ref: dca6fd37cd16d12b1f35174bcf278d41138903d5
dir: /extras/
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Use this tool to dump an asm file for a new source code or disassembly project. usage: from dump_sections import dump_sections output = dump_sections("../../butt.gbc") file_handler = open("main.asm", "w") file_handler.write(output) file_handler.close() You can also use this script from the shell, where it will look for "baserom.gbc" in the current working path or whatever file path you pass in the first positional argument. """ import os import sys import argparse def upper_hex(input): """ Converts the input to an uppercase hex string. """ if input in [0, "0"]: return "0" elif input <= 0xF: return ("%.x" % (input)).upper() else: return ("%.2x" % (input)).upper() def format_bank_number(address, bank_size=0x4000): """ Returns a str of the hex number of the bank based on the address. """ return upper_hex(address / bank_size) def calculate_bank_quantity(path, bank_size=0x4000): """ Returns the number of 0x4000 banks in the file at path. """ return float(os.lstat(path).st_size) / bank_size def dump_section(bank_number, separator="\n\n"): """ Returns a str of a section header for the asm file. """ output = "SECTION \"" if bank_number in [0, "0"]: output += "bank0\",HOME" else: output += "bank" output += bank_number output += "\",DATA,BANK[$" output += bank_number output += "]" output += separator return output def dump_incbin_for_section(address, bank_size=0x4000, baserom="baserom.gbc", separator="\n\n"): """ Returns a str for an INCBIN line for an entire section. """ output = "INCBIN \"" output += baserom output += "\",$" output += upper_hex(address) output += ",$" output += upper_hex(bank_size) output += separator return output def dump_sections(path, bank_size=0x4000, initial_bank=0, last_bank=None, separator="\n\n"): """ Returns a str of assembly source code. The source code delineates each SECTION and includes bytes from the file specified by baserom. """ if not last_bank: last_bank = calculate_bank_quantity(path, bank_size=bank_size) if last_bank < initial_bank: raise Exception("last_bank must be greater than or equal to initial_bank") baserom_name = os.path.basename(path) output = "" banks = range(initial_bank, last_bank) for bank_number in banks: address = bank_number * bank_size # get a formatted hex number of the bank based on the address formatted_bank_number = format_bank_number(address, bank_size=bank_size) # SECTION output += dump_section(formatted_bank_number, separator=separator) # INCBIN a range of bytes from the ROM output += dump_incbin_for_section(address, bank_size=bank_size, baserom=baserom_name, separator=separator) # clean up newlines at the end of the output if output[-2:] == "\n\n": output = output[:-2] output += "\n" return output if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("rompath", nargs="?", metavar="rompath", type=str) args = parser.parse_args() # default to "baserom.gbc" in the current working directory baserom = "baserom.gbc" # but let the user override the default if args.rompath: baserom = args.rompath # generate some asm output = dump_sections(baserom) # dump everything to stdout sys.stdout.write(output)