ref: ce004be92c54459cb0fc772e296d07256666fe58
dir: /maps/MrPokemonsHouse.asm/
object_const_def const MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_GENTLEMAN const MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_OAK MrPokemonsHouse_MapScripts: def_scene_scripts scene_script MrPokemonsHouseMeetMrPokemonScene, SCENE_MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_MEET_MR_POKEMON scene_script MrPokemonsHouseNoopScene, SCENE_MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_NOOP def_callbacks MrPokemonsHouseMeetMrPokemonScene: sdefer MrPokemonsHouseMrPokemonEventScript end MrPokemonsHouseNoopScene: end MrPokemonsHouseMrPokemonEventScript: showemote EMOTE_SHOCK, MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_GENTLEMAN, 15 turnobject MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_GENTLEMAN, DOWN opentext writetext MrPokemonIntroText1 waitbutton closetext applymovement PLAYER, MrPokemonsHouse_PlayerWalksToMrPokemon opentext writetext MrPokemonIntroText2 promptbutton waitsfx giveitem MYSTERY_EGG writetext MrPokemonsHouse_GotEggText playsound SFX_KEY_ITEM waitsfx itemnotify setevent EVENT_GOT_MYSTERY_EGG_FROM_MR_POKEMON blackoutmod CHERRYGROVE_CITY writetext MrPokemonIntroText3 promptbutton turnobject MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_GENTLEMAN, RIGHT writetext MrPokemonIntroText4 promptbutton turnobject MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_GENTLEMAN, DOWN turnobject MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_OAK, LEFT writetext MrPokemonIntroText5 waitbutton closetext sjump MrPokemonsHouse_OakScript MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript: faceplayer opentext checkitem RED_SCALE iftrue .RedScale checkevent EVENT_GAVE_MYSTERY_EGG_TO_ELM iftrue .AlwaysNewDiscoveries writetext MrPokemonText_ImDependingOnYou waitbutton closetext end .AlwaysNewDiscoveries: writetext MrPokemonText_AlwaysNewDiscoveries waitbutton closetext end .RedScale: writetext MrPokemonText_GimmeTheScale yesorno iffalse .refused verbosegiveitem EXP_SHARE iffalse .full takeitem RED_SCALE sjump .AlwaysNewDiscoveries .refused writetext MrPokemonText_Disappointed waitbutton .full closetext end MrPokemonsHouse_OakScript: playmusic MUSIC_PROF_OAK applymovement MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_OAK, MrPokemonsHouse_OakWalksToPlayer turnobject PLAYER, RIGHT opentext writetext MrPokemonsHouse_OakText1 promptbutton waitsfx writetext MrPokemonsHouse_GetDexText playsound SFX_ITEM waitsfx setflag ENGINE_POKEDEX writetext MrPokemonsHouse_OakText2 waitbutton closetext turnobject PLAYER, DOWN applymovement MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_OAK, MrPokemonsHouse_OakExits playsound SFX_EXIT_BUILDING disappear MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_OAK waitsfx special RestartMapMusic pause 15 turnobject PLAYER, UP opentext writetext MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonHealText waitbutton closetext special FadeBlackQuickly special ReloadSpritesNoPalettes playmusic MUSIC_HEAL special StubbedTrainerRankings_Healings special HealParty pause 60 special FadeInQuickly special RestartMapMusic opentext writetext MrPokemonText_ImDependingOnYou waitbutton closetext setevent EVENT_RIVAL_NEW_BARK_TOWN setevent EVENT_PLAYERS_HOUSE_1F_NEIGHBOR clearevent EVENT_PLAYERS_NEIGHBORS_HOUSE_NEIGHBOR setscene SCENE_MRPOKEMONSHOUSE_NOOP setmapscene CHERRYGROVE_CITY, SCENE_CHERRYGROVECITY_MEET_RIVAL setmapscene ELMS_LAB, SCENE_ELMSLAB_MEET_OFFICER specialphonecall SPECIALCALL_ROBBED clearevent EVENT_COP_IN_ELMS_LAB checkevent EVENT_GOT_TOTODILE_FROM_ELM iftrue .RivalTakesChikorita checkevent EVENT_GOT_CHIKORITA_FROM_ELM iftrue .RivalTakesCyndaquil setevent EVENT_TOTODILE_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB end .RivalTakesChikorita: setevent EVENT_CHIKORITA_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB end .RivalTakesCyndaquil: setevent EVENT_CYNDAQUIL_POKEBALL_IN_ELMS_LAB end MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazines: jumptext MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazinesText MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputer: jumptext MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputerText MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoins: jumptext MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoinsText