ref: e4d60b4e5bdbb2303452e3c7f470e6eb02cae68c
dir: /data/text/common_1.asm/
_FruitBearingTreeText:: text "It's a fruit-" line "bearing tree." done _HeyItsFruitText:: text "Hey! It's" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "!" done _ObtainedFruitText:: text "Obtained" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "!" done _FruitPackIsFullText:: text "But the PACK is" line "full…" done _NothingHereText:: text "There's nothing" line "here…" done _WhichApricornText:: text "Which APRICORN" line "should I use?" done _HowManyShouldIMakeText:: text "How many should I" line "make?" done _RecoveredSomeHPText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "recovered @" text_decimal wCurHPAnimDeltaHP, 2, 3 text "HP!" done _CuredOfPoisonText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" line "cured of poison." done _RidOfParalysisText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" line "rid of paralysis." done _BurnWasHealedText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" line "burn was healed." done _WasDefrostedText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "was defrosted." done _WokeUpText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "woke up." done _HealthReturnedText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" line "health returned." done _RevitalizedText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "is revitalized." done _GrewToLevelText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " grew to" line "level @" text_decimal wCurPartyLevel, 1, 3 text "!@" sound_dex_fanfare_50_79 ; plays SFX_DEX_FANFARE_50_79, identical to SFX_LEVEL_UP text_waitbutton text_end text_end ; unused _CameToItsSensesText:: text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " came" line "to its senses." done _EnterNewPasscodeText:: text "Please enter any" line "four-digit number." done _ConfirmPasscodeText:: text "Enter the same" line "number to confirm." done _PasscodesNotSameText:: text "That's not the" line "same number." done _PasscodeSetText:: text "Your PASSCODE has" line "been set." para "Enter this number" line "next time to open" cont "the CARD FOLDER." para "" done _FourZerosInvalidText:: text "0000 is invalid!" para "" done _EnterPasscodeText:: text "Enter the CARD" next "FOLDER PASSCODE." done _IncorrectPasscodeText:: text "Incorrect" line "PASSCODE!" para "" done _CardFolderOpenText:: text "CARD FOLDER open.@" text_end _OakTimeText1:: text "<……><……><……><……><……><……>" line "<……><……><……><……><……><……>" para "Zzz… Hm? Wha…?" line "You woke me up!" para "Will you check the" line "clock for me?" prompt _OakTimeText2:: text "What time is it?" done _OakTimeText3:: text "What?@" text_end _OakTimeText4:: text "?" done _OakTimeText5:: text "How many minutes?" done _OakTimeText6:: text "Whoa!@" text_end _OakTimeText7:: text "?" done _OakTimeText8:: text "!" line "I overslept!" done _OakTimeText11:: text "!" line "Yikes! I over-" cont "slept!" done _OakTimeText12:: text "!" line "No wonder it's so" cont "dark!" done _OakTimeText13:: text "What day is it?" done _OakTimeText14:: text ", is it?" done UnknownText_0x1bc384:: text "There is nothing" line "connected." done UnknownText_0x1bc3a1:: text "Check cell phone" line "adapter." done UnknownText_0x1bc3bc:: text "Check CDMA" line "adapter." done UnknownText_0x1bc3d1:: text "Check DOCOMO PHS" line "adapter." done UnknownText_0x1bc3ec:: text "Check DDI PHS" line "adapter." done UnknownText_0x1bc404:: text "Check unlimited" line "battle mobile" cont "adapter." done UnknownText_0x1bc42c:: text "The password is:" line "" done UnknownText_0x1bc43f:: text "Is this OK?" done UnknownText_0x1bc44c:: text "Enter the" line "ID no." done UnknownText_0x1bc45e:: text "Enter the" line "amount." done _NothingToChooseText:: text "There's nothing to" line "choose." prompt _WhichSidePutOnText:: text "Which side do you" line "want to put it on?" done _WhichSidePutAwayText:: text "Which side do you" line "want to put away?" done _PutAwayTheDecoText:: text "Put away the" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "." prompt _NothingToPutAwayText:: text "There's nothing to" line "put away." prompt _SetUpTheDecoText:: text "Set up the" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "." prompt _PutAwayAndSetUpText:: text "Put away the" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text_start