVictoriaSeenText, BeautyVictoriaBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext BeautyVictoriaAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end TrainerBeautySamantha: trainer BEAUTY, SAMANTHA, EVENT_BEAT_BEAUTY_SAMANTHA, BeautySamanthaSeenText, BeautySamanthaBeatenText, 0, .Script .Script: endifjustbattled opentext writetext BeautySamanthaAfterBattleText waitbutton closetext end GoldenrodGymGuideScript: faceplayer checkevent EVENT_BEAT_WHITNEY iftrue .GoldenrodGymGuideWinScript opentext writetext GoldenrodGymGuideText waitbutton closetext end .GoldenrodGymGuideWinScript: opentext writetext GoldenrodGymGuideWinText waitbutton closetext end GoldenrodGymStatue: checkflag ENGINE_PLAINBADGE iftrue .Beaten jumpstd GymStatue1Script .Beaten: gettrainername STRING_BUFFER_4, WHITNEY, WHITNEY1 jumpstd GymStatue2Script BridgetWalksUpMovement: step LEFT turn_head UP step_end BridgetWalksAwayMovement: step RIGHT turn_head LEFT step_end WhitneyBeforeText: text "Hi! I'm WHITNEY!" para "Everyone was into" line "#MON, so I got" cont "into it too!" para "#MON are" line "super-cute!" para "You want to bat-" line "tle? I'm warning" cont "you--I'm good!" done WhitneyShouldntBeSoSeriousText: text "Sob…" para "…Waaaaaaah!" line "You're mean!" para "You shouldn't be" line "so serious! You…" cont "you child, you!" done WhitneyYouMeanieText: text "Waaaaah!" para "Waaaaah!" para "…Snivel, hic…" line "…You meanie!" done WhitneyWhatDoYouWantText: text "…Sniff…" para "What? What do you" line "want? A BADGE?" para "Oh, right." line "I forgot. Here's" cont "PLAINBADGE." done PlayerReceivedPlainBadgeText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "PLAINBADGE." done WhitneyPlainBadgeText: text "PLAINBADGE lets" line "your #MON use" para "STRENGTH outside" line "of battle." para "It also boosts" line "your #MON's" cont "SPEED." para "Oh, you can have" line "this too!" done WhitneyAttractText: text "It's ATTRACT!" line "It makes full use" para "of a #MON's" line "charm." para "Isn't it just per-" line "fect for a cutie" cont "like me?" done WhitneyGoodCryText: text "Ah, that was a" line "good cry!" para "Come for a visit" line "again! Bye-bye!" done LassCarrieSeenText: text "Don't let my" line "#MON's cute" para "looks fool you." line "They can whip you!" done LassCarrieBeatenText: text "Darn… I thought" line "you were weak…" done LassCarrieAfterBattleText: text "Do my #MON" line "think I'm cute?" done LassBridgetSeenText: text "I like cute #-" line "MON better than" cont "strong #MON." para "But I have strong" line "and cute #MON!" done LassBridgetBeatenText: text "Oh, no, no, no!" done LassBridgetAfterBattleText: text "I'm trying to beat" line "WHITNEY, but…" cont "It's depressing." para "I'm okay! If I" line "lose, I'll just" para "try harder next" line "time!" done BridgetWhitneyCriesText: text "Oh, no. You made" line "WHITNEY cry." para "It's OK. She'll" line "stop soon. She" para "always cries when" line "she loses." done BeautyVictoriaSeenText: text "Oh, you are a cute" line "little trainer! " para "I like you, but I" line "won't hold back!" done BeautyVictoriaBeatenText: text "Let's see… Oops," line "it's over?" done BeautyVictoriaAfterBattleText: text "Wow, you must be" line "good to beat me!" cont "Keep it up!" done BeautySamanthaSeenText: text "Give it your best" line "shot, or I'll take" cont "you down!" done BeautySamanthaBeatenText: text "No! Oh, MEOWTH," line "I'm so sorry!" done BeautySamanthaAfterBattleText: text "I taught MEOWTH" line "moves for taking" cont "on any type…" done GoldenrodGymGuideText: text "Yo! CHAMP in" line "making!" para "This GYM is home" line "to normal-type" cont "#MON trainers." para "I recommend you" line "use fighting-type" cont "#MON." done GoldenrodGymGuideWinText: text "You won? Great! I" line "was busy admiring" cont "the ladies here." done GoldenrodGym_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 2, 17, GOLDENROD_CITY, 1 warp_event 3, 17, GOLDENROD_CITY, 1 def_coord_events coord_event 8, 5, SCENE_GOLDENRODGYM_WHITNEY_STOPS_CRYING, WhitneyCriesScript def_bg_events bg_event 1, 15, BGEVENT_READ, GoldenrodGymStatue bg_event 4, 15, BGEVENT_READ, GoldenrodGymStatue def_object_events object_event 8, 3, SPRITE_WHITNEY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, GoldenrodGymWhitneyScript, -1 object_event 9, 13, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 4, TrainerLassCarrie, -1 object_event 9, 6, SPRITE_LASS, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_LEFT, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 1, TrainerLassBridget, -1 object_event 0, 2, SPRITE_BEAUTY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerBeautyVictoria, -1 object_event 19, 5, SPRITE_BEAUTY, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_TRAINER, 3, TrainerBeautySamantha, -1 object_event 5, 15, SPRITE_GYM_GUIDE, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_DOWN, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_RED, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, GoldenrodGymGuideScript, -1