MrPokemonsHouse_PlayerWalksToMrPokemon: step RIGHT step UP step_end MrPokemonsHouse_OakWalksToPlayer: step DOWN step LEFT step LEFT step_end MrPokemonsHouse_OakExits: step DOWN step LEFT turn_head DOWN step_sleep 2 step_end MrPokemonIntroText1: text "Hello, hello! You" line "must be <PLAY_G>." para "PROF.ELM said that" line "you would visit." done MrPokemonIntroText2: text "This is what I" line "want PROF.ELM to" cont "examine." done MrPokemonsHouse_GotEggText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "MYSTERY EGG." done MrPokemonIntroText3: text "I know a couple" line "who run a #MON" cont "DAY-CARE service." para "They gave me that" line "EGG." para "I was intrigued," line "so I sent mail to" cont "PROF.ELM." para "For #MON evolu-" line "tion, PROF.ELM is" cont "the authority." done MrPokemonIntroText4: text "Even PROF.OAK here" line "recognizes that." done MrPokemonIntroText5: text "If my assumption" line "is correct, PROF." cont "ELM will know it." done MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonHealText: text "You are returning" line "to PROF.ELM?" para "Here. Your #MON" line "should have some" cont "rest." done MrPokemonText_ImDependingOnYou: text "I'm depending on" line "you!" done MrPokemonText_AlwaysNewDiscoveries: text "Life is delight-" line "ful! Always, new" para "discoveries to be" line "made!" done MrPokemonsHouse_OakText1: text "OAK: Aha! So" line "you're <PLAY_G>!" para "I'm OAK! A #MON" line "researcher." para "I was just visit-" line "ing my old friend" cont "MR.#MON." para "I heard you were" line "running an errand" para "for PROF.ELM, so I" line "waited here." para "Oh! What's this?" line "A rare #MON!" para "Let's see…" para "Hm, I see!" para "I understand why" line "PROF.ELM gave you" para "a #MON for this" line "errand." para "To researchers" line "like PROF.ELM and" para "I, #MON are our" line "friends." para "He saw that you" line "would treat your" para "#MON with love" line "and care." para "…Ah!" para "You seem to be" line "dependable." para "How would you like" line "to help me out?" para "See? This is the" line "latest version of" cont "#DEX." para "It automatically" line "records data on" para "#MON you've" line "seen or caught." para "It's a hi-tech" line "encyclopedia!" done MrPokemonsHouse_GetDexText: text "<PLAYER> received" line "#DEX!" done MrPokemonsHouse_OakText2: text "Go meet many kinds" line "of #MON and" para "complete that" line "#DEX!" para "But I've stayed" line "too long." para "I have to get to" line "GOLDENROD for my" cont "usual radio show." para "<PLAY_G>, I'm" line "counting on you!" done MrPokemonText_GimmeTheScale: text "Hm? That SCALE!" line "What's that?" cont "A red GYARADOS?" para "That's rare! " line "I, I want it…" para "<PLAY_G>, would you" line "care to trade it?" para "I can offer this" line "EXP.SHARE I got" cont "from PROF.OAK." done MrPokemonText_Disappointed: text "That's disappoint-" line "ing. That happens" cont "to be very rare." done MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazinesText: text "It's packed with" line "foreign magazines." para "Can't even read" line "their titles…" done MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputerText: text "It's a big com-" line "puter. Hmm. It's" cont "broken." done MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoinsText: text "A whole pile of" line "strange coins!" para "Maybe they're from" line "another country…" done MrPokemonsHouse_MapEvents: db 0, 0 ; filler def_warp_events warp_event 2, 7, ROUTE_30, 2 warp_event 3, 7, ROUTE_30, 2 def_coord_events def_bg_events bg_event 0, 1, BGEVENT_READ, MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazines bg_event 1, 1, BGEVENT_READ, MrPokemonsHouse_ForeignMagazines bg_event 6, 1, BGEVENT_READ, MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputer bg_event 7, 1, BGEVENT_READ, MrPokemonsHouse_BrokenComputer bg_event 6, 4, BGEVENT_READ, MrPokemonsHouse_StrangeCoins def_object_events object_event 3, 5, SPRITE_GENTLEMAN, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_RIGHT, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, MrPokemonsHouse_MrPokemonScript, -1 object_event 6, 5, SPRITE_OAK, SPRITEMOVEDATA_STANDING_UP, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, OBJECTTYPE_SCRIPT, 0, ObjectEvent, EVENT_MR_POKEMONS_HOUSE_OAK