para "and set up the" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer4 text "." prompt _AlreadySetUpText:: text "That's already set" line "up." prompt _LookTownMapText:: text "It's the TOWN MAP." done _LookPikachuPosterText:: text "It's a poster of a" line "cute PIKACHU." done _LookClefairyPosterText:: text "It's a poster of a" line "cute CLEFAIRY." done _LookJigglypuffPosterText:: text "It's a poster of a" line "cute JIGGLYPUFF." done _LookAdorableDecoText:: text "It's an adorable" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "." done _LookGiantDecoText:: text "A giant doll! It's" line "fluffy and cuddly." done _MomShoppingText1:: text "Hi, <PLAYER>!" line "How are you?" prompt _MomShoppingText2:: text "I found a useful" line "item shopping, so" prompt _MomShoppingText3:: text "I bought it with" line "your money. Sorry!" prompt _MomShoppingText4:: text "It's in your PC." line "You'll like it!" done _MomShoppingText5:: text "While shopping" line "today, I saw this" cont "adorable doll, so" prompt _MomShoppingText6:: text "It's in your room." line "You'll love it!" done _TradingText1:: text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text " was" line "sent to @" text_ram wOTTrademonSenderName text "." done _TradingText2:: text_start done _TradingText3:: text_ram wOTTrademonSenderName text " bids" line "farewell to" done _TradingText4:: text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText5:: text "Take good care of" line "@" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText6:: text "For @" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName text "'s" line "@" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text "," done _TradingText7:: text_ram wOTTrademonSenderName text " sends" line "@" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText8:: text_ram wOTTrademonSenderName text " will" line "trade @" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text_end text_end ; unused _TradingText9:: text "for @" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName text "'s" line "@" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText10:: text_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName text " will" line "trade @" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text_end text_end ; unused _TradingText11:: text "for @" text_ram wOTTrademonSenderName text "'s" line "@" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText12:: text_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName text "'s" line "@" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text " trade…" done _TradingText13:: text "Take good care of" line "@" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText14:: text_ram wPlayerTrademonSenderName text "'s" line "@" text_ram wPlayerTrademonSpeciesName text " trade…" done _TradingText15:: text "Take good care of" line "@" text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text "." done _TradingText16:: text_ram wOTTrademonSpeciesName text " came" line "back!" done ; Oak's Pokémon Talk _OPT_IntroText1:: text_start line "MARY: PROF.OAK'S" done _OPT_IntroText2:: text_start line "#MON TALK!" done _OPT_IntroText3:: text_start line "With me, MARY!" done _OPT_OakText1:: text_start line "OAK: @" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text_end text_end ; unused _OPT_OakText2:: text_start line "may be seen around" done _OPT_OakText3:: text_start line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." done _OPT_MaryText1:: text_start line "MARY: @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "'s" done OPT_SweetAdorably:: text_start line "sweet and adorably" done OPT_WigglySlickly:: text_start line "wiggly and slickly" done OPT_AptlyNamed:: text_start line "aptly named and" done OPT_UndeniablyKindOf:: text_start line "undeniably kind of" done OPT_Unbearably:: text_start line "so, so unbearably" done OPT_WowImpressively:: text_start line "wow, impressively" done OPT_AlmostPoisonously:: text_start line "almost poisonously" done OPT_Sensually:: text_start line "ooh, so sensually" done OPT_Mischievously:: text_start line "so mischievously" done OPT_Topically:: text_start line "so very topically" done OPT_Addictively:: text_start line "sure addictively" done OPT_LooksInWater:: text_start line "looks in water is" done OPT_EvolutionMustBe:: text_start