Renaming sections, further dissolving main.asm
Person event constants for each map
Battle Tower scripts and text labels
Rename several script commands
Partial interpretation of battle tower trainer data
Mobile functions for fixed-phrase selection
Foreign language font handling in mail
Annotate battle tower text bug
main.asm is now under 30k lines
items/item_effects.asm; engine/evolution.asm
engine/compose_mail.asm; ldpixel
Fruit tree constants, more mail engine
Here's the mail it never fails
More specials; bank 12 mobile
Split up some more banks in main.asm
Options menu, some mobile fns
Little cleanup on engine/scripting.asm
Movement constants, script stack
Further decoding of SpriteMovementData
Fix some movement macro/function names
Globally introduce PERSONTYPE constants
Backup prior to global introduction of PERSONTYPE constants
More map object, swap StandingTile and NextTile
Creation of constants for OBJECT_09 indices
Merge branch 'master' of
sprite engine; tileset constants
Merge pull request #326 from PikalaxALT/master
Map header labels, tileset constants
More splits; map setup labels
Added w3 and w5 labels for misc/mobile_40.asm
found the sliding animation at the start of battle
Resolve s1 addresses in battle/core.asm
enum macros/move_anim.asm, resolve battle/anims.asm function labels
Move some gfx files around, also clock reset fn
Cleaning up static HRAM labels; movement stuff, route 38 trainers
Add missing files in engine/ and battle/
Some work on battle animations
Attempting to decode AI switching
AI and player items, withdraw/deposit
More Battle Tower shenanigans
Move MON_* parentheses to the EQUS declaration
battle/ai/switch.asm and more battle/effect_commands.asm
Still more battle command labels
Sprite movement function labels
BattleCommand labels copied from macros
Restore with new version as
give/takeitem *, 1: the 1 is optional
home/copy.asm completely labeled
Corrected some mislabeled 1bpps
Replace party struct relative values with EQUS constants
Split up mobile_45.asm by bank
Reorganize BTTrainerClassGenders
Battle Tower text function and pointers
dbw BANK, addr replaced with dba
Experience and level calculations
sprite_header and emote_header
Merge pull request #324 from PikalaxALT/master
Fix errors in global substitution
Removed \2\@ from map_header_2
Fix NorthMapObjectIndexBuffer etc