ref: cfa47e8c78442a5970661ed1aaca472f90a89d8f
dir: /maps/RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter.asm/
object_const_def const RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST1 const RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST2 const RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3 RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script .DummyScene0 ; SCENE_RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_NOTHING scene_script .GetUnownDex ; SCENE_RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_GET_UNOWN_DEX def_callbacks callback MAPCALLBACK_OBJECTS, .ScientistCallback .DummyScene0: end .GetUnownDex: sdefer .GetUnownDexScript end .ScientistCallback: checkscene ifequal SCENE_RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_GET_UNOWN_DEX, .ShowScientist endcallback .ShowScientist: moveobject RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3, 3, 7 appear RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3 endcallback .GetUnownDexScript: applymovement RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesComputerMovement playsound SFX_BOOT_PC pause 60 playsound SFX_SWITCH_POKEMON pause 30 playsound SFX_TALLY pause 30 playsound SFX_TRANSACTION pause 30 turnobject RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3, DOWN opentext writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterModifiedDexText waitbutton closetext applymovement RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesPlayerMovement opentext writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterDexUpgradedText playsound SFX_ITEM waitsfx setflag ENGINE_UNOWN_DEX writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Text waitbutton closetext applymovement RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_SCIENTIST3, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterLeavesPlayerMovement setscene SCENE_RUINSOFALPHRESEARCHCENTER_NOTHING special RestartMapMusic end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Script: faceplayer opentext readvar VAR_UNOWNCOUNT ifequal NUM_UNOWN, .PrinterAvailable writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Text waitbutton closetext end .PrinterAvailable: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3_PrinterAvailable waitbutton closetext end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script: faceplayer opentext readvar VAR_UNOWNCOUNT ifequal NUM_UNOWN, .GotAllUnown checkflag ENGINE_UNOWN_DEX iftrue .GotUnownDex checkevent EVENT_MADE_UNOWN_APPEAR_IN_RUINS iftrue .UnownAppeared writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text waitbutton closetext end .UnownAppeared: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_UnownAppeared waitbutton closetext end .GotUnownDex: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotUnownDex waitbutton closetext end .GotAllUnown: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotAllUnown waitbutton closetext clearevent EVENT_RUINS_OF_ALPH_OUTSIDE_TOURIST_YOUNGSTERS end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Script: faceplayer opentext readvar VAR_UNOWNCOUNT ifequal NUM_UNOWN, .GotAllUnown checkevent EVENT_MADE_UNOWN_APPEAR_IN_RUINS iftrue .UnownAppeared writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text waitbutton closetext end .UnownAppeared: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_UnownAppeared waitbutton closetext end .GotAllUnown: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_GotAllUnown waitbutton closetext end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputer: opentext checkevent EVENT_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER_SCIENTIST iftrue .SkipChecking readvar VAR_UNOWNCOUNT ifequal NUM_UNOWN, .GotAllUnown .SkipChecking: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText waitbutton closetext end .GotAllUnown: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText_GotAllUnown waitbutton closetext end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinter: opentext checkevent EVENT_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER_SCIENTIST iftrue .SkipChecking readvar VAR_UNOWNCOUNT ifequal NUM_UNOWN, .PrinterAvailable .SkipChecking: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinterText_DoesntWork waitbutton closetext end .PrinterAvailable: writetext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnownPrinterText waitbutton special UnownPrinter closetext end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPhoto: ; unreferenced jumptext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterProfSilktreePhotoText RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterBookshelf: jumptext RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterAcademicBooksText RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesComputerMovement: step UP step UP step LEFT turn_head UP step_end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterApproachesPlayerMovement: step DOWN step_end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterLeavesPlayerMovement: step UP step_end RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterModifiedDexText: text "Done!" para "I modified your" line "#DEX." para "I added an" line "optional #DEX" para "to store UNOWN" line "data." para "It records them in" line "the sequence that" cont "they were caught." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterDexUpgradedText: text "<PLAYER>'s #DEX" line "was upgraded." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Text: text "The UNOWN you" line "catch will all be" cont "recorded." para "Check to see how" line "many kinds exist." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3_PrinterAvailable: text "You caught all the" line "UNOWN variations?" para "That's a great" line "achievement!" para "I've set up the" line "printer here for" cont "handling UNOWN." para "Feel free to use" line "it anytime." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text: text "The RUINS are" line "about 1500 years" cont "old." para "But it's not known" line "why they were" cont "built--or by whom." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotUnownDex: text "I wonder how many" line "kinds of #MON" cont "are in the RUINS?" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_UnownAppeared: text "#MON appeared" line "in the RUINS?" para "That's incredible" line "news!" para "We'll need to" line "investigate this." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Text_GotAllUnown: text "Our investigation," line "with your help, is" para "giving us insight" line "into the RUINS." para "The RUINS appear" line "to have been built" para "as a habitat for" line "#MON." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text: text "There are odd pat-" line "terns drawn on the" para "walls of the" line "RUINS." para "They must be the" line "keys for unravel-" cont "ing the mystery" cont "of the RUINS." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_UnownAppeared: text "The strange #-" line "MON you saw in the" cont "RUINS?" para "They appear to be" line "very much like the" para "drawings on the" line "walls there." para "Hmm…" para "That must mean" line "there are many" cont "kinds of them…" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnusedText1: ; unreferenced text "We think something" line "caused the cryptic" para "patterns to appear" line "in the RUINS." para "We've focused our" line "studies on that." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnusedText2: ; unreferenced text "According to my" line "research…" para "Those mysterious" line "patterns appeared" para "when the #COM" line "CENTER was built." para "It must mean that" line "radio waves have" para "some sort of a" line "link…" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Text_GotAllUnown: text "Why did those" line "ancient patterns" para "appear on the wall" line "now?" para "The mystery" line "deepens…" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText: text "RUINS OF ALPH" para "Exploration" line "Year 10" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputerText_GotAllUnown: text "Mystery #MON" line "Name: UNOWN" para "A total of {d:NUM_UNOWN}" line "kinds found." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinterText_DoesntWork: text "This doesn't seem" line "to work yet." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterUnownPrinterText: text "UNOWN may be" line "printed out." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterProfSilktreePhotoText: text "It's a photo of" line "the RESEARCH" para "CENTER'S founder," line "PROF.SILKTREE." done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterAcademicBooksText: text "There are many" line "academic books." para "Ancient Ruins…" line "Mysteries of the" cont "Ancients…" done RuinsOfAlphResearchCenter_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 2, 7, RUINS_OF_ALPH_OUTSIDE, 6 warp_event 3, 7, RUINS_OF_ALPH_OUTSIDE, 6 def_coord_events def_bg_events bg_event 6, 5, BGEVENT_READ, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterBookshelf bg_event 3, 4, BGEVENT_READ, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterComputer bg_event 7, 1, BGEVENT_READ, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterPrinter def_object_events object_event 4, 5, SPRITE_SCIENTIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist1Script, -1 object_event 5, 2, SPRITE_SCIENTIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_WANDER, 2, 1, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist2Script, -1 object_event 2, 5, SPRITE_SCIENTIST, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, PAL_NPC_BLUE, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, RuinsOfAlphResearchCenterScientist3Script, EVENT_RUINS_OF_ALPH_RESEARCH_CENTER_SCIENTIST