line "evolution must be" done OPT_Provocatively:: text_start line "provocatively" done OPT_FlippedOut:: text_start line "so flipped out and" done OPT_HeartMeltingly:: text_start line "heart-meltingly" done OPT_Cute:: text_start line "cute." done OPT_Weird:: text_start line "weird." done OPT_Pleasant:: text_start line "pleasant." done OPT_BoldSortOf:: text_start line "bold, sort of." done OPT_Frightening:: text_start line "frightening." done OPT_SuaveDebonair:: text_start line "suave & debonair!" done OPT_Powerful:: text_start line "powerful." done OPT_Exciting:: text_start line "exciting." done OPT_Groovy:: text_start line "groovy!" done OPT_Inspiring:: text_start line "inspiring." done OPT_Friendly:: text_start line "friendly." done OPT_HotHotHot:: text_start line "hot, hot, hot!" done OPT_Stimulating:: text_start line "stimulating." done OPT_Guarded:: text_start line "guarded." done OPT_Lovely:: text_start line "lovely." done OPT_Speedy:: text_start line "speedy." done _OPT_PokemonChannelText:: text "#MON" done _PokedexShowText:: text_start line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_end text_end ; unused ; Pokémon Music Channel / Pokémusic _BenIntroText1:: text_start line "BEN: #MON MUSIC" done _BenIntroText2:: text_start line "CHANNEL!" done _BenIntroText3:: text_start line "It's me, DJ BEN!" done _FernIntroText1:: text_start line "FERN: #MUSIC!" done _FernIntroText2:: text_start line "With DJ FERN!" done _BenFernText1:: text_start line "Today's @" text_today text "," done _BenFernText2A:: text_start line "so let us jam to" done _BenFernText2B:: text_start line "so chill out to" done _BenFernText3A:: text_start line "#MON March!" done _BenFernText3B:: text_start line "#MON Lullaby!" done ; Lucky Channel _LC_Text1:: text_start line "REED: Yeehaw! How" done _LC_Text2:: text_start line "y'all doin' now?" done _LC_Text3:: text_start line "Whether you're up" done _LC_Text4:: text_start line "or way down low," done _LC_Text5:: text_start line "don't you miss the" done _LC_Text6:: text_start line "LUCKY NUMBER SHOW!" done _LC_Text7:: text_start line "This week's Lucky" done _LC_Text8:: text_start line "Number is @" text_pause text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "!" done _LC_Text9:: text_start line "I'll repeat that!" done _LC_Text10:: text_start line "Match it and go to" done _LC_Text11:: text_start line "the RADIO TOWER!" done _LC_DragText1:: text_start line "…Repeating myself" done _LC_DragText2:: text_start line "gets to be a drag…" done ; Places and People _PnP_Text1:: text_start line "PLACES AND PEOPLE!" done _PnP_Text2:: text_start line "Brought to you by" done _PnP_Text3:: text_start line "me, DJ LILY!" done _PnP_Text4:: text_start line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_end text_end ; unused _PnP_cute:: text_start line "is cute." done _PnP_lazy:: text_start line "is sort of lazy." done _PnP_happy:: text_start line "is always happy." done _PnP_noisy:: text_start line "is quite noisy." done _PnP_precocious:: text_start line "is precocious." done _PnP_bold:: text_start line "is somewhat bold." done _PnP_picky:: text_start line "is too picky!" done _PnP_sortofok:: text_start line "is sort of OK." done _PnP_soso:: text_start line "is just so-so." done _PnP_great:: text_start line "is actually great." done _PnP_mytype:: text_start line "is just my type." done _PnP_cool:: text_start line "is so cool, no?" done _PnP_inspiring:: text_start line "is inspiring!" done _PnP_weird:: text_start line "is kind of weird." done _PnP_rightforme:: text_start line "is right for me?" done _PnP_odd:: text_start line "is definitely odd!" done _PnP_Text5:: text_start line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_end text_end ; unused _RocketRadioText1:: text_start line "… …Ahem, we are" done _RocketRadioText2:: text_start line "TEAM ROCKET!" done _RocketRadioText3:: text_start line "After three years" done _RocketRadioText4:: text_start line "of preparation, we" done _RocketRadioText5:: text_start line "have risen again" done _RocketRadioText6:: text_start line "from the ashes!" done _RocketRadioText7:: text_start line "GIOVANNI! @" text_pause text "Can you" done _RocketRadioText8:: text_start line "hear?@" text_pause text " We did it!" done _RocketRadioText9:: text_start line "@" text_pause text "Where is our boss?" done _RocketRadioText10:: text_start line "@" text_pause text "Is he listening?" done _BuenaRadioText1:: text_start line "BUENA: BUENA here!" done _BuenaRadioText2:: text_start line "Today's password!" done _BuenaRadioText3:: text_start line "Let me think… It's" done _BuenaRadioText4:: text_start line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "!" done _BuenaRadioText5:: text_start line "Don't forget it!" done _BuenaRadioText6:: text_start line "I'm in GOLDENROD's" done _BuenaRadioText7:: text_start line "RADIO TOWER!" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText1:: text_start line "BUENA: Oh my…" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText2:: text_start line "It's midnight! I" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText3:: text_start line "have to shut down!" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText4:: text_start line "Thanks for tuning" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText5:: text_start line "in to the end! But" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText6:: text_start line "don't stay up too" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText7:: text_start line "late! Presented to" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText8:: text_start line "you by DJ BUENA!" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText9:: text "I'm outta here!" done _BuenaRadioMidnightText10:: text "…" done _BuenaOffTheAirText:: text_start line "" done Text_EnemyWithdrew:: text "<ENEMY>" line "withdrew" cont "@" text_ram wEnemyMonNick text "!" prompt Text_EnemyUsedOn:: text "<ENEMY>" line "used @" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text_start cont "on @" text_ram wEnemyMonNick text "!" prompt Text_ThatCantBeUsedRightNow:: text "That can't be used" line "right now." prompt Text_ThatItemCantBePutInThePack:: text "That item can't be" line "put in the PACK." done Text_TheItemWasPutInThePack:: text "The @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "was put in the" cont "PACK." done Text_RemainingTime:: text "Remaining Time" done Text_YourMonsHPWasHealed:: text "Your #MON's HP" line "was healed." prompt Text_Warping:: text "Warping…" done UnknownText_0x1bd05e:: text "Which number" line "should be changed?" done UnknownText_0x1bd07f:: text "Will you play with" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done UnknownText_0x1bd09a:: text "You need two #-" line "MON for breeding." prompt Text_BreedingIsNotPossible:: text "Breeding is not" line "possible." prompt UnknownText_0x1bd0d8:: text "The compatibility" line "is @" text_decimal wBreedingCompatibility, 1, 3 text "." cont "Should they breed?" done UnknownText_0x1bd109:: text "There is no EGG." line "" prompt UnknownText_0x1bd11c:: text "It's going to" line "hatch!" prompt UnknownText_0x1bd131:: text "Test event" line "@" text_decimal wStringBuffer2, 1, 2 text "?" done UnknownText_0x1bd145:: text "Start!" done UnknownText_0x1bd14d:: text "End!" done UnknownText_0x1bd153:: text "For a boy!" done UnknownText_0x1bd15f:: text "For a girl!" done UnknownText_0x1bd16c:: text "This doesn't" line "concern a boy!" done UnknownText_0x1bd188:: text "The BOX is full!" done UnknownText_0x1bd19a:: text "A new CARD arrived" line "from @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." done UnknownText_0x1bd1ba:: text "Put this CARD in" line "the CARD FOLDER?" done UnknownText_0x1bd1dd:: text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "'s CARD was" line "listed as no.@" text_decimal wStringBuffer1, 1, 2 text "." prompt UnknownText_0x1bd201:: text "Starting link." done UnknownText_0x1bd211:: text "Link terminated." done UnknownText_0x1bd223:: text "Closing link." done UnknownText_0x1bd232:: text "Clear the time" line "limit?" done UnknownText_0x1bd249:: text "The time limit was" line "cleared." done UnknownText_0x1bd266:: text "Pick which packet" line "as an error?" done UnknownText_0x1bd286:: text "Trading @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text_start line "for @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "…" done UnknownText_0x1bd2a0:: text "Obtained the" line "VOLTORBBADGE!" done UnknownText_0x1bd2bc:: text "Which floor?" done UnknownText_0x1bd2ca:: text "ANNOUNCER: BEEEP!" para "Time's up!" done UnknownText_0x1bd2e7:: text "ANNOUNCER: The" line "Contest is over!" done _RepelWoreOffText:: text "REPEL's effect" line "wore off." done _PlayerFoundItemText:: text "<PLAYER> found" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer3 text "!" done _ButNoSpaceText:: text "But <PLAYER> has" line "no space left…" done _JustSawSomeRareMonText:: text "I just saw some" line "rare @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text " in" cont "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "." para "I'll call you if I" line "see another rare" cont "#MON, OK?" prompt _SavingRecordText:: text "SAVING RECORD…" line "DON'T TURN OFF!" done _ReceiveItemText:: text_ram wPlayerName text " received" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "!@" sound_item text_waitbutton text_end text_end ; unused _NoCoinsText:: text "You have no coins." prompt _NoCoinCaseText:: text "You don't have a" line "COIN CASE." prompt UnknownText_0x1bd407:: text "OK, connect the" line "Game Link Cable." prompt UnknownText_0x1bd429:: text "<PLAYER> traded" line "@" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text " for" cont "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text ".@" text_end UnknownText_0x1bd445:: sound_dex_fanfare_80_109 text_pause text_end text_end ; unused _NPCTradeIntroText1:: text "I collect #MON." line "Do you have" cont "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" para "Want to trade it" line "for my @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done _NPCTradeCancelText1:: text "You don't want to" line "trade? Aww…" done _NPCTradeWrongText1:: text "Huh? That's not" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text ". " cont "What a letdown…" done _NPCTradeCompleteText1:: text "Yay! I got myself" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "!" cont "Thanks!" done _NPCTradeAFterText1:: text "Hi, how's my old" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " doing?" done _NPCTradeIntroText2:: text "Hi, I'm looking" line "for this #MON." para "If you have" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text ", would" para "you trade it for" line "my @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done _NPCTradeCancelText2:: text "You don't have" line "one either?" para "Gee, that's really" line "disappointing…" done _NPCTradeWrongText2:: text "You don't have" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "? That's" cont "too bad, then." done _NPCTradeCompleteText2:: text "Great! Thank you!" para "I finally got" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." done _NPCTradeAfterText2:: text "Hi! The @" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text_start line "you traded me is" cont "doing great!" done _NPCTradeIntroText3:: text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text "'s cute," line "but I don't have" para "it. Do you have" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" para "Want to trade it" line "for my @" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text "?" done _NPCTradeCancelText3:: text "You don't want to" line "trade? Oh, darn…" done _NPCTradeWrongText3:: text "That's not" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." para "Please trade with" line "me if you get one." done _NPCTradeCompleteText3:: text "Wow! Thank you!" line "I always wanted" cont "@" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text "!" done _NPCTradeAfterText3:: text "How is that" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer2 text " I" cont "traded you doing?" para "Your @" text_ram wMonOrItemNameBuffer text "'s" line "so cute!" done _NPCTradeCompleteText4:: text "Uh? What happened?" done _NPCTradeAfterText4:: text "Trading is so odd…" para "I still have a lot" line "to learn about it." done _MomLeavingText1:: text "Wow, that's a cute" line "#MON." para "Where did you get" line "it?" para "…" para "So, you're leaving" line "on an adventure…" para "OK!" line "I'll help too." para "But what can I do" line "for you?" para "I know! I'll save" line "money for you." para "On a long journey," line "money's important." para "Do you want me to" line "save your money?" done _MomLeavingText2:: text "OK, I'll take care" line "of your money." para "<……><……><……>" prompt _MomLeavingText3:: text "Be careful." para "#MON are your" line "friends. You need" cont "to work as a team." para "Now, go on!" done _MomVisitingText1:: text "Hi! Welcome home!" line "You're trying very" cont "hard, I see." para "I've kept your" line "room tidy." para "Or is this about" line "your money?" done _MomVisitingText2:: text "What do you want" line "to do?" done _MomVisitingText3:: text "How much do you" line "want to save?" done _MomVisitingText4:: text "How much do you" line "want to take?" done _MomVisitingText5:: text "Do you want to" line "save some money?" done _MomVisitingText6:: text "You haven't saved" line "that much." prompt _MomVisitingText7:: text "You can't take" line "that much." prompt _MomVisitingText8:: text "You don't have" line "that much." prompt _MomVisitingText9:: text "You can't save" line "that much." prompt _MomVisitingText10:: text "OK, I'll save your" line "money. Trust me!" para "<PLAYER>, stick" line "with it!" done _MomVisitingText11:: text "Your money's safe" line "here! Get going!" done _MomVisitingText12:: text "<PLAYER>, don't" line "give up!" done _MomVisitingText13:: text "Just do what" line "you can." done _DaycareDummyText:: text_start done _DayCareManIntroText:: text "I'm the DAY-CARE" line "MAN. Want me to" cont "raise a #MON?" done _DayCareManOddEggText:: text "I'm the DAY-CARE" line "MAN. Do you know" cont "about EGGS?" para "I was raising" line "#MON with my" cont "wife, you see." para "We were shocked to" line "find an EGG!" para "How incredible is" line "that?" para "So, want me to" line "raise a #MON?" done _DayCareLadyIntroText:: text "I'm the DAY-CARE" line "LADY." para "Should I raise a" line "#MON for you?" done _DayCareLadyOddEggText:: text "I'm the DAY-CARE" line "LADY. Do you know" cont "about EGGS?" para "My husband and I" line "were raising some" cont "#MON, you see." para "We were shocked to" line "find an EGG!" para "How incredible" line "could that be?" para "Should I raise a" line "#MON for you?" done _WhatShouldIRaiseText:: text "What should I" line "raise for you?" prompt _OnlyOneMonText:: text "Oh? But you have" line "just one #MON." prompt _CantRaiseEggText:: text "Sorry, but I can't" line "accept an EGG." prompt _RemoveMailText:: text "Remove MAIL before" line "you come see me." prompt _LastHealthyMonText:: text "If you give me" line "that, what will" cont "you battle with?" prompt _IllRaiseYourMonText:: text "OK. I'll raise" line "your @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." prompt _ComeBackLaterText:: text "Come back for it" line "later." done _AreWeGeniusesText:: text "Are we geniuses or" line "what? Want to see" cont "your @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "?" done _YourMonHasGrownText:: text "Your @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start line "has grown a lot." para "By level, it's" line "grown by @" text_decimal wStringBuffer2 + 1, 1, 3 text "." para "If you want your" line "#MON back, it" cont "will cost ¥@" text_decimal wStringBuffer2 + 2, 3, 4 text "." done _PerfectHeresYourMonText:: text "Perfect! Here's" line "your #MON." prompt _GotBackMonText:: text "<PLAYER> got back" line "@" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text "." prompt _BackAlreadyText:: text "Huh? Back already?" line "Your @" text_ram wStringBuffer1 text_start para "needs a little" line "more time with us." para "If you want your" line "#MON back, it" cont "will cost ¥100." done _HaveNoRoomText:: text "You have no room" line "for it." prompt _DCNotEnoughMoneyText:: text "You don't have" line "enough money." prompt _OhFineThenText:: text "Oh, fine then." prompt _ComeAgainText:: text "Come again." done _NotYetText:: text "Not yet…" done _FoundAnEggText:: text "Ah, it's you!" para "We were raising" line "your #MON, and" para "my goodness, were" line "we surprised!" para "Your #MON had" line "an EGG!" para "We don't know how" line "it got there, but" para "your #MON had" line "it. You want it?" done _ReceivedEggText:: text "<PLAYER> received" line "the EGG!" done _TakeGoodCareOfEggText:: text "Take good care of" line "it." done _RefuseEggText:: text "Well then, I'll" line "keep it. Thanks!" done _NoRoomForEggText:: text "You have no room" line "in your party." cont "Come back later." done _WhichMonPhotoText:: text "Which #MON" line "should I photo-" cont "graph?" prompt _HoldOnText:: text "All righty. Hold" line "still for a bit." prompt _PrestoAllDoneText:: text "Presto! All done." line "Come again, OK